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The distribution of juvenile benthic invertebrates with respect to their abiotic environment was investigated at four locations along a gradient in Kongsfjorden (79°N, 12°E), Spitsbergen, in September 1997. Heavy discharge of inorganic sediments released by the three glaciers was expected to be one of the main structuring factors of benthic communities in the fjord. Juveniles of 76 species/families are identified. Total abundance increases with distance from the fjord head due to the dominance of opportunistic polychaetes, while diversity is highest close to the glacier. Juvenile polychaetes are the most abundant taxon over all stations (92%), followed by bivalves, crustaceans and others. Polychaetes also provide most species (55%) and are the dominant taxon at every station. Their abundance is highly correlated with total organic carbon, indicating that most of them are deposit feeders. Young crustaceans rapidly decrease towards the fjord mouth, probably due to stronger bottom currents. Even though young oligochaetes are exclusively found near the glacier, no species seem to be well adapted to the high sedimentation rate close to the glacier. Juvenile suspension-feeding bivalves seem to be less disturbed by glacial discharge but appear to be more vulnerable to currents on the more exposed sites. The importance of deposit feeders and carnivores increases towards the outer stations. Non-metric multidimensional scaling confirms the distinct gradient in community composition along the fjord. Coupling the biotic data to abiotic factors (depth, bottom-water salinity, bottom-water temperature, sediment grain size and sedimentation rate) using canonical correspondence analysis revealed that hydrographic factors are more responsible for the structuring of the benthic juvenile community at the shallow stations close to the glacier (except the station directly at the glacier). At the outer deeper stations, sediment grain size and related properties may play a more important role.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of desiccation frequency, indicated by tidal position, on microbial community structure, diversity and richness of microbial mats. We independently characterized cyanobacterial, bacterial and archaeal communities, and their spatial variability for two distinct microbial mat systems: subtidal hypersaline mats and intertidal sand flat mats. Community fingerprints based on 16S rDNA were obtained via denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis using polymerase chain reaction primers specific for each group. Fingerprints for all three groups were consistently similar [> or =85% according to Weighted Pair Group with Arithmetic Mean (WPGMA) analysis] along a 1-km-long transect in subtidal mats. Here, pair-wise comparison analysis yielded minimal variation in diversity and richness for all groups. Fingerprints of three sites along an intertidal transect were heterogenous (> or =32% similarity according to WPGMA analysis) with clear shifts in community structure in all three microbial groups. Here, all groups exhibited statistically significant decreases in richness and diversity with tidal height (as desiccation frequency increases). Regression analysis yielded a strong correlation between diversity or richness estimates and position along the tidal gradient, for both Archaea and Bacteria, with Cyanobacteria exhibiting a weaker correlation. These results suggest that desiccation frequency can shape the structure of microbial mat communities, with Archea being least tolerant and Cyanobacteria most tolerant.  相似文献   

The benthic environment and fauna of Lake Turkana were studied during 1978–1979 to determine distribution patterns and associations of benthic invertebrates. Lake Turkana is a large, closed-basin, alkaline lake, located in northern Kenya.Detailed environmental information is currently only available for substrate variations throughout Lake Turkana. Water chemistry and other data are currently inadequate to evaluate their effects on the distribution of Lake Turkana benthic invertebrates. Three weak faunal-substrate associations were discovered at Turkana. A littoral, soft bottom association (large standing crop) is dominated by the corixid Micronecta sp. and the ostracod Hemicypris kliei. A littoral, rocky bottom association, also with a large standing crop, is dominated by various gastropods and insects. A profundal, muddy bottom association, with a very small standing crop, is dominated by the ostracods Hemicypris intermedia and Sclerocypris cf. clavularis and several gastropod and chironomid species.  相似文献   

The application of salt is the primary means of deicing roads and highways in colder regions of north-eastern North America. This has increased the chloride concentrations of many lake and stream ecosystems. While this salinization has been documented, less is known about how increased salinity alters benthic communities in downstream ecosystems. Natural thresholds, at which there are large scale changes in community composition, have not yet been established for many types of contaminants, including chloride. The diatom community, which is sensitive to small changes in the ambient environment, has the potential to be a strong indicator of salinization effects on stream ecosystems. In this study, we sampled diatom communities in 41 streams across a salinity gradient throughout south central Ontario, Canada. We sampled benthic diatom assemblages in early May following complete snowmelt, when stream water chloride concentrations ranged from 5 to 502 mg/L. Based on redundancy analysis, we confirmed a strong association between the species composition of the diatom community and water conductivity, a commonly used index of stream salinity. Taxa indicator threshold analyses (TITAN) indicated the community changed substantially at chloride concentrations greater than 35 mg/L. We also found that, an indicator taxa, Meridion circulare, was extremely sensitive to high concentrations of salt and negatively correlated with chloride. In a wide synoptic survey of streams of our region, we found that streams in most developed watersheds exceed tolerance thresholds for benthic diatom communities. This work suggests that current chloride concentrations in urban watersheds are greatly exceeding the benthic community thresholds, for which improved management and regulatory practices are needed. Salinization thus appears to be an important feature of urban streams and needs to be considered as an important ecological driver in future studies.  相似文献   

