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I. Lysogenic B. megatherium 899a (de Jong, 1931) produces two types of phage (Gratia, 1936 c) T and C. The T phage forms cloudy plaques and gives rise to fresh lysogenic strains (Gratia, 1936 b) when added to the sensitive strain of megatherium. It may or may not cause lysis, depending on the media (Northrop, 1951). The C phage occurs very rarely) forms clear plaques, does not give rise to lysogenic strains, and causes complete lysis of the sensitive strain under all conditions tested, provided infection occurs. If C phage is added to the sensitive strain, and the mixture allowed to stand, or made into a hanging drop preparation, the infected cells stop growing and lyse completely after 60 to 80 minutes with the liberation of from 50 to 200 phage particles per cell. If, however, C phage is added to a rapidly growing culture of B. megatherium and the suspension shaken at 34°, the cells continue to grow and divide for 50 to 60 minutes, after infection has occurred. They then lyse, with the liberation of from 1000 to 2500 phage particles per cell. II. The following determinations have been made on megatherium sensitive cells growing in 5 per cent peptone at different stages of growth. (1) Growth rate of infected and uninfected cells; (2) RNA, DNA, and protein content; (3) volume of the cell; (4) phage yield per cell by plaque count; (5) phage yield per cell by cell and plaque count; (6) lysis time. The growth rate decreases as the cell concentration increases. The lysis time and the protein N per cell are nearly independent of the growth rate; all the other values increase as the growth rate increases. The ratio See PDF for Equation is nearly constant. RNA and DNA per cell increase less rapidly than the volume, so that NA per unit volume is not constant, but decreases as the size of the cell increases. The phage yield measured under conditions in which the infected cells do not grow (by plaque count) is very nearly proportional to the size of the cell. The phage yield per cell, under conditions in which the infected cells do grow, increases more rapidly than the size of the cells. The phage yield per cell under these conditions may be calculated by the equation See PDF for Equation The determining factor for the variation in phage yield is the growth rate of the cells. This, in turn, is determined by the composition of the medium. III. The growth and phage production of megatherium 899a have been determined in the presence of the following substances: aureomycin, bacitracin, chloromycetin, gramicidin, Merck AB631, Merck AB191, Merck AB624, penicillin, streptomycin, terramycin, tyrothricin, usnic acid, acetone, chloroform, ethyl alcohol, formaldehyde, gentian violet, glycerin, maleic hydrazide, methyl alcohol, phenyl mercuric acetate, sodium fluoride, sulfanilamide, toluene, and urethane. In every case, the lowest concentration of the substance which completely inhibits growth, is also the lowest concentration which completely inhibits phage production. One antibiotic, Merck AB81, causes increased phage production in concentrations which partially inhibit growth, and low phage production in concentrations which completely inhibit growth (as determined by turbidity). Short exposure to ultraviolet light also decreases the growth rate, with increase in phage production. Longer exposure, which completely inhibits growth (as determined by turbidity) results in lysis and phage liberation.  相似文献   

The amounts of the β and β′ subunits of the DNA-dependent RNA polymerase relative to the amount of total protein synthesized have been determined under a number of growth conditions in two strains of Escherichia coli. The results of these measurements have been expressed as the relative rate of synthesis of core RNA polymerase, αp, assuming the four constituent subunits (2α, 1β and 1β′) to be synthesized in equivalent amounts.This quantity, αp, was found not to vary greatly with the growth rate μ. For glucose-grown cells of E. coli B/r (μ = 1.5 doublings/h) αp = 1.4%, corresponding to about 7000 molecules of core RNA polymerase per cell. For slowgrowing cells the value obtained for αp is lower and for fast-growing cells somewhat 3 higher. The comparison of these values with the number of RNA polymerase molecules estimated to be actively engaged in RNA synthesis indicates that both slow- and fast-growing cells contain a surplus of RNA polymerase, if the catalytic unit is assumed to be the monomer of core RNA polymerase.In addition to the measurements of cells during balanced growth at various rates, αp has been determined during the transition from one growth rate to another and during synchronous growth. During a shift-up the rate of synthesis of polymerase follows closely the rate of total protein synthesis, αp being nearly constant for a period of twenty minutes after the shift. In a synchronously dividing culture of E. coli B/r, αp was seen to be fairly constant during two cycles of synchronous division. It appears that αp is rather insensitive to the effect of gene doubling during the cell cycle.  相似文献   

