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Rising sea surface temperatures are expected to lead to the loss of phytoplankton biodiversity. However, we currently understand very little about the interactions between warming, loss of phytoplankton diversity and its impact on the oceans' primary production. We experimentally manipulated the species richness of marine phytoplankton communities under a range of warming scenarios, and found that ecosystem production declined more abruptly with species loss in communities exposed to higher temperatures. Species contributing positively to ecosystem production in the warmed treatments were those that had the highest optimal temperatures for photosynthesis, implying that the synergistic impacts of warming and biodiversity loss on ecosystem functioning were mediated by thermal trait variability. As species were lost from the communities, the probability of taxa remaining that could tolerate warming diminished, resulting in abrupt declines in ecosystem production. Our results highlight the potential for synergistic effects of warming and biodiversity loss on marine primary production.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services (ES) approaches to biodiversity conservation are currently high on the ecological research and policy agendas. However, despite a wealth of studies into biodiversity''s role in maintaining ES (B–ES relationships) across landscapes, we still lack generalities in the nature and strengths of these linkages. Reasons for this are manifold, but can largely be attributed to (i) a lack of adherence to definitions and thus a confusion between final ES and the ecosystem functions (EFs) underpinning them, (ii) a focus on uninformative biodiversity indices and singular hypotheses and (iii) top-down analyses across large spatial scales and overlooking of context-dependency. The biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (B–EF) field provides an alternate context for examining biodiversity''s mechanistic role in shaping ES, focusing on species'' characteristics that may drive EFs via multiple mechanisms across contexts. Despite acknowledgements of a need for B–ES research to look towards underlying B–EF linkages, the connections between these areas of research remains weak. With this review, we pull together recent B–EF findings to identify key areas for future developments in B–ES research. We highlight a means by which B–ES research may begin to identify how and when multiple underlying B–EF relationships may scale to final ES delivery and trade-offs.  相似文献   

刘向  陈立范  周淑荣 《生物多样性》2020,28(11):1376-519
在全球生物多样性快速丧失的背景下, 理解生物多样性如何影响传染性疾病风险具有重要意义。大量研究表明, 宿主多样性对传染性疾病可能存在稀释效应(即疾病风险随宿主生物多样性的增加而降低), 但是也有放大效应或者没有影响的证据。本文首先介绍了关于生物多样性与传染性疾病关系的研究进展, 以及该领域的热点研究问题, 包括宿主多样性-疾病关系的格局和空间依赖性、稀释效应的体系依赖性和系统发育稀释效应等。随后,介绍了相关研究伴随的争议和批判, 主要集中在: 稀释效应发生的普遍性、生物多样性-疾病关系实验研究的发表偏好性以及部分疾病生态学家对生物多样性和传染性疾病之间简单数字关系的过分关注。最后指出稀释效应与物种共存、全球变化对稀释效应的影响、进化与稀释效应、稀释效应在政策制定中的应用等领域可能是今后的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

在联合国《生物多样性公约》生效30年和《生物多样性》创刊30周年之际, 我们通过问卷调查从281名中国研究人员收集到763个生物多样性相关的研究问题, 通过归纳与整理, 并参考英国生态学会提出的100个生态学基本问题, 从中筛选出30个核心问题。这些问题涉及7个方面: 演化与生态(6个问题)、种群(4个问题)、群落与多样性(7个问题)、生态系统与功能(3个问题)、人类影响与全球变化(4个问题)、方法与监测(4个问题)、生物多样性保护(2个问题)。前5个方面主要聚焦在物种形成、生物多样性维持等的关键过程与机制、生物多样性与生态功能关系、全球变化对生物多样性的影响机制等, 第6方面主要涉及生物监测与预测、数据共享等, 第7方面涉及多样性保护、自然与人类健康关系这两个与公众息息相关的重要话题。这30个问题的筛选难免存在偏颇, 希望能以此为契机, 促进我国生物多样性研究人员对本领域核心问题的深入思考与探讨。  相似文献   

