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河南花背蟾蜍的核型、C-带和Ag-NORs研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用骨髓细胞蒸汽固定法制备染色体标本,研究了分布于河南新乡的花背蟾蜍(Bufo raddei)的核型、C-带和Ag-NORs。结果表明:河南产花背蟾蜍体细胞染色体数为22条,核型公式为2n=22(20m 2sm),全部为中部或亚中部着丝点染色体,NF=44。Ag-NORs具有多态现象。C-带核型显示22条染色体的着丝点均正染,No.1染色体近着丝粒处有不恒定插入型C-带,No.4染色体具有恒定近端部插入型C-带,随体部位被正染的仅占所观察细胞的15%。  相似文献   

中国两种波腿蝗(蝗总科:癞蝗科)染色体C带核型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李新江  张道川  王文强 《遗传》2005,27(5):735-740
报道中国两种波腿蝗的染色体C带核型,结果表明:红胫波腿蝗Asiotmethis zacharjini (Bei-Bienko, 1926) 2n ♂ =18, neo-X为亚中着丝粒染色体,其他均为近端着丝粒染色体,染色体除强染的着丝粒C带,S8染色体具强染端部C带带纹,neo-Y染色体还具有一条宽的弱染的近着丝粒端居间C带,性别决定机制是neo-XY ♂型,该种染色体组成和性别决定机制在我国癞蝗中为首次报道,蓝胫波腿蝗Asiotmethis jubatus (Uvarov, 1926) 2n=19♂,均为近端着丝粒染色体,仅具有明显强染的着丝粒C带,性别决定机制是XO ♂型;两种波腿蝗的异染色质含量存在显著性差异(α=0.05)。  相似文献   

染色体C带核型在物种鉴定、分类阶元间的比较及其系统演化关系的推断中是一个有用的指标,染色体组内C带分布位置、大小、数量及异染色质含量可以反映出属、种及种下阶元的细胞学异同.本研究报道了中国2种短鼻蝗--裴氏短鼻蝗Filchnerella beicki和宽顶短鼻蝗Filchnerella amplivertica的染色体C带核型.结果表明:2种短鼻蝗均为XO(♂)型性别决定机制;染色体组成均为2n ♂=19,染色体为端着丝粒染色体;在各染色体相对长度、C带的大小、位置和着色程度上又存在不同程度的差异,可以作为区分种的依据.  相似文献   

Hexokinase activity was detected in cytosols and homogenates from different developmental stages of Bufo bufo embryos starting from stage 17. Free glucose was measured in the embryo cytosol and was detected at each stage tested. At stage 15, a large increase of glucose content of the embryo cytosol occurs. Hexokinase expression in the embryo thus occurs after the increase of cytosol glucose content occurring at stage 15. The findings rule out that glucose by itself is the hexokinase inducer in vivo. The very low glucose utilization found by many authors during early amphibian development may be related to the late hexokinase expression during Bufo bufo development.  相似文献   

1) The oxygen consumption increases during Bufo bufo development in accordance with the two steps which border at the "heart beat" stage. 2) Cytochrome c oxidase activity is not proportional to the oxygen consumption: it is notable and constant in the first step, and it only increases in the second. 3) In the mitochondria of preneural embryos, citrate synthase, NADP+ dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase, and succinate dehydrogenase activities are very low in respect to malate dehydrogenase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase activities. The Krebs cycle results lowered at the condensing reaction level with acetyl accumulation when pyruvate is available. The same behavior has been observed in the Xenopus laevis oocytes and differentiated tissues. 4) The presence of a phosphagen system which is different from creatine phosphate and arginine phosphate, supporting ATP level, has been demonstrated in B. bufo embryos. 5) Mitochondria of postneural embryos are able to accomplish a complete Krebs cycle by increasing citrate synthase, and succinate dehydrogenase activities. 6) In all B. bufo development, malate dehydrogenase and glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase constitute a multienzymatic system by which the mitochondria accomplish a decarboxylic amino acid shunt required for the transformation of deutoplasm into protoplasm. This shunt is also operative in the X. laevis oocytes. 7) Through pyruvate production, by oxidative decarboxylation of malate, the NAD(P)+ dependent malic enzyme could carry out a fundamental anaplerotic function in the mitochondria which is specialized in the production of biosynthetic blocks belonging to the embryo in which the carbohydrates metabolism rather than the glycolytic activity is designed for pentose phosphate and glycerol phosphate synthesis for protein and cytomembrane production. 8) Consistent metabolic differences have been highlighted between B. bufo embryos and X. laevis embryos.  相似文献   

The six species of the sectionFoenum-graecum ofTrigonella have the same chromosome number, 2n = 16.T. gladiata andT. cariensis have fairly symmetrical karyotypes, while those ofT. foenum-graecum, T. berythea, T. macrorrhyncha andT. cassia are asymmetrical. C-bands are present in all six species but the number of bands and their positive vary considerably among the species. The karyotype evidence suggests that none of the available species of theFoenum-graecum section can be considered as the wild progenitor of fenugreek.  相似文献   

The diploid number 2n=22 and haploid number n=11 found for Eisenia foetida from Palermo, Italy, confirm earlier data for this species from other localities. Analyses of silver-stained and C-banded mitotic and meiotic chromosomes suggest that a single chromosome pair has active NORs which correspond with C-positive regions. The occurrence of nucleolus activity during spermatogenesis of E. foetida is ascertained.  相似文献   

