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Climate and biophysical regulation of terrestrial plant production and interannual responses to anomalous events were investigated using the NASA Ames model version of CASA (Carnegie–Ames–Stanford Approach) in a transient simulation mode. This ecosystem model has been calibrated for simulations driven by satellite vegetation index data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) over the mid-1980s. Relatively large net source fluxes of carbon were estimated from terrestrial vegetation about 6 months to 1 year following El Niño events of 1983 and 1987, whereas the years 1984 and 1988 showed a drop in net primary production (NPP) of 1–2 Pg (1015 g) C from their respective previous years. Zonal discrimination of model results implies that the northern hemisphere low latitudes could account for almost the entire 2 Pg C decrease in global terrestrial NPP predicted from 1983 to 1984. Model estimates further suggest that from 1985 to 1988, the northern middle-latitude zone (between 30° and 60°N) was the principal region driving progressive increases in NPP, mainly by an expanded growing season moving toward the zonal latitude extremes. Comparative regional analysis of model controls on NPP reveals that although Normalized Difference Vegetation Index “greenness” can alone account for 30%–90% of the variation in NPP interannual anomalies, temperature or radiation loading can have a fairly significant 1-year lag effect on annual NPP at middle- to high-latitude zones, whereas rainfall amount and temperature drying effects may carry over with at least a 2-year lag time to influence NPP in semiarid tropical zones.  相似文献   

针毛收获蚁贮食行为及贮藏对种子活力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
长有德  贺达汉 《昆虫知识》2002,39(6):445-450
针毛收获蚁Messoraciculatus(F .Smith)是我国西北荒漠草原生态系统中的种子收获性优势蚁类 ,收获、贮藏和取食多种 1年生荒漠植物种子 ,其中狗尾草、地锦、猪毛菜、雾冰藜最为典型 ,冬贮量分别为 1 92 ,1 1 2 ,0 5 1和 0 2 5g 1 0 0工蚁 ,分别占土壤种子库总量的 5 4 3 5 %~ 78 2 6% ,1 6 85 % ,1 1 7%和1 0 0 % ,占种子年产量的 79 5 6% ,1 6 73 % ,4 91 %和 3 1 49%。嗜于收获和贮藏的种子大小为 1 2~ 2 7mm ,重量为 0 8~ 2 0g 千粒。贮藏格局表现在不同穴巢深度所贮藏的种子种类和贮量不同 ;不同类型种子在贮藏小室中的堆放和混合方式不同 ;总贮量与社群总蚁量和蚁后数正相关。贮藏引起种子萌发能力显著降低。此外 ,对贮藏格局与种子形态特征的关系及该蚁在荒漠草原生态系统中的功能与地位进行了讨论。  相似文献   

GIS支持下青海湖地区草地蝗虫发生与月均温的相关性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为有效地进行草地蝗虫发生的预测预报,必须摸清其生长和繁殖与地理环境特征的关系,在青海湖地区,气温是影响草地蝗虫发生的主要因素,在Arc/Info和ArcView地理信息系统的支持下,选择了环湖地区邻近的16个气象站点,采用综合方法,在小尺度上模拟该区所需月份的月均温,建立了空间分布式气温信息数据库,然后,把野外调查的蝗虫密度在空间数据与相对应的月均温空间数据进行叠加,计算并分析月均温与草地蝗虫发生的关系。结果表明,月均温对草地蝗虫发生的影响是和该区蝗虫优势种的生命史密切相关的,即5、6月(孵化期)和7月(蝗蝻期)的月均温影响当年草地蝗虫发生;8、9月(交尾、产卵期)的月均温则影响次年草地蝗虫的发生,为该区草地蝗虫发生预报模型的建立提供依据。  相似文献   

韩宝龙  欧阳志云 《生态学报》2021,41(22):8697-8708
开展生态系统服务评估已经成为国土空间功能管治、城市治理、生态产品价值实现等工作中的先行基础动作。生态系统服务的类型和模型方法多,数据需求复杂,传统基于多学科软件开展生态系统服务评估的工作模式知识和技术门槛较高、效率低。当前专业的生态系统服务评估软件多为美国从业人员开发,对我国的数据构成和本地化参数适应性有限。介绍了我国自主开发的生态系统分析软件(城市生态智慧管理系统,IUEMS)的主要功能和应用情况,并将其的生态系统服务评估功能与InVEST、ARIES等国外主流软件在操作逻辑、评估模型、数据取得、空间精度、界面交互五个方面进行了对比。  相似文献   

