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S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase is a key enzyme in the synthesis of polyamines. These small cationic molecules are required for growth and development in all organisms. A wealth of biological processes, including synthesis of DNA and protein and condensation of chromatin, involve polyamines. Inhibition of polyamine synthesis has been proposed for treatment of cancer but this requires more knowledge about the in vivo function of polyamines. We report here the cloning of the S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase gene from Drosophila melanogaster and the analysis of corresponding mutants. The mutant phenotypes are similar to those previously described for ribosomal protein genes (Minutes) and rRNA genes (bobbed ). This work elucidates the in vivo consequences of impaired polyamine synthesis with respect to the development of a whole animal. Received: 16 May 1997 / Accepted: 25 July 1997  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis of Drosophila melanogaster dopa decarboxylase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The kinetic mechanism of dopa decarboxylase (3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine carboxy-lyase, EC was investigated in Drosophila melanogaster. Based on initial velocity and product inhibition studies, an ordered reaction is proposed for dopa decarboxylase. This kinetic mechanism is interpreted in the context of measured enzyme activities and the catecholamine pools in Drosophila. The 1(2)amd gene is immediately adjacent to the gene coding for dopa decarboxylase (Ddc) and determines hypersensitivity to alpha-methyldopa in Drosophila. Dopa decarboxylase does not decarboxylate alpha-methyldopa and hence does not generate a toxic product capable of inhibiting 1(2)amd gene function. We propose that the 1(2)amd gene is involved with an unknown catecholamine pathway involving dopa but not dopamine.  相似文献   

We have used the method of disequilibrium pattern analysis to examine associations between the threonine-glycine (Thr-Gly) encoding repeat region of the clock gene period (per) of Drosophila melanogaster, and polymorphic sites both upstream and downstream of the repeat, in a number of European fly populations. The results are consistent with the view that selection may be operating on various haplotypes which share the Thr-Gly length alleles encoding 17, 20 and 23 dipeptide pairs, and that the repeat itself may be the focus for selection. These conclusions lend support to a number of other population and behavioural investigations which have provided evidence that selection is acting on the Thr-Gly region. The linkage analysis was also used to infer an approximate mutation rate (mu) for the repeat, of 10(-5) < mu < 4 x 10(-5) per gamete per generation. Direct measurements of the mutation rate using the polymerase chain reaction in a pedigree analysis of tens of thousands of individuals do not contradict this value. Consequently, the Thr-Gly repeat does not have a mutation rate that is as high as some of the non-coding minisatellites, but it is several orders of magnitude higher than the nucleotide substitution rate. The implications of this elevated mutation rate for linkage disequilibria and selection are discussed.  相似文献   

The Drosophila neuralized (neur) gene belongs to the neurogenic group of genes involved in regulating cell-cell interactions required for neural precursor development. neur mutant phenotypes include strong overcommitment to neural fates at the expense of epidermal fates. The human neuralized homolog (NEURL) has been recently determined and found to map to chromosome 10q25.1 within the region frequently deleted in malignant astrocytomas. Because of its potential importance in developmental processes, we analyzed the structure of the mouse homolog, Neurl, and its expression pattern in embryonic tissues. Neurl activity is detected from early developmental stages in several tissues and organs including neural tissues, limbs, the skeletal system, sense organs and internal organs undergoing epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Neurl encodes a polypeptide associated with the plasma membrane but also detected in the cytoplasm. Similarly to the Drosophila gene, mammalian neuralized may code for an important regulatory factor.  相似文献   

