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Actin is present in cells in monomeric and polymeric (filamentous) forms. Filamentous actin is distributed in Triton-soluble (cytosolic) and Triton-insoluble (cytoskeletal core) fractions. We have used the DNase 1 inhibition assay and immunofluorescence to investigate the distribution of actin in monomeric and polymeric forms in cloned B16 murine melanoma cell lines of low and high metastatic capacity. The protease trypsin caused rounding up and detachment of both cell lines within 5 min. This was associated with almost complete depolymerization of cytosolic actin filaments but the Triton-insoluble cytoskeleton was not quantitatively affected by trypsin treatment. There were quantitative differences between the clones in their response to incubation in the presence or absence of 10% serum. The highly metastatic cell line contained 35% more actin when incubated in the presence of 10% serum, almost completely distributed to the Triton-insoluble cytoskeleton, an effect not seen in the low metastatic cells.  相似文献   

The K-562 cell line is a culture of human leukemia stem cells originally derived from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia in blast crisis. We have subjected such cells, in the log phase of growth, to countercurrent distribution in a charge-sensitive dextran-polyethylene glycol aqueous-phase system, a method that fractionates cells on the basis of subtle differences in their surface properties, and found that: (1) The cell population is heterogeneous since it is composed of cells with different partition ratios. (2) There is a correlation between increasing cell partition ratios and increasing cell electrophoretic mobilities. (3) Cells under different parts of the distribution curve have dissimilar ratios of cells in different parts of the cell cycle, a phenomenon that may, at least partially, be the basis for the subfractionation of these cells. There is a clear tendency for cells in G0+G1+early S to decrease and for those in late S+G2+M to increase with increasing partition ratios. (4) Sialic acid is a major surface charge component of the cells as evidenced by a dramatic drop in their partition ratios after treatment with neuraminidase.  相似文献   

The K-562 cell line is a culture of human leukemia stem cells originally derived from a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia in blast crisis. We have subjected such cells, in the log phase of growth, to countercurrent distribution in a charge-sensitive dextran-polyethylene glycol aqueous-phase system, a method that fractionates cells on the basis of subtle differences in their surface properties, and found that: (1) The cell population is heterogeneous since it is composed of cells with different partition ratios. (2) There is a correlation between increasing cell partition ratios and increasing cell electrophoretic mobilities. (3) Cells under different parts of the distribution curve have dissimilar ratios of cells in different parts of the cell cycle, a phenomenon that may, at least partially, be the basis for the subfractionation of these cells. There is a clear tendency for cells in G0 + G1 + early S to decrease and for those in late S + G2 + M to increase with increasing partition ratios. (4) Sialic acid is a major surface charge component of the cells as evidenced by a dramatic drop in their partition ratios after treatment with neuraminidase.  相似文献   

The partition of normal and malignantly transformed fibroblast lines and cell lines initiated from malignant human astrocytomas and a benign ganglioneuroma has been examined in aqueous dextran-polyethylene glycol phase system containing phosphate buffer with a low phosphate/sodium chloride ratio. The malignant astrocytomas showed a significantly lower partition coefficient as compared with the benign ganglioneuroma. Treatment of astrocytoma cells with dexamethasone caused an increase in the partitioning of the cell population. No differences were found in the partition behaviour of normal BHK-21 cells and their malignant transformants, the TRES fibrosarcoma cells. Polyoma and simian virus-transformed 3T3 fibroblasts showed partition ratios similar to the untransformed cells. Dexamethasone pre-treatment had no effect on the partition behaviour of these cells. The significance of these observations has been discussed in relation to the surface hydrophobicity and the neoplastic state.  相似文献   

The expression of tumor-associated transplantation antigens (TATA) by two metastatic variants, isolated from B16 melanoma in vivo, was examined. The first, YB16 melanoma (amelanotic), was selectioned after a successive s. c. transplantations of B16 melanoma cells on the coisogenic Yellow AY/a mutant mice of C57BL/6J mice. The second, MB16 melanoma, characterized by a variable pigmentation, was obtained from a s. c. transplantation of YB16 melanoma cells on C57BL/6J mice. The comparison of TATA expressed by the two variants and the B16 melanoma, made between different modes of inducing tumor-rejection activity, revealed that i) these two variants failed to induce an autologous antitumor response, ii) they were resistant to crossed immunization with an immunogenic preparations of B16 melanoma and iii) only MB16 melanoma preparations reduced significantly the tumoral incidence of B16 melanoma cells. These data leads us to suggest i) that the s. c. transplantation of B16 melanoma cells on Yellow AY/a mice resulted in the selection of nonimmunogenic, amelanotic and metastatic cell population of YB16 melanoma and ii) the existence of an epigenetic regulation of melanogenesis and expression of TATA in MB16 melanoma cells carried on C57BL/6J mice.  相似文献   