Effects of species diversity on disease risk   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
The transmission of infectious diseases is an inherently ecological process involving interactions among at least two, and often many, species. Not surprisingly, then, the species diversity of ecological communities can potentially affect the prevalence of infectious diseases. Although a number of studies have now identified effects of diversity on disease prevalence, the mechanisms underlying these effects remain unclear in many cases. Starting with simple epidemiological models, we describe a suite of mechanisms through which diversity could increase or decrease disease risk, and illustrate the potential applicability of these mechanisms for both vector-borne and non-vector-borne diseases, and for both specialist and generalist pathogens. We review examples of how these mechanisms may operate in specific disease systems. Because the effects of diversity on multi-host disease systems have been the subject of much recent research and controversy, we describe several recent efforts to delineate under what general conditions host diversity should increase or decrease disease prevalence, and illustrate these with examples. Both models and literature reviews suggest that high host diversity is more likely to decrease than increase disease risk. Reduced disease risk with increasing host diversity is especially likely when pathogen transmission is frequency-dependent, and when pathogen transmission is greater within species than between species, particularly when the most competent hosts are also relatively abundant and widespread. We conclude by identifying focal areas for future research, including (1) describing patterns of change in disease risk with changing diversity; (2) identifying the mechanisms responsible for observed changes in risk; (3) clarifying additional mechanisms in a wider range of epidemiological models; and (4) experimentally manipulating disease systems to assess the impact of proposed mechanisms.  相似文献   

Climate change, biodiversity loss, and chemical pollution are planetary-scale emergencies requiring urgent mitigation actions. As these “triple crises” are deeply interlinked, they need to be tackled in an integrative manner. However, while climate change and biodiversity are often studied together, chemical pollution as a global change factor contributing to worldwide biodiversity loss has received much less attention in biodiversity research so far. Here, we review evidence showing that the multifaceted effects of anthropogenic chemicals in the environment are posing a growing threat to biodiversity and ecosystems. Therefore, failure to account for pollution effects may significantly undermine the success of biodiversity protection efforts. We argue that progress in understanding and counteracting the negative impact of chemical pollution on biodiversity requires collective efforts of scientists from different disciplines, including but not limited to ecology, ecotoxicology, and environmental chemistry. Importantly, recent developments in these fields have now enabled comprehensive studies that could efficiently address the manifold interactions between chemicals and ecosystems. Based on their experience with intricate studies of biodiversity, ecologists are well equipped to embrace the additional challenge of chemical complexity through interdisciplinary collaborations. This offers a unique opportunity to jointly advance a seminal frontier in pollution ecology and facilitate the development of innovative solutions for environmental protection.  相似文献   

Community ecology and ecosystem ecology provide two perspectives on complex ecological systems that have largely complementary strengths and weaknesses. Merging the two perspectives is necessary both to ensure continued scientific progress and to provide society with the scientific means to face growing environmental challenges. Recent research on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning has contributed to this goal in several ways. By addressing a new question of high relevance for both science and society, by challenging existing paradigms, by tightly linking theory and experiments, by building scientific consensus beyond differences in opinion, by integrating fragmented disciplines and research fields, by connecting itself to other disciplines and management issues, it has helped transform ecology not only in content, but also in form. Creating a genuine evolutionary ecosystem ecology that links the evolution of species traits at the individual level, the dynamics of species interactions, and the overall functioning of ecosystems would give new impetus to this much-needed process of unification across ecological disciplines. Recent community evolution models are a promising step in that direction.  相似文献   

Plant diversity experiments generally find that increased diversity causes increased productivity; however, primary productivity is typically measured in the presence of a diverse food web, including pathogens, mutualists and herbivores. If food web impacts on productivity vary with plant diversity, as predicted by both theoretical and empirical studies, estimates of the effect of plant diversity on productivity may be biased. We experimentally removed arthropods, foliar fungi and soil fungi from the longest‐running plant diversity experiment. We found that fungi and arthropods removed a constant, large proportion of biomass leading to a greater reduction of total biomass in high diversity plots. As a result, the effect of diversity on measured plant productivity was much higher in the absence of fungi and arthropods. Thus, diversity increases productivity more than reported in previous studies that did not control for the effects of heterotrophic consumption.  相似文献   

土壤生物多样性的研究概况与发展趋势   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:23  
傅声雷 《生物多样性》2007,15(2):109-115
本文概括性地介绍了土壤生物类群的多样性及其在生态系统中的作用; 同时简要地回顾和比较了国内外在土壤生物学方面的研究动态, 分析了土壤生物学今后的发展趋势。鉴于土壤生物在生态系统中的重要性以及我国在土壤生物学研究方面的不足, 《生物多样性》本期刊登了一系列有关土壤生物的文章, 目的是为了使国内科学家对土壤生物多样性在生态系统中的作用有更好的认识, 并希望能够唤起更多的年轻学者加入到土壤生物学研究的行列, 以推动土壤生物学在我国的迅速发展并将土壤生物学的研究成果应用于国民经济的发展中。  相似文献   

