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The Bacillus thuringiensis temperate phage GIL01 does not integrate into the host chromosome but exists stably as an independent linear replicon within the cell. Similar to that of the lambdoid prophages, the lytic cycle of GIL01 is induced as part of the cellular SOS response to DNA damage. However, no CI-like maintenance repressor has been detected in the phage genome, suggesting that GIL01 uses a novel mechanism to maintain lysogeny. To gain insights into the GIL01 regulatory circuit, we isolated and characterized a set of 17 clear plaque (cp) mutants that are unable to lysogenize. Two phage-encoded proteins, gp1 and gp7, are required for stable lysogen formation. Analysis of cp mutants also identified a 14-bp palindromic dinBox1 sequence within the P1-P2 promoter region that resembles the known LexA-binding site of Gram-positive bacteria. Mutations at conserved positions in dinBox1 result in a cp phenotype. Genomic analysis identified a total of three dinBox sites within GIL01 promoter regions. To investigate the possibility that the host LexA regulates GIL01, phage induction was measured in a host carrying a noncleavable lexA (Ind(-)) mutation. GIL01 formed stable lysogens in this host, but lytic growth could not be induced by treatment with mitomycin C. Also, mitomycin C induced β-galactosidase expression from GIL01-lacZ promoter fusions, and induction was similarly blocked in the lexA (Ind(-)) mutant host. These data support a model in which host LexA binds to dinBox sequences in GIL01, repressing phage gene expression during lysogeny and providing the switch necessary to enter lytic development.  相似文献   

Both the amino-terminal and the carboxy-terminal domain of the LexA repressor have been purified using the LexA protein autodigestion reaction at alkaline pH, which leads to the same specific products as the physiological RecA-catalyzed proteolysis of repressor. We show by circular dichroism (c.d) that, upon non-specific binding to DNA, the purified amino-terminal domain induces a very similar if not identical conformational change of the DNA as does the entire repressor. The positive c.d. signal increases approximately 3-fold if the DNA lattice is fully saturated with protein. Further, the amino-terminal domain of the LexA protein binds specifically to the operator of the recA gene, producing qualitatively the same effects on the methylation pattern of the guanine bases by dimethylsulfate as the entire repressor, consisting of a methylation inhibition effect at four distal operator guanines and a slight enhancement at the central bases. The spacing between these contacts suggests that LexA does not bind to the operator along the same face of the DNA helix. As shown by c.d. studies the amino-terminal domain harbours a substantial amount of residues in alpha-helical conformation, a prerequisite for DNA recognition via a helix--turn--helix structural motif as proposed for many other regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

The LexA repressor from Escherichia coli is a sequence-specific DNA binding protein that shows no pronounced sequence homology with any of the known structural motifs involved in DNA binding. Since little is known about how this protein interacts with DNA, we have selected and characterized a great number of intragenic, second-site mutations which restored at least partially the activity of LexA mutant repressors deficient in DNA binding. In 47 cases, the suppressor effect of these mutations was due to an Ind- phenotype leading presumably to a stabilization of the mutant protein. With one exception, these second-site mutations are all found in a small cluster (amino acid residues 80 to 85) including the LexA cleavage site between amino acid residues 84 and 85 and include both already known Ind- mutations as well as new variants like GN80, GS80, VL82 and AV84. The remaining 26 independently isolated second-site suppressor mutations all mapped within the amino-terminal DNA binding domain of LexA, at positions 22 (situated in the turn between helix 1 and helix 2) and positions 57, 59, 62, 71 and 73. These latter amino acid residues are all found beyond helix 3, in a region where we have previously identified a cluster of LexA (Def) mutant repressors. In several cases the parental LexA (Def) mutation has been removed by subcloning or site-directed mutagenesis. With one exception, these LexA variants show tighter in vivo repression than the LexA wild-type repressor. The most strongly improved variant (LexA EK71, i.e. Glu71----Lys) that shows an about threefold increased repression rate in vivo, was purified and its binding to a short consensus operator DNA fragment studied using a modified nitrocellulose filter binding assay. As expected from the in vivo data, LexA EK71 interacts more tightly with both operator and (more dramatically) with non-operator DNA. A determination of the equilibrium association constants of LexA EK71 and LexA wild-type as a function of monovalent salt concentration suggests that LexA EK71 might form an additional ionic interaction with operator DNA as compared to the LexA wild-type repressor. A comparison of the binding of LexA to a non-operator DNA fragment further shows that LexA interacts with the consensus operator very selectively with a specificity factor of Ks/Kns of 1.4 x 10(6) under near-physiological salt conditions.  相似文献   

