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A major uncertainty in predicting long-term ecosystem C balance is whether stimulation of net primary production will be sustained in future atmospheric CO2 scenarios. Immobilization of nutrients (N in particular) in plant biomass and soil organic matter (SOM) provides negative feedbacks to plant growth and may lead to progressive N limitation (PNL) of plant response to CO2 enrichment. Soil microbes mediate N availability to plants by controlling litter decomposition and N transformations as well as dominating biological N fixation. CO2-induced changes in C inputs, plant nutrient demand and water use efficiency often have interactive and contrasting effects on microbes and microbially mediated N processes. One critical question is whether CO2-induced N accumulation in plant biomass and SOM will result in N limitation of microbes and subsequently cause them to obtain N from alternative sources or to alter the ecosystem N balance. We reviewed the experimental results that examined elevated CO2 effects on microbial parameters, focusing on those published since 2000. These results in general show that increased C inputs dominate the CO2 impact on microbes, microbial activities and their subsequent controls over ecosystem N dynamics, potentially enhancing microbial N acquisition and ecosystem N retention. We reason that microbial mediation of N availability for plants under future CO2 scenarios will strongly depend on the initial ecosystem N status, and the nature and magnitude of external N inputs. Consequently, microbial processes that exert critical controls over long-term N availability for plants would be ecosystem-specific. The challenge remains to quantify CO2-induced changes in these processes, and to extrapolate the results from short-term studies with step-up CO2 increases to native ecosystems that are already experiencing gradual changes in the CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

Grassland ecosystems store an estimated 30% of the world's total soil C and are frequently disturbed by wildfires or fire management. Aboveground litter decomposition is one of the main processes that form soil organic matter (SOM). However, during a fire biomass is removed or partially combusted and litter inputs to the soil are substituted with inputs of pyrogenic organic matter (py‐OM). Py‐OM accounts for a more recalcitrant plant input to SOM than fresh litter, and the historical frequency of burning may alter C and N retention of both fresh litter and py‐OM inputs to the soil. We compared the fate of these two forms of plant material by incubating 13C‐ and 15N‐labeled Andropogon gerardii litter and py‐OM at both an annually burned and an infrequently burned tallgrass prairie site for 11 months. We traced litter and py‐OM C and N into uncomplexed and organo‐mineral SOM fractions and CO2 fluxes and determined how fire history affects the fate of these two forms of aboveground biomass. Evidence from CO2 fluxes and SOM C:N ratios indicates that the litter was microbially transformed during decomposition while, besides an initial labile fraction, py‐OM added to SOM largely untransformed by soil microbes. Additionally, at the N‐limited annually burned site, litter N was tightly conserved. Together, these results demonstrate how, although py‐OM may contribute to C and N sequestration in the soil due to its resistance to microbial degradation, a long history of annual removal of fresh litter and input of py‐OM infers N limitation due to the inhibition of microbial decomposition of aboveground plant inputs to the soil. These results provide new insight into how fire may impact plant inputs to the soil, and the effects of py‐OM on SOM formation and ecosystem C and N cycling.  相似文献   

The stability of soil organic matter (SOM) pools exposed to elevated CO2 and warming has not been evaluated adequately in long‐term experiments and represents a substantial source of uncertainty in predicting ecosystem feedbacks to climate change. We conducted a 6‐year experiment combining free‐air CO2 enrichment (FACE, 550 ppm) and warming (+2 °C) to evaluate changes in SOM accumulation in native Australian grassland. In this system, competitive interactions appear to favor C4 over C3 species under FACE and warming. We therefore investigated the role of plant functional type (FT) on biomass and SOM responses to the long‐term treatments by carefully sampling soil under patches of C3‐ and C4‐dominated vegetation. We used physical fractionation to quantify particulate organic matter (POM) and long‐term incubation to assess potential decomposition rates. Aboveground production of C4 grasses increased in response to FACE, but total root biomass declined. Across treatments, C : N ratios were higher in leaves, roots and POM of C4 vegetation. CO2 and temperature treatments interacted with FT to influence SOM, and especially POM, such that soil carbon was increased by warming under C4 vegetation, but not in combination with elevated CO2. Potential decomposition rates increased in response to FACE and decreased with warming, possibly owing to treatment effects on soil moisture and microbial community composition. Decomposition was also inversely correlated with root N concentration, suggesting increased microbial demand for older, N‐rich SOM in treatments with low root N inputs. This research suggests that C3–C4 vegetation responses to future climate conditions will strongly influence SOM storage in temperate grasslands.  相似文献   

