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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays several important roles in forest ecosystem development, undergoing chemical, physical and/or biological reactions that affect ecosystem nutrient retention. Very few studies have focused on gross rates of DOM production, and we know of no study that has directly measured DOM production from root litter. Our objectives were to quantify major sources of total potentially water-soluble organic matter (DOMtps) production, with an emphasis on production from root litter, to quantify and compare total potentially soluble organic C, N, and P (DOCtps, DONtps, and DOPtps) production, and to quantify changes in their production during forest primary succession and ecosystem development at the Mt. Shasta Mudflows ecosystem chronosequence. To do so, we exhaustively extracted freshly senesced root and leaf and other aboveground litter for DOCtps, DONtps, and DOPtps by vegetation category, and we calculated DOMtps production (g m−2 y−1) at the ecosystem level using data for annual production of fine root and aboveground litter. DOM production from throughfall was calculated by measuring throughfall volume and concentration over 2 years. Results showed that DOMtps production from root litter was a very important source of DOMtps in the Mount Shasta mudflow ecosystems, in some cases comparable to production from leaf litter for DONtps and larger than production from leaf litter for DOPtps. Total DOCtps and DONtps production from all sources increased early in succession from the 77- to the 255-year-old ecosystem. However, total DOPtps production across the ecosystem chronosequence showed a unique pattern. Generally, the relative importance of root litter for total fine detrital DOCtps and DONtps production increased significantly during ecosystem development. Furthermore, DOCtps and DONtps production were predominantly driven by changes in biomass production during ecosystem development, whereas changes in litter solubility due to changes in species composition had a smaller effect. We suggest that DOMtps production from root litter may be an important source of organic matter for the accumulation of SOM during forest ecosystem development. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Shauna M. Uselman, Robert G. Qualls, and Juliane Lilienfein conceived of or designed the study and performed research. SMU analyzed data and wrote the article. SMU and RGQ contributed new methods or models.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) fixing trees including many species of Acacia are an important though variable component of savanna ecosystems. It is known that these trees enrich the soil with carbon (C) and N, but their effect on the combined C:N:P stoichiometry in soil is less well understood. Theory suggests that they might reduce available phosphorus (P), creating a shift from more N-limited conditions in grass-dominated to more P-limited conditions in tree-dominated sites, which in turn could feed back negatively on the trees’ capacity to fix N. We studied the effects of Acacia zanzibarica tree density upon soil and foliar N:P stoichiometry, and the N2-fixation rates of trees and leguminous herbs in a humid Tanzanian savanna. Foliar N:P ratios and N2-fixation rates of trees remained constant across the density gradient, whereas soil C, N and organic P pools increased. In contrast, the N:P ratio of grasses increased and N2-fixation rates of leguminous herbs decreased with increasing tree density, indicating a shift towards more P-limited conditions for the understory vegetation. These contrasting responses suggest that trees and grasses have access to different sources of N and P, with trees being able to access P from deeper soil layers and perhaps also utilizing organic forms more efficiently.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic nitrogen (N) deposition causes shifts in vegetation types as well as species composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi and other soil microorganisms. A greenhouse experiment was done to determine whether there are feedbacks between N-altered soil inoculum and growth of a dominant native shrub and an invasive grass species in southern California. The region is experiencing large-scale loss of Artemisia californica shrublands and replacement by invasive annual grasses under N deposition. Artemisia californica and Bromus madritensis ssp. rubens were grown with soil inoculum from experimental plots in a low N deposition site that had (1) N-fertilized and (2) unfertilized soil used for inoculum, as well as (3) high-N soil inoculum from a site exposed to atmospheric N deposition for four decades. All treatments plus a nonmycorrhizal control were given two levels of N fertilizer solution. A. californica biomass was reduced by each of the three inocula compared to uninoculated controls under at least one of the two N fertilizer solutions. The␣inoculum from the N-deposition site caused the greatest growth depressions. By contrast, B.␣madritensis biomass increased with each of the three inocula under at least one, or both, of the N solutions. The different growth responses of the two plant species may be related to the types of AM fungal colonization. B. madritensis was mainly colonized by a fine mycorrhizal endophyte, while A. californica had primarily coarse endophytes. Furthermore, A. californica had a high level of septate, nonmycorrhizal root endophytes, while B. madritensis overall had low levels of these endophytes. The negative biomass response of A. californica seedlings to high N-deposition inoculum may in part explain its decline; a microbially-mediated negative feedback may occur in this system that causes poor␣seedling growth and establishment of A.␣californica in sites subject to N deposition and B. madritensis invasion.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to review both laboratory and field observations of RDX adsorption to soils and to use those results to estimate the effects of a planned remedial action. Adsorption isotherms for RDX are generally observed to be linear and reversible. Statistical tests were performed to determine the relationship between Kd and various soil characteristics. A linear relationship between Kd and soil organic carbon was observed, as expected, but regression of Kd to organic carbon content indicated a non-zero intercept, suggesting that other sorbents may also be significant at low OC (e.g., > 0.5 %). No other soil properties were significantly related to Kd so the mechanism of adsorption at low organic carbon was not determined. These results were used to interpret observations of RDX in the vadose zone at Milan Army Ammunition Plant (MAAP), TN. MAAP exhibits widespread soil contamination by RDX. Depth to groundwater ranges from 40 to 80?ft. Unsaturated soils are fine grained near the surface, and sandy near the water table. RDX is concentrated in the upper 2?ft, where concentrations in some places exceed 1 %. Subsurface concentrations are generally less than 50?mg/kg. The distribution of RDX in soil, soil moisture and groundwater, and soil physical testing data were interpreted using simple models. The distribution of RDX is consistent with the following conceptual model: ??Water containing RDX was dis charged to the land surface (prior to 1983); ??Crystalline RDX remains in surface soil (remedial activities are ongo ing); ??Infiltrating rainwater leaches RDX from surface soils; ??This leachate carries RDX through the deeper vadose zone, resulting in significant soil contamination through out the full thickness of the vadose zone; these soils can generate leachate and adversely affect ground- water quality for many years to come. Field results were consistent with the adsorption studies. Simple models consistent with the field and laboratory observations indicate that deeper soils that are not planned to be remediated may continue to leach unacceptable concentrations to groundwater for approximately 180 years. The Army intends to evaluate whether it will be most cost-effective to address this continuing source by treating soils or groundwater.  相似文献   

