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MARCHANT  H. J. 《Annals of botany》1974,38(4):883-888
Uninucleate cells of Pediastrum become multinucleate by a seriesof synchronous mitoses. Mitotic nuclei are enclosed by a perinuclearenvelope of endoplasmic reticulum. Cytoplasmic cleavage of themultinucleate cells leads to the production of uninucleate,biflagellate zoospores (zooids) which are subsequently releasedinto a lenticular vesicle through a rupture in the outer layerof the parental cell wall. Within the vesicle, presumably derivedfrom part of the inner layer of parental wall, the zooids swarmactively before aggregating in a planar array. Bands of microtubulesunderlie the plasmalemma of the zooids which, when the zooidsaggregate, are usually coplanar with the newly formed colony.The role of microtubules in patterned colony formation and inthe development of the characteristic horns on peripheral cellsof colonies of Pediastrum is discussed.  相似文献   

In the process of inserting a microelectrode into the vacuoleof Nitella three potential levels were recorded. The first onewas at a water phase outside the cell wall, the second one inthe cell wall and the third one across the plasmalemma. Thefirst potential was variable with the distance from the surfaceof the cell wall. When the external solution was 10–4M KCl, the second potential level was –90 mv and the thirdone –170 mv against an external reference electrode. Thesepotentials were less negative (more negative) with the increase(decrease) of the external KCl concentration and varied to someextent among samples. The vacuolar potential measured againstthe cell wall phase was, therefore, –80 mv inside negativeto outside. A large potential change such as action potentialwas observed only across the plasmalemma. An overshoot of theaction potential of Nitella flexilis was observed very often,when the vacuolar potential was measured against the cell wallphase. This work was supported by a Research Grant from the Ministryof Education of Japan. Part of this work was performed whenR. NAGAI was a Yukawa Research Grant fellow.  相似文献   

The time course for inactivation of the transient current inthe plasmalemma of Nitella axilliformis was studied. A voltageclamp that changed the membrane potential in two steps was used.Results confirmed that there is a definite delay in the inactivationprocess during excitation of the plasmalemma. (Received April 9, 1983; Accepted July 8, 1983)  相似文献   

BHATT  J. R. 《Annals of botany》1987,60(4):405-416
Development of gum-resin ducts, sites of resin synthesis inthe epithelial cells and elimination of resin from the protoplasthave been studied in the stem of Commiphora wightii. Formationof an intercellular space amongst a group of densely stainedprocambial cells signals the initiation of a duct. It widensby anticlinal divisions of the epithelial cells and also bytheir further separation along the radial walls. The numerousplastids with varying morphological shapes have an electrondense matrix. Starch granules present in the amyloplasts showevidences of exocorrosion. Mitochondria in the epithelial cellsof developing and mature ducts have well developed, swollencristae. Osmiophilic material originates in association withthe golgi-derived vesicles at its maturing face. It is alsoobserved in close association with plastids, mitochondria andvacuoles, thereby plausibly involving them in the process ofresin formation. The resinous material is eliminated from thecytoplasm by vesicles enveloped by plasmalemma prior to theirdischarge into the apoplast. Myelin-like multilamellate structuresobserved along the inner tangential wall may aid in the secretionof resin across the wall. Commiphora wightii, primary secretory ducts, epithelial cells, ultrastructure, gum-resin secretion  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of rapid drying (in an airstream) and rapid freezing (in sub-cooled liquid nitrogen) onthe survival and ultrastructural preservation of pea embryonicaxes that had been imbibed for 4 h (desiccation tolerant) and24 h (desiccation sensitive). Maximum survival of all axes inthe absence of freezing was attained. Similarly, 100% survivalwas obtained if freezing was preceded by rapid drying. Axesimbibed for 24 h and not dried were more sensitive to freezingthan undried, 4 h imbibed axes. Ultrastructural examinationshowed no organellar or cytomatrical deformations in axes fromany of the treatments. Some cells of the 24 h imbibed axes showedlocalized plasmalemma abnormalities after railed dehydration.Subsequent to freezing, irregular nuclei were observed and plasmalemmavesiculation occurred. If these axes were not dried prior tofreezing, plasmalemma vesiculation became prominent, clumpingof the cytoskeleton occurred and some wall abnormalities becameapparent. Rapid drying probably increases intercellular soluteconcentrations, and sub-cooled liquid nitrogen will increasethe rate of heat exchange between tissue and cryogen. A combinationof rapid drying and rapid freezing may obviate, or reduce, therequirement for cryoprotectants on freezing of desiccation sensitivetissue.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Pisum sativum L., pea, embryonic axis, ultrastructure, transmission electron microscopy, cryopreservation, rapid freezing  相似文献   

