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Climate and wildfires in the North American boreal forest   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The area burned in the North American boreal forest is controlled by the frequency of mid-tropospheric blocking highs that cause rapid fuel drying. Climate controls the area burned through changing the dynamics of large-scale teleconnection patterns (Pacific Decadal Oscillation/El Niño Southern Oscillation and Arctic Oscillation, PDO/ENSO and AO) that control the frequency of blocking highs over the continent at different time scales. Changes in these teleconnections may be caused by the current global warming. Thus, an increase in temperature alone need not be associated with an increase in area burned in the North American boreal forest. Since the end of the Little Ice Age, the climate has been unusually moist and variable: large fire years have occurred in unusual years, fire frequency has decreased and fire–climate relationships have occurred at interannual to decadal time scales. Prolonged and severe droughts were common in the past and were partly associated with changes in the PDO/ENSO system. Under these conditions, large fire years become common, fire frequency increases and fire–climate relationships occur at decadal to centennial time scales. A suggested return to the drier climate regimes of the past would imply major changes in the temporal dynamics of fire–climate relationships and in area burned, a reduction in the mean age of the forest, and changes in species composition of the North American boreal forest.  相似文献   

We present an integrated modeling study designed to investigate changes in ecosystem level phenology over Europe associated with changes in climate pattern, by the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). We derived onset dates from processed NDVI data sets and used growing degree day (GDD) summations from the NCEP re‐analysis to calibrate and validate a phenology model to predict the onset of the growing season over Europe. In a cross‐validation hindcast, the model (PHENOM) is able to explain 63% of the variance in onset date for grid cells containing at least 50% mixed and boreal forest. Using a model developed from previous work we performed climate change scenarios, generating synthetic temperature and GDD distributions under a hypothetically increasing NAO. These new distributions were used to drive PHENOM and project changes in the timing of onset for forested cells over Europe. Results from the climate change scenarios indicate that, if the current trend in the NAO continues, there is the potential for a continued advance to the start of the growing season by as much as 13 days in some areas.  相似文献   

1. Increases in global temperatures have created concern about effects of climatic variability on populations, and climate has been shown to affect population dynamics in an increasing number of species. Testing for effects of climate on population densities across a species' distribution allows for elucidation of effects of climate that would not be apparent at smaller spatial scales. 2. Using autoregressive population models, we tested for effects of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on annual population densities of a North American migratory landbird, the yellow-billed cuckoo Coccyzus americanus, across the species' breeding distribution over a 37-year period (1966-2002). 3. Our results indicate that both the NAO and ENSO have affected population densities of C. americanus across much of the species' breeding range, with the strongest effects of climate in regions in which these climate systems have the strongest effects on local temperatures. Analyses also indicate that the strength of the effect of local temperatures on C. americanus populations was predictive of long-term population decline, with populations that were more negatively affected by warm temperatures experiencing steeper declines. 4. Results of this study highlight the importance of distribution-wide analyses of climatic effects and demonstrate that increases in global temperatures have the potential to lead to additional population declines.  相似文献   

Increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases are driving significant changes in global climate. To project potential vegetation response to future climate change, this study uses response surfaces to describe the relationship between bioclimatic variables and the distribution of tree and shrub taxa in western North America. The response surfaces illustrate the probability of the occurrence of a taxon at particular points in climate space. Climate space was defined using three bioclimatic variables: mean temperature of the coldest month, growing degree days, and a moisture index. Species distributions were simulated under present climate using observed data (1951–80, 30-year mean) and under future climate (2090–99, 10-year mean) using scenarios generated by three general circulation models—HADCM2, CGCM1, and CSIRO. The scenarios assume a 1% per year compound increase in greenhouse gases and changes in sulfate (SO4) aerosols based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) IS92a scenario. The results indicate that under future climate conditions, potential range changes could be large for many tree and shrub taxa. Shifts in the potential ranges of species are simulated to occur not only northward but in all directions, including southward of the existing ranges of certain species. The simulated potential distributions of some species become increasingly fragmented under the future climate scenarios, while the simulated potential distributions of other species expand. The magnitudes of the simulated range changes imply significant impacts to ecosystems and shifts in patterns of species diversity in western North America. Received 12 May 2000; accepted 20 December 2000.  相似文献   

