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旨为核桃细菌性黑斑病天然杀菌剂的开发提供理论依据,同时为白藜芦醇在农林作物病害防治上的应用奠定基础.测定了白藜芦醇对核桃细菌性黑斑病菌(Xaj)的最低抑菌浓度(MIC)和最低杀菌浓度(MBC).在白藜芦醇的亚抑菌浓度下,开展了以下实验:(1)通过结晶紫染色法检测了Xaj生物膜的形成;(2)测定了胞外多糖的产生量;(3)...  相似文献   

孙秀华  刘丽屏  陈星初 《菌物研究》2009,7(3):185-188,192
采用孢子萌发法进行了肟菌酯与戊唑醇不同配比组合在室温条件下对白菜黑斑病菌的毒力测定。结果表明:随着2种药剂不同配比组合浓度的提高对病菌孢子萌发抑制作用增强,以质量浓度为16.2mg/L效果最好。肟菌酯与戊唑醇配比为0.5:1时的共毒系数为127.62,增效作用显著。  相似文献   

铁皮石斛具有重要的药用价值,但其资源有限,因此对其充分开发和利用具有重要的意义。本文利用α-L-鼠李糖苷酶辅助提取铁皮石斛多糖,通过对酶解温度、酶解时间及加酶量三个因素进行优化,提高铁皮石斛多糖提取率;结果显示,在酶解温度为40℃、酶解时间为1 h、加酶量为2.5%时,多糖提取率为38.4%,而不加酶处理多糖提取率仅为21.7%,酶法处理大大增加了铁皮石斛的多糖提取率。同时,运用顶空固相微萃取技术结合气相色谱质谱联用仪(HS-SPME-GC-MS)分析比较α-L-鼠李糖苷酶对铁皮石斛挥发性成分的影响;GC-MS分析表明,铁皮石斛加酶处理前后共发现31种挥发性成分,主要成分均为己醛、1-辛烯-3-醇、异薄荷醇和3-辛烯-2-酮,并且醛类化合物在加酶处理前后的样品中相对含量均最高,且加酶处理后产生6种新的挥发性成分。该研究结果表明α-L-鼠李糖苷酶的使用可显著增加对铁皮石斛多糖提取率,并为铁皮石斛挥发性成分的研究和开发利用提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

采用固相微萃取-气质联用技术分析红果仔(Eugenia uniflora Linn.)、海南蒲桃(Syzygium hainanense Chang et Miau)、红鳞蒲桃(Syzygium hancei Merr. et Perry)、黄金香柳(Milleara bracteata F. Muell. c.v. )、白千层(Melaleuca leucadendron Linn.)、柠檬桉(Eucalyptus citriodora Hook. f.)6种桃金娘科植物叶的挥发性成分。6种桃金娘科植物叶的挥发成分主要为萜烯类,且富含保健性挥发成分,共有成分为(Z)-β-罗勒烯、β-石竹烯、月桂烯、γ-萜品烯和别香橙烯。对这6种桃金娘科植物的叶片挥发性成分进行萃取与分析,对于合理栽培该科植物,有效利用其生态效益来提高人类生活环境和改善健康状况提供科学依据。  相似文献   

经用10-3g/L、10-2g/L、10-1g/L6BA和10-2,10-1、1g/L新鲜蜂王浆处理水稻种子和离体白菜叶片后,水稻种子发芽率均高于对照值,其中10-2g/L的6BA和1g/L的蜂王浆效果最佳。而离体白菜叶片叶绿素含量也比对照高,其中10-3g/L的6BA和1g/L的蜂王浆效果最佳。10-2g/L的6BA和10-2g/L的蜂王浆混合处理白菜叶片,其效果要比单独用6BA和蜂王浆处理好。  相似文献   