A significant inhibition of B16 melanoma growth and prolonged survival of mice, immunized with cryolysat at 10 M omega of B16 melanoma cells, are obtained in an immunoprophylactic assays. These results show that the freezing maintains tumor rejection activity of tumor antigen. Immunization with frozen cells or their crude butanol extract induce only an inhibition of tumor growth without a prolongation of survival.  相似文献   

Genomic instability has been accepted as providing a phenotypic variety of malignant cells within a developing tumour. Defects in genetic recombination can often lead to phenotypic differences; therefore, it is possible that metastatic variant cell lines exhibit their particular phenotype as a result of an altered ability to catalyse homologous recombination. We have investigated recombination efficiency in B16 melanoma metastatic variants, using a plasmid, pDR, as a recombination substrate. The plasmid contains two truncated, nontandem but overlapping segments of the neomycin resistance gene (neo 1 and neo 2), separated by the functional gpt gene unit. Only a successful recombination of the two neo segments will generate a functionally intact neomycin gene. Extrachromosomal recombination here was a transient measure of the cells to recombine the neo fragments in an intra- or intermolecular manner. Extrachromosomal recombination frequencies were higher in the high metastasis variants (BL6, ML8) compared with the low metastatic F1 cells. On the other hand, the frequency of chromosomal recombination (after plasmid integration) was higher for the low metastasis (F1) cell line compared with the highly metastatic variants, BL6 and ML8. Since the recombination assay measures only successful recombination events, we have interpreted the observed higher incidence of chromosomal recombination in the low metastatic variant line as indicative of a more stable genome. Similarly, a higher inherent instability in the genome of the high metastasis variants would render these less efficient at producing and maintaining successful recombination events, and this was found to be true by Southern analysis. The results presented show that frequency of recombination may be adduced as evidence for implicating genomic instability in the generation of variant cell populations during metastatic spread. Such an interpretation is also compatible with the Nowell hypothesis for tumour progression. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) is overexpressed in many human tumors and has been linked to various cellular processes altered in cancer. miR-21 is also up-regulated by a number of inflammatory agents, including IFN, which is of particular interest considering the close relationship between inflammation and cancer. Because miR-21 appears to be overexpressed in human melanoma, we examined the role of miR-21 in cancer development and metastasis in B16 mouse melanoma cells. We found that miR-21 is a member of an IFN-induced miRNA subset that requires STAT3 activation. To characterize the role of miR-21 in melanoma behavior, we transduced B16 cells with lentivirus encoding a miR-21 antagomir and isolated miR-21 knockdown B16 cells. miR-21 knockdown or IFN treatment alone inhibited B16 cell proliferation and migration in vitro, and in combination they had an enhanced effect. Moreover, miR-21 knockdown sensitized B16 cells to IFN-induced apoptosis. In B16 cells miR-21 targeted tumor suppressor (PTEN and PDCD4) and antiproliferative (BTG2) proteins. To characterize the role of miR-21 in vivo, empty vector- and antagomiR-21-transduced B16 melanoma cells were injected via tail vein into syngeneic C57BL/6 mice. Although empty vector-transduced B16 cells produced large lung metastases, miR-21 knockdown cells only formed small lung lesions. Importantly, miR-21 knockdown tumor-bearing mice exhibited prolonged survival compared with empty vector tumor-bearing mice. Thus, miR-21 regulates the metastatic behavior of B16 melanoma cells by promoting cell proliferation, survival, and migration/invasion as well as by suppressing IFN action, providing important new insights into the role of miR-21 in melanoma.  相似文献   

