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Unrepaired DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) produced by ionizing radiation (IR) are a major determinant of cell killing. To determine the contribution of DNA repair pathways to the well-established cell cycle variation in IR sensitivity, we compared the radiosensitivity of wild-type CHO cells to mutant lines defective in nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), homologous recombination repair (HRR), and the Fanconi anemia pathway. Cells were irradiated with IR doses that killed approximately 90% of each asynchronous population, separated into synchronous fractions by centrifugal elutriation, and assayed for survival (colony formation). Wild-type cells had lowest resistance in early G1 and highest resistance in S phase, followed by declining resistance as cells move into G2/M. In contrast, HR-defective cells (xrcc3 mutation) were most resistant in early G1 and became progressively less resistant in S and G2/M, indicating that the S-phase resistance in wild-type cells requires HRR. Cells defective in NHEJ (dna-pk(cs) mutation) were exquisitely sensitive in early G1, most resistant in S phase, and then somewhat less resistant in G2/M. Fancg mutant cells had almost normal IR sensitivity and normal cell cycle dependence, suggesting that Fancg contributes modestly to survival and in a manner that is independent of cell cycle position.  相似文献   

The double-strand-break repair model for recombination   总被引:359,自引:0,他引:359  
We have isolated and characterized several members of the P transposable element family from a Drosophila melanogaster P strain. Large 2.9 kb elements are present as multiple highly conserved copies together with smaller (0.5-1.6 kb), heterogeneous elements. The complete DNA sequences of the 2.9 kb element and four small elements (previously isolated from hybrid-dysgenesis-induced mutations of the white locus) have been determined. Each small element appears to have arisen from the 2.9 kb element by a different internal deletion. P elements have 31 bp perfect inverse terminal repeats and upon insertion duplicate an 8 bp sequence found only once at the site of insertion. Three of the insertions into the white locus occurred at the same nucleotide, indicating a high degree of local site specificity for insertion. The basis of this specificity has been investigated by DNA sequence analysis of the sites where 18 P elements are found. A revertant of one of the white locus mutants has been found to result from precise excision of the P element, restoring the wild-type DNA sequence.  相似文献   

Preston CR  Flores CC  Engels WR 《Genetics》2006,172(2):1055-1068
Double-strand DNA breaks can be repaired by any of several alternative mechanisms that differ greatly in the nature of the final repaired products. We used a reporter construct, designated "Repair reporter 3" (Rr3), to measure the relative usage of these pathways in Drosophila germ cells. The method works by creating a double-strand break at a specific location such that expression of the red fluorescent protein, DsRed, in the next generation can be used to infer the frequency at which each pathway was used. A key feature of this approach is that most data come from phenotypic scoring, thus allowing large sample sizes and considerable precision in measurements. Specifically, we measured the proportion of breaks repaired by (1) conversion repair, (2) nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ), or (3) single-strand annealing (SSA). For conversion repair, the frequency of mitotic crossing over in the germ line indicates the relative prevalence of repair by double Holliday junction (DHJ) formation vs. the synthesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA) pathway. We used this method to show that breaks occurring early in germ-line development were much more frequently repaired via single-strand annealing and much less likely to be repaired by end joining compared with identical breaks occurring later in development. Conversion repair was relatively rare when breaks were made either very early or very late in development, but was much more frequent in between. Significantly, the changes in relative usage occurred in a compensatory fashion, such that an increase in one pathway was accompanied by decreases in others. This negative correlation is interpreted to mean that the pathways for double-strand break repair compete with each other to handle a given breakage event.  相似文献   

