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Parasitic and infectious diseases (PIDs) are a significant threat to human, livestock, and wildlife health and are changing dramatically in the face of human-induced environmental changes such as those in climate and land use. In this article we explore the little-studied but potentially important response of PIDs to another major environmental change, that in the global nutrient cycles. Humans have now altered the nitrogen (N) cycle to an astonishing degree, and those changes are causing a remarkable diversity of environmental and ecological responses. Since most PIDs are strongly regulated by ecological interactions, changes in nutrients are likely to affect their dynamics in a diversity of environments. We show that while direct tests of the links between nutrients and disease are rare, there is mounting evidence that higher nutrient levels frequently lead to an increased risk of disease. This trend occurs across multiple pathogen types, including helminths, insect-vectored diseases, myxozoa, and bacterial and fungal diseases. The mechanistic responses to increased nutrients are often complex and frequently involve indirect responses that are regulated by intermediate or vector hosts involved in disease transmission. We also show that rapid changes in the N cycle of tropical regions combined with the high diversity of human PIDs in these regions will markedly increase the potential for N to alter the dynamics of disease. Finally, we stress that progress on understanding the effects of nutrients on disease ecology requires a sustained effort to conduct manipulative experiments that can reveal underlying mechanisms on a species-specific basis.  相似文献   

In two carp ponds with a long water residence time, the seasonal changes in concentration and internal mass-flow of inorganic nutrients have been estimated together with oxygen production PN of phytoplankton and community respiration. The results were compared with the findings from laboratory microcosms (LM) with a high recycle rate between a) euphotic and b) aphotic + sediment compartment. In the LM's, a dark period of at least 12 hours was necessary for optimum remobilization of CO2, PO and NH. Very high values of PN were measured even if external nutrient sources were missing. Low nutrient concentrations could be compensated by high vertical fluxes. A cycle of nocturnal mixing and of thermal stratification with anoxia at the mud water interface which increases nutrient regeneration seems to be the principal mechanism which maintains very high PN in hypertrophic shallow waters.  相似文献   

1. The immediate impacts of nutrient inputs on aquatic systems are well documented, but the ways in which resource pulses affect the wider food web of water‐associated vertebrates remain obscure. 2. We monitored the wading bird community of Barberspan, a natural freshwater lake and Ramsar wetland in South Africa, before, during and after the addition of a pulse of nutrients in the form of a sewage overspill from an upstream processing facility. We counted waders at 13 points around the lake over 3 years, every 2 months from March 2007 to March 2010, and sampled water quality during all counting periods from January 2008 to January 2010. 3. We used our data to test the hypothesis that wading birds that forage directly at lower trophic levels and/or on prey populations that have fast turnover rates, such as those of phytoplankton and invertebrates, will be more heavily influenced by nutrient addition than birds that forage on species with lower turnover rates and/or at higher trophic levels (such as frogs and fish). 4. During the sampling period Barberspan experienced a significant, nutrient‐driven decline and subsequent recovery in dissolved oxygen and pH. This trend was mirrored by significant changes in the wading bird community. Partial Mantel tests and Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) showed that the nutrient pulse had marked short‐term, negative impacts on both the diversity and the abundance of medium‐sized, shoreline foragers such as scolopacids (e.g. sandpipers). 5. Our analysis supports the proposal that both food‐web position and the turnover rate of the prey population are strong influences on ecological responses to resource pulses. Analysis of time series of principal components that describe community composition suggested that recovery of the prey base was rapid and that the bird community was able to respond via immigration. These results must, of course, be considered provisional in the absence of replicated experimental data. 6. More generally, we interpret our results as suggesting that two different mechanisms act in different directions to determine the sensitivity of secondary and tertiary consumers to changes in their prey. First, for ‘earlier’ consumers (i.e. that forage lower in the food web), there are (on average) fewer generalist consumers and fewer stored nutrients in the intervening trophic levels. This increases the sensitivity of earlier consumer populations to changes in the composition of the primary consumer community. Second, the dynamics of prey populations lower in the food web tend to be faster, making recovery faster and serving to decrease the sensitivity of earlier consumers to perturbations. These dynamics may obscure the impacts of nutrient pulses in cases where additional analysis of system trajectories is not undertaken.  相似文献   

