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DNA sequences of cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI) from Lepidion spp. were employed to test the efficiency of species identification. A sample of 32 individuals from five Lepidion species was sequenced and combined with 26 sequences from other BOLD projects. As a result, 58 Lepidion DNA sequences of the COI gene belonging to eight of the nine recognized Lepidion species were analysed. Sequences were aligned and formed seven clades in a Bayesian phylogenetic tree, where Lepidion lepidion and Lepidion eques grouped jointly. The Kimura 2‐parameter genetic distances, among congeners were, on average, 4.28%, 16 times greater than among conspecifics (0.27%). The main diagnostic meristic data of Lepidion spp. were compiled and a detailed morphological revision of the congeneric species L. eques and L. lepidion was made. The eye diameter was significantly different between L. eques and L. lepidion (P < 0.001). The number of anal fin rays ranged from 45 to 51 in L. lepidion and from 47 to 54 in L. eques, but no significant differences were obtained in the mean values of this variable (P = 0.07). According to the morphological and genetic analyses, the results strongly suggest that the Mediterranean codling L. lepidion and the North Atlantic codling L. eques are conspecific, making L. eques a junior synonym of L. lepidion.  相似文献   


The conoidean family Drilliidae Olsson, 1964 is a species-rich lineage of marine gastropods, showing a high degree of diversification in comparison to other families of Conoidea. Despite intensive molecular phylogenetic studies during the last decade that have led to notable rearrangements of conoidean systematics, the genus- and species-level taxonomy of Drilliidae has not thus far been affected and remains entirely based on shell features. In the current study we revisit species delimitation in a morphological cluster of species from the Indo-Pacific referred to as the Clavus canalicularis complex, using an integrative taxonomy approach. The species in the complex possess robust thick-walled shells typically over 15?mm in height with sculpture of prominent rounded nodules located at the whorl’s shoulder, sometimes sharp and squamiform, or producing long spines. We find that in addition to five known species, the complex comprises four new species. These are described as Clavus brianmayi n. sp. (New Caledonia), Clavus davidgilmouri n. sp. (the Philippines), Clavus andreolbrichi n. sp. (Vanuatu and New Ireland) and Clavus kirkhammetti n. sp. (Madagascar). Clavus exasperatus (Reeve, 1843), which was previously considered widely distributed in Indo-Pacific, is shown to be confined to the western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Two species of the anthocorid genus Buchananiella Reuter are recorded from Japan for the first time. Buchananiella leptocephala sp. nov. is described here based on specimens from Honshu and the Ryukyus. Buchananiella crassicornis Carayon, hitherto known from the Ivory Coast and India, was found in the Ryukyus.  相似文献   


We present a morphological feature-based key for the genus Otostephanos and describe two new species, O. jolantae sp. nov. and O. ukrainicus sp. nov. For O. jolantae sp. nov. we analysed the intraspecific morphological variability and provided the barcodes of mtCOX1 mitochondrial gene. Further, we developed a method to standardize measurements for the Philodina type of corona and trophi measurements of bdelloids. Otostephanos jolantae sp. nov. is a large rotifer with a smooth cuticle and bright red-orange gut; it can be distinguished from the known species by a high triangular upper lip with a tongue-like tip not divided into lobes, spade-shaped swollen rump, and 6/6 dental formula. It is found in Sphagnum collected in Poland, Ukraine and the Czech Republic. Otostephanos ukrainicus sp. nov. has a long body covered with coarse-grained cuticle on the last two neck segments, trunk and rump; it is distinguished by long narrow head and neck, saccular-like swollen trunk, spade-like rump, and a tiny foot. Unlike the other species of this genus, it has band-like upper lip with two narrow, sharp protrusions separated by an interspace, unusually small spurs and trophi with 5/5 major teeth. Thus far, it is only found in Ukraine, in pine and oak forest litter. http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:9FC484E3-67F5-43A9-8478-A7BE14FBE5E33  相似文献   

Biting midges of the genus Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) are insect vectors of economically important veterinary diseases such as African horse sickness virus and bluetongue virus. However, the identification of Culicoides based on morphological features is difficult. The sequencing of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI), referred to as DNA barcoding, has been proposed as a tool for rapid identification to species. Hence, a study was undertaken to establish DNA barcodes for all morphologically determined Culicoides species in Swedish collections. In total, 237 specimens of Culicoides representing 37 morphologically distinct species were used. The barcoding generated 37 supported clusters, 31 of which were in agreement with the morphological determination. However, two pairs of closely related species could not be separated using the DNA barcode approach. Moreover, Culicoides obsoletus Meigen and Culicoides newsteadi Austen showed relatively deep intraspecific divergence (more than 10 times the average), which led to the creation of two cryptic species within each of C. obsoletus and C. newsteadi. The use of COI barcodes as a tool for the species identification of biting midges can differentiate 95% of species studied. Identification of some closely related species should employ a less conserved region, such as a ribosomal internal transcribed spacer.  相似文献   

基于模式标本和新材料研究了茎蜂科脊颜茎蜂属,修订了该属属征和主要鉴别特征.该属唇基上区具锐利中脊,下唇须第4节短,明显宽于下颚须第4节,左上额粗短,中部显著弯折,雄虫多数鞭分节腹侧钝齿状突出,雌虫部分锯刃具多列亚基齿等特征,与茎蜂科其余各属均不相同.描述了脊颜茎蜂属1新种,采集自江西和湖南南部山区.编制了种检索表.  相似文献   

