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The controversy over generic delimitation between Maianthemum and Smilacina has been unresolved for almost two centuries. Distributions of the two genera in the Northern Hemisphere also provide an excellent opportunity to further understand the disjunct distribution patterns of the North Temperate Flora. To test the generic delimitation and to investigate biogeographic patterns, we sequenced the partial 3′ matK gene and trnK 3′ intron of chloroplast DNA for 38 accessions, representing three species of Maianthemum, seven species of Smilacina, and four outgroup taxa. Maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining trees showed reciprocal monophyly of the two genera with very weak bootstrap support for each genus. Within each genus, relationships among species were poorly resolved. Despite its low resolution, this study shows that eastern Asian species of Smilacina and Maianthemum are generally more closely related to eastern North American taxa than to western ones. More detailed sampling of Smilacina from different geographic regions, especially from the two centers of diversity (southeastern Asia and Mexico/Central America), and additional sequences from cpDNA, as well as from nuclear DNA, are needed to test the reciprocal monophyly of the two genera and also to understand current distributions of disjunct taxa.  相似文献   

The tribe Convallarieae, comprising 10 genera and 95 species, has recently been transferred from its own family to Ruscaceae sensu lato. In this study, sequence data from trnK and rbcL were analyzed for 19 species in 8 genera, and chromosome morphology was analyzed for 17 species in 7 genera. The parsimony analysis of trnK and rbcL sequences showed that Convallarieae are monophyletic. Although early branches did not receive strong bootstrap support, Convallaria diverged at the first branch, followed by Speirantha. The rest of the tribe was split into three, well-supported clades: one with Reineckea, the second with Campylandra and Rohdea, and the third with Tupistra, Tricalistra, and Aspidistra. Two monotypic genera, Rohdea and Tricalistra, were embedded in a clade of Campylandra and of Tupistra, respectively. Three karyotypes were distinguished in the tribe on the basis of the basic number and morphology of metaphase chromosomes: Convallaria type (with x=19 and unimodal chromosome length), Tupistra type (with x=19 and trimodal chromosome length), and Aspidistra-elatior type (with x=18 and trimodal chromosome length). The character-state distribution in the molecular tree showed that the Convallaria type is plesiomorphic, from which was derived the Tupistra type and subsequently the Aspidistra-elatior type. Taxonomic treatments to transfer Campylandra to Rohdea and Tricalistra to Tupistra are also given.  相似文献   

Maianthemum (Ruscaceae) comprises 28-38 species and includes the two traditionally recognized genera: Maianthemum sensu stricto and Smilacina. Thirty-seven samples representing 22 species of Maianthemum and six closely related outgroup taxa were sequenced for eight chloroplast and nuclear markers (trnL-F, rps16, rpl16, psbA-trnH, rbcL, ndhF, trnK, and ITS) with a total length of nearly 10,000 base pairs. Phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of Maianthemum with Maianthemum sensu stricto nested within Smilacina. Almost all species from the eastern Himalayan region in SW China except for Maianthemum tatsienense and M. stenolobum form a well supported clade. This clade is characterized morphologically by short filaments and large anthers, relatively large flowers, and pubescent stems and leaves. Maianthemum tatsienense and M. stenolobum from SW to central China form another clade. The other species from eastern Asia (central to NE China and Japan) and the New World fall into several clades. The intercontinental disjunction between eastern Asia and North America in Maianthemum sensu stricto is estimated to be at 1.68 million years ago (mya) with the Bayesian relaxed clock relying on uncorrelated rates. A recent radiation at about 2.04mya is suggested in the high mountains of SW China, corresponding to the geographical heterogeneity in that region after the uplift of the Himalayas. Long distance dispersal by birds may have facilitated the evolution of their intercontinental disjunction and their biogeographic diversifications in SW China.  相似文献   

The karyotype and the C-banding pattern in two species ofHexastylis andAsarum epigynum were analysed in detail, and the results obtained were compared with those of the other species ofAsarum, Asiasarum andHeterotropa previously reported. The present results were partially different from the previous reports related to the karyotypes of these species. The karyotype observed in two species ofHexastylis (2n=26) was represented by ten pairs of metacentric chromosomes and three pairs of small subtelocentric chromosomes, which is very similar to that ofAsiasarum in eastern Asia. The C-banding patterns ofHexastylis andAsiasarum, however, were clearly different from each other. A striking difference was found in one of the three pairs of small subtelocentric chromosomes. A Formosan speciesAsarum epigynum had the somatic chromosome number 2n=12 and a highly asymmetrical karyotype composed of mainly subtelocentric chromosomes. These karyological features were remarkably different from those of the other groups inAsarum s.l.  相似文献   

