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Ten QTL underlying the accumulation of Zn and Fe in the grain were mapped in a set of RILs bred from the cross Triticum spelta × T. aestivum . Five of these loci (two for Zn and three for Fe) were consistently detected across seven environments.


The genetic basis of accumulation in the grain of Zn and Fe was investigated via QTL mapping in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population bred from a cross between Triticum spelta and T. aestivum. The concentration of the two elements was measured from grain produced in three locations over two consecutive cropping seasons and from a greenhouse trial. The range in Zn and Fe concentration across the RILs was, respectively, 18.8–73.5 and 25.3–59.5 ppm, and the concentrations of the two elements were positively correlated with one another (rp =+0.79). Ten QTL (five each for Zn and Fe accumulation) were detected, mapping to seven different chromosomes. The chromosome 2B and 6A grain Zn QTL were consistently expressed across environments. The proportion of the phenotype explained (PVE) by QZn.bhu-2B was >16 %, and the locus was closely linked to the SNP marker 1101425|F|0, while QZn.bhu-6A (7.0 % PVE) was closely linked to DArT marker 3026160|F|0. Of the five Fe QTL detected, three, all mapping to chromosome 1A were detected in all seven environments. The PVE for QFe.bhu-3B was 26.0 %.  相似文献   

Advanced backcross quantitative trait locus (AB-QTL) analysis was used to identify QTLs for yield and yield components in a backcross population developed from a cross between hard red winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety Karl 92 and the synthetic wheat line TA 4152-4. Phenotypic data were collected for agronomic traits including heading date, plant height, kernels per spike, kernel weight, tiller number, biomass, harvest index, test weight, grain yield, protein content, and kernel hardness on 190 BC2F2:4 lines grown in three replications in two Kansas environments. Severity of wheat soilborne mosaic virus (WSBMV) reaction was evaluated at one location. The population was genotyped using 151 microsatellite markers. Of the ten putative QTLs identified, seven were located on homoeologous group 2 and group 3 chromosomes. The favorable allele was contributed by cultivated parent Karl 92 at seven QTLs including a major one for WSBMV resistance, and by the synthetic parent at three QTLs: for grain hardness, kernels per spike, and tiller number. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Seed yield mega-environment-universal and specific QTL (QTLU and QTLSP, respectively) linked to Satt100, Satt130, Satt162, Satt194, Satt259 Satt277 and Sat_126, have been identified in a population derived from a cross between a Chinese and a Canadian soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] elite line. The variation observed in yield could be the consequence of the variation of agronomic traits. Yield-component traits have been reported in the literature, but a better understanding of their impact at the molecular level is still lacking. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to identify traits correlated with yield and to determine if the yield QTLU and QTLSP were co-localized with QTLU and QTLSP associated with an agronomic trait. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population was developed from a cross between a high-yielding adapted Canadian and a high-yielding exotic Chinese soybean elite line. The RIL were evaluated in multiple environments in China and Canada during the period from 2004 to 2006. Four yield QTLU, tagged by markers Satt100, Satt277, Satt162 and Sat_126, were co-localized with a QTL associated with an agronomic trait, behaving as either QTLU or QTLSP for the agronomic trait. For example, the yield QTLU, tagged by marker Satt100 was associated also with 100 seed weight, pods per plant, pods per node, plant height, R1, R5, R8, oil content and protein content in all Canadian environments, but only with pods per plant, pods per node, plant height, R1, R5, R8 and oil content in two or more Chinese environments. No agronomic traits QTL were co-localized with the yield QTLU tagged by the marker Satt139 or the yield QTLSP tagged by Satt259, suggesting a physiological basis of the yield in these QTL. The results suggest that a successful introgression of crop productivity alleles from plant introductions into an adapted germplasm could be facilitated by the use of both the QTLU and QTLSP because each type of QTL contributed either directly or indirectly through yield-component traits to seed yield of RILs.  相似文献   

Alternaria solani (Ellis and Martin) Sorauer, the causal agent of early blight (EB) disease, infects aerial parts of tomato at both seedling and adult plant stages. Resistant cultivars would facilitate a sustainable EB management. EB resistance is a quantitatively expressed character, a fact that has hampered effective breeding. In order to identify and estimate the effect of genes conditioning resistance to EB, a quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping study was performed in F2 and F3 populations derived from the cross between the susceptible Solanum lycopersicum (syn. Lycopersicon esculentum) cv. ‘Solentos’ and the resistant Solanum arcanum (syn. Lycopersicon peruvianum) LA2157 and genotyped with AFLP, microsatellite and SNP markers. Two evaluation criteria of resistance were used: measurements of EB lesion growth on the F2 plants in glasshouse tests and visual ratings of EB severity on foliage of the F3 lines in a field test. A total of six QTL regions were mapped on chromosomes 1, 2, 5–7, and 9 with LOD scores ranging from 3.4 to 17.5. Three EB QTL also confer resistance to stem lesions in the field, which has not been reported before. All QTL displayed significant additive gene action; in some cases a dominance effect was found. Additive × additive epistatic interactions were detected between one pair of QTL. For two QTL, the susceptible parent contributed resistance alleles to both EB and stem lesion resistance. Three of the QTL showed an effect in all tests despite methodological and environmental differences.  相似文献   