A study of the ultrastructure and function of the paraphysis in Bufo bufo larvae was carried out. The structure is a tubular-ramified gland made up of numerous tubules with monolayered epithelial walls surrounded by connective tissue and sinusoids. The epithelial cells secrete glycoprotein to contribute to production of the cephalorachidian fluid. The role of the paraphysis in the transport of fluids and electrolytes from the blood to the cephalorachidian fluid in regulation of ionic and osmotic homeostasis is discussed. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Due to the close correlation between glucose mobilization and utilization within animal tissues, in this paper, the stages of appearance of phosphorylase, glucose-6-phosphatase and hexokinase as well as the levels of some intermediates of glucose metabolism have been investigated during Bufo bufo development. Phosphorylase first appears at stage 13 and is dominant in the neural part of the embryo, but, after this stage, increases relatively more in the nonneural one. Hexokinase appears at stage 17 and glucose-6-phosphatase soon after. Phosphorylase appearance at stage 13 is correlated with an increase of lactate content in the embryo; this may indicate a metabolization of hexoses. On this basis, the subsequent appearance of hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphatase activities also seems coherent with hexose mobilization and utilization within embryo. No direct causative factor for the changes observed was evident.  相似文献   

Summary In Bufo bufo at stage III6 the first endocrine islets appear in the part of the pancreas corresponding to the dorsal anlage. At stage IV2, 5 days later, the pancreatic duct develops and new islets arise by budding off from the ductal epithelium. The ultrastructural study of the secretory granules morphology of endocrine cells has distinguished four different cell types: B-cells (stage III9), A-cells (stage IV3), D-cells (stage IV3) and a fourth type not yet identified (stage IV3). By immunocytology insulin and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) cells have been demonstrated at stage III9, and glucagon and somatostatin cells at stage IV1. Lastly, endocrine islets can be homogeneous (predominantly containing insulin cells, rarely glucagon cells) or heterogeneous (insulin cells at the centre and glucagon or somatostatin cells at the periphery). Hypotheses are put forward for the origin and the constitution of the different generations of endocrine islets and isolated cells.  相似文献   

A Amores  G Martinez  J Reina  M C Alvarez 《Génome》1993,36(4):672-675
A karyotype analysis was carried out in nine specimens of the Sparid species Diplodus bellottii using conventional staining, as well as C-banding and Ag-NOR banding techniques, showing, respectively, 2n = 46 and fundamental number (FN) = 54, and scarce heterochromatic areas irregularly distributed and up to four NOR active regions that were C positive. When compared with the karyotypes of other related species, one centric fusion giving rise to a large metacentric pair and several pericentric inversions seem to have been involved in the karyotype evolution. An intra-individual polymorphism was detected in one specimen, resulting in two karyotypic forms in roughly identical proportion, owing to a larger C-band by the NOR regions, appearing either in a terminal position of the short arms of pair 2 or in telomeric position of pair 3. These findings suggest that the extra heterochromatic segment responsible for the heteromorphism apparently only involves associated heterochromatin and not the NORs themselves. This C-positive block seems to have eventually been transferred between heterologous NOR chromosomes by a somatic event, facilitated by the physical proximity of NOR pairs in the nucleolus.  相似文献   

The Basic Karyotype of Lotus tenuis C-banding and Feulgen Studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The basic karyotype of L. tenuis is illustrated. The study ofFeulgen stained metaphases has shown that the chromosome complementconsists of four pairs of median chromosomes and two pairs ofsubmedian chromosomes. Two nucleolar constrictions characterizethe first homologous pair. The C-banding pattern includes largepericentric bands in each chromosome pair and a terminal bandin the short arm of chromosome 3 Lotus tenuis, chromosome morphology, C-banding  相似文献   

The growth response of the remaining intact testis or testis fragments to partial castration was studied as a function of the duration of the postoperative period, the amount of testis mass excised, as well as the functional state of the testes at the time of operation. Excision of about 90% of the testis mass caused a growth response that increased from slight after eight weeks to pronounced after 14 weeks. After 14 weeks the growth response was slight tounilateral excision of 75% of a testie and pronounced to bilateral excision of 75% of each testis. Subtotal castration caused formation of new seminiferous tubules within the remaining testis tissue when the operation was performed early in the annual testis cycle, whereas the growth response late in the cycle was primarily caused by increased spermatogenetic activity within existing tubules. Partial castration stimulated oocyte formation within fragmented testes, but not in a remaining intact testis. Oocyte formation within a testis fragment was independent of the presence of the Bidder's organ.  相似文献   

Hibernation behaviour of six common toads Bufo bufo was studied. Transmitters, generating pulses with a temperature dependent repetition rate, implanted in the toad's abdominal cavity, were used to measure the body temperature. Measurements of body temperature and soil temperature at various depths were used to establish the hibernating depth. All toads moved vertically between a few preferred depths and hibernating depth appeared to vary for individual toads. Upward movements mostly were apparent reactions on changes of the soil temperature gradient at the depth of the toad.  相似文献   

Glutathione peroxidases and glutathione reductase activities are expressed from the early stage of Bufo bufo development. Selenium-dependent and selenium-independent glutathione peroxidase activities fluctuated independently. The activity of selenium-independent was found to be higher than that of selenium-dependent glutathione peroxidase through all stages of development. Glutathione reductase activity, after a slight fall from stage 4 to stage 7, constantly increased up to stage 25.  相似文献   

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