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The oviposition behaviour and host selection by females of the pine processionary moth, Thaumetopoea pityocampa, was studied under two conditions: in a field insectary and in a pine stand. An oviposition choice test was conducted in an insectary cage, using artificial Christmas trees (ACTs) baited with extracts from four pine species: Pinus pinea, Pinus pinaster, Pinus halepensis and Pinus brutia, plus a control. Females oviposited significantly more egg batches on the ACT baited with a P. brutia extract, while no oviposition occurred on the control ACT. In a large P. pinea stand, two groups of randomly selected trees were marked and baited respectively with an extract of P. brutia, which was the preferred species under insectary conditions and with a solvent, to act as control. Results showed that oviposition in the field followed an aggregated pattern, fitting a negative binomial distribution and that trees baited with P. brutia extracts, received a significantly larger number of egg‐batches than control trees. In parallel, the volatiles emitted by all pine extracts tested where analysed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC‐MS), coupled to a time‐of‐flight (TOF) mass analyser after solid phase microextraction (SPME), resulting in the identification of 26 compounds. Comparative chromatograms showed qualitative differences among the pine species used, some compounds being present in one of them only. Findings demonstrate for the first time that: (i) T. pityocampa females discriminate among bouquets extracted from different host pine species and exhibit oviposition preferences; and (ii) olfactory cues play an important role in mediating the selection process.  相似文献   

Recognition and acceptance of a suitable host plant by phytophagous insects requires the integration of visual, physical and chemical cues. The present study investigates the host cues that a specialist insect integrates to optimize oviposition decisions and whether these cues are weighted in a specific way. The study also determines whether the tomato fruit borer Neoleucinodes elegantalis (Guenée) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), an important pest on Solanaceae in Brazil, shows a preference for oviposition sites that differ in physical and/or chemical cues. When styrofoam balls are provided as artificial fruits, N. elegantalis deposit significantly more eggs on rough artificial fruits than on smooth ones. Hexane fruit extracts applied to the artificial fruits stimulate female oviposition strongly. Physical and chemical cues also affect the oviposition of females when offered together. Furthermore, certain parts of the artificial fruits are prefered, irrespective of the presence of chemical cues. Both physical and chemical cues affect oviposition decisions; hence, the fruit borer relies on cues of different sensory modalities.  相似文献   

The hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus De Geer (Diptera: Syrphidae) is an abundant and efficient aphid‐specific predator. Several aphidophagous parasitoids and predators are known to respond positively to aphid‐infested plants. Semiochemicals from the latter association usually mediate predator/parasitoid foraging behavior toward sites appropriate for offspring fitness. In this study, we investigated the effect of aphid host plant and aphid species on foraging and oviposition behavior of E. balteatus. Behavioral observations were conducted using the Noldus Observer v. 5.0, which allows observed insect behavior to be subdivided into different stages. Additionally, the influence of aphid species and aphid host plant on offspring fitness was tested in a second set of experiments. Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris and Megoura viciae Buckton were equally attractive for E. balteatus whereas Aphis fabae Scopoli (all Homoptera: Aphididae) were less attractive. These results were correlated with (i) the number of eggs laid, which was significantly higher for the two first aphid species, and (ii) the fitness of hoverfly larvae, pupae, and adults. Two solanaceous plant species, Solanum nigrum L. and Solanum tuberosum L. (Solanaceae), which were infested with Myzus persicae Sulzer (Homoptera: Aphididae), were also compared using the same approach. Discrimination between these two M. persicae host plants was observed, with S. tuberosum being preferred as an oviposition site by the predatory hoverfly. Larval and adult fitness was correlated with the behavioral observations. Our results demonstrated the importance of the prey–host plant association on the choice of the oviposition site by an aphid predator, which is here shown to be related to offspring fitness.  相似文献   