Nutrient control of phytoplankton production in Lake Naivasha,Kenya   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Hubble  David S.  Harper  David M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):99-105
Lake Naivasha, a shallow tropical lake in Kenya's Rift Valley, has an unstable water column and is moderately eutrophic. Nutrient (bottom-up) control of primary production is more important than grazing (top-down) control. Experimental nutrient enrichment was used to investigate bottom-up control in more detail. Minor nutrients were not found to be limiting, whilst nitrogen was more limiting than phosphorus with an algal preference for ammonium over nitrate. Sediments form a phosphorus sink but there is hypolimnetic release from the one area showing regular temporary stratification. This indicates that the rate of primary production in the water column could double if conditions change to allow lake-wide nutrient release from sediments. Both external and recycled nutrient regeneration are important.  相似文献   

Little is known of the factors shaping sediment bacterial communities, despite their high abundance and reports of high diversity. Two factors hypothesized to shape bacterial communities in the water column are nutrient (resource) availability and virus infection. The role these factors play in benthic bacterial diversity was assessed in oligotrophic carbonate–based sediments of Florida Bay (USA). Sediment–water mesocosm enclosures were made from 1-m diameter clear polycarbonate cylinders which were pushed into sediments to 201 cm sediment depth enclosing 80 L of water. Mesocosms were amended each day for 14 d with 10 µM NH 4 + and 1 µM PO 4 3– . In a second experiment, viruses from a benthic flocculent layer were concentrated and added back to flocculent layer samples which were collected near the mesocosm enclosures. Photosynthesis by microalgae in virus-amended incubations was monitored by pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) fluorescence. In both experiments, bacterial diversity was estimated using automated rRNA intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA), a high-resolution fingerprinting approach. Initial sediment bacterial operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness (236 ± 3) was higher than in the water column (148 ± 9), where an OTU was detectable when its amplified DNA represented >0.09% of the total amplified DNA. Effects on bacterial diversity and operational taxonomic unit (OTU) richness in nutrient-amended mesocosms may have been masked by the effects of containment, which stimulated OTU richness in the water column, but depressed OTU richness and diversity in sediments. Nutrient addition significantly elevated virus abundance and the ratio of viruses to bacteria (p < 0.05 for both) in the sediments, concomitant with elevated bacterial diversity. However, water column bacterial diversity (in unamended controls) was not affected by nutrient amendments, which may be due to rapid nutrient uptake by sediment organisms or adsorption of P to carbonate sediments. Addition of live viruses to benthic flocculent layer samples increased bacterial OTU diversity and richness compared with heat-killed controls; however, cluster analyses showed that the community structure in the virus-amended mesocosms varied greatly between replicates. Despite the strong effects upon eubacterial communities, photosynthesis of co-occurring protists and cyanobacteria was not significantly altered by the presence of virus concentrates. This study supports the hypothesis that nutrient availability plays a key role in shaping sediment bacterial communities, and also that viruses may regulate the abundance of the dominant competitors and allow less dominant organisms to maintain or increase their abundance in a community due to decreased competition for resources.  相似文献   

Implementing the Ecosystem Approach in marine ecosystems is moving from preliminary steps—dedicated to defining the optimal features for indicators and developing efficient indicator frameworks—towards an operational phase where multisector marine management decisions are executed using this information. Within this operational context, emergent ecosystem properties are becoming quite promising as they have been demonstrated to be globally widespread and repeatable, and to be quite effective in detecting significant state variations of complex systems. Biomass accumulation across TLs (CumB‐TL) combines two important emergent properties of an ecosystem (energy flow, in terms of transfer efficiency, and storage, expressed as biomass), both amenable to detecting rapid ecosystem change. However, for further application, it is crucial to understand which types of drivers an indicator is sensitive to and how robust it is in relation to modifications of the external conditions and/or the system state. Here we address some outstanding questions of these CumB‐TL curves related to their sensitivity to various drivers by carrying out a global scale assessment (using data from 62 LMEs) over six decades (1950–2010). We confirm the consistency of the S‐pattern across all the LMEs, independent from latitude, ecosystem, environmental conditions, and stress level. The dynamics of the curve shape showed a tendency to stretch (i.e. decrease of steepness), in the presence of external disturbance and conversely to increase in steepness and shift towards higher TL in the case of recovery from stressed conditions. Our results suggest the presence of three main types of ecosystem dynamics, those showing an almost continuous increase in ecological state over time, those showing a continuous decrease in ecological state over time, and finally those showing a mixed behaviour flipping between recovering and degrading phases. These robust patterns suggest that the CumB‐TL curve approach has some useful properties for use in further advancing the implementation of the Ecosystem Approach, allowing us to detect the state of a given marine ecosystem based on the dynamics of its curve shape, by using readily available time series data. The value of being able to identify conditions that might require management actions is quite high and, in many respects, represents the main objective in the context of an Ecosystem Approach, with large applications for detecting and responding to global changes in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

