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Nurse plant facilitation in stressful environments can produce an environment with relatively low stress under its canopy. These nurse plants may produce the conditions promoting intense competition between coexisting species under the canopy, and canopies may establish stress gradients, where stress increases toward the edge of the canopy. Competition and facilitation on these stress gradients may control species distributions in the communities under canopies. We tested the following predictions: (1) interactions between understory species shift from competition to facilitation in habitats experiencing increasing stress from the center to the edge of canopy of a nurse plant, and (2) species distributions in understory communities are controlled by competitive interactions at the center of canopy, and facilitation at the edge of the canopy. We tested these predictions using a neighbor removal experiment under nurse trees growing in arid environments. Established individuals of each of four of the most common herbaceous species in the understory were used in the experiment. Two species were more frequent in the center of the canopy, and two species were more frequent at the edge of the canopy. Established individuals of each species were subjected to neighbor removal or control treatments in both canopy center and edge habitats. We found a shift from competitive to facilitative interactions from the center to the edge of the canopy. The shift in the effect of neighbors on the target species can help to explain species distributions in these canopies. Canopy‐dominant species only perform well in the presence of neighbors in the edge microhabitat. Competition from canopy‐dominant species can also limit the performance of edge‐dominant species in the canopy microhabitat. The shift from competition to facilitation under nurse plant canopies can structure the understory communities in extremely stressful environments.  相似文献   

水淹对克隆植物空心莲子草种内关系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为检验“水淹程度可以改变植物种内关系的类型和强度”的假说, 将克隆植物空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)的3种不同密度的植株(每盆种植1、4或16株)置于4种不同的水淹处理下(水位分别为-20 (不水淹)、0、20或40 cm), 研究不同水淹程度对空心莲子草种内关系的影响。随着植株密度和水淹程度的增加, 空心莲子草的生长显著减慢, 但密度效应在不同的水淹处理下显著不同。在不发生水淹的情况下, 植株密度对生长的负面(竞争)效应最强; 在水位为0和20 cm的情况下, 植株密度对生长的效应仍为负面的, 但影响强度相对减小; 而在水位为40 cm的情况下, 空心莲子草植株的生物量随着植株密度的增大而倾向于增加。进一步分析相对邻体效应时发现, 随着水淹程度的增加, 相对邻体效应显著增加, 并且数值从负值(不水淹)逐渐变为正值(40 cm水位下)。这些结果支持胁迫梯度假说, 表明水淹可以影响植物的种内关系, 即随着水淹程度的增加, 植物种内竞争作用减弱, 而易化作用增强。  相似文献   

Olivier Dangles 《Oikos》2019,128(8):1206-1214
Theories based on competition for resources in animals and other non‐sessile organisms rarely consider the role of facilitative interactions. Yet these interactions are important for community assembly, especially under stressful environments (e.g. the stress‐gradient hypothesis, SGH). To make an explicit link between species interaction theory and SGH patterns, I used a classic resource competition model promoting coexistence between a beneficiary and its facilitator sharing a common resource along a stress gradient. I compared model outcomes for two fundamentally different mechanisms of facilitation (alleviation of resource versus non‐resource stress), and also tested the effect of a reciprocal cost of facilitation from the beneficiary. I then tested model's biological relevance using experimental data from two tuber moth species (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) for which facilitation in resource access was previously established. Simulation outcomes revealed that both the mode of facilitation and the incorporation of facilitation costs affected the shape of the facilitation–stress relationship. These predictions are in line with current SGH observations and experiments on both plants and animals and reconcile the frequently reported variability of this relationship in nature. Moreover, a sensitivity analysis of model's parameters confirmed the robustness of the modelling framework to uncover the mechanisms responsible for observed species interaction–stress patterns. Finally, when parameterized with tuber moth demographic data, model's results corresponded to observed interaction outcomes along resource stress gradients. Overall, having a common model for plants and animals may simplify assumptions in SGH studies, allow contrasting the shapes of different consumer–resource relationships and specifying the conditions that favour one type of interaction outcome over another.  相似文献   