Fourteen species ofAsarum s. str.,Asiasarum andHeterotropa were studied cytotaxonomically. Their karyotypes and C-banding patterns were examined in detail. The results obtained were different in some important respects from previous reports related to the chromosomes of these plants, and were partially disharmonious with the assumptions presented for the relationships among these genera by some previous workers. Furthermore, it was confirmed thatAsarum s. str. (2n=26) (excludingAsarum leptophyllum),Asiasarum (2n=26),Heterotropa (2n=24) andAsarum leptophyllum (2n=24) are distinct from one another in the karyotype and the C-banding pattern of a few pairs of the small chromosomes in each set. The significance of these small chromosomes in considering the relationships among the plants concerned is discussed.  相似文献   

We present the first report on somatic chromosome numbers and morphology in eight of 13 recorded species ofCrossostylis, one of inland genera of Rhizophoraceae. The chromosome number ofCrossostylis is 2n=28 in all species examined; therefore, the genus hasx=14, a number which is the smallest and unknown elsewhere in the family. Based onCrossostylis raiateensis, we further present that 24 of 28 chromosomes at metaphase have centromeres at median position, and the remaining four at submedian or subterminal position. The chromosome morphology seems to imply thatCrossostylis might be a tetraploid with the original base numberx=7, but an extensive study in the other inland genera is needed to find such a small chromosome number.  相似文献   

(1) The ability to produce cephalodia is usually a genus-specific character in lichens. (2)Lecidea shushanii Thoms., is a member of the genusTephromela, closely related toT. aglaea. It is not clear, whether or not the cephalodia of this taxon are true cephalodia or colonies of epiphytic cyanobacteria and whether or notLecidea shushanii is an independent species. (3)Lecidea dovrensis Nyl., is, in contrast to the traditional concept, not conspecific withLecidea alpestris Sommerf., but an earlier name forLecidea pallida Th. Fr. (4)Lecidea dovrensis is described in some detail. Chemically the species is characterized by the presence of isousnic acid (previously unknown in lecideoid lichens). It is restricted to areas north of the 60th parallel with an oceanic climate. (5) In connection with the attempt to clarify the taxonomic relationships ofLecidea dovrensis, figures of ascus apical structures of the following species are given (marked by an asterisk are genera where we found discrepancies with published data):Austrolecia antarctica, Catillaria chalybeia, Lecidea alpestris, L. caesioatra, L. limosa, Lecidoma demissum, Koerberiella wimmeriana, Micarea assimilata, M. crassipes, M. melaenida, M. prasina, Pilophorus robustus, Placodiella olivacea, Placolecis opaca, Porpidia trullisata, Protoblastenia rupestris, Psilolechia lucida, Psorula rufonigra, Squamarina gypsacea, Xanthopsorella texana. (6) Among crustaceous lichens we find no groups related toLecidea dovrensis. We supportTimal's concept of including this species in the genusPilophorus. Pilophorus, as well asLecidea dovrensis is characterized by the same ascus type, by a similar structure of thallus, cephalodia, paraphyses, and ascocarp (although there is no pseudopodetium developed inLecidea dovrensis), and the presence of isousnic acid. In addition, both taxa are restricted to cool oceanic climates and non-calciferous substrates. The following combination is proposed:Pilophorus dovrensis (Nyl.)Timdal, Hertel & Rambold, comb. nova. (7) The species of theLecidea alpestris-group form an independent genus, probably near toAustrolecia Hertel.
Frau Prof. Dr.Elisabeth Tschermak-Woess zu ihrem 70. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Karyomorphological comparisons were made of five species of JapaneseWoodwardia. There were no marked differences at interphase and prophase among the five species.Woodwardia japonica, W. prolifera, andW. unigemmata were diploid with 2n=68 and the formulas of their metaphase karyotypes uniformly 4m(median centromeric chromosomes)+12sm(submedian)+52(st+t)(subterminal and terminal).Woodwardia orientalis was tetraploid with 2n=136 and 8m+24sm+104(st+t), and the ratio of each chromosomal type to total complement was identical to that of three diploid species. These four species had several characteristics in common:x=34, the longest chromosome of sm, and a mean chromosome length over 3.0 μm. AlthoughWoodwardia orientalis showed some similarity toW. prolifera, it seems to be an allotetraploid which originated by chromosome doubling of a hybrid ofW. prolifera and a diploid species as yet karyomorphologically unknown.Woodwardia kempii was tetraploid with 2n=124 and 8m+24sm+92(st+t), and differed from the others in havingx=31, the longest chromosomes of t, and a mean chromosome length under 3.0 μm. This species has been classified as an independent genus,Chieniopteris, and our karyomorphological study supports this treatment.  相似文献   