Low river inflow conditions during 2009/2010 resulted in the mouth of the Great Brak Estuary remaining closed for almost two years. The low water level in Wolwedans Dam resulted in no annual environmental flow releases being made, causing mouth closure. The response of primary producers to this prolonged period of mouth closure was investigated in 2010/2011. Urban and agricultural development in the river catchment and along the estuary banks had increased the nutrient inputs into the estuary. Mouth closure, combined with elevated nutrient concentrations, increased the growth of both macroalgae and microalgae, but little change was observed in the submerged macrophytes. Macroalgal mats covered large areas of open-water surface, smothering the salt marsh and causing a decrease in its cover. These results have important implications for the management of temporarily open/closed estuaries, as increased development, freshwater abstraction and reduced river flow will result in prolonged periods of closure and reduced tidal exchange, which is likely to lead to eutrophication.  相似文献   

Impacts of Nutrient Reduction on Coastal Communities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Eutrophication due to high anthropogenic nutrient loading has greatly impacted ecological processes in marine coastal waters and, therefore, much effort has been put into reducing nitrogen and phosphorus discharges into European and North-American waters. Nutrient enrichment usually resulted in increase of biomass and production of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos, often coinciding with shifts in species composition within the primary producer community. Consequences of increasing eutrophication for higher trophic levels are still being disputed, and even less is known about the consequences of nutrient reduction on coastal food webs. Here, we present 30-year concurrent field observations on phytoplankton, macrozoobenthos and estuarine birds in the Dutch Wadden Sea, which has been subject to decades of nutrient enrichment and subsequent nutrient reduction. We demonstrate that long-term variations in limiting nutrients (phosphate and silicon) were weakly correlated with biomass and more strongly with community structures of phytoplankton, macrozoobenthos and estuarine birds. Although we cannot conclusively determine if, and if so to what extent, nutrient enrichment and subsequent nutrient reduction actually contributed to the concurrent trends in these communities, it appears likely that part of the variance in the studied coastal communities is related to changes in nutrient loads. Our results imply that nutrient reduction measures should not ignore the potential consequences for policies aimed at bird conservation and exploitation of marine living resources. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Ecology of Soil Erosion in Ecosystems   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
Each year, about 75 billion tons of soil are eroded from the world's terrestrial ecosystems. Most agricultural land in the world is losing soil at rates ranging from 13 tons/ha/year to 40 tons/ha/year. Because soil is formed very slowly, this means that soil is being lost 13–40 times faster than the rate of renewal and sustainability. Rain and wind energy are the two prime causes of erosion from tilled or bare land. Erosion occurs when the soil lacks protective vegetative cover. Soil erosion reduces the productivity of the land by loss of water, soil organic matter, nutrients, biota, and depth of soil. The greatest threat to providing food for a rapidly growing human population is soil erosion. Abandoned, eroded agricultural land is replaced by clearing forested ecosystems. Received 17 February 1998; accepted 26 May 1998.  相似文献   

This study described the nutrient dynamics in a tropical coastal lagoon that is affected by the infiltration of cold nutrient-rich groundwater. The spatial and time variation of physicochemical characteristics (e.g., temperature, salinity, oxygen) and nutrients (e.g., nitrate, ammonium, soluble reactive silicate, soluble reactive phosphorus) are depicted and show changes with respect to weather conditions. The lagoon shows a permanent salinity gradient from the inner zone (14–19). Nitrate and soluble reactive silicate (SRSi) are inversely correlated with salinity. Soluble phosphorus (SRP) shows highest levels in the inner zone during winter months (>9 µM). Ammonium shows two high peaks, one in the rainy season (15 µM) and the other during winter (11 µM). The intensity and quality of rainfall influences the nitrate and SRSi inputs, while biological activity influences the SRP and ammonium levels.  相似文献   

