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Cell-free extracts of human lymphocytes activated by PHA contain a cytotoxin that kills mouse L cells. Such cells elaborate two different kinds of toxins into the culture supernatant fluids, called α- and β-lymphotoxin (-LT), which differ in size, stability, and antigenicity. The amount of intracellular toxin is 1 to 24% of that found in supernatants of different tonsil donors. Equal amounts of intracellular toxin appear in both microsomal fraction (100,000g pellet) and soluble supernatant fractions of the cell-free extracts (CFE). The toxin can be solubilized from the membrane by digestion with papain or extraction with a nonionic detergent, but not by repeated sonication. The molecular weight of both the microsomal and soluble cellular cytotoxin is 45,000 ± 5000. The intracellular toxin differs from the extracellular toxins secreted by the same cells in two major characteristics: one, although its size approximates that of supernatant β-LT (and is smaller than the 76,000 Mr α-LT), antibody-inhibiting α-LT but not β-LT inhibits both the microsomal and soluble CFE-LT. Two, the intracellular LT does not display the charge heterogeneity so characteristic of supernatant α-LT. Supernatant α-LT and CFE-LT are similar in their patterns of inactivation by heating to 80 °C and treatments with sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), guanidine, proteases, and heavy metal ions, and are similarly unaffected by treatment with 8 M urea, N-ethylmaleimide, and sodium periodate. These results suggest that the single polypeptide intracellular LT is the precursor of the more complex secreted α-LT molecule.  相似文献   

Two different lymphotoxins synthesized by human blood lymphocytes stimulated with phytohemagglutin (PHA) are described. The two toxins are called alpha-LT and beta-LT relative to their elution order on gel chromatography. Their m.w. are 75,000 and 45,000 daltons, respectively. Both toxins appear as early as 7 hr after the addition of PHA, with the amount of beta-toxin exceeding that of alpha-LT initially. Both toxins are differentiated from a third toxin (adherent cell toxin, ACT) made by plastic-adherent cells without requiring mitogen-stimulation. Depletion of macrophages or B cells does not affect the synthesis of either lymphotoxin. Monospecific antisera were elicited to alpha-LT. Antisera elicited to beta-LT also neutralized alpha-LT but to a significantly lesser degree. Alpha-LT appears to be the lymphotoxin described by most other workers. Beta-LT is unstable at 37 degrees C which may explain why the low m.w. lymphotoxin has not been described previously.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic activity of unsaturated fatty acids to lymphocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytotoxic activities of unsaturated fatty acids against lymphocytes were studied by demonstrating the inhibition of RNA synthetic activity of incubated lymphocytes. In general, the cytotoxic activity of fatty acids increases with decreasing number of carbon atoms and increasing number of double bonds. An empirical formula predicting the degree of impairment of lymphocytes by various fatty acids was proposed. Furthermore, protective effects of serum on cytotoxic actions of unsaturated fatty acids to lymphocytes were studied and the significance of these findings was discussed.  相似文献   

We have cloned lines of IL 2-dependent human T cells derived from alloantigen, soluble antigen (tetanus toxoid), mitogen, or IL 2-stimulated peripheral blood lymphocytes and characterized their surface marker expression and cytolytic activity. The surface phenotype and cytolytic function was compared with the ability of these T cell clones to release cytotoxic lymphokines in response to mitogenic lectins. The cytotoxins released by these CTL clones were detected on the murine L929 target cells in a 16-hr assay. All of the T cell clones, whether stimulated by HLA alloantigens, tetanus toxoid, or mitogens, exhibited killer cell activity and the capacity to secrete a soluble cytotoxin(s). Specific polyclonal antisera to recombinant human tumor necrosis factor (rTNF) and human alpha-lymphotoxin (alpha LT) were unable to neutralize the cytotoxic activity released by most of these CTL clones. These results indicate that human CTL produce a novel antigenic form(s) of cytotoxin that we have termed CTL-toxin. Supernatants from several CTL clones yielded a cytotoxic activity that was partially neutralized (10 to 40%) by saturating levels of anti-TNF (but not anti-alpha LT) indicating that human CTL may be capable of producing a TNF-like molecule. Only two out of 60 CTL clones studied thus far produced a cytotoxic activity that was partially neutralized by anti-alpha LT (20 to 40%). Collectively, these results suggest that although both the CD4 and the CD8 subpopulations of human cytotoxic T cells may be capable of releasing several types of cytotoxins in response to mitogenic signals, the predominant cytotoxin is distinct from alpha LT and TNF.  相似文献   