The interrelationships within theHeliantheae s. lato and the closely relatedEupatorieae are analyzed and discussed. The basis to this discussion is a cladistic analysis of 141 morphological characters (172 apomorphic states) scored for 97 genera. TheHeleniae s. lato, a subgroup of theHeliantheae s. lato, are paraphyletic, and a monophyletic group corresponding largely to theHeliantheae s. str. is recognized. TheEcliptinae sensuRobinson are polyphyletic. TheCoreopsidinae form an ingroup in theHeliantheae s. str. TheTageteae (Pectidinae) and theMadieae (Madiinae) are two separate branches within the helenioid assemblage of taxa.  相似文献   

Cassia L. sensu lato, a large heterogeneous genus of flowering plants, occurs naturally in the tropics around the world. Recent works based on floral morphology have supported a division of this genus into three genera, namely Cassia L. s. str., Chamaecrista Moench and Senna Mill. In order to investigate this new classification, 508 specimens of 18 taxa of the genus Cassia s.l. grown in Thailand were analyzed using cluster analysis and canonical discriminant analysis. The total 32 vegetative and reproductive morphological characters were employed in these analyses. In cluster analysis, Cassia s.l. can be separated into four groups, respectively viz. Chamaecrista, Senna alata, Senna and Cassia s /str. The four-cluster grouping is discussed. From a canonical discriminant analysis using the four-cluster grouping as a priori groups, it can be concluded that Cassia s. str., Senna, and Chamaecrista are indeed distinct taxa. The three most important characters that separate the three genera are filament length, fruit length, and ovary stalk length. These quantitative characters, together with some qualitative characters, were useful in constructing an identification key to these genera. Among the three genera, it was also found that Senna is rather a heterogeneous taxon. The difference between the studied species was discussed.  相似文献   

The floral vascular anatomy of 12 species representing each ofAsarum s. str.,Asiasarum, Geotaenium, Heterotropa andHexastylis are compared to clarify intergeneric relationships. The five genera have basically similar structures in floral morphology and vasculature, and consistently have a six-carpelled compound ovary and the associated similar placental vasculature. They show, however, a significant difference in the position and the constituent of the “ventral” carpellary bundles in the placental axis betweenAsiasarum-Heterotropa-Hexastylis andAsarum-Geotaenium. InAsiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis the ventral bundles of each carpel are basically free and antilocular as expected in the least specialized compound ovary of angiosperms; in contrast, inAsarum andGeotaenium the ventral carpellary bundles are antiseptal and heterogenous (i.e., formed by the lateral fusion of ventral bundles of adjacent carpels). Shared probable apomorphic floral vasculature, as well as shared single style-column, suggests the closest mutual relationships betweenAsarum andGeotaenium. In terms of floral morphology and anatomy,Asiasarum, Heterotropa andHexastylis retain plesiomorphies. Possible chromosomal evolution in the related genera is also discussed.  相似文献   

RFLPs of cpDNA were examined for 18 species ofAster, six species ofKalimeris, two species ofMiyamayomena and one species and one variety ofHeteropappus from Japan, using 16 restriction endonucleases. Approximately 275 restriction sites were surveyed, and a total of 74 restriction site mutations was detected, and 31 of these were phylogenetically informative. Sixteen most parsimonious trees constructed from Wagner parsimony analysis indicated the polyphyly ofKalimeris andMiyamayomena sensu Kitamura;K. miqueliana belongs to a different clade from the remaining species ofKalimeris, and two species ofMiyamayomena did not make a single clade. This result suggests that the shortening or loss of pappus have happened parallelly in different evolutionary lineages. We must be careful to assess the pappus character in taxonomy and phylogeny, and it is desirable to examine their phylogenetic relationships using a molecular data.  相似文献   

