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A Monte Carlo analysis has been made of calcium dynamics in submembranous domains of active zones in which the calcium contributed by the opening of many channels is pooled. The kinetics of calcium ions in these domains has been determined using simulations for channels arranged in different geometries, according to the active zone under consideration: rectangular grids for varicosities and boutons and lines for motor-nerve terminals. The effects of endogenous fixed and mobile buffers on the two-dimensional distribution of free calcium ions at these active zones are then given, together with the extent to which these are perturbed and can be detected with different affinity calcium indicators when the calcium channels open stochastically under an action potential. A Monte Carlo analysis of how the dynamics of calcium ions in the submembranous domains determines the probability of exocytosis from docked vesicles is also presented. The spatial distribution of exocytosis from rectangular arrays of secretory units is such that exocytosis is largely excluded from the edges of the array, due to the effects of endogenous buffers. There is a steeper than linear increase in quantal release with an increase in the number of secretory units in the array, indicating that there is not just a local interaction between secretory units. Conditioning action potentials promote an increase in quantal release by a subsequent action potential primarily by depleting the fixed and mobile buffers in the center of the array. In the case of two parallel lines of secretory units exocytosis is random, and diffusion, together with the endogenous calcium buffers, ensures that the secretory units only interact over relatively short distances. As a consequence of this and in contrast to the case of the rectangular array, there is a linear relationship between the extent of quantal secretion from these zones and their length, for lengths greater than a critical value. This Monte Carlo analysis successfully predicts the relationship between the size and geometry of active zones and the probability of quantal secretion at these, the existence of quantal versus multiquantal release at different active zones, and the origins of the F1 phase of facilitation in synapses possessing different active zone geometries.  相似文献   

The physiological quantal responses at the neuromuscular junction and the bouton-neuron show two classes based on amplitude such that the larger class is about 10 times that of the smaller class; and, the larger class is composed of the smaller class. The ratio of the two classes changes with synaptogenesis, degeneration, nerve stimulation, and is readily altered with various challenges (ionic, tonicity, pharmacological agents). Statistical analyses demonstrate that each bouton or release site at the neruomuscular junction (NMJ) secretes a standard amount of transmitter (one quantum) with each action potential. The amount of transmitter secreted (quantal size) is frequency dependent. The quantal-vesicular-exocytotic (QVE) hypothesis posits that the packet of secreted transmitter is released from one vesicle by exocytosis. The QVE hypothesis neither explains two quantal classes and subunits nor exocytosis of only one vesicle at each site. The latter observation requires a mechanism to select one vesicle from each array. Our porocytosis hypothesis states that the quantal packet is pulsed from an array of secretory pores. A salt shaker delivers a standard pinch of salt with each shake because salt flows through all openings in the cap. The variation in the pinch of salt or transmitter decreases with an increase in array size. The docked vesicles, paravesicular matrix, and porosomes (pores) of a release site form the secretory unit. In analogy with the sacromere as the functional unit of skeletal muscle, we term the array of docked vesicles and paravesicular grid along with the array of postsynaptic receptors a synaptomere. Pulsed secretion from an array explains the substructure of the postsynaptic response (quantum). The array guarantees a constant amount of secretion with each action potential and permits a given synapse to function in different responses because different frequencies would secrete signature amounts of transmitter. Our porocytosis hypothesis readily explains a change in quantal size during learning and memory with an increase in the number of elements (docked vesicles) composing the array.  相似文献   