The leaf age preferences for oviposition by three species of whitefly (Dialeurodes citri [Ashmead],Aleurothrixus floccosus [Maskell], andParabemisia myricae [Kuwana]) were tested on lemon,Citrus limon (L.). Four categories of leaf age were tested (I: incompletely expanded, growing leaves; II: young leaves that are completely expanded but not yet dark green; III: completely mature leaves [dark green]; IV: completely mature leaves judged to be older than III as determined by the age of the twigs to which they were attached). Paired choice experiments were conducted in the laboratory using excised leaves and in the field using intact leaves. In both laboratory and field tests,P. myricae preferred I over all other leaf ages. It rarely oviposited on II and never oviposited on III or IV, even when they were the only two choices. The order of preference forD. citri in laboratory and field tests was II>I>III>IV. In laboratory tests,A. floccosus exhibited the same order of preferences asD. citri, but in the field, II was preferred over all others, III was slightly preferred over IV, and I varied greatly among replicates in comparisons against III or IV. In related experiments, the choice between I & III byA. floccosus andD. citri was not affected by confining the whiteflies to either I or III for three days prior to testing.
Sélection pour la ponte des feuilles deCitrus limon en fonction de l'âge par trois espèces d'aleurodes
Résumé Des feuilles de 4 tranches d'âges appartenant àCitrus limon L.: 1) en cours de croissance et incomplètement développées; 2) développées mais pas encore vert sombre; 3) complètement développées (vert sombre) 4) plus âgées que le lot 3 d'après l'âge du rameau, ont été proposées pour pondre à 3 espèces d'aleurodes (Dialeurodes citri Ashmead,Aleurothrixus floccosus Maskell,Parabemisia myricae Kuwana). Les femelles étaient isolées dans des cages dont les ouvertures sur deux côtés opposés étaient obstruées par la face inférieure de feuilles de citronniers d'âges différents. Les feuilles utilisées au laboratoire étaient coupées, les expériences dans la nature étaient faites avec des feuilles intactes. Récoltées au bout de 2 jours, leurs ufs étaient dénombrés.Dans les 2 cas,P. myricae a préféré significativement le lot 1, les pontes sur lot 2 étaient rares, et nulles sur les lots 3 et 4 même en l'absence de choix. Les préférences significativement différentes deD. citri au laboratoire et dans la nature étaient les suivantes: 2>1>3>4.A. floccosus a présenté au laboratoire les mêmes préférences queD. citri (P0,0004), mais certains résultats étaient contradictoires. Au laboratoire et dans la nature, le lot 2 était préféré; de même le lot 3 était préféré au lot 4. Cependant de nombreuses expériences de choix dans la nature entre les lots 1 et 3 et 1 et 4 ont montré la même tendance qu'au laboratoire, mais pour d'autres, les résultats étaient inversés. Après regroupement des résultats dans la nature, le lot 3 a été préféré au lot 1 (résultats à la limite du seuil de validité); aucune différence significative n'est apparue entre les lots 1 et 4. Les choix deA. floccocus etD. citri entre les lots 1 et 3 n'ont pas été modifiés par la présence de l'un des lots pendant les 3 jours précédant l'expérience.

Common green lacewings (Chrysoperla carnea species complex) are important predators of several insect pests, particularly aphids. Due to their potential in biological control, several efforts have been made to find means to retain common green lacewing adults or even to increase their numbers at a given site. In the course of field experiments conducted in Hungary and Norway, we tested the effect of a known ternary bait (phenylacetaldehyde, methyl salicylate, acetic acid) on oviposition and overwintering site choice of common green lacewings. In an orchard in Hungary, overwintering chambers were set up with and without baits. For the experiment on oviposition in Norway, a number of lacewing eggs were compared on trees with and without baits in selected sectors of the canopy. With the ternary bait, more common green lacewings could be attracted to overwintering chambers, and also significantly more eggs were found in the vicinity of baits than in other selected parts of the canopy, suggesting that this bait has the potential to manipulate both overwintering site choice and oviposition site choice of these important beneficial insects.  相似文献   

Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), is an important pest of French beans in Kenya. However, information on the feeding activity and oviposition preference of WFT on crop and weed hosts associated with French beans in Kenya and other parts of the world is lacking. To determine the feeding and oviposition preference of WFT for crop and weed plants commonly encountered in French bean fields in Kenya, no‐choice and choice experiments were conducted using four important crop and weed plants. Among the crop plants tested, highest feeding and oviposition activity of WFT was recorded on courgette/zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) and French beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Spinach beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) were of relatively minor importance for feeding and oviposition. Among the weeds tested, gallant soldier (Galinsoga parviflora Cav.) was the most preferred host plant for feeding and oviposition compared with Chinese lantern (Nicandra physaloides L.), wild crucifer (Erucastrum arabicum Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) and pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus L.). Phaseolus vulgaris was the most preferred host for feeding and oviposition in the presence of G. parviflora, E. arabicum and A. hybridus. A positive correlation between the number of feeding punctures and the number of eggs oviposited by WFT on crop and weed plants was observed. The results of this study show that P. vulgaris, C. pepo and G. parviflora are both relatively good feeding and oviposition hosts of WFT. Cucurbita pepo and G. parviflora may serve as potential sources of WFT outbreaks within French bean fields.  相似文献   

In laboratory experiments of the choice type, olive fruit flies, Dacus oleae (Gmelin), wild and/or olivereared for a few generations, showed strong preference for oviposition in yellow and orange colored ceresin wax domes 18 mm in diameter. Green colored domes of two different hues were less preferred, while red, blue, black and white domes received a limited number of eggs when a preferred color was present. The females more frequently visited the domes of the preferred colors, which indicates that they selected them before arrival. The observed preference for certain colors like yellow and orange depended primarily on the color hue and not on the intensity of the total reflected light or on the degree to which the colored domes contrasted with the background. The females responded positively to hues reflecting maximally between 560 and 610 nm, optinum at ca. 580 nm. Hues reflecting maximally between 520 and 550 nm or above 610 nm were not very attractive while hues reflecting below 520 nm and especially between 400 and 480 nm appeared to be rather unattractive. There were indications that not only the spectral purity of a hue but also the quantity of the energy reflected within the narrow spectral region which corresponds to that hue are important for the selection of the oviposition site by this fly.
Der einfluss von farbtönen und farbintensität künstlicher eiablagesubstrate auf ihre auswahl für die eiablage bei Dacus oleae
Zusammenfassung In Auswahlversuchen im Labor bevorzugten wilde und für einige Generationen im Labor auf Oliven gezüchtete Olivenfliegenweibchen zur Eiablage gelb und orange gefärbte Ceresinwachsdome von 18 mm Durchmesser. Grüngefärbte Dome von zwei verschiedenen Farbtönen waren weniger bevorzugt. Rote, blaue, schwarze und weisse Dome wurden mit einer begrenzten Anzahl Eiern belegt, wenn eine der bevorzugten Farben dabei war. Die Weibchen besuchten öfter die Dome mit den bevorzugten Farben, was darauf hindeutet, dass sie diese vor der Ankunft auswählten.Die beobachtete Bevorzugung für gewisse Farben wie gelb und orange hing hauptsächlich von den Farbtönen ab und nicht von der Intensität des total reflektierten Lichtes oder der Stärke des Kontrastes der farbigen Dome vom Hintergrund. Die Weibchen reagierten positiv auf Farbtöne mit einer maximalen Reflektion zwischen 560 und 610 nm mit einem Optimum bei ca. 580 nm. Farbtöne, die maximal zwischen 520 und 550 nm oder bei mehr als 610 nm reflektierten, waren nicht sehr attraktiv und Farbtöne mit einer Reflektion bei weniger als 520 nm, speziell zwischen 400 und 480 nm, scheinen nicht attraktiv zu sein. Es bestehen Hinweise dafür, dass nicht nur die Farbreinheit sondern auch die Menge der reflektierten Energie des entsprechenden Spektralabschnittes wichtig für die Auswahl der Eiablagesubstrate ist.

