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More is known about the regulation of early developmental events in Drosophila than any other animal. In addition, its size and short life cycle make it a facile experimental system. Since developmental perturbations have been demonstrated when both oogenesis and embryogenesis occur in the space environment, there is a strong rationale for using this organism for the elucidation of specific gravity-sensitive developmental events.  相似文献   



Recent research supports that aggregation of islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP) leads to cell death and this makes islet amyloid a plausible cause for the reduction of beta cell mass, demonstrated in patients with type 2 diabetes. IAPP is produced by the beta cells as a prohormone, and proIAPP is processed into IAPP by the prohormone convertases PC1/3 and PC2 in the secretory granules. Little is known about the pathogenesis for islet amyloid and which intracellular mechanisms are involved in amyloidogenesis and induction of cell death.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We have established expression of human proIAPP (hproIAPP), human IAPP (hIAPP) and the non-amyloidogenic mouse IAPP (mIAPP) in Drosophila melanogaster, and compared survival of flies with the expression driven to different cell populations. Only flies expressing hproIAPP in neurons driven by the Gal4 driver elavC155,Gal4 showed a reduction in lifespan whereas neither expression of hIAPP or mIAPP influenced survival. Both hIAPP and hproIAPP expression caused formation of aggregates in CNS and fat body region, and these aggregates were both stained by the dyes Congo red and pFTAA, both known to detect amyloid. Also, the morphology of the highly organized protein granules that developed in the fat body of the head in hIAPP and hproIAPP expressing flies was characterized, and determined to consist of 15.8 nm thick pentagonal rod-like structures.


These findings point to a potential for Drosophila melanogaster to serve as a model system for studies of hproIAPP and hIAPP expression with subsequent aggregation and developed pathology.  相似文献   

Understanding the causes of aging is a complex problem due to the multiple factors that influence aging, which include genetics, environment, metabolism and reproduction, among others. These multiple factors create logistical difficulties in the evaluation of anti-aging agents. There is a need for good model systems to evaluate potential anti-aging compounds. The model systems used should represent the complexities of aging in humans, so that the findings may be extrapolated to human studies, but they should also present an opportunity to minimize the variables so that the experimental results can be accurately interpreted. In addition to positively affecting lifespan, the impact of the compound on the physiologic confounders of aging, including fecundity and the health span-the period of life where an organism is generally healthy and free from serious or chronic illness-of the model organism needs to be evaluated. Fecundity is considered a major confounder of aging in fruit flies. It is well established that female flies that are exposed to toxic substances typically reduce their dietary intake and their reproductive output and display an artifactual lifespan extension. As a result, drugs that achieve longevity benefits by reducing fecundity as a result of diminished food intake are probably not useful candidates for eventual treatment of aging in humans and should be eliminated during the screening process.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the toxic effects of aluminum (A1) on the model organism-Drosophila melanogaster. The study is especially concerned with the effects of aluminum on the fruit fly's development, life span, and circadian rhythm in rest and activity. Flies were exposed to aluminum in concentrations from 40 to 280 mg/kg in rearing media or the flies were raised on control medium. Moreover, the life span of insects exposed to aluminum containing 40, 120, or 240 mg/kg of A1 in the medium, only during their larval development, during the whole life cycle and only in their adult life was tested. To check if aluminum and aging cause changes in D. melanogaster behavior, the locomotor activity of flies at different ages was recorded. Results showed that aluminum is toxic in concentrations above 160 mg/kg in the rearing medium. Depending on A1 concentration and time of exposure, the life span of the flies was shortened. At intermediate concentrations (120 mg/kg), however, A1 had a stimulating effect on males increasing their life span and level of locomotor activity. At higher concentration the aluminum exposure increased or decreased the level of locomotor activity ofD. melanogaster depending on age of flies. In addition, in the oldest insects reared on aluminum supplemented media and in mid-aged flies reared on the highest concentration of A1 the daily rhythm of activity was disrupted.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1596-1602
Long-chain fatty acid amides are cell-signaling lipids identified in mammals and, recently, in invertebrates, as well. Many details regarding fatty acid amide metabolism remain unclear. Herein, we demonstrate that Drosophila melanogaster is an excellent model system for the study long-chain fatty acid amide metabolism as we have quantified the endogenous levels of N-acylglycines, N-acyldopamines, N-acylethanolamines, and primary fatty acid amides by LC/QTOF-MS. Growth of D. melanogaster on media supplemented with [1-13C]-palmitate lead to a family of 13C-palmitate-labeled fatty acid amides in the fly heads. The [1-13C]-palmitate feeding studies provide insight into the biosynthesis of the fatty acid amides.  相似文献   