The ecological factors driving the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HAB) have been traditionally analysed from a hydrological point of view, whereas the interplay between atmospheric oscillations and HAB has been scarcely explored. Here we address the possible link between atmospheric oscillations in SW Europe, using as proxies the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Arctic Oscillation (AO) indices and the interannual variability in HAB. The yearly series (1973–2005) of mortality of water birds and fish in Doñana National Park (SW Spain) due to toxins associated with the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa, and the monthly incidence (January 1999 to December 2007) of the paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin produced by the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium catenatum in the Rías Baixas (NW Spain), were selected as models of HAB in SW Europe. The incidences of both toxic algal events were fitted to a binary logistic regression as a function of the atmospheric oscillation indices (with different delays in accordance with each toxic event) and a favourability function was then computed. The favourability for the wildlife mortality in Doñana National Park was as a function of the AO averaged for the summer period (June–August) whereas the favourability for the incidence of PSP in the Rías Baixas was a function of the NAO recorded 1 month before the event. Since HAB have a relevant impact on ecosystems and human health, there is great interest in deciphering the ecological conditions favouring these events. Here we show that the atmospheric oscillations could be drivers of ecological processes linked to the occurrence of HAB in SW Europe. Moreover, the favourability functions relating NAO and AO indices with algal toxic events in SW Europe could be used as a powerful tool to predict toxic events.  相似文献   

Recently, large‐scale changes in the biogeography of calanoid copepod crustaceans have been detected in the northeastern North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. Strong biogeographical shifts in all copepod assemblages were found with a northward extension of more than ° in latitude of warm‐water species associated with a decrease in the number of colder‐water species. These changes were attributed to regional increase in sea surface temperature. Here, we have extended these studies to examine long‐term changes in phytoplankton, zooplankton and salmon in relation to hydro‐meteorological forcing in the northeast Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas. We found highly significant relationships between (1) long‐term changes in all three trophic levels, (2) sea surface temperature in the northeastern Atlantic, (3) Northern Hemisphere temperature and (4) the North Atlantic Oscillation. The similarities detected between plankton, salmon, temperature and hydro‐climatic parameters are also seen in their cyclical variability and in a stepwise shift that started after a pronounced increase in Northern Hemisphere Temperature anomalies at the end of the 1970s. All biological variables show a pronounced change which started after circa 1982 for euphausiids (decline), 1984 for the total abundance of small copepods (increase), 1986 for phytoplankton biomass (increase) and Calanus finmarchicus (decrease) and 1988 for salmon (decrease). This cascade of biological events led to an exceptional period, which is identified after 1986 to present and followed another shift in large‐scale hydro‐climatic variables and sea surface temperature. This regional temperature increase therefore appears to be an important parameter that is at present governing the dynamic equilibrium of northeast Atlantic pelagic ecosystems with possible consequences for biogeochemical processes and fisheries.  相似文献   

In order to assess possible contributions of climate change to the human ecology of the North Atlantic islands we evaluate the utility of cumulative deviations from the mean, calculated for the Greenland ice core storm frequency proxy (GISP2 Na+) and sea ice proxy (GISP2 chloride excess). Our aim is to identify episodes of unpredictable change in the context of long-term trends of cultural and environmental development. Key changes are identified in the proxy climate records in 975 and 980 ad, 1025 and 1040 ad, 1180 ad, 1425 and 1450 ad, and 1520 and 1525 ad. Some of these changes are consistent with those inferred from new studies of the palaeoecological record of the Faroes. This indicates that the cumulative deviation measure could give greatest prominence to the most important climate changes affecting landscapes and settlement (such as the changes of 1425 and 1450 ad and their immediate aftermath), rather than extreme events, such as great single storms.  相似文献   