Effects of a pulse of blue light on the extracellular pH inthe pulvinus of Phaseolus vulgaris L. were studied with double-barreledpH-sensitive microelectrodes. A blue-light pulse (30 s) inducedtransient alkalization, sometimes with initial acidification.This result is consistent with the hypothesis that blue lightinactivates the plasmalemma H+-ATPase. (Received January 17, 1995; Accepted May 29, 1995)  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the rapid swelling of pollen grainsdriven by potassium movement opens the septum in anthers ofpoaceous plants, we studied (1) the behaviour of pollen grainsduring unfolding of the locule and (2) the distribution of potassiumin the locule in two-rowed barley. In the first experiment,the unfolding of decapitated anthers was observed. The pollengrains paved the inner wall of the locule during the unfoldingprocess, suggesting that the pollen grains bend the locule walloutward when they adhere to the wall. In the second experiment,the distribution of potassium in transverse sections of loculesin dehisced and indehisced anthers was observed. In indehiscedanthers, potassium was detected outside the pollen grains. Incontrast, in dehisced anthers, potassium was detected insidepollen grains. This suggested potassium ions moved from theinter-pollen space (locular fluid) into the pollen grains inthe locule at the time of pollen-grain swelling. Copyright 2000Annals of Botany Company Hordeum vulgare L., locule unfolding, pollen grain swelling, potassium ion, two-rowed barley  相似文献   

In differentiating sieve elements of Aegilops comosa var. thessalicadictyosomes are abundant and they produce numerous smooth vesicles.Coated vesicles seem to bud from smooth ones. Since both kindsof vesicles appear both in the cytoplasm and in associationwith the plasmalemma, it is proposed that they move to and fusewith the plasmalemma transferring products for cell wall synthesis.During differentiation sub-plasmalemmal microtubules are initiallyscarce and randomly oriented but soon afterwards they becomenumerous and transversely oriented to the long axis. Cellulosemicrofibrils in the cell wall appear to run parallel to themicrotubules and the latter may regulate microfibril orientation. Root protophloem sieve elements develop wave-like wall thickenings,which are, during development, overlaid by microtubules perpendicularto the long axis. Just after maturation these thickenings progressivelybecome smooth and finally the walls appear uniform in thickness.The wave-like wall thickenings may function as stored wall material,utilized in later stages of development when wall material willbe needed and its synthesis will be impossible because of theabsence of a synthesizing mechanism in the highly degraded protoplastsof mature sieve elements. It is suggested that in this way thethickenings may enable root protophloem sieve elements to growand keep pace with the active clongation of the surroundingcells. Aegilops comosa var. thessalica, sieve elements. cell wall, microtubules, dictyosomes, coated vesicles, wave-like thickenings  相似文献   