The physiological quantal responses at the neuromuscular junction and the bouton-neuron show two classes based on amplitude such that the larger class is about 10 times that of the smaller class; and, the larger class is composed of the smaller class. The ratio of the two classes changes with synaptogenesis, degeneration, nerve stimulation, and is readily altered with various challenges (ionic, tonicity, pharmacological agents). Statistical analyses demonstrate that each bouton or release site at the neruomuscular junction (NMJ) secretes a standard amount of transmitter (one quantum) with each action potential. The amount of transmitter secreted (quantal size) is frequency dependent. The quantal-vesicular-exocytotic (QVE) hypothesis posits that the packet of secreted transmitter is released from one vesicle by exocytosis. The QVE hypothesis neither explains two quantal classes and subunits nor exocytosis of only one vesicle at each site. The latter observation requires a mechanism to select one vesicle from each array. Our porocytosis hypothesis states that the quantal packet is pulsed from an array of secretory pores. A salt shaker delivers a standard pinch of salt with each shake because salt flows through all openings in the cap. The variation in the pinch of salt or transmitter decreases with an increase in array size. The docked vesicles, paravesicular matrix, and porosomes (pores) of a release site form the secretory unit. In analogy with the sacromere as the functional unit of skeletal muscle, we term the array of docked vesicles and paravesicular grid along with the array of postsynaptic receptors a synaptomere. Pulsed secretion from an array explains the substructure of the postsynaptic response (quantum). The array guarantees a constant amount of secretion with each action potential and permits a given synapse to function in different responses because different frequencies would secrete signature amounts of transmitter. Our porocytosis hypothesis readily explains a change in quantal size during learning and memory with an increase in the number of elements (docked vesicles) composing the array.  相似文献   

Neurotransmission at chemically transmitting synapses requires calcium-mediated fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic membrane. Utilizing ultrastructural information available for the crustacean excitatory neuromuscular junction, we developed a model that employs the Monte Carlo simulation technique to follow the entry and movement of Ca2+ ions at a presynaptic active zone, where synaptic vesicles are preferentially docked for release. The model includes interaction of Ca2+ with an intracellular buffer, and variable separation between calcium channels and vesicle-associated Ca(2+)-binding targets that react with Ca2+ to trigger vesicle fusion. The end point for vesicle recruitment for release was binding of four Ca2+ ions to the target controlling release. The results of the modeling experiments showed that intracellular structures that interfere with Ca2+ diffusion (in particular synaptic vesicles) influence recruitment or priming of vesicles for release. Vesicular recruitment is strongly influenced by the separation distance between an opened calcium channel and the target controlling release, and by the concentration and binding properties of the intracellular buffers, as in previous models. When a single opened calcium channel is very close to the target, a single synaptic vesicle can be recruited. However, many of the single-channel openings actuated by a nerve impulse are likely to be ineffective for release, although they contribute to the buildup of total intracellular Ca2+. Thus, the overall effectiveness of single calcium channels in causing vesicles to undergo exocytosis is likely quite low.  相似文献   

A quantum of transmitter may be released upon the arrival of a nerve impulse if the influx of calcium ions through a nearby voltage-dependent calcium channel is sufficient to activate the vesicle-associated calcium sensor protein that triggers exocytosis. A synaptic vesicle, together with its calcium sensor protein, is often found complexed with the calcium channel in active zones to form what will be called a "synaptosecretosome." In the present work, a stochastic analysis is given of the conditions under which a quantum is released from the synaptosecretosome by a nerve impulse. The theoretical treatment considers the rise of calcium at the synaptosecretosome after the stochastic opening of a calcium channel at some time during the impulse, followed by the stochastic binding of calcium to the vesicle-associated protein and the probability of this leading to exocytosis. This allows determination of the probabilities that an impulse will release 0, 1, 2,... quanta from an active zone, whether this is in a varicosity, a bouton, or a motor endplate. A number of experimental observations of the release of transmitter at the active zones of sympathetic varicosities and boutons as well as somatic motor endplates are described by this analysis. These include the likelihood of the secretion of only one quantum at an active zone of endplates and of more than one quantum at an active zone of a sympathetic varicosity. The fourth-power relationship between the probability of transmitter release at the active zones of sympathetic varicosities and motor endplates and the external calcium concentration is also explained by this approach. So, too, is the fact that the time course of the increased rate of quantal secretion from a somatic active zone after an impulse is invariant with changes in the amount of calcium that enters through its calcium channel, whether due to changes consequent on the actions of autoreceptor agents such as adenosine or to facilitation. The increased probability of quantal release that occurs during F1 facilitation at the active zones of motor endplates and sympathetic boutons is predicted by the residual binding of calcium to a high-affinity site on the vesicle-associated protein. The concept of the stochastic operation of a synaptosecretosome can accommodate most phenomena involving the release of transmitter quanta at these synapses.  相似文献   