The sexual calling incidence of wild and mass-reared Mediterranean fruit fly males, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), was studied at 25 °C and a photophase of 14 h starting at 0600 h. Wild males fed on yeast hydrolysate and sugar attained sexual maturity earlier and exhibited higher calling activity than males fed on sugar alone. In both sugar and yeast hydrolysate-fed wild males, calling levels were high during the first hours of the photophase, declined at 0900–1000 h, then increased again reaching high levels between 1200 and 1500 h, and finally declined and ceased after 1600 h. Food deprivation for 8 h or more caused a significantly lower frequency of calling. Irradiated (sterile) and unirradiated mass-reared males fed on either sugar and yeast or sugar alone did not differ in the age of attaining sexual maturity (maximum levels of calling occurred about 8 days earlier than in the wild males). However, irradiated males fed on sugar called less frequently than males in the other treatments of mass-reared males. The daily rhythm of calling in protein and sugar-fed irradiated males differed somewhat from that of wild males. Calling was recorded at high levels from the beginning of the photophase until 1300 h without any decrease at 0900–1000 h. It then decreased to very low levels from 1500–1800 h and increased slightly at 1900 h. These findings are discussed in relation to the mating behavior of the fly and to the effectiveness of released sterile males in Sterile Insect Technique programs.  相似文献   

The wheat stem sawfly (WSS), Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae), causes significant damage in cereal crops in the northern Great Plains of North America. This study assessed oviposition preference in winter wheat, Triticum aestivum L. (Poaceae), and investigated how it is affected by the emission of semiochemicals, with the overall goal of enhancing trap crop efficacy. We studied five winter wheat cultivars that could be recommended as trap crops for WSS and compared them with regards to agronomic characteristics influencing oviposition behavior and their emission of behaviorally active volatiles. Subsequently, we evaluated oviposition preference on three selected cultivars, ‘Norstar’, ‘Neeley’, and ‘Rampart’, using choice tests at two plant growth stages. Most eggs were found in Norstar at both stages tested when females were exposed to the three cultivars simultaneously making it the preferred choice for a trap crop. Norstar also emitted more behaviorally active volatiles, primarily (E)‐ and (Z)‐β‐ocimene. The results for the effect of main stem height or diameter on oviposition was inconsistent between infested vs. uninfested stems within cultivars, although there was a correlation between infestation and height for younger plants. These results show that these agronomic characteristics, typically viewed as explanatory, did not clearly explain oviposition preference and suggest a role of β‐ocimene in determining suitability for oviposition among these cultivars. This study supports previous findings suggesting oviposition preference in winter wheat involves several cues, including stem height and volatile attractants that may be important in determining suitability.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to select a candidate strain of Trichogrammatidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) to control the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), an important pest of cabbage in Europe. The parasitic efficiency of Trichogramma chilonis Ishii from Japan and Réunion Island, Trichogramma evanescens Westwood from Egypt, Trichogramma ostriniae Pang & Chen from Japan, and Trichogramma semblidis (Aurivillius) from France was studied with sentinel eggs in greenhouse‐grown cauliflower. The percentage of parasitized eggs was measured 1 m from the release point and 3 days after release. Two factors were studied: host‐egg density (three eggs per stem vs. 50 eggs per stem) and plant size (50–100 cm high plants vs. 100–150 cm high plants). Trichogramma evanescens from Egypt achieved the best parasitism. Parasitism efficiency of T. ostriniae from Japan and T. chilonis from Réunion Island was not influenced by egg density. In contrast, parasitism efficiencies of the three other strains were higher at the lower egg density than at the higher egg density. Parasitism efficiency was lower when the plants were bigger, with the exception of T. chilonis from Réunion Island, for which the level of parasitism was not affected by plant size. Thus, T. chilonis from Réunion Island appeared to be the most suitable Trichogramma strain for use in controlling P. xylostella, regardless of the growth stage of the crop. However, T. ostriniae from Japan may also be more suitable for use on cauliflower crops at the early stage of crop development. If potential problems related to the introduction of exotic species are taken into consideration, it is possible to consider the native T. evanescens.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The physiological condition of female birds during the egg‐laying and incubation periods is of considerable interest and yet is relatively understudied in wild birds, primarily due to the difficulty of catching birds during this period without causing nest desertion. We therefore developed a box‐net to capture cavity‐nesting birds using sections of a mist‐net placed around a metal cubic frame. We captured female Great Tits (Parus major) as they left nest boxes during the egg‐laying and incubation periods and measured desertion rates. Using box‐nets, we captured 108 of 119 (90%) females during egg laying and 10 of 12 (83%) during incubation. Our recapture rate over two consecutive days during incubation was 50% (5 of 10). Females not captured left nest boxes before we attempted to capture them, escaped through a hole in the mist‐net, or remained in nest boxes for more than 2 h, after which we ended capture attempts. Overall, 22% of egg‐laying females deserted, with desertion rates highest early in the egg‐laying period. Desertion rates of females captured using box‐nets did not differ from those of undisturbed females. One of 10 females captured in a box‐net deserted during the incubation period. Box‐nets are portable, can be set up and taken down quickly and easily, and could potentially be used with nest boxes or natural cavities at any height. Box‐nets are easy to construct and adaptable for use with an array of cavity‐nesting birds, and can be an important tool for studying female physiology during egg laying and incubation.  相似文献   

