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The paralabial organelle of the rumen ciliate Ophryoscolex purkinjei , located on the ventral side of the ciliophor, is a highly specialized part of the somatic cortex. It consists of alternating rows of short modified cilia and thin pellicular folds which form a ridge-like structure. The central "top kinety" is composed of monokinetids which bear cilia with 9 + 2 axonemes and 2 μm in length. The top kinety is accompanied by a comb-shaped fold on its distal side and by a broad wedge-shaped fold on its proximal side. To both sides there follow two or three lateral kineties made of dikinetids. The anterior kinetosome of each pair bears a clavate cilium, only 0.5–0.7 μm in length and with a 9 + 0 axoneme while the cilium of the posterior kinetosome is even shorter. Lateral folds with numerous microtubules cover these lateral kineties and rows of barren basal bodies. The fine structure of this supposed sensory organelle show a basic pattern in four other ophryoscolecids, and its increasing complexity parallels the suggested phylogenetic line of evolution of these ciliates.  相似文献   

The paralabial organelle of the rumen ciliate Ophryoscolex purkinjei, located on the ventral side of the ciliophor, is a highly specialized part of the somatic cortex. It consists of alternating rows of short modified cilia and thin pellicular folds which form a ridge-like structure. The central "top kinety" is composed of monokinetids which bear cilia with 9 + 2 axonemes and 2 microns in length. The top kinety is accompanied by a comb-shaped fold on its distal side and by a broad wedge-shaped fold on its proximal side. To both sides there follow two or three lateral kineties made of dikinetids. The anterior kinetosome of each pair bears a clavate cilium, only 0.5-0.7 micron in length and with a 9 + 0 axoneme while the cilium of the posterior kinetosome is even shorter. Lateral folds with numerous microtubules cover these lateral kineties and rows of barren basal bodies. The fine structure of this supposed sensory organelle show a basic pattern in four other ophryoscolecids, and its increasing complexity parallels the suggested phylogenetic line of evolution of these ciliates.  相似文献   

The ciliary (kinetid) structures of the ciliate Strobilidium velox have been examined with scanning and transmission electron microscopes. Somatic kineties consist of a linear row of kinetosomes (monokinetids) and short cilia lying partially beneath a thin fold of cytoplasm. The only fibrillar kinetid structure extending from the kinetosomes is a transverse ribbon of microtubules. The paroral membrane is a single-file polykinetid possessing a possible transverse ribbon of microtubules and a nematodesma. The oral polykinetids or membranelles are complex, with microtubules extending from both anterior and posterior rows of cilia. While the kinetid structures do not satisfy the criteria for the order Choreotrichida, they are similar to the tintinnids in several other relevant ways. Strobilidium velox is proposed to be an unusual ciliate that is an exception to the concept that somatic kinetids are conservative and reliable phylogenetic indicator structures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Specimens of the rare ciliate Discomorphella pectinata (Levander, 1894) Corliss, 1960 were impregnated with silver nitrate in 1963. The body is discoid, about 60 μ m long, laterally compressed and adorned with long spines. The somatic kineties on the right and left sides are sparse, sometimes disorganized, and locally without cilia. The oral zone has a complex infraciliature that lies above two series of ventral kineties and below a large, visor-like, epistomial fringe. The arrangement of this fringe is similar to that observed in some other heterotichous ciliates, notably members of the Metopidae and Caenomorphidae.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of two new marine cyrtophorid ciliates, Paracyrtophoron tropicum nov. gen., nov. spec. and Aegyria rostellum nov. spec., isolated from tropical waters in southern China, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation methods. Paracyrtophoron nov. gen. differs from the closely related Cyrtophoron by lack of fragment kinety at anterior ends of right somatic kineties and thigmotactic cilia in posterior portion of ventral surface, while from the well-defined Chlamydodon by lack of the cross-striped band around the periphery of the somatic field. Paracyrtophoron tropicum nov. spec., the type of the new genus, can be recognized by the combination of the following characters: cell size about 150-175×70-90μm in vivo; elliptical to kidney-shaped in outline, dorsoventrally flattened about 2.5:1; conspicuous cortical granules; one canal-like depression extending from postoral area to subcaudal region of cell; ca. 90 somatic kineties; 12-16 nematodesmal rods; one or two terminal fragments on dorsal side. Aegyria rostellum is characterized by the following features: size about 90-150×40-70μm in vivo, triangular or ear-shaped body with broad anterior end, having a rostriform structure and pigment spots, 56-63 somatic kineties, one preoral kinety, three or four circumoral kineties, and 32-42 nematodesmal rods. Based on previous and current studies, the definition for the genus Aegyria is updated: body dorsoventrally flattened; oral ciliature consisting of one preoral and several circumoral kineties; podite located in posterior ventral region and surrounded by somatic kineties; no obvious gap between right and left somatic kineties; postoral and left somatic kineties progressively shortened posteriorly from right to left. Additionally, two new combinations were proposed.  相似文献   

