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The surface potential of an ion-penetrable planar membrane is calculated for the case in which acidic and basic groups are present in the membrane. It is found that when both acidic and basic groups are not uniformly distributed in the direction normal to the membrane, the isoelectric point (the pH value at which the surface potential becomes zero) of the membrane varies with the electrolyte concentration, whereas if both groups are uniformly distributed, the isoelectric point is independent of the electrolyte concentration. As a simple example, we treat a membrane consisting of two layers, in which acidic groups are distributed in the outer layer and basic groups are in the inner layer. Simple equations determining the membrane surface potential as a function of pH and electrolyte concentration and the dependence of the isoelectric point on the electrolyte concentration are presented.  相似文献   

A model is presented for the electrical potential distribution across a charged biological membrane that is in equilibrium with an electrolyte solution. We assume that a membrane has charged surface layers of thickness d on both surfaces of the membrane, where the fixed charges are distributed at a uniform density N within the layers, and that these charged layers are permeable to electrolyte ions. This model unites two different concepts, that is, the Donnan potential and the surface potential (or the Gouy-Chapman double-layer potential). Namely, the present model leads to the Donnan potential when d much greater than 1/k' (k' is the Debye-Hückel parameter of the surface charge layer) and to the surface potential as d----0, keeping the product Nd constant. The potential distribution depends significantly on the thickness d of the surface charge layer when d less than or approximately equal to 1/k'.  相似文献   

Calculation of the potential distribution across a uniformly charged ion-penetrable membrane that we developed previously is extended to derive a relationship among the surface potential, Donnan potential and charge density of an ion-penetrable membrane in a mixed solution of 2-1 and 1-1 electrolytes. We also present an approximate method for calculating the surface potential/Donnan potential/charge density relationship for membranes with an arbitrary distribution of membrane-fixed charges.  相似文献   

Measurements of the thermal membrane potential across cation and anion exchange membranes were carried out by using the same solution of various 1-1 electrolytes on both sides of the membrane. In all cases a good linear relationship was observed between the thermal membrane potential increment psi and the temperature difference increment T. The slope of the linear plot varied with the concentration of the electrolyte. The value of increment psi/increment T versus logarithmic activity of the electrolyte plot was linear with a slope of +/- R/F if the transport number of counterion was unity. The magnitude of increment psi/increment T was independent of coion species but dependent on counterions. These experimental results are in agreement with a theory presented previously. The thermal membrane potential caused by the direct effect of temperature differences and that by the indirect effect arising from the changes in ionic and water chemical potentials due to the temperature difference are separately discussed.  相似文献   

In order to understand the localization of dyes and the nature of their responses in membranes and particularly in those involved in energy-conservation processes, the influence of micelles of neutral and ionic surfactants on the pK a of solubilized fluorophoric (umbelliferone) and chromophoric (bromthymol blue and methyl red) indicator dyes is studied. It is shown that the pK a of the indicator adsorbed onto micelles shifted towards the acid extreme with cationic micelles, to the alkaline side with anionic micelles while it was not significantly modified by the neutral ones. Maximal displacements were observed with Methyl Red where the difference in pK a between anionic and cationic micelles was as large as 3 pH units. Phospholipid liquid crystals (Liposomes) of phosphatidylcholine with and without adsorbed long-chain ions introduced in order to confer to it a net surface charge induced displacements of the pK a of UBF analogous to those detected in the presence of detergent micelles. It was demonstrated that UBF can monitor reversal of charge phenomena such as that obtained by the interaction of phosphatidylcholine + dicetyl phosphate liposomes (anionic colloid) with poly-L-lysine (cationic colloid). The partition of the indicator dyes between micellar and aqueous phases was determined by gel filtration revealing thequasi exclusive presence of the dyes in the micellar phase. Fluorescence polarization measurement of solubilized UBF in either ionic micelles or submitochondrial particles indicate that the dye tumbling rate is as rapid as in pure water suggesting that the dye is mobile in an interfacial environment where it can experience modifications due to changes in surface potential. The use of UBF as a probe of respiration-dependent energy-linked reactions in submitochondrial particles is presented. The available data on the use of indicator dyes in mitochondrial, chloroplast and bacterial chromatophore membranes is reevaluated, on the basis of the evidence of the extreme sensitivity of these probes to surface charge. The implications of these results and considerations are discussed in terms of the importance of the surface potential in the primary event of the energy-coupling process in oxidative and photosynthetic phosphorylation.A preliminary account of this research has been presented elsewhere (IV International Biophysics Congress of the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics, Moscow, August 1972).  相似文献   