An unnoticed chaotic firing pattern, lying between period-1 and period-2 firing patterns, has received little attention over the past 20 years since it was first simulated in the Hindmarsh-Rose (HR) model. In the present study, the rat sciatic nerve model of chronic constriction injury (CCI) was used as an experimental neural pacemaker to investigate the transition regularities of spontaneous firing patterns. Chaotic firing lying between period-1 and period-2 firings was observed located in four bifurcation scenarios in different, isolated neural pacemakers. These bifurcation scenarios were induced by decreasing extracellular calcium concentrations. The behaviors after period-2 firing pattern in the four scenarios were period-doubling bifurcation not to chaos, period-doubling bifurcation to chaos, period-adding sequences with chaotic firings, and period-adding sequences with stochastic firings. The deterministic structure of the chaotic firing pattern was identified by the first return map of interspike intervals and a short-term prediction using nonlinear prediction. The experimental observations closely match those simulated in a two-dimensional parameter space using the HR model, providing strong evidences of the existence of chaotic firing lying between period-1 and period-2 firing patterns in the actual nervous system. The results also present relationships in the parameter space between this chaotic firing and other firing patterns, such as the chaotic firings that appear after period-2 firing pattern located within the well-known comb-shaped region, periodic firing patterns and stochastic firing patterns, as predicted by the HR model. We hope that this study can focus attention on and help to further the understanding of the unnoticed chaotic neural firing pattern.  相似文献   

An intracellular uricase from Bacillus fastidiosus with high catalytic capacity and strong resistance to xanthine was inactivated in water but could be essentially re-activated in solutions of high ionic strength. By polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), gradient PAGE, sodium-dodecyl-sulfate-PAGE, gel-filtration through Sephadex G200, and activity staining with peroxidase and its chromatogenic substrate, this homotetrameric uricase in water was found to dissociate into inactive homodimers that could form active homotetramers again in solutions of high ionic strength. Sensitivity to low ionic strength of solutions complicates formulation of this uricase as a drug and its elimination requires protein engineering.  相似文献   