Licnophora chattoni, found in association with Zyzzyzus warreni, a tubulariid hydroid epizoic in sponges from São Sebastião (SP, Brazil), is redescribed and illustrated using light and electron microscopy. The ciliate has a flexible, transparent body formed by an oval anterior region linked to the posterior basal disc via a flexible neck region. Numerous cortical granules are observed scattered throughout the body and densely packed along the neck. The adoral zone is formed by about 81 external and 24 infundibular paramembranelles. The paroral membrane, formed by a row of long cilia arranged in monokinetids, extends through a groove in the body to the adhesive disc. Two dorsal kinetids are present along the right body margin and around the neck. The adhesive disc (18 μm in diameter) lacks cilia in the area above the velum. The velum covers a row of dikinetids bearing long cilia and four dikineties, two or three of which are interrupted on the ventral surface. Nine to twelve macronuclear nodules connected by isthmuses are distributed in the cytoplasm, plus two nodules located in the adhesive disc and between those there is an ovate micronucleus.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of the tomite stage of Hyalophysa chattoni was examined with particular attention to its kinetal apparatus. The pellicle, thick and dense compared with that of other ciliates, is formed of three layers. The inner layer is composed of short fibrils oriented perpendicular to the surface. The cytoplasm around the oral passage and beneath falciform field 8 is crowded with dense inclusion bodies of unknown function. Dorsal to the oral passage is the rosette, a disc-shaped organelle subdivided by septa in the form of incomplete radii about a central chamber containing a tuft of cilia. The septa are composed of 3 membranes enclosing a fine layer of cytoplasm. At their inner ends 20 mμ fibers run dorsally and ventrally. Dense clumps of fibrous material line the luminal surface of the septa. Rows of fusiform trichocysts parallel the kineties. The trichocysts are composed of a finely periodic, moderately electron-dense material surrounded by 20 mμ fibrils oriented along the long axis of the trichocyst. Between and below the kinetosomes and the rows of trichocysts are electron-dense vesicles 300 mμ in diameter and bounded by a loose membrane. The large “trichocysts,” the “gros trichocystes” of Chatton and Lwoff, whose appearance heralds the beginnings of trichocystogenesis, prove to be canaliculi opening to the surface. Four separate ciliary membrane systems—the oral ciliature (XYZ), falciform field 8, falciform field 9, and the ogival field—are located on the ventral surface of the tomite. Each differs from the others and from the somatic kineties in the fibrillar organization around its kinetosomes. In the somatic kineties the kinetodesmos is a dense, periodic fiber which is formed of stacks of up to 18 subfibers, each arising from the base of a kinetosome. The kinetosomes are short (300 mμ) and contain dense central granules. In some kineties, alternating between the kinetosomes, are elliptical kinetosome-like structures which do not bear cilia and perhaps provide a reservoir of kinetosomes for future growth of the kinety.  相似文献   

A soil hypotrich ciliate, Afrokahliella paramacrostoma n. sp., was discovered in China. Its morphology, morphogenesis and molecular phylogeny were investigated using standard methods. The new species is characterized as follows: body about 140–180 × 60–70 μm in vivo, cortical granules absent, contractile vacuole positioned about 40% down length of body, 5–9 macronuclear nodules, 34–49 adoral membranelles, 3–5 buccal and 3–6 parabuccal cirri, usually two frontoventral rows, three or four left and two or three right marginal rows, three dorsal kineties and one dorsomarginal kinety; 1–3 and one or two caudal cirri located at the ends of dorsal kineties 1 and 2, respectively. The ontogenetic process is characterized by: (1) the marginal anlagen on each side develop in the outer right and the inner left marginal rows, respectively; (2) five frontoventral-transverse cirral anlagen, anlagen II–IV develop in secondary mode; (3) dorsal morphogenesis follows a typical Urosomoida-pattern, no parental dorsal kineties are retained; (4) caudal cirri are generated at the ends of dorsal kineties 1 and 2. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rDNA sequence data reveals that Afrokahliella paramacrostoma n. sp. is closely related to Parakahliella macrostoma and Hemiurosomoida longa.  相似文献   