城市生物多样性分布格局研究进展   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:12  
城市生物多样性分布格局由自然生态环境和城市化过程所决定;其动态和机理与自然生态系统迥然不同.城市生物多样性为城市生态系统提供了诸多生态系统功能和服务,对改善城市环境、维持城市可持续发展有着重要的意义和作用.城市化过程深刻改变了城市的生物多样性分布格局,导致了诸如本地物种多样性降低、外来物种多样性增加、物种同质化等一系列问题.近年来,城市生物多样性受到学界高度关注,大量研究结果既回答了一些关键性问题,又提出了诸多新的论题和挑战.分析了当前城市生物多样性分布格局研究的若干热点问题,总结了影响城市生物多样性格局的主要因素,探讨了城市生物多样性格局研究方法的关键问题,指出了未来城市生物多样性研究的发展方向,特别强调了城市生物多样性的生态系统功能研究在未来城市生物多样性研究中的重要地位.  相似文献   

Ecosystems worldwide are increasingly impacted by multiple drivers of environmental change, including climate warming and loss of biodiversity. We show, using a long‐term factorial experiment, that plant diversity loss alters the effects of warming on productivity. Aboveground primary productivity was increased by both high plant diversity and warming, and, in concert, warming (≈1.5 °C average above and belowground warming over the growing season) and diversity caused a greater than additive increase in aboveground productivity. The aboveground warming effects increased over time, particularly at higher levels of diversity, perhaps because of warming‐induced increases in legume and C4 bunch grass abundances, and facilitative feedbacks of these species on productivity. Moreover, higher plant diversity was associated with the amelioration of warming‐induced environmental conditions. This led to cooler temperatures, decreased vapor pressure deficit, and increased surface soil moisture in higher diversity communities. Root biomass (0–30 cm) was likewise consistently greater at higher plant diversity and was greater with warming in monocultures and at intermediate diversity, but at high diversity warming had no detectable effect. This may be because warming increased the abundance of legumes, which have lower root : shoot ratios than the other types of plants. In addition, legumes increase soil nitrogen (N) supply, which could make N less limiting to other species and potentially decrease their investment in roots. The negative warming × diversity interaction on root mass led to an overall negative interactive effect of these two global change factors on the sum of above and belowground biomass, and thus likely on total plant carbon stores. In total, plant diversity increased the effect of warming on aboveground net productivity and moderated the effect on root mass. These divergent effects suggest that warming and changes in plant diversity are likely to have both interactive and divergent impacts on various aspects of ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

陆地生态系统服务与生物多样性研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
范玉龙  胡楠  丁圣彦  梁国付  卢训令 《生态学报》2016,36(15):4583-4593
在生物多样性迅速消失的压力下,人类面临生态系统服务质量严重下降的威胁。为了使生态系统的重要功能更直观的展现在人们面前,许多学者把生态系统服务对人类的惠益进行整理分类,最有影响力的是千年生态系统评估(MA,Millennium Ecosystem Assessment)把生态系统服务分为供给、调节、文化和支持服务四类,服务的核心是生态系统的产品、过程和格局。生态系统服务的识别与分类是生态系统功能的对象化过程,也是以人类需求来审视生态系统的过程。生态系统通过结构-过程-功能这一途径来实现生态系统服务,各种服务的直接动力来源于自然界生物地球化学循环,生物多样性通过生态系统属性和过程来影响生态系统服务形成和维持。生物多样性越高,生态系统功能性状的范围越广,生态系统服务质量就越高、越稳定。全球变化中的土地利用和土地覆盖变化是生物多样性快速下降的主要原因,也是目前影响生态系统服务最广泛、最剧烈的驱动力,而这正是人类活动造成的,人类需求和生态系统有限的服务能力之间在不同尺度表现出严重冲突。要提高生态系统服务质量,要在不同区域进行重点不同的布局,尽可能的扩大生态系统规模和提高生态系统功能,核心是提高生物多样性水平。  相似文献   