As cold weather is an ischaemic heart disease (IHD) risk factor, year-to-year variations of the level of IHD mortality may be partly determined by inter-annual variations in winter climate. This paper investigates whether there is any association between the level of IHD mortality for three English counties and the winter North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), which exerts a fundamental control on the nature of the winter climate over Western Europe. Correlation and regression analysis was used to explore the nature of the association between IHD mortality and a climate index (CI) that represents the interaction between the NAO and temperature across England for the winters 1974–1975 to 1989–1999. Statistically significant inverse associations between the CI and the level of IHD mortality were found. Generally, high levels of winter IHD mortality are associated with a negative CI, which represents winters with a strong negative phase of the NAO and anomalously low temperatures across England. Moreover, the nature of the CI in the early stages of winter appears to exert a fundamental control on the general level of winter IHD mortality. Because winter climate is able to explain a good proportion of the inter-annual variability of winter mortality, long-lead forecasting of winter IHD mortality appears to be a possibility. The integration of climate-based health forecasts into decision support tools for advanced general winter emergency service and capacity planning could form the basis of an effective adaptive strategy for coping with the health effects of harsh winters.  相似文献   

Along the western margin of North America, the winter expression of the North Pacific High (NPH) strongly influences interannual variability in coastal upwelling, storm track position, precipitation, and river discharge. Coherence among these factors induces covariance among physical and biological processes across adjacent marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Here, we show that over the past century the degree and spatial extent of this covariance (synchrony) has substantially increased, and is coincident with rising variance in the winter NPH. Furthermore, centuries‐long blue oak (Quercus douglasii) growth chronologies sensitive to the winter NPH provide robust evidence that modern levels of synchrony are among the highest observed in the context of the last 250 years. These trends may ultimately be linked to changing impacts of the El Niño Southern Oscillation on midlatitude ecosystems of North America. Such a rise in synchrony may destabilize ecosystems, expose populations to higher risks of extinction, and is thus a concern given the broad biological relevance of winter climate to biological systems.  相似文献   

Global biodiversity hotspots contain exceptional concentrations of endemic species in areas of escalating habitat loss. However, most hotspots are geographically constrained and consequently vulnerable to climate change as there is limited ability for the movement of species to less hostile conditions. Predicted changes to rainfall and temperature will undoubtedly further impact on freshwater ecosystems in these hotspots. Southwestern Australia is a biodiversity hotspot and, as one of the first to experience significant climate change, is an example and potentially a global bellwether for issues associated with river restoration. In this hotspot, current and predicted water temperatures may exceed thermal tolerances of aquatic fauna. Gondwanic aquatic fauna, characteristic of southwestern Australia, are typically cold stenotherms and consequently intolerant of elevated temperatures. The hotspot in southwestern Australia is geographically restricted being surrounded by ocean and desert, and many important national parks are located on the extreme south coast, where the landscape is relatively flat. Consequently, fauna cannot change their distribution southwards or with altitude as a response to increasing temperatures. Therefore, any mitigation responses need to be in situ to produce a suitable biophysical envelope to enhance species' resilience. This could be through “over restoration” by increased riparian replanting at a catchment scale. A rule‐of‐thumb of a 10% increase in riparian cover would be required to reduce water temperatures by 1°C. These restoration techniques are considered applicable to other global biodiversity hotspots where geography constrains species' movement and the present condition is the desired restoration endpoint.  相似文献   