Seven patients with a clinical diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis (IM) and detectable heterophil antibodies were found to have peripheral blood lymphocytes that were cytotoxic for lymphoid cells containing Epstein-Barr virus from a patient with Burkitt''s lymphoma. The cytotoxic lymphocytes persisted in the peripheral circulation for up to 45 days. Patients who had had IM 1 to 5 years previously lacked such cytotoxic lymphocytes. Patients who had signs and symptoms of IM but no detectable heterophil antibodies lacked cytotoxic lymphocytes. The lymphocytes of one patient with IM showed progressive diminution of cytotoxic ability after prednisone treatment.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood lymphocytes from MS patients and from healthy control donors were compared for their ability to mediate spontaneous and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. They were also compared for their ability to respond to infection with various strains of measles and sSPE viruses with interferon production and enhanced NK activity. Neither SLMC nor ADCC against several different target cells was found to be impaired in the MS population. Furthermore, no defect was detected in the response of patients' lymphocytes to virus challenge in vitro in terms of both activation of NK cells and interferon production. Enhanced NK activity was also induced by an exogenous interferon preparation and by Poly I:C to the same extent in patients and controls.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity and T cell receptor (TCR) V repertoire in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) of three primary adrenal cell carcinomas were analyzed. Fresh, non-cultured TIL from two of the three tumors showed low but significant lysis of the autologous tumor, and for one of the patients this activity was strongly enhanced upon culture in interleukin-2. An allogeneic adrenal cell carcinoma line and the K562 or Daudi targets included as controls were not killed. Phenotypic analysis of freshly isolated TIL demonstrated that the cells from the two patients that demonstrated cytolytic capacity mainly consisted of CD45RO+ T cells. In vitro cultured TIL lines from these patients demonstrated a high percentage of CD8+ cells expressing either the V6 gene or the V8 gene product, as measured with a panel of mAb specific for TCR V and V gene products. Analysis of the TCR V gene mRNA expression in freshly isolated non-cultured TIL, using a polymerase-chain-reaction-assisted cDNA-amplification assay, confirmed the strong expression of the genes coding for the TCR V6 or the V8. This assay also demonstrated a more restricted TCR V gene usage in the TIL as compared to peripheral blood lymphocytes from the same patient.This study was supported by the Swedish Cancer Society and by the Cancer Society in Stockholm  相似文献   

Infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) induces potent cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response. Their level of activity is often extraordinary high, which in the presence of normal precursor levels suggests that effector CTL may be overstimulated and terminally differentiated. Late in HIV infection the CTL response declines. Possible mechanisms for this are discussed, including clonal exhaustion, lack of T cell help and virus escape by mutations involving epitope sequences. Evidence for the last is presented. Such escape potential implies that CTL are important in controlling the virus infection and that HLA type could have an effect on outcome. Escape mutation also has implications for vaccine design.  相似文献   

The cell type predominantly infected by maedi-visna virus (MVV) is the macrophage, and we have looked at the ability of MVV-infected macrophages to interact with cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), important effector cells against virus infections. MVV-specific CTL precursors were detected, after in vitro culture with MVV antigen and recombinant human interleukin-2, in peripheral blood lymphocytes of all MVV-infected sheep. MVV-infected monocyte-derived macrophages and alveolar macrophages were able to stimulate CTL activity in vitro and were targets for these activated CTL. The major effector cell population using MVV-infected macrophage targets was CD8+ lymphocytes, although another population, lymphokine-activated killer cells, may also have been involved. There was no direct cytotoxic activity found in alveolar lymphocytes from MVV-infected sheep without lung lesions.  相似文献   

Production of alpha-lymphotoxin by human T-cell subsets   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human T cells were isolated from peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and sensitized to allogeneic PBL in a one-way mixed-lymphocyte culture. These sensitized T cells were fractionated on the basis of their possession of Fc receptors for IgG (TG+) or IgM (TM+), or the absence of both IgG and IgM receptors (TG-M-). When restimulated with alloantigen of the same derivation, TG+, TM+, and TG-M- cells yielded almost equal amounts of cytotoxin. Anti-alpha-lymphotoxin serum neutralized most of this cytotoxic activity indicating that alpha-lymphotoxin (alpha-LT) constituted most of this activity. Although TG-M- cells function as effectors in allogeneic cytotoxicity, TG+ cells lyse IgG-coated targets in an antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxic (ADCC) reaction, which has been shown to be mediated in part by alpha-LT. Whether TM+ cells can be cytotoxic is not clear. In addition, freshly isolated human T-cell subsets were stimulated with phytohemagglutinin-P (PHA-P). After PHA stimulation, TG+, TM+, and TG-M- cells produced similar amounts of soluble cytotoxin, which was largely neutralized by anti-alpha-LT. The TG+ cells incorporated less thymidine than the TM+ or TG-M- cells. Likewise, OKT4+ and OKT8+ subsets, isolated with the aid of monoclonal OKT8 or OKT4 antibody and complement, yielded lymphotoxin after stimulation with PHA. It is shown that all T-cell subsets, as defined here, can produce lymphotoxin. Furthermore, depending on the assay system, cytotoxicity can be clearly demonstrated in all of these subsets, except in TM+ cells, where positive and negative results have been reported.  相似文献   

The series of 2,4-dihydroxy-6-methylbenzoates 2-10 (methyl to hexyl orsellinates) prepared by alcoholysis of lecanoric acid (1)--a natural product from the lichen Parmotrema tinctorum (Nyl.) Hale - was submitted to the brine shrimp lethality test (BST), which was also performed for 2,4-dihydroxy-6-methylbenzoic acid (11) (orsellinic acid) and the derivative ethyl-2-hydroxy-4-methoxy-6-methylbenzoate (12) (4-methoxy-ethyl orsellinate), in order to detect new substances with probable antineoplasic activity. Results showed that chain elongation--increase in lipophilicity (log P)--causes a rise in the cytotoxic activity of orsellinates. Hexyl orsellinate (7) showed the highest cytotoxic activity (LC50 = 31 microM). A correlation between lipophilicity (log P) and cytotoxic activity (log 1/LC50) is presented. Compounds with ramified chains--iso-propyl, sec-butyl and tert-butyl orsellinates (8-10)--were less active than those with the correspondent linear chain. The activities presented by 4-methoxy-ethyl orsellinate (12) and ethyl orsellinate (3) suggest that the hydroxy group at the C-4 position causes effect in the cytotoxic activity of orsellinates against Artemia salina.  相似文献   

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