The status of embryonic RNA synthesis during facultative delayed implantation in the mouse has been examined by radiolabeling in vitro and in utero, and by assay for endogenous RNA polymerase activity. Under conditions that do not activate delayed blastocysts in utero, embryos were shown to be able to transport and incorporate [3H]uridine into RNA as early as 5 min after intralumenal instillation of label on Day 5 of delay. Assay for endogenous RNA polymerase demonstrated functioning enzyme(s) in blastocysts on Day 5 of delayed implantation. Rates of incorporation of label in vitro under nonactivating conditions indicated a reduction, from normal Day 5 blastocyst levels, of 52% on Day 2 and 36% on Day 5 of delay. Relative rates of uptake of [3H]uridine by blastocysts on Day 5 of delay were reduced by approximately 60% from rates observed in predelay embryos on Day 5 of pregnancy. Estrogen-induced activation of embryos in utero was not associated with an increased relative rate of 3H]uridine uptake or incorporation during the first 24 hr following activation on Day 5 of delay. The findings demonstrate that RNA synthesis persists in the mouse blastocyst during delayed implantation, although at a somewhat reduced level. Implications of these results relevant to the maternal regulation of embryonic growth and implantation are discussed.  相似文献   

1. The synthesis of ribonucleic acid, desoxyribomicleic acid, and protein in S. muscae has been studied: (a) during the lag phase, (b) during the early log phase, and (c) while the cells are forming an adaptive enzyme for lactose utilization. 2. During the lag phase there may be a 60 per cent increase in ribonucleic acid and protein and a 50 per cent increase in dry weight without a change in cell count, as determined microscopically, or an increase in turbidity. 3. During this period, the increase in protein closely parallels the increase in ribonucleic acid, in contrast to desoxyribonucleic acid, which begins to be synthesized about 45 minutes after the protein and ribonucleic acid have begun to increase. 4. The RNA N/protein N ratio is proportional to the growth rate of all S. muscae strains studied. 5. While the RNA content per cell during the early log phase depends upon the growth rate, the DNA content per cell is fairly constant irrespective of the growth rate of the cell. 6. Resting cells of S. muscae have approximately the same RNA content per cell irrespective of their prospective growth rate. 7. While the cells are adapting to lactose, during which time there is little or no cellular division, there is never an increase of protein without a simultaneous increase in ribonucleic acid, the RNA N/protein N ratio during these intervals being approximately 0.15. 8. Lactose-adapting cells show a loss of ribonucleic acid. The purines-pyrimidines of the ribonucleic acid can be recovered in the cold 5 per cent trichloroacetic acid fraction, but the ribose component is completely lost from the system. 9. The significance of these results is discussed in relation to the importance of ribonucleic acid for protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Selenomonas ruminantium, a strictly anaerobic ruminal bacterium, was grown at various dilution rates (D = 0.05, 0.25, and 0.35 h-1) under glucose-limited continuous culture conditions. Suspensions of washed cells prepared anaerobically in mineral buffer were subjected to nutrient starvation (24 to 36 h; 39 degrees C; N2 atmosphere). Regardless of growth rate, viability declined logarithmically, and within about 2.5 h, about 50% of the populations were nonviable. After 24 h of starvation, the numbers of viable cells appeared to be inversely related to growth rate, the highest levels occurring with the slowest grown population. Cell dry weight, carbohydrate, protein, ribonucleic acid (RNA), and deoxyribonucleic acid declined logarithmically during starvation, and the decline rates of each were generally greater with cells grown at higher D values. Both cellular carbohydrate and RNA declined substantially during the first 12 h of starvation. Most of the cellular RNA that disappeared was found in the suspending buffer as low-molecular-weight, orcinol-positive materials. During growth, S. ruminantium made a variety of fermentation acids from glucose, but during starvation, acetate was the only acid made from catabolism of cellular material. Addition of glucose or vitamins to starving cell suspensions did not decrease loss of viability, whereas a starvation in the spent culture medium resulted in a slight decrease in the rate of viability loss. Overall, the data indicate that S. ruminantium strain D has very little survival capacity under the conditions tested compared with other bacterial species that have been studied.  相似文献   