Exocytosis, the fusion of secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane to allow release of the contents of the vesicles into the extracellular environment, and endocytosis, the internalization of these vesicles to allow another round of secretion, are coupled. It is, however, uncertain whether exocytosis and endocytosis are tightly coupled, such that secretory vesicles fuse only transiently with the plasma membrane before being internalized (the 'kiss-and-run' mechanism), or whether endocytosis occurs by an independent process following complete incorporation of the secretory vesicle into the plasma membrane. Here we investigate the fate of single secretory vesicles after fusion with the plasma membrane by measuring capacitance changes and transmitter release in rat chromaffin cells using the cell-attached patch-amperometry technique. We show that raised concentrations of extracellular calcium ions shift the preferred mode of exocytosis to the kiss-and-run mechanism in a calcium-concentration-dependent manner. We propose that, during secretion of neurotransmitters at synapses, the mode of exocytosis is modulated by calcium to attain optimal conditions for coupled exocytosis and endocytosis according to synaptic activity.  相似文献   

A model of the secretion of a quantum at a release site is proposed in which, following the influx of calcium ions, synaptic vesicles are made available for release by the activation of kappa phosphorylation steps with rate alpha. At any time during this process the vesicles may become unavailable for secretion at rate gamma. On completion of the kappa phosphorylation steps the vesicles participate in the formation of a fusion pore with the terminal membrane to give exocytosis at rate delta. Changes in alpha, delta and kappa are shown to produce characteristic changes in the number and timecourse of quantal secretions following a nerve impulse, which are similar to those observed following drug treatments that are thought to act selectively on each of these processes. The number of quanta secreted from nerve terminals that consist of many release sites does not fluctuate much during a low frequency train of impulses: the variance is small compared with the mean level, so secretion follows binomial rather than Poisson statistics. A theory is derived that shows that variations in the probability of secretion amongst these release sites of any particular kind fails to reduce the variance of the total secretion from the terminal; Poisson rather than binomial statistics then still apply. The theory shows that an interaction between release sites is required to reduce this variance and such an effect is provided if secretion at a site inhibits secretion at nearby sites. Simulations show that incorporating this process of autoinhibition into the model reproduces the experimental observations on the effects of calcium ions on the binomial parameters p and n as well as on the relative constancy of p during facilitation and depression of quantal secretion. Methods for estimating the timecourse of changes in the probability of secretion at release sites following an impulse, by using either the time of occurrence of first, second, third or later quantal latencies, are given. These procedures show that current methods for estimating the time-dependent probability changes are inadequate for detecting interaction between release sites, such as autoinhibition, unless this is relatively large. Therefore, estimates from third quantal latencies are used.  相似文献   

Regulated exocytosis involves calcium-dependent fusion of secretory vesicles with the plasma membrane with three SNARE proteins playing a central role: the vesicular synaptobrevin and the plasma membrane syntaxin1 and SNAP-25. Cultured bovine chromaffin cells possess defined plasma membrane microdomains that are specifically enriched in both syntaxin1 and SNAP-25. We now show that in both isolated cells and adrenal medulla slices these target SNARE (t-SNARE) patches quantitatively coincide with single vesicle secretory spots as detected by exposure of the intravesicular dopamine beta-hydroxylase onto the plasmalemma. During exocytosis, neither area nor density of the syntaxin1/SNAP-25 microdomains changes on the plasma membrane of both preparations confirming that preexisting clusters act as the sites for vesicle fusion. Our analysis reveals a high level of colocalization of L, N and P/Q type calcium channel clusters with SNAREs in adrenal slices; this close association is altered in individual cultured cells. Therefore, microdomains carrying syntaxin1/SNAP-25 and different types of calcium channels act as the sites for physiological granule fusion in "in situ" chromaffin cells. In the case of isolated cells, it is the t-SNAREs microdomains rather than calcium channels that define the sites of exocytosis.  相似文献   