A new colpodid ciliate, Bresslauides pratensis n. sp., was discovered in soil from a meadow field in Turkey. Its morphology was investigated using live observation, protargol impregnation, silver nitrate impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. The new species differs from the congeners by the following combination of features: the cell size in vivo is about 135-180 μm × 130-160 μm; the body has an almost circular outline with a conspicuous bulge on the ventral side; the somatic cilia are arranged in about 105 densely spaced, sigmoidal kineties; a diagonal groove extends to the left cell side, terminating in a pronounced postoral sack; one almost globular macronucleus and usually two globular micronuclei; the oral structures occupy almost the anterior half of the cell and comprise a distally elongated right polykinetid and a crescentic left oral polykinetid, both restricted to the vestibulum; on average 12 vestibular, 31 postoral, and 55 left oral kineties. Based on the morphological data, it was concluded that B. pratensis is a well-outlined and distinctive member of the genus Bresslauides. Additionally, the most recent molecular data on the order Colpodida and genera Colpoda, Bresslaua, and Bresslauides are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new species of kinetophragminophoran ciliate, collected from dried vegetation and capable of forming an aerial sorocarp, is described and named Sorogena stoianovitchae gen. n., sp. n. This ciliate is a voracious predator that feeds on species of Colpoda , and, when the latter is depleted in numbers, aggregates to forms sorogens. Each sorogen rises into the air from the surface of the water, forming a secreted stalk with a sorus of cysts at its apex. the feeding stage of the ciliate resembles an Enchelys in that it has an apical, slit-like mouth surrounded by a lip, a somewhat dorso-ventrally flattened body, and meridional kineties. Its length ranges from 40–75 μm and width from 23–55 μm. It has a typical rhabdos type of cytopharynx, but no specialized oral ciliature. the somatic kineties are formed of rows of paired kinetosomes with associated microfibrils, the arrangement of which differs a little from that of other ciliates of this subclass. Sorogena has tentatively been placed in the order Haptorida although it lacks toxicysts, recognizable mucocysts, and clavate cilia. Its unique life cycle and some of the details of its fine structure indicate differences between Sorogena and other haptorids so profound that a new family, SOROGENIDAE, is created for it. the type species (PNG76-73) was collected on dry figs at the Wau Ecology Institute, Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The cell surface of the synhymeniid ciliate, Zosterodasys agamalievi , consists of shallow kinetal grooves separated by low cortical ridges. Numerous electron-opaque bodies are located in the cortical ridges, inside the kinetal grooves, and are distributed in parallel rows between adjacent kineties. Well-developed alveoli are present beneath the cell surface membrane. Zosterodasys agamalievi has a single micronucleus and a homomerous macronucleus. The infraciliature of the somatic monokinetid consists of an anteriorly-directed kinetodesmal fiber, a well-developed divergent postciliary microtubular ribbon, radially-oriented transverse microtubules, and a short striated rootlet, which extends anteriorly from the base of the kinetosome into the cell. Zosterodasys agamalievi has a perioral band of paired cilia, the synhymenium, that winds obliquely across the ventral surface of the body, just posterior to the cytostome. The infraciliature of the anterior kinetosome of the synhymenium consists of two postciliary microtubules; a well-developed, divergent post-ciliary ribbon of microtubules and a short kinetodesmal fiber are associated with the posterior kinetosome. The cytopharynx is supported by 14-16 nematodesmata which are capped distally by a capitulum. The cytopharynx is bound proximally by a fibrous sheath and is lined by radially-arranged microtubular ribbons. No obvious oral ciliature is present.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopical observations on the stomatogenesis of Coleps amphacanthus Ehrenberg, 1833, show that this "gymno"-stome ciliate has a well developed oral ciliature made of 19–23 "paroral dikinetids" and three "adoral organelles." These structures were previously known as "circumoral ciliature" and "dorsal brosse," and it was thought that they originated from the distal ends of all the 22–26 somatic kineties. Contrary to this view, only four stomatogenic kineties (K1, Kn, Kn-1, and Kn-2) are involved in stomatogenesis of the opisthe. All paroral dikinetids arise from one single kinetofragment (KF1) to the right of the oral anlage while the adoral organelles originate from the three left kinetofragments (KFn, KFn-1, and KFn-2). In particular, the future paroral dikinetids perform a complex morphogenetic movement that leads to a situation where the postciliary microtubules of the once posterior kinetosome of each oral dikinetid give rise to the cytopharyngeal microtubular ribbons. The postciliary origin of the cytopharyngeal ribbons which could only be detected by an EM study of stomatogenesis shows that the basket of Coleps belongs to the cyrtos-type and not to the rhabdos-type basket, where transverse microtubules accompany the basket-forming nematodesmata. The taxonomic implications of these observations, which may lead to a revision of the systematic position of the genus Coleps , are discussed.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of four marine cyrtophorid ciliates isolated from Qingdao, China, were investigated. Based on the present work and on previous data, improved diagnoses for three rarely known species are provided: (1) Mirodysteria decora; small-sized marine Mirodysteria about 35–60 × 25–35 μm in vivo, oval in outline; body surface with two or three conspicuous dorsal spines and one caudal spine; three right kineties, the rightmost one extending dorso-apically; left frontal kineties reduced, each consisting of three basal bodies only; podite subcaudally positioned; two ventrally located contractile vacuoles. (2) Dysteria legumen; body oval with two longitudinal grooves on different plates; six right kineties, the rightmost two of which extend dorso-apically; two left frontal kineties and two ventrally located contractile vacuoles. (3) Dysteria proraefrons; body about 60 × 35 μm in vivo; six right kineties, the two rightmost of which extend dorso-apically and the leftmost one is considerably shortened; three left frontal kineties; two ventrally located contractile vacuoles. A population of D. derouxi with eight or nine right kineties is also briefly described. The current investigation further demonstrates high diversity and cosmopolitan distribution of this highly specialized group of benthic ciliates.  相似文献   

