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Shoot regeneration has been achieved in Zizyphus mauritiana from juvenile explants (internodal and nodal segments) on MS medium containing 2% sucrose and 50 mg l?1 each of asparagine, arginine and glutamine, 5 mg l?1 cystelne hydrochloride and various combinations of IAA/zeatin, BAP, KN and Ad. The explants were most responsive on the medium containing zeatin followed by BAP. Callusing could be induced from all parts of the seedling viz. cotyledonary leaf, hypocotyl, epicotyl, leaf and nodal region on various media tried. Expression of peroxidase and esterase in the in vivo and in vitro grown tissues was also compared through starch gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

印度枣嫁接最适时期在每年4~6月份。低月龄小砧最适宜采用切接法;对2年生以上结果树,可采用短枝腹接法和芽接法进行品种更新换代。  相似文献   

Endogenous Shoot Growth Rhythms and Indeterminate Shoot Growth in Oak   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Wide variations of shoot growth patterns in saplings of pin oak (Quercus palustris Muenchh.) have been observed as a consequence of varying environmental conditions, experimental manipulations, and vigor of trees. Shoot growth patterns range from a series of recurrent, determinate flushes, constituting a genuine endogenous rhythm, to continuous, indeterminate growth. Observed growth patterns agree well with those predicted by a model of rhythmic growth which assumes the dependence of shoot growth on the functional equilibrium between shoot and root system. Indirect evidence suggests that cessation of shoot growth under favorable environmental conditions might be a consequence of internal water deficits. Observed differences in shoot growth patterns between young and mature trees are discussed as logical consequences of the model.  相似文献   

A lectin from Zizyphus mauritiana lamk. has been purified from the 25–50% (NH4)2SO4 fraction of crude seed and cotyledonary leaf callus extracts. The lectins purified from the two sources had the same structure and properties. Upon specific adsorption on Sephadex G-100, the lectin (ZML) could be displaced with 0.1 m d-glucose. ZML yielded a single band corresponding to a Mr of 66 kDa both in the absence and presence of β-mercaptoethanol on native- as well as in SDS-PAGE. It is thermostable but pH sensitive and agglutinates human erythrocytes only. Lectin activity could also be detected in the cotyledons, leaf, and stem, and in their cultures, as well as in in vitro regenerants. Cotyledons, cotyledonary leaf and its callus showed much higher lectin activity than seeds. Received: 5 April 1997 / Revision received: 30 June 1997 / Accepted: 31 October 1997  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) at 1 x 10–4 M or 3 x 10–4 Mwas applied to the apical buds of Chenopodium rubrum plantsexposed to different photoperiodic treatments and showing differentpatterns of floral differentiation. Stimulation of growth inwidth of the apical meristem of the shoot and/or inhibitionof growth in length was obtained under all photoperiodic treatments.This change of growth pattern was followed by different effectson flowering. In non-induced plants grown under continuous light ABA stimulatedpericlinal divisions in the peripheral zone and the initiationof leaves as well as the growth in width of bud primordia. Inplants induced by two short days reduced growth of the meristemcoincided with ABA application. Longitudinal growth of the meristemwas inhibited in this case and only a temporary stimulationof inflorescence formation took place. In plants induced ata very early stage, ABA exerted a strong inhibitory effect onflowering. A permanent and reproducible stimulatory effect onflowering was obtained in plants induced by three sub-criticalphotoperiodic cycles if ABA was applied to apices released fromapical dominance. In this case formation of lateral organs andinternodes was promoted by ABA and was followed by stimulatedinflorescence formation. Gibberellic acid (GA2) at 1x 10–4M or 3 x 10–4 M brought about a similar effect on floweringas ABA, although the primary growth effect was different, i.e.GA2 stimulated longitudinal growth. The effects of ABA and GA2 on floral differentiation have beencompared with earlier results obtained from auxin and kinetinapplications. These growth hormones are believed to regulateflowering by changing cellular growth within the shoot apex.Depending on the actual state of the meristem identical growthresponses may result in different patterns of organogenesisand even in opposite effects on flowering. Shoot apex, flowering, photoperiodic induction, abscisic acid, gibberellic acid, Chenopodium rubrum L.  相似文献   