Modern soybean [(Glycine max (L.) Merrill] breeding programs rely primarily on the use of elite × elite line crosses to develop high-yielding cultivars. Favorable alleles for traits of interest have been found in exotic germplasm but the successful introduction of such alleles has been hampered by the lack of adaptation of the exotic parent to local mega-environment and difficulties in identifying superior progeny from elite × exotic crosses. The objective of this study was to use a population derived from a cross between an adapted and an exotic elite line to understand the genetic causes underlying adaptation to two mega-environments (China and Canada). A cross between a high-yielding Canadian cultivar ‘OAC Millennium’ and an elite Chinese cultivar ‘Heinong 38’ was performed to develop a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. The RIL population was evaluated in China and Canada in multiple environments from 2004 to 2006. Significant variation for seed yield was observed among the RILs in both the Chinese and Canadian environment. Individual RILs performed differently between the Chinese and Canadian environments suggesting differential adaptation to intercontinental mega-environments. Seven seed yield quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified of which five were mega-environment universal QTL (linked to markers Satt100, Satt162, Satt277, Sat_126, and the interval of Satt139-Sat_042) and two were mega-environment-specific QTL (at marker intervals, Satt194-SOYGPA and Satt259-Satt576). Seed yield QTL located near Satt277 has been confirmed and new QTL have been identified explaining between 9 and 37% of the phenotypic variation in seed yield. The QTL located near Satt100 explained the greatest amount of variation ranging from 18 to 37% per environment. Broad sense heritability ranged from 89 to 64% among environments. Epistatic effects have been identified in both mega-environments with pairs of markers explaining between 9 and 14% of the phenotypic variation in seed yield. An improved understanding of the type of QTL action as either universal or mega-environment-specific QTL as well as their interaction may facilitate the development of strategies to introgress specific high-yielding alleles from Chinese to North American germplasm and vice versa to sustain efforts in breeding of high-yielding soybean cultivars.  相似文献   

With the aim of dissecting the genetic determinants of flowering time, vernalization response, and photoperiod sensitivity, we mapped the candidate genes for Vrn-H2 and Vrn-H1 in a facultative × winter barley mapping population and determined their relationships with flowering time and vernalization via QTL analysis. The Vrn-H2 candidate ZCCT-H genes were completely missing from the facultative parent and present in the winter barley parent. This gene was the major determinant of flowering time under long photoperiods in controlled environment experiments, irrespective of vernalization, and under spring-sown field experiments. It was the sole determinant of vernalization response, but the effect of the deletion was modulated by photoperiods when the vernalization requirement was fulfilled. There was no effect under short photoperiods. The Vrn-H1 candidate gene (HvBM5A) was mapped based on a microsatellite polymorphism we identified in the promoter of this gene. Otherwise, the HvBM5A alleles for the two parents were identical. Therefore, the significant flowering time QTL effect associated with this locus suggests tight linkage rather than pleiotropy. This QTL effect was smaller in magnitude than those associated with the Vrn-H2 locus and was significant in two-way interactions with Vrn-H2. The Vrn-H1 locus had no effect on vernalization response. Our results support the Vrn-H2/Vrn-H1 repressor/structural gene model for vernalization response in barley and suggest that photoperiod may also affect the Vrn genes or tightly linked loci.  相似文献   

 A study was conducted on a two-row/six-row cross of barley to (1) determine the yield potential, (2) detect epistasis and genetic correlations, (3) estimate the heritabilities of six agronomic traits, and (4) study the effect of the V locus on the agronomic traits in the barley cross. The effects of five other marker loci (Re2, s, R, Est1, and Est5) on the six agronomic traits were also studied. One hundred and ninety doubled-haploid (DH) lines were derived from a ‘Leger’/CI9831 cross using the bulbosum method. The DH lines and the two parents were tested for grain yield, test weight, seed weight, plant height, lodging, and heading/maturity at two locations in Eastern Canada in 1993. Additive×additive epistasis and genetic correlations were detected for some of the agronomic traits. Many of the heritability estimates were high; however, significant progress in yield improvement would be difficult to achieve because of a low mean yield of the DH lines. Under the growing conditions in Eastern Canada, six-row lines outyielded two-row by 20–27%. Six-row lines, however, were associated with low test weight, low seed weight, and severe lodging. Some two-row lines yielded higher than the two-row parent CI9831, but none of the six-row lines yielded higher than the six-row parent ‘Leger’. The R, s, and Est5 loci were associated with the six agronomic traits, but the Est1 locus was apparently not associated with the agronomic traits. The effect of the Re2 locus was probably due to its close linkage with the V locus. Further studies are needed to determine if superior six-row lines can be developed from two-row/six-row crosses. Received: 19 September 1996 / Accepted: 18 October 1996  相似文献   