Relative abundance, diet composition and feeding strategy were determined for three benthic fish, the native deepwater sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsonii (Girard, 1851) and slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus (Richardson, 1836), and the invasive round goby Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814), along a nearshore to offshore gradient in southeastern Lake Michigan during March–December 2010, 2015, and 2016. Round goby were most abundant in the nearshore (<25 m), slimy sculpin were most abundant in the transitional zone (35–65 m), and deepwater sculpin were most abundant in the offshore zone (>75 m). Despite a large degree of spatial separation, some species did overlap, with slimy and deepwater sculpin occurring in sympatry throughout the year in the offshore and transitional zones, and round goby overlapping with both sculpin species seasonally in the transitional zone. Deepwater sculpin exhibited specialization on Mysis diluviana in all depth regions. Slimy sculpin in the offshore reduced diet overlap with deepwater sculpin by specializing on fish eggs during spring and fall, whereas in the transitional depth zone, there was considerable overlap between sculpin species due to the high importance of Mysis in diets. The invasive round goby had a mixed diet, with some diet overlap with native sculpin, especially slimy sculpin, in the transitional zone. In the nearshore zone, round goby displayed a generalized diet with many prey contributing to the diet, but the average contribution of any prey was generally low. Spatial separation and variable feeding strategies help reduce, but not eliminate shared resource use amongst these benthic fish in Lake Michigan.  相似文献   

Salinity of Pyramid Lake increased from 3.7 to 5.5 between 1933 and 1980. Concern over future reductions in overall species richness prompted experiments to assess responses of dominant lake organisms to elevated salinity. Salinity tolerances of three important benthic invertebrates, Hyalella aztecta, Chironomus utahensis, and Heterocypris sp., were tested in controlled laboratory bioassays and also in a semi-natural environment consisting of large (47 m3) mesocosms.Densities of H. azteca in mesocosms were significantly lower at salinities of 8.0 and 11.0 compared with 5.6 controls in year one, but not in 8.5 salinity mesocosms in year two. The 96-h LC50 for H. azteca was high at 19.5. Short-term mortalities of C. utahensis were 100% at salinities of 13.3 and greater. Fifty-seven percent fewer larvae matured from third to fourth instar at 8.9 than at 5.5 salinity in 17 day subacute bioassays. Furthermore, larval chironomid densities and emergence of adults from mesocosms were significantly reduced at salinities of 8.0 and higher compared with controls. Mortality of Heterocypris sp. was 50% at a salinity of 18.6 in laboratory bioassays and populations in mesocosms ranged between 40 and 100% lower at salinities of 8.0 and 11.0 than in controls.Multiple generation mesocosm experiments indicated all three invertebrates were more sensitive to elevated salinity than results of short-term bioassays. Our studies suggest populations of these invertebrates may be reduced from present levels if Pyramid Lake's salinity were to double, although none are expected to be extirpated. Food habit shifts and reduced production of lake fishes are likely consequences of salinity-induced disruption in the benthic invertebrate forage base.  相似文献   