G Cao  A Kuhn    R E Dalbey 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(5):866-875
The role of the membrane electrochemical potential in the translocation of acidic and basic residues across the membrane was investigated with the M13 procoat protein, which has a short periplasmic loop, and leader peptidase, which has an extended periplasmically located N-terminal tail. For both proteins we find that the membrane potential promotes membrane transfer only when negatively charged residues are present within the translocated domain. When these residues are substituted by uncharged amino acids, the proteins insert into the membrane independently of the potential. In contrast, when a positively charged residue is present within the N-terminal tail of leader peptidase, the potential impedes translocation of the tail domain. However, an impediment was not observed in the case of the procoat protein, where positively charged residues in the central loop are translocated even in the presence of the membrane potential. Intriguingly, several of the negatively charged procoat proteins required the SecA and SecY proteins for optimal translocation. The studies reported here provide insights into the role of the potential in membrane protein assembly and suggest that electrophoresis can play an important role in controlling membrane topology.  相似文献   

The glomerular capillary wall of the kidney behaves as an electronegatively charged structure consisting of three layers, the lamina densa and the two laminae rarae, which are differently charged. Thus, a three layer model is proposed to analyse the transport of charged macromolecules across this wall. A modified Nernst-Planck equation describes the macromolecule flux across the wall and a Donnan equilibrium is assumed at each interface. For a given value of the fixed charge concentration in each layer, the local sieving coefficient of the macromolecule, i.e. the ratio between the concentrations in the filtrate and in the plasma, is calculated. A sieving curve which relates the sieving coefficient to the Einstein-Stokes radius of the macrosolute is obtained. The fixed charge concentrations in each layer are iteratively modified until simultaneous adjustment is achieved between calculated and experimental curves, for positively and negatively charged tracers and their neutral equivalent.  相似文献   

A pore model in which the pore wall has a continuous distribution of electrical charge is used to investigate the osmotic flow through a charged permeable membrane separating electrolyte solutions of unequal concentrations. The pore is treated as a long, circular, cylindrical duct. The analysis is based on a continuum formulation in which a dilute electrolyte solution is described by the coupled Nernst-Planck/Poisson creeping flow equations. Account is taken of the significant size of the electrolyte ions (assumed to be rigid spheres) when compared with the diameter of the membrane pores. Analytical solutions for the ion concentrations, hydrostatic pressure and electrostatic potential in the electrolyte solutions are given and an intra-pore flow solution is derived. A mathematical expression for the osmotic reflection coefficient as a function of the solute ion: pore diameter ratio λ and the solute fluxes is obtained. Approximate solutions are quoted which relate the solute fluxes and the solution electrostatic potentials at the membrane surfaces to the bulk solution concentrations, the membrane pore charge and pore geometry. The osmotic reflection coefficient is thus determined as a function of these parameters.  相似文献   

Distributions of each amino acid in the trans-membrane domain were calculated as a function of the membrane normal using all currently available alpha-helical membrane protein structures with resolutions better than 4 A. The results were compared with previous sequence- and structure-based analyses. Calculation of the average hydrophobicity along the membrane normal demonstrated that the protein surface in the membrane domain is in fact much more hydrophobic than the protein core. While hydrophobic residues dominate the membrane domain, the interfacial regions of membrane proteins were found to be abundant in the small residues glycine, alanine, and serine, consistent with previous studies on membrane protein packing. Charged residues displayed nonsymmetric distributions with a preference for the intracellular interface. This effect was more prominent for Arg and Lys resulting in a direct confirmation of the positive inside rule. Potentials of mean force along the membrane normal were derived for each amino acid by fitting Gaussian functions to the residue distributions. The individual potentials agree well with experimental and theoretical considerations. The resulting implicit membrane potential was tested on various membrane proteins as well as single trans-membrane alpha-helices. All membrane proteins were found to be at an energy minimum when correctly inserted into the membrane. For alpha-helices both interfacial (i.e. surface bound) and inserted configurations were found to correspond to energy minima. The results demonstrate that the use of trans-membrane amino acid distributions to derive an implicit membrane representation yields meaningful residue potentials.  相似文献   

Measurements of thermal membrane potential across cation exchange membranes in MgCl2, CaCl2 and BaCl2 solutions and across anion exchange membranes in K2SO4, Na2SO4 and K2CO3 solutions were carried out. The magnitude of the thermal membrane potential for divalent counterions is lower than that for monovalent counterions. If the transport number of counterions in the membrane phase is unity, the slopes of the temperature coefficient of thermal membrane potential against logarithmic activities of counterion in the external solution are predicted to be--R/2F for 2-1 electrolytes with cation exchange membranes and R/2F for 1-2 electrolytes with anion exchange membranes, respectively.  相似文献   

