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We have recently demonstrated that the mitral valve anterior leaflet (MVAL) exhibited minimal hysteresis, no strain rate sensitivity, stress relaxation but not creep (Grashow et al., 2006, Ann Biomed Eng., 34(2), pp. 315-325; Grashow et al., 2006, Ann Biomed. Eng., 34(10), pp. 1509-1518). However, the underlying structural basis for this unique quasi-elastic mechanical behavior is presently unknown. As collagen is the major structural component of the MVAL, we investigated the relation between collagen fibril kinematics (rotation and stretch) and tissue-level mechanical properties in the MVAL under biaxial loading using small angle X-ray scattering. A novel device was developed and utilized to perform simultaneous measurements of tissue level forces and strain under a planar biaxial loading state. Collagen fibril D-period strain (epsilonD) and the fibrillar angular distribution were measured under equibiaxial tension, creep, and stress relaxation to a peak tension of 90 N/m. Results indicated that, under equibiaxial tension, collagen fibril straining did not initiate until the end of the nonlinear region of the tissue-level stress-strain curve. At higher tissue tension levels, epsilonD increased linearly with increasing tension. Changes in the angular distribution of the collagen fibrils mainly occurred in the tissue toe region. Using epsilonD, the tangent modulus of collagen fibrils was estimated to be 95.5+/-25.5 MPa, which was approximately 27 times higher than the tissue tensile tangent modulus of 3.58+/-1.83 MPa. In creep tests performed at 90 N/m equibiaxial tension for 60 min, both tissue strain and epsilonD remained constant with no observable changes over the test length. In contrast, in stress relaxation tests performed for 90 min epsilonD was found to rapidly decrease in the first 10 min followed by a slower decay rate for the remainder of the test. Using a single exponential model, the time constant for the reduction in collagen fibril strain was 8.3 min, which was smaller than the tissue-level stress relaxation time constants of 22.0 and 16.9 min in the circumferential and radial directions, respectively. Moreover, there was no change in the fibril angular distribution under both creep and stress relaxation over the test period. Our results suggest that (1) the MVAL collagen fibrils do not exhibit intrinsic viscoelastic behavior, (2) tissue relaxation results from the removal of stress from the fibrils, possibly by a slipping mechanism modulated by noncollagenous components (e.g. proteoglycans), and (3) the lack of creep but the occurrence of stress relaxation suggests a "load-locking" behavior under maintained loading conditions. These unique mechanical characteristics are likely necessary for normal valvular function.  相似文献   

Starting from enzyme kinetics, it is shown that generally a linear rather than a proportional relationship exists between rate and free energy changes in biochemical processes. In the derivation the boundary condition of constant substrate plus product is used, which is appropriate for many cellular systems. An example is the ADP plus ATP concentration in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation, as is illustrated experimentally.  相似文献   

We performed a repeated measures experiment to show that the pacing of a cyclic, ballistic drawing task has a fractal dimension. We also estimated the dimensionality of the force used to grip the drawing implement. Finally, we present an analysis of pediatric data to show that grip force has a fractal dimension in an actual handwriting task. In our experiment, subjects drew circles of varying sizes and at varying rates on a digitizing tablet, using a pen instrumented to measure radial force applied to its barrel. Subjects also drew circles in synchrony with a metronome. We found strong evidence for fractal scaling of both drawing period and grip force in the circle-drawing study. The dimensionality ranged from fractal Gaussian noise (fGn) to fractal Brownian motion, with Hurst coefficients clustering around the value for 1/f noise. When the subjects were required to synchronize their drawing with a metronome, the Hurst coefficient for the drawing period decreased, while the coefficient for grip force did not. This result indicates that independent processes control the variations in pacing and grip force. Grip force in the handwriting study also displayed fractal properties, with Hurst coefficients in the range of correlated fGn. We draw parallels between our handwriting measurements and studies of human gait.  相似文献   

Fall techniques that reduce fall severity may decrease the risk of hip fractures. A fundamental variable for fall severity is impact force, but impact velocity is also used. The purpose of the study was to determine whether impact velocity is valid to determine differences in fall severity between different techniques. Five young adults with martial arts (MA) experience performed sideways falls from kneeling height using three techniques: Block with arm (Block) and MA techniques with and without use of the arm to break the fall. In addition, one subject also performed MA falls from standing height. Linear regression analysis showed a moderate relation between hip impact velocity and force, which was depended on technique. In falls with comparable impact velocities, forces in MA falls were lower than forces in Block falls. Hence, differences in impact force could not be predicted by velocity. In conclusion, hip impact velocity may be useful to make an approximate prediction of impact force within fall techniques. However, to determine differences between techniques it was not always a valid predictor. When direct impact force measurements are not possible, methods combining impact velocity with energy estimates before and after impact might be more valid.  相似文献   