The purine analogue, 8-azaguanine, was added to cultures of the parasporal crystal-forming organism Bacillus cereus var. alesti at different times during growth and synchronous sporulation. The effect of its incorporation has been studied with particular reference to cell growth, nucleic acid composition, cytology, and the synthesis of the spore and crystal protein. Additions of the analogue during any stage of growth prevented further cell proliferation and all spore and crystal formation. Since both nucleic acids continued to be formed, cells of an increased size developed, containing large masses of chromatin in the form of condensed balls or axial cords. Lipid-containing inclusions also appeared following these additions and were usually aggregated at the centre or poles of the cells. The analogue could be isolated as the ribonucleotide from both the acid soluble and RNA fractions of these inhibited cells. Additions of the analogue following commencement of sporulation did not prevent either spore or crystal formation or affect the nucleic acid content of the sporulating cells. However, as before, the 8-azaguanine was incorporated into both the acid soluble and RNA of the cells, but not into these fractions of the spores ultimately formed. The implications of these findings are discussed in relation to crystal protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Cell cycle phase durations of cultures of Hymenomonas carterae Braarud and Fagerl, a coccolithophore, and Thalassiosira weissflogii Grun., a centric diatom, in temperature-, light- or nitrogen-limited balanced growth were determined using flow cytometry. Suboptimal temperature caused increases in the duration of all phases of the cell cycle (though not equally) in both species, and the increased generation time of nitrogen-limited cells of both species was due almost wholly to expansion of G1 phase. In H. carterae light limitation caused only G1 phase to expand, but in T. weissflogii both G2 + M and G1 were affected. These results are discussed in relation to cell division phasing patterns of these two species and to models of phytoplankton growth. Simultaneous measurements of protein and DNA on individual cells indicated that under all conditions, the protein content of cells in G1 was a constant proportion of that of G2 + M cells. Simultaneous measurements of RNA and protein on each cell indicated that the amounts of these two cell constituents were always tightly correlated. Under conditions of nitrogen limitation both protein and RNA per cell decreased to less than one-third of the levels found in nonlimited cells. This indicates, at least for nitrogen-replete cells, that neither protein nor RNA levels are likely to act as the trigger for cell cycle progression. Strict control by cell size is also unlikely since mean cell volume decreased as growth rates were limited by light and nitrogen supply, but increased with decreasing temperature.  相似文献   

A chemostat coculture of the sulfate-reducing bacterium Desulfovibrio oxyclinae and the facultatively aerobic heterotroph Marinobacter sp. strain MB was grown for 1 week under anaerobic conditions at a dilution rate of 0.05 h−1. It was then exposed to an oxygen flux of 223 μmol min−1 by gassing the growth vessel with 5% O2. Sulfate reduction persisted under these conditions, though the amount of sulfate reduced decreased by 45% compared to the amount reduced during the initial anaerobic mode. After 1 week of growth under these conditions, sulfate was excluded from the incoming medium. The sulfate concentration in the growth vessel decreased exponentially from 4.1 mM to 2.5 μM. The coculture consumed oxygen effectively, and no residual oxygen was detected during either growth mode in which oxygen was supplied. The proportion of D. oxyclinae cells in the coculture as determined by in situ hybridization decreased from 86% under anaerobic conditions to 70% in the microaerobic sulfate-reducing mode and 34% in the microaerobic sulfate-depleted mode. As determined by the most-probable-number (MPN) method, the numbers of viable D. oxyclinae cells during the two microaerobic growth modes decreased compared to the numbers during the anaerobic growth mode. However, there was no significant difference between the MPN values for the two modes when oxygen was supplied. The patterns of consumption of electron donors and acceptors suggested that when oxygen was supplied in the absence of sulfate and thiosulfate, D. oxyclinae performed incomplete aerobic oxidation of lactate to acetate. This is the first observation of oxygen-dependent growth of a sulfate-reducing bacterium in the absence of either sulfate or thiosulfate. Cells harvested during the microaerobic sulfate-depleted stage and exposed to sulfate and thiosulfate in a respiration chamber were capable of anaerobic sulfate and thiosulfate reduction.  相似文献   