1.  The stress gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts a shift from net negative interactions in benign environments towards net positive in harsh environments in ecological communities. While several studies found support for the SGH, others found evidence against it, leading to a debate on how nature and strength of species interactions change along stress gradients, and to calls for new empirical and theoretical work.
2.  In the latest attempt in this journal, it is successfully argued how the SGH should be expanded by considering different life strategies of species (stress tolerance versus competitive ability) and characteristics of abiotic stress (resource versus non-resource based) over wider stress gradients (opposed to low–high contrasts), but the crucial role of biotic stress by consumers is largely ignored in this refinement.
3.  We point out that consumers strongly alter the outcome of species interactions in benign and harsh environments, and show how inclusion of consumer-incurred biotic stress alters the predicted outcome of interactions along resource- and non-resource-based stress gradients for stress-tolerant and competitive benefactors and beneficiaries.
4.   Synthesis. New studies should include stress gradients consisting of both abiotic and biotic components to disentangle their impacts, and to improve our understanding of how species interactions change along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

Patterns of co‐occurrence of species are increasingly used to examine the contribution of biotic interactions to community assembly. We assessed patterns of co‐occurrence at four scales, in two types of tropical cloud forests in Hainan Island, China (tropical montane evergreen forests, TMEF and tropical dwarf forests, TDF) that varied significantly in soil nutrients and temperature. We tested if the patterns of co‐occurrence changed when we sorted species into classes by abundance and diameter at breast height (dbh). Co‐occurrence differed by forest type and with plot size, with significant species aggregation observed across larger plots in TDF and patterns of species segregation observed in smaller plots in TMEF. Analyses of differential abundance and dbh classes also showed that smaller plots in TMEF tend to have negative co‐occurrence patterns, but larger plots in TDF tend to show patterns of aggregation, suggesting competitive and facilitative interactions. This underscores the scale‐dependence of the processes contributing to community assembly. Furthermore, it is consistent with predictions of the stress gradient hypothesis that facilitation will be most important in biological systems subject to abiotic stress, while competition will be more important in less abiotically stressful habitats. Our results clearly demonstrate that these two types of tropical cloud forest exhibit different co‐occurrence patterns, and that these patterns are scale‐dependent, though independent of plant abundance and size class.  相似文献   

The study of positive species interactions is a rapidly evolving field in ecology. Despite decades of research, controversy has emerged as to whether positive and negative interactions predictably shift with increasing environmental stress as hypothesised by the stress‐gradient hypothesis (SGH). Here, we provide a synthesis of 727 tests of the SGH in plant communities across the globe to examine its generality across a variety of ecological factors. Our results show that plant interactions change with stress through an outright shift to facilitation (survival) or a reduction in competition (growth and reproduction). In a limited number of cases, plant interactions do not respond to stress, but they never shift towards competition with stress. These findings are consistent across stress types, plant growth forms, life histories, origins (invasive vs. native), climates, ecosystems and methodologies, though the magnitude of the shifts towards facilitation with stress is dependent on these factors. We suggest that future studies should employ standardised definitions and protocols to test the SGH, take a multi‐factorial approach that considers variables such as plant traits in addition to stress, and apply the SGH to better understand how species and communities will respond to environmental change.  相似文献   

While the facilitation-competition paradigm under the stress-gradient hypothesis has received recent attention, its rigorous testing is yet to be explored. Most of the studies have considered a switch in the net interactions from competition to facilitation with increasing environmental stress as primary evidence supporting the hypothesis, though few studies examined changes in interaction along a full range of a stress gradient. Here, we have conceptualized possible variations in the patterns of change in interaction strength along such gradient. Based on this, we empirically evaluated the temporal shift in the interaction between two marine sessile animals, goose barnacles (Capitulum mitella) and mussels (Septifer virgatus), under multiple stress factors. The net effect of goose barnacles on mussel survivorship was positively related to the total stress gradient encompassing two stress factors, physical disturbance and thermal stress, while no negative value occurred even under mild conditions. When the two stress factors were treated separately, however, the net effect demonstrated apparently different patterns: monotonic increase with physical disturbance versus a quasi-asymptotic pattern (no change over a wide range) with thermal stress. These variable situations have not previously been recognized in this discipline, and the present study emphasizes the importance of an integrative and mechanistic approach to testing and deciphering the facilitation-competition paradigm.  相似文献   