Terrestrial locomotion occurs via the hierarchical links between morphology, kinematics, force, and center-of-mass mechanics. In a phylogenetically broad sample of seven lizard species, we show that morphological variation drives kinematic variation, which, in turn, drives force variation. Species with short limbs use a short stride–high frequency strategy when running at steady-speed and to change speeds. This link between morphology and kinematics results in relatively small vertical forces during the support phase of the stride cycle. Conversely, species with long limbs use a long stride–low frequency strategy, resulting in large vertical forces during the support phase. In view of these findings, we suggest that limb length may predict locomotor energetics in lizards because energetics are largely determined by vertical forces and stride frequency. Additionally, we propose an energetic trade-off with both long- and short-limbed species paying the most energy to move, whereas intermediate-limbed species move using less energy. Finally, when these traits are mapped onto a lizard phylogeny, we show that locomotor functional morphology exhibits both deep phylogenetic effects and contemporary patterns of evolutionary convergence. Overall, the present study provides a foundation for testing hypotheses regarding the integration and evolution of functional traits in lizards and animals in general.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 97 , 634–651.  相似文献   

This study investigated synergistic actions of hand–pen contact forces during circle drawing tasks in three-dimensional (3D) space. Twenty-four right-handed participants drew thirty concentric circles in the counterclockwise (CCW) and clockwise (CW) directions. Three-dimensional forces acting on an instrumented pen as well as 3D linear and angular positions of the pen were recorded. These contact forces were then transformed into the 3D radial, tangential, and normal force components specific to circle drawing. Uncontrolled manifold (UCM) analysis was employed to calculate the magnitude of the hand–pen contact force synergy. Three hypotheses were tested. First, hand–pen contact force synergies during circle drawing are dependent on the angular position of the pen tip. Second, hand–pen contact force synergies are dependent on force components in circle drawing. Third, hand–pen contact force synergies are greater in CCW direction than CW direction. The results showed that the strength of the hand–pen contact force synergy increased during the initial phase of circle drawing and decreased during the final phase. The synergy strength was greater for the radial and tangential components as compared to the normal component. Also, the circle drawing in CW direction was associated with greater hand–pen contact force synergy than the CCW direction. The results of this study suggest that the central nervous system (CNS) prioritizes hand–pen contact force synergies for the force components (i.e., radial and tangential) that are critical for circle drawing. The CNS modulates hand–pen contact force synergies for preparation and conclusion of circle drawing, respectively.  相似文献   

The relations between force, shortening velocity and sarcomere length (F-V-SL) during cardiac contraction, underlie Starling's Law of the Heart. F-V-SL were investigated in isolated, intact and skinned trabeculae and myocytes from rat heart. SL and V were measured with laser diffraction techniques; F was measured with a silicon strain gauge. The "ascending" F-SL relation appeared to result from both length dependent sensitivity of the contractile system to activator calcium ions and the presence of restoring forces (Fr), residing in the collagen skeleton of the muscle. Fr increased exponentially with decreasing SL below slack length to 25% of maximal twitch force (Ft) at SL = 1.60 microns. V was inversely proportional to the load and attained a maximum at zero load (Vo). Vo increased with factors that increased F: [Ca++], SL, and time during the twitch. Vo reached a maximum and remained constant (13.5 microns/s) when F attained or exceeded 50% of its maximum value. Viscous force in the passive muscle increased with V to a maximum of 4% of Ft at V = 40 microns/s. The relation between Vo and these factors could be predicted by a model of contraction in which the measured visco-elastic properties of myocardium were incorporated, while the truly unloaded maximal velocity of sarcomere shortening was assumed to be independent of the level of activation of the contractile filaments. A model of the cardiac cycle which explains the relation between Frank's and Starling's laws is presented.  相似文献   

Arboreal lizards are extremely effective at moving in structurally complex habitats, including surfaces of varying diameter and incline. Chameleons exemplify this by exhibiting a number of morphological specializations for moving in these habitats, including the use of prehensile feet and tail to grasp branches. Despite their unique morphology and behaviour, little is known about how locomotor movements vary between species. In addition, some species, such as the Cape Dwarf Chameleon, Bradypodion pumilum, consist of two morphs that differ in ecology, morphology, and behaviour. The two morphs can be found in either closed canopy woodland habitat or relatively open fynbos habitat. The morph that occupies the woodland habitat tends to be larger and utilizes larger diameter perches. Although their ecological and morphological divergence is established, whether this translates into differences in three‐dimensional kinematics of locomotion is not known. Given the potentially strong selective pressures from structurally different habitats, kinematic differences might reveal the functional basis of incipient speciation. We determined that the two morphs diverge significantly in multidimensional kinematic space, and that this occurs for the forelimb and hindlimb independently. These differences outweigh the effects of substrate within each morph, although the differences between morphs were more pronounced on the vertical treatments.  相似文献   