Smarcal1 is a SWI/SNF-family protein with an ATPase domain involved in DNA-annealing activities and a binding site for the RPA single-strand-DNA-binding protein. Although the role played by Smarcal1 in the maintenance of replication forks has been established, it remains unknown whether Smarcal1 contributes to genomic DNA maintenance outside of the S phase. We disrupted the SMARCAL1 gene in both the chicken DT40 and the human TK6 B cell lines. The resulting SMARCAL1−/− clones exhibited sensitivity to chemotherapeutic topoisomerase 2 inhibitors, just as nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) null-deficient cells do. SMARCAL1−/− cells also exhibited an increase in radiosensitivity in the G1 phase. Moreover, the loss of Smarcal1 in NHEJ null-deficient cells does not further increase their radiosensitivity. These results demonstrate that Smarcal1 is required for efficient NHEJ-mediated DSB repair. Both inactivation of the ATPase domain and deletion of the RPA-binding site cause the same phenotype as does null-mutation of Smarcal1, suggesting that Smarcal1 enhances NHEJ, presumably by interacting with RPA at unwound single-strand sequences and then facilitating annealing at DSB ends. SMARCAL1−/−cells showed a poor accumulation of Ku70/DNA-PKcs and XRCC4 at DNA-damage sites. We propose that Smarcal1 maintains the duplex status of DSBs to ensure proper recruitment of NHEJ factors to DSB sites.  相似文献   

To elucidate the contribution of LINE-like retrotransposon Zepps in formation and maintenance of chromosomal telomeres, newly formed mini-chromosomes in irradiated Chlorella vulgaris cells were isolated and structurally characterized. A mini-chromosome Y32 (approximately 400 kbp in size) was shown to have several copies of Zepp elements on both termini. On the right arm terminus, two copies of Zepps were found in a tandem array with poly(A) tracts facing towards the chromosome end. The poly(A) tail and a 3'-end of approximately 400 bp of the distal copy was replaced by telomeric repeats. On 5'-side of the proximal copy was another Zepp element in a reversed orientation. This newly formed telomeric structure is very similar to that found in the left arm terminus of chromosome I and support the model of Zepp-mediated maintenance of Chlorella telomeres.  相似文献   

During DNA double-strand-break (DSB) repair by recombination, the broken chromosome uses a homologous chromosome as a repair template. Early steps of recombination are well characterized: DSB ends assemble filaments of RecA-family proteins that catalyze homologous pairing and strand-invasion reactions. By contrast, the postinvasion steps of recombination are poorly characterized. Rad52 plays an essential role during early steps of recombination by mediating assembly of a RecA homolog, Rad51, into nucleoprotein filaments. The meiosis-specific RecA-homolog Dmc1 does not show this dependence, however. By exploiting the Rad52 independence of Dmc1, we reveal that Rad52 promotes postinvasion steps of both crossover and noncrossover pathways of meiotic recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This activity resides in the N-terminal region of Rad52, which can anneal complementary DNA strands, and is independent of its Rad51-assembly function. Our findings show that Rad52 functions in temporally and biochemically distinct reactions and suggest a general annealing mechanism for reuniting DSB ends during recombination.  相似文献   

Ng P  Baker MD 《Genetics》1999,151(3):1127-1141
In the present study, the mechanism of double-strand-break (DSB) repair during gene targeting at the chromosomal immunoglobulin mu-locus in a murine hybridoma was examined. The gene-targeting assay utilized specially designed insertion vectors genetically marked in the region of homology to the chromosomal mu-locus by six diagnostic restriction enzyme site markers. The restriction enzyme markers permitted the contribution of vector-borne and chromosomal mu-sequences in the recombinant product to be determined. The use of the insertion vectors in conjunction with a plating procedure in which individual integrative homologous recombination events were retained for analysis revealed several important features about the mammalian DSB repair process:The presence of the markers within the region of shared homology did not affect the efficiency of gene targeting.In the majority of recombinants, the vector-borne marker proximal to the DSB was absent, being replaced with the corresponding chromosomal restriction enzyme site. This result is consistent with either formation and repair of a vector-borne gap or an "end" bias in mismatch repair of heteroduplex DNA (hDNA) that favored the chromosomal sequence. Formation of hDNA was frequently associated with gene targeting and, in most cases, began approximately 645 bp from the DSB and could encompass a distance of at least 1469 bp.The hDNA was efficiently repaired prior to DNA replication.The repair of adjacent mismatches in hDNA occurred predominantly on the same strand, suggesting the involvement of a long-patch repair mechanism.  相似文献   