Mangroves throughout the world are threatened by environmental changes apart from anthropogenic disturbances. Many of these changes may inhibit the growth and survival of mangrove species. To understand and predict the effects of global change on mangrove forests, it is necessary to obtain insights on the growth dynamics of mangroves in relation to environmental factors. This study was conducted on Sonneratia apetala, a mangrove species which grows under a range of salinity conditions across the Sundarbans in Bangladesh. We studied trees growing under respectively high, medium, and low salinity conditions based on the influence of freshwater discharge. First, the periodicity of radial growth across the year was detected by applying cambial analyses. Based on tree-ring analyses, we calculated the growth response of S. apetala to monthly variation in precipitation and temperature as well as river discharge, as a proxy for salinity. We found the cambium of S. apetala being active during the monsoon and post-monsoon period whereas it was dormant in the pre-monsoon. This periodicity in radial growth leads to the formation of distinct annual rings with ring boundaries being marked by radially flattened fibres. S. apetala trees growing under low salinity conditions generally show higher growth rates indicating the positive impact of river discharge, i.e. freshwater input on mangrove growth. Wet and warm conditions during the monsoon period positively affected S. apetala growth, especially in the low salinity zone. Our results show that salinity is the primary driver of growth dynamics of S. apetala in the Sundarbans. A gradual or seasonal increase in salinity, e.g. as a consequence of sea-level rise may therefore importantly alter the growth of this species, possibly leading to changes in mangrove forest dynamics and zonation.  相似文献   

Microcyst germination in the cellular slime mold Polysphondylium pallidum is a useful model for studying macromolecular changes necessary for or coincident with the transition from one cell type (cyst) to another (amoebae). Protein synthesis starts soon after cysts are incubated under permissive conditions, as evidenced by the incorporation of precursors and the appearance of polysomes. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel analysis of proteins made at intervals during germination shows that protein synthesis is developmentally regulated during this process. RNA synthesis also begins early during germination. Cysts contain polyadenylated RNA that can stimulate the incorporation of radioactive amino acids into protein in an in vitro wheat germ protein synthesizing system. The concentration of poly(A)-containing RNA increases during germination and during inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide.  相似文献   

Bacterial dual-function small RNAs regulate gene expression by RNA-RNA base pairing and also code for small proteins. SgrS is a dual-function small RNA in Escherichia coli and Salmonella that is expressed under stress conditions associated with accumulation of sugar-phosphates, and its activity is crucial for growth during stress. The base-pairing function of SgrS regulates a number of mRNA targets, resulting in reduced uptake and enhanced efflux of sugars. SgrS also encodes the SgrT protein, which reduces sugar uptake by a mechanism that is independent of base pairing. While SgrS base-pairing activity has been characterized in detail, little is known about how base pairing and translation of sgrT are coordinated. In the current study, we utilized a series of mutants to determine how translation of sgrT affected the efficiency of base pairing-dependent regulation and vice versa. Mutations that abrogated sgrT translation had minimal effects on base-pairing activity. Conversely, mutations that impaired base-pairing interactions resulted in increased SgrT production. Furthermore, while ectopic overexpression of sgrS mutant alleles lacking only one of the two functions rescued cell growth under stress conditions, the SgrS base-pairing function alone was indispensable for growth rescue when alleles were expressed from the native locus. Collectively, the results suggest that during stress, repression of sugar transporter synthesis via base pairing with sugar transporter mRNAs is the first priority of SgrS. Subsequently, SgrT is made and acts on preexisting transporters. The combined action of these two functions produces an effective stress response.  相似文献   