The intertidal benthic macrofauna of the Schelde estuary (The Netherlands and Belgium) was sampled in late autumn of 1990 at 50 stations along the whole salinity gradient (between Vlissingen and Dendermonde), including the freshwater tidal part. All stations were situated in sheltered areas with a relatively muddy sediment. Species richness, diversity and total biomass of the benthic macrofauna decreased along the salinity gradient from Vlissingen to Dendermonde, while total density showed no clear trend. Especially the oligohaline and freshwater tidal part of the Schelde estuary was characterized by a very impoverished benthic community, composed only of Oligochaeta. No other species (freshwater, marine or brackish) was observed in this part of the estuary. The marine part had a more diverse macrozoobenthos structure than that of the brackish part. Species found only in the marine zone areCerastoderma edule, Tharyx marioni, Eteone longa, Nephtys hombergii andCapitella capitata. In the brackish part of the estuary,Corophium volutator was a typical, dominant species. However, a lot of the dominant species were common in both the marine and brackish part of the Schelde estuary (e.g. Heteromastus filiformis, Pygospio elegans, Nereis diversicolor, Macoma balthica). The observed gradient in species composition and dominance is compared with some other European estuaries. The marine and brackish part of the Schelde estuary is quite similar to other european estuaries. The freshwater tidal part, however, was more impoverished.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of benthic algae and macroinvertebrates were examined along a natural thermal gradient formed by hot springs in Little Geysers Creek, Sonoma Co., California, USA. Maximum water temperatures ranged from 52 °C at the uppermost station to 23 °C at a station 400 m downstream. Benthic chlorophyll a decreased exponentially from 2.5 g m–2 at 52 °C to less than 0.1 g m–2 at 23 °C, a pattern of decline also exhibited by algal phaeophytin. Blue-green algae dominated at higher temperatures but were replaced by filamentous green algae and diatoms at lower temperatures.Macroinvertebrates were absent at temperatures 45 °C; the highest density (> 150 000 m–2, mainly Chironomidae) occurred at 34 °C, whereas biomass was highest (4.6 g m–2, as dry weight) at 23 °C and species richness (15 species) was highest at 27 °C. The two predominant macroinvertebrate populations (the midge Tanytarsus sp. and the caddisfly Helicopsyche borealis) occurred at sites that were several degrees below their lethal thermal threshold, suggesting that a temperature buffer is maintained.  相似文献   

The Salton Sea, California's largest inland water body, is an athalassic saline lake with an invertebrate fauna dominated by marine species. The distribution and seasonal dynamics of the benthic macroinvertebrate populations of the Salton Sea were investigated during 1999 in the first survey of the benthos since 1956. Invertebrates were sampled from sediments at depths of 2–12 m, shallow water rocky substrates, and littoral barnacle shell substrates. The macroinvertebrates of the Salton Sea consist of a few invasive, euryhaline species, several of which thrive on different substrates. The principal infaunal organisms are the polychaetes Neanthes succinea Frey & Leuckart and Streblospio benedicti Webster, and the oligochaetes Thalassodrilides gurwitschi Cook, T. belli Hrabe, and an enchytraeid. All but Neanthes are new records for the Sea. Benthic crustacean species are the amphipods Gammarus mucronatus Say, Corophium louisianum Shoemaker, and the barnacle Balanus amphitrite Darwin. Neanthes succinea is the dominant infaunal species on the Sea bottom at depths of 2–12 m. Area-weighted estimates of N. succinea standing stock in September and November 1999 were two orders of magnitude lower than biomass estimated in the same months in 1956. During 1999, population density varied spatially and temporally. Abundance declined greatly in offshore sediments at depths >2 m during spring and summer due to decreasing oxygen levels at the sediment surface, eventually resulting in the absence of Neanthes from all offshore sites >2 m between July and November. In contrast, on shoreline rocky substrate, Neanthes persisted year round, and biomass density increased nearly one order of magnitude between January and November. The rocky shoreline had the highest numbers of invertebrates per unit area, exceeding those reported by other published sources for Neanthes, Gammarus mucronatus, Corophium louisianum, and Balanus amphitrite in marine coastal habitats. The rocky shoreline habitat is highly productive, and is an important refuge during periods of seasonal anoxia for Neanthes and for the other invertebrates that also serve as prey for fish and birds.  相似文献   

1. The crucial point of disturbance experiments in streams is the extent to which they can simulate a natural spate. Ideally, disturbance experiments should proceed side by side with a phenomenological study to allow a direct comparison. In the present study conducted in a prealpine Swiss river, the River Necker, fortuitous events made such a comparison possible. 2. In summer 1994, we took Surber samples one day before and on several sampling dates after a major flood (recurrence interval ≈ 5 years), which was followed by a long period of uniform discharge in a river characterized by frequent spates. Beginning 19 days after this flood, patches of the stream bed (≈ 9 m2) were physically disturbed by kicking and raking. 3. The degrees of reduction in the total number of individuals and the dominant taxa were similar after both types of disturbance, as were the recolonization patterns of Rhithrogena spp., Leuctra spp. and Hydracarina. Chironomidae, Baetis spp., Simuliidae, Pentaneurini and Corynoneura/Thienemanniella spp. showed a distinct lag phase after the flood before recolonization began, whereas there was no such lag phase after the experiment. Therefore, the time needed to recover to pre-flood densities was longer for these taxa. Nevertheless, recolonization rates and patterns after the lag phase were similar to those after the experimental disturbance. 4. Size-class measurements indicated that recruitment from egg hatching may have been more important after the flood than after the experimental disturbance for Rhithrogena spp., but not for Chironomidae, Baetis spp., Simuliidae, Pentaneurini and Leuctra spp. Invertebrate drift was probably the most important pathway of recolonization after both types of disturbance. 5. Our experiment allowed a realistic simulation of several important effects of the large flood on the invertebrate community. Smaller spates that induce substratum movement at a spatial scale similar to our experimental plots are much more common than large floods in the River Necker. For these spates, our experiment should provide an even more realistic simulation of natural disturbance.  相似文献   