Stohr BA  Kreuzer KN 《Genetics》2002,162(3):1019-1030
The extensive chromosome replication (ECR) model of double-strand-break repair (DSBR) proposes that each end of a double-strand break (DSB) is repaired independently by initiating extensive semiconservative DNA replication after strand invasion into homologous template DNA. In contrast, several other DSBR models propose that the two ends of a break are repaired in a coordinated manner using a single repair template with only limited DNA synthesis. We have developed plasmid and chromosomal recombinational repair assays to assess coordination of the broken ends during DSBR in bacteriophage T4. Results from the plasmid assay demonstrate that the two ends of a DSB can be repaired independently using homologous regions on two different plasmids and that extensive replication is triggered in the process. These findings are consistent with the ECR model of DSBR. However, results from the chromosomal assay imply that the two ends of a DSB utilize the same homologous repair template even when many potential templates are present, suggesting coordination of the broken ends during chromosomal repair. This result is consistent with several coordinated models of DSBR, including a modified version of the ECR model.  相似文献   

I investigated double-strand-break repair in Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells by measuring the frequencies and types of integration events at the PET56-HIS3-DED1 chromosomal region associated with the introduction of linearized plasmid DNAs containing homologous sequences. In general, the integration frequencies observed in strains containing a wild-type region, a 1-kilobase (kb) deletion, or a 5-kb insertion were similar, provided that the cleavage site in the plasmid DNA was present in the host genome. Cleavage at a plasmid DNA site corresponding to a region deleted in the chromosome caused a 10-fold reduction in the integration frequency even when the site was close to regions of homology. However, although the integration frequency was normal even when cleavage occurred only 25 base pairs (bp) outside the deletion breakpoint, 98% of the events were associated not with the usual heterogenote structure, but instead with a homogenote structure containing two copies of the deletion allele separated by vector sequences. Similarly, when cleavage occurred 80 bp outside the 5-kb substitution breakpoint, 40% of the integration events were associated with homogenote structures. From these observations, I suggest that exonuclease and polymerase activities are not rate-limiting steps in double-strand-break repair, exonuclease activity is coupled to the initiation step, the integration frequency is strongly influenced by the amount of homology near the recombinogenic ends, both ends of a linear DNA molecule might interact with the host chromosome before significant exonuclease or polymerase action, and the average repair tract is about 600 bp.  相似文献   

Ionizing radiation (IR) enhances double-strand-break (DSB)-repair fidelity in plasmids processed in normal lymphoblasts but not in lymphoblasts from ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) patients. Putatively, signal-transduction pathways mediate this DNA-repair induction. Because IR inhibition of DNA synthesis is defective in A-T cells and is mediated by a calmodulin (caM)-dependent pathway, we evaluated the involvement of caM-dependent pathways in DSB-repair induction. Human lymphoblasts were gamma-irradiated with or without treatment with caM antagonists and the cells' abilities to repair shuttle pZ189 carrying a single DSB (linDNA) were assessed. In untreated controls, IR enhanced DSB-rejoining fidelity if transfection occurred promptly but diminished fidelity if transfection was delayed. Treatment with two caM antagonists, W-7 and W-13, prior to irradiation blocked this IR-enhancement of DSB-rejoining fidelity. Vinpocetine, a caM-dependent phosphodiesterase inhibitor, and 8-bromo-cAMP also inhibited IR enhancement of repair fidelity, but caM-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor KN62 had no effect. Other protein kinase inhibitors, staurosporine and genistein, also did not inhibit IR enhancement of DSB repair fidelity. However, staurosporine blocked the twofold reduction in DSB-repair fidelity seen if linDNA transfection was delayed 2 h after irradiation. These findings point to the involvement of caM/cAMP-dependent pathway(s) in mediating IR-enhancement of DSB-rejoining fidelity in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Smith JA  Waldman BC  Waldman AS 《Genetics》2005,170(1):355-363
We examined error-prone nonhomologous end joining (NHEJ) in Msh2-deficient and wild-type Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. A DNA substrate containing a thymidine kinase (tk) gene fused to a neomycin-resistance (neo) gene was stably integrated into cells. The fusion gene was rendered nonfunctional due to a 22-bp oligonucleotide insertion, which included the 18-bp I-SceI endonuclease recognition site, within the tk portion of the fusion gene. A double-strand break (DSB) was induced by transiently expressing the I-SceI endonuclease, and deletions or insertions that restored the tk-neo fusion gene's reading frame were recovered by selecting for G418-resistant colonies. Overall, neither the frequency of recovery of G418-resistant colonies nor the sizes of NHEJ-associated deletions were substantially different for the mutant vs. wild-type cell lines. However, we did observe greater usage of terminal microhomology among NHEJ events recovered from wild-type cells as compared to Msh2 mutants. Our results suggest that Msh2 influences error-prone NHEJ repair at the step of pairing of terminal DNA tails. We also report the recovery from both wild-type and Msh2-deficient cells of an unusual class of NHEJ events associated with multiple deletion intervals, and we discuss a possible mechanism for the generation of these "discontinuous deletions."  相似文献   