We have studied by numerical stimulations the effects of varying external salt concentration on a multibarrier kinetic model of a synthetic membrane system bearing AChE and BSA. For certain parameters, we find a spiky high frequency modulation imposed on a bursting low frequency carrier. In the absence of added salt, oscillations with only one mode arise, consistent with the experimental result of Friboulet and Thomas. From this study, we suggest how periodic ionic permeability changes of ions may arise in excitable membranes.  相似文献   

The possible role of electrostatic interactions for membrane binding and pore formation of annexin V has been analysed on the basis of a simple dielectric model. It is suggested that the binding of phospholipids to annexin V is regulated, at least initially, by the protein's electrostatic potential. The calculations show that a strong local gradient of the electrostatic potential exists at the membrane-protein interface and a membrane pore may be generated by electroporation. The observed specificity and regulation of ion conduction is suggested to reside in the protein part of the pore. On the basis of the three-dimensional structures of the protein and its hypothetical membrane complex, and electrophysiological measurements, a mechanical model of the transmembrane voltage regulation of the annexin's ion conduction properties is proposed.  相似文献   

The mechanism of anionic pollutant removal in an ion exchange membrane bioreactor (IEMB) was studied for drinking water denitrification. This hybrid process combines continuous ion exchange transport (Donnan dialysis) of nitrate and its simultaneous bioreduction to gaseous nitrogen. A nonporous mono-anion permselective membrane precludes direct contact between the polluted water and the denitrifying culture and prevents secondary pollution of the treated water with dissolved nutrients and metabolic products. Complete denitrification may be achieved without accumulation of NO3(-) and NO2(-) ions in the biocompartment. Focus was given to the effect of the concentration of co-ions, counterions, and ethanol on the IEMB performance. The nitrate overall mass transfer coefficient in this hybrid process was found to be 2.8 times higher compared to that in a pure Donnan dialysis process without denitrification. Furthermore, by adjusting the ratio of co-ions between the biocompartment and the polluted water compartment, the magnitude and direction of each individual anion flux can be easily regulated, allowing for flexible process operation and control. Synthetic groundwater containing 135-350 mg NO3(-) L(-1) was treated in the IEMB system. A surface denitrification rate of 33 g NO3(-) per square meter of membrane per day was obtained at a nitrate loading rate of 360 g NO3(-) m(-3)d(-1), resulting in a nitrate removal efficiency of 85%.  相似文献   

Charged amino acids are known to be important in controlling the actions of integral and peripheral membrane proteins and cell disrupting peptides. Atomistic molecular dynamics studies have shed much light on the mechanisms of membrane binding and translocation of charged protein groups, yet the impact of the full diversity of membrane physico-chemical properties and topologies has yet to be explored. Here we have performed a systematic study of an arginine (Arg) side chain analog moving across saturated phosphatidylcholine (PC) bilayers of variable hydrocarbon tail length from 10 to 18 carbons. For all bilayers we observe similar ion-induced defects, where Arg draws water molecules and lipid head groups into the bilayers to avoid large dehydration energy costs. The free energy profiles all exhibit sharp climbs with increasing penetration into the hydrocarbon core, with predictable shifts between bilayers of different thickness, leading to barrier reduction from 26 kcal/mol for 18 carbons to 6 kcal/mol for 10 carbons. For lipids of 10 and 12 carbons we observe narrow transmembrane pores and corresponding plateaus in the free energy profiles. Allowing for movements of the protein and side chain snorkeling, we argue that the energetic cost for burying Arg inside a thin bilayer will be small, consistent with recent experiments, also leading to a dramatic reduction in pK(a) shifts for Arg. We provide evidence that Arg translocation occurs via an ion-induced defect mechanism, except in thick bilayers (of at least 18 carbons) where solubility-diffusion becomes energetically favored. Our findings shed light on the mechanisms of ion movement through membranes of varying composition, with implications for a range of charged protein-lipid interactions and the actions of cell-perturbing peptides. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Membrane protein structure and function.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the uptake of lipophilic cations tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+) into Candida albicans have been investigated to establish whether TPP+ can be used as a membrane potential probe for this yeast. A membrane potential (delta psi, negative inside) across the plasma membrane of C. albicans was indicated by the intracellular accumulation of TPP+. The steady-state distribution of TPP+ was reached within 60 min and varied according to the expected changes of delta psi. Agents known to depolarize membrane potential caused a rapid and complete efflux of accumulated TPP+. The initial influx of TPP+ was linear over a wide range of TPP+ concentrations (2.5-600 microM), indicating a non mediated uptake. Thus, TPP+ is a suitable delta psi probe for this yeast.  相似文献   

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