Presently there are no good assays for comparing somatic mutation frequencies and spectra between different vertebrate and invertebrate organisms. Here we describe a new lacZ mutation reporter system in D. melanogaster, which complements existing systems in the mouse. The results obtained with the new model indicate two-to threefold higher frequencies of spontaneous mutations than in the mouse, with most of the mutations characterized as large genome rearrangements.  相似文献   

Drosophila oogenesis is a complex developmental process involving the coordinated differentiation of germ line and somatic cells. Correct execution and timing of cell fate specification and patterning events is achieved during this process by the integration of different cell-cell signalling pathways, eventually leading to the generation of positional information inside the oocyte, that is instrumental for the establishment of embryonic polarity. The large body of data accumulated at both cellular and molecular levels in the last decade clearly demonstrated how Drosophila oogenesis is a genetically tractable system particularly suited for the investigation of key developmental biology questions. Our recent contribution to the field relies on the characterisation of three different mutants named tegamino (teg), hold hup (hup) and tulipano (tip), identifying novel gene functions required during oogenesis. Specifically, teg is implicated in the morphogenesis of the follicular epithelium surrounding the germ line cells in the egg chamber, hup is involved in the establishment of egg chamber polarity and tip in the regulation of the dynamic germ cell chromatin organisation.  相似文献   

Animal studies have been instrumental in providing knowledge about the molecular and neural mechanisms underlying drug addiction. Recently, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has become a valuable system to model not only the acute stimulating and sedating effects of drugs but also their more complex rewarding properties. In this review, we describe the advantages of using the fly to study drug-related behavior, provide a brief overview of the behavioral assays used, and review the molecular mechanisms and neural circuits underlying drug-induced behavior in flies. Many of these mechanisms have been validated in mammals, suggesting that the fly is a useful model to understand the mechanisms underlying addiction.  相似文献   

We describe a graphical model of interlocus coevolution used to distinguish between the interlocus sexual conflict that leads to sexually antagonistic coevolution, and the intrinsic conflict over mating rate that is an integral part of traditional models of sexual selection. We next distinguish the 'laboratory island' approach from the study of both inbred lines and laboratory populations that are newly derived from nature, discuss why we consider it to be one of the most fitting forms of laboratory analysis to study interlocus sexual conflict, and then describe four experiments using this approach with Drosophila melanogaster. The first experiment evaluates the efficacy of the laboratory model system to study interlocus sexual conflict by comparing remating rates of females when they are, or are not, provided with a spatial refuge from persistent male courtship. The second experiment tests for a lag-load in males that is due to adaptations that have accumulated in females, which diminish male-induced harm while simultaneously interfering with a male's ability to compete in the context of sexual selection. The third and fourth experiments test for a lag-load in females owing to direct costs from their interactions with males, and for the capacity for indirect benefits to compensate for these direct costs.  相似文献   

Summary An apparatus has been made for the automatic selection of Drosophila for body size, operating on the principle of a fractionating sieve. The measurements of individual flies by this method were approximately normally distributed and the repeatability of measurements on successive days was 0.5. A two-way selection experiment for this character was carried out with two replicates for ten generations. The realised heritability for the measured score was 0.14±0.02 for high score and 0.20±0.02 when it was for low score. The correlated response in body weight was asymmetrical, the change downwards being much greater than that upwards. There was a clear divergence in activity measurements between the lines selected in the two directions but no clear trends in fertility. Examination of the selected lines after eleven generations showed that the relationship between score and body weight was clearly different in the lines selected in the two directions and was non-linear in both.It is suggested that the response in activity observed as a consequence of selection for score is partly due to the direct response for activity and partly to a correlated response because of a negative genetic correlation between body size and activity. The observed non-linear relationship between score and body weight observed within generations may be a direct cause of the asymmetry of direct and correlated responses which may also have a parallel in other situations.  相似文献   