This study presents the major water characteristics of the Viladecans coastal lagoons in the Llobregat Delta (NE Spain), and the interpretation of their functional relationships with freshwater discharges. Ranges of conductivity show that Murtra, Remolar and Vidala are strongly influenced by freshwater. A second group (Reguerons, Braç Vidala) is characterised by brackish water with intermediate values of conductivity. In contrast, the lower part of the water column of Remolar and Vidala is quite salty water. A permanent pycnocline is established causing meromixis. Finally in Sant Climent a great variation is observed from fresh to seawater. Nutrient inputs are related to freshwater discharges. The range of DIN/SRP ratios observed (0.1–71) shows that a great variety of biogeochemical processes take place in these lagoons. High DIN/SRP ratios occur in water masses receiving high freshwater discharges (Murtra, Remolar and Vidala surface). In contrast, low DIN/SRP ratios correspond to water masses (Reguerons, Braç Vidala, Sant Climent) receiving water discharges from the groundwater and to those in the lower part of the water column of Remolar and Vidala. The SRP and DIN concentrations of the water in Remolar, Vidala and Murtra are very high (higher than any other with similar morphological characteristics in Spain). However, the trophic state of Reguerons, Sant Climent and Braç Vidala is lower. The data presented indicate that the Viladecans coastal lagoons are in a hypereutrophic state, as the result of receiving over a long period of time nutrient discharges associated to man-made freshwater inputs higher than their carrying capacity or capacity to metabolise the nitrogen and phosphorus discharges. Remedial measures should include reducing nutrient discharges into the lagoons and favouring water turnover in the lagoons.  相似文献   

Antarctic terrestrial biota are generally limited by the inexorably linked environmental factors of low summer temperature and lack of available water. However, in parts of the Antarctic, both these factors are changing rapidly on contemporary timescales. Terrestrial biota have concurrently been faced with changes in the timing of UV-B maxima associated with spring ozone depletion. The region of the Antarctic Peninsula and Scotia Arc has experienced one of the most rapid rates of environmental warming seen worldwide over the last 30–50 years. Together with local changes in precipitation, this has resulted in a rapid reduction in extent and thinning of many ice-fields and glaciers, exposing new terrain for colonisation while, at the same time, altering patterns of water availability in terrestrial habitats. The rapid development of communities on newly-exposed ground is also facilitated by the existence of soil propagule banks, which contain propagules of both local and exotic origin. In this paper we collate and review evidence from a range of observational and manipulative studies that investigate the effect of climate change, especially increased temperature, on the processes of colonisation and subsequent community development by plants in the Antarctic. Biological changes that have been associated with climate change are visible in the form of expansions in range and local population numbers amongst elements of the flora. Environmental manipulation experiments further demonstrate the possibility of large and rapid species and community responses to climate amelioration, with many resident biota responding positively, at least in the absence of increased competition from exotic colonists. Manipulation studies are also starting to elucidate more subtle responses to climate changes, at levels ranging from cell biochemistry to habitat and food web structure. Integrating such subtle responses is vital to improving our ability to understand the consequences of climate change, as these may lead to much greater consequential impacts on communities and ecosystems.   相似文献   

The responses of two genotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana, whichdiffer in their sensitivities to nutrients to present and predictedfuture CO2 concentration were determined under rich vs. poornutrient regimes on the basis of both single traits and thewhole plant. Based on individual traits, the two genotypes respondedsimilarly to CO2 enrichment for all the traits measured exceptfor rate of increase in crown diameter, for which a decreasewas observed in the less nutrient-sensitive genotype grown atincreased CO2. Based on the overall response of the whole plant,by analysing groups of plant traits using multivariate analysis,the two genotypes differed substantially from one another andboth responded more strongly to nutrient availability than toCO2 concentration, especially for traits measured at harvestthat related to reproductive fitness. The less nutrient-sensitivegenotype also showed a weaker overall response to CO2, and thepattern of the overall response was strikingly similar at differentnutrient supply. In contrast, the more nutrient-sensitive genotyperesponded more strongly to CO2 than the less nutrient-sensitivegenotype, and responded differently to CO2 at low vs. high nutrientavailability.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Plasticity, CO2 enrichment, nutrient status, nutrient x CO2 interaction, Arabidopsis thaliana, canonical analysis  相似文献   