The production of triacylglycerols (TAG) or wax esters (WS) seems to be a widespread feature among extremophile bacteria living in high-altitude Andean Lakes (HAAL), Argentina. Twelve out of twenty bacterial strains isolated from HAAL were able to produce TAG or WS (between 2 and 17 % of cellular dry weight) under nitrogen-limiting culture conditions. Among these strains, the extremophile Rhodococcus sp. A5 accumulated significant amounts of TAG during growth on glucose (17 %, CDW) and hexadecane (32 %, CDW) as sole carbon sources. The role of accumulated TAG in the response to carbon starvation, osmotic stress, UV-radiation and desiccation was investigated in Rhodococcus sp. A5 using an inhibitor of TAG degradation. Cells degraded TAG during these stresses in the absence of the inhibitor. The inhibition of TAG mobilization affected cell survival during osmotic stress only during the initial growth stage. Little or no surviving cells were observed after carbon starvation, UV-treatment and desiccation, when TAG mobilization was inhibited. These results suggested that TAG metabolism is relevant for the adaptation and survival of A5 cells under carbon starvation, osmotic stress and UV irradiation, and essential under desiccation conditions, which prevail in HAAL environments.  相似文献   

The concentrations, in copies per cell, of viral RNA sequences complementary to different regions of the genome were determined at 8, 18 and 32 hours after infection of human cells with adenovirus type 2: separated strands of fragments of 32P-labelled adenovirus 2 DNA, generated by cleavage with restriction endonucleases EcoR1, Hpa1 and BamH1, were added to reaction mixtures at sufficient concentrations to drive hybridizations with infected or transformed cell RNA. Under these conditions, the fraction of 32P-labelled DNA entering hybrid is directly proportional to the absolute amount of complementary RNA in the reaction.At 8 hours after infection in the presence of cytosine arabinoside, “early” viral messenger RNA sequences are present at a frequency of 300 to 1000 copies per cell. The abundance of early mRNA sequences in different lines of adenovirus 2-transformed rat cells is markedly lower than their concentration in lytically infected cells. Moreover, the abundance of early mRNA in a given transformed rat cell line reflects the number of copies of its template DNA sequences per diploid quantity of cell DNA. After the onset of the late phase of the lytic cycle, the abundance of one early mRNA species, that coding for a single-stranded DNA binding protein required for viral DNA replication, is amplified. Viral RNA sequences complementary to regions of the genome coding for other early mRNA sequences remain at the level observed at 8 hours after infection.Exclusively “late” viral mRNA sequences are present over a range of concentrations, 500 to 10,000 copies per cell, depending on the region of the genome. By 18 hours after infection, the nucleus contains approximately three times as much total, viral RNA as the cytoplasm. The abundant nuclear, viral RNA sequences at 18 hours are transcribed from a contiguous region, 65% of the genome in length. In some cases, viral RNA sequences complementary to mRNA sequences are very abundant in the nucleus. When cytoplasmic and nuclear fractions are mixed and incubated under annealing conditions, some mRNA sequences will anneal with more abundant, anti-messenger nuclear RNA sequences to form double-stranded RNA. Such annealing of nuclear, viral RNA to early, cytoplasmic mRNA sequences probably accounts for the inability to detect, by filter hybridization, certain classes of early mRNA sequences during the late stage of infection.  相似文献   

