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Abstract. Sponge communities on inclined cliff surfaces (40°) at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Co. Cork, Ireland were sampled at five sites (four inside the lough and one on the adjacent Atlantic coast). Each site varied in sedimentation rate and flow regime. Sites ranged from turbulent (with negligible sedimentation) to very low flow (< 3 cm−1) and highly sedimented regimes. Sponge species showed variation between sites and depth. The greatest difference in sponge communities was observed between the most turbulent and most sedimented sites. The distinct zonation patterns, present at all sites, were most pronounced at the highly sedimented sites. Encrusting forms constituted a high proportion of the sponges at all sites. However encrusting species found at the turbulent site were different to those at the sedimented sites. Arborescent species were common, mainly at the sedimented sites within Lough Hyne. Distributions of sponge species are considered with respect to morphological adaptation, competition and physiological adaptation. The distributions of sponge species on inclined surfaces are also compared with those on vertical cliff faces.  相似文献   

The zonation of polychaetes down a vertical cliff (0–5 m in depth) at Cape Romito, Leghorn, Italy, was investigated. The structural organization of the community changed with depth. A community typical of photophilic environments was found in the superficial zone (0–2 m), while in the deeper zone (3–5 m), a more diversified community characterized by species typical of sciaphilic environments was present. At the surface (0 m) the community was very poor in species and individuals and thus probably corresponds to the midlittoral fringe. In fact, some species typical of the midlittoral zone were found. This distribution pattern was constant for samples taken in February and August 1985. The distribution of polychaetes was closely related to that found for macroalgae. It is hypothesized that algae condition the substratum and that this is the main factor responsible for the zonation of polychaetes.  相似文献   

We used an ordination approach to identify factors important to the organization of breeding bird communities in three floodplains: Cache River, Arkansas (AR), Iatt Creek, Louisiana (LA), and the Coosawhatchie River, South Carolina (SC), USA. We used 5-min point counts to sample birds in each study area each spring from 1995 to 1998, and measured ground-surface elevations and a suite of other habitat variables to investigate bird distributions and community characteristics in relation to important environmental gradients. In both AR and SC, the average number of Neotropical migrant species detected was lowest in semipermanently flooded Nyssa aquatica Linnaeus habitats and greatest in the highest elevation floodplain zone. Melanerpes carolinus Linnaeus, Protonotaria citrea Boddaert, Quiscalus quiscula Linnaeus, and other species were more abundant in N. aquatica habitats, whereas Wilsonia citrina Boddaert, Oporornis formosus Wilson, Vireo griseus Boddaert, and others were more abundant in drier floodplain zones. In LA, there were no significant differences in community metrics or bird species abundances among forest types. Canonical correspondence analyses revealed that structural development of understory vegetation was the most important factor affecting bird distributions in all three study areas; however, potential causes of these structural gradients differed. In AR and SC, differences in habitat structure were related to the hydrologic gradient, as indexed by ground-surface elevation. In LA, structural variations were related mainly to the frequency of canopy gaps. Thus, bird communities in all three areas appeared to be organized primarily in response to repeated localized disturbance. Our results suggest that regular disturbance due to flooding plays an important role in structuring breeding bird communities in floodplains subject to prolonged inundation, whereas other agents of disturbance (e.g., canopy gaps) may be more important in headwater systems subject to only short-duration flooding. Management for avian community integrity in these systems should strive to maintain forest zonation and natural disturbance regimes.  相似文献   