We performed QTL analyses for pigment content on a carotenoid biosynthesis function map based on progeny of a wild white carrot (QAL) which accumulates no pigments × domesticated orange carrot (B493), one of the richest sources of carotenoid pigments—mainly provitamin A α- and β- carotenes. Two major interacting loci, Y and Y 2 on linkage groups 2 and 5, respectively, control much variation for carotenoid accumulation in carrot roots. They are associated with carotenoid biosynthetic genes zeaxanthin epoxidase and carotene hydroxylase and carotenoid dioxygenase gene family members as positional candidate genes. Dominant Y allele inhibits carotenoid accumulation. When Y is homozygous recessive, carotenoids that accumulate are either only xanthophylls in Y 2 __ plants, or both carotenes and xanthophylls, in y 2 y 2 plants. These two genes played a major role in carrot domestication and account for the significant role that modern carrot plays in vitamin A nutrition.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare) is an economically important diploid model for the Triticeae; and a better understanding of low-temperature tolerance mechanisms could significantly improve the yield of fall-sown cereals. We developed a new resource for genetic analysis of winter hardiness-related traits, the Nure × Tremois linkage map, based on a doubled-haploid population that is segregating for low-temperature tolerance and vernalization requirement. Three measures of low-temperature tolerance and one measure of vernalization requirement were used and, for all traits, QTLs were mapped on chromosome 5H. The vernalization response QTL coincides with previous reports at the Vrn-1/Fr1 region of the Triticeae. We also found coincident QTLs at this position for all measures of low-temperature tolerance. Using Composite Interval Mapping, a second proximal set, of coincident QTLs for low-temperature tolerance, and the accumulation of two different COR proteins (COR14b and TMC-Ap3) was identified. The HvCBF4 locus, or another member of the CBF loci clustered in this region, is the candidate gene underlying this QTL. There is a CRT/DRE recognition site in the promoter of cor14b with which a CBF protein could interact. These results support the hypothesis that highly conserved regulatory factors, such as members of the CBF gene family, may regulate the stress responses of a wide range of plant species.Communicated by J.W. Snape  相似文献   

Lycopersicon parviflorum is a sexually compatible, wild tomato species which has been largely unutilized in tomato breeding. The Advanced Backcross QTL (AB-QTL) strategy was used to explore this genome for QTLs affecting traits of agronomic importance in an interspecific cross between a tomato elite processing inbred, Lycopersicon esculentum E6203, and the wild species L. parviflorum (LA2133). A total of 170 BC2 plants were genotyped by means of 133 genetic markers (131 RFLPs; one PCR-based marker, I-2, and one morphological marker, u, uniform ripening). Approximately 170 BC3 families were grown in replicated field trials, in California, Spain and Israel, and were scored for 30 horticultural traits. Significant putative QTLs were identified for all traits, for a total of 199 QTLs, ranging from 1 to 19 QTLs detected for each trait. For 19 (70%) traits (excluding traits for which effects of either direction are not necessarily favourable or unfavourable) at least one QTL was identified for which the L. parviflorum allele was associated with an agronomically favourable effect, despite the overall inferior phenotype of the wild species. Received: 14 September 1999 / Accepted: 7 October 1999  相似文献   

Previously genomic scans revealed quantitative trait loci (QTL) on porcine Chromosome 8 (SSC8) as significantly affecting the number of corpora lutea (CL) in swine. In one study, statistical evidence for the putative QTL was found in the chromosomal region defined by the microsatellites (MS) SW205, SW444, SW206, and SW29. A Yeast Artificial Chromosome library was screened by using the corresponding primers for clones containing these MS by PCR. From five positive YAC clones, 10 additional MS were isolated and mapped to SSC8 with the INRA-University of Minnesota porcine Radiation Hybrid (IMpRH) panel. The genetic map position of the QTL has been refined by addition of these 10 markers. The QTL evaluation included pedigrees of F2-intercross Meishan × Yorkshire design, with phenotypic data of 108 F2 female offspring and genotypic data for 29 MS markers on SSC8. The analysis was performed by using the least squares regression method. The calculated QTL effect for CL obtained by the multilocus least squares method showed a maximum test statistic (F value = 13.98) at position 99 cM between three MS derived from YACs containing SW205 and SW1843 spanning an interval of 7.1 cM. The point-wise (nominal) P-value was 5.21 × 10−6 corresponding to a genome-wide P-value of 0.009. The additive QTL effect explained 17.4% of the phenotypic variance. Received: 23 December 2000 / Accepted: 07 May 2001  相似文献   