国际生物多样性研究科学计划与热点述评   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
李延梅  牛栋  张志强  曲建升 《生态学报》2009,29(4):2115-2123
生物多样性与人类生活密切相关.近年来不断加剧的人类活动,对生物多样性造成了严重破坏.已有研究表明,地球上的物种正以前所未有的速度丧失.为了遏止这种状况,目前,世界上许多国际组织和国家都对生物多样性及其相关问题展开研究,并制定了与生物多样性保护相关的法规和战略计划,也采取了许多保护生物多样性的行动.DIVERSITAS是国际全球环境变化(GEC)四大研究计划之一,也是生物多样性领域最大的国际科学计划, DIVERSITAS于2001年开始启动了第Ⅱ阶段研究并确定了新的核心研究计划和跨学科交叉网络计划.世界自然保护联盟(The World Conservation Union,IUCN)在2008年发布了<塑造可持续的未来:IUCN 2009~2012年计划>,提出了5个优先主题领域.欧盟于2006年通过了一项保护生物多样性的新战略--<2010年及未来阻止生物多样性丧失:人类福祉的可持续生态服务>.此外,很多国际/国家基金组织还发起了一些全球性的生物多样性计划,如国际海洋生物普查计划、生命之树计划、国际生命条码计划等.本文对上述生物多样性保护和研究的国际计划予以概要介绍和评述,并指出当前国际上生物多样性研究的主要热点,即:生物多样性变化与生态系统功能;生物多样性和生态系统服务的价值评估;生物多样性与气候变化;生物多样性长期动态监测;生物多样性的评价指标等.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is a major driver of numerous ecosystem functions. However, consequences of changes in forest biodiversity remain difficult to predict because of limited knowledge about how tree diversity influences ecosystem functions. Litter decomposition is a key process affecting nutrient cycling, productivity, and carbon storage and can be influenced by plant biodiversity. Leaf litter species composition, environmental conditions, and the detritivore community are main components of the decomposition process, but their complex interactions are poorly understood. In this study, we tested the effect of tree functional diversity (FD) on litter decomposition in a field experiment manipulating tree diversity and partitioned the effects of litter physiochemical diversity and the detritivore community. We used litterbags with different mesh sizes to separate the effects of microorganisms and microfauna, mesofauna, and macrofauna and monitored soil fauna using pitfall traps and earthworm extractions. We hypothesized that higher tree litter FD accelerates litter decomposition due to the availability of complementary food components and higher activity of detritivores. Although we did not find direct effects of tree FD on litter decomposition, we identified key litter traits and macrodetritivores that explained part of the process. Litter mass loss was found to decrease with an increase in leaf litter carbon:nitrogen ratio. Moreover, litter mass loss increased with an increasing density of epigeic earthworms, with most pronounced effects in litterbags with a smaller mesh size, indicating indirect effects. Higher litter FD and litter nutrient content were found to increase the density of surface‐dwelling macrofauna and epigeic earthworm biomass. Based on structural equation modeling, we conclude that tree FD has a weak positive effect on soil surface litter decomposition by increasing the density of epigeic earthworms and that litter nitrogen‐related traits play a central role in tree composition effects on soil fauna and decomposition.  相似文献   

珊瑚礁区的生物多样性及其生态功能   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
珊瑚礁区生物多样性程度可以与陆地热带雨林相提并论,目前关于珊瑚礁物种多样性及其空间分布特征方面研究进展迅速,是生物多样性研究的重要基地。作为一种生态资源,珊瑚礁还具有重要的生态功能,近年来由于全球气候逐渐变暖、人类活动影响不断加剧,导致其生物多样性缩减、生态功能严重退化。珊瑚礁生态系统多样性、遗传多样性已成为珊瑚礁研究热点,珊瑚礁生态环境效应和保护管理方面的研究也越来越受到重视。我国珊瑚礁主要分布在广阔的南海海域和海南岛、台湾岛、香港和广东广西沿岸,礁区生物种类繁多,多样性程度较高,以往研究主要涉及地质、地貌、生物、环境等方面,现今和今后一段时间里迫切需要加强生物多样性和生态功能研究,以确保更有效地保护和管理珊瑚礁。  相似文献   

