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Coil-to-double helix (c-h) and double helix-to-dimer (h-d) phase transitions of iota-carrageenan in CaCl(2) solution upon cooling were studied using photon transmission technique. Photon transmission intensity, I(tr) was monitored against temperature to determine the (c-h) and (h-d) transition temperatures (T(ch) and T(hd)) and activation energies (DeltaE(ch) and DeltaE(hd)). An extra dimer-to-dimer (d-d) transition was also observed during cooling at low temperature region. However, upon heating dimers disappear to double helices by making dimer-to-double helix (d-h) transition. Further heating resulted double helix-to-coil (h-c) transition at high temperature region. T(dh) and T(ch) temperatures and DeltaE(dh) and DeltaE(hc) activation energies were also determined. It was observed that T(hc) and T(ch) temperatures and DeltaE(dh) and DeltaE(hd) activation energies do not effected by carrageenan content. However, T(hd), T(dh) and T(dd) temperatures and DeltaE(ch) and DeltaE(hc) activation energies were found to be strongly correlated to the carrageenan content in the system.  相似文献   

Mechanism and dynamics of conformational ordering in xanthan polysaccharide   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The thermally induced order-disorder transition of xanthan (extracellular bacterial polysaccharide from Xanthomonas campestris) has been investigated by optical rotation, differential scanning calorimetry, stopped-flow reaction kinetics and low-angle laser light scattering, and the results have been analysed in terms of Zimm -Bragg helix-coil transition theory. The reciprocal of the transition midpoint temperature (Tm) varies linearly with the logarithm of cation (K+) the salt dependence of Tm, is in agreement with Manning polyelectrolyte theory the ordered structure. The associated increase in cation binding, calculated from the salt dependence of tm, is in agreement with the Manning polyelectrolyte theory for one of the candidate structures from X-ray diffraction, a 5(1) single helix stabilized by packing of side-chains along the polymer backbone, but not for the alternative double-helix structure that has also been proposed. At each salt concentration, the two fundamental parameters of the Zimm -Bragg theory, s and sigma, were calculated. The equilibrium constant for growth of the ordered structure (s) is derived directly from calorimetric measurement of transition enthalpy (delta Hcal ), and sigma, which quantifies the relative instability of the helix nucleus, is derived from the ratio of delta Hcal to the apparent transition enthalpy (delta Happ ) obtained by van't Hoff analysis of the optical rotation data. The temperature course of conformational ordering calculated theoretically is in good quantitative agreement with experimental results from both optical rotation and scanning calorimetry. The calculated average length of stable, ordered chain-sequences increases with decreasing temperature, but equals or exceeds the total chain length from light scattering only at temperatures more than approximately equal to 70 K below Tm, suggesting that ordered and disordered regions may co-exist within the same xanthan molecule. Consistent with this interpretation, the observed rate of conformational ordering increases sharply under conditions where the starting solution for dynamic measurements is partially ordered, suggesting that ordered sequences within each chain may act as helix nuclei for adjacent disordered regions, so that helix growth, rather than the slower nucleation process, becomes rate limiting.  相似文献   

Growth hormone conformation and conformational equilibria   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Examining solute-induced changes in protein conformational equilibria is a long-standing method for probing the role of water in maintaining protein stability. Interpreting the molecular details governing the solute-induced effects, however, remains controversial. We present experimental and theoretical data for osmolyte-induced changes in the stabilities of the A and N states of yeast iso-1-ferricytochrome c. Using polyol osmolytes of increasing size, we observe that osmolytes alone induce A-state formation from acid-denatured cytochrome c and N state formation from the thermally denatured protein. The stabilities of the A and N states increase linearly with osmolyte concentration. Interestingly, osmolytes stabilize the A state to a greater degree than the N state. To interpret the data, we divide the free energy for the reaction into contributions from nonspecific steric repulsions (excluded volume effects) and from binding interactions. We use scaled particle theory (SPT) to estimate the free energy contributions from steric repulsions, and we estimate the contributions from water-protein and osmolyte-protein binding interactions by comparing the SPT calculations to experimental data. We conclude that excluded volume effects are the primary stabilizing force, with changes in water-protein and solute-protein binding interactions making favorable contributions to stability of the A state and unfavorable contributions to the stability of the N state. The validity of our interpretation is strengthened by analysis of data on osmolyte-induced protein stabilization from the literature, and by comparison with other analyses of solute-induced changes in conformational equilibria.  相似文献   