Insights into the generation of diversity in both plants and animals have relied heavily on studying speciation in adaptive radiations. Russia's Lake Baikal has facilitated a putative adaptive radiation of cottid fishes (sculpins), some of which are highly specialized to inhabit novel niches created by the lake's unique geology and ecology. Here, we test evolutionary relationships and novel morphological adaptation in a piece of this radiation: the Baikal cottid genus, Cottocomephorus, a morphologically derived benthopelagic genus of three described species. We used a combination of mitochondrial DNA and restriction site associated DNA sequencing from all Cottocomephorus species. Analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b haplotypes was only able to two resolve two lineages: Cgrewingkii and Ccomephoroides/inermis. Phylogenetic inference, principal component analysis, and faststructure of genome-wide SNPs uncovered three lineages within Cottocomephorus: Ccomephoroides, Cinermis and Cgrewingkii. We found recent divergence and admixture between Ccomephoroides and Cinermis and deep divergence between these two species and Cgrewingkii. Contrasting other fish radiations, we found no evidence of ancient hybridization among Cottocomephorus species. Digital morphology revealed highly derived pelagic phenotypes that reflect divergence by specialization to the benthopelagic niche in Cottocomephorus. Among Cottocomephorus species, we found evidence of ongoing adaptation to the pelagic zone. This pattern highlights the importance of speciation along a benthic-pelagic gradient seen in Cottocomephorus and across other adaptive fish radiations.  相似文献   

Divergence along a benthic to limnetic habitat axis is ubiquitous in aquatic systems. However, this type of habitat divergence has largely been examined in low diversity, high latitude lake systems. In this study, we examined the importance of benthic and limnetic divergence within the incredibly species‐rich radiation of Lake Malawi cichlid fishes. Using novel phylogenetic reconstructions, we provided a series of hypotheses regarding the evolutionary relationships among 24 benthic and limnetic species that suggests divergence along this axis has occurred multiple times within Lake Malawi cichlids. Because pectoral fin morphology is often associated with divergence along this habitat axis in other fish groups, we investigated divergence in pectoral fin muscles in these benthic and limnetic cichlid species. We showed that the eight pectoral fin muscles and fin area generally tended to evolve in a tightly correlated manner in the Lake Malawi cichlids. Additionally, we found that larger pectoral fin muscles are strongly associated with the independent evolution of the benthic feeding habit across this group of fish. Evolutionary specialization along a benthic/limnetic axis has occurred multiple times within this tropical lake radiation and has produced repeated convergent matching between exploitation of water column habitats and locomotory morphology.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - The biological traits of invertebrates inhabiting freshwater methane seeps are poorly understood. We analysed the relationship between invertebrate abundance and environmental...  相似文献   

Partial sequences of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) (EC genes were retrieved from samples taken along a redox gradient in alkaline, hypersaline Mono Lake, Calif. The form I gene (cbbL) was found in all samples, whereas form II (cbbM) was not retrieved from any of the samples. None of the RuBisCO sequences we obtained were closely related (nucleotide similarity, <90%) to sequences in the database. Some could be attributed to organisms isolated from the lake (Cyanobium) or appearing in enrichment cultures. Most (52%) of the sequences fell into in one clade, containing sequences that were identical to sequences retrieved from an enrichment culture grown with nitrate and sulfide, and another clade contained sequences identical to those retrieved from an arsenate-reducing, sulfide-oxidizing enrichment.  相似文献   