1. The vertical distribution of zooplankton results from active habitat choice aiming to optimise fitness gain in a system of trade‐offs. 2. Using large, controlled indoor mesocosms (Plön Plankton Towers), we monitored the behavioural response of Daphnia pulicaria to vertical gradients of temperature, food, oxygen and light, in the presence and absence of fish predation. 3. In the absence of fish, Daphnia distributed as predicted by an ideal ‘free distribution with costs’. If the food was distributed homogeneously, they stayed in the warm epilimnion, while they balanced their time dwelling in epi‐ and hypolimnion if the food was concentrated in a deep‐water maximum. 4. However, oxygen depletion in the hypolimnion, representing an additional cost, prevented Daphnia from completely exploiting the hypolimnetic food maximum. Consequently, the proportion dwelling in the hypolimnion was larger if oxygen was not limiting. 5. Fish predation had an overwhelming effect, driving Daphnia into the hypolimnion under all experimental conditions. If permitted by oxygen availability, Daphnia used the whole hypolimnion, but oxygen depletion reduced their possible habitat to the upper hypolimnion with oxygen concentrations above c. 0.7 mg L?1. As fish were less tolerant of low oxygen, the layer below the thermocline formed a predation refuge for Daphnia.  相似文献   

Climate is a major factor affecting the development and form of peatlands, as well as the distribution of individual bryophyte species. This paper examines the climatic and ecological gradients affecting the distribution of peatland types along a north-south gradient in the Mackenzie River Basin. Based on a TWINSPAN analysis of bryophyte abundance from 82 peatlands in the Mackenzie River Basin, seven peatland types, two with southerly geographical distributions are recognized. In the Mackenzie River Basin, such local factors as surface water chemistry, pH, and solute concentration as well as height above the water table play a significant role in determinining bryophyte species distributions. Climate is secondary. Amongst the climatic variables, precipitation, length of the growing season, and annual temperature are the most signifcant. The seven peatland groups are: widespread poor fens; peat plateaus with thermokarst pools, low-Boreal bogs; bogs and peat plateus without thermokarst pools; low-Boreal dry poor fens; wet moderate-rich fens; and wet extreme-rich fens.  相似文献   

The spatial variations in the densities of adult (>1 year old) musselsMytilus edulis L. in the Exe estuary, South-west England, are investigated in relation to six potentially significant environmental gradients; distance up-estuary and up-shore, substrate softness, mussel bed topography, bed area and proportion covered by algae. The most important correlate of mussel density was the up-shore gradient, as measured by exposure time; mussels were densest just below mid-tide level. The level of recruitment of spat mussels (O yr) to each bed depended on the densities of adults already present; more spat were recruited where adults were denser. Their subsequent mortality was strongly density dependent, with the numbers surviving the winter also being related to the density of adults. Hence the population as a whole was self-sustaining and densities on the individual beds were related to the up-shore gradient of exposure time. The question of how adult densities became established in the first place is therefore discussed. In former times, fishermen laid many mussel beds over the estuary and it is concluded that, once abandoned, only those placed at or below the mid-tide level survived.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the relationship of climate and physiography to species density and ecological diversity of North American mammals. Location North America, including Mexico and Central America. Methods Species density, size structure and trophic structure of mammalian faunas and nine environmental variables were documented for quadrats covering the entire continent. Spatial autocorrelation of species density and the environmental variables illustrated differences in their spatial structure at the continental scale. We used principal component analysis to reduce the dimensionality of the climatic variables, linear multiple regression to determine which environmental variables best predict species density for the continent and several regions of the continent, and canonical ordination to evaluate how well the environmental variables predict ecological structure of mammalian faunas over North America. Results In the best regression model, five environmental variables, representing seasonal extremes of temperature, annual energy and moisture, and elevation, predicted 88% of the variation in species density for the whole continent. Among different regions of North America, the environmental variables that predicted species density vary. Changes in the size and trophic structure of mammalian faunas accompany changes in species density. Redundancy analysis demonstrated that environmental variables representing winter temperature, frostfree period, potential and actual evapotranspiration, and elevation account for 77% of the variation in ecological structure. Main conclusions The latitudinal gradient in mammalian species density is strong, but most of it is explained by variation in the environmental variables. Each ecological category peaks in species richness under particular environmental conditions. The changes of greatest magnitude involve the smallest size categories (< 10 g, 11–100 g), aerial insectivores and frugivores. Species in these categories, mostly bats, increase along a gradient of decreasing winter temperature and increasing annual moisture and frostfree period, trends correlated with latitude. At the opposite end of this gradient, species in the largest size category (101–1000 kg) increase in frequency. Species in size categories 3 (101–1000 g), 5 (11–100 kg) and 6 (101–1000 kg), herbivores, and granivores increase along a longitudinal gradient of increasing annual potential evapotranspiration and elevation. Much of the spatial pattern is consistent with ecological sorting of species ranges along environmental gradients, but differential rates of speciation and extinction also may have shaped the ecological diversity of extant North American mammals.  相似文献   