比较了4个水分梯度3年生台湾青枣(Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.)的树高生长动态、地径生长动态、新梢生下量、枝粗生长量、叶面积、叶面积指数、座果率、平均株产量、叶片含水率和根系含水率等,通过主成分分析法和R型因子综合分析法确定了适合台湾青枣生长的最优土壤含水率。结果表明:第3种水分处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的70%-85%)的台湾青枣对水分的响应最好,对水分的响应排序值是56.147;其次是第4种水分处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的85%-100%),其值为41.506;最后是第1种水分处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的40%-55%),其值为34.545。由此可以得出,在金沙江干热河谷地区种植台湾青枣的最佳土壤水分是土壤含水率达到田间持水量的70%-85%。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to test the hypothesis that the reduced growth rate of wheat and barley that results when the roots are exposed to NaCl is due to inadequate turgor in the expanding cells of the leaves. The hypothesis was tested by exposing plants to 100 millimolar NaCl (which reduced their growth rates by about 20%), growing them for 7 to 10 days with their roots in pressure chambers, and applying sufficient pneumatic pressure in the chambers to offset the osmotic pressure of the NaCl, namely, 0.48 megapascals. The results showed that applying the pressure had no sustained effect (relative to unpressurized controls) on growth rates, transpiration rates, or osmotic pressures of the cell sap, in either the fully expanded or currently expanding leaf tissue, of both wheat and barley. The results indicate that the applied pressure correspondingly increased turgor in the shoot although this was not directly measured. We conclude that shoot turgor alone was not regulating the growth of these NaCl-affected plants, and, after discussing other possible influences, argue that a message arising in the roots may be regulating the growth of the shoot.  相似文献   

Partial purification of the two enzymes i.e. superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POX) from ber pulp has been obtained by passing the ammonium sulphate fraction through a diethyl amino ethyl-cellulose (DEAE-Cellulose) column. The fractions showing SOD and POX activity were pooled separately and passed through a Sephadex G100 column for further purification. SOD was purified 12.2 fold with 12.6% yield while POX was purified 15.6 fold with 19.3% yield. Approximate molecular mass for SOD and POX, as judged by gel filtration method was 35.6 and 81.5 kDa, respectively.Key words: Ber fruit, superoxide dismutase, peroxidase, DEAE-cellulose chromatography, fold purification, yield, Zizyphus mauritiana Lamk  相似文献   

兴安落叶松结实规律与长短枝习性的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1987年5月,大兴安岭林区发生的特大森林火灾,实属世界罕见,火灾面积达1.0×10~6ha 多。大量的火烧迹地亟待更新、无论是人工更新还是人工促进天然更新,其中关键的问题之一是种子的来源,在大兴安岭地区,兴  相似文献   

ARNEY  S. E. 《Annals of botany》1954,18(3):349-365
Changes in leaf size and in the number and size of the leafcells have been followed throughout the growing season and duringdrought and defoliation. The duration of the meristematic phaseof primordium growth is the major factor affecting leaf sizein all cases, and a hypothesis is developed to account for thechanges. A new index of shoot growth reflecting the rate ofcell production is used, together with the leaf initiation rate,to distinguish changes in growth rate at the time of runnerproduction and inflorescence initiation.  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷土壤含水量对台湾青枣生长和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了4个水分梯度3年生台湾青枣(Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.)的树高生长动态、地径生长动态、新梢生下量、枝粗生长量、叶面积、叶面积指数、座果率、平均株产量、叶片含水率和根系含水率等,通过主成分分析法和R型因子综合分析法确定了适合台湾青枣生长的最优土壤含水率。结果表明第3种水分处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的70%~85%)的台湾青枣对水分的响应最好,对水分的响应排序值是56.147;其次是第4种水分处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的85%~100%),其值为41.506;最后是第1种水分处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的40%~55%),其值为34.545。由此可以得出,在金沙江干热河谷地区种植台湾青枣的最佳土壤水分是土壤含水率达到田间持水量的70%~85%。  相似文献   

Lateral Shoot Growth in Horizontal Apple Stems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental evidence supports the theory that inhibition ofbuds on the under side of horizontal apple branches is causedby the movement under gravity of substances from the upper tothe under sides. Horizontal shoots of apple Crab C were splitalmost to the apex and the two halves separated by a non-porousplastic film. Where upper and lower sides were isolated by theplastic barrier, long shoots grew from the under as well asfrom the upper side. On control shoots, and shoots split vertically,most buds on the under side remained dormant.  相似文献   