Mountains harbor rich biodiversity and high levels of endemism, particularly due to changes in environmental conditions over short spatial distances, which affects species distribution and composition. Studies on mountain ecosystems are increasingly needed, as mountains are highly threatened despite providing ecosystem services, such as water supply for half of the human population. We aimed to understand the patterns and drivers of alpha and beta diversities of aquatic invertebrates in headwater streams along an altitudinal gradient in the second largest South American mountain range, the Espinhaço mountains. Headwater streams were selected at each 100 m of elevation along an altitudinal gradient ranging from 800 to 1400 m asl, where three substrate types per stream were sampled: leaf litter, gravel, and cobbles. Environmental variables were sampled to represent local riparian canopy cover, instream physical habitat, water quality, climatic data, and land use. Generalized linear models and mixed models were used to test relationships between altitude and the richness and abundance of invertebrates and to assess the influence of environmental variables on the same metrics. Patterns of spatial variation in aquatic invertebrate assemblages along the altitudinal gradient were assessed using multiplicative beta diversity partitioning. The richness and abundance of aquatic invertebrates decreased with increasing altitude, whereas beta diversity increased with increasing altitude. Significant differences in assemblage composition and in relative abundance of invertebrates were observed for both substrates and altitude. We thus show that the high regional beta diversity in aquatic ecosystems in the studied site is due to the high turnover among areas. Abstract in Portuguese is available with online material.  相似文献   

Changes in the biota of Chany Lake along a salinity gradient   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Relationships among salinity and diversity, abundance, biomass of major biological components of Chany Lake (western Siberia, Russia) are examined across a salinity gradient. As salinity increased from 0.8 to 6.4 g l−1, the species richness of aquatic vascular plants decreased from 16 to 2 species, of phytoplankton from 98 to 52 species, and of zooplankton from 61 to 16 species, but changes in species diversity of zoobenthos were negligible. Guest Editor: John M. Melack Saline Waters and their Biota  相似文献   

Food selection by foragers is sensitive to the availability of resources, which may vary along geographical gradients. Hence, selectivity of food types by foragers is expected to track these resource gradients. Here we addressed this hypothesis and asked if foraging decisions of seed-eating ants differ along a geographic gradient of habitat productivity. The study was carried out for two years at five sites along a natural climatic gradient, ranging from arid to Mediterranean, where plant productivity varies six-fold across a short geographic distance of 250 km. We found that in ant colonies of the genus Messor, collective foraging decisions differed along the gradient. Specifically, at the high-productivity sites, a stronger association was found between plant seed availability and selectivity, suggesting that colonies respond more accurately to within-patch variation in food amounts. In contrast, colonies in low-productivity sites foraged in patches with higher concentration of seeds, suggesting that they respond more accurately to among-patch variation in food amounts. Moreover, at the high-productivity sites, colonies were more discriminating in their choice of food and preferred bigger seeds, while in the low-productivity sites, where smaller seeds were relatively more abundant, food collection depended mostly on seed availability. An experiment with artificial seed patches performed along the same climatic gradient, revealed no difference in food selectivity across sites when food type and availability were similar, and a general preference for bigger over medium-sized seeds. Overall, our findings suggest that resource availability is an important factor explaining food choice along a climatic gradient and imply that in low-productivity regions small-seeded species incur high predation pressure, whereas in high-productivity regions, large-seeded species suffer higher predation. This could have important consequences for plant species composition, particularly at the face of climate change, which could dramatically alter the foraging decisions of granivores.  相似文献   

A. J. Underwood 《Oecologia》1978,36(3):317-326
Summary A simple method for detecting non-random patterns of distribution of the boundaries of species is described. The method uses transects running across a community, where the number of upper and lower boundaries of species in each quadrat is recorded. The expected number of quadrats containing one or more boundaries can be calculated from the binomial distribution. The mean deviation of observed from expected number of such quadrats, for a set of transects, can be tested for departures from zero. Significant departures greater than zero indicate regular dispersion of boundaries. A mean deviation significantly less than zero indicates clustering of the boundaries. The method is unbiased and thus corrects previously published methods.  相似文献   

In the mud- and sandflat region of the outer Königshafen off List on Sylt, the effects of the outflow from a sewage treatment plant on the benthic diatom flora were investigated. The spectrum of shapes, biomass, and diversity was determined in relation to the concentrations of phosphate, silicate, and nitrogen compounds in the overlying and pore water. The biomass increased with the available quantities of nutrients, while the diversity reached a maximum at the intermediate concentrations. Every different set of nutrient concentrations is characterized by a different diatom community. Slight inputs of nutrients led to changes in the relative abundances of forms typical of the habitat. Moderate concentrations permitted the species that are normally present in winter to occur in summer as well. In the strongly eutrophic region, nutrient-loving species that are not locally present under normal conditions formed nearly monospecific populations. A relatively constant input of nutrients almost eliminated the seasonal variations. Navicula gregaria, Nitzschia sigma, and Nitzschia tryblionella proved to be tolerant of pollution, while the genera Achnanthes and Amphora were typical in the nutrient-poor regions. The nutrient budget, particularly that of the nitrogen compounds, was found to be predominant among the physical and chemical factors.  相似文献   

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