Questions: What are the relative contributions of environmental factors and geographic distance to palm community structure at the mesoscale, and how do they depend on the length of the environmental gradient covered? How do soil and topography affect variation of the canopy and understory palm community structure at the mesoscale? How does fine‐scale variation within the broad edaphic/topographic classes affect palm community composition? Location: Reserva Ducke, terra‐firme forest, Manaus, Brazil. Methods: Palms were sampled in 72 plots 250 m × 4 m, systematically distributed over an area of 100 km2. Soil, topography and distance to watercourses were measured for all plots. The relationship between community structure axes, summarized by NMDS ordinations, and environmental predictors, was analysed with multivariate regressions. Matrix regressions were used to determine the proportions of variance explained by environmental and geographic predictors. Results: Floristic variation at the mesoscale was mostly related to environmental variation, and the proportion of variance explained depended on the amplitude of the environmental gradient. Soil was the main predictor of floristic change, but its effects differed between life forms, with the understory palm community structured within one of the edaphic/topographic classes, in association with distance to watercourses. Conclusions: Dispersal limitation does not explain palm composition at the mesoscale, and the amplitude of environmental gradients covered by the analysis can be as important as the scale of analysis, in determining the relative contributions of environmental and geographical components to community structure. Soil and topography can predict a large proportion of palm composition, but gradients differ in scale, with some environmental gradients being nested within others. Therefore, although all environmental gradients are nested within distance, they do not necessarily coincide.  相似文献   

Above- and belowground biomasses of grasslands are important parameters for characterizing re- gional and global carbon cycles in grassland ecosystems. Compared with the relatively detailed in- formation for aboveground biomass (AGB), belowground biomass (BGB) is poorly reported at the re- gional scales. The present study, based on a total of 113 sampling sites in temperate grassland of the Inner Mongolia, investigated regional distribution patterns of AGB, BGB, vertical distribution of roots, and their relationships with environmental factors. AGB and BGB increased from the southwest to the northeast of the study region. The largest biomass occurred in meadow steppe, with mean AGB and BGB of 196.7 and 1385.2 g/m2, respectively; while the lowest biomass occurred in desert steppe, with an AGB of 56.6 g/m2 and a BGB of 301.0 g/m2. In addition, about 47% of root biomass was distributed in the top 10 cm soil. Further statistical analysis indicated that precipitation was the primary determinant factor in shaping these distribution patterns. Vertical distribution of roots was significantly affected by precipitation, while the effects of soil texture and grassland types were weak.  相似文献   

Abstract. Comparisons of the positions of species on Grimes'C-S-R triangular ordination model with their responses to individual environmental gradients indicates that the C-S-R model does not necessarily predict species ecological behaviour. The importance of the stress, productivity and disturbance gradients relative to other environmental gradients needs to be determined. In studies of species behaviour along a biomass/productivity gradient the collective vegetation property, biomass, has been confused with the environmental factor, fertility. Patterns of responses to biomass gradients e.g. Keddy's centrifugal model, should be examined in a two-dimensional environmental space to avoid such confounding effects. Assumptions regarding the shapes of species responses to environmental gradients remain untested. A recent model of species response functions to environmental gradients suggested that skewed responses curves show a pattern in the direction of the skew, always with the tail towards the presumed most mesic position on the gradient. Further evidence is presented to support this model for a temperature gradient in eucalypt forest in south-eastern Australia. 21 out of 24 species tested conform to the model.  相似文献   