We have compared the operator and nonoperator DNA binding activities of the lac repressor with respect to inactivation or inhibition by trypsin, heat, actinomycin, and isopropylthiogal-actoside. The two DNA binding activities were found to differ only in their sensitivity to the inducing ligand isopropylthiogal-actoside. Repressor binding to poly(dT-dT-dG)·poly(dC-dA-dA) was shown not to be affected by isopropylthiogalactoside.  相似文献   

O G Berg 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(11):5089-5105
The DNA sequences in the operator sites of the arginine regulon and of the SOS regulon have been subject to a statistical analysis. A quantitative correlation is found between the statistics of sequence choice and the activity at individual operator sites in both systems, as expected from theoretical considerations [Berg & von Hippel, J.Mol.Biol. (1987) 193, 723-750]. Based on these correlations it is possible to predict the effect of various sequence mutations. There is a significant difference in the slopes of the correlation lines between sequence and activity for the two systems. From this difference it can be expected that individual point mutations in the ARG boxes will have a much smaller effect on activity than similar changes in the SOS boxes. This difference may be related to a strong cooperative activity at tandem ARG boxes while the binding at SOS boxes appears to be mostly noncooperative.  相似文献   

The G1/S phase restriction point is a critical checkpoint that interfaces between the cell cycle regulatory machinery and DNA replicator proteins. Here, we report a novel function for the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27Kip1 in inhibiting DNA replication through its interaction with MCM7, a DNA replication protein that is essential for initiation of DNA replication and maintenance of genomic integrity. We find that p27Kip1 binds the conserved minichromosome maintenance (MCM) domain of MCM7. The proteins interact endogenously in vivo in a growth factor-dependent manner, such that the carboxyl terminal domain of p27Kip1 inhibits DNA replication independent of its function as a cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor. This novel function of p27Kip1 may prevent inappropriate initiation of DNA replication prior to S phase.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection is associated with the development of specific types of lymphoma and some epithelial cancers. EBV infection of resting B-lymphocytes in vitro drives them to proliferate as lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) and serves as a model for studying EBV lymphomagenesis. EBV nuclear antigen 3C (EBNA3C) is one of the genes required for LCL growth and previous work has suggested that suppression of the CDKN2A encoded tumor suppressor p16INK4A and possibly p14ARF is central to EBNA3C’s role in this growth transformation. To directly assess whether loss of p16 and/or p14 was sufficient to explain EBNA3C growth effects, we used CRISPR/Cas9 to disrupt specific CDKN2A exons in EBV transformed LCLs. Disruption of p16 specific exon 1α and the p16/p14 shared exon 2 were each sufficient to restore growth in the absence of EBNA3C. Using EBNA3C conditional LCLs knocked out for either exon 1α or 2, we identified EBNA3C induced and repressed genes. By trans-complementing with EBNA3C mutants, we determined specific genes that require EBNA3C interaction with RBPJ or CtBP for their regulation. Unexpectedly, interaction with the CtBP repressor was required not only for repression, but also for EBNA3C induction of many host genes. Contrary to previously proposed models, we found that EBNA3C does not recruit CtBP to the promoters of these genes. Instead, our results suggest that CtBP is bound to these promoters in the absence of EBNA3C and that EBNA3C interaction with CtBP interferes with the repressive function of CtBP, leading to EBNA3C mediated upregulation.  相似文献   

DC-SIGN (dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3 grabbing non-integrin) is a C-type lectin receptor of dendritic cells and is involved in the initial steps of numerous infectious diseases. Surface plasmon resonance has been used to study the affinity of a glycodendritic polymer with 32 mannoses, to DC-SIGN. This glycodendrimer binds to DC-SIGN surfaces in the submicromolar range. This binding depends on a clustered organization of DC-SIGN mimicking its natural organization as microdomain in the dendritic cells plasma membrane. Moreover, this compound inhibits DC-SIGN binding to the HIV glycoprotein gp120 with an IC50 in the micromolar range and therefore can be considered as a potential antiviral drug.  相似文献   