Earlier studies using electron microscopy demonstrate that there is no loss of secretory vesicles following exocytosis. Depletion however, of vesicular contents resulting in the formation of empty or partially empty vesicles is seen in electron micrographs, post exocytosis, in a variety of cells. Our studies using atomic force microscopy (AFM) reveal that following stimulation of secretion, live pancreatic acinar cells having 100-180 nm in diameter fusion pores located at the apical plasma membrane, dilate only 25-35% during exocytosis. Since secretory vesicles in pancreatic acinar cells range in size from 200 nm to 1200 nm in diameter, their total incorporation at the fusion pore, would distend the structure much more then what is observed. These earlier results prompted the current study to determine secretory vesicle dynamics in live pancreatic acinar cells following exocytosis. AFM studies on live acinar cells reveal no loss of secretory vesicle number following exocytosis. Parallel studies using electron microscopy, further confirmed our AFM results. These studies demonstrate that following stimulation of secretion, membrane-bound secretory vesicles transiently dock and fuse to release vesicular contents.  相似文献   

The amplitude-frequency histogram of spontaneous miniature endplate potentials follows a Gaussian distribution at mature endplates. This distribution gives the mean and variance of the quantum of transmitter. According to the vesicle hypothesis, this quantum is due to exocytosis of the contents of a single synaptic vesicle. Multimodal amplitude-frequency histograms are observed in varying degrees at developing endplates and at peripheral and central synapses, each of which has a specific active zone structure. These multimodal histograms may be due to the near synchronous exocytosis of more than one vesicle. In the present work, a theoretical treatment is given of the rise of intraterminal calcium after the stochastic opening of a calcium channel within a particular active zone geometry. The stochastic interaction of this calcium with the vesicle-associated proteins involved in exocytosis is then used to calculate the probability of quantal secretions from one or several vesicles at each active zone type. It is shown that this procedure can account for multiquantal spontaneous release that may occur at varicosities and boutons, compared with that at the active zones of motor nerve terminals.  相似文献   

We tested whether the giant secretory granules observed in the mast cells of the naturally occurring mutant beige mouse (BM) (C57BL/6N-bg) were also present in the adrenal chromaffin cells. The presence of large chromaffin granules (CG) would be a valuable tool for the study of exocytosis in neuronal tissues. Conversely, the observation of large vesicles within chromaffin cells that are different from CG could indicate that CG are of a different origin than granules of mast cells. Ultrastructural analysis demonstrated the presence of large lysososmal-like vesicles in the BM, and also a discrete increase in the number of CG with diameters larger than 240 nm but not of giant CG. In addition, amperometric measurements of single-event exocytosis, using carbon fiber microelectrodes, showed no differences between the quantal size of secretory events from BM and wildtype or bovine chromaffin cells. Minor but significant differences were found between the kinetics of exocytosis in BM cells andwild-type mouse cells. We conclude that CG, but not the abnormal-sized vesicles found in BM chromaffin cells contribute to the catecholamine secretion and that abnormal secretory granules are not present in adrenergic cell lineage.  相似文献   

Storage and release of ATP from astrocytes in culture   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
ATP is released from astrocytes and is involved in the propagation of calcium waves among them. Neuronal ATP secretion is quantal and calcium-dependent, but it has been suggested that ATP release from astrocytes may not be vesicular. Here we report that, besides the described basal ATP release facilitated by exposure to calcium-free medium, astrocytes release purine under conditions of elevated calcium. The evoked release was not affected by the gap-junction blockers anandamide and flufenamic acid, thus excluding purine efflux through connexin hemichannels. Sucrose-gradient analysis revealed that a fraction of ATP is stored in secretory granules, where it is accumulated down an electrochemical proton gradient sensitive to the v-ATPase inhibitor bafilomycin A(1). ATP release was partially sensitive to tetanus neurotoxin, whereas glutamate release from the same intoxicated astrocytes was almost completely impaired. Finally, the activation of metabotropic glutamate receptors, which strongly evokes glutamate release, was only slightly effective in promoting purine secretion. These data indicate that astrocytes concentrate ATP in granules and may release it via a regulated secretion pathway. They also suggest that ATP-storing vesicles may be distinct from glutamate-containing vesicles, thus opening up the possibility that their exocytosis is regulated differently.  相似文献   