根系间的相互作用——竞争与互利   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
陈伟  薛立 《生态学报》2004,24(6):1243-1251
植物根系间的相互作用分为竞争和互利两种形式 ,它是决定植物群落动态变化和群落结构的重要因素。根系间的竞争包括植株个体自身根系的竞争以及个体与个体根系间 (同种或异种 )的竞争两方面 ,前者的发生在农林系统中是不可避免的并且很难调控 ,后者可以分为种间植物根系的竞争和种内植物根系的竞争。还阐述了根系的竞争能力和与其密切相关的根系生长率、根组织的新陈代谢、植物的生长形式和根系的空间结构等植物特性 ,同时介绍了根系对水和养分的竞争机理、形式、影响以及竞争强度计算方法。接着具体分析包括根系错位在内的各种根系互利现象和相关机理。影响根系间相互作用的限制性因子有土壤营养的异质性、大气 CO2 浓度、地下草食生物、根系生产力和生物量、根系结构、形态和生理调节、土壤养分的扩散性以及植物间距等。随着科技的进步和各门学科的发展 ,未来根系的研究方向主要体现在结合实践优化农林系统中不同物种间的作用关系、预测根系竞争在全球气候变化下的发展规律、更新实验研究方法及手段研究作用机理等 3个方面。  相似文献   



Plant community composition can be influenced by multiple biotic, abiotic, and stochastic factors acting on the local species pool to determine their establishment success and abundance and subsequently the diversity of the community. We asked if the influences of biotic interactions on the composition of plant species in communities, as indicated by patterns of plant species spatial associations (independent, positive or negative), vary across a productivity gradient within a single ecosystem type. Do dominant species of communities show spatial patterning suggestive of competitive interactions with interspecific neighbors? Do species that span multiple community types exhibit the same heterospecific interactions with neighbours in each community?


Three alpine communities in the southern Rocky Mountains.


We measured the occurrence of species in a 1‐cm spatial grid within 2 m × 2 m plots to determine the spatial patterns of species pairs in the three communities. A null model of independent species spatial arrangements was used to determine whether species pairs were positively, negatively or independently associated, and how these patterns differed among the communities across the gradient of resource supply and environmental stress.


Positive associations, indicative of facilitation between species, were most common in the most resource‐poor and least productive community. However negative associations, suggestive of competitive interactions among species, were not more common in the two more resource‐rich, productive communities. The dominant species of these communities did exhibit higher negative than positive associations with neighbours relative to positive patterning. Independent interspecific patterning was equally common relative to positive and negative patterns in all communities. Species that previously were shown to either facilitate other species or compete with neighbours exhibited spatial patterning consistent with the earlier experimental work.


A large number of species exhibit a lack of net biotic interactions, and stochastic factors appear to be as important as competition and facilitation in shaping the structure of the three alpine plant communities we studied.

The strength of species interactions often varies geographically and locally with environmental conditions. Competitive interactions are predicted to be stronger in benign environments while facilitation is expected to be stronger in harsh ones. We tested these ideas with an aboveground neighbor removal experiment at six salt marshes along the California coast. We determined the effect of removals of either the dominant species, Salicornia pacifica, or the subordinate species on plant cover, aboveground biomass and community composition, as well as soil salinity and moisture. We found that S. pacifica consistently competed with the subordinate species and that the strength of competition varied among sites. In contrast with other studies showing that dominant species facilitate subordinates by moderating physical stress, here the subordinate species facilitated S. pacifica shortly after removal treatments were imposed, but the effect disappeared over time. Contrary to expectations based on patterns observed in east coast salt marshes, we did not see patterns in species interactions in relation to latitude, climate, or soil edaphic characteristics. Our results suggest that variation in interactions among salt marsh plants may be influenced by local‐scale site differences such as nutrients more than broad latitudinal gradients.  相似文献   

植物邻体间的正相互作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张炜平  王根轩 《生态学报》2010,30(19):5371-5380
植物间的正负相互作用是构建植被群落的重要因素,也是群落生态学研究的中心内容之一。近20a来,植物间正相互作用的研究得到快速发展。综述了正相互作用的定义,不同植物群落中的直接、间接正相互作用及其发生机制,正相互作用研究的实验和模型方法,正负相互作用随胁迫梯度的变化及正相互作用对群落构建的影响。探讨了正相互作用研究前景:(1)进一步理解正负相互作用的平衡及其对群落构建的影响;(2)加深对全球变暖背景下的正相互作用的认识;(3)需把正相互作用研究同进化联系起来;(4)充分发挥正相互作用在生态系统中的推动力作用,把正相互作用应用到生态恢复中,为恢复退化生态系统服务。  相似文献   



The stress‐gradient hypothesis predicts a shift from facilitative to competitive plant interactions with decreasing abiotic stress. This has been supported by studies along elevation and temperature gradients, but also challenged by the hypothesis of a facilitation collapse at extremely harsh sites. Although facilitation is known to be important in primary succession, few studies have examined these hypotheses along primary succession gradients.