When cultures of Azotobacter vinelandii are made anaerobic the adenylate pool size remains constant or increases slightly while the adenylate energy charge decreases. Under these conditions, cell growth stops but the cells remain viable for at least 5 h with the decreased energy charge. The changes in the adenylate pool during the aerobic-anaerobic transition include: the formation of adenylates as a result of RNA degradation; the degradation of a portion of the excess AMP to form hypoxanthine by the sequential actions of AMP nucleosidase and adenine deaminase; an increase in the total adenylate pool which is stabilized at approximately 1.5 times the level in growing cells; and stabilization of the adenylate energy charge at a value near 0.3. The degradation of AMP is regulated by AMP nucleosidase, an allosteric enzyme which is activated by MgATP2? and inhibited by Pi. The in vivo activity of AMP nucleosidase was estimated by measuring the rate of hypoxanthine formation in the culture or by measuring the activity of purified enzyme at the concentrations of AMP, ATP, and Pi found in the cells. The maximum estimated in vivo rate of AMP degradation was less than 3% of the catalytic capacity of AMP nucleosidase. Thus ample activity is present for rapid adjustments of the AMP levels in these cells. Expression of AMP nucleosidase catalytic activity is tightly controlled since high constant concentrations of intracellular AMP can be maintained for extended time periods at low adenylate energy charge values. Under these conditions controlled degradation of AMP can occur to maintain a constant AMP concentration.  相似文献   

Changes in trehalose accumulation and in cytochromes during diauxic growth in glucose medium were examined in a normal Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. While no appreciable disaccharide accumulation occurred during most of the logarithmic phase, a rapid synthesis took place during the final stages. The intrinsic capacity of cells to accumulate trehalose was also determined under nonproliferating conditions, in glucose medium lacking a nitrogen source. Cells harvested at an early growth stage had a much lower trehalose accumulation capacity than cells taken after glucose was exhausted from the culture medium. A high trehalose accumulation capacity could also be obtained at any growth stage by using maltose or galactose as carbon source. Since cells grown under various conditions exhibit a correlated change in cytochrome development and in trehalose accumulation capacity, it was concluded that the level of glucose repression determines the concentration and/or state of activation of the trehalose synthetase-trehalase complex. Independent control of trehalose accumulation capacity and mitochondrial biogenesis by the level of glucose repression was shown in two ways: by demonstrating derepression of trehalose accumulation without development of cytochromes a and c in microaerobic cells, and by showing repression-dependent changes in a cytoplasmic respiration-deficient (ρ?) mutant, which lacked functional mitochondria. Therefore, the capacity of a cell to accumulate trehalose is not regulated solely by the supply of ATP generated by oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Dormancy is a common strategy adopted by bacterial cells as a means of surviving adverse environmental conditions. For Streptomyces bacteria, this involves developing chains of dormant exospores that extend away from the colony surface. Both spore formation and subsequent spore germination are tightly controlled processes, and while significant progress has been made in understanding the underlying regulatory and enzymatic bases for these, there are still significant gaps in our understanding. One class of proteins with a potential role in spore-associated processes are the so-called resuscitation-promoting factors, or Rpfs, which in other actinobacteria are needed to restore active growth to dormant cell populations. The model species Streptomyces coelicolor encodes five Rpf proteins (RpfA to RfpE), and here we show that these proteins have overlapping functions during growth. Collectively, the S. coelicolor Rpfs promote spore germination and are critical for growth under nutrient-limiting conditions. Previous studies have revealed structural similarities between the Rpf domain and lysozyme, and our in vitro biochemical assays revealed various levels of peptidoglycan cleavage capabilities for each of these five Streptomyces enzymes. Peptidoglycan remodeling by enzymes such as these must be stringently governed so as to retain the structural integrity of the cell wall. Our results suggest that one of the Rpfs, RpfB, is subject to a unique mode of enzymatic autoregulation, mediated by a domain of previously unknown function (DUF348) located within the N terminus of the protein; removal of this domain led to significantly enhanced peptidoglycan cleavage.  相似文献   

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