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We have immobilized phospholipid vesicles on hydrophobic derivatives of agarose gel beads. The vesicles were prepared from cholate-solubilized egg yolk phospholipids by gel filtration in 0.2 M NaCl at pH 7.1, which produced small vesicles, or in 0.5 M (NH4)2SO4 at pH 8.0, which yielded large ones. The small vesicles eluted with Kd 0.4–0.6 and the large ones with Kd 0.05 on Sepharose 4B. Butyl, octyl and dodecyl sulfide derivatives of Sepharose 4B were synthesized using 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether and alkyl mercaptans (Maisano, F., Belew, M. and Porath, J. (1985) J. Chromatogr. 321, 305–317). The phospholipid vesicles were immobolized on 0.6–1-ml columns of these adsorbents in the salt solution that had been used for the preparation of the liposomes. A ligand concentration of 8 μmol per ml gel was sufficient for immobilization of small as well as large vesicles. The capacity of immobilization per ml gel was at least 20–100 and 1.5–3 μmol of phospholipids for small and large vesicles, respectively. The rate of adsorption of small vesicles was initially 0.3–0.5 μmol of phospholipids per min per ml gel, but decreased later to 0.2–0.3 μmol/min per ml as the gel bead surfaces approached saturation. These rates were determined at a vesicle concentration corresponding to 1.2 mM phospholipids and at room temperature. The butyl adsorbent gave a higher initial adsorption rate but a lower capacity than the dodecyl adsorbent, probably due to differences in the energy thresholds for ligand penetration through the hydrophilic surface layer of the vesicles, and to differences in the binding strength. The maximal concentration of adsorbed small vesicles that we achieved, 100 μ mol of phospholipids per milliliter octyl surfide-Sepharose 4B, would be equivalent to close-packing of the spherical phospholipid vesicles in 40% of the accessible volume of the gel beads.  相似文献   

1. Protamine-agarose and hydrophobic interaction chromatography were found to be effective in the purification of phosphoprotein phosphatase(s) (phosphoprotein phosphohydrolase, EC of rat-liver. The phosphoprotein phosphatase of rat-liver cytosol were first resolved into three fractions, termed A, B and C, in order of elution from DEAE-cellulose. Whereas all fractions displayed activity towards [32P]phosphoprotamine, only fractions B and C displayed appreciable activity towards [32P]phosphopyruvate kinase. Since fraction B exhibited the most properties and the highest recovery of enzymatic activity towards [32P]phosphoprotamine and [32P]phosphopyruvate kinase, it was selected for further purification. The method developed involves sequential chromatography of fraction B on Sephadex G-200, protamineagarose, histone-agarose and then again on Sephadex G-200 as a final step. A 400-fold enrichment in the phosphoprotamine phosphatase activity of fraction B was obtained. Purified fraction B also displayed substantial phosphatase activity towards [32P]phosphopyruvate kinase and [32P]phosphohistones. An apparent molecular weight of about 250 000 was estimated for purified fraction B on a calibrated Sephadex G-200 column. The present data indicate that rat-liver cytosol contains multiple forms of phosphoprotein phosphatases and suggest a technique which might be applied for the further purification of at least fraction B. 2. In a separate approach, a combination of pentyl-agarose and protamineagarose chromatography was shown to be a conbenient method for the enrichment (up to 20-fold of phosphoprotein phosphatase activity from crude liver extracts.  相似文献   

This work compares two distinct methods, column and batch, for the purification of fibronectin, from different plasma fractions, using gelatin and one of its derivates (Hemoce, Behring). The yields of both techniques at quantitative as well as qualitative levels (levels of immunologically active fibronectin), are evaluated. The data indicate that better conservation of immunological immunological characteristics is obtained with the use of gelatin derivatives (Hemoce). The plasma fraction does not have significant influence on the process yields.  相似文献   

Summary We describe a rapid and easily reproducible modification of the freeze-squeeze method of separating DNA from agarose gels. Our method involves slicing out the agarose gel portion which contains the DNA of interest, freezing this gel slice at –20°C, then centrifuging the frozen slice in a filtration unit which contains a cellulose acetate filter. The agarose is retained on the filter and the filtrate contains the DNA. DNA purified in this manner could be completely digested with restriction endonucleases and completely ligated with DNA ligase, without further purification. The percentages of recovery for various sizes of linear and plasmid double-stranded DNA ranged from 57 to 69%. The procedure takes less than 30 minutes to perform.  相似文献   