A set of 142 winter wheat recombinant inbred lines (RILs) deriving from the cross Heshangmai x Yu8679 were tried in four ecological environments during the seasons 2006 and 2007. Nine agronomic traits comprising mean grain filling rate (GFR(mean)), maximum grain filling rate (GFR(max)), grain filling duration (GFD), grain number per ear (GNE), grain weight per ear (GWE), flowering time (FT), maturation time (MT), plant height (PHT) and thousand grain weight (TGW) were evaluated in Beijing (2006 and 2007), Chengdu (2007) and Hefei (2007). A genetic map comprising 173 SSR markers and two EST markers was generated. Based on the genetic map and phenotypic data, quantitative trait loci (QTL) were mapped for these agronomic traits. A total of 99 putative QTLs were identified for the nine traits over four environments except GFD, PHT and MT, measured in two environments (BJ07 and CD07), respectively. Of the QTL detected, 17 for GFR(mean), 16 for GFR(max), 21 for TGW and 10 for GWE involving the chromosomes 1A, 1B, 2A, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3D, 4A, 4D, 5A, 5B, 6D and 7D were identified. Moreover, 13 genomic regions showing pleiotropic effects were detected in chromosomes 1A, 1B, 1D, 2A, 2B, 2D, 3A, 3B, 4B, 4D, 5B, 6D and 7D; these QTL revealing pleiotropic effects may be informative for a better understanding of the genetic basis of grain filling rate and other yield-related traits, and represent potential targets for multi-trait marker aided selection in wheat.  相似文献   

Advanced backcross QTL analysis was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for agronomic performance in a population of BC2F3:5 introgression lines created from the cross of a Colombian large red-seeded commercial cultivar, ICA Cerinza, and a wild common bean accession, G24404. A total of 157 lines were evaluated for phenological traits, plant architecture, seed weight, yield and yield components in replicated trials in three environments in Colombia and genotyped with microsatellite, SCAR, and phaseolin markers that were used to create a genetic map that covered all 11 linkage groups of the common bean genome with markers spaced at an average distance of every 10.4 cM. Segregation distortion was most significant in regions orthologous for a seed coat color locus (R-C) on linkage group b08 and two domestication syndrome genes, one on linkage group b01 at the determinacy (fin) locus and the other on linkage group b02 at the seed-shattering (st) locus. Composite interval mapping analysis identified a total of 41 significant QTL for the eight traits measured of which five for seed weight, two for days to flowering, and one for yield were consistent across two or more environments. QTL were located on every linkage group with b06 showing the greatest number of independent loci. A total of 13 QTL for plant height, yield and yield components along with a single QTL for seed size showed positive alleles from the wild parent while the remaining QTL showed positive alleles from the cultivated parent. Some QTL co-localized with regions that had previously been described to be important for these traits. Compensation was observed between greater pod and seed production and smaller seed size and may have resulted from QTL for these traits being linked or pleiotropic. Although wild beans have been used before to transfer biotic stress resistance traits, this study is the first to attempt to simultaneously obtain a higher yield potential from wild beans and to analyze this trait with single-copy markers. The wild accession was notable for being from a unique center of diversity and for contributing positive alleles for yield and other traits to the introgression lines showing the potential that advanced backcrossing has in common bean improvement.  相似文献   

Compared to maize and temperate grasses, sorghum has received less attention in terms of improving cell wall components. The objectives of this study were to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) with main effects, epistatic and pleiotropic effects along with QTL × environment (QE) interactions controlling fibre-related traits in sorghum. Neutral detergent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), cellulose, hemicellulose, fresh leaf mass, stripped stalk mass, dry stalk mass, fresh biomass and dry biomass were analysed from a population of 188 grain × sweet sorghum recombinant inbred lines. A genetic map consisting of 157 DNA markers was constructed, and QTL were detected using composite interval mapping (CIM). CIM detected more than 5 additive QTL per trait explaining 7.1–24.7% of the phenotypic variation. Abundant co-localization of these QTL was observed across all chromosomes, and the highest cluster was identified on chromosome 6. Searching for candidate genes using the confidence interval of our QTL clusters reveals that these clusters might comprise a set of genes that are tightly linked. Some QTL showed multiple effects; however, the allele for each trait was favouring the parent with the increasing effect. QE interactions were observed for QTL showing multiple effects. Additive × additive interaction was observed for 7 out of 10 traits, indicating the importance of epistatic analysis. However, the phenotypic variation explained by digenic interactions was lower compared to the individual QTL. Our results indicate that various genetic components contribute to fibre-related traits and should be considered during the enhancement of sorghum for lignocellulosic biomass.  相似文献   

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