Field‐scale experiments simulating realistic future climate scenarios are important tools for investigating the effects of current and future climate changes on ecosystem functioning and biogeochemical cycling. We exposed a seminatural Danish heathland ecosystem to elevated atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), warming, and extended summer drought in all combinations. Here, we report on the short‐term responses of the nitrogen (N) cycle after 2 years of treatments. Elevated CO2 significantly affected aboveground stoichiometry by increasing the carbon to nitrogen (C/N) ratios in the leaves of both co‐dominant species (Calluna vulgaris and Deschampsia flexuosa), as well as the C/N ratios of Calluna flowers and by reducing the N concentration of Deschampsia litter. Belowground, elevated CO2 had only minor effects, whereas warming increased N turnover, as indicated by increased rates of microbial NH4+ consumption, gross mineralization, potential nitrification, denitrification and N2O emissions. Drought reduced belowground gross N mineralization and decreased fauna N mass and fauna N mineralization. Leaching was unaffected by treatments but was significantly higher across all treatments in the second year than in the much drier first year indicating that ecosystem N loss is highly sensitive to changes and variability in amount and timing of precipitation. Interactions between treatments were common and although some synergistic effects were observed, antagonism dominated the interactive responses in treatment combinations, i.e. responses were smaller in combinations than in single treatments. Nonetheless, increased C/N ratios of photosynthetic tissue in response to elevated CO2, as well as drought‐induced decreases in litter N production and fauna N mineralization prevailed in the full treatment combination. Overall, the simulated future climate scenario therefore lead to reduced N turnover, which could act to reduce the potential growth response of plants to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

The global soil carbon pool is approximately three times larger than the contemporary atmospheric pool, therefore even minor changes to its integrity may have major implications for atmospheric CO2 concentrations. While theory predicts that the chemical composition of organic matter should constitute a master control on the temperature response of its decomposition, this relationship has not yet been fully demonstrated. We used laboratory incubations of forest soil organic matter (SOM) and fresh litter material together with NMR spectroscopy to make this connection between organic chemical composition and temperature sensitivity of decomposition. Temperature response of decomposition in both fresh litter and SOM was directly related to the chemical composition of the constituent organic matter, explaining 90% and 70% of the variance in Q10 in litter and SOM, respectively. The Q10 of litter decreased with increasing proportions of aromatic and O‐aromatic compounds, and increased with increased contents of alkyl‐ and O‐alkyl carbons. In contrast, in SOM, decomposition was affected only by carbonyl compounds. To reveal why a certain group of organic chemical compounds affected the temperature sensitivity of organic matter decomposition in litter and SOM, a more detailed characterization of the 13C aromatic region using Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence (HSQC) was conducted. The results revealed considerable differences in the aromatic region between litter and SOM. This suggests that the correlation between chemical composition of organic matter and the temperature response of decomposition differed between litter and SOM. The temperature response of soil decomposition processes can thus be described by the chemical composition of its constituent organic matter, this paves the way for improved ecosystem modeling of biosphere feedbacks under a changing climate.  相似文献   