A system of tumor transplantation has been developed to select metastatic variants of B16 in mutants of the C57BL/6J black strain of mice. The effects of transplantation into nonagouti a/a and mutant recipients on the production of melanin and on the metastatic potential of tumors were investigated. Transplantation of the pigmented B16 melanoma from a nonagouti black a/a host to a yellow mutant Ay/a recipient resulted in an achromic and metastatic variant melanoma, designated YB16. The amelanotic phenotype occurred consistently after more than ten passages through yellow mice and simultaneously with an increase in the incidence of pulmonary metastases. When YB16 was transplanted back to the nonagouti black a/a host, a second variant, MB16, characterized by its variable pigmentation, was obtained. Pigmented and/or entirely achromic tumors were observed. MB16 was dramatically more metastatic than B16 and YB16 when injected s.c. or i.v. Metastases in the lungs were pigmented and/or achromic. The properties of tumor cells derived from artificially induced metastases were investigated after s.c. and i.v. injections. Whereas the metastatic cells expressed a potent ability to generate metastases when injected s.c., no differences in the incidence of metastases, as compared to the metastatic potential of cells of parental origin, were observed after i.v. injection. In the MB16 variant, there appeared to be an inverse relationship between differentiation (production of melanins) and malignancy. Our results demonstrate that differentiation and metastatic behaviour are dependent on specific mutations in the host environment which generate a pool of tumor cells from which highly metastatic variants can be selected.  相似文献   

The cell surface sulphydryl content of three metastatic variants of the B16 murine melanoma has been determined using isoelectric equilibrium techniques. The F1 variant, which has no ability for natural metastasis, and the F10 variant with moderate metastatic ability appeared to have no detectable surface thiol groups. The variant BL6, which shows a high degree of natural metastasis, possessed surface thiol groups. The variants were found to be heterogeneous in isoelectric distribution. Three subpopulations were identified based on isoelectric criteria. The size of the pI 5.0 subpopulation appeared to increase with metastatic ability. A proportion of this subpopulation, approximately 4% in the F10 and 10% in the BL6, was found to possess surface thiol groups. In the BL6 line, 10-20% of the pI 4.6 subpopulation possessed surface thiol groups. The surface negative charge density of the cell types showed no correlation with their natural metastatic ability.  相似文献   

F Khalil  L Hopp 《Cytobios》1985,42(166):117-123
The rate of postreplication repair of the B16-F1 and the B16-F10 variant clones was compared to the parent B16CL4 mouse melanoma cells in an attempt to correlate the postreplication repair efficiency with the metastatic potential of these melanoma cells. The rate of postreplication repair of the B16-F10 subline was 47% higher than that of the parent B16CL4 mouse melanoma cells and 20% higher than that of the B16-F1 cells. This higher rate of postreplication repair in the B16-F10 cells correlates with its higher metastatic potential. It was also of interest to notice that the rate of postreplication repair of the B16-F1 and the B16-F10 cells are comparable to their rate of replicon joining in non-irradiated cells, in contrast to the parent B16CL4 cells whose rate of post-replication repair was significantly lower than its rate of replicon joining.  相似文献   

The transfer of sialic acids to the non-reducing terminal positions on sugar chains of glycoconjugates is catalyzed by sialyltransferases (STs). Increased sialylation is correlated with oncogenic transformation and metastatic potential. ST inhibitors may be potentially valuable as anti-cancer and anti-metastatic agents. In this study, we evaluated the effects of soyasaponin I (Ssa I), a known inhibitor of STs, on tumor metastasis through studying a highly metastatic cancer cell line B16F10. Ssa I specifically inhibited the expression of alpha2,3-linked sialic acids without affecting other glycans on the B16F10 cell surface. We also found that Ssa I decreased the migratory ability of cells, enhanced cell adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins. Finally, a pulmonary metastasis assay demonstrated that alteration of glycosylation in this way significantly reduced the ability of tumor cells to distribute to the lungs of mice. Collectively, these findings suggested that alpha2,3-linked sialic acids may play an important role in metastasis potential of B16F10 cells.  相似文献   

Mouse B16LuF1 melanoma cells of lower metastatic potential to lung were treated in vitro with same concentration (50 microM) of gangliosides isolated from B16LuF5, B16LuF9 or B16LuF10 cells with higher metastatic potential to lung (LuF1< LuF5< LuF9< LuF10) and injected to groups of normal mice through tail vein. The number of metastatic tumor nodules formed in lung increased in mice receiving B16LuF5, B16LuF9 and B16LuF10-ganglioside-treated B16LuF1 cells compared to mice receiving B16LuF1 cells without any ganglioside treatment. Metastatic potential of B16LuF1 cells gradually increased after treatment with gangliosides of B 16-melanoma cells of increasing metastatic potential to lung. The six major gangliosides isolated from B16LuF10 cells corresponded with standard gangliosides GT1b, GD1b, GD1a, GM1, GM2 and GM3 respectively on TLC-analysis. When B16LuF1 cells were treated in vitro with each of these six individual gangliosides and injected to groups of normal mice through tail vein the number of tumor nodules formed in lung varied. The four groups of mice receiving B16LuF1 cells treated with each of four gangliosides corresponding to GT1b, GD1b, GD1a or GM1 produced lung metastasis comparable to that of untreated control group. Only remaining two gangliosides which corresponded with standard gangliosides GM2 and GM3 increased metastatic potential of B16LuF1 cells. Thus, these results indicated that gangliosides GM2 and GM3 of B16-melanoma cells are definitely associated with metastatic potential of these tumor cells.  相似文献   