The development of the tracheal system of Drosophila melanogaster represents a paradigm for studying the molecular mechanisms involved in the formation of a branched tubular network. Tracheogenesis has been characterized at the morphological, cellular and genetic level and a series of successive, but linked events have been described as the basis for the formation of the complex network of tubules which extend over the entire organism. Tracheal cells stop to divide early in the process of tracheogenesis and the formation of the interconnected network requires highly controlled cell migration events and cell shape changes. A number of genes involved in these two processes have been identified but in order to obtain a more complete view of branching morphogenesis, many more genes carrying essential functions have to be isolated and characterized. Here, we provide a progress report on our attempts to identify further genes expressed in the tracheal system. We show that empty spiracles (ems), a head gap gene, is required for the formation of a specific tracheal branch, the visceral branch. We also identified a Sulfotransferase and a Multiple Inositol Polyphosphate phosphatase that are strongly upregulated in tracheal cells and discuss their possible involvement in tracheal development.  相似文献   

Summary An ultrastructural study was made of the ring canal system which connects the sister ovarian cystocytes that arise in the germaria of wild type Drosophila melanogaster females. It was discovered that during an oogonial mitosis both chromosomes and spindle are enclosed by a multilayered, perforated membrane system derived (at least in part) from the nuclear envelope. The cytokinesis of stem line oogonia takes place through the formation of a cleavage furrow. A second method of formation of plasma membrane is found in the case of cystocytes. It involves the production along the plane of division of a plaque of interconnected vesicles and tubules and later the coalescence of nearby tubules to form continuous sheets of membrane which segregate the cytoplasms of the sister cells. However, these remain connected by a canal which is enclosed by a ring-shaped rim that is completed prior to the plasma membrane to which the rim is subsequently attached. It is postulated that the rim represents a transformed midbody. As development proceeds the canal becomes wider, its rim becomes thicker, and the inner circumference of the rim becomes coated with a thick deposit having different cytochemical properties than the rim itself. Cystocyte divisions produce sister cells which differ in that one receives all previously formed canals; the other none. In the case of the last division (and perhaps in earlier ones as well) the sister cell receiving all previously formed canals also receives more cytoplasm than its sister. As the cells of the cluster grow, the canals remain close together. This finding suggests that when new plasma membrane is synthesized, it is added in areas remote from the canals. An investigation of the positioning in three dimensions of the fifteen canals of a newly formed, 16 cellcluster suggests that the spindles produced at one division are never parallel to those formed at the subsequent division. This continual shifting of the axes of the spindles at consecutive divisions presumably results in the branching chains of cells which characterize a cystocyte cluster. The possession of a unique pattern of cortical structures by two cystocytes is accompanied by the nuclear synthesis of synaptonemal complexes. The other fourteen cystocytes differentiate into nurse cells. In the most posterior portion of the germarium one of the two potential oocytes switches to the nurse cell developmental pathway. This switched off oocyte and the definitive oocyte grow at rates which differ greatly and are correlated to the amount of contact between their surfaces and certain follicle cells. As development proceeds centrioles accumulate in the oocyte, and most of these are thought to have been carried from the nurse cells into the oocyte in the nutrient stream.The authors are grateful to Richard Z. Belch and James E. Bradof for their conscientious assistance and to E. John Pfiffner for preparation of the inked drawings and construction of the Polyform models. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation grant GB7457.  相似文献   

Correlated responses to artificial selection on body size in Drosophila melanogaster were investigated, to determine how the changes in size were produced during development. Selection for increased thorax length was associated with an increase in larval development time, an extended growth period, no change in growth rate, and an increased critical larval weight for pupariation. Selection for reduced thorax length was associated with reduced growth rate, no change in duration of larval development and a reduced critical larval weight for pupariation. In both lines selected for thorax length and lines selected for wing area, total body size changed in the same direction as the artificially selected trait. In large selection lines of both types, the increase in size was achieved almost entirely by an increase in cell number, while in the small lines the decrease in size was achieved predominantly by reduced cell size, and also by a reduction in cell number. The implications of the results for evolutionary-genetic change in body size in nature are discussed.  相似文献   