Rabbit muscle glycogen debranching enzyme binds to all of a homologous series of ω-aminoalkyl agaroses. The debrancher can be eluted from ω-aminoethyl and ω-aminobutyl agarose with 0.5 m NaCl, and it desorbs more readily and elutes sooner from ω-aminoethyl agarose than from ω-aminobutyl agarose. No activity is eluted from ω-aminohexyl, octyl, or decyl agaroses. An improved purification procedure has been developed which includes chromatography on ω-aminoethyl agarose. This procedure enables the isolation of over 90% yield of the debranching enzyme from muscle within 3 days.  相似文献   

Purification of coated vesicles by agarose gel electrophoresis   总被引:10,自引:14,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
We have applied agarose gel electrophoresis as a novel step in the purification of clathrin-coated vesicles. Preparations of coated vesicles obtained by sedimentation velocity and isopycnic centrifugation are resolved into two distinct fractions upon electrophoresis. The slower migrating fraction contains smooth vesicles, whereas the faster contains only coated vesicles and empty clathrin coats. The faster mobility of the coated vesicles is primarily caused by the acidic nature of clathrin. Coated vesicles from three different cell types have different mobilities. In each case, however, all of the major polypeptides previously attributed to coated vesicles comigrate with the now homogeneous particles, even though a powerful ATPase activity is completely removed.  相似文献   

Watanabe S 《Carbohydrate research》2008,343(13):2325-2328
Fluorescent-labeled alkyl lactoside (NBD-alkyl lactoside) derivatives were synthesized by the reaction of NBD alkyl alcohol with heptaacetyllactosyl trichloroacetimidate in the presence of BF(3).Et(2)O.  相似文献   

Purification of DNA fragments from acrylamide or agarose gels is a commonly used technique in the molecular biology laboratory. This article describes a rapid, efficient, and inexpensive method of purifying DNA fractions from an agarose gel. The purified DNA is suitable for use in a wide range of applications including ligation using DNA ligase. The procedure uses standard high-melting-temperature agarose and normal TBE electrophoresis buffer. In addition, the protocol does not involve the use of highly toxic organic solvents such as phenol.  相似文献   

Although protein prenylation is widely studied, there are few good methods for isolating prenylated proteins from their nonprenylated relatives. We report that crosslinked agarose (e.g., Sepharose) chromatography medium that has been chemically functionalized with β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) is extremely effective in affinity chromatography of prenylated proteins. In this study, a variety of proteins with C-terminal prenylation target (“CAAX box”) sequences were enzymatically prenylated in vitro with natural and nonnatural prenyl diphosphate substrates. The prenylated protein products could then be isolated from starting materials by gravity chromatography or fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) on a β-CD-Sepharose column. One particular prenylation reaction, farnesylation of an mCherry-CAAX fusion construct, was studied in detail. In this case, purified farnesylated product was unambiguously identified by electrospray mass spectrometry. In addition, when mCherry-CAAX was prenylated with a nonnatural, functional isoprenoid substrate, the functional group was maintained by chromatography on β-CD-Sepharose, such that the resulting protein could be selectively bound at its C terminus to complementary functionality on a solid substrate. Finally, β-CD-Sepharose FPLC was used to isolate prenylated mCherry-CAAX from crude HeLa cell lysate as a model for purifying prenylated proteins from cell extracts. We propose that this method could be generally useful to the community of researchers studying protein prenylation.  相似文献   

A new method for isolating crystalline bovine liver thiosulfate sulfurtransferase has been developed which relies on the selective binding of the enzyme to agarose-immobilized Cibacron Blue F3GA. This preparation has the advantages of simplicity, reproducibility, and rapidity. It is also suggested that the introduction of a binding and elution step will materially aid previously published procedures.  相似文献   

A wide variety of rodent and human tumor cells secrete antigenically related phosphoproteins with molecular weights (Mr) of approximately 58,000 (hamster), 62,000 (rat, mouse), 67,000 (human) (Senger, D.R. and Perruzzi, C.A. (1985) Cancer Res. 45, 5818-5823). Expression of these phosphoproteins is transformation-related; tumor cells produce at least 10-fold or more of this protein as compared to their normal or untransformed counterparts. N-terminal and internal sequences derived from the rat tumor-secreted phosphoprotein indicate that it is identical to rat osteopontin, a bone protein with an Arg-Gly-Asp cell-binding sequence (Oldberg, A., Franzen, A. and Heinegard, D. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83, 8819-8823). Antibody raised to the Mr 62,000 rat tumor-secreted phosphoprotein was found to bind Mr 75,000 and Mr 35,000 components of human milk, indicating that milk contains antigenically related proteins. The Mr 75,000 protein, which is present in human milk at concentrations ranging from 3 to 10 micrograms/ml, has been purified to homogeneity. The Mr 35,000 component is apparently derived from the Mr 75,000 protein by proteolytic cleavage, and this cleavage also occurs in vitro in the presence of thrombin. N-terminal and internal amino acid sequences were derived from the Mr 75,000 milk protein and found to be similar (12/21 residues) to N-terminal and internal sequences derived from the rat tumor-secreted phosphoprotein and osteopontin. Moreover, sequence derived from the N-terminus of the human milk protein is identical to that of human bone sialoprotein I (the likely human homolog of rat osteopontin) (Fisher, L.W., Hawkins, G.R., Tuross, N. and Termine, J.D. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 9702-9708).  相似文献   