Influence of Growth Regulators on Shoot Proliferation in Quercus suber L.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Procedures have been developed to standardize the multiplicationstage during mature cork-oak (Quercus suber L.) micropropagation.Axillary and terminal buds were established on Gresshoff andDoy basal medium containing 1 mg I–1 of 6-benzylaminopurine(BAP). Initiation of cultures was possible all over the year.The effects of BAP, Z, IBA, 1AA and NAA and various nutrientformulae on shoot growth and proliferation was investigated.BAP was more suitable than zeatin. Shoot proliferation and elongationwere strongly improved by the combination BAP/IAA in the presenceof low salt media, like Gresshoff and Doy or Woody Plant medium.Both rates were significantly increased when a double-phaseculture system was used. Shoots have been multiplied for 1 yearat the rate of three to four-fold every 4 weeks without anydecline of vigour. Rooting was achieved by briefly dipping thebasal ends of in vitro regenerated shoots in an IBA concentratedsolution. The results here reported constitute a promising steptowards large scale in vitro propagation of a species in whichconventional vegetative propagation by cuttings is very difficult. Auxins, browning, cytokinins, cork-oak, forestry, multiplication, Quercus suber L., re-multiplication, re-invigoration, two-phase medium  相似文献   

研究了小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)茎顶端不同类型原基分化的动态过程,以明确原基分化的综合模式,并建立了不同原基分化之间的定量关系.结果表明,小麦叶原基和苞叶原基分化与播后累积生长度日(GDD, growing degree days after sowing)的关系呈S形曲线,而小穗原基和小花原基为上升段抛物曲线.从分化模式看,苞叶原基具备营养器官原基特征;小穗和小花原基的分化进程能较好地反映基因型和生态条件对顶端发育的影响.小麦茎顶端原基分化的综合模式为由三段子模式构成的近似S曲线.叶原基数由基因型和环境条件共同决定,而苞叶原基、小穗原基和小花原基数以环境因子的影响为主.以平均热间距来衡量,适期播种处理的叶片、苞叶和小穗原基分化速率最高;而小花原基数与小花分化持续期之间的数量关系最为密切.研究结果有助于揭示和理解小麦茎顶端发育的生物学规律.  相似文献   

小麦茎顶端原基分化的综合模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了小麦 (TriticumaestivumL .)茎顶端不同类型原基分化的动态过程 ,以明确原基分化的综合模式 ,并建立了不同原基分化之间的定量关系。结果表明 ,小麦叶原基和苞叶原基分化与播后累积生长度日 (GDD ,growingdegreedaysaftersowing)的关系呈S形曲线 ,而小穗原基和小花原基为上升段抛物曲线。从分化模式看 ,苞叶原基具备营养器官原基特征 ;小穗和小花原基的分化进程能较好地反映基因型和生态条件对顶端发育的影响。小麦茎顶端原基分化的综合模式为由三段子模式构成的近似S曲线。叶原基数由基因型和环境条件共同决定 ,而苞叶原基、小穗原基和小花原基数以环境因子的影响为主。以平均热间距来衡量 ,适期播种处理的叶片、苞叶和小穗原基分化速率最高 ;而小花原基数与小花分化持续期之间的数量关系最为密切。研究结果有助于揭示和理解小麦茎顶端发育的生物学规律。  相似文献   

Apical Growth Cessation and Shoot Tip Abscission in Salix   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Time course of apical shoot growth and shoot tip abortion in northern ecotypes (lat. 69°39′N, long. 18°37′E) of Salix pentandra and S. caprea have been investigated. In trees more than 15 years old growing under natural climatic conditions apical growth cessation and shoot tip abortion normally occurred in June-July when the day length still was 24 h. Application of GA3, in spring to the apex effectively delayed growth cessation and shoot tip abortion. Application of kinetin was without effect. First-year seedlings of both species grew continuously at temperatue of 9 to 24°C in 24 h photoperiod. Short days induced apical growth cessation, but two to four (S. pentandra) or three to five (S. caprea) weeks of 12 h photoperiod were required to stop the elongation growth. The results indicated that the critical photoperiod for apical growth cessation in the used ecotype of S. pentandra was 16 to 18 h at 18°C. Short days had a minor effect only on the formation of apical leaf primordia in small seedlings. Development of axillary buds and radial growth were stimulated by short days when compared with long days. Small seedlings of both species (3 to 8 cm high at the start) formed terminal buds in short days, but in large seedlings (more than about 15 cm high) apical growth cessation was accompanied by shoot tip abortion. Abscisic acid applied to the apex or through a leaf did not induce growth cessation in S. pentandra seedlings grown in continuous light. The growth retardants CCC, B-9 and Phosphon D reduced growth rate under continuous light and induced shoot tip abortion in some plants. The effect of CCC was counteracted by GA3. Apical growth cessation in short days was significantly delayed by a single GA1 application.  相似文献   

