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We focused on land units as landscape characteristics and selected seven typical land units on a land catena comprising two areas of southern Mongolia. Hierarchical analysis was used to test the hypothesis that a land unit’s edaphic factors could explain the differences in vegetation responses to grazing. We established the survey sites at increasing distances from a livestock camp or water point within each land unit, then analysed patterns of change in floristic and functional compositions, vegetation volume and soil properties within each land unit to reveal differences in vegetation responses to grazing. We also examined the variations in floristic and functional compositions across land units to identify the edaphic factors that may underlie these differences. Changes in vegetation and soil properties at increasing distances from a camp or water point within each land unit were into three different patterns. Ordination techniques consistently indicated that land unit groups categorised using edaphic factors corresponded to those categorised using response patterns. Our study revealed that edaphic factors were responsible for the observed landscape-scale differences in vegetation responses to grazing in the study areas. In addition, the mechanisms underlying vegetation responses to grazing may have been primarily determined by edaphic factors.  相似文献   

Current methods for estimating past climatic patterns from pollen data require that the vegetation be in dynamic equilibrium with the climate. Because climate varies continuously on all time scales, judgement about equilibrium conditions must be made separately for each frequency band (i.e. time scale) of climatic change. For equilibrium conditions to exist between vegetation and climatic changes at a particular time scale, the climatic response time of the vegetation must be small compared to the time scale of climatic variation to which it is responding. The time required for vegetation to respond completely to climatic forcing at a time scale of 104 yr is still unknown, but records of the vegetational response to climatic events of 500-to 1000-yr duration provide evidence for relatively short response times. Independent estimates for the possible patterns and timing of late-Quaternary climate changes suggest that much of the vegetational evidence previously interpreted as resulting from disequilibrium conditions can instead be interpreted as resulting from the individualistic response of plant taxa to the different regional patterns of temperature and precipitation change. The differences among taxa in their response to climate can lead a) to rates and direction of plant-population movements that differ among taxa and b) to fossil assemblages that differ from any modern assemblage. An example of late-Holocene vegetational change in southern Quebec illustrates how separate changes in summer and winter climates may explain the simultaneous expansion of spruce (Picea) populations southward and beech (Fagus) populations northward.  相似文献   

Many ecological phenomena combine to direct vegetation trends over time, with climate and disturbance playing prominent roles. To help decipher their relative importance during Euro‐American times, we employed a unique approach whereby tree species/genera were partitioned into temperature, shade tolerance, and pyrogenicity classes and applied to comparative tree‐census data. Our megadata analysis of 190 datasets determined the relative impacts of climate vs. altered disturbance regimes for various biomes across the eastern United States. As the Euro‐American period (ca. 1500 to today) spans two major climatic periods, from Little Ice Age to the Anthropocene, vegetation changes consistent with warming were expected. In most cases, however, European disturbance overrode regional climate, but in a manner that varied across the Tension Zone Line. To the north, intensive and expansive early European disturbance resulted in the ubiquitous loss of conifers and large increases of Acer, Populus, and Quercus in northern hardwoods, whereas to the south, these disturbances perpetuated the dominance of Quercus in central hardwoods. Acer increases and associated mesophication in Quercus‐Pinus systems were delayed until mid 20th century fire suppression. This led to significant warm to cool shifts in temperature class where cool‐adapted Acer saccharum increased and temperature neutral changes where warm‐adapted Acer rubrum increased. In both cases, these shifts were attributed to fire suppression rather than climate change. Because mesophication is ongoing, eastern US forests formed during the catastrophic disturbance era followed by fire suppression will remain in climate disequilibrium into the foreseeable future. Overall, the results of our study suggest that altered disturbance regimes rather than climate had the greatest influence on vegetation composition and dynamics in the eastern United States over multiple centuries. Land‐use change often trumped or negated the impacts of warming climate, and needs greater recognition in climate change discussions, scenarios, and model interpretations.  相似文献   

Rainfall distribution and the soil moisture regime have been recognized to be the key drivers of the phenological rhythms in Sahelian woody plants, although different climate triggers have been assumed to be involved in determining the date of the onset of the phenophase. However, almost no comparisons have been made of the actual relative predictive power of these environmental factors. The aim of our study was to quantify the ability of several factors to predict phenophase occurrence in the dominant woody populations of northern Mali. Canopy leafing, flowering and fruiting were monitored from May 2005 to July 2007. Multiple logistic regressions were used to test the predictive power of cumulative rainfall, soil moisture, air temperature, air humidity and day length, with time lags of up to 2 months. Artificial variables derived from time lags observed in phenophases were included as predictors to account for possible auto-correlation and cross-correlation among phenophases. Surprisingly, a decrease in temperature associated with different time lags was most often found to be the strongest predictor of both leafing and reproductive phenophases. In Sahelian shrubs, morphological and physiological adaptations strongly contribute to the relative independence of their activity from water availability, leaf phenology being a way to adjust the plant water balance to current water availability and atmospheric water content. This study provides insight towards the development of a mechanistic understanding of phenological control in the Sahel, which is becoming increasingly important in the context of expected climate changes.  相似文献   