Wang Q  Gao F  May WS  Zhang Y  Flagg T  Deng X 《Molecular cell》2008,29(4):488-498
Bcl2 can enhance susceptibility to carcinogenesis, but the mechanism(s) remains fragmentary. Here we discovered that Bcl2 suppresses DNA double-strand-break (DSB) repair and V(D)J recombination by downregulating Ku DNA binding activity, which is associated with increased genetic instability. Exposure of cells to ionizing radiation enhances Bcl2 expression in the nucleus, which interacts with both Ku70 and Ku86 via its BH1 and BH4 domains. Removal of the BH1 or BH4 domain abrogates the inhibitory effect of Bcl2 on Ku DNA binding, DNA-PK, and DNA end-joining activities, which results in the failure of Bcl2 to block DSB repair as well as V(D)J recombination. Intriguingly, Bcl2 directly disrupts the Ku/DNA-PKcs complex in vivo and in vitro. Thus, Bcl2 suppression of the general DSB repair and V(D)J recombination may occur in a mechanism by inhibiting the nonhomologous end-joining pathway, which may lead to an accumulation of DNA damage and genetic instability.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) can arise during DNA replication, or after exposure to DNA-damaging agents, and their correct repair is fundamental for cell survival and genomic stability. Here, we show that the Smc5-Smc6 complex is recruited to DSBs de novo to support their repair by homologous recombination between sister chromatids. In addition, we demonstrate that Smc5-Smc6 is necessary to suppress gross chromosomal rearrangements. Our findings show that the Smc5-Smc6 complex is essential for genome stability as it promotes repair of DSBs by error-free sister-chromatid recombination (SCR), thereby suppressing inappropriate non-sister recombination events.  相似文献   

A direct test was made of predictions of the double-strand-break repair (DSBR) model of recombination in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The DNA substrate injected into oocytes had two directly repeated copies of a 1.25-kb sequence and was cleaved within one of them. Different products were expected to result from concerted, conservative events, as predicted by the DSBR model, and from nonconservative events. Only very low levels of recombination products, both conservative and nonconservative, were observed. When individual, apparent DSBR products were cloned and characterized, it emerged that the majority of them had arisen by nonconservative recombination through short, terminal homologies and not from the gene conversion events predicted for DSBR. Two cloned products among 44 tested corresponded to the predications of the DSBR model, but these could also have been generated by other processes. The most efficient recombination events in oocytes are nonconservative and are based on long, terminal homologous overlaps; when these are not available, short, imperfect overlaps support a lower level of nonconservative recombination; genuine, conservative DSBR events occur rarely, if at all.  相似文献   

