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Development of efficient methods for synthesis of oligonucleotides and oligonucleotide analogs has opened up the possibility of designing a broad spectrum of affinity reagents for specific modification of nucleic acids and proteins. These affinity reagents are used for investigation of the topology of ribosomes and nucleic acid polymerases. Oligonucleotides and their analogs are already used for suppression of specific gene expression and for elucidation of the physiological role of their products. Oligonucleotide derivatives appear to offer considerable promise as potential gene-targeted drugs such as antivirals and specific inhibitors of oncogene expression.  相似文献   

This study reports on the synthesis of two fluorescent analogues of thymopentin (TP-5; Arg-Lys-Asp-Val-Tyr). A fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled analogue (FITC-TP-5) and a stilbene isothiocyanate labeled analogue (SITS-TP-5) were extensively purified by ion-exchange and gel filtration chromatography. Characterization of the coupling site through amino acid analysis, dansylation and N-terminal cleavage of the fluorescent amino acid yielded results which indicated that both were mono-labeled analogues derivatized at the N-terminal. These analogues were shown to be TP-5-like in nature by their ability to induce the expression of the Thy 1.2 surface marker on nude mouse prothymocytes in both in vivo and in vitro assays. In addition, these analogues were able to inhibit the specific binding of radiolabeled TP-5 to human lymphocytes. Initial studies describing the interaction of FITC-TP-5 with human lymphocytes are shown.  相似文献   

Biotinyl analogues of rat amylin were synthesised with sulfosuccinimidyl 2-(biotinamido) ethyl-1,3-dithiopropionate (NHS-SS-Biotin). Biotinylated amylin peptides were purified by HPLC, quantitated, and the presence of the biotin group at Lys-1 confirmed by peroxidase-labelled avidin and FAB mass spectroscopy. Amylin-biotin retained a similar affinity for binding to rat liver plasma membranes compared with rat amylin and also completely inhibited insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis in rat soleus muscle incubated in vitro. These biologically active amylin probes will enable a complete analysis of amylin/CGRP receptor expression in various cell types and facilitate the isolation and characterisation of the hormone-receptor complex.  相似文献   

Biotinyl analogues of [Arg8]vasopressin were synthesized with the biotinyl moiety at position 4. This involved the substitution of 2, 4-diaminobutyric acid (Dab) for Gln4 in [1-deamino-Arg8]vasopressin to give the parent peptide des-[Dab4,Arg8]vasopressin. Two biotinyl analogues with different spacers between the side chain of Dab4 and the biotinyl residue were then prepared and characterized in detail. The analogues retained high binding affinities for the V2-receptor in both bovine kidney membranes and LLC-PK1 renal epithelial cells and for the V1-receptor in rat liver membranes. Both analogues were as potent as [Arg8] vasopressin in stimulating the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and the production of urokinase-type plasminogen activator in LLC-PK1 cells, with concentration dependence consistent with receptor binding affinities. Avidin or streptavidin did not appear to reduce receptor binding or biological activity of the biotinyl analogues. The use of the biotinylated vasopressin analogue des-[Dab-(biotinylamido)hexanoyl4, Arg8]vasopressin together with fluorescein-labeled streptavidin as a fluorescent probe for the V2-receptor in LLC-PK1 cells demonstrated the following: 1) Specific binding of the biotinyl analogue shown by quantitative single-cell fluorescence measurements using the technique of fluorescence microphotolysis; 2) the V2-receptor visualized by fluorescence microscopy; and 3) the expression of the V2-receptor detected by flow cytometry.  相似文献   

A constant-current microelectrolytic radioiodination method was used to label bovine parathyroid hormone (BPTH) with 125I to an overall iodination ratio of 1:1 iodide atoms per PTH molecule. Such iodinated preparations were shown to be fully active in several bioassay systems: in vitro adenylate cyclase activation in rat renal and skeletal membranes, in vitro calcium release from rat calvaria, and the in vivo hypercalcemic response in chickens. Analysis by Sephadex G-15 chromatography after enzymatic digestion showed the radioiodine to be incorporated predominantly as monoiodotyrosine. Bioassay of iodinated preparations from which uniodinated hormone had been removed by isoelectric focusing showed essentially full hormonal activity. Such methods can be used to consistently produce radioiodinated biologically active preparations of BPTH 1–84 with high specific activity (2000 Ci/mmol).  相似文献   