Phenology controls the seasonal activities of vegetation on land surfaces and thus plays a fundamental role in regulating photosynthesis and other ecosystem processes. Therefore, accurately simulating phenology and soil processes is critical to ecosystem and climate modeling. In this study, we present an integrated ecosystem model of plant productivity, plant phenology, and the soil freeze–thaw process to (1) improve the quality of simulations of soil thermal regimes and (2) estimate the seasonal variability of plant phenology and its effects on plant productivity in high-altitude seasonal frozen regions. We tested different model configurations and parameterizations, including a refined soil stratification scheme that included unfrozen water in frozen soil, a remotely sensed diagnostic phenology scheme, and a modified prognostic phenology scheme, to describe the seasonal variation in vegetation. After refined soil layering resolution and the inclusion of unfrozen water in frozen soil, the results show that the model adequately reproduced the soil thermal regimes and their interactions observed at the site. The inclusion of unfrozen water in frozen soil was found to have a significant effect on soil moisture simulation during the spring but only a small effect on soil temperature simulation at this site. Moreover, the performance of improved phenology schemes was good. The phenology model accurately predicted the start and end of phenology, and its precise prediction of phenology variation allows an improved simulation of vegetation production.  相似文献   

Climate change can not only increase the exposure of organisms to higher temperatures but can also drive phenological shifts that alter their susceptibility to conditions at the onset of breeding cycles. Organisms rely on climatic cues to time annual life cycle events, but the extent to which climate change has altered cue reliability remains unclear. Here, we examined the risk of a “climate trap”—a climatically driven desynchronization of the cues that determine life cycle events and fitness later in the season in a temperate reptile, the European adder (Vipera berus). During the winter, adders hibernate underground, buffered against subzero temperatures, and re‐emerge in the spring to reproduce. We derived annual spring‐emergence trends between 1983 and 2017 from historical observations in Cornwall, UK, and related these trends to the microclimatic conditions that adders experienced. Using a mechanistic microclimate model, we computed below‐ and near‐ground temperatures to derive accumulated degree‐hour and absolute temperature thresholds that predicted annual spring‐emergence timing. Trends in annual‐emergence timing and subsequent exposure to ground frost were then quantified. We found that adders have advanced their phenology toward earlier emergence. Earlier emergence was associated with increased exposure to ground frost and, contradicting the expected effects of macroclimate warming, increased post‐emergence exposure to ground frost at some locations. The susceptibility of adders to this “climate trap” was related to the rate at which frost risk diminishes relative to advancement in phenology, which depends on the seasonality of climate. We emphasize the need to consider exposure to changing microclimatic conditions when forecasting biological impacts of climate change.  相似文献   

Leaves from 24 South African vegetation sites, including 3 Fynbos sites, exhibiting high levels of endemism, were assessed by both LMA (Leaf Margin Analysis) and CLAMP (Climate Leaf Multivariate Program) to determine the effect of endemism on these palaeoclimate proxies. We examined whether existing calibrations using either locally recorded climate data or globally gridded climate data are appropriate for South Africa, or whether new calibrations specific to the region provide more accurate results. The results suggest that calibrations using gridded data yield slightly cooler estimates using LMA when the percentage of entire margined species is over 25. Overall, however, the differences are small and both gridded and local climate station calibration data can be used with equal accuracy. Xeric sites differ from mesic sites regarding the relationship between leaf margin proportion (LMP) and MAT, but with the exception of Fynbos sites, the differences are small when the percentage of entire margined species is < 65. Fynbos sites plot up to 8 °C cooler for a given leaf margin percentage (LMP) than do other sites. LMA was also sensitive to the number of taxa scored and in general should not be attempted on less than 15 leaf morphotypes per site. For CLAMP, the African non-Fynbos sites plotted within the parameters characterized by the existing PHYSG3BRC data set, indicating that they had a leaf physiognomic response to climate consistent with that of the rest of the world. However, the African non-Fynbos sites did fill a previously unoccupied void within that space, indicating the existence of a regional variance from the global pattern. This suggests that endemism per se does not prevent CLAMP from yielding reliable climate predictions. The inclusion of African non-Fynbos sites into the calibration improved the ability of CLAMP to predict Fynbos site climate, although this remained poor for non-coastal xeromorphic Fynbos vegetation. The addition of the African non-Fynbos vegetation did not degrade significantly the PHYSG3BRC calibration, particularly regarding key climatic variables such as enthalpy. Enthalpy appears to be a particularly robust variable with which to test climate model performance against CLAMP palaeoclimate predictions.  相似文献   