The taxonomically controversial Galerucella nymphaeae species complex (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) contains at least two distinct species in northern Europe, G. nymphaeae (L.) consuming Nuphar luteum, and G. sagittariae (Gyll.), living mainly on Comarum palustre in southern Finland and on Rubus chamaemorus in northern Finland. By analyzing chromosomal polymorphisms in sympatric populations of G. nymphaeae and G. sagittariae, it was shown that the two species do not hybridize in nature. Chorion polypeptide analysis revealed fixed genetic differences between the two species. However, differences between species must be small, since hybridization is easily induced in the laboratory and F1 hybrids are fertile. Larvae of G. sagittariae cannot survive on Nuphar, and those of G. nymphaeae survive very poorly on Comarum and Rubus. Adults of G. sagittariae from Comarum or Rubus do not choose between these two food plants in laboratory conditions regarding dwelling, egg laying or feeding, but their avoidance of Nuphar is complete. Galerucella nymphaeae clearly prefers Nuphar, but may occasionally also sit, lay eggs or feed on terrestrial plants. It is suggested that G. nymphaeae and G. sagittariae represent sibling species and that the two forms of G. sagittariae, one feeding on Comarum and the other one on Rubus, are habitat races adapted to semiaquatic and terrestrial habitats, respectively. Adaptation to different habitats has created an effective premating barrier to gene flow, supporting the possibility that a sympatric mode of divergence has been involved in habitat race formation and speciation in the species complex.  相似文献   

1. In the study of the evolution of insect–host plant interactions, important information is provided by host ranking correspondences among female preference, offspring preference, and offspring performance. Here, we contrast such patterns in two polyphagous sister species in the butterfly family Nymphalidae, the Nearctic Polygonia faunus, and the Palearctic P. c‐album. 2. These two species have similar host ranges, but according to the literature P. faunus does not use the ancestral host plant clade – the ‘urticalean rosids’. Comparisons of the species can thus test the effects of a change in insect–plant associations over a long time scale. Cage experiments confirmed that P. faunus females avoid laying eggs on Urtica dioica (the preferred host of P. c‐album), instead preferring Salix, Betula, and Ribes. 3. However, newly hatched larvae of both species readily accept and grow well on U. dioica, supporting the general theory that evolutionary changes in host range are initiated through shifts in female host preferences, whereas larvae are more conservative and also can retain the capacity to perform well on ancestral hosts over long time spans. 4. Similar rankings of host plants among female preference, offspring preference, and offspring performance were observed in P. c‐album but not in P. faunus. This is probably a result of vestiges of larval adaptations to the lost ancestral host taxon in the latter species. 5. Female and larval preferences seem to be largely free to evolve independently, and consequently larval preferences warrant more attention.  相似文献   