Karyomorphology ofCoriaria, the only genus of the family which is controversial with respect to its affinities and the number of constituting species, is investigated on the basis of ten species (including eight narrowly defined species) representing nearly all the variation of the genus. Features common to all the species investigated are: (1) interphase nucleus has a few small or large, condensed heterochromatic blocks; (2) chromosomes at metaphase are mostly small (0.4–0.7 μm long by our methods); (3)x=20. Resemblances in chromosome morphology suggest that Coriariaceae may have affinities with Rutales/Sapindales. Differences among species are found in (1) whether somatic chromosomes are diploid (2n=40) or tetraploid (2n=80); (2) the presence or absence of a few chromosomes with thick heterochromatic segments at metaphase; when such chromosomes are present, (3) their number and (4) morphology. Karyomorphology defines wellCoriaria myrtifolia, C. napalensis andC. japonica, and further provides evidence for distinguishing at least four species withinC. ruscifolia sensu Skog.  相似文献   

Kim JH  Kim DK  Forest F  Fay MF  Chase MW 《Annals of botany》2010,106(5):775-790


Previous phylogenetics studies of Asparagales, although extensive and generally well supported, have left several sets of taxa unclearly placed and have not addressed all relationships within certain clades thoroughly (some clades were relatively sparsely sampled). One of the most important of these is sampling within and placement of Nolinoideae (Ruscaceae s.l.) of Asparagaceae sensu Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) III, which subfamily includes taxa previously referred to Convallariaceae, Dracaenaaceae, Eriospermaceae, Nolinaceae and Ruscaceae.


A phylogenetic analysis of a combined data set for 126 taxa of Ruscaceae s.l. and related groups in Asparagales based on three nuclear and plastid DNA coding genes, 18S rDNA (1796 bp), rbcL (1338 bp) and matK (1668 bp), representing a total of approx. 4·8 kb is presented. Parsimony and Bayesian inference analyses were conducted to elucidate relationships of Ruscaceae s.l. and related groups, and parsimony bootstrap analysis was performed to assess support of clades.

Key Results

The combination of the three genes results in the most highly resolved and strongly supported topology yet obtained for Asparagales including Ruscaceae s.l. Asparagales relationships are nearly congruent with previous combined gene analyses, which were reflected in the APG III classification. Parsimony and Bayesian analyses yield identical relationships except for some slight variation among the core asparagoid families, which nevertheless form a strongly supported group in both types of analyses. In core asparagoids, five major clades are identified: (1) Alliaceae s.l. (sensu APG III, Amarylidaceae–Agapanthaceae–Alliaceae); (2) Asparagaceae–Laxmanniaceae–Ruscaceae s.l.; (3) Themidaceae; (4) Hyacinthaceae; (5) Anemarrhenaceae–Behniaceae–Herreriaceae–Agavaceae (clades 2–5 collectively Asparagaceae s.l. sensu APG III). The position of Aphyllanthes is labile, but it is sister to Themidaceae in the combined maximum-parsimony tree and sister to Anemarrhenaceae in the Bayesian analysis. The highly supported clade of Xanthorrhoeaceae s.l. (sensu APG III, including Asphodelaceae and Hemerocallidaceae) is sister to the core asparagoids. Ruscaceae s.l. are a well-supported group. Asparagaceae s.s. are sister to Ruscaceae s.l., even though the clade of the two families is weakly supported; Laxmanniaceae are strongly supported as sister to Ruscaceae s.l. and Asparagaceae. Ruscaceae s.l. include six principal clades that often reflect previously named groups: (1) tribe Polygonateae (excluding Disporopsis); (2) tribe Ophiopogoneae; (3) tribe Convallarieae (excluding Theropogon); (4) Ruscaceae s.s. + Dracaenaceae + Theropogon + Disporopsis + Comospermum; (5) Nolinaceae, (6) Eriospermum.