Coastal eutrophication may alter the dominance patterns of marine macroalgae, with potential consequences for the associated fauna and the entire ecosystem. Benthic macroalgae and animals in control and nutrient-enriched mesocosms were monitored to investigate eutrophication-induced changes in rocky shore communities. During a 3-year project, nutrient addition had only minor effects on the community structure, such as increased cover and biomass of green Ulva spp. and increased abundance of certain animal species at high nutrient levels. This study is a 4-year extension of a previously reported project, with 2 extra years of effect studies (altogether 5 years) and a subsequent 2 years for recovery. During the 4th year of nutrient enrichment, the cover of Fucus vesiculosus and Fucus serratus started to decline. In the 5th year, these canopy species crashed and there was an evident take-over by green algae at high nutrient addition levels. The previously observed abundance stimulation for fauna disappeared later in the time series, probably due to the loss of the macroalgal canopy. After less than 2 years on regular seawater, the algal and animal communities had returned to within the range of normal variability. The results indicate that established rocky shore communities of perennial algae with associated fauna are able to persist for several years, even at very high nutrient levels, but that community shifts may suddenly occur if eutrophication continues. They also indicate that rocky shore communities have the ability to return rapidly to natural undisturbed conditions after the termination of nutrient enhancement.  相似文献   

An ecological risk assessment framework for onsite wastewater treatment systems and other localized sources of nutrients is presented, including problem formulation, characterization of exposure, characterization of effects, and risk characterization. The framework is most pertinent to the spatial scale of residential treatment systems located adjacent to small ponds, streams, or lagoons and some parts of shallow estuaries. Freshwater and estuarine ecosystems are distinguished based on differences in nutrient dynamics. Phosphorus exposure is the major determinant of phytoplankton production in most North American lakes. Nitrate can be directly toxic to aquatic biota such as amphibians. In shallow estuaries or lagoons, nitrogen is the primary stressor, which can be directly toxic to vegetation or can interact with biota to produce secondary stressors (limited light penetration, oxygen limitation, reduction in habitat, or reduction in forage vegetation or prey). Algal production, macrophyte production, fish community abundance and production, benthic community abundance and production, and amphibian community abundance and production are examples of risk assessment endpoint properties. Models and measurement methods for the characterization of exposure and effects are discussed, as well as sources and quantification of uncertainty. Example weight-of-evidence tables are presented for failure scenarios involving traditional and emerging onsite wastewater system technologies.  相似文献   

地球上细胞最小、丰度最大的放氧光合自养原核生物原绿球藻( Prochlorococcus )发现于热带大洋,并被证实可在某些近海甚至近岸水域大量分布.但除温度之外,原绿球藻自然分布的控制因子尚不明了.从近海和大洋生态条件的主要差别考虑,在南海进行了主要营养盐--氮、磷和微量元素--铁、钴扰动的现场培养实验,并应用流式细胞技术监测原绿球藻及聚球藻( Synechococcus )、超微型真核浮游植物(pico-eukaryotes)的细胞丰度和单细胞色素含量的响应以及细菌的影响.结果表明,磷和钴的添加有利于原绿球藻,而氮和铁的添加更有利于聚球藻和超微型真核浮游植物.同时,由环境条件引起的生物响应又间接地导致超微型生物之间的相互作用.因而,原绿球藻在近海的分布,可能受到营养盐组成等环境因子以及生物之间的相互作用等多方面的限制和影响.  相似文献   

从营养扰动实验看原绿球藻在近海分布的制约因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地球上细胞最小、丰度最大的放氧光合自养原核生物原绿球藻 (Prochlorococcus)发现于热带大洋 ,并被证实可在某些近海甚至近岸水域大量分布。但除温度之外 ,原绿球藻自然分布的控制因子尚不明了。从近海和大洋生态条件的主要差别考虑 ,在南海进行了主要营养盐———氮、磷和微量元素———铁、钴扰动的现场培养实验 ,并应用流式细胞技术监测原绿球藻及聚球藻 (Synechococcus)、超微型真核浮游植物 (pico_eukaryotes)的细胞丰度和单细胞色素含量的响应以及细菌的影响。结果表明 ,磷和钴的添加有利于原绿球藻 ,而氮和铁的添加更有利于聚球藻和超微型真核浮游植物。同时 ,由环境条件引起的生物响应又间接地导致超微型生物之间的相互作用。因而 ,原绿球藻在近海的分布 ,可能受到营养盐组成等环境因子以及生物之间的相互作用等多方面的限制和影响  相似文献   