Joint range of motion and physical capacities have been shown to change with age in both throwing athletes and non-athletes. The age of professional baseball pitchers could span from late teens to mid-40s. However, the effects of age on the pitching kinematics among professional baseball pitchers are still unknown. In this study, 67 healthy professional baseball pitchers were tested using a 3D motion analysis system. Their mean age was 23.7+/-3.3 years (range 18.8-34.4). The 12 pitchers more than one standard deviation older than the mean (i.e., older than 27.0 years) were categorized into the older group, and the 10 pitchers more than one standard deviation younger than the mean (i.e., younger than 20.4 years) were defined as the younger group. In all, 18 kinematic variables (14 position and 4 velocity) were calculated, and Student's t-tests were used to compare the variables between the two groups. Six position variables were found to be significantly different between the two groups. At the instant of lead foot contact, the older group had a shorter stride, a more closed pelvis orientation, and a more closed upper trunk orientation. The older group also produced less shoulder external rotation during the arm cocking phase, more lead knee flexion at ball release, and less forward trunk tilt at ball release. Ball velocity and body segment velocity variables showed no significant differences between the two groups. Thus, differences in specific pitching kinematic variables among professional baseball pitchers of different age groups were not associated with significant differences in ball velocities between groups. The current results suggest that both biological changes and technique adaptations occur during the career of a professional baseball pitcher.  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of the underlying biomechanical processes during handwriting is needed to accurately guide clinical interventions. To date, quantitative measurement of such biomechanical processes has largely excluded measurements of the forces exerted radially on the barrel of the writing utensil (grip forces) and how they vary over time during a handwriting task. An instrumented writing utensil was deployed for a direct measurement of kinematic and temporal information during a writing task, as well as forces exerted on the writing surface and on the barrel of the pen. The writing utensil was used by a cohort of 35 students (19 males), 16 in first grade and 19 in second grade, as they performed the Minnesota Handwriting Assessment (MHA) test. Quantitative grip force variability measures were computed and tested as correlates of handwriting legibility, form, and strokes. Grip force variability was shown to correlate strongly with handwriting quality, in particular for students classified by the MHA as nonproficient writers. More specifically, static grip force patterns were shown to result in poor handwriting quality and in greater variation in handwriting stroke durations. Grip force variability throughout the writing task was shown to be significantly lower for nonproficient writers (t-test, p<0.01) while the number of strokes and per-stroke durations were shown to be higher (p<0.03). The results suggest that grip force dynamics play a key role in determining handwriting quality and stroke characteristics. In particular, students with writing difficulties exhibited more static grip force patterns, lower legibility and form scores, as well as increased variation in stroke durations. These findings shed light on the underlying processes of handwriting and grip force modulation and may help to improve intervention planning.  相似文献   

鹭与蚊之间的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李永新  刘喜悦 《生态学报》1983,3(4):366-366
1960年在宜昌市桃花岭发现一个由池鹭(Ardeola bacchus)、小白鹭(Egretta garzetta garzetta)、夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax nycticorax)组成的大鹭群,前者占优势,小白鹭次之,夜鹭较少。 在我们观察前二者繁殖习性时发现在池鹭和白鹭育雏期间,恰是蚊类活跃盛期,当雏鸟留巢时,观察到吸血蚊类经常飞至雏鸟巢中或绕巢飞行,为了探明蚊类与鹭之间的关系,特决定以留巢雏鸟进行诱蚊试验,从6月28日至8月7日,分别以小白鹭、池鹭孵出之不满20日龄的雏鸟为诱饵,置诱饵雏鸟一只于方  相似文献   

The relationship between force and focal complex development   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
To adhere and migrate, cells must be capable of applying cytoskeletal force to the extracellular matrix (ECM) through integrin receptors. However, it is unclear if connections between integrins and the ECM are immediately capable of transducing cytoskeletal contraction into migration force, or whether engagement of force transmission requires maturation of the adhesion. Here, we show that initial integrin-ECM adhesions become capable of exerting migration force with the recruitment of vinculin, a marker for focal complexes, which are precursors of focal adhesions. We are able to induce the development of focal complexes by the application of mechanical force to fibronectin receptors from inside or outside the cell, and we are able to extend focal complex formation to vitronectin receptors by the removal of c-Src. These results indicate that cells use mechanical force as a signal to strengthen initial integrin-ECM adhesions into focal complexes and regulate the amount of migration force applied to individual adhesions at localized regions of the advancing lamella.  相似文献   

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