Prefractionation procedures facilitate the identification of lower-abundance proteins in proteome analysis. Here we have optimized the conditions for immobilized metal affinity chromatography (IMAC) to enrich for phosphoproteins. The metal ions, Ga(III), Fe(III), Zn(II), and Al(III), were compared for their abilities to trap phosphoproteins; Ga(III) was the best. Detailed analyses of the pH and ionic strength for IMAC enabled us to determine the optimal conditions (pH 5.5 and 0.5 m NaCl). When whole cell lysates were fractionated in this way, about one-tenth of the total protein was recovered in the eluate, and the recovery of phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) was more than 90%. Phosphorylated forms of ribosomal S6 kinase (RSK) and Akt were also enriched efficiently under the same conditions. Our Ga(III) IMAC and a commercially available purification kit for phosphoproteins performed similarly, with a slight difference in the spectrum of phosphoproteins. When phosphoproteins enriched from NIH3T3 cells in which ERK was either activated or suppressed were analyzed by two-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis, phosphorylated ERK was detected as discrete spots unique to ERK-activated cells, which overlapped with surrounding spots in the absence of prefractionation. We applied the same technique to search for Akt substrates and identified Abelson interactor 1 as a novel potential target. These results demonstrate the efficacy of phosphoprotein enrichment by IMAC and suggest that this procedure will be of general use in phosphoproteome research.  相似文献   

Recently, phosphospecific flow cytometry has emerged as a powerful tool to analyze intracellular signaling events in complex populations of cells because of its ability to simultaneously discriminate cell types based on surface marker expression and measure levels of intracellular phosphoproteins. This has provided novel insights into the cell- and pathway-specific nature of immune signaling. However, we and others have found that the fixation and permeabilization steps necessary for phosphoprotein analysis often negatively affect the resolution of cell types based on surface marker analysis and light scatter characteristics. Therefore, we performed a comprehensive profile of >35 different murine surface marker Abs to understand the effects of fixation and permeabilization on surface Ag staining. Fortuitously, approximately 80% of the Abs tested resolved cell populations of interest, although with decreased separation between positive and negative populations and at very different titers than those used on live cells. The other 20% showed either complete loss of separation between populations or loss of intermediately staining populations. We were able to rescue staining of several of these Ags by performing staining after fixation, but before permeabilization, although with limited fluorophore choices. Scatter characteristics of lymphocytes were well retained, but changed dramatically for monocyte and neutrophil populations. These results compile a comprehensive resource for researchers interested in applying phosphospecific flow cytometry to complex populations of cells while outlining steps necessary to successfully apply new surface marker Abs to this platform.  相似文献   

In these experiments individual colonies growing in agarose seeded with monocellular suspensions from freshly disaggregated naturally-occurring mouse mammary tumours, induced by the murine mammary tumour virus (MMTV), were reimplanted into mammary fat pads of virus-free mice. It was found that only a small proportion of these colonies generated tumours and that the implantation of multiple colonies in each site did not result in disproportionate, synergistic, increase in tumour takes. It was also observed that the proportion of colonies which were tumourigenic on reimplantation differed for each donor tumour and represented only a small fraction of the total cell population (0.001%-0.1%). However, this value was significantly higher in tumours which produced large numbers of deposits in lung colony assays following i.v. injections, than in tumours of low pulmonary colonisation potential. A point of particular interest was that tumours derived from agarose colonies of spontaneously metastatic donor tumours were substantially more spontaneously metastatic themselves than those from nonmetastatic donors, indicating that this property is heritable through numerous cell divisions, manipulations in vitro and transplantation procedures. From these results it is concluded that measurement of clonogenicity in agar is useful as an index of the capability of a tumour to propagate itself and to colonise new sites, but that individual agarose colonies are not all the progeny of potentially immortal stem cells.  相似文献   

Several new biocompatible and degradable materials were prepared by chemical modification of sodium hyaluronate. The method of activation of hyaluronate by cyanogen bromide was used and subsequent reaction with nucleophile led to the formation of carbamate. This modification of hydroxyl groups of glycosaminoglycans preserves the carboxyl groups and retains properties of polyelectrolyte. This method affords derivatives easily and the reaction condition correlates with degree of substitution. The experimental results show the effect of reaction conditions (reaction time, ratio of reactants) and effect of substitution on biodegradability. The obtained materials were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

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