Nine sandfly species (Diptera: Psychodidae) are suspected or proven vectors of Leishmania spp. in the North and Central America region. The ecological niches for these nine species were modelled in three time periods and the overlaps for all time periods of the geographic predictions (G space), and of ecological dimensions using pairwise comparisons of equivalent niches (E space), were calculated. Two Nearctic, six Neotropical and one species in both bioregions occupied a reduced number of distribution areas. The ecological niche projections for most sandfly species other than Lutzomyia shannoni and Lutzomyia ovallesi have not expanded significantly since the Pleistocene. Only three species increase significantly to 2050, whereas all others remain stable. Lutzomyia longipalpis shared a similar ecological niche with more species than any other, although both L. longipalpis and Lutzomyia olmeca olmeca had conserved distributions over time. Climate change, at both regional and local levels, will play a significant role in the temporal and spatial distributions of sandfly species.  相似文献   

The author comments on a recent article by Werner Cohn concerning the kinship terms among the North American Gypsies. He suggests that since pašo, meaning wife's sister's husband, is also found among the southern Slavs, it is highly probable that it is from them that the Gypsies took the term .  相似文献   

Predicting how bird populations may respond to climate change is a major challenge which could be addressed by understanding how past environmental processes have driven the variations of breeding population size and productivity. In inhabited regions, this issue may be complicated by the interference associated with heterogeneous levels of habitat management. Here, we have explored how several hydrological variables influenced the breeding of the Greater Flamingo Phoenicopterus roseus in the Camargue (Rhone delta, southern France) over a 28‐year period (1974–2001). In this region, Flamingos breed in a commercial salt pan. They forage in both salt pans and adjacent brackish lagoons. We hypothesized that breeding numbers, productivity and body condition of chicks at fledging were influenced positively by water levels of the Vaccares, the main lagoon of the delta, in spring (water and food availability) and the Rhone discharge in winter (nutrient availability in the salt pans). We controlled for variations of the flooding date of the breeding salt pan by the salt company and the size of the breeding island. We first found the Vaccares water levels and Rhone discharge to be negatively correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). Secondly, the number of Flamingo breeding pairs (range 3560–22 200) increased by 1767 ± 1418 (95% CI) with a 10‐day advance of the flooding date of the breeding salt pan and by 1146 ± 1081 per 10‐cm water level rise in the Vaccares. Productivity was 0.46 ± 0.41 chicks per pair and could not be explained by any of the variables considered. Finally, chick body condition decreased with the number of breeding pairs and Rhone discharge. Our results show that (1) this intensely managed system remains sensitive to large‐scale climate variations, (2) the breeding of the Greater Flamingo is affected by both climate variations and management of the salt pan, and (3) the expected enhancement of delta productivity by high river discharge was absent, probably prevented by dykes and embankments along the river. The response of bird populations to climate variations can thus be complex in intensely managed biological systems as found in the Mediterranean. We encourage pursuing such analyses incorporating anthropogenic variables explicitly in order to expand our capacity to make inference on the future of these systems.  相似文献   

Leaf phenology in 22 North American tree species during the 21st century   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent shifts in phenology are the best documented biological response to current anthropogenic climate change, yet remain poorly understood from a functional point of view. Prevailing analyses are phenomenological and approximate, only correlating temperature records to imprecise records of phenological events. To advance our understanding of phenological responses to climate change, we developed, calibrated, and validated process-based models of leaf unfolding for 22 North American tree species. Using daily meteorological data predicted by two scenarios (A2: +3.2 °C and B2: +1 °C) from the HadCM3 GCM, we predicted and compared range-wide shifts of leaf unfolding in the 20th and 21st centuries for each species. Model predictions suggest that climate change will affect leaf phenology in almost all species studied, with an average advancement during the 21st century of 5.0 days in the A2 scenario and 9.2 days in the B2 scenario. Our model also suggests that lack of sufficient chilling temperatures to break bud dormancy will decrease the rate of advancement in leaf unfolding date during the 21st century for many species. Some temperate species may even have years with abnormal budburst due to insufficient chilling. Species fell into two groups based on their sensitivity to climate change: (1) species that consistently had a greater advance in their leaf unfolding date with increasing latitude and (2) species in which the advance in leaf unfolding differed from the center to the northern vs. southern margins of their range. At the interspecific level, we predicted that early-leafing species tended to show a greater advance in leaf unfolding date than late-leafing species; and that species with larger ranges tend to show stronger phenological changes. These predicted changes in phenology have significant implications for the frost susceptibility of species, their interspecific relationships, and their distributional shifts.  相似文献   