Vascular plant responses to experimental enrichment with atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), using MINIFACE technology, were studied in a Dutch lowland peatland dominated by Sphagnum and Phragmites for 3 years. We hypothesized that vascular plant carbon would accumulate in this peatland in response to CO2 enrichment owing to increased productivity of the predominant species and poorer quality (higher C/N ratios) and consequently lower decomposability of the leaf litter of these species. Carbon isotope signatures demonstrated that the extra 180 ppmv CO2 in enriched plots had been incorporated into vegetation biomass accordingly. However, on the CO2 sequestration side of the ecosystem carbon budget, there were neither any significant responses of total aboveground abundance of vascular plants, nor of any of the individual species. On the CO2 release side of the carbon budget (decomposition pathway), litter quantity did not differ between ambient and CO2 treatments, while the changes in litter quality (N and P concentration, C/N and C/P ratio) were marginal and inconsistent. It appeared therefore that the afterlife effects of significant CO2-induced changes in green-leaf chemistry (lower N and P concentrations, higher C/N and C/P) were partly offset by greater resorption of mobile carbohydrates from green leaves during senescence in CO2-enriched plants. The decomposability of leaf litters of three predominant species from ambient and CO2-enriched plots, as measured in a laboratory litter respiration assay, showed no differences. The relatively short time period, environmental spatial heterogeneity and small plot sizes might explain part of the lack of CO2 response. When our results are combined with those from other Sphagnum peatland studies, the common pattern emerges that the vascular vegetation in these ecosystems is genuinely resistant to CO2-induced change. On decadal time-scales, water management and its effects on peatland hydrology, N deposition from anthropogenic sources and land management regimes that arrest the early successional phase (mowing, tree and shrub removal), may have a greater impact on the vascular plant species composition, carbon balance and functioning of lowland Sphagnum–Phragmites reedlands than increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

The decomposition of senesced plant litter represents an important intermediate step in the cycling of nutrients between above- and below-ground systems. The rate of decomposition of plant litter is sensitive to fluctuations in a number of parameters, including environmental conditions, and particularly to changes in the quality of the litter. Increased C: N ratios of litter are thought to be one possible consequence of growth of plants under elevated [CO2]. This response is likely to reduce the rate of decomposition of the litter. Evidence from the growth of plants in both pot and field studies suggests that growth of C3 plants in elevated atmospheric [CO2] (600–700 μmol mol–1) may lead to a significant increase in either/both the C: N and the lignin: N ratios of litter. Short-term decomposition of litter from plants showing this response in elevated [CO2] has confirmed that decomposition occurs at a significantly lower rate. The limited studies of both the response of C4 plants to elevated [CO2] and the subsequent degradability of the senescent litter suggest that no differences in litter quality or degradability occur. In terms of litter quality the response of plants therefore appears to be dependent upon photosynthetic type; the C:N and lignin:N ratios of litter from C3 plants exposed to elevated [CO2] are increased, leading to lower degradation rates, while the nutrient ratios and degradation rates of litter from C4 plants grown in elevated [CO2] remain unchanged. To date, very few ecosystem studies of decomposition have been carried out. Further work is required at the ecosystem level to determine whether the effects observed in laboratory, pot and field studies are also observed in long-term, complex ecosystem studies. Clearly if these results are repeated at the ecosystem level then significant changes in the cycling of C and N in important terrestrial ecosystems may occur as a results of elevated [CO2].  相似文献   

The capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester C in the soil relies on the net balance between litter production above, as well as, below ground, and decomposition processes. Nitrogen mineralization and its availability for plant growth and microbial activity often control the speed of both processes. Litter production, decomposition and N mineralization are strongly interdependent. Thus, their responses to global environmental changes (i.e. elevated CO2, climate, N deposition, etc.) cannot be fully understood if they are studied in isolation. In the present experiment, we investigated litter fall, litter decomposition and N dynamics in decomposing litter of three Populus spp., in the second and third growing season of a short rotation coppice under FACE. Elevated CO2 did not affect annual litter production but slightly retarded litter fall in the third growing season. In all species, elevated CO2 lowered N concentration, resulting in a reduction of N input to the soil via litter fall, but did not affect lignin concentrations. Litter decomposition was studied in bags incubated in situ both in control and FACE plots. Litter lost between 15% and 18% of the original mass during the eight months of field incubation. On average, litter produced under elevated CO2 attained higher residual mass than control litter. On the other end, when litter was incubated in FACE plots it exhibited higher decay rates. These responses were strongly species‐specific. All litter increased their N content during decomposition, indicating immobilization of N from external sources. Independent of the initial quality, litter incubated on FACE soils immobilized less N, possibly as a result of lower N availability in the soil. Indeed, our results refer to a short‐term decomposition experiment. However, according to a longer‐term model extrapolation of our results, we anticipate that in Mediterranean climate, under elevated atmospheric CO2, soil organic C pool of forest ecosystems may initially display faster turnover, but soil N availability will eventually limit the process.  相似文献   