通过涡度相关和微气象观测技术,对黄河三角洲滨海湿地净生态系统CO2交换(NEE)以及环境、生物因子进行了观测,探究湿地NEE变化规律及环境和生物因子对NEE的影响. 结果表明: 在日尺度上,生长季NEE呈明显“U”型曲线,非生长季变幅较小;在季节尺度上,NEE生长季波动较大,表现为碳汇,非生长季波动较小,表现为碳源;在年尺度上,滨海湿地生态系统表现为碳汇,总净固碳量为-247 g C·m-2. 白天NEE主要受控于光合有效辐射(PAR),且生态系统表观量子产量(α)与白天生态系统呼吸(Reco,d)均于8月达到最大值,最大光合速率(Amax)于7月达到最大值;夜间NEE随气温(Ta)呈指数增加趋势,生态系统的温度敏感系数(Q10)为2.5,且土壤含水量(SWC)越高,Q10值越大.非生长季NEE只与净辐射(Rn)呈显著的线性负相关,与其他环境因子无显著相关关系.生长季NEE与RnTa、土壤10 cm温度(Ts 10)等环境因子以及叶面积指数(LAI)呈显著的线性负相关,但与地上生物量(AGB)无显著相关关系.多元回归分析表明,Rn和LAI对生长季NEE的协同影响达到52%.  相似文献   

A nitroreductase (NTR) responsive fluorescent probe, Na-NO2, comprising p-nitrobenzyl as the unique recognition group and 1,8-naphthalimide as fluorophore, was synthesized. Na-NO2 showed remarkable fluorescence “turn-on” signal in the presence of NTR under DMSO/H2O (1:19, v/v) buffered with PBS (pH = 7) solution in the presence of NADH (300 µM). Furthermore, the probe has a low detection limit down to 3.4 ng/mL and it is very sensitive towards the NTR in Escherichia coli (E. coli), Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), normal and tumor cells such as HL-7702, HepG-2 and MCF-7.  相似文献   

生物多样性的稳定维持关乎人类生存发展与地球健康。生物多样性核心监测指标(Essential Biodiversity Variables, EBVs)旨在结合地面调查与遥感技术, 为大尺度、长时间序列的生物多样性监测提供新的解决方案。然而, 目前学界仍然缺乏一套国家尺度标准化EBVs遥感监测产品数据集, 以进行生物多样性评估。本研究旨在对中国生物多样性核心监测指标遥感产品进行体系构建与思考, 首先综述了目前EBVs的遥感研究概况, 并根据EBVs研究文献的数量进行调研分析; 同时, 本文在已有遥感生物多样性产品优先标准的基础上, 添加了“可重复性”的新标准, 并据此构建了中国EBVs遥感产品体系与监测数据集的指标清单, 最终对中国EBVs遥感研究存在的问题进行思考与讨论。本研究可为中国的生物多样性遥感监测提供科学依据, 有望为中国生物多样性政策的制定提供支撑。  相似文献   

基于神经网络简单集成的湖库富营养化综合评价模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
根据中国水利部推荐的地表水富营养化控制标准,以叶绿素a、总磷、总氮、化学需氧量和透明度为评价指标,采用线性插值方法生成均匀分布的训练样本,建立了用于湖泊、水库富营养化综合评价的神经网络简单集成模型,其个体网络采用反向传播网络。通过递增法分别确定个体网络隐含层节点数为3,集成规模为40。所有个体网络均采用弹性反传训练算法和带动量的梯度下降学习算法。将该模型应用于巢湖富营养化综合评价,结果表明该模型有效消除了单个反向传播神经网络对初始网络权重的敏感性,泛化能力得到显著的提高。该模型的评价结果与综合营养状态指数法差异极显著,而与插值评分法差异不显著;但相关性较高,相关系数分别为0.9406和0.8891。通过对比分析,表明该模型较好地归纳了评价标准中的潜在评价规则,评价结果客观、可靠。  相似文献   