Fisher's mechanism of sexual selection is a fundamental element of evolutionary theory. In it nonrandom mate choice causes a genetic covariance between a male trait and female preference for that trait and thereby generates a positive feedback process sustaining accelerated coevolution of the trait and preference. Numerous theoretical models of Fisher's mechanism have confirmed its mathematical underpinnings, yet biologists have often failed to find evidence for trait‐preference genetic correlation in populations in which the mechanism was expected to function. We undertook a survey of the literature to conduct a formal meta‐analysis probing the incidence and strength of trait‐preference correlation among animal species. Our meta‐analysis found significant positive genetic correlations in fewer than 20% of the species studied and an overall weighted correlation that is slightly positive. Importantly, a significant positive correlation was not found in any thorough study that included multiple subgroups. We discuss several ways in which the dynamic, multivariate nature of mate choice may reduce the trait‐preference genetic correlation predicted by Fisher's mechanism. We then entertain the possibilities that Fisherian‐like processes sometimes function without genetic correlation, and that mate choice may persist in a population as long as genetic correlation, and therefore Fisher's mechanism, occurs intermittently.  相似文献   

Parasitoids that oviposit in a concealed host inside a plant part need to be able to find both the plant and the host. Egg parasitoids of fruit‐infesting Tephritidae need to assess the oviposition site based both on the host egg and the infested fruit. Infestation by Tephritidae fruit flies threatens fruit and vegetable production. Management methods have been implemented including biological control, using Fopius arisanus Sonan (Hymenoptera: Braconidae). The parasitism by F. arisanus in three Tephritidae flies in vegetable fruits was investigated. Laboratory assays were conducted to assess the parasitoid's preference and survival. Zucchini, sweet pepper, and tomato were artificially infested with eggs of Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, Ceratitis capitata Wiedemann, and Ceratitis cosyra Walker (all Diptera: Tephritidae), then exposed to mated naïve F. arisanus females in a 20:1 egg:parasitoid ratio. Parasitoid behavioral activities (resting, antennating, probing, ovipositing) were observed on the infested fruits. Parasitism rate was determined by dissection of fruit fly eggs under a stereomicroscope. Behavioral activities of F. arisanus differed between all the fruits when infested with B. dorsalis or C. cosyra eggs but differed only between some of the fruits when infested with C. capitata. Fopius arisanus preferred B. dorsalis over C. capitata and C. cosyra, with a parasitism rate 2× higher on B. dorsalis compared to the Ceratitis species. Preference for fruits was dependent on the infesting fruit fly. The emergence of F. arisanus was higher with B. dorsalis than with Ceratitis spp. Although B. dorsalis completed its development earlier than Ceratitis spp., host fly species did not affect the developmental time of F. arisanus. We discuss the significance of F. arisanus preference in relation to naturally occurring Tephritidae infestations. We also discuss whether some fruits might constitute a refuge for Tephritidae flies and whether this will affect the current biological control efforts against B. dorsalis.  相似文献   

J. Simon   《Journal of fish biology》2007,71(4):1241-1248
Comparison of the results of two methods for species recognition, an egg identification key and rearing of larvae, showed only small qualitative differences in the identification of fish species present in a stretch of the River Elbe, Germany. Both the identification key and rearing methods complement each other as methods of identification, and the selection of which method to be used should depend primarily on the aim of the investigation.  相似文献   

In sequentially planted oat stands, the cereal leaf beetle (CLB), Oulema melanopus (L.) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Lemini), is found in greater numbers, and lays more eggs, on later planted (younger) oats (Avena sativa L.) (Poaceae). Plant characteristics that could explain this ovipositional preference were examined in a series of experiments. Cage and open field whole plant preference tests confirmed the attraction of ovipositing females to younger oats. A cage effect illustrated the role of plant architecture (plant height) in CLB host selection. Two multiple‐choice and one no‐choice excised leaf experiments determined that characteristics of individual leaves associated with leaf insertion level (leaf number from base to apex) and age influence ovipositional site selection. Leaves of higher insertion level have higher nitrogen content, but fewer eggs are laid on those leaves. Two experiments examining the interaction between total leaf nitrogen and leaf insertion level showed that only leaf insertion level affected oviposition choice. Published literature suggests variation in secondary plant compounds cannot explain O. melanopus ovipositional preference among leaves. Grass leaves of higher insertion level have more extensively developed cells associated with tissue toughness and hardness. The data and supporting literature suggest tissue toughness and hardness are deterring oviposition on oat leaves of higher insertion level. However, newly eclosed larvae are able to feed on leaves usually avoided as oviposition sites. The explanation for this result may be a lack of correlation between host suitability and ovipositional preference.  相似文献   