Using large-scale climate indices in climate change ecology studies   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Recently, climate change research in ecology has embraced the use of large-scale climate indices in long-term, retrospective studies. In most instances, these indices are related to large-scale teleconnection and atmospheric patterns of which over a dozen have been identified. Although most of these relate to different geographical areas, many are related and interact. Consequently, even the simple task of selecting one to use in ecological research has become complicated, despite our ability to disentangle the results from analyses involving large-scale climate indices. Leaning upon recent reviews of the definition and functioning of large-scale climate indices, as well as reviews on the relationship between these and concomitant changes in ecological variables, we focus here on the usefulness of large-scale climate indices in different aspects of climate change ecology. By providing a general framework for using climate indices, we illustrate the potential advantages of their utility by integrating three case histories focusing on two groups of evolutionarily distinct organisms: birds and mammals.  相似文献   

1. In cultural landscapes, lake response to climate can be masked by land‐use change and nutrient loss from their catchments. Palaeolimnological methods were used to reconstruct the ecological response of diatoms in a eutrophic lowland lake (White Lough, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland) to altered nutrient P loading and precipitation variability over c. 100 years. 2. 210Pb‐dated sediment cores were analysed to determine diatom assemblage variability, biogenic silica concentration, geochemical phosphorus concentration and accumulation rate. Manure P and agricultural N surplus data were collated from documentary sources. Long‐term trends in annual temperature and precipitation were derived from the Armagh Observatory. 3. Diatom community turnover from 1890 until c. 1960 was limited, and assemblages were dominated by Aulacoseira subarctica; after this date, changes primarily reflected a eutrophication sequence owing to increased diffuse nutrient inputs associated with intensification of land use (external P loading increased by a factor of three). 4. Diatom and biogenic Si profiles were compared with North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) records, an index of regional weather patterns. Biogenic Si exhibited a c. 7‐year cycle, which tracked a cycle of similar timescale in the Armagh climate record for dry summers. In turn, this cycle was related to the variation in the NAO. 5. Monitoring data from 1971 to 2007 of nitrate exports from the Blackwater River showed that these too followed a roughly 7‐year cycle at least up to 2000, in which dry summers were followed by sharp increases in nitrate export. It is argued that diatom production in White Lough reflects the cyclic behaviour in nitrate loading and the constraints that nitrogen availability places on the spring diatom bloom in a lake that is dominated by cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

We describe the importance of key habitats used by four nesting populations of nearctic brant (Branta bernicla) and discuss the potential relationship between changes in these habitats and population dynamics of brant. Nearctic brant, in contrast to most geese, rely on marine habitats and native intertidal plants during the non‐breeding season, particularly the seagrass, Zostera, and the macroalgae, Ulva. Atlantic and Eastern High Arctic brant have experienced the greatest degradation of their winter habitats (northeastern United States and Ireland, respectively) and have also shown the most plasticity in feeding behavior. Black and Western High Arctic brant of the Pacific Flyway are the most dependent on Zostera, and are undergoing a shift in winter distribution that is likely related to climate change and its associated effects on Zostera dynamics. Variation in breeding propensity of Black Brant associated with winter location and climate strongly suggests that food abundance on the wintering grounds directly affects reproductive performance in these geese. In summer, salt marshes, especially those containing Carex and Puccinellia, are key habitats for raising young, while lake shorelines with fine freshwater grasses and sedges are important for molting birds. Availability and abundance of salt marshes has a direct effect on growth and recruitment of goslings and ultimately, plays an important role in regulating size of local brant populations.  相似文献   

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