A healthy debate on the treatment of metals recycling in the life cycle assessment (LCA) community has persisted for more than a decade. While no clear consensus across stakeholder groups has emerged, the metals industry has endorsed a set of recycling “facts” that support a single approach, end‐of‐life recycling, for evaluating the environmental benefits of metals recycling. In this article we draw from research conducted in several disciplines and find that three key tenets of the metals industry capture the theoretical potential of metals recycling from a metallurgical standpoint rather than reflecting observed behavior. We then discuss the implications of these conclusions on environmental emissions from metals production and recycling. Evidence is provided that, contrary to the position of the metals industry, metals are not necessarily recycled at high rates, are recycled only a small number of times before final disposal, and are sometimes limited in recycling potential by the economics of contaminant removal. The analysis concludes that metal recycled from old scrap largely serves as an imperfect substitute for primary metal. As a result, large‐scale displacement of primary production and its associated environmental emissions is currently limited to a few specific instances.  相似文献   

The article presents a method for the calculation of selected economy‐wide material flow indicators (namely, direct material input [DMI] and raw material input [RMI]) for economic sectors. Whereas sectoral DMI was calculated using direct data from statistics, we applied a concept of total flows and a hybrid input‐output life cycle assessment method to calculate sectoral RMI. We calculated the indicators for the Czech Republic for 2000–2011. We argue that DMI of economic sectors can be used for policies aiming at decreasing the direct input of extracted raw materials, and imported raw materials and products, whereas sectoral RMI can be better used for justifying support for or weakening the role of individual sectors within the economy. High‐input material flows are associated in the Czech Republic with the extractive industries (agriculture and forestry, the mining of fossil fuels [FFs], other types of mining, and quarrying), with several manufacturing industries (manufacturing of beverages, basic metals, motor vehicles or electricity, and gas and steam supply) and with construction. Viable options for reducing inputs of agricultural biomass include changes in people's diet toward a lower amount of animal‐based food and a decrease in the wasting of food. For FFs, one should think of changing the structure of total primary energy supply toward cleaner gaseous and renewable energy sources, innovations in transportation systems, and improvements in overall energy efficiency. For metal ores, viable options include technological changes leading to smaller and lighter products, as well as consistent recycling and use of secondary metals.  相似文献   

耿涌  刘晓青  张攀  刘晔 《应用生态学报》2010,21(10):2615-2620
基于社会生态系统代谢多尺度综合评估(MuSIASEM)理论,对2000-2007年大连经济技术开发区人类活动时间、体外能投入量和增加值进行综合评价.结果表明:2000-2007年,大连开发区居民生活水平逐年提高;农业逐渐萎缩;第二产业仍为区域支柱产业,能耗较大;第三产业发展落后于第二产业;区域整体和各个产业的体外能代谢率明显提高,能源密度不断下降;人类活动时间与体外能投入量不断减少的情况下,经济增加值稳步增长,区域整体发展呈可持续态势.  相似文献   

Song J  An D  Ren N  Zhang Y  Chen Y 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(23):10875-10880
The microbial structure and kinetic characteristics of the hydrogen producing strains in two fermentative continuous stirred-tank reactors (CSTRs) were studied by controlling pH and oxidation and reduction potential (ORP). The fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) tests were conducted to investigate the fermentative performance of Clostridium histolyticum (C. histolyticum), Clostridium lituseburense (C. lituseburense) and Enterobacteriaceae. The experimental results showed that in ethanol-type reactor 1#, the relative abundance of the strains was 48%, 30% and 22%. Comparatively, the relative abundance in butyric acid-type reactor 2# was 24%, 55% and 19% with butyric acids and hydrogen as the main products. The kinetic results indicated that the hydrogen yield coefficients YP/X in both reactors were 8.357 and 5.951 l-H2/g, while the coefficients of the cellular yield were 0.0268 and 0.0350 g-Cell/g, respectively. At the same biomass, the hydrogen yield in ethanol-type reactors was more than that in butyric acid reactors. However, the cellular synthesis rate in ethanol-type reactors was low when the same carbon source was used.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress is observed in Alzheimer's disease (AD) brain, including protein oxidation and lipid peroxidation. One of the major pathological hallmarks of AD is the brain deposition of amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta). This 42-mer peptide is derived from the beta-amyloid precursor protein (APP) and is associated with oxidative stress in vitro and in vivo. Mutations in the PS-1 and APP genes, which increase production of the highly amyloidogenic amyloid beta-peptide (Abeta42), are the major causes of early onset familial AD. Several lines of evidence suggest that enhanced oxidative stress, inflammation, and apoptosis play important roles in the pathogenesis of AD. In the present study, primary neuronal cultures from knock-in mice expressing mutant human PS-1 and APP were compared with those from wild-type mice, in the presence or absence of various oxidizing agents, viz, Abeta(1-42), H2O2 and kainic acid (KA). APP/PS-1 double mutant neurons displayed a significant basal increase in oxidative stress as measured by protein oxidation, lipid peroxidation, and 3-nitrotyrosine when compared with the wild-type neurons (p < 0.0005). Elevated levels of human APP, PS-1 and Abeta(1-42) were found in APP/PS-1 cultures compared with wild-type neurons. APP/PS-1 double mutant neuron cultures exhibited increased vulnerability to oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis induced by Abeta(1-42), H2O2 and KA compared with wild-type neuronal cultures. The results are consonant with the hypothesis that Abeta(1-42)-associated oxidative stress and increased vulnerability to oxidative stress may contribute significantly to neuronal apoptosis and death in familial early onset AD.  相似文献   