 经用10-3g/L、10-2g/L、10-1g/L 6-BA和10-2,10-1、1 g/L新鲜蜂王浆处理水稻种子和离体白菜叶片后,水稻种子发芽率均高于对照值,其中10-2 g/L的6-BA和1g/L的蜂王浆效果最佳。而离体白菜叶片叶绿素含量也比对照高,其中10-3 g/L的6-BA和l g/L的蜂王浆效果最佳。10-2 g/L的6-BA和10-2 g/L的蜂王浆混合处理白菜叶片,其效果要比单独用6-BA和蜂王浆处理好。  相似文献   

陈企村   《微生物学通报》1993,20(2):77-80
在宁夏灌区,春小麦白粉病菌(Erysiphe graminis f.sp.tritici)的分生孢子在-3-29℃温度范围都可萌发。温度达33℃时不能萌发,最适温度为10—15℃。分生孢子虽然在0—100%的湿度下都可以萌发。但以饱和湿度最适。紫外光对分生孢子有强烈的杀伤作用。直射阳光对分生孢子的萌发有抑制作用;在散射光和黑暗条件下,孢子的萌发率没有显着差异。  相似文献   

间作作物对核桃黑斑蚜及主要天敌种群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对新疆阿克苏3类主栽模式核桃园系统调查发现:核桃黑斑蚜的天敌主要有草蛉、黑食蚜盲蝽、食蚜蝇、多异瓢虫和蜘蛛;间作作物对核桃黑斑蚜及其天敌的发生均有一定的影响;在核桃黑斑蚜发生初期,在核-麦-玉式核桃园中益害比最大,草蛉和蜘蛛发生量最多,种群数量分别为6.60头/百叶、0.20头/百叶,间作小麦最有利于增益控害,其次是间作棉花;在中后期,草蛉、多异瓢虫在核-棉式核桃园发生量较多,种群数量分别为6.01头/百叶、0.64头/百叶;黑食蚜盲蝽在核-麦-玉式核桃园中发生量较多,种群数量为1.08头/百叶;食蚜蝇和蜘蛛在无间作核桃园中的发生量较多,种群数量分别为0.51头/百叶、0.91头/百叶;但天敌不能阻止核桃黑斑蚜的大量发生,其种群数量在7月中旬达到高峰,平均种群数量达3000头/百叶以上。  相似文献   

采用固相微萃取技术及气相-质谱联用技术对不同SO2漂白伤害程度的红提果实进行香气成分的提取与鉴定,以探讨SO2漂白伤害对贮藏葡萄果实中香气组分的影响.结果表明,果实经漂白伤害后其具有芳香气味的气体所占比重明显下降,主要成分醇类化合物下降最多,而具有刺激难闻气味的酸类化合物所占比重明显上升;此外,4-萜烯醇、正己醇、月桂醇、松油醇、芳樟醇、橙花醇、乙酸萜烯酯及青叶醛等具有葡萄特征性香味的化合物在香气中所占比例明显下降或消失,而异辛醇、1-辛烯-3-醇、壬酸、辛酸、正癸酸、乙酸、己酸、2,6-二叔丁基对甲酚及2-丁基-5-(2-甲基丙基)-噻吩等具有臭味或刺激性气味的化合物出现或所占比重上升.说明,SO2伤害对红提果实香气的影响主要表现为香味化合物所占比重的减少或消失及异味化合物的产生.  相似文献   

以枫香(Liquidambar formosana)叶为材料,采用气相色谱/质谱(GC/MS)联用技术对不同发育程度、干燥时间、储存方式及萃取温度下枫香叶挥发性成分进行分析,以揭示枫香叶释放挥发性有机化合物数量及不同采后处理下挥发物的消长规律。结果表明:(1)枫香叶释放的萜烯类化合物以α-蒎烯、β-蒎烯、β-水芹烯、柠檬烯为主;(2)嫩叶挥发性成分种类较成熟叶高,莰烯、β-萜品烯、罗勒烯仅存在于嫩叶,3-蒈烯、γ-松油烯仅存在于成熟叶;(3)干燥时间对枫香叶挥发性化合物影响较大,挥发物种类随干燥时间延长呈逐渐下降趋势,但主要的萜烯类化合物在不同干燥时间内均能被检测到,表现相对稳定;(4) –5 ℃及17 ℃储存可保留更多挥发性化合物,室温保存则失去较多化合物,但主要的萜烯类化合物在不同储存方式下均可被检测到;(5) 90 ℃高温萃取可获得更多的挥发性化合物,但70 ℃萃取得到的萜烯类化合物相对含量较高,室温萃取所得化合物种类虽最少,但更能反映园林应用中枫香叶芳香物质挥发的实际情况。研究结果可为枫香叶的采后处理及高值化资源利用提供参考。  相似文献   