Drosophila P elements are mobile DNA elements that encode an 87-kDa transposase enzyme and transpositional repressor proteins. One of these repressor proteins is the 207-amino-acid KP protein which is encoded by a naturally occurring P element with an internal deletion. To study the molecular mechanisms by which KP represses transposition, the protein was expressed, purified, and characterized. We show that the KP protein binds to multiple sites on the ends of P-element DNA, unlike the full-length transposase protein. These sites include the high-affinity transposase binding site, an 11-bp transpositional enhancer, and, at the highest concentrations tested, the terminal 31-hp inverted repeats. The DNA binding domain was localized to the N-terminal 98 amino acids and contains a CCHC sequence, a potential metal binding motif. We also demonstrate that the KP repressor protein can dimerize and contains two protein-protein interaction regions and that this dimerization is essential for high-affinity DNA binding.  相似文献   

The RecA protein of Escherichia coli is required for SOS-induced mutagenesis in addition to its recombinational and regulatory roles. We have suggested that RecA might participate directly in targeted mutagenesis by binding preferentially to the site of the DNA damage (e.g. pyrimidine dimer) because of its partially unwound nature; DNA polymerase III will then encounter RecA-coated DNA at the lesion and might replicate across the damaged site more often but with reduced fidelity. In support of this proposal, we have found that the phenotype of wild-type and mutant RecA for mutagenesis correlates with capacity to bind to double-stranded DNA. Wild-type RecA binds more efficiently to ultraviolet (u.v.)-irradiated, duplex DNA than to non-irradiated DNA. The RecA441 (Tif) protein that is constitutive for mutagenesis binds extremely well to double-stranded DNA with no lesions, whereas the RecA430 protein that is defective in mutagenesis binds poorly even to u.v.-irradiated DNA. The RecA phenotype also correlates with capacity to use duplex DNA as a cofactor for cleavage of the LexA repressor protein for SOS-controlled operons. Wild-type RecA provides efficient cleavage of LexA only with u.v.-irradiated duplex DNA; RecA441 cleaves well with non-irradiated DNA; RecA430 gives very poor cleavage even with u.v.-irradiated DNA. We conclude that the interaction of RecA with damaged double-stranded DNA is likely to be a critical component of SOS mutagenesis and to define a pathway for the LexA cleavage reaction as well.  相似文献   

Melanin has been found to interact with a number of molecules including metal ions, antibiotics and proteins. In this study, we showed how melanin from bacteria can interact with double-stranded DNA. Investigation using capillary electrophoresis, various spectroscopic techniques and circular dichroism found that melanin interacts with DNA by intercalating between the base pairs of DNA. And this was further supported by simulating different forms of melanin docking to oligonucleotides. Transmission electron microscopy of recombinant Escherichia coli producing melanin suggested the interaction in vivo. Furthermore, we showed how the cytoplasmic localization of melanin may provide a novel function in inhibiting cellular metabolism using microcalorimetry. The implications of the interaction in prokaryotes and eukaryotes were discussed.  相似文献   

The dissociation of the repressor-operator complex from a series of negatively supercoiled plasmid DNAs was examined as a function of the sequence context, orientation, and spacing. The plasmids were grouped into four classes, each with common sequence context. The highest dissociation rate constants were observed for the plasmids containing only a single operator (or pseudooperator) sequence, while approximately 10-fold lower rate constants were measured for plasmids with the I gene pseudooperator in conjunction with either the Z gene pseudooperator or the primary operator. Comparison of the behavior of these two classes of plasmids demonstrated the importance of two operator sequences and supported a model of DNA loop formation to stabilize the repressor-operator complex (Whitson, P. A., and Matthews, K. S. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 3845-3852; Whitson, P. A., Olson, J. S., and Matthews, K. S. (1986) Biochemistry 25, 3852-3858; Whitson, P. A., Hsieh, W. T., Wells, R. D., and Matthews, K. S. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 4943-4946; Kr?mer, H., Niem?ller, M., Amouyal, M., Revet, B., von Wilcken-Bergmann, B., and Müller-Hill, B. (1987) EMBO J. 6, 1481-1491). The third class, with intermediate dissociation rate constants, was comprised of plasmids which contained the primary operator and the higher affinity pseudooperator normally located in the Z gene. Neither the additional presence of the I gene pseudooperator nor the orientation of the primary operator relative to the Z gene pseudooperator significantly affected the dissociation rate constants. The binding characteristics of this group of plasmids demonstrated the essential role of the Z gene pseudooperator in the formation of intramolecular ternary complex and suggested an in vivo function for this pseudooperator. Plasmids containing two primary operator sequences were the class with lowest dissociation rate constants from lac repressor, and minimal effects of salt or spacing on dissociation of this class were observed. These data are consistent with formation of an intramolecular complex with a looped DNA segment stabilized by the combination of increased local concentration of binding sites and torsional stresses on the DNA which favor binding in supercoiled DNA.  相似文献   

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