Positive plant diversity–productivity relationships are known to be driven by complementary resource use via differences in plant functional traits. Moreover, soil properties related to nutrient availability were shown to change with plant diversity over time; however, it is not well‐understood whether and how such plant diversity‐dependent soil changes and associated changes in functional traits contribute to positive diversity–productivity relationships in the long run. To test this, we investigated plant communities of different species richness (1, 2, 6, and 9 species) in a 15‐year‐old grassland biodiversity experiment. We determined community biomass production and biodiversity effects (net biodiversity [NEs], complementarity [CEs], and selection effects [SEs]), as well as community means of plant functional traits and soil properties. First, we tested how these variables changed along the plant diversity gradient and were related to each other. Then, we tested for direct and indirect effects of plant and soil variables influencing community biomass production and biodiversity effects. Community biomass production, NEs, CEs, SEs, plant height, root length density (RLD), and all soil property variables changed with plant diversity and the presence of the dominant grass species Arrhenatherum elatius (increase except for soil pH, which decreased). Plant height and RLD for plant functional traits, and soil pH and organic carbon concentration for soil properties, were the variables with the strongest influence on biomass production and biodiversity effects. Our results suggest that plant species richness and the presence of the dominant species, A. elatius, cause soil organic carbon to increase and soil pH to decrease over time, which increases nutrient availability favoring species with tall growth and dense root systems, resulting in higher biomass production in species‐rich communities. Here, we present an additional process that contributes to the strengthening positive diversity–productivity relationship, which may play a role alongside the widespread plant functional trait‐based explanation.  相似文献   

生物多样性国际研究态势分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
生物多样性研究是综合性和高度交叉性的跨学科研究领域,是1997年底Science周刊上预测的1998年及近期的6个重大科学热点之一。检索1986—2008年间SCIE文献数据库中关于生物多样性的研究论文(article,proceedings paper和review),利用Thomson Data Analyzer(TDA)分析工具和Aureka分析平台进行数据挖掘。分析表明,该研究涉及多个学科领域,近年来在生态学领域的论文数量增加最多,而生物多样性保护、进化生物学、生物化学与分子生物学方面的论文增长速度较快。生物多样性研究越来越重视全球变化和人类社会对生物多样性的影响,DNA技术和基因工程等先进技术在生物多样性研究和保护中的作用也更加突出。  相似文献   

Although studies on biodiversity and ecosystem function are often framed within the context of anthropogenic change, a central question that remains is how important are direct vs. indirect (via changes in biodiversity) effects of anthropogenic stressors on ecosystem functions in multitrophic-level communities. Here, we quantify the effects of the fungicide chlorothalonil on 34 species-, 2 community- and 11 ecosystem-level responses in a multitrophic-level system. At ecologically relevant concentrations, chlorothalonil increased mortality of amphibians, gastropods, zooplankton, algae and a macrophyte (reducing taxonomic richness), reduced decomposition and water clarity and elevated dissolved oxygen and net primary productivity. These ecosystem effects were indirect and predictable based on changes in taxonomic richness. A path analysis suggests that chlorothalonil-induced reductions in biodiversity and top-down and bottom-up effects facilitated algal blooms that shifted ecosystem functions. This work emphasises the need to re-evaluate the safety of chlorothalonil and to further link anthropogenic-induced changes in biodiversity to altered ecosystem functions.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and ecosystem function are often correlated, but there are multiple hypotheses about the mechanisms underlying this relationship. Ecosystem functions such as primary or secondary production may be maximized by species richness, evenness in species abundances, or the presence or dominance of species with certain traits. Here, we combine surveys of natural fish communities (conducted in July and August 2016) with morphological trait data to examine relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem function (quantified as fish community biomass) across 14 subtidal eelgrass meadows in the Northeast Pacific (54°N, 130°W). We employ both taxonomic and functional trait measures of diversity to investigate whether ecosystem function is best predicted by species diversity (complementarity hypothesis) or by the presence or dominance of species with particular trait values (selection or dominance hypotheses). After controlling for environmental variation, we find that fish community biomass is maximized when taxonomic richness and functional evenness are low, and in communities dominated by species with particular trait values, specifically those associated with benthic habitats and prey capture. While previous work on fish communities has found that species richness is often positively correlated with ecosystem function, our results instead highlight the capacity for regionally prevalent and locally dominant species to drive ecosystem function in moderately diverse communities. We discuss these alternate links between community composition and ecosystem function and consider their divergent implications for ecosystem valuation and conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

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