  • 1 A marked gradient in water transparency along the 75 km longitudinal axis of Lake le Roux, a fjord-like reservoir on the Orange River, South Africa, was consistently evident over several years. On average, Secchi depth transparency doubled from approximately 18 cm at the turbid upper end (which is fed by sediment-laden Orange River water discharged from Lake Verwoerd), to 33 cm near the dam wall. A variety of changes in abiotic limn logical attributes (temperature, light attenuation, suspended solids and nutrient levels, etc.), and in the abundance and composition of planktonic biota accompany, and may be imposed by, this turbidity gradient.
  • 2 On average, phytoplankton abundance (assessed as chlorophyll content), and total crustacean zooplankton biomass (per unit volume) were lowest at the very top of the lake, but reached maximal values within 15 km ‘downstream’, reflecting the rapid development of plankton. These variables subsequently declined downstream, in contrast to the apparent improvement in conditions for planktonic existence (increasing water transparency, longer water residence time, etc.).
  • 3 The composition of crustacean zooplankton varied along the length of the reservoir. Both seasonal and inter-annual differences were evident. On average, however, cladocerans (Daphnia, Moina), despite their r-selected attributes, were especially sparse in the more turbid, uppermost reaches, where advective effects of river inflows were most pronounced. The large predatory copepod Lovenula was surprisingly most abundant in this region, where potential planktonic curstacean prey was scarce. The attainment of maximal zooplankton standing slocks some 15 km downstream was attributable to the proliferation particularly of the herbivorous copepod Metadiaptomus, along with minor increases in several ctadoceran components. The latter continued to increase downstream, in line with declining turbidity, although Daphnia and Moina reached their respective abundance maxima in central and lower reaches of the reservoir, reflecting slight disparities in response to turbidity or related gradients. By contrast.

A study on the spatial distribution of two tenebrionids and an isopod species was conducted at a small extent. Two species of the genus Phaleria were chosen because of their sympatric distribution and apparently similar adaptations to the beach environment. These scavenger species were studied in association to Tylos europaeus. Distributions, both perpendicular and parallel to the shoreline, were studied simultaneously with a grid of 20 × 20 pitfall traps arranged at a distance of 1 m from each other. Faunal samples were collected at two different hours of the night and core samples of sand were taken next to each pitfall trap for successive laboratory analysis. An index of dispersion was applied to test for aggregation of all species and of environmental parameters on the total, across- and long-shore. Kolmogorov–Smirnov two-sample test was used to compare the distributions between species. Regression analyse were applied to evaluate relationships between environmental parameters and species distributions. The study showed that the distribution of Phaleria species and T. europaeus was scale-dependent. The species and the values of the environmental parameters showed aggregated distributions both across- and long-shore. Aggregations of each Phaleria species differed according to their resting and foraging phases. For all species, sand moisture and salinity were the most important parameters explaining distribution. Granulometric parameters were correlated with the choice of the resting areas of both Phaleria species, whereas the spatial distribution of T. europaeus was correlated to the distribution of the organic matter.  相似文献   