The budding process of the yeast form of Mucor rouxii was examined by electron microscopy of thin sections with particular reference to wall ontogeny. In most instances the bud wall is seen as a continuation of the inner layers of the parent cell wall. As the bud emerges it ruptures the outer layers of the parent wall. The bud wall is much thinner than the parent wall and remains so while the bud grows into a sphere of about one half the diameter of the parent cell. Then a septum begins to form centripetally, at the neck, by invagination of the plasmalemma. Before the neck canal is completely occuluded, electron-dense wall material is deposited into the septum space. Two separate septum walls are deposited, one on the parent side and one on the bud side of the invaginating plasmalemma. Septum wall formation extends to the surrounding neck walls. In this manner, the parent and bud cytoplasms become fully separated and each is surrounded by a continuous wall. The two cells remain attached to each other by the original neck wall; eventually, the bud abscisses leaving a birth scar on the bud cell and a more pronounced bud scar on the parent cell. In general, the mechanism of budding in this zygomycetous fungus resembles that of an ordinary ascomycetous yeast such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Cardiac Fine Structure in Selected Arthropods and Molluscs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The ultrastructure of the single-chambered hearts of selectedarthropods is compared with that of the multi-chambered heartsof three molluscs. I used the following four systems to makethe comparison: (1) contractile apparatus, (2) sarcoplasmicreticulum and surface invaginations, (3) cell to cell junctions,and (4) nerves. The contractile apparatus is composed of thinand thick filaments. While the thin filaments have the samediameter, the diameter of the thick filaments differs from oneheart to another. Evidence is presented to indicate that thisis due to varying amounts of paramyosin in the thick filaments.The arthropod cardiac cells have an extensive system of sarcoplasmicreticulum, the terminal vesicles of which are coupled to theplasmalemma and to the invaginations of the plasmalemma, theT-system. The molluscan cardiac cells lack a typical T-system,which is presumably due to their small cell size (about 10 µm).They possess, however, an elaborate system of sarcoplasmic reticulumwhich extends from just under the plasmalemma to the middleof the cell. In addition to elaborate sarcoplasmic reticulum,the heart of the whelk (Busycon canaliculatum) possess manysmall invaginations of the plasmalemma, called sarcolemmic tubules.These invaginations of the cell surface are not found in thehearts of the few bivalves examined. All arthropod and molluscanhearts have intercalated discs which can be seen in the lightmicroscope. Two types of junctions can be distinguished in theelectron microscope. The mechanical junction is at the levelof the terminal sarcomere where the thin filaments are embeddedin the cell wall and dense granular material appears to causethe two adjacent cells to adhere to each other. The electricaljunction is found along the lateral borders of cells of boththe molluscan and arthropod hearts. Finally, while nerves appearto be absent in the myogenic moth heart, they are abundant inthe myogenic cockroach heart and in the neurogenic lobster heart.Furthermore, two types of nerves appear very prominently inthe myogenic molluscan hearts.  相似文献   

The fine structure of germinating Botrytis fabae conidia wasstudied using both chemically stained sections and freeze-etchedreplicas. Germinating conidia have fewer organelles than restingconidia, glycogen is absent, and prevacuoles have disappeared.Endoplasmic reticulum which occurs as small strands close tothe cell wall of resting conidia becomes, on germination, multiplesheets surrounding the nuclei. A cross wall is formed at thebase of the germ tube soon after germination commences. Thenew wall material which appears to be continuous with this septalwall is produced, at least partly, from a new wall layer laiddown in the centre of the old conidial wall. An apical corpuscleis present at the apex of young germ tubes. Freeze-etched preparationsshow the formation of lomasomes by the passage of vesicles throughthe plasmalemma of conidia and germ tubes. In young hyphae lomasomescontain a complex arrangement of branching tubules. Some ofthe particles on the outer plasmalemma of young hyphae are arrangedin a geometrical pattern.  相似文献   

10–7 M cycloheximide inhibited bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)root elongation by about 20 per cent but it inhibited absorptionof rubidium, sodium, and phosphate ions to a much greater extent(34–71 per cent). Tips of intact plant roots grown inthe inhibitor showed more inhibition in ion uptake than adjacentproximal portions of the same roots and this is taken to indicatethat 10–7 M cycloheximide does not exert its effect onion uptake by any uncoupling action. Sodium uptake from 0.5 or 10 mM NaCl solutions by root tipswas inhibited by 10–7 M cycloheximide to twice the extentthat it was in the elongating region of the root. Assuming thatthe inhibitor affects the plasmalemma more than the tonoplast,Epstein's model of parallel operation of system 1 and system2 at the plasmalemma is supported.  相似文献   