Exercise training is known to induce a molecular adaptation process involving inflammatory responses. However any time-of-day effect of exercise on inflammatory responses remains unknown. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether acute bouts of intense exercise performed at different times of the day would affect the release Interleukin-6 (IL-6), one of the most abundant cytokines in mammalian endocrine response to exercise. Cortisol levels were measured as a confirmation of correct timing of exercise and to determine any impact it may have on the cytokine release. Twelve healthy male participants carried out 30 min of intense exercise (3 sets of 8-12 repetitions for 4 resistance exercises at 70% of 1RM) in morning (08:15-09:00 h), and evening (18:15-19:00 h) sessions. An 8h fasting period was required before each exercise session. Blood samples were taken immediately pre and post each exercise sessions to determine IL-6 and cortisol levels. Our data show that whilst the training group showed no post-exercise changes in serum_IL-6 levels (P>0.05), the control group on the other hand showed significant time-of-day modifications in serum_IL-6 levels (P=0.008). Moreover, a significant interaction between intervention phase (pre-post training, AM vs. PM) and group (Exercise vs. Control) is evidenced in terms of serum_IL-6 levels (P=0.014). This interaction however was nullified when the between group differences at baseline were partialled out in a covariate analysis (P>0.05). We also found that the main effect of experimental phase on Cortisol was present in both the trained (P=0.004) and control groups (p<0.001) with no significant interaction (P>0.05). Based on the current data, we would propose that exercise and/or time-of-day would not interfere with clinical endocrine profiling of IL-6 in a population.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation facilitates the invasion of exotic species. This threat may be especially severe if forest fragments are surrounded by plantations of exotic species like Pinus radiata, an aggressive colonizer and shade-intolerant tree that has invaded successfully several native ecosystems of the southern hemisphere. In this study, we experimentally tested if the conditions of a successful seedling establishment P. radiata are fulfilled at the Coastal Maulino forest, an endemic fragmented forest of central Chile. Results demonstrated that seeds are dispersed into the native forests, however seedling establishment occurs only at the edges. We conclude that this exotic species is not invading native forests up to date. However, we suggest to conduct evaluations of seed rain and seedling establishment in the long term, in order to monitor the fate of this exotic species in fragmented native forest of Central Chile.  相似文献   

The epiphytic growth habit in many Ficus species during their juvenile stages has commonly been hypothesized to be an adaptation for avoiding deep shade in the forest understory, but this has never been tested experimentally. We examined growth and ecophysiology in seedlings of three hemiepiphytic (Hs) and three non‐hemiepiphytic (NHs) Ficus species grown under different irradiance levels. Both Hs and NHs exhibited characteristics of high light requiring species, such as high plasticity to growth irradiance and relatively high maximum photosynthetic assimilation rates. Diurnal measurements of leaf gas exchange showed that Hs have much shorter active photosynthetic periods than NHs; moreover, leaves of Hs have lower xylem hydraulic conductivity but stronger drought tolerance as indicated by much lower rates of leaf diebacks during the drought treatment. Seedlings of NHs had 3.3‐ and 13.3‐fold greater height and biomass than those of Hs species after growing in the nursery for 5 months, indicating a trade‐off between growth and drought tolerance due to the conflicting requirements for xylem conductivity and cavitation resistance. This study does not support the shade‐avoidance hypothesis; rather, it suggests that the canopy regeneration in Hs is an adaptation to avoid alternative terrestrial growth‐related risks imposed to tiny Ficus seedlings. The NHs with terrestrial regeneration reduce these risks by having an initial burst of growth to rapidly gain relatively large seedling sizes, while in Hs seedlings more conservative water use and greater drought tolerance for surviving the canopy environment are intrinsically associated with slow growth.  相似文献   