Roots of two Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris L. ssp. pekinensis) varieties, one tolerant and one susceptible, were inoculated with Plasmodiophora brassicae in liquid medium and in soil. Chitinase and peroxidase activities were determined in roots and shoots 1–21 days after inoculation with resting spores of Plasmodiophora and the enzyme activities compared with healthy tissue of the same age. In infected roots of the susceptible variety ‘Granat’ chitinase activity was higher than in the control 10 days after inoculation with spores. In the tolerant variety ‘Parkin’ we detected an increase in chitinase activity at the same time, which was about twice that of ‘Granat’. Chitinase activity in ‘Granat’ was also enhanced on day 13, 14 and 17 after inoculation, whereas chitinase activity in ‘Parkin’ was lower in the infected roots than in the controls during that period. In the shoots no correlation between chitinase activity and infection in the two varieties was observed. Chitinase from Chinese cabbage was further characterized and showed a pH optimum at pH 4.5–5.5 and a temperature optimum at 35–45°C. After isoelectric focusing 7 isoenzymes were discovered, but there were almost no differences between infected and healthy root extracts. Two isoenzymes with pI 8.7 and 8.8 showed cross-reactivity with an antiserum against bean chitinases. The molecular mass of these isoenzymes was determined as 33 kDa. Total peroxidase activity was generally higher in root tissue of both varieties than in the shoots. Peroxidase activity was increased most prominently in infected ‘Granat’ roots on day 13 after inoculation and of both varieties on day 17 compared to the controls. In clubbed tissue of ‘Granat’ a specific peroxidase isoenzyme appeared the first time 21 days after inoculation and was most prominent 28–30 days after inoculation. This isoenzyme had a molecular mass of ca 24 kDa and a pI of ca 8.8. With respect to our results the strategy of the Plasmodiophorales for plant attack is discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of plant hormones in clubroot infection has long been recognized. The morphological changes, such as cell division and cell elongation leading to gall formation are triggered in the early stages of infection. We analysed cell expansion by localizing Xyloglucan endoTransglucosylase/Hydrolase (XTH)-action and screened the endogenous concentrations of several classes of phytohormones by mass spectrometry in the early stages of Plasmodiophora brassicae infection in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa spp. pekinensis). Infected plants showed a general transient growth promotion early in infection. Furthermore a clear XTH action was visible in the epidermal layer of infected roots. Complex changes in the endogenous phytohormone profile were observed. Initially infection resulted in an increased total auxin pool. The auxin increase, together with an increased XTH action, results in wall loosening and consequently cell expansion. When the first secondary plasmodia are formed, thirteen days after infection (DAI), can be considered a switch point in phytohormone metabolism. Twenty-one DAI the plasmodia might act as a plant hormone sink resulting in a reduction in the active cytokinin pool and a lower indole-3-acetic acid content in the infected plants.  相似文献   