Root tissues of Isoetes muricata Dur. were fixed in glutaraldehydeand postfixed in osmium tetroxide for electron microscopy. Veryyoung root sieve elements can be distinguished from contiguousparenchyma cells by the presence of crystalline and/or fibrillarproteinaceous material in dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmicreticulum (ER). Similar crystalline-fibrillar material accumulatesin the perinuclear space. During differentiation, the portionsof ER enclosing this proteinaceous substance become smooth surfacedand migrate to the cell wall. Along the way many of them formmultivesicular bodies which fuse with the plasmalemma, dischargingtheir contents toward the wall. Nuclear degeneration is pycnotic.At maturity, the sieve element contains a degenerate, filiformnucleus, plastids, and mitochondria. In addition, the wall ofthe mature sieve element is lined by a plasmalemma and a parietalnetwork of smooth ER. Sieve-area pores are present in both endand lateral walls of mature sieve elements. Whereas a singlecluster of pores occurs in each end wall, the pores of the lateralwalls are solitary and few in number.  相似文献   

Electron microscope studies have shown that Potamogeton pectinatusL. accumulates lead in the cell walls where it is probably boundaccording to Donnan equilibria. The plasmalemma acts as a barrierto the influx of lead, though pinocytotic invaginations mayconvey some metal into the protoplast and render it non-toxic.With high, toxic lead treatments, deposits were observed inthe cytoplasm and within the chloroplasts. The accumulationof lead in the cell walls and the pinocytotic inclusions, asa feature of lead-tolerant species, is discussed. The data suggesta rapid penetration of ions through the thin cuticle of submergedangiosperms and absorption into the protoplast.  相似文献   

FLETCHER  J. 《Annals of botany》1973,37(5):963-971
Fully formed pre-cleavage sporangia and sporangiola of Thamnidiumelegans Link were bounded by a primary wall plus a thick, internalsecondary wall layer. In sporangia in late pre-cleavage, Golgi-likecisternae were associated with groups of cytoplasmic vesiclesof characteristic size and appearance which were not found insporangia containing large cleavage vesicles. In both sporangia and sporangiola, protoplast cleavage was effectedby enlargement of endogenous cleavage vesicles each containinga lining layer of variable appearance, mutual fusion of cleavagevesicle membranes and fusion of cleavage vesicle membranes withthe plasmalemma. Golgi-like cisternae and small vesicular profileswere present in sporangium protoplasts at all stages of cleavagevesicle enlargement. In sporangia, the columella zone was delimitedby cleavage vesicles and separated from the sporogenous zoneby a fibrillar wall. A similar wall, which sometimes protrudedto form a small columella, was formed in sporangiola. Recently delimited spore protoplasts were bounded by plasmalemmamembrane derived from cleavage vesicle bounding membrane andsporangium or sporangiolum plasmalemma and surrounded by aninvesting layer derived from cleavage vesicle lining material.The investing layer at first appeared single, but later twoelectron opaque profiles were discernible. The spore wall wasformed between the investing layer and the plasmalemma. Wallsof sporangia and sporangiola which contained fully formed sporesconsisted of the primary layers only.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure, Development and Secretion in the Nectary of Banana Flowers   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
The nectaries of Musa paradisiaca L. var. sapientum Kuntze werefound to secrete in addition to the sugar solution, a polysaccharidemucilage and a very electron dense, homogenous material whichwas apparently protein. The polysaccharide had already startedto appear outside the epithelial cells of the nectary at veryearly stages of nectary development. At somewhat later developmentalstages the very dense homogenous material appeared in the formof droplets between the plasmalemma and cell wall in massesin the nectary lumen. Nectar secretion started in flowers whenthe bract in the axil of which they occurred had just recoiled.The ER elements were dilated and formed vesicles and the Golgibodies were very active, at the stage of the nectar secretionand at stages preceding it, except at the stage just beforesecretion. In all stages of nectary development the dilatedER elements and most large Golgi vesicles contained fibrillarmaterial. It is suggested that both ER and the Golgi apparatusare involved in the secretion of the sugar solution and of thepolysaccharides. There was not enough evidence as to where inthe cell the very dense homogenous material is synthesized. A few developmental stages of the nectaries of the male flowersof the Dwarf Cavendish banana, which do not secrete nectar,were also studied. It was seen that at early stages of development,the ultra-structure of the nectary of this banana variety wassimilar to that of M. paradisiaca var. sapientum. However, theepithelial nectary cells of the Dwarf Cavendish banana disintegratedbefore maturation of the nectary. Musa paradisiaca L, banana, floral nectaries, ultrastructure  相似文献   