C J Hsu Chen  M Sonenberg 《Biochemistry》1977,16(10):2110-2118
Conformations of bovine growth hormone active fragments were studied using far ultraviolet circular dichroism and intrinsic fluorescence emission spectroscopy. The small fragment, A-II (segment 96-133 of bovine growth hormone), undergoes a helix to random coil structural transition between pH 5 and 10 (pKa = 7.15). At pH9, the random coil state of A-II reverts back to helix conformation as ionic strength increases from 0.01 to 1. The A-II fluorophore, Tyr-110, is quenched by a neighboring carboxyl group of Glu-111, but is only slightly affected by the secondary structural transition. The large fragment, A-I (segments 1-95 and 134-191, connected via a disulfide linkage, of bovine growth hormone), is a rigidly structured molecule with a large amount of beta-sheet structure. Trp-86 of A-I was found to reside in an aromatic and hydrophobic amino acid cluster which is only destroyed by a high concentration of denaturant. Based on the primary sequence of bovine growth hormone, conformation predictions were made using the Chou-Fasman method ((1974) Biochemistry 13, 222). Bovine growth hormone helical structures are predicted to be in segments 10-34, 66-87, 111-127, and 186-191, beta-Sheet structures are predicted to be in segments 45-54, 90-94, 101-105, 136-142, 161-165, and 174-179. Tetrapeptides 37-40, 41-44, 60-63, 129-132, 146-149, and 156-159 were predicted to be beta turns. The prediction scheme confirmed several spectroscopic observations, but it did not completely explain the behavior of bovine growth hormone peptide fragments.  相似文献   

Use of nucleotide photoaffinity probes to study hormone action   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It has been clearly shown that the action of several hormones is differentially mediated intracellularly by nucleotides containing either adenosine or guanosine base units. To study the protein-nucleotide interactions involved in several complex biological systems our laboratory has synthesized several 8-azido-adenosine (8-N3 A) and 8-azidoguanosine (8-N3 G) derivatives of naturally occurring nucleotides. Modification of the nucleotides in the 8-position of the purine ring was done because: a) 8-substituted derivatives of cAMP and cGMP activated their respective protein kinases at physiological concentrations and were much less susceptible to hydrolysis by specific phosphodiesterases (PDE's) and b) substitution at the 8-position was much less likely to disturb the preferential and selective binding of adenosine versus guanosine nucleotides by enzymes that are specifically regulated by such interactions. This would allow studies of guanosine nucleotide specific binding in the presence of both adenosine nucleotides and adenosine nucleotide binding proteins, and vice-versa. In general, such has been the case and [32P] 8-N3 cAMP and [32P] 8-N3 cGMP have been used effectively to study their respectively activated protein kinases in several systems. Also, [32P] 8-N3 ATP has been used to study several ATPases and kinases while [gamma 32P] 8-N3 GTP has been shown effective for studies on tubulin and the G-regulatory protein (G/N) of adenylyl cyclase (A.C.). Several observations suggest that there must be important physical and energetic tie-ins between external hormone binding and the loading and unloading of specific internal nucleotide binding sites. These binding sites may be activator signals for protein kinases (e.g., cAMP protein kinase regulatory subunit), or cyclases (e.g., G/N proteins of A.C.) or catalytic sites involved in the production or hydrolysis of cyclic nucleotides. The thrust of this article is to detail the use of 8-azidopurine photoaffinity analogs of ATP, GTP, cAMP and cGMP as they may be used to study hormone-mediated events which may or may not involve cyclic nucleotides as a second messenger.  相似文献   

Steroid hormones mostly act via nuclear receptors. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), pregnenolone (PREG) and their sulphate(s), classically known only as hormonal precursors, are also neurosteroidal efficacious signals, modulating neurotransmitter receptor function at the membrane level. An additional unforeseen mechanism of steroid action is reported here: PREG binds to neural microtubule-associated protein MAP2 and increases both the rate and extent of tubulin polymerization studied in vitro with purified tubulin and MAP2, forming microtubules of normal electron microscopic appearance. Progesterone and PREGS also bind to MAP2, but counteract PREG activity. In cultured neurons, PREG specifically increased immunostaining by an antiMAP2 monoclonal antibody and its extension into neurites. This novel mechanism may play a role in regulating microtubule formation and dynamics, which are altered in brain ageing and diseases.  相似文献   