Recent empirical and theoretical advances inform us about multiple drivers of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition and microbial responses to warming. Absent from our conceptual framework of how soil respiration will respond to warming are adequate links between microbial resource demands, kinetic theory, and substrate stoichiometry. Here, we describe two important concepts either insufficiently explored in current investigations of SOM responses to temperature, or not yet addressed. First, we describe the complete range of responses for how warming may change microbial resource demands, physiology, community structure, and total biomass. Second, we describe how any relationship between SOM activation energy of decay and carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stoichiometry can alter the relative availability of C and N as temperature changes. Changing availabilities of C and N liberated from their organic precursors can feedback to microbial resource demands, which in turn influence the aggregated respiratory response to temperature we observe. An unsuspecting biogeochemist focused primarily on temperature sensitivity of substrate decay thus cannot make accurate projections of heterotrophic CO2 losses from diverse organic matter reservoirs in a warming world. We establish the linkages between enzyme kinetics, SOM characteristics, and potential for microbial adaptation critical for making such projections. By examining how changing microbial needs interact with inherent SOM structure and composition, and thus reactivity, we demonstrate the means by which increasing temperature could result in increasing, unchanging, or even decreasing respiration rates observed in soils. We use this exercise to highlight ideas for future research that will develop our abilities to predict SOM feedbacks to climate.  相似文献   

The ongoing increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) can potentially alter litter decomposition rates by changing: (i) the litter quality of individual species, (ii) allocation patterns of individual species, (iii) the species composition of ecosystems (which could alter ecosystem‐level litter quality and allocation), (iv) patterns of soil moisture, and (v) the composition and size of microbial communities. To determine the relative importance of these mechanisms in a California annual grassland, we created four mixtures of litter that differed in species composition (the annual legume Lotus wrangelianus Fischer & C. Meyer comprised either 10% or 40% of the initial mass) and atmospheric [CO2] during growth (ambient or double‐ambient). These mixtures decomposed for 33 weeks at three positions (above, on, and below the soil surface) in four types of grassland microcosms (fertilized and unfertilized microcosms exposed to elevated or ambient [CO2]) and at a common field site. Initially, legume‐rich litter mixtures had higher nitrogen concentrations ([N]) than legume‐poor mixtures. In most positions and environments, the different litter mixtures decomposed at approximately the same rate. Fertilization and CO2 enrichment of microcosms had no effect on mass loss of litter within them. However, mass loss was strongly related to litter position in both microcosms and the field. Nitrogen dynamics of litter were significantly related to the initial [N] of litter on the soil surface, but not in other positions. We conclude that changes in allocation patterns and species composition are likely to be the dominant mechanisms through which ecosystem‐level decomposition rates respond to increasing atmospheric [CO2].  相似文献   

Future climate scenarios predict simultaneous changes in environmental conditions, but the impacts of multiple climate change drivers on ecosystem structure and function remain unclear. We used a novel experimental approach to examine the responses of an upland grassland ecosystem to the 2080 climate scenario predicted for the study area (3.5°C temperature increase, 20% reduction in summer precipitation, atmospheric CO2 levels of 600 ppm) over three growing seasons. We also assessed whether patterns of grassland response to a combination of climate change treatments could be forecast by ecosystem responses to single climate change drivers. Effects of climate change on aboveground production showed considerable seasonal and interannual variation; April biomass increased in response to both warming and the simultaneous application of warming, summer drought, and CO2 enrichment, whereas October biomass responses were either non-significant or negative depending on the year. Negative impacts of summer drought on production were only observed in combination with a below-average rainfall regime, and showed lagged effects on spring biomass. Elevated CO2 had no significant effect on aboveground biomass during this study. Both warming and the 2080 climate change scenario were associated with a significant advance in flowering time for the dominant grass species studied. However, flowering phenology showed no significant response to either summer drought or elevated CO2. Species diversity and equitability showed no response to climate change treatments throughout this study. Overall, our data suggest that single-factor warming experiments may provide valuable information for projections of future ecosystem changes in cool temperate grasslands.  相似文献   