The systematic is still unresolved for the genus Squalius (Cyprinidae, Leuciscinae), a rich group of small to large fishes widely distributed throughout Europe. The distinction of one of the Italian narrowly endemic species, Squalius albus (Bonaparte, 1838), described for the area surrounding lake Trasimeno, from the more common and widespread Squalius squalus (Bonaparte, 1837) is doubtful. The application of integrative taxonomy, with DNA taxonomy and quantitative morphometric, using both living and preserved individuals collected from lake Trasimeno before Squalius sp. restocking, allowed us to explicitly test for the identity of the two species in the complex. COI barcoding data, used for phylogenetic reconstructions, underlined that two clades may exist in the complex; nevertheless, DNA taxonomy (ABGD and GMYC) and morphometrics show no statistical support for their identity as separate species. Moreover, during our survey of the genetic diversity of the Italian Squalius, we provided further support for the species status of Squalius lucumonis, and found evidence of the occurrence in Southern Italy of another chub species, Squalius vardarensis (Karaman, 1928), previously known only from the Southern part of the Balkan Peninsula.  相似文献   

Oysters (family Ostreidae), with high levels of phenotypic plasticity and wide geographic distribution, are a challenging group for taxonomists and phylogenetics. As a useful tool for molecular species identification, DNA barcoding might offer significant potential for oyster identification and taxonomy. This study used two mitochondrial fragments, cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and the large ribosomal subunit (16S rDNA), to assess whether oyster species could be identified by phylogeny and distance-based DNA barcoding techniques. Relationships among species were estimated by the phylogenetic analyses of both genes, and then pairwise inter- and intraspecific genetic divergences were assessed. Species forming well-differentiated clades in the molecular phylogenies were identical for both genes even when the closely related species were included. Intraspecific variability of 16S rDNA overlapped with interspecific divergence. However, average intra- and interspecific genetic divergences for COI were 0-1.4% (maximum 2.2%) and 2.6-32.2% (minimum 2.2%), respectively, indicating the existence of a barcoding gap. These results confirm the efficacy of species identification in oysters via DNA barcodes and phylogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

系统研究了龙州蝗属,共记述10种,其中包括1新种,即贵州龙州蝗Longzhouacris guizhouensis sp.nov.,该新种近似于斑角龙州蝗L.annulicornis Lu,LiYou,2000,主要区别为:1)前胸背板沟前区长为沟后区长的2.16倍;2)前翅到达第3腹节背板中部;3)后足跗节爪间中垫长为爪长的1.5倍;4)雄性尾片三角形,顶尖;5)触角基半黄褐色,端半暗褐色;6)前翅前半黑褐色,后半淡褐色;7)后足胫节黄绿色。文中附有分种检索表。新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Abstract  Two new species of Nysius Dallas, N. orarius sp. n. and N. tasmaniensis sp. n. are described from New South Wales and Tasmania (Australia), respectively. A new monotypic genus, Reticulatonysius , with type-species R. queenslandensis sp. n. is described from Queensland, and its systematic relationship with other orsilline genera is discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of camaenid land snail, Vulnus wallacei Páll-Gergely, Otani & Hosoda n. sp. is described from Nusa Penida and Lombok Islands, Indonesia. The new species is putatively classified into the genus Vulnus, which is only known so far from the Northern Maluku Islands. The genital anatomy, especially the presence of a well-developed penial sheath in V. wallacei, suggests a close relationship with Australian camaenids. However, the molecular phylogeny based on partial cytochrome c oxidase I, and 16S and 28S ribosomal RNA genes shows that the new species falls outside the cluster of all Australian Camaenidae.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D28554D0-3578-4E95-8849-09EAFB7D30F7  相似文献   

We performed a molecular phylogenetic analysis of the ground beetles Apatrobus (Carabidae), endemic to Japan, using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and the nuclear 28S rRNA (28S) genes. We focused on the species divergence in Kyushu, Shikoku and western Honshu and used 15 of 19 species and three populations with undetermined species in the DNA analysis. The gene trees showed that, of the Apatrobus species studied, A. hayachinensis Nakane from northern Honshu was not included in the monophyletic group of the other Apatrobus species and likely to be of a different genus. Divergence time estimation suggested that Apatrobus species excluding A. hayachinensis diverged 5.2 million years ago and the subsequent divergence of species occurred during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. In each of the main islands, Kyushu, Shikoku and Honshu, two or more distinct lineages occurred and all species had restricted distribution areas, suggesting that ancient dispersal and vicariance among the three main islands resulted in the nested biogeographical pattern of species distribution.  相似文献   

记述斜翅蝗属Eucoptacra Bolivar的研究历史、在中国分布的种类及1新种,即斑腿斜翅蝗E.maculifemura sp.nov.,该新种近似于秉汉斜翅蝗E.binghami Uvarov及大眼斜翅蝗E.megaocula Wang et al.,主要区别于上2种为颜面隆起在触角之间部分的宽度为眼间距宽的1.5倍;后足第1跗节明显宽于第3跗节;后足股节外侧具3个大黑斑。新种的模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Yun Bu  Yan Gao 《ZooKeys》2015,(534):55-60
The genus Paratullbergia Womersley, 1930 is recorded for the first time from China. Paratullbergia changfengensis sp. n. from Shanghai is described and illustrated. It is characterized by the presence of 1+1 pseudocelli on thoracic segment I, with two pairs of pseudocelli on each of thoracic segments II and III, presence of seta px on abdominal segment IV, seta a2 and p4 on abdominal segment V as microsetae, and less differentiated sensory seta p3 on abdominal segment V. Both sexes present. The new species can be easily distinguished from its congeners by the presence of pseudocelli on thoracic segment I. An updated key to the world species of the genus Paratullbergia is provided.  相似文献   

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