The analyses here were largely conducted with new data collected for the same loci as in previous studies, but in this case from different species/DNA accessions and greater sampling in many cases than in previously published analyses; nonetheless, the results largely mirror those of previously conducted studies. This demonstrates the robustness of these results and answers questions often raised about reproducibility of DNA results, given the often sparse sampling of taxa in some studies, particularly the earliest ones. The results also provide a clear set of patterns on which to base a new classification of the subfamilies of Asparagaceae s.l., particularly Ruscaceae s.l. (= Nolinoideae of Asparagaceae s.l.), and examine other putatively important characters of Asparagales.  相似文献   

Meiotic pairing behaviour in 19 interspecificElymus hybrids is reported and discussed. The hybrids were made between four species belonging to theE. semicostatus group of sect.Goulardia, viz.,E. semicostatus, E. abolinii, E. fedtschenkoi, andE. panormitanus (all 2n = 28), andElymus species of seven different sections, viz., sect.Clinelymiopsis:E. caucasicus (2n = 28); sect.Elymus:E. sibiricus (2n = 28); sect.Goulardia:E. caninus (2n = 28),E. trachycaulus (2n = 28), andE. tsukushiensis (2n = 42); sect.Hyalolepis:E. batalinii (2n = 42); sect.Hystrix:E. hystrix (2n = 28); sect.Macrolepis:E. canadensis (2n = 28); and sect.Turczaninovia:E. dahuricus (2n = 42). Chromosomal pairing at meiotic metaphase I indicated that the species of theE. semicostatus group are genomically closer to the tetraploidE. caucasicus and the hexaploid species, regardless of sectional origin, than to the other tetraploid species of sectionGoulardia. Highest meiotic pairing was found in hybrids involvingE. caucasicus, E. tsukushiensis, andE. dahuricus. The presence of pairing regulating genes inE. abolinii is suspected.  相似文献   

中国西南地区鹿药属4种15居群核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对产于中国西南部的鹿药属(Maianthemum)4种植物进行了细胞学研究,包括染色体数目,多倍化,非整倍性和随体染色体,以及核型不对称性和核型进化。结果表明:1)除了在云南丽江采集的Maianthemum tatsienensis染色体数目为2n=72之外,其余的居群全为2n=36;2)核型在居群间存在变异,特别是在具中部染色体和近中部染色体的数目以及随体染色体的数目和位置上。此外,M.nanchuanense和M.szechuanicum的核型是首次报道,B染色体也是首次在该属中发现。我们推测鹿药属的进化方式包括频繁的染色体畸变以及不同水平上的多倍化,而中国西南部是该属的分化中心。  相似文献   

Previous molecular phylogenetic analyses have demonstrated that Saxifragaceae sensu lato are polyphyletic, with component lineages scattered throughout the eudicots. As part of our effort to elucidate the relationships of members of Engler and Prantl's Saxifragaceae s. l., we undertook a molecular systematic study of subfamily Brexioideae, which comprises three genera:Brexia, Ixerba, andRoussea. Not all taxonomic treatments have concurred, however, in placing these genera together. To elucidate relationships among these three genera as well as their relationships to other angiosperms we constructed large data sets ofrbcL, 18S rDNA, andrbcL + 18S rDNA sequences. Our phylogenetic analyses indicate clearly that Brexioideae are polyphyletic.Brexia is part of a celastroid clade that also includesParnassia, Lepuropetalon, and Celastraceae.Ixerba appears as sister to a large eurosid I clade;Roussea appears as part of Asterales. Molecular data, therefore, indicate that Brexioideae are a polyphyletic assemblage and component genera should ultimately be incorporated into other groups. Our studies continue to demonstrate the polyphyly not only Saxifragaceae s. l., but also of its constituent subfamilies.The first author would like to dedicate this paper to Kurt Schuchart, a good friend who passed away during this research.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato was detected in one out of five cement plugs of female Ixodes persulcatus ticks. The spirochetes were found by dark field microscopy as early as 18 h after attachment of the ticks to the skin of a white mouse. The relevance of this finding is discussed in relation to the epidemiology of Lyme Borreliosis.  相似文献   

In a screening test sevenFusarium strains out of 17 proved to be toxic towards brine shrimp. Among these, fourF. sambucinum strains as well as threeF. venenatum isolates caused toxic effects. The chemical screening by TLC analysis revealed the presence of sambucinol and diacetoxyscirpenol in the extracts of the toxic isolates ofF. venenatum 64537.  相似文献   

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