The Hawkesbury River at Sackville, New South Wales, Australia is fresh and vigorously mixed by tidal movement. The location has frequent blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa, which have been recorded occurring throughout the year, including winter temperatures as low as 13 °C. Nutrient enrichment tests were performed in‐situ on the natural phytoplankton population in 1997 and 1998 while Microcystis aeruginosa dominated (covering both summer and winter periods). These experiments compared population changes under the ambient nutrient regime with those after additions of ortho‐phosphate, nitrate, ammonia and various combinations of these nutrients. Under ambient conditions, the Microcystis population was able to grow significantly (P < 0.05) while most non‐cyanobacterial phytoplankton did not. Nutrient additions induced a variety of nutrient limitation responses that often varied between genera of major groups i.e. in the Chlorophyceae (Actinastrum sp. responded to phosphorus while Psephonema sp. responded to nitrogen). The possibility that shifts in population dominance from Chlorophyceae to the Cyanobacteria (M. aeruginosa) at Sackville are in response to competition for limiting nutrients is discussed.  相似文献   

The main aim of the present review is to synthesise the present level of knowledge on the hydrobiology of springs in the Alps. Springs are usually small, but complex and taxa rich. They have a mosaic structure, a high degree of individuality and an azonal character, due to the peculiar physicochemical stability. Springs are ecotones linking an aquifer to the uppermost section of a surface running water system. Due to adaptations, of which stenothermy is the most frequent, representatives of many groups of plants and animals have in springs their exclusive (crenobionts) or favourite (crenophiles) habitat. This leads to a peculiar longitudinal distribution of organisms. In spite of this complexity, springs (in particular high elevation springs of the Alps) have received much less attention than other types of inland waters. They are endangered habitats, being menaced by a series of direct impacts (primarily water abstractions) and indirect impacts. The classical Steinmann–Thienemann ecomorphological types are still used with differences in the physical and chemical characteristics and in the biota. In the Alps rheocrene springs (where current velocity is one of the most relevant factors and the importance of the fringing semi-aquatic habitats is reduced) are the most frequent. However, in nature, most springs are transition types among the three traditional ones and these can now be assessed thanks to procedures considering mainly the substrate particle size. The physicochemistry of springs is characterised by limited seasonal fluctuations and determined by the characteristics of the aquifer and by indirect (especially airborne contaminants) and direct impacts. Many groups of organisms are well represented and include indicators of the trophic and acid–base status, of hydrogeology, hydrological stability and biological integrity. The groups with the highest proportions of specialised taxa are mosses, water mites, dipterans, hydrobioid snails and caddisflies. Attempts are being made to add to the traditional spring types hydrochemistry and vegetation and to the regional faunistic types, diatom-based types, to combine different approaches and to consider also functional ones, such as the distinction between POM and mosses’ springs. Given the high proportion of spring-specific taxa, we propose to use the zoobenthos, especially water mites, for an evaluation of the biological integrity of springs, whilst autotrophs, and in particular diatoms, which are the most widespread and taxa-rich group, can provide excellent indicators of eutrophication, acidification and ionic strength. This would require the calibration of the most promising diatom-based procedures to the spring environment and improvement of the knowledge on the taxonomy and distribution of key zoobenthos groups in the Alps. Other areas where further research is required are the definition of integrated spring-types, the potential for recovery of autotrophs in restored springs, functional aspects, the applicability of paleolimnological techniques to springs and the link between impacts on the drainage basin and spring environmental quality. Only once the importance of springs can be understood and effective conservation measures are undertaken, will it be possible to use these peculiar environments characterised by stability and by integration in time and space of direct and indirect impacts as ideal study sites for long-term ecological research.  相似文献   

粒径分级叶绿素a对富营养水体生物修复的响应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对富营养小水体叶绿素 a分粒级分析 ,探讨了生态修复对水体粒径分级叶绿素 a的影响以及各粒级叶绿素 a对修复的响应 ,Nano-粒级叶绿素 a为本水体的第 1贡献者 ,Net-粒级也占有较高的比例 ,处于第 2位 ,Pico-粒级所占份额最小 ;环境因子 BOD5和 TN/TP与 Net- Chla%和 Nano- Chla%分别呈非常显著负和正相关 ;生物修复实施前后 Net- chla%和 Nano- chla%均有非常显著变化 ,生态修复工程后网采浮游植物相对生物量明显增多 ,微型浮游植物相对生物量显著减少 ,而微微型浮游植物相对生物量仅有小幅度的升高 ,修复前后并无显著差异  相似文献   

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