The morphology and molecular phylogeny of a new metopid ciliate, Urostomides spinosus nov. spec., discovered in a freshwater ditch in Qingdao, China, were investigated using live observation, morphometry and protargol staining as well as molecular phylogenetic methods. Diagnostic features of the new species include a broadly obpyriform body carrying three posterior spines, eight somatic kineties, five preoral dome kineties with specialized row 3, adoral zone composed of about 28 membranelles, making a 270° turn around body axis. Phylogenetic analyses of the SSU rDNA sequence revealed that the genus Urostomides is monophyletic, but its interspecific relationships remained unresolved. Moreover, a closer relationship of the new species with the morphologically similar Urostomides campanula was not supported by the molecular data.  相似文献   

Two colepid ciliates, Levicoleps taehwae nov. spec. and L. biwae jejuensis nov. subspec., were collected from the brackish water of the Taehwa River and a small freshwater pond in Jeju Island, South Korea, respectively. Their living morphology, infraciliature, and small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences were determined using standard methods. Barrel‐shaped L. taehwae nov. spec. is a small ciliate with an average size of 45 × 25 μm in vivo, about 15 ciliary rows each composed of 12 monokinetids and two perioral dikinetids, and two 20 μm‐long caudal cilia. The sequence length and GC content of the SSU rRNA gene are 1,669 bp, 44.5%. This novel species is similar in body size to Coleps hirtus, and has six armor tiers and hirtus‐type tier plates, and the same number of ciliary rows as C. hirtus; however, it can be distinguished from the latter by the absence of armor spines and its sequence similarity of SSU rRNA gene is about 92.8% which indicates that it is a distinct form. Levicoleps biwae jejuensis nov. subspec., is a medium colepid ciliate which has a barrel‐shaped body, about 22 somatic kineties and 16 transverse ciliary rows, three mini adoral organelles, and four 15 μm‐long caudal cilia. The sequence length and GC content of the SSU rRNA gene are 1,666 bp and 44.4%.  相似文献   