Summary Monoclonal antibodies were generated against established melanoma cell lines and characterized by their reactivity with various sublines. The antibodies selected for their reaction with melanoma-associated antigens were tested on cryostat sections of melanoma tissue from various stages and on other tumors. The reactivity with normal tissues was also determined. Of 30 antibodies reacting with melanoma cell lines 11 did not react with melanoma biopsies. Of the remaining 19 antibodies nine displayed broad cross-reactivity with normal cells and structures and other benign or malignant tumor cells. Among the remaining antibodies five types were defined that detected antigens (nevocellular I, nevocellular II, neural, endothelial, basal cell) found on certain normal tissues and structures and on certain tumor phenotypes. Even though there seems to be a tendency for some antigens to be preferentially associated with certain stages of melanoma, it has not yet been possible to establish any clear-cut correlation between the expression of one of the differentiation antigens and a particular stage or malignancy potential of melanoma.  相似文献   

Membrane surface properties of rat intestinal epithelial cells (crypt base to villus tips) were studied by cell partition in a two-polymer aqueous phase system. A higher partition generally reflects higher cell surface charge (or charge-associated properties) which is not necessarily the same as the charge determined by cell electrophoresis since the latter reflects only the charge at the plane of shear while the former gauges it deeper into the membrane [10]. Cells were prepared by the method of Weiser [22] which sequentially yields cell fractions from villus tips to crypt base. The isolated cells were subjected to countercurrent distribution in a dextran-polyethylene glycol aqueous two-phase system. Countercurrent distribution on the first fractions obtained by Weiser's method have a peak to the left and a smaller peak to the right indicating a surface membrane heterogeneity of upper villus cells; last fractions have a peak only to the right. When all fractions are pooled before countercurrent distribution two well-separated peaks are obtained with the right peak sometimes showing additional heterogeneities. Experiments combining isotope labeling of cells with countercurrent distribution lead us to conclude that the membrane charge (or charge-associated properties) of crypt base cells increases during differentiation and that the charge of the villus cells to which they give rise then diminishes during maturation. The charge of the bulk of the upper villus cells is the lowest of any in the intestinal cell population. The basis for the alteration in charge has not been established but the phenomenon of changing membrane surface charge (or charge-associated properties) as a function of cell differentiation, maturation and aging appears to be a general phenomenon having been found and traced in different cell populations [14, 16, 17, 28].  相似文献   

Urea transporter B (UT-B, encoded by the SLC14A1 gene) is a membrane channel protein involved in urea transmembrane transport. Compared with normal tissues, UT-B expression is significantly decreased in most tumours, especially melanoma. However, the UT-B role in tumorigenesis and development is still unclear. Herein, we investigated the effects of UT-B overexpression on polyamine metabolism and the urea cycle in murine melanoma B16 cells, to explore the roles of mitochondrial dysfunction and p53 activation in cell growth and polyamines metabolism. UT-B overexpression in B16 cells decreased cell growth, increased apoptosis, and significantly altered metabolic pathways related to the urea cycle, which were characterized by reduced production of urea and polyamines and increased production of nitric oxide. Subsequently, we observed that activation of the p53 pathway may be the main cause of the above phenomena. The p53 inhibitor pifithrin-α partially restored the production of polyamines, but the mitochondrial morphology and function were still impaired. Further treatment of UT-B-overexpressing B16 cells with reactive oxygen species scavenging agent N-acetyl-l-cysteine and coenzyme Q10 restored cell viability and mitochondrial function and increased polyamine production. In conclusion, UT-B overexpression caused mitochondrial dysfunction and increased oxidative stress in B16 cells, and then activated p53 expression, which may be one of the mechanisms leading to the decrease in intracellular polyamines.  相似文献   

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