Yao S  Young IG  Norton RS  Murphy JM 《Biochemistry》2011,50(13):2464-2477
Interleukin-3 (IL-3), a cytokine produced primarily by activated T-cells during immune responses, is a crucial regulator of allergic inflammation. The three-dimensional structure of murine IL-3 (mIL-3) has remained elusive owing to its poor solubility and strong tendency toward aggregation under solution conditions typically used for structural studies. Here we describe the solution properties and structure of mIL-3 determined by NMR using an engineered construct of mIL-3 (mIL-3(33-156)). mIL-3 adopts a four-helical bundle fold, typical of proteins belonging to the short-chain cytokine family, and features a core of highly conserved hydrophobic residues. While significant line broadening and peak disappearance were observed in NMR spectra at higher temperatures, there was no evidence for temperature-dependent changes of the oligomeric state of mIL-3(33-156). Further analysis of the temperature dependence of amide (1)H chemical shifts and backbone (15)N relaxation parameters, including (15)N relaxation dispersion, revealed the presence of significant conformational exchange and local conformational heterogeneity. Residues recently shown by mutagenesis to play key roles in β(IL-3) receptor recognition and activation, which are located within the α(A) and α(C) helices and aligned on one face of the mIL-3(33-156) structure, are relatively rigid. In contrast, pronounced conformational heterogeneity was observed for a cluster of residues located on the opposite side of mIL-3, which corresponds spatially to sites in the related cytokines human IL-3, IL-5, and GM-CSF that are known to mediate interactions with their respective α-receptor subunits. Such conformational heterogeneity may facilitate the interaction of mIL-3 with each of two naturally occurring mIL-3Rα isoforms, leading to structurally distinct high-affinity complexes.  相似文献   

Structural diversity of N-glycans is essential for specific binding to their receptor proteins. To gain insights into structural and dynamic aspects in atomic detail not normally accessible by experiment, we here perform extensive molecular-dynamics simulations of N-glycans in solution using the replica-exchange method. The simulations show that five distinct conformers exist in solution for the N-glycans with and without bisecting GlcNAc. Importantly, the population sizes of three of the conformers are drastically reduced upon the introduction of bisecting GlcNAc. This is caused by a local hydrogen-bond rearrangement proximal to the bisecting GlcNAc. These simulations show that an N-glycan modification like the bisecting GlcNAc selects a certain “key” (or group of “keys”) within the framework of the “bunch of keys” mechanism. Hence, the range of specific glycan-protein interactions and affinity changes need to be understood in terms of the structural diversity of glycans and the alteration of conformational equilibria by core modification.  相似文献   

O'Connor C  Kovrigin EL 《Biochemistry》2008,47(39):10244-10246
Ras and its homologues are central to regulation of a multitude of cellular processes. Ras in complex with GTP binds and activates its downstream signaling partners. (31)P NMR studies indicated that the Ras-GTP conformation is heterogeneous on a millisecond time scale, but details of its conformational dynamics remain unknown. Here we present evidence that the conformational exchange process in human H-Ras complexed with GTP mimic GppNHp is global, encompassing most of the GTPase catalytic domain. The correlated character of conformational dynamics in Ras opens opportunities for understanding allosteric effects in Ras function.  相似文献   

The conformational equilibrium of a decapeptide renin inhibitor (Renin Inhibitory Peptide (RIP), NH-P-H-P-F-H-F-F-V-Y-K-CO2H) in water, methanol and trifluoroethanol has been investigated. The value of a combined spectroscopic approach was apparent, with the need to define conformational states that were mixtures of conformational forms. Similarities between this study and that of the Melanin Concentrating Hormone (MCH) core peptide (5-14) are notable [1]. In water, two beta-turn conformations and an extended form were found to be in equilibrium, with cis/trans isomerism at Pro-3. Extended conformations associated with the P(II) helix and irregular forms were more favoured in aqueous environments. In MeOH and TFE, two beta-turn conformations associated with overlapping sequences and cis/trans isomerism at Pro-3 amide bond were seen to be in equilibrium. 2D ROESY and chemical-exchange cross-peaks were detected by 1H NMR and used to build up detailed models of the interconverting beta-turn conformations of RIP.  相似文献   