Exocytosis of a single vesicle has been proposed as the mechanism which determines quantal size by releasing a prepackaged and standard amount of acetylcholine. As first described by del Castillo and Katz (1954) the endplate potential is composed of 100 unitary events and the small variance suggests a binomial release from 100 "discrete patches of membrane". However, exocytosis of 100 vesicles selected randomly from 5000 docked vesicles would yield a variance that is 7 times greater than observed values. We propose that the presynaptic ridge with its compliment of docked vesicles functions as the "discrete patch of membrane" such that arrays of calcium activated fusion pores meter transmitter to form the unit of release. A model based on the synchronous flicker of a large number of fusion pores produces the small variance of both miniature end plate potentials and unitary end plate potentials. Release from a single locus (fusion pore) would generate the sub-MEPP. This model permits vesicle trafficking and vesicular content depletion during tetanic stimulation and explains the frequency dependency of MEPP amplitudes and changes in sub-MEPP to bell-MEPP class ratios.  相似文献   

Expression, spatial distribution and specific roles of different Ca(2+) channels in stimulus-secretion coupling of chromaffin cells are intriguing issues still open to discussion. Most of the evidence supports a role of high-voltage activated (HVA) Ca(2+) channels (L-, N-, P/Q- and R-types) in the control of exocytosis: some suggesting a preferential coupling of specific Ca(2+) channel subunits with the secretory apparatus, others favoring the idea of a contribution to secretion proportional to the expression density and gating properties of Ca(2+) channels. In this work we review recent findings and bring new evidence in favor of the hypothesis that also the LVA (low-voltage-activated, T-type) Ca(2+) channels effectively control fast exocytosis near resting potential in adrenal chromaffin cells of adult rats. T-type channels recruited after long-term treatments with pCPT-cAMP (or chronic hypoxia) are shown to control exocytosis with the same efficacy of L-type channels, which are the dominant Ca(2+) channel types expressed in rodent chromaffin cells. A rigorous comparison of T- and L-type channel properties shows that, although operating at different potentials and with different voltage-sensitivity, the two channels possess otherwise similar Ca(2+)-dependence of exocytosis, size and kinetics of depletion of the immediately releasable pool and mobilize vesicles of the same quantal size. Thus, T- and L-type channels are coupled with the same Ca(2+)-efficiency to the secretory apparatus and deplete the same number of vesicles ready for release. The major difference of the secretory signals controlled by the two channels appear to be the voltage range of operation, suggesting the idea that stressful conditions (hypoxia and persistent beta-adrenergic stimulation) can lower the threshold of cell excitability by recruiting new Ca(2+) channels and activate an additional source of catecholamine secretion.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the detailed mechanisms of signal transduction that lead to exocytosis during regulative secretion induced by specific secretagogues in a eukaryotic cell, Paramecium tetraurelia. There are at least three cellular compartments involved in the process: I) the plasma membrane, which contains secretagogue receptors and other transmembrane proteins, II) the cytoplasms, particularly in the region between the cell and secretory vesicle membranes, where molecules may influence interactions of the membranes, and III) the secretory vesicle itself. The ciliated protozoan Paramecium tetraurelia is very well suited for the study of signal transduction events associated with exocytosis because this eukaryotic cell contains thousands of docked secretory vesicles (trichocysts) below the cell membrane which can be induced to release synchronously when triggered with secretagogue. This ensures a high signal-to-noise ratio for events associated with this process. Upon release the trichocyst membrane fuses with the cell membrane and the trichocyst content undergoes a Ca2+-dependent irreversible expansion. Secretory mutants are available which are blocked at different points in the signal transduction pathway. Aspects of the three components mentioned above that will be discussed here include a) the properties of the vesicle content, its pH, and its membrane; b) the role of phosphorylation/dephosphorylation of a cytosolic 63-kilodalton (kDa)Mr protein in membrane fusion; and c) how influx of extracellular Ca2+ required for exocytosis may take place via exocytic Ca2+ channels which may be associated with specific membrane microdomains (fusion rosettes).  相似文献   