The swimming behavior of many ciliate protozoans depends on graded changes in the direction of the ciliary effective stroke in response to depolarizing stimuli (i.e., the avoiding reaction of Paramecium). We investigated the problem of whether the directional response of cilia with a variable plane of beat is related to the polarity of the cell as a whole or to the orientation of the cortical structures themselves. To do this, we used a stock of Paramecium aurelia with part of the cortex reversed 180 degrees. We determined the relation of the orientation of the kineties (ciliary rows) to the direction of beat in these mosaic paramecia by cinemicrography of particle movements near living cells and by scanning electron microscopy of instantaneously fixed material. We found that the cilia of the inverted rows always beat in the direction opposite to that of normally oriented cilia during both forward and backward swimming. In addition, metachronal waves of ciliary coordination were present on the inverted patch, travelling in the direction opposite to those on the normal cortex. The reference point for the directional response of Paramecium cilia to stimuli thus resides within the cilia or their immediate cortical surroundings.  相似文献   

A new ciliate species of the genus Loxophyllum Dujardin, 1841, Loxophyllum paludosum sp. n., is described from a mangrove wetland near Daya Bay in Guangdong Province, southern China, based on morphological and molecular analyses. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of the following characters: (1) 12–14 right kineties and 4–6 left kineties; (2) two macronuclear nodules and one micronucleus; (3) a single contractile vacuole located terminally; (4) extrusomes bar-shaped, evenly spaced along entire ventral margin, and clustered to form 5–7 warts along dorsal margin; and (5) presence of three ridges on the left side of cell. The new species is divergent from its congeners from 0.4% to 6.7% (5–104 nucleotide sites) based on the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequence data. The validity of the new species is also supported by molecular phylogenetic trees inferred from SSU rRNA gene sequences.  相似文献   

The planktonic ciliate Strombidinopsis jeokjo n. sp. is described from Quantitative Protargol-Stained (QPS) preparations, and the sequence of the small subunit rDNA (SSU rDNA) from cultured cells is reported. This species is ovoid and bluntly tapered towards the posterior. The ranges (and mean +/- standard deviation, n = 31) of cell length, cell width, and oral diameter of the QPS-stained specimens were 100-190 microm (149 +/- 25), 60-105 microm (79 +/- 13), and 55-80 microm (64 +/- 5), respectively. Fifteen to seventeen external oral polykinetids had oral membranelle cilia 20-35 microm long. Twenty-six to twenty-eight somatic kineties were equally spaced around the cell body and extended from the oral to the posterior regions with 23-44 dikinetids per kinety. Both kinetosomes of each kinetid bore cilia 3-7 microm long. Strombidinopsis jeokjo had two ovoid macronuclei of 25-38 microm x 12-15 microm. When properly aligned, the sequence of the SSU rDNA of S. jeokjo (GenBank Accession No. AJ628250) was approximately 2% different from that of an unidentified Strombidinopsis species (GenBank Accession No. AF399132-AF399135), the closest species in the SSU rDNA sequence.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of a new ciliate, Kiitricha minuta n. sp., isolated from the Yellow Sea, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation. Kiitricha minuta represents a third member of the rarely known order Kiitrichida. It is unique in the subclass Hypotrichia in having many rows of small uniform cirri along the right side of the body and the dorsal kineties composed of dikinetids, most of which bear two cilia. Kiitricha minuta n. sp. is ovoid and measures about 60 x 45 microm in vivo. It has a huge buccal cavity occupying about 80% of the body length, numerous body extrusomes, one macronucleus and two micronuclei, 27-27 adoral membranelles, 9-12 frontoventral cirral rows, a submarginal row of 7-9 cirri, 6 or 7 transverse cirri, and roughly 7-9 dorsal kineties. This new species differs distinctly from its only congener Kiitricha marina by its smaller size (60 microm vs. 80-150 microm), the presence of body extrusomes (vs. absent), the different macronuclear pattern (one vs. two nodules), and the lower number of frontoventral cirral rows (9-12 vs. 21-26), which terminate at the anterior two-thirds of body (vs. extend to the posterior). The new term "submarginal cirral row" is introduced to distinguish from the marginal cirral row in typical hypotrichs sensu lato. Based on our new observations and the literature, an improved diagnosis for the genus Kiitricha is provided and its phylogenetic importance is discussed.  相似文献   

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