Huperzine A (HupA) is an anti-Alzheimer’s therapeutic and a dietary supplement for memory boosting that is extracted mainly from Huperziacae plants. Endophytes represent the upcoming refuge to protect the plant resource from distinction but their HupA yield is still far from commercialization. In this context, UV and gamma radiation mutagenesis of the newly isolated HupA-producing Alternaria brassicae AGF041 would be applied in this study for improving the endophytic HupA yield. Compared to non-irradiated cultures, UV (30–40 min, exposure) and γ (0·5 KGy, dose) irradiated cultures, each separately, showed a significant higher HupA yield (17·2 and 30·3%, respectively). While, application of a statistically optimized compound irradiation (0·70 KGy of γ treatment and 42·49 min of UV exposure, sequentially) via Response Surface Methodology (RSM) resulted in 53·1% production increase. Moreover, a stable selected mutant strain CM003 underwent batch cultivation using a 6·6 l bioreactor for the first time and was successful for scaling up the HupA production to 261·6 µg l−1. Findings of this research are demonstrated to be valuable as the employed batch fermentation represents a successful starting step towards the promising endophytic HupA production at an industrial scale.  相似文献   

植物源挥发性有机物的生态意义(综述)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物释放的挥发性有机气体(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)在对流层大气中通过一系列氧化还原反应,改变大气的化学组成,对臭氧合成、一氧化碳生成、甲烷氧化等有重要作用,其氧化物质对区域乃至全球的环境和气候都产生一定的影响。本文综述植物释放的VOCs对大气化学、温室效应、光化学烟雾的影响;介绍VOCs释放机制、合成途径及排放速率;对今后研究方向和大面积种植林木、城市绿化提出建议。  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have a direct bearing on the levels of ozone and other reactive chemicals in the atmosphere and play an important role in determining air quality Anthropogenic emission of VOCs has greatly increased due to growing consumption of fossil fuels and related activities. This article presents an emissions inventory for VOCs emitted from anthropogenic soutres in India. VOC emissions factors for important source categories and activities are assembled from the literature and an effort is made to use Indian emission factors as far as possible. Important sources of VOCs include livestock, combustion of firewood and fossil fuels, rice paddy fields, manufacturing. petroleum (production and refining), natural gas (production and distribution), vehicular exhaust, and coal mining. The annual anthropogenic VOC emissions for India have been estimated to be 21 million metric tons (mt). A comparison of VOC emissions inventories for a group of countries varying in their industrial and economic development, in terms of income (gross domestic product, or GDP), population, and land area, reflects the differences among the countries. This VOC emissions inventory provides baseline information for comparisons over time and across countries. In addition, it may serve as an important tool for formulating national VOC control policies.  相似文献   

The cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae L. (Hemiptera: Aphididae) is a major pest of cabbage in the world. In this study, the influence of thiacloprid on population growth parameters of B. brassicae using demographic toxicology by leaf spray method was determined. The LC50 values and confidence limits for thiacloprid were 274.89?ppm (185.22–479.22), respectively. To evaluate the sublethal effect of this insecticide on population growth parameters of cabbage aphid, LC25 and LC10 concentrations of thiacloprid were used at 76.44 and 23.52?ppm, respectively. Also The LC50 value of this insecticide on the life table estimates was measured. Experiments were carried out in the laboratory at 23?±?1?°C, 60?±?5% RH and 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod on cabbage seedlings, Brassica oleracea, var. capitata L. Intrinsic rates of increase (rm) were lower in thiacloprid treatment than in controls. The mean generation time and doubling time were also lower in populations treated with insecticide than in controls. There was a considerable reduction in the average numbers of nymphs reproduced per female as compared with the control. The average longevity of female adults in the control was significantly different (p?<?0.05) from those treated with thiacloprid. According obtained results, thiacloprid is a good choice for control of the B. brassicae.  相似文献   

采用微波辅助法提取秦巴山区野生绞股蓝枝叶中的多糖,用苯酚-硫酸法测定多糖含量。选取酸碱度、料液比、微波温度和微波时间作为提取因素,通过单因素实验和L9(34)正交试验来优化绞股蓝枝叶中的多糖提取工艺。结果表明,野生绞股蓝枝叶中多糖的最佳提取条件为pH 9,料液比1∶20,微波温度60℃,微波处理时间15min,在此工艺条件下提取量高达40.10mg.g-1。  相似文献   

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