Variations in foliar stable carbon isotope signatures (δ13C) of different plant functional groups (PFGs) and their relationships with environmental factors in China were investigated in this meta‐analysis. There were some significant, but small differences in δ13C among PFGs categorised by life form (<1‰). Trees (?26.78‰) and shrubs (?26.89‰) had similar mean δ13C that were significantly higher than those of herbs (?27.49‰). Evergreen shrubs (?25.82‰) had significantly higher mean δ13C than deciduous shrubs (?26.92‰). Perennial herbs (?26.83‰) had significantly higher mean δ13C than annual herbs (?27.10‰). Grasses (?26.46‰) had significantly higher mean δ13C than forbs (?26.96‰). For pooled data, δ13C was significantly and negatively correlated with mean annual precipitation (MAP) and mean annual temperature (MAT), while it was significantly and positively correlated with latitude and altitude. There was a threshold value of MAP along the gradients, and δ13C did not change significantly with higher rainfall. The δ13C of PFGs changed with altitude, suggesting that increases in δ13C with altitude cannot be generalised. Differences in δ13C between PFGs were generally much <1‰ and therefore insignificant. In contrast, MAP and MAT had relatively large effects on δ13C (more than 4‰ between extremes). The δ13C of some PFGs responded to environmental gradients in the same manner, while their ‘rates’ of change were significantly different in some cases. This information could help predict potential changes in the distribution of PFGs in response to future climate change.  相似文献   

Aim We studied the temporal and spatial patterns in deforestation and community structure of mammals in a fragmented old‐growth, temperate rain forest to test the hypothesis that anthropogenic habitat conversion advances in a nonrandom manner across native landscapes, and that its effects on ecological communities are both persistent and predictable. Location The location is the Hood Canal district of Olympic National Forest, Washington, USA. Results Deforestation followed the apparently general pattern observed for deforestation of tropical rain forests and other native landscapes, advancing first along low and relatively level valleys, then to areas at higher elevations and along steeper slopes, and eventually to sites more distant from those of initial land conversion and transportation centres. Mammal surveys within this area indicated that this nonrandom advance of deforestation has created relatively steep geographical and topographic gradients in both local and landscape‐level factors and, ultimately, in the structure of mammalian communities. Conclusion The close and likely causal relationship between anthropogenic habitat loss and the ecological dynamics of mammalian communities and dependent species (e.g. spotted owls) indicates that our abilities to understand and eventually reduce the current extinction crisis may rely heavily on our understanding of, and abilities to modify, the manner in which we expand across and transform native landscapes.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of particle size and composition on seasonal changes in the sedimentation rate, suspended and sedimenting particles were collected from Trout Lake, Wisconsin, USA during the 2002 ice-free season. Particles were characterized with regard to particulate biogenic silicon (PBSi) concentration and distribution between four size classes. The concentration of particulate chlorophyll and chlorophyll degradation products was also measured in water column particles and sediment trap material collected during the first half of the sampling period. The highest rates of mass sedimentation during the stratified period were measured in spring and early summer. Seasonal increases in sedimentation are related to the presence of large colonial diatoms in the water column as indicated by elevated PBSi concentrations. The majority of particulate matter in the water column was found in the smallest (<20 m) size fraction while most of the mass of sediment trap material was in larger size fractions (>20 m). Smaller cells appear to carry out most of the photosynthesis in Trout Lake but larger cells are responsible for seasonal trends in sedimentation. These results may explain how pelagic photosynthesis and sedimentation rates can be quantitatively decoupled across a range of trophic conditions but appear correlated when based on mid-summer measurements.  相似文献   

Archaea play crucial roles in a number of key ecological processes including nitrification and methanogenesis. Although several studies have been conducted on these organisms, the roles and dynamics of coral reef archaeal communities are still poorly understood, particularly in host and nonhost biotopes and in high (HMA) and low microbial abundance (LMA) sponges. Here, archaeal communities detected in six distinct biotopes, namely, sediment, seawater and four different sponge species Stylissa carteri, Stylissa massa, Xestospongia testudinaria and Hyrtios erectus from the Spermonde Archipelago, SW Sulawesi, Indonesia were investigated using 454‐pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA genes (OTU cut‐off 97%). Archaeal communities from sediment and sponges were dominated by Crenarchaeota, while the seawater community was dominated by Euryarchaeota. The biotope explained almost 75% of the variation in archaeal composition, with clear separation between microbial assemblages from sediment, X. testudinaria and H. erectus (HMA). In contrast, samples from seawater and both Stylissa species (LMA) showed considerable overlap in the ordination and, furthermore, shared most abundant OTUs with the exception of a single dominant OTU specifically enriched in both Stylissa species. Predicted functional gene content in archaeal assemblages also revealed significant differences among biotopes. Different ammonia assimilation strategies were exhibited by the archaeal communities: X. testudinaria, H. erectus and sediment archaeal communities were enriched for glutamate dehydrogenase with mixed specificity (NAD(P)+) pathways, while archaeal planktonic communities were enriched for specific glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) and glutamate synthase pathways. Archaeal communities in Stylissa had intermediate levels of enrichment. Our results indicate that archaeal communities in different biotopes have distinct ecophysiological roles.  相似文献   