Plant litter is a key component of grassland and plays a major role in terrestrial ecosystem processes. Global climate change has been shown to considerably alter litter inputs to soils, which may feed back to the grassland ecosystem responses to climate change. In order to explore whether litter addition could mediate above and belowground productivity responses to short-term increases in growing-season precipitation and nitrogen deposition, we conducted a two-year study on water, nitrogen and litter addition in Inner Mongolia grassland. After two years of treatments, our results showed that water, nitrogen, and litter addition increased aboveground biomass (AB) and belowground net primary productivity (BNPP). Besides, litter addition increased BNPP responses to water addition. These litter addition effects could be attributed to the influence of litter on soil moisture and soil nitrogen availability, ultimately increasing belowground water use efficiency (WUEBNPP) and plant nitrogen uptake (NUPBNPP). However, litter addition suppressed the aboveground biomass (AB) responses to nitrogen addition under ambient precipitation conditions by affecting soil moisture. In conclusion, our results suggest that ecosystem responses to short-term increases in growing-season precipitation and nitrogen deposition could be mediated by the increased litter input caused by climate change.  相似文献   

Ma Y  Han S 《PloS one》2012,7(5):e37824
Early behavioral studies found that human adults responded faster to their own faces than faces of familiar others or strangers, a finding referred to as self-face advantage. Recent research suggests that the self-face advantage is mediated by implicit positive association with the self and is influenced by sociocultural experience. The current study investigated whether and how Christian belief and practice affect the processing of self-face in a Chinese population. Christian and Atheist participants were recruited for an implicit association test (IAT) in Experiment 1 and a face-owner identification task in Experiment 2. Experiment 1 found that atheists responded faster to self-face when it shared the same response key with positive compared to negative trait adjectives. This IAT effect, however, was significantly reduced in Christians. Experiment 2 found that atheists responded faster to self-face compared to a friend's face, but this self-face advantage was significantly reduced in Christians. Hierarchical regression analyses further showed that the IAT effect positively predicted self-face advantage in atheists but not in Christians. Our findings suggest that Christian belief and practice may weaken implicit positive association with the self and thus decrease the advantage of the self over a friend during face recognition in the believers.  相似文献   

Global warming is predicted to cause substantial habitat rearrangements, with the most severe effects expected to occur in high‐latitude biomes. However, one major uncertainty is whether species will be able to shift their ranges to keep pace with climate‐driven environmental changes. Many recent studies on mammals have shown that past range contractions have been associated with local extinctions rather than survival by habitat tracking. Here, we have used an interdisciplinary approach that combines ancient DNA techniques, coalescent simulations and species distribution modelling, to investigate how two common cold‐adapted bird species, willow and rock ptarmigan (Lagopus lagopus and Lagopus muta), respond to long‐term climate warming. Contrary to previous findings in mammals, we demonstrate a genetic continuity in Europe over the last 20 millennia. Results from back‐casted species distribution models suggest that this continuity may have been facilitated by uninterrupted habitat availability and potentially also the greater dispersal ability of birds. However, our predictions show that in the near future, some isolated regions will have little suitable habitat left, implying a future decrease in local populations at a scale unprecedented since the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   

In most arid ecosystems, the vegetation is organized into two‐phase mosaics, where high‐cover vegetation patches are interspersed in a matrix of low plant cover. We studied the role of the biotic interaction balance (competition/facilitation) between shrubs and grasses as a driver of patch dynamics and maintenance of two‐phase vegetation mosaics. Following Watt's seminal model, we conducted two field experiments in which we manipulated different vegetation patches to obtain the different stages along the building and degradation dynamics of high‐cover patches. In addition we applied two possible belowground competition treatments (natural and experimentally reduced). We measured plant variables (emergence, survival, height, flower culms) on grass seedlings and transplants. We integrated all plant measurements into a single positive and negative component, to calculate the net balance along three stages of the patch dynamics proposed. The net biotic interaction balance was negative during the early and mature stages of high‐cover patches because the average standardized effect from the negative component was below ?0.44, while the positive component was not different from zero. However, the net biotic interaction balance was positive during the degraded stages of high‐cover patches because the negative average component was ?0.37, while the positive component reached 0.58. The negative net effects during early and mature stages of high‐cover patches can be explained by the occurrence of wet years, because high rainfalls hide the aboveground facilitation. Our findings point out the importance of complementary mechanisms to the interaction balance in the mosaic maintenance (e.g. trapping of seeds by shrubs) according to the inter‐annual rainfall variability.  相似文献   

Landscape and Ecological Engineering - Slope stabilization treatments like mulching are commonly used to reduce runoff and erosion after high severity wildfires. Agricultural straw is the most...  相似文献   