Stable C and N isotopes have long been used to examine properties of various C and N cycling processes in soils. Unfortunately, relatively large sample sizes are needed for accurate gas phase isotope ratio mass spectrometric analysis. This limitation has prevented researchers from addressing C and N cycling issues on microbially meaningful scales. Here we explored the use of time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) to detect 13C and 15N assimilation by individual bacterial cells and to quantify N isotope ratios in bacterial samples and individual fungal hyphae. This was accomplished by measuring the relative abundances of mass 26 (12C14N) and mass 27 (13C14N and 12C15N) ions sputtered with a Ga+ probe from cells adhered to an Si contact slide. TOF-SIMS was successfully used to locate and quantify the relative 15N contents of individual hyphae that grew onto Si contact slides in intimate contact with a model organomineral porous matrix composed of kaolin, straw fragments, and freshly deposited manure that was supplemented with 15NO3. We observed that the 15N content of fungal hyphae grown on the slides was significantly lower in regions where the hyphae were influenced by N-rich manure than in regions influenced by N-deficient straw. This effect occurred over distances of tens to hundreds of microns. Our data illustrate that TOF-SIMS has the potential to locate N-assimilating microorganisms in soil and to quantify the 15N content of cells that have assimilated 15N-labeled mineral N and shows promise as a tool with which to explore the factors controlling microsite heterogeneities in soil.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen (N) deposition on soil organic carbon (C) and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in terrestrial ecosystems are the main drivers affecting GHG budgets under global climate change. Although many studies have been conducted on this topic, we still have little understanding of how N deposition affects soil C pools and GHG budgets at the global scale. We synthesized a comprehensive dataset of 275 sites from multiple terrestrial ecosystems around the world and quantified the responses of the global soil C pool and GHG fluxes induced by N enrichment. The results showed that the soil organic C concentration and the soil CO2, CH4 and N2O emissions increased by an average of 3.7%, 0.3%, 24.3% and 91.3% under N enrichment, respectively, and that the soil CH4 uptake decreased by 6.0%. Furthermore, the percentage increase in N2O emissions (91.3%) was two times lower than that (215%) reported by Liu and Greaver (Ecology Letters, 2009, 12:1103–1117). There was also greater stimulation of soil C pools (15.70 kg C ha?1 year?1 per kg N ha?1 year?1) than previously reported under N deposition globally. The global N deposition results showed that croplands were the largest GHG sources (calculated as CO2 equivalents), followed by wetlands. However, forests and grasslands were two important GHG sinks. Globally, N deposition increased the terrestrial soil C sink by 6.34 Pg CO2/year. It also increased net soil GHG emissions by 10.20 Pg CO2‐Geq (CO2 equivalents)/year. Therefore, N deposition not only increased the size of the soil C pool but also increased global GHG emissions, as calculated by the global warming potential approach.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) fungi affect nutrient uptake for host plants, while it is unclear how AM fungi interacting with soil litter affect plant growth and nutrient utilization through mycorrhizal networks in karst soil of deficient nutrients beyond the rhizosphere. An experiment was conducted in a microcosm composed of a planting compartment for Cinnamomum camphora seedlings with or without Glomus mosseae fungus (M+ vs. M ) and an adjacent litter compartment containing or not containing additional litter material of Arthraxon hispidus (L+ vs. L ), where the compartments are connected either by nylon mesh of 20 μm or 0.45 μm which either allow available mycorrhizal networks within the litter compartment or prevent mycelium entering into the litter compartment (N+ vs. N ). Plant biomass and nutrients were measured. The results showed that the addition of litter changed the symbiotic process in mycorrhizal colonization, spore, and hyphal density, which when in association with the host plant then affected the biomass, and accumulations of N (nitrogen) and P (phosphorus) in the individual plant as well as root, stem, and leaf respectively. AM fungi increased N and P accumulations and N/P ratio in individual plants and plant tissues. A decrease of the N/P ratio of the individual plant was observed when AM fungus interacted significantly with litter through mycorrhizal networks in the litter compartment. The results indicate that the C. camphora seedlings benefited from litter in nutrient utilization of N and P through the vary of N/P ratio when accessing mycorrhizal networks. These findings suggest that mycorrhizal networks interacting with litter improve growth and nutrients of N and P for plants through the vary of N/P ratio in order to alleviate nutrient limitation under karst soil.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of the nonbasidiomycete, filamentous fungi Penicillium frequentans, isolated and grown on sugar cane bagasse pith, to remove phenanthrene in a solidstate culture. Additionally, the study investigated whether phenanthrene removal could be enhanced by manipulating the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N) and moisture content over a relatively short-term period (29 days). To evaluate the combined effect of moisture content and the C:N ratio, a combined experimental design, composed with a 22 factorial and both central and axial points, was used. It was shown that the moisture content (p < 0.0003) and the combined effect of moisture content and C:N ratio have a significant (p < 0.002) positive effect on the phenanthrene removal. It was also found that heterotrophic activity was not correlated to phenanthrene removal. An optimum phenanthrene removal efficiency of 74% was realized at a moisture content of 40% and a C:N ratio of 60. This suggests that Penicillium frequentans was able to effectively remove phenanthrene in a solidstate culture and that the combination of nutrient addition and moisture adjustment could enhance the phenanthrene removal activity.  相似文献   