Invasive species can induce shifts in habitat use by native taxa: either by modifying habitat availability, or by repelling or attracting native species to the vicinity of the invader. The ongoing invasion of cane toads (Rhinella marina) through tropical Australia might affect native frogs by affecting refuge‐site availability, because both frogs and toads frequently shelter by day in burrows. Our laboratory and field studies in the wet‐dry tropics show that native frogs of at least three species (Litoria tornieri, Litoria nasuta and Litoria dahlii) preferentially aggregate with conspecifics, and with (some) other species of native frogs. However, the frogs rarely aggregated with cane toads either in outdoor arenas or in standardized experimental burrows that we monitored in the field. The native frogs that we tested either avoided burrows containing cane toads (or cane toad scent) or else ignored the stimulus (i.e. treated such a burrow in the same way as they did an empty burrow). Native frogs selected a highly non‐random suite of burrows as diurnal retreat sites, whereas cane toads were less selective. Hence, even in the absence of toads, frogs do not use many of the burrows that are suitable for toads. The invasion of cane toads through tropical Australia is unlikely to have had a major impact on retreat‐site availability for native frogs.  相似文献   

Changes in the nature of the ecological resources exploited by a species can lead to the evolution of novel suites of behaviours. We identified a case in which the transition from large pool use to the use of very small breeding pools in neotropical poison frogs (family Dendrobatidae) is associated with the evolution of a suite of behaviours, including biparental care (from uniparental care) and social monogamy (from promiscuity). We manipulated breeding pool size in order to demonstrate experimentally that breeding habitat selection strategy has evolved in concert with changes in parental care and mating system. We also manipulated intra- and interspecific larval interactions to demonstrate that larval adaptation to the use of very small pools for breeding affected the evolution of larval competition and cannibalism. Our results illustrate the intimate connection between breeding pool ecology, parental care and mating strategies in Peruvian poison frogs.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic climate change is widely considered a major threat to global biodiversity, such that the ability of a species to adapt will determine its likelihood of survival. Egg‐burying reptiles that exhibit temperature‐dependent sex determination, such as critically endangered hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata), are particularly vulnerable to changes in thermal regimes because nest temperatures affect offspring sex, fitness, and survival. It is unclear whether hawksbills possess sufficient behavioral plasticity of nesting traits (i.e., redistribution of nesting range, shift in nesting phenology, changes in nest‐site selection, and adjustment of nest depth) to persist within their climatic niche or whether accelerated changes in thermal conditions of nesting beaches will outpace phenotypic adaption and require human intervention. For these reasons, we estimated sex ratios and physical condition of hatchling hawksbills under natural and manipulated conditions and generated and analyzed thermal profiles of hawksbill nest environments within highly threatened mangrove ecosystems at Bahía de Jiquilisco, El Salvador, and Estero Padre Ramos, Nicaragua. Hawksbill clutches protected in situ at both sites incubated at higher temperatures, yielded lower hatching success, produced a higher percentage of female hatchlings, and produced less fit offspring than clutches relocated to hatcheries. We detected cooler sand temperatures in woody vegetation (i.e., coastal forest and small‐scale plantations of fruit trees) and hatcheries than in other monitored nest environments, with higher temperatures at the deeper depth. Our findings indicate that mangrove ecosystems present a number of biophysical (e.g., insular nesting beaches and shallow water table) and human‐induced (e.g., physical barriers and deforestation) constraints that, when coupled with the unique life history of hawksbills in this region, may limit behavioral compensatory responses by the species to projected temperature increases at nesting beaches. We contend that egg relocation can contribute significantly to recovery efforts in a changing climate under appropriate circumstances.  相似文献   

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