Greenhouse-grown oilseed rape (Brassica napus, annual Canola variety `Westar') plants were harvested at six dates from the vegetative phase until the early pod (silique)-fill/late flowering stage. Endogenous gibberellin (GA)-like substances were extracted from stems, purified, and chromatographed on silica gel partition columns prior to bioassay in serial dilution using the `Tan-ginbozu' dwarf rice microdrop assay. The concentrations of total endogenous GA-like substances were low during vegetative stages (1 nanogram GA3 equivalents/gram dry weight), and rose 300-fold by the time of floral initiation. After floral initiation the concentration of GA-like substances fell, then rose again during bolting to maximal levels during the early pod-fill stage (940 nanograms per gram dry weight). The qualitative profiles of GA-like substances varied across harvests, with higher proportions of a GA1-like substance at the early pod-fill stage. In a second study stems were similarly harvested at eight dates and the concentrations of endogenous GA1, the principal bioactive native GA of oilseed rape, were determined by gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring using [17,17-2H]GA1 as a quantitative internal standard. The concentration of GA1 increased at about the time of floral initiation and then subsequently fell, thus confirming the pattern noted above for total GA-like substances. The exogenous application of paclobutrazol (PP333), a persistent triazole plant growth regulator (PGR) which blocks GA biosynthesis, or another triazole, triapenthenol (RSW0411), prevented flowering as well as bolting; plants remained at the vegetative rosette stage. These results imply a causal role for endogenous GA, in the control of bolting, which normally precedes anthesis. Further, the rise in the concentration of total endogenous GA-like substances, including GA1, which was associated with floral initiation, and the prevention of visable floral development by the triazole PGRs, also indicates a role for endogenous GAs in the regulation of flowering in B. napus.  相似文献   

SMITH  D. L. 《Annals of botany》1968,32(2):361-370
The vegetative apex and young inflorescence of Carex flaccahave been grown in aseptic culture for several weeks on a definedmedium. Explants comprised the apical dome and the three youngestleaf primordia, and the young inflorescence complete with bracts,excised shortly after the initiation of the lateral spikes.Some growth occurred on the basal medium which contained inorganicsalts, sucrose, and vitamins, but growth was increased and thelife span extended by the addition of certain other compounds.The most effective additive was gibberellic acid, which, however,resulted in precocious differentiation of the meristematic tissuesand the differentiation of abnormal xylem. These deleteriouseffects of gibberellic acid were counteracted by the additionof kinetin. This substance did not otherwise affect vegetativeapices but it resulted in a further increase in growth and lifespan of inflorescences.  相似文献   

Caulogenesis and rhizogenesis were studied in cultured leafexplants of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi nc. using both lightand scanning electron microscopy. The timing of organ appearancewas also recorded. The patterns of development seen were comparedto each other and to that in explants grown on growth regulator-freemedium. Shoots first appeared after 12 d in culture and rootsafter 7 d. In caulogenesis nodules appear at the explant edgeand from these the shoots arise. The nodules are mainly derivedfrom palisade mesophyll cells, along with some spongy mesophylland bundle-sheath cells. The nodules form a continuous row alongthe edge of the explant and their initiation appears to be centredon veins. Shoots are produced indirectly. Roots are produceddirectly from bundle-sheath and vein parenchyma cells. Withoutplant growth regulators bundle-sheath cells still divide, althoughonly a few divisions were seen. Key words: Nicotiana tabacum, in vitro, caulogenesis, rhizogenesis  相似文献   

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