Livestock grazing is the most prevalent land use of grasslands worldwide. The effects of grazing on plant C, N, P contents and stoichiometry across hierarchical levels, however, have rarely been studied; particularly whether the effects are mediated by resource availability and the underpinning mechanisms remain largely unclear.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Using a multi-organization-level approach, we examined the effects of grazing on the C, N, and P contents and stoichiometry in plant tissues (leaves and roots) and linkages to ecosystem functioning across three vegetation types (meadow, meadow steppe, and typical steppe) in the Inner Mongolia grassland, China. Our results showed that the effects of grazing on the C, N, and P contents and stoichiometry in leaves and roots differed substantially among vegetation types and across different hierarchical levels (species, functional group, and vegetation type levels). The magnitude of positive effects of grazing on leaf N and P contents increased progressively along the hierarchy of organizational levels in the meadow, whereas its negative effect on leaf N content decreased considerably along hierarchical levels in both the typical and meadow steppes. Grazing increased N and P allocation to aboveground in the meadow, while greater N and P allocation to belowground was found in the typical and meadow steppes. The differences in soil properties, plant trait-based resource use strategies, tolerance or defense strategies to grazing, and shifts in functional group composition are likely to be the key mechanisms for the observed patterns among vegetation types.


Our findings suggest that the enhanced vegetation-type-level N contents by grazing and species compensatory feedbacks may be insufficient to prevent widespread declines in primary productivity in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Hence, it is essential to reduce the currently high stocking rates and restore the vast degraded steppes for sustainable development of arid and semiarid grasslands.  相似文献   

A series of 15N isotope tracer experiments showed that Nitrosomonas europaea produces nitrous oxide only under oxygen-limiting conditions and that the labeled N from nitrite, but not nitrate, is incorporated into nitrous oxide, indicating the presence of the “denitrifying enzyme” nitrite reductase. A kinetic analysis of the m/z 44, 45, and 46 nitrous oxide produced by washed cell suspensions of N. europaea when incubated with 4 mM ammonium (99% 14N) and 0.4 mM nitrite (99% 15N) was performed. No labeled nitrite was reduced to ammonium. All labeled material added was accounted for as either nitrite or nitrous oxide. The hypothesis that nitrous oxide is produced directly from nitrification was rejected since (i) it does not allow for the large amounts of double-labeled (m/z 46) nitrous oxide observed; (ii) the observed patterns of m/z 44, 45, and 46 nitrous oxide were completely consistent with a kinetic analysis based on denitrification as the sole mechanism of nitrous oxide production but not with a kinetic analysis based on both mechanisms; (iii) the asymptotic ratio of m/z 45 to m/z 46 nitrous oxide was consistent with denitrification kinetics but inconsistent with nitrification kinetics, which predicted no limit to m/z 45 production. It is concluded that N. europaea is a denitrifier which, under conditions of oxygen stress, uses nitrite as a terminal electron acceptor and produces nitrous oxide.  相似文献   

The types of carbon source and nitrogen source used as well as the C:N ratio in the medium influenced lovastatin production by Pleurotus ostreatus. The maximum value of the lovastatin yield was obtained in a medium that contained organic nitrogen.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein A-IV (apoA-IV) is a 376-amino acid exchangeable apolipoprotein made in the small intestine of humans. Although it has many proposed roles in vascular disease, satiety, and chylomicron metabolism, there is no known structural basis for these functions. The ability to associate with lipids may be a key step in apoA-IV functionality. We recently identified a single amino acid, Phe(334), which seems to inhibit the lipid binding capability of apoA-IV. We also found that an intact N terminus was necessary for increased lipid binding of Phe(334) mutants. Here, we identify Trp(12) and Phe(15) as the N-terminal amino acids required for the fast lipid binding seen with the F334A mutant. Furthermore, we found that individual disruption of putative amphipathic alpha-helices 3-11 had little effect on lipid binding, suggesting that the N terminus of apoA-IV may be the operational site for initial lipid binding. We also provide three independent pieces of experimental evidence supporting a direct intramolecular interaction between sequences near amino acids 12/15 and 334. This interaction could represent a unique "switch" mechanism by which apoA-IV changes lipid avidity in vivo.  相似文献   