Insulin is one of the key peptide hormones that regulates growth and metabolism in vertebrates. Evolutionary conservation of many elements of the insulin/IGF signaling network makes it possible to study the basic genetic function of this pathway in lower metazoan models such as Drosophila. Here we report the cloning and characterization of the gene for Drosophila insulin/relaxin-like peptide (DIRLP). The predicted protein structure of DIRLP greatly resembles typical insulin structure and contains features that differentiate it from the Drosophila juvenile hormone, another member of the insulin family. The Dirlp gene is represented as a single copy in the Drosophila melanogaster genome (compared to multiple copies for Drosophila juvenile hormone) and shows evolutionary conservation of genetic structure. The gene was mapped to the Drosophila chromosome 3, region 67D2. In situ hybridization of whole-mount Drosophila embryos with Dirlp antisense RNA probe reveals early embryonic mesodermal/ventral furrow expression pattern, consistent with earlier observation of the insulin protein immunoreactivity in Drosophila embryos. The in situ hybridization pattern was found to be identical to that obtained during immunohistochemistry analysis of the Drosophila embryos using various insulin monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies that do not recognize Drosophila juvenile hormone, supporting the idea that Dirlp is a possible Drosophila insulin ortholog. Identification of the gene for DIRLP provides a new approach for study of the regulatory pathway of the insulin family of peptides.  相似文献   

S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC) catalyzes the formation of decarboxylated AdoMetDC, a precursor of the polyamines spermidine and spermine. The enzyme is derived from a proenzyme by autocatalytic cleavage. We report the cloning and regulation of the gene for AdoMetDC in Neurospora crassa, spe-2, and the effect of putrescine on enzyme maturation and activity. The gene was cloned from a genomic library by complementation of a spe-2 mutant. Like other AdoMetDCs, that of Neurospora is derived by cleavage of a proenzyme. The deduced sequence of the Neurospora proenzyme (503 codons) is over 100 codons longer than any other AdoMetDC sequence available in genomic databases. The additional amino acids are found only in the AdoMetDC of another fungus, Aspergillus nidulans, a cDNA for which we also sequenced. Despite the conserved processing site and four acidic residues required for putrescine stimulation of human proenzyme processing, putrescine has no effect on the rate (t 0.5∼10 min) of processing of the Neurospora gene product. However, putrescine is absolutely required for activity of the Neurospora enzyme (K 0.5∼100 μM). The abundance of spe-2 mRNA and enzyme activity is regulated 2- to 4-fold by spermidine. Received: 4 August 1999 / Accepted: 14 February 2000  相似文献   

In this paper we report the cloning and full sequencing of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (SAMDC, EC cDNA from Vitis vinifera L. (VV) leaves, an enzyme belonging to the polyamine biosynthetic pathway, which appears to play an important role in the regulation of plant growth and development. The presence of two overlapping ORFs (tiny ORF and small ORF) upstream of the main ORF is reported in the Vitis cDNA. When the Vitis SAMDC cDNA was expressed in yeast without the two upstream ORFs, the resulting activity was about 50 times higher than the activity obtained with the full cDNA. These results demonstrated the strong regulatory activity of the tiny and small ORFs. RT-PCR expression analysis showed evidence of a similar mRNA level in all the tissues tested, with the exception of the petioles. The VV SAMDC was also modelled using its homologues from Solanum tuberosum and Homo sapiens as template. The present work confirmed, for the first time in a woody plant of worldwide economic interest such as grapevine, the presence of a regulatory mechanism of SAMDC, enzyme that has a well-established importance in the modulation of plant growth and development.  相似文献   

We have modified the transformation procedures of Ballance et al. [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 112 (1983) 284-289] to give increased rates of transformation in Aspergillus nidulans. With the modified procedures we have been able to complement pyrG89, a mutation in the orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase gene of A. nidulans, by transformation with a library of wild-type (wt) sequences in pBR329. We have recovered, by marker rescue from one such transformant, a plasmid (pJR15) that carries an A. nidulans sequence that complements pyrG89 efficiently. In three experiments, this plasmid gave an average of 1985 stable transformants/micrograms of transforming DNA. We have analyzed ten of these genetically and by Southern hybridization. In five transformants a single copy of the transforming plasmid had integrated at the pyrG locus, in one transformant several copies of pJR15 had integrated at this locus, in one transformant several copies of the plasmid had integrated into other sites, and in three transformants, the wt allele had apparently replaced the mutant allele with no integration of pBR329 sequences. Sequence and S1 nuclease protection analysis revealed that pJR15 contains a gene that predicts an amino acid sequence with regions of strong homology to the orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylases of Neurospora crassa and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We conclude that this gene is the wt pyrG allele. Finally, we have compared the 5'- and 3'-noncoding sequences and intron splice sequences to other genes of A. nidulans and have mapped the pyrG locus to a region between the fpaB and galD loci on linkage group I.  相似文献   

Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are useful markers for genetic mapping experiments in model organisms. Here we report the establishment of a high-density SNP map and high-throughput genotyping assays for Drosophila melanogaster. Our map comprises 27,367 SNPs in common laboratory Drosophila stocks. These SNPs were clustered within 2,238 amplifiable markers at an average density of 1 marker every 50.3 kb, or 6.3 genes. We have also constructed a set of 62 Drosophila stocks, each of which facilitates the generation of recombinants within a defined genetic interval of 1-2 Mb. For flexible, high-throughput SNP genotyping, we used fluorescent tag-array mini-sequencing (TAMS) assays. We designed and validated TAMS assays for 293 SNPs at an average resolution of 391.3 kb, and demonstrated the utility of these tools by rapidly mapping 14 mutations that disrupt embryonic muscle patterning. These resources enable high-resolution high-throughput genetic mapping in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Of 204 mutations located in the 8–12 band Df(2L)130 region, 37B9-C1,2;37D1-2, 199 have been assigned to twelve lethal genes and one visible gene (hook). The 13 genes are not evenly distributed. Twelve, (possibly all thirteen) are in the seven band region 37B10-C4 giving a gene-to-band ratio of almost two. Only one gene, 1(2)37Cf, may be in the four band region 37C5-7, and none are localized in band 37D1. In situ hybridization places the dopa decarboxylase structural gene, Ddc, in or very close to band 37C1,2 (Hirsh and Davidson, 1981). The methyl dopa hypersensitive gene, 1(2) amd, is 0.002 map units distal to Ddc. Df(2L)VA17, 37C1,2; 37F5-38A1 may actually break in the 37C1,2 singlet. It places six genes, hook, 1(2)amd, and four lethal genes, in a maximum of five bands, 37B10, 11, 12, 13 and perhaps part of the 37C1,2 singlet and localizes six genes, Ddc plus five lethal genes, in a maximum of three bands; probably part of the 37C1,2 singlet plus bands, C3, and C4. Wild type activity of five of twelve lethal genes is necessary for female fertility. — Band 37C5 puffs at the time of pupariation; Puff Stages 8–10. Twelve of eighteen alleles of 1(2)37Cf havs been examined as heterozygotes over CyO and none affect the appearance of a homozygous 37C5 puff. — Of the 204 mutations considered here only one Ddc p1, affects the function of more than one gene. It eliminates Ddc + and l(2) 37Ca + function and at 30 ° C reduces l(2)37Ce + function. It is not a deficiency but could be a polar mutant.Prof. Beermann's co-authors are very pleased to dedicate this paper to him in honor of his sixtieth birthday and in recognition of his seminal, most significant, extensive, and authoritive contributions on the functional organization of chromosomes  相似文献   

The antineoplastic agent Procarbazine was tested for the induction of genetic damage in Drosophila melanogaster. The compound was administered to adult males by oral application. The following types of genetic damage were measured: (1) sex-linked recessive lethals; (2) dominant lethals; (3) total and partial sex-chromosome loss; and (4) translocations. Procarbazine is highly mutagenic in causing recessive lethal mutations in all stages of spermatogenesis. In sperm a clear-cut concentration-effect relationship is not apparent, but in spermatids such a relationship is obtained for mutation induction at low levels of procarbazine exposure, while at high concentrations the induction of recessive lethals is not a function of concentration. A low induction of total sex-chromosome loss (X,Y) and dominant lethals was observed in metabolically active germ cells (spermatids), but procarbazine failed to produce well-defined breakage events, such as partial sex-chromosome loss (YL,YS) and II-III translocations. The results obtained in Drosophila melanogaster are discussed and compared with the mutational pattern reported in the mouse after procarbazine treatment.  相似文献   

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