Various ecosystems, including shallow lakes, are suggested to possess alternative stable state dynamics. The response of such systems to environmental change is non-linear and not fully reversible, which calls for identification of feedback mechanisms and subtle changes connected to structural stability. Here, we used a 25-year data series on water chemistry to make inferences on processes prior to a recent shift from a clear to a turbid state in Lake Tåkern, Sweden. Before the shift, annual concentration of total organic nitrogen (TON) described a cyclic pattern, with a periodicity of eight years. Annual TON was negatively correlated with the magnitude of a summer decline in calcium carbonate, treated as a proxy of the seasonal production of submerged vegetation. Cross-correlations of TON and the north Atlantic oscillation (NAO) indicated a possible connection to climate. The strongest correlation was obtained by a three-year lag of the NAO index. Using a set of linear time series models, the most parsimonious model was a 3rd order autoregressive model with NAO, delayed three years, as a covariate. Analyses of seasonality indicated that the delayed NAO signal was strongly correlated with summer TON. Also, the autocorrelation function was very similar for these two time series, and autoregressive models including NAO as a covariate were strongly supported (sum of Akaike weights=0.93). These results indicate that climate may have contributed to the regime shift through lowered macrophyte production at the time of the shift, and therefore most likely also a depleted resilience of the clear water state. The delayed effect of climate is suggested to result from indirect and inter-year dependent response of submerged vegetation to fish kills during harsh winters.  相似文献   

Bakk A 《Physical biology》2004,1(3-4):152-158
Many small globular proteins are traditionally classified as thermodynamical two-state systems, i.e., the protein is either in the native, active state (folded) or in the denatured state (unfolded). We challenge this view and show that there may exist (protein) systems for which a van't Hoff analysis of experimental data cannot determine whether the system corresponds to two or three thermodynamical states when only temperatures in a narrow temperature region around the transition are considered. We generalize a widely employed two-state protein folding model to include a third, transition state. For this three-state system we systematically study the deviation of the calorimetric enthalpy (heat of transition) from the van't Hoff enthalpy, a measure of the two-stateness of a transition. We show that under certain conditions the heat capacity of the three-state system can be almost indistinguishable from the heat capacity for the two-state system over a broad temperature interval. The consequence may be that some three-state (or even more than three-states) systems have been misinterpreted as two-state systems when the conclusion is drawn solely upon the van't Hoff enthalpy. These findings are important not only for proteins, but also for the interpretation of thermodynamical systems in general.  相似文献   

Investigating the range and population dynamics of introduced species provides insight into species behavior, habitat preferences, and potential of becoming established. Here, we show the current population status of the red‐necked wallaby (Notamacropus rufogriseus) in Britain based on records from an eleven‐year period (2008–2018). Records were obtained from Local Environmental Records Centres (LERCs), the National Biodiversity Network (NBN), and popular media. All records were mapped and compared to a historical distribution map (1940–2007), derived from published data. A total of 95 confirmed wallaby sightings were recorded between 2008 and 2018, of which 64 came from media sources, 18 from Local Environmental Records Centres (LERCs), seven from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN), and six from the published literature (Yalden, Br. Wildl., 24, 2013, 169). The greatest density of wallaby sightings was in southern England, with the Chiltern Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty a particular hot spot (n = 11). More sightings were recorded in August than in any other month. Much of the species’ ecology and responses to British biota and anthropogenic pressures are unknown, and therefore, further research is warranted. The methods used here are widely applicable to other non‐native species, particularly those that the public are more likely to report and could be an important supplement to existing studies of conservation and management relevance.  相似文献   

The polar regions are experiencing rapid climate change with implications for terrestrial ecosystems. Here, despite limited knowledge, we make some early predictions on soil invertebrate community responses to predicted twenty‐first century climate change. Geographic and environmental differences suggest that climate change responses will differ between the Arctic and Antarctic. We predict significant, but different, belowground community changes in both regions. This change will be driven mainly by vegetation type changes in the Arctic, while communities in Antarctica will respond to climate amelioration directly and indirectly through changes in microbial community composition and activity, and the development of, and/or changes in, plant communities. Climate amelioration is likely to allow a greater influx of non‐native species into both the Arctic and Antarctic promoting landscape scale biodiversity change. Non‐native competitive species could, however, have negative effects on local biodiversity particularly in the Arctic where the communities are already species rich. Species ranges will shift in both areas as the climate changes potentially posing a problem for endemic species in the Arctic where options for northward migration are limited. Greater soil biotic activity may move the Arctic towards a trajectory of being a substantial carbon source, while Antarctica could become a carbon sink.  相似文献   

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