The uptake of N by phytoplankton is generally estimated usingthe 15N technique and, under some circumstances, the uptakeof C is estimated using 13C. Rigorous examination of formulaefor computing net transport rates leads to several interestingand even unexpected conclusions. These are that the 15N or 13Ctechnique formula for computing net transport rates () is identicalto that of the 14C technique, in spite of apparent dissimilaritieswhich reflect differences in equipment used for determiningnon-radioactive and radioactive isotopes; the so-called specificuptake rates (V) should not be used with natural samples, exceptas a step in the calculation of transport rates (); estimationof is unaffected by the presence/absence of non-phytoplanktonicpaniculate organic matter (POM) in the incubated sample; thepractice of adding the concentration of tracer to the denominatorof expression representing the concentration of tracer in thedissolved phase at the beginning of incubation should be discontinued;and the concentration of POM should be determined from the inoculatedsample at the end of incubation (or, alternatively, from a sampleincubated in parallel) and not from a water sample taken atthe beginning of the incubation.  相似文献   

A series of N isotope tracer experiments showed that Nitrosomonas europaea produces nitrous oxide only under oxygen-limiting conditions and that the labeled N from nitrite, but not nitrate, is incorporated into nitrous oxide, indicating the presence of the "denitrifying enzyme" nitrite reductase. A kinetic analysis of the m/z 44, 45, and 46 nitrous oxide produced by washed cell suspensions of N. europaea when incubated with 4 mM ammonium (99% N) and 0.4 mM nitrite (99% N) was performed. No labeled nitrite was reduced to ammonium. All labeled material added was accounted for as either nitrite or nitrous oxide. The hypothesis that nitrous oxide is produced directly from nitrification was rejected since (i) it does not allow for the large amounts of double-labeled (m/z 46) nitrous oxide observed; (ii) the observed patterns of m/z 44, 45, and 46 nitrous oxide were completely consistent with a kinetic analysis based on denitrification as the sole mechanism of nitrous oxide production but not with a kinetic analysis based on both mechanisms; (iii) the asymptotic ratio of m/z 45 to m/z 46 nitrous oxide was consistent with denitrification kinetics but inconsistent with nitrification kinetics, which predicted no limit to m/z 45 production. It is concluded that N. europaea is a denitrifier which, under conditions of oxygen stress, uses nitrite as a terminal electron acceptor and produces nitrous oxide.  相似文献   

The distribution of an arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus between soil and roots, and between mycelial and storage structures, was studied by use of the fatty acid signature 16:1(omega)5. Increasing the soil phosphorus level resulted in a decrease in the level of the fatty acid 16:1(omega)5 in the soil and roots. A similar decrease was detected by microscopic measurements of root colonization and of the length of AM fungal hyphae in the soil. The fatty acid 16:1(omega)5 was estimated from two types of lipids, phospholipids and neutral lipids, which mainly represent membrane lipids and storage lipids, respectively. The numbers of spores of the AM fungus formed in the soil correlated most closely with neutral lipid fatty acid 16:1(omega)5, whereas the hyphal length in the soil correlated most closely with phospholipid fatty acid 16:1(omega)5. The fungal neutral lipid/phospholipid ratio in the extraradical mycelium was positively correlated with the level of root infection and thus decreased with increasing applications of P. The neutral lipid/phospholipid ratio indicated that at high P levels, less carbon was allocated to storage structures. At all levels of P applied, the major part of the AM fungus was found to be present outside the roots, as estimated from phospholipid fatty acid 16:1(omega)5. The ratio of extraradical biomass/intraradical biomass was not affected by the application of P, except for a decrease at the highest level of P applied.  相似文献   

This work presents a model for the joint analysis of a binomial and a Gaussian trait using a recursive parametrization that leads to a computationally efficient implementation. The model is illustrated in an analysis of mortality and litter size in two breeds of Danish pigs, Landrace and Yorkshire. Available evidence suggests that mortality of piglets increased partly as a result of successful selection for total number of piglets born. In recent years there has been a need to decrease the incidence of mortality in pig-breeding programs. We report estimates of genetic variation at the level of the logit of the probability of mortality and quantify how it is affected by the size of the litter. Several models for mortality are considered and the best fits are obtained by postulating linear and cubic relationships between the logit of the probability of mortality and litter size, for Landrace and Yorkshire, respectively. An interpretation of how the presence of genetic variation affects the probability of mortality in the population is provided and we discuss and quantify the prospects of selecting for reduced mortality, without affecting litter size.  相似文献   

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