Pheromonal communication is crucial with regard to mate choice in many animals including insects. Drosophila melanogaster flies produce a pheromonal bouquet with many cuticular hydrocarbons some of which diverge between the sexes and differently affect male courtship behavior. Cuticular pheromones have a relatively high weight and are thought to be -- mostly but not only -- detected by gustatory contact. However, the response of the peripheral and central gustatory systems to these substances remains poorly explored. We measured the effect induced by pheromonal cuticular mixtures on (i) the electrophysiological response of peripheral gustatory receptor neurons, (ii) the calcium variation in brain centers receiving these gustatory inputs and (iii) the behavioral reaction induced in control males and in mutant desat1 males, which show abnormal pheromone production and perception. While male and female pheromones induced inhibitory-like effects on taste receptor neurons, the contact of male pheromones on male fore-tarsi elicits a long-lasting response of higher intensity in the dedicated gustatory brain center. We found that the behavior of control males was more strongly inhibited by male pheromones than by female pheromones, but this difference disappeared in anosmic males. Mutant desat1 males showed an increased sensitivity of their peripheral gustatory neurons to contact pheromones and a behavioral incapacity to discriminate sex pheromones. Together our data indicate that cuticular hydrocarbons induce long-lasting inhibitory effects on the relevant taste pathway which may interact with the olfactory pathway to modulate pheromonal perception.  相似文献   

Recent findings concerning Drosophila melanogaster intestinal pathology suggest that this model is well suited for the study of intestinal stem cell physiology during aging, stress and infection. Despite the physiological divergence between vertebrates and insects, the modeling of human intestinal diseases is possible in Drosophila because of the high degree of conservation between Drosophila and mammals with respect to the signaling pathways that control intestinal development, regeneration and disease. Furthermore, the genetic amenability of Drosophila makes it an advantageous model species. The well-studied intestinal stem cell lineage, as well as the tools available for its manipulation in vivo, provide a promising framework that can be used to elucidate many aspects of human intestinal pathology. In this Perspective, we discuss recent advances in the study of Drosophila intestinal infection and pathology, and briefly review the parallels and differences between human and Drosophila intestinal regeneration and disease.  相似文献   

黄云鹏  周兵 《生命科学》2012,(8):927-938
微量金属参与了生物体许多化学反应过程,同时也可作为蛋白质的辅基或辅因子起作用,对机体生长发育以及正常生物功能的维持具有重要作用;微量金属元素的代谢失衡与生物体许多疾病密切相关,如威尔森氏病、门克斯病、铁色素沉积、肠变性皮炎以及一些神经退行性疾病。黑腹果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)是遗传背景清楚、生活周期短、操作方便的模式生物,利用果蝇研究金属离子代谢以及金属离子代谢与疾病的联系具有独特的优势,近年来,随着果蝇基因组测序的完成以及许多转基因果蝇株的建立,果蝇也越来越多的用于金属离子代谢的研究。介绍了近年来果蝇在金属离子代谢研究领域的进展,以及其与神经退行性疾病关系研究上的一些应用。  相似文献   

Ethanol is an important larval resource and toxin for natural Drosophila melanogaster populations, and ethanol tolerance is genetically variable within and among populations. If ethanol‐tolerant genotypes have relatively low fitness in the absence of ethanol, as suggested by the results of an earlier study, genetic variation for ethanol tolerance could be maintained by variation in ethanol levels among breeding sites. I selected for ethanol tolerance in large laboratory populations by maintaining flies on ethanol‐supplemented media. After 90 generations, the populations were compared with control populations in egg‐to‐adult survival and development rate on ethanol‐supplemented and unsupplemented food. When compared on ethanol‐supplemented food, the ethanol‐selected populations had higher survival and faster development than the control populations, but on unsupplemented food, the populations did not differ in either trait. These results give no evidence for a ‘trade‐off’ between the ability to survive and develop rapidly in the presence of ethanol and the ability to do so in its absence. The effect of physiological induction of ethanol tolerance by exposing eggs to ethanol was also investigated; exposing eggs to ethanol strongly increased subsequent larval survival on ethanol‐supplemented food, but did not affect survival on regular food, and slowed development on both ethanol‐supplemented and regular food, partly by delaying egg hatch.  相似文献   

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