Altered dynamics of forest recovery under a changing climate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Forest regeneration following disturbance is a key ecological process, influencing forest structure and function, species assemblages, and ecosystem–climate interactions. Climate change may alter forest recovery dynamics or even prevent recovery, triggering feedbacks to the climate system, altering regional biodiversity, and affecting the ecosystem services provided by forests. Multiple lines of evidence – including global‐scale patterns in forest recovery dynamics; forest responses to experimental manipulation of CO2, temperature, and precipitation; forest responses to the climate change that has already occurred; ecological theory; and ecosystem and earth system models – all indicate that the dynamics of forest recovery are sensitive to climate. However, synthetic understanding of how atmospheric CO2 and climate shape trajectories of forest recovery is lacking. Here, we review these separate lines of evidence, which together demonstrate that the dynamics of forest recovery are being impacted by increasing atmospheric CO2 and changing climate. Rates of forest recovery generally increase with CO2, temperature, and water availability. Drought reduces growth and live biomass in forests of all ages, having a particularly strong effect on seedling recruitment and survival. Responses of individual trees and whole‐forest ecosystems to CO2 and climate manipulations often vary by age, implying that forests of different ages will respond differently to climate change. Furthermore, species within a community typically exhibit differential responses to CO2 and climate, and altered community dynamics can have important consequences for ecosystem function. Age‐ and species‐dependent responses provide a mechanism by which climate change may push some forests past critical thresholds such that they fail to recover to their previous state following disturbance. Altered dynamics of forest recovery will result in positive and negative feedbacks to climate change. Future research on this topic and corresponding improvements to earth system models will be a key to understanding the future of forests and their feedbacks to the climate system.  相似文献   

Atmospheric and climatic change can alter plant biomass production and plant community composition. However, we know little about how climate change‐induced alterations in biomass production affect plant species composition. To better understand how climate change will alter both individual plant species and community biomass, we manipulated atmospheric [CO2], air temperature, and precipitation in a constructed old‐field ecosystem. Specifically, we compared the responses of dominant and subdominant species to our climatic treatments, and explored how changes in plant dominance patterns alter community evenness over 2 years. Our study resulted in four major findings: (1) all treatments, elevated [CO2], warming, and increased precipitation increased plant community biomass and the effects were additive rather than interactive, (2) plant species differed in their response to the treatments, resulting in shifts in the proportional biomass of individual species, which altered the plant community composition; however, the plant community response was largely driven by the positive precipitation response of Lespedeza, the most dominant species in the community, (3) precipitation explained most of the variation in plant community composition among treatments, and (4) changes in precipitation caused a shift in the dominant species proportional biomass that resulted in lower community evenness in the wet relative to dry treatments. Interestingly, compositional and evenness responses of the subdominant community to the treatments did not always follow the responses of the whole plant community. Our data suggest that changes in plant dominance patterns and community evenness are an important part of community responses to climatic change, and generally, that such compositional shifts can alter ecosystem biomass production and nutrient inputs.  相似文献   