Raynard SJ  Baker MD 《Genetics》2002,162(2):977-985
In this study, the formation and repair of large (>1 kb) insertion/deletion (I/D) heterologies during double-strand-break repair (DSBR) was investigated using a gene-targeting assay that permits efficient recovery of sequence insertion events at the haploid chromosomal immunoglobulin (Ig) mu-locus in mouse hybridoma cells. The results revealed that (i) large I/D heterologies were generated on one or both sides of the DSB and, in some cases, formed symmetrically in both homology regions; (ii) large I/D heterologies did not negatively affect the gene targeting frequency; and (iii) prior to DNA replication, the large I/D heterologies were rectified.  相似文献   

Mre11 forms the core of the multifunctional Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex that detects DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), activates the ATM checkpoint kinase, and initiates homologous recombination (HR) repair of DSBs. To define the roles of Mre11 in both DNA bridging and nucleolytic processing during initiation of DSB repair, we combined small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and crystal structures of Pyrococcus furiosus Mre11 dimers bound to DNA with mutational analyses of fission yeast Mre11. The Mre11 dimer adopts a four-lobed U-shaped structure that is critical for proper MRN complex assembly and for binding and aligning DNA ends. Further, mutations blocking Mre11 endonuclease activity impair cell survival after DSB induction without compromising MRN complex assembly or Mre11-dependant recruitment of Ctp1, an HR factor, to DSBs. These results show how Mre11 dimerization and nuclease activities initiate repair of DSBs and collapsed replication forks, as well as provide a molecular foundation for understanding cancer-causing Mre11 mutations in ataxia telangiectasia-like disorder (ATLD).  相似文献   

In mammalian cells, several features of the way homologous recombination occurs between transferred and chromosomal DNA are consistent with the double-strand-break repair (DSBR) model of recombination. In this study, we examined the segregation patterns of small palindrome markers, which frequently escape mismatch repair when encompassed within heteroduplex DNA formed in vivo during mammalian homologous recombination, to test predictions of the DSBR model, in particular as they relate to the mechanism of crossover resolution. According to the canonical DSBR model, crossover between the vector and chromosome results from cleavage of the joint molecule in two alternate sense modes. The two crossover modes lead to different predicted marker configurations in the recombinants, and assuming no bias in the mode of Holliday junction cleavage, the two types of recombinants are expected in equal frequency. However, we propose a revision to the canonical model, as our results suggest that the mode of crossover resolution is biased in favor of cutting the DNA strands upon which DNA synthesis is occurring during formation of the joint molecule. The bias in junction resolution permitted us to examine the potential consequences of mismatch repair acting on the DNA breaks generated by junction cutting. The combination of biased junction resolution with both early and late rounds of mismatch repair can explain the marker patterns in the recombinants.  相似文献   

Li J  Baker MD 《Genetics》2000,154(3):1281-1289
We examined mechanisms of mammalian homologous recombination using a gene targeting assay in which the vector-borne region of homology to the chromosome bore small palindrome insertions that frequently escape mismatch repair when encompassed within heteroduplex DNA (hDNA). Our assay permitted the product(s) of each independent recombination event to be recovered for molecular analysis. The results revealed the following: (i) vector-borne double-strand break (DSB) processing usually did not yield a large double-strand gap (DSG); (ii) in 43% of the recombinants, the results were consistent with crossover at or near the DSB; and (iii) in the remaining recombinants, hDNA was an intermediate. The sectored (mixed) genotypes observed in 38% of the recombinants provided direct evidence for involvement of hDNA, while indirect evidence was obtained from the patterns of mismatch repair (MMR). Individual hDNA tracts were either long or short and asymmetric or symmetric on the one side of the DSB examined. Clonal analysis of the sectored recombinants revealed how vector-borne and chromosomal markers were linked in each strand of individual hDNA intermediates. As expected, vector-borne and chromosomal markers usually resided on opposite strands. However, in one recombinant, they were linked on the same strand. The results are discussed with particular reference to the double-strand-break repair (DSBR) model of recombination.  相似文献   

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