The feeding ecology of scarinine parrotfishes on tropical coral reefs has received considerable attention in the past few decades; nonetheless, relatively few studies have been conducted in high-latitude reefs. Among the Indo-Pacific Scarus species, Scarus ovifrons is unique, being largely restricted to the warm temperate waters of Japan. Nonetheless, there is very little information available on the feeding ecology of this species. In this study, the authors used acoustic telemetry to detect the diel vertical movement patterns of S. ovifrons, video survey to detect its feeding depths and substrata and focal follow survey and genetic analysis to identify algae composition on the feeding scars at Kashiwajima Island, southwestern Japan (32° 46′ N, 132° 38′ E). Acoustic telemetry revealed that S. ovifrons spent most of its time in shallow water (<10 m) during the day and slept in deeper water (10–15 m) at night. Video and focal follow surveys revealed that most fishes of various sizes regularly took bites on epilithic algae and detrital materials on rocky substrata at depths of <10 m, but large fishes (>40 cm total length) sometimes took bites directly on live corals (Acropora solitaryensis) at the 5 m depth zone where live tabular corals dominated the benthos. Molecular phylogenetic analyses revealed that epilithic algae collected from feeding scars were mainly composed of Rhodophyta, and coralline algae were less often targeted. Overall, this study revealed that S. ovifrons feeds mostly at depths <10 m, and the feeding algae substrata of the species are similar to those of tropical coral reef parrotfishes.  相似文献   

Aim South‐eastern Australia is a climate change hotspot with well‐documented recent changes in its physical marine environment. The impact on and temporal responses of the biota to change are less well understood, but appear to be due to influences of climate, as well as the non‐climate related past and continuing human impacts. We attempt to resolve the agents of change by examining major temporal and distributional shifts in the fish fauna and making a tentative attribution of causal factors. Location Temperate seas of south‐eastern Australia. Methods Mixed data sources synthesized from published accounts, scientific surveys, spearfishing and angling competitions, commercial catches and underwater photographic records, from the ‘late 1800s’ to the ‘present’, were examined to determine shifts in coastal fish distributions. Results Forty‐five species, representing 27 families (about 30% of the inshore fish families occurring in the region), exhibited major distributional shifts thought to be climate related. These are distributed across the following categories: species previously rare or unlisted (12), with expanded ranges (23) and/or abundance increases (30), expanded populations in south‐eastern Tasmania (16) and extra‐limital vagrants (4). Another 9 species, representing 7 families, experienced longer‐term changes (since the 1800s) probably due to anthropogenic factors, such as habitat alteration and fishing pressure: species now extinct locally (3), recovering (3), threatened (2) or with remnant populations (1). One species is a temporary resident periodically recruited from New Zealand. Of fishes exhibiting an obvious poleward movement, most are reef dwellers from three Australian biogeographic categories: widespread southern, western warm temperate (Flindersian) or eastern warm temperate (Peronian) species. Main conclusions Some of the region's largest predatory reef fishes have become extinct in Tasmanian seas since the ‘late 1800s’, most likely as a result of poor fishing practices. In more recent times, there have been major changes in the distribution patterns of Tasmanian fishes that correspond to dramatic warming observed in the local marine environment.  相似文献   

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