Aim Possible effects of current and future climates on boreal vegetation dynamics and carbon (C) cycling were investigated using the CENTURY 4.0 soil process model and a modified version of the FORSKA2 forest patch model. Location Eleven climate station locations distributed along a transect across the boreal zone of central Canada. Methods Both models were driven by detrended long-term monthly climate data. Using a climate change signal derived from the GISS general circulation model (GCM) 2×CO2 equilibrium climate scenario, the output from the two models was then used to compare simulated current and possible future total ecosystem C storage at the climate station locations. Results After allowing for their different underlying structures, comparison of output from both models showed good agreement with local field data under current climate conditions. CENTURY 4.0 was able to reproduce spatial variation in soil and litter C densities satisfactorily but tended to overestimate biomass productivity. FORSKA2 reproduced aboveground biomass productivity and spatially averaged biomass densities relatively well. Under the GISS 2×CO2 scenario, both models generally predicted small increases in aboveground biomass C density for forest and tundra locations, but CENTURY 4.0 predicted greater decreases in soil and litter pools, for overall decreases in ecosystem C storage in the range 16–19%. Main conclusions With some caveats, results imply that effects of increased precipitation (as simulated by the GISS GCM) would more than compensate for any negative effects of increased temperature on forest growth. Increased temperature would also increase decomposition rates of soil and litter organic matter, however, for a net overall decrease in total ecosystem C storage.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 may affect litter quality of plants, and subsequently C and N cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, but changes in litter quality associated with elevated CO2 are poorly known. Abscised leaf litter of two oak species (Quercus cerris L. and Q. pubescens Willd.) exposed to long-term elevated CO2 around a natural CO2 spring in Tuscany (Italy) was used to study the impact of increasing concentration of atmospheric CO2 on litter quality and C and N turnover rates in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem. Litter samples were collected in an area with elevated CO2 (>500 ppm) and in an area with ambient CO2 concentration (360 ppm). Leaf samples were analysed for concentrations of total C, N, lignin, cellulose, acid detergent residue (ADR) and polyphenol. The decomposition rate of litter was studied using a litter bag experiment (12 months) and laboratory incubations (3 months). In the laboratory incubations, N mineralization in litter samples was measured as well (125 days). Litter quality was expressed in terms of chemical composition and element ratios. None of the litter quality parameters was affected by elevated CO2 for the two Quercus species. Remaining mass in Q. cerris and Q. pubescens litter from elevated CO2 was similar to that from ambient conditions. C mineralization in Q. pubescens litter from elevated CO2 was lower than that from ambient CO2, but the difference was insignificant. This effect was not observed for Q. cerris. N mineralization was higher from litter grown at elevated CO2, but this difference disappeared at the end of the incubation. Litter of Q. pubescens had a higher quality than Q. cerris, and indeed mineralized more rapidly in the laboratory, but not under field conditions.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of mountain grassland afforestation with conifer trees (Pinus sylvestris, Picea abies and Pinus cembra) on soil organic matter (SOM) cycling and carbon (C) isotopic composition in two contrasting climate areas using a regional approach. Seventeen paired sites (each containing at least 40 years prior afforested and grassland plots) were investigated in the mountains of Central Spain and Western Austria. Topsoil CO2 effluxes were monitored under standardized conditions for six months as a proxy for soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralisation. The bulk C and nitrogen (N) concentrations and their isotopic composition in the soil and in the plants were assessed. The soil C:N ratio was consistently greater after afforestation in both regions, which in Spain was caused by a significant decrease in N concentration. No consistent effect was found on mineralisation rates due to vegetation change. Afforestation produced a more consistent soil 13C enrichment in the Spanish than in the Austrian sites. Our work strongly suggests that increasing altitude in Mediterranean mountain grasslands alleviates water limitation, favouring both plant growth and SOM decomposition, and ultimately accelerating C cycling. In contrast, temperate grassland areas at high altitudes were associated with severe temperature limitations, which constrained SOM transformation processes. In spite of the impact of afforestation on soil biogeochemical processes, C concentrations were marginally affected. We therefore conclude that grassland conversion to coniferous forests does not enhanced C sequestration in the mineral soil, for at least 40 years after land-use change.  相似文献   