We consider whether the continuum model of hydration optimized to reproduce vacuum-to-water transfer free energies simultaneously describes the hydration free energy contributions to conformational equilibria of the same solutes in water. To this end, transfer and conformational free energies of idealized hydrophobic and amphiphilic solutes in water are calculated from explicit water simulations and compared to continuum model predictions. As benchmark hydrophobic solutes, we examine the hydration of linear alkanes from methane through hexane. Amphiphilic solutes were created by adding a charge of +/-1e to a terminal methyl group of butane. We find that phenomenological continuum parameters fit to transfer free energies are significantly different from those fit to conformational free energies of our model solutes. This difference is attributed to continuum model parameters that depend on solute conformation in water, and leads to effective values for the free energy/surface area coefficient and Born radii that best describe conformational equilibrium. In light of these results, we believe that continuum models of hydration optimized to fit transfer free energies do not accurately capture the balance between hydrophobic and electrostatic contributions that determines the solute conformational state in aqueous solution.  相似文献   

J R Somoza  J W Brady 《Biopolymers》1988,27(6):939-956
Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the conformational fluctuations of the oligopeptide hormone vasopressin. Starting coordinates for these simulations were built upon the crystal structure of pressinoic acid, the cyclic ring moiety of vasopressin, recently determined by x-ray diffraction. Coordinates for the additional tripeptide “tail” of vasopressin were selected by arbitrary positioning of this segment using interactive computer graphics. Two such starting configurations were minimized to relax strains, and long dynamics simulations (20 and 40 ps) in vacuo were then conducted following extensive heating and equilibration sequences (36 ps). In these studies, vasopressin was found to undergo few substantial conformational changes at 300 K on the time scale simulated, in contrast to the results of a shorter previous simulation, but comparable structural transitions were observed during the equilibration periods. The pressinoic acid structure was found to be a reasonably stable possible conformation for vasopressin in vacuum on this time scale.  相似文献   

The existence of positive equilibrium solutions of the McKendrick equations for the dynamics of an age-structured population is studied as a bifurcation phenomenon using the inherent net reproductive rate n as a bifurcation parameter. The local existence and uniqueness of a branch of positive equilibria which bifurcates from the trivial (identically zero) solution at the critical value n=1 are proved by implicit function techniques under very mild smoothness conditions on the death and fertility rates as functional of age and population density. This first requires the development of a suitable linear theory. The lowest order terms in the Liapunov-Schmidt expansions are also calculated. This local analysis supplements earlier global bifurcation results of the author. The stability of both the trivial and the positive branch equilibria is studied by means of the principle of linearized stability. It is shown that in general the trivial solution losses stability as n increases through one while the stability of the branch solution is stable if and only if the bifurcation is supercritical. Thus the McKendrick equations exhibit, in the latter case, a standard exchange of stability with regard to equilibrium states as they depend on the inherent net reproductive rate. The derived lower order terms in the Liapunov-Schmidt expansions yield formulas which explicitly relate the direction of bifurcation to properties of the age-specific death and fertility rates as functionals of population density. Analytical and numerical results for some examples are given which illustrate these results.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that proteins at equilibrium can exist in a manifold of conformational substates, and that these substates play important roles in protein function. Therefore, there is great interest in identifying regions in proteins that are in conformational exchange. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of spin‐labeled proteins containing the nitroxide side chain (R1) often consist of two (or more) components that may arise from slow exchange between conformational substates (lifetimes > 100 ns). However, crystal structures of proteins containing R1 have shown that multicomponent spectra can also arise from equilibria between rotamers of the side chain itself. In this report, it is shown that these scenarios can be distinguished by the response of the system to solvent perturbation with stabilizing osmolytes such as sucrose. Thus, site‐directed spin labeling (SDSL) emerges as a new tool to explore slow conformational exchange in proteins of arbitrary size, including membrane proteins in a native‐like environment. Moreover, equilibrium between substates with even modest differences in conformation is revealed, and the simplicity of the method makes it suitable for facile screening of multiple proteins. Together with previously developed strategies for monitoring picosecond to millisecond backbone dynamics, the results presented here expand the timescale over which SDSL can be used to explore protein flexibility.  相似文献   