Xenopus oocytes have been shown to faithfully translate, process, and secrete a number of secretory proteins after the injection of heterologous mRNAs. The oocyte has the capacity to perform a variety of posttranslational protein modifications but has been reported to be incapable of carrying out certain two-step cleavages which proceed via propeptide intermediates. We examined the ability of the oocyte to process preproPTH after the injection of parathyroid mRNA. Microinjected oocytes secreted material which could be detected in a sensitive cytochemical bioassay for PTH. This activity paralleled that of the PTH standard in the assay and was entirely eliminated by a competitive inhibitor of PTH binding, by preincubation with an anti-PTH antiserum, and by coinjecting oocytes with an oligonucleotide mixture complementary to PTH sequences. Immunoprecipitable proPTH and PTH were present in oocyte homogenates, but oocyte-conditioned medium contained only mature PTH(1-84). We conclude that the Xenopus oocyte is capable of accurately processing preproPTH to the mature secretory form of the peptide.  相似文献   

Guinea pig antisera to human growth hormone were tested for their ability to recognize the two biologically active fragments of the hormone produced by human plasmin digestion and a synthetic active fragment. A precipitin line was obtained with native human growth hormone, plasmin-treated human growth hormone, and its NH2-terminal fragment (residues 1–134). In the microcomplement-fixation and radioimmunoassay experiments, the NH2-terminal plasmin fragment (residues 1–134) showed a greater immunoreactivity than the COOH-terminal plasmin fragment (residues 141–191). This, in turn, was more active than the synthetic fragment (residues 95–136).  相似文献   

This review describes the various manifestations of the pyrimidine system (alkylated, glycosylated, benzo-annelated.). These comprise pyrimidine nucleosides as well as alkaloids and antibiotics--some of them have been discovered and isolated from natural sources already long time ago, others have been reported very recently. A short overview on pyrimidine syntheses (prebiotic synthesis, biosynthesis, and metabolism) is given. The biological activities of most of the pyrimidine analogs are briefly described, and, in some cases, syntheses are formulated.  相似文献   

Cleavage of parathyroid hormone (PTH) by isolated Kupffer cells from rat liver was examined. Iodinated PTH labeled at position 43 was converted into two radioactive fragments which were shown by Edman degradation to have residues 35 and 38 as their NH2 termini. Cleavage at these positions is characteristic of cathepsin D. Amino-terminal fragments were detected by bioassay of fractions obtained by high performance liquid chromatography. These fragments eluted in positions characteristic of the 1-34 and 1-37 peptides also previously shown to be produced by purified cathepsin D. The putative 1-37 fragment was rapidly converted to 1-34 upon digestion with cathepsin D, whereas the putative 1-34 fragment was not further digested by this enzyme, behavior previously shown to be characteristic of 1-37 and 1-34 bovine PTH. Fragmentation of PTH as measured by generation of fragments soluble in trichloroacetic acid was inhibited by methylamine, monensin, and ammonium chloride. In addition, monensin significantly inhibited production of both carboxyl- and amino-terminal fragments. Finally, active PTH fragments were also produced by elicited peritoneal macrophages. It is concluded that Kupffer cells, and other macrophages, can produce active fragments of PTH which appear in the medium. These fragments may be generated by cathepsin D within the cells.  相似文献   

Hepcidin is a liver produced cysteine-rich peptide hormone that acts as the central regulator of body iron metabolism. Hepcidin is synthesized under the form of a precursor, prohepcidin, which is processed to produce the biologically active mature 25 amino acid peptide. This peptide is secreted and acts by controlling the concentration of the membrane iron exporter ferroportin on intestinal enterocytes and macrophages. Hepcidin binds to ferroportin, inducing its internalization and degradation, thus regulating the export of iron from cells to plasma. The aim of the present study was to develop a novel method to produce human and mouse recombinant hepcidins, and to compare their biological activity towards their natural receptor ferroportin. Hepcidins were expressed in Escherichia coli as thioredoxin fusion proteins. The corresponding peptides, purified after cleavage from thioredoxin, were properly folded and contained the expected four-disulfide bridges without the need of any renaturation or oxidation steps. Human and mouse hepcidins were found to be biologically active, promoting ferroportin degradation in macrophages. Importantly, biologically inactive aggregated forms of hepcidin were observed depending on purification and storage conditions, but such forms were unrelated to disulfide bridge formation.  相似文献   

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