The uptake of C1 ions by cells of Tolypella intricata is greatlyincreased by light, and must be an active process. K ions inthe cells (at 90–110 mM concentration) are in approximateelectrochemical equilibrium with the external solution, butthe K influx is affected (directly or indirectly) by cellularmetabolism. The K influx is increased by light, and the increaseis greater in the presence of C1 than when C1 is removed fromthe solution. K uptake is inhibited by chemicals which alsoinhibit the C1 pump.It is suggested that light increases thepermeability of the plasmalemma to K, but there must also belinks between K and C1 uptake. The possible nature of theselinks is discussed.The internal Na concentration (3–10mM) is considerably below the expected equilibrium concentration,but the Na influx is also very low (and is not increased bylight). The permeability of the plasmalemma to Na is thus verylow, and there can be little active extrusion of Na under normalconditions.  相似文献   

The location of galactomannan on the surface ofSchizosaccharomyces pombe cells was reexamined by scanning electron microscopy by an indirect but specific method using gold markers. The polysaccharide was found on the cell surface and at the end beginning to grow but not on the wall established by division. Galactomannan was also localized onS. pombe thin sections by transmission electron microscopy using the same method. The polysaccharide was found deposited in two layers in the cell wall, i.e. at the periphery of the wall and near the plasmalemma. The septum was also marked but mainly near the plasmalemma. These results indicated that the polysaccharide is elaborated onto the outside of the wall during extension but not during septum formation. When thin sections ofS. pombe were marked with gold granules labeled with wheat germ agglutinin, marking was found in vacuoles but not in the cell wall. This confirmed thatS. pombe cell wall is devoid of chitin.Non-Standard Abbreviations Au gold colloid - RCAI Ricinus communis lectin - SEM scanning electron microscopy - TEM transmission electron microscopy - WGA wheat germ agglutinin  相似文献   

BENAYOUN  J. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(2):189-200
Certain developmental features of cell wall hydrolysis werestudied in the secondary xylem of poplar (Populus italica Moench).At the intervascular pit membrane hydrolysis starts prematurelybefore differentiation of the secondary wall is complete andincreases progressively. Eventually the whole of the middlelamella is hydrolysed, and the primary wall undergoes lyticmodification. The modified polysaccharides are dispersed, presumablyby the transpiration stream. During differentiation the vessel-parenchymapit membrane remains unaltered and undergoes thickening. Thepresent investigation suggests that the plasalemma plays animportant role in the ordered hydrolysis of certain regionsof the primary walls. Populus italicaMoench, poplar, secondaryxylem, xylem, cell wall hydrolysis, plasmalemma, pit membram  相似文献   

From earlier published work it is known that microtubules inthe vegetative cell of angiosperm pollen tubes mainly occurin the form of longitudinally disposed strands closely associatedwith the plasmalemma. This peripheral cytoskeleton is extendedapically at a speed matching the growth rate of the tube. Immunofluorescencelocalization shows that in the actively elongating tube it originatesin the sub-apical zone in bands or ribbons up to 2 µmwide, interpreted here as comprising aggregates of apposed,axially oriented microtubules. These appear first in the corticalcytoplasm in close association with the wall in the part ofthe tube where the callose inner lining can first be detected.The bands do not extend apically into the region of the pecticsheath of the extreme tip. In the course of normal growth, theperipheral microtubule investment remains in the older partsof the tube from which the bulk of the cytoplasm has been withdrawn,indicating that tubulin is probably not recycled. If the growth of the tube is retarded, the inner callosic layerextends apically. The acropetal movement of callose is accompaniedby a migration of the limit of detectable tubulin towards theextreme tip, and the axially oriented bands are replaced bya confused mass of granules and short spicules. It is suggested that the bands represent nucleation zones associatedwith the stabilizing plasmalemma in the sub-apical stretch ofthe tube where the insertion of wall-precursor material is diminishing,and that it is from these zones that the microtubule cytoskeletonof the pollen tube originates. Since during growth the nucleationzones progress rapidly forward into association with new membrane,it is considered unlikely that their sites are determined bylocal differentiations of the plasmalemma. An alternative possibilityis that the distribution of the zones is related to the calciumion gradient known to be present in the apical stretch of theextending pollen tube. Microtubules, pollen tube growth, Lilium auratum  相似文献   

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