A good model to experimentally explore evolutionary hypothesis related to enzyme function is the ancient‐like dual‐substrate (βα)8 phosphoribosyl isomerase A (PriA), which takes part in both histidine and tryptophan biosynthesis in Streptomyces coelicolor and related organisms. In this study, we determined the Michaelis–Menten enzyme kinetics for both isomerase activities in wild‐type PriA from S. coelicolor and in selected single‐residue monofunctional mutants, identified after Escherichia coli in vivo complementation experiments. Structural and functional analyses of a hitherto unnoticed residue contained on the functionally important β → α loop 5, namely, Arg139, which was postulated on structural grounds to be important for the dual‐substrate specificity of PriA, is presented for the first time. Indeed, enzyme kinetics analyses done on the mutant variants PriA_Ser81Thr and PriA_Arg139Asn showed that these residues, which are contained on β → α loops and in close proximity to the N‐terminal phosphate‐binding site, are essential solely for the phosphoribosyl anthranilate isomerase activity of PriA. Moreover, analysis of the X‐ray crystallographic structure of PriA_Arg139Asn elucidated at 1.95 Å herein strongly implicates the occurrence of conformational changes in this β → α loop as a major structural feature related to the evolution of the dual‐substrate specificity of PriA. It is suggested that PriA has evolved by tuning a fine energetic balance that allows the sufficient degree of structural flexibility needed for accommodating two topologically dissimilar substrates—within a bifunctional and thus highly constrained active site—without compromising its structural stability.  相似文献   

7α‐Hydroxyfrullanolide ( 1 ), a known sesquiterpenoid, was isolated from Sphaeranthus indicus using an antibacterial‐activity‐directed fractionation method. This compound had exhibited a significant antibacterial activity against Gram‐positive bacteria. Chemical and microbial reactions were performed to prepare eight different analogues of compound 1 in order to evaluate these newly synthesized compounds for antibacterial activity. These compounds were 1β,7α‐dihydroxyfrullanolide ( 2 ), 7α‐hydroxy‐1‐oxofrullanolide ( 3 ), 4,5‐dihydro‐7α‐hydroxyfrullanolide ( 4 ), 11,13‐dihydro‐7α‐hydroxyfrullanolide ( 5 ), 13‐acetyl‐7α‐hydroxyfrullanolide ( 6 ), 2α,7α‐dihydroxysphaerantholide ( 7 ), 4α,5α‐epoxy‐7α‐hydroxyfrullanolide ( 8 ), and 4β,5β‐epoxy‐7α‐hydroxyfrullanolide ( 9 ). Microbial reactions on 1 using whole‐cell cultures of Cunninghamella echinulata and Curvularia lunata yielded compounds 2 – 4 . Incubation of compound 1 with the liquid cultures of Apsergillus niger and Rhizopus circinans yielded metabolites 5 – 7 , while 8 and 9 were prepared by carrying out an epoxidation reaction on 1 using meta‐chloroperbenzoic acid (mCPBA). Structures of compounds 2 – 9 were elucidated with the aid of extensive NMR spectral studies. Compounds 2 – 4 were found to be new metabolites. Compounds 1 – 9 were evaluated for antibacterial activity and found to exhibit a wide range of bioactivities. Antibacterial‐activity data of 1 – 9 suggested that the bioactivity of 1 is largely due to the presence of C(4)?C(5), C(11)?C(13), and a γ‐lactone moiety.  相似文献   

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