Muscarinic receptors purified from porcine atria and devoid of G protein underwent a 9-27-fold decrease in their apparent affinity for the antagonists quinuclidinyl benzilate, N-methylscopolamine, and scopolamine when treated with the thiol-selective reagent N-ethylmaleimide. Their apparent affinity for the agonists carbachol and oxotremorine-M was unchanged. Conversely, the rate of alkylation by N-ethylmaleimide, as monitored by the binding of [(3)H]quinuclidinyl benzilate, was decreased by antagonists while agonists were without effect. The receptor also underwent a time-dependent inactivation that was hastened by N-ethylmaleimide but slowed by quinuclidinyl benzilate and N-methylscopolamine. The destabilizing effect of N-ethylmaleimide was counteracted fully or nearly so at saturating concentrations of each antagonist and the agonist carbachol. Similar effects occurred with human M(2) receptors differentially tagged with the c-Myc and FLAG epitopes, coexpressed in Sf9 cells, and extracted in digitonin/cholate. The degree of coimmunoprecipitation was unchanged by N-ethylmaleimide, which therefore was without discernible effect on oligomeric size. The data are quantitatively consistent with a model in which the purified receptor from porcine atria interconverts spontaneously between two states (i.e. R R*). Antagonists favor the R state; agonists and N-ethylmaleimide favor the comparatively unstable R* state, which predominates after purification. Occupancy by a ligand stabilizes both states, and antagonists impede alkylation by favoring R over R*. Similarities with constitutively active receptors suggest that R and R* are akin to the inactive and active states, respectively. Purified M(2) receptors therefore appear to exist predominantly in their active state.  相似文献   

A mechanism proposed for lactose/H(+) symport by the lactose permease of Escherichia coli indicates that lactose permease is protonated prior to ligand binding. Moreover, in the ground state, the symported H(+) is shared between His322 (helix X) and Glu269 (helix VIII), while Glu325 (helix X) is charge-paired with Arg302 (helix IX). Substrate binding at the outer surface between helices IV (Glu126) and V (Arg144, Cys148) induces a conformational change that leads to transfer of the H(+) to Glu325 and reorientation of the binding site to the inner surface. After release of substrate, Glu325 is deprotonated on the inside due to re-juxtapositioning with Arg302. The conservative mutation Glu269-->Asp causes a 50-100-fold decrease in substrate binding affinity and markedly reduced active lactose transport, as well as decreased rates of equilibrium exchange and efflux. Gly-scanning mutagenesis of helix VIII was employed systematically with mutant Glu269-->Asp in an attempt to rescue function, and two mutants with increased activity are identified and characterized. Mutant Thr266-->Gly/Met267-->Gly/Glu269-->Asp binds ligand with increased affinity and catalyzes active lactose transport with a marked increase in rate; however, little improvement in efflux or equilibrium exchange is observed. In contrast, mutant Gly262-->Ala/Glu269-->Asp exhibits no improvement in ligand binding but a small increase in the rate of active transport; however, an increase in the steady-state level of accumulation, as well as efflux and equilibrium exchange is observed. Remarkably, when the two sets of mutations are combined, all translocation reactions are rescued to levels approximating those of wild-type permease. The findings support the contention that Glu269 plays a pivotal role in the mechanism of lactose/H(+) symport. Moreover, the results suggest that the two classes of mutants rescue activity by altering the equilibrium between outwardly and inwardly facing conformations of the permease such that impaired protonation and/or H(+) transfer is enhanced from one side of the membrane or the other. When the two sets of mutants are combined, the equilibrium between outwardly and inwardly facing conformations and thus protonation and H(+) transfer are restored.  相似文献   

A solid state NMR experiment is introduced for probing relatively slow conformational exchange, based on dephasing and refocusing dipolar couplings. The method is closely related to the previously described Centerband-Only Detection of Exchange or CODEX experiment. The use of dipolar couplings for this application is advantageous because their values are known a priori from molecular structures, and their orientations and reorientations relate in a simple way to molecular geometry and motion. Furthermore the use of dipolar couplings in conjunction with selective isotopic enrichment schemes is consistent with selection for unique sites in complex biopolymers. We used this experiment to probe the correlation time for the motion of 13C, 15N enriched urea molecules within their crystalline lattice.  相似文献   

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