A graded response to calcium is the defining feature of calcium-regulated exocytosis. That is, there exist calcium concentrations that elicit submaximal exocytotic responses in which only a fraction of the available population of secretory vesicles fuse. The role of calcium-dependent inactivation in defining the calcium sensitivity of sea urchin egg secretory vesicle exocytosis in vitro was examined. The cessation of fusion in the continued presence of calcium was not due to calcium-dependent inactivation. Rather, the calcium sensitivity of individual vesicles within a population of exocytotic vesicles is heterogeneous. Any specific calcium concentration above threshold triggered subpopulations of vesicles to fuse and the size of the subpopulations was dependent upon the magnitude of the calcium stimulus. The existence of multiple, stable subpopulations of vesicles is consistent with a fusion process that requires the action of an even greater number of calcium ions than the numbers suggested by models based on the assumption of a homogeneous vesicle population.  相似文献   

T Voets  E Neher  T Moser 《Neuron》1999,23(3):607-615
Many neurosecretory preparations display two components of depolarization-induced exocytosis: a phasic component synchronized with Ca2+ channel opening, followed by a slower sustained component. We evaluated possible mechanisms underlying this biphasic behavior by stimulating mouse chromaffin cells in situ with both depolarizations and flash photolysis of caged Ca2+. From a direct comparison of the secretory responses to both stimuli, we conclude that phasic and sustained release components originate from a readily releasable pool (RRP) of equally fusion-competent vesicles, suggesting that differences in the vesicles' proximity to Ca2+ channels underlie the biphasic secretory behavior. An intermediate pool in dynamic equilibrium with the RRP ensures rapid recruitment of release-ready vesicles after RRP depletion. Our results are discussed in terms of a refined model for secretion in chromaffin cells.  相似文献   

Cortical granules are stimulus-dependent secretory vesicles found in the egg cortex of most vertebrates and many invertebrates. Upon fertilization, an increase in intracellular calcium levels triggers cortical granules to exocytose enzymes and structural proteins that permanently modify the extracellular surface of the egg to prevent polyspermy. Synaptotagmin is postulated to be a calcium sensor important for stimulus-dependent secretion and to test this hypothesis for cortical granule exocytosis, we identified the ortholog in two sea urchin species that is present selectively on cortical granules. Characterization by RT-PCR, in-situ RNA hybridization, Western blot and immunolocalization shows that synaptotagmin I is expressed in a manner consistent with it having a role during cortical granule secretion. We specifically tested synaptotagmin function during cortical granule exocytosis using a microinjected antibody raised against the entire cytoplasmic domain of sea urchin synaptotagmin I. The results show that synaptotagmin I is essential for normal cortical granule dynamics at fertilization in the sea urchin egg. Identification of this same protein in other developmental stages also shown here will be important for interpreting stimulus-dependent secretory events for signaling throughout embryogenesis.  相似文献   

A stochastic computational approach to the study of secretory processes at the calyx of Held synapse is presented in this paper. The calyx of Held is a giant synapse located in the brainstem which is widely used for experimental recording of neurotransmitter release. We focus on the study of the exocytotic dynamics for a pool of readily releasable vesicles using a Monte Carlo simulation scheme that includes models for the P-type calcium channels, the kinetic reactions of endogenous and exogenous (mobile) buffers, the kinetic reactions for the secretory vesicles, as well as the microscopic diffusion of mobile buffers and calcium ions. The simulations are performed in a 3-D orthogonal grid which approximates a cylindrical domain representing an active zone of the presynaptic terminal of the calyx. For this domain, we quantify the release rates related to calcium currents in response to depolarizing voltage pulses. The influence on simulated pulse/action potential depolarization protocols of the kinetic scheme for the calcium sensor of vesicles and the geometry of calcium channels for the kinetic cooperativity for release, is analyzed at a microdomain level. Among other aspects, our results suggest that the spatial organization of Ca 2 +  channels could have measurable effects in the kinetic cooperativity which could reflect developing changes in the calyx of Held synapse.  相似文献   

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