To examine whether there is a relationship between the presence of the circumpolar cushion plant Silene acaulis and other species, and if so, whether there is a shift between positive and negative interactions along a primary succession gradient in a glacier foreland.


Finse, southern Norway.


We examined the performance of the common alpine forb Bistorta vivipara, species richness of vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens, and the number of seedlings and fertile vascular plants in S. acaulis cushions, and control plots without S. acaulis, along a succession gradient with increasing distance from a glacier front, and thus decreasing abiotic stress. To examine if S. acaulis cushions modify the abiotic environment, we recorded soil temperature, moisture, organic content and pH in cushions and control plots.


Bistorta vivipara performed better, as shown by bigger leaves in S. acaulis cushions compared to control plots in the harshest part of the gradient close to the glacier. There were few differences in B. vivipara performance between cushion and control plots in the more benign environment further away from the glacier. This suggests a shift from facilitative to mainly neutral interactions by S. acaulis on the performance of B. vivipara with decreasing abiotic stress. A trend, although not significant, of higher vascular species richness and fertility inside S. acaulis cushions along the whole gradient, suggests that S. acaulis also facilitates community‐level species richness. The causal mechanism of this facilitation is likely that the cushions buffer extreme temperatures.


Our results support the stress‐gradient hypothesis for the relationship between the cushion plant S. acaulis and the performance of a single species along a primary succession gradient in a glacier foreland. S. acaulis also tended to increase vascular plant species richness and fertility regardless of stress level along the gradient, suggesting facilitation at the community level. We found no collapse of facilitation at the most stressful end of the gradient in this alpine glacier foreland.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanisms controlling secondary succession in tropical dry forests is important for the conservation and restoration of this highly threatened biome. Canopy‐forming trees in tropical forests strongly influence later stages of succession through their effect on woody plant regeneration. In dry forests, this may be complex given the seasonal interplay of water and light limitations. We reviewed observational and experimental studies to assess (1) the relative importance of positive and negative effects of established trees on regeneration; (2) the mechanisms underlying these effects; and (3) to test the ‘stress gradient hypothesis’ in successional tropical dry forests. The effects of established trees on seed dispersal, seed survival, and seed germination—either through direct changes to moisture and temperature regimes or mediated by seed dispersers and predators—are mainly positive. The balance between positive and negative effects on seedling establishment is more complex and depends on the season and leaf phenology of both trees and seedlings. Seedling survival is generally enhanced by established trees mitigating dry conditions. Established trees have counteracting effects on water and light availability that influence seedling growth. The probability of a positive effect of established trees on seedling survival decreases with increased rainfall, which supports the stress gradient hypothesis. Priorities for future research are experiments to test for facilitation and competition and their underlying mechanisms, long‐term studies evaluating how these effects change with ontogeny, and studies focusing on the species‐specificity of interactions.  相似文献   

The influence of thermal disturbance and site characteristics on distribution of herbs was studied in portions of a 3020 ha wetland in the southeastern USA. Presence-absence of 52 species in 130 0.25 m2 plots was determined from four sites with different disturbance histories and from an undisturbed site. Data from the four disturbed sites were ordinated by detrended correspondence analysis. Differences in species composition among sites (coarse scale) were associated with water depth, light, and substrate type. Within a site (at a fine scale), correlation of environmental variables with ordination scores at a chronically disturbed site was weakly correlated with light (r=0.50). At two sites with episodic disturbance, species composition correlated significantly and positively with substrate and water depth. At a recovering site, vegetation patterns were moderately correlated with water depth (r=?0.52). Species richness was correlated with substrate type along the disturbance gradient. Our results are consistent the intermediate disturbance hypothesis and the subsidy-stress gradient concept.  相似文献   

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