Abstract Urban ecosystems are profoundly modified by human activities and thereby provide a unique “natural laboratory” to study potential ecosystem responses to anthropogenic environmental changes. Because urban environments are now affected by urban heat islands, carbon dioxide domes, and high-level nitrogen deposition, to some extent they portend the future of the global ecosystem. Urbanization in the metropolitan region of Phoenix, Arizona (USA) has resulted in pronounced changes in air temperature (T air), atmospheric CO2 concentration, and nitrogen deposition (Ndep). In this study, we used a process-based ecosystem model to explore how the Larrea tridentata dominated Sonoran Desert ecosystem may respond to these urbanization-induced environmental changes. We found that water availability controls the magnitude and pattern of responses of the desert ecosystem to elevated CO2, air temperature, N deposition and their combinations. Urbanization effects were much stronger in wet years than normal and dry years. At the ecosystem level, aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) and soil organic matter (SOM) both increased with increasing CO2 and Ndep individually and in combinations with changes in T air. Soil N (Nsoil) responded positively to increased N deposition and air temperature, but negatively to elevated CO2. Correspondingly, ANPP and SOM of the Larrea ecosystem decreased along the urban–suburban–wildland gradient, whereas Nsoil peaked in the suburban area. At the plant functional type (FT) level, ANPP generally responded positively to elevated CO2 and Ndep, but negatively to increased T air. C3 winter annuals showed a greater ANPP response to higher CO2 levels (>420 ppm) than shrubs, which could lead over the long term to changes in species composition, because competition among functional groups is strong for resources such as soil water and nutrients. Overall, the combined effects of the three environmental factors depended on rainfall variability and nonlinear interactions within and between plant functional types and environmental factors. We intend to use these simulation results as working hypotheses to guide our field experiments and observations. Experimental testing of these hypotheses through this process should improve our understanding of urban ecosystems under increasing environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Ecosystem dynamics and the responses to climate change in mangrove forests are poorly understood. We applied the biogeochemical process model Biome-BGC to simulate the dynamics of net primary productivity (NPP) and leaf area index (LAI) under the present and future climate conditions in mangrove forests in Shenzhen, Zhanjiang, and Qiongshan across the southern coast of China, and in three monocultural mangrove stands of two native species, Avicennia marina and Kandelia obovata, and one exotic species, Sonneratia apetala, in Shenzhen. The soil hydrological process of the model was modified by incorporating a soil water (SW) stress index to account for the impact of the effective SW availability in the coastal wetland. Our modified Biome-BGC well predicted the dynamics of NPP and LAI in the mangrove forests at the study sites. We found that the six mangrove systems differed in sensitivity to variations in the effective SW availability. At the ecosystem level, however, soil salinity alone could not entirely explain the limitation of the effective SW availability on the productivity of mangrove forests. Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration differentially affected growth of different mangrove species but only had a small impact on NPP (<7%); whereas a doubling of atmospheric CO2 concentration associated with a 2°C temperature rise would increase NPP by 14–19% across the three geographically separate mangrove forests and by 12% to as much as 68% across the three monocultural mangrove stands. Our simulation analysis indicates that temperature change is more important than increasing CO2 concentration in affecting productivity of mangroves at the ecosystem level, and that different mangrove species differ in sensitivity to increases in temperature and CO2 concentration.  相似文献   

Climate change scenarios predict simultaneously increase in temperature, altered precipitation patterns and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration, which will affect key ecosystem processes and plant growth and species interactions. In a large-scale experiment, we investigated the effects of in situ exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration, increased temperature and prolonged drought periods on the plant biomass in a dry heathland (Brandbjerg, Denmark). Results after 3 years showed that drought reduced the growth of the two dominant species Deschampsia flexuosa and Calluna vulgaris. However, both species recovered quickly after rewetting and the drought had no significant effect on annual aboveground biomass production. We did not observe any effects of increased temperature. Elevated CO2 stimulated the biomass production for D. flexuosa in one out of three years but did not influence the standing biomass for either D. flexuosa or the ecosystem as more litter was produced. Treatment combinations showed little interactions on the measured parameters and in particular elevated CO2 did not counterbalance the drought effect on plant growth, as we had anticipated. The plant community did not show any significant responses to the imposed climate changes and we conclude that the two heathland species, on a short time scale, will be relatively resistant to the changes in climatic conditions.  相似文献   

In water-limited environments, photosynthetic carbon gain and loss of water by transpiration are in a permanent tradeoff as both are contrarily regulated by stomata conductance. In semiarid steppe grasslands water limitation may covary with nitrogen limitation. Steppe grassland species are capable of optimizing their use of limiting resources, water and nitrogen, but regulation is still poorly understood. In a two-year experiment with addition of water (irrigation simulating a wet year) and nitrogen (0, 25, and 50 kg urea-N?ha?1) we assessed intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi), nitrogen use efficiency (NUE), and related plant functional traits (PFTs) of four dominant C3 species (Leymus chinensis, Agropyron cristatum, Stipa grandis, and Artemisia frigida). Water and N fertilizer supplementation significantly increased plant primary production, and N effect was more pronounced under irrigated conditions. Parallel with the responses of plant production, a strong tradeoff between WUEi and NUE was detected: water supply increased NUE but decreased WUEi, whereas N addition slightly increased WUEi at the expense of NUE. This tradeoff occurred at the leaf level, and involved the responses of leaf N concentration and specific leaf area. WUEi of species changed among treatments in a predictable manner by the parameter of leaf N content per area. Dominant plant species commonly achieved a higher utilization efficiency of the more limiting resource via altering PFTs, which was an important mechanism of adaptation to variable resource limitation in semiarid grasslands.  相似文献   

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