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Synthesis of the low molecular weight heat shock proteins in plants   总被引:18,自引:11,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
Mansfield MA  Key JL 《Plant physiology》1987,84(4):1007-1017
Heat shock of living tissue induces the synthesis of a unique group of proteins, the heat shock proteins. In plants, the major group of heat shock proteins has a molecular mass of 15 to 25 kilodaltons. Accumulation of these proteins to stainable levels has been reported in only a few species. To examine accumulation of the low molecular weight heat shock proteins in a broader range of species, two-dimensional electrophoresis was used to resolve total protein from the following species: soybean (Glycine max L. Merr., var Wayne), pea (Pisum sativum L., var Early Alaska), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), rice (Oryza sativa L., cv IR-36), maize (Zea mays L.), pearl millet (Pennisetum americanum L. Leeke, line 23DB), and Panicum miliaceum L. When identified by both silver staining and incorporation of radiolabel, a diverse array of low molecular weight heat shock proteins was synthesized in each of these species. These proteins accumulated to significant levels after three hours of heat shock but exhibited considerable heterogeneity in isoelectric point, molecular weight, stainability, and radiolabel incorporation. Although most appeared to be synthesized only during heat shock, some were detectable at low levels in control tissue. Compared to the monocots, a higher proportion of low molecular weight heat shock proteins was detectable in control tissues from dicots.  相似文献   

Mansfield MA  Key JL 《Plant physiology》1988,86(4):1240-1246
Previous analyses of the distribution of heat shock (hs) proteins in soybean (Glycine max L. Merr., var Wayne) have demonstrated that a fraction of the low molecular weight hs protein associates with ribosomes during hs. To more specifically characterize the nature of this association, isokinetic centrifugation of ribosomes through sucrose gradients was used to separate monosomes from polysomes. The present analysis demonstrated that hs proteins were bound to polysomes but not monosomes. Treatment of polysomes with puromycin, K+, and Mg2+, which caused dissociation of ribosomes into 40S and 60S subunits, also caused dissociation of the hs proteins. Using the procedure of Nover et al. (1983, Mol. Cell Biol, 3: 1628-1655), a hs granule fraction was also isolated. As in tomato cells, hs granules from soybean seedlings contained the low molecular weight hs proteins as a primary component and a number of other non-hs proteins of relative molecular mass 30 to 40 kilodaltons and 70 to 90 kilodaltons. On metrizamide gradients they exhibited a buoyant density of 1.20 to 1.21 grams per cubic centimeter, typical of ribonucleoprotein particles. Heat shock granules were characterized as unique cytoplasmic particles based on protein composition and buoyant density. Isopycnic centrifugation of ribosome preparations demonstrated that they contained hs granules, but the hs proteins bound to polysomes were not released by KCI/EDTA treatment. Thus, the polysome-bound hs proteins and the granule-bound hs proteins appear to represent two distinct populations of hs proteins in the cytoplasm. Heat shock granules were not distinguishable from ribosomes at the level of resolution used in transmission electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Summary Localization of heat shock proteins (Hsp) in endomembranes and determination of whether they are integral or peripheral membrane proteins will aid in understanding the physiological function of the heat shock response. Radiolabeled endomembranes (endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi, and plasma membrane), obtained by sucrose gradient centrifugation of heat-shocked soybean (Glycine max L.) root tissue were solubilized and the polypeptides separated by two-dimensional IEF-SDS-PAGE. Autoradiography revealed three groups of Hsp. A diverse group fo 25 low mol wt Hsp (18 to 24 kDa) with isoelectric point (pI) between 5 and 7; an intermediate mol wt group (30 to 47 kDa) with pI of 5.5 to 6.0; and a group of two high mol wt Hsp (75 to 80 kDa) with pI 4.8 to 5.2. The plasma membrane fraction lacked the Hsp pair of 47 kDa detected in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi fractions but possessed a unique Hsp of 30 kDa, pI 5.5.Comparison of soluble and microsome fractions revealed a difference in the pattern of the low mol wt Hsp class. The soluble fraction contained Hsp of 16–20 kDa with pI between 5 and 7.8 while the microsome fraction was characterized by Hsp of 18–24 kDa with pI between 5.8 and 6.5.The microsomal Hsp were not released by 1 M KCl. Treatment of the microsome fraction with Triton X-100 selectively released several Hsp, and Na2CO3 treatment removed additional Hsp from the membrane fraction.Abbreviations Hsp heat-shock protein(s) - GA Golgi apparatus - PM plasma membrane - 2 D two-dimensional  相似文献   

Five protease inhibitors, I--V, in the molecular weight range 7000--8000 were purified from Tracy soybeans by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration on Sephadex G-100 and G-75, and column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. In common with previously described trypsin inhibitors from legumes, I--V have a high content of half-cystine and lack tryptophan. By contrast with other legume inhibitors, inhibitor II contains 3 methionine residues. Isoelectric points range from 6.2 to 4.2 in order from inhibitor I to V. Molar ratios (inhibitor/enzyme) for 50% trypsin inhibition are I = 4.76, II = 1.32, III = 3.22, IV = 2.17, V = 0.97. Only V inhibit chymotrypsin significantly (molar ratio = 1.33 for 50% inhibition). The sequence of the first 16 N-terminal amino acid residued of inhibitor V is identical to that of the Bowman-Birk inhibitor; all other observations also indicate that inhibitor V and Bowman-Birk are identical. The first 20 N-terminal amino acid residues of inhibitor II show high homology to those of Bowman-Birk inhibitor, differing by 1 deletion and 5 substitutions. Immunological tests show that inhibitors I through IV are fully cross-reactive with each other but are distinct from inhibitor V.  相似文献   

Closely related non-tuberculous mycobacterial species, Mycobacterium avium and Mycobacterium intracellulare, were compared for the profiles of their production of low molecular mass heat shock proteins at 45 degrees C, by performing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of bacterial cell lysate proteins. All of the M. intracellulare but not M. avium strains potently increased the production of the 18-kDa heat shock protein, when cultured at 45 degrees C. Half of the M. intracellulare strains with high sensitivity to 45 degrees C produced not only the 18-kDa heat shock protein but also the 16-kDa heat shock protein at 45 degrees C. These findings indicate that M. avium and M. intracellulare differentially respond to 45 degrees C heat shock in terms of the production of low molecular mass heat shock proteins.  相似文献   

Three cDNA clones (GmHSP23.9, GmHSP22.3, and GmHSP22.5) representing three different members of the low-molecular-weight (LMW) heat shock protein (HSP) gene superfamily were isolated and characterized. A fourth cDNA clone, pFS2033, was partially characterized previously as a full-length genomic clone GmHSP22.0. The deduced amino acid sequences of all four cDNA clones have the conserved carboxyl-terminal LMW HSP domain. Sequence and hydropathy analyses of GmHSP22, GmHSP22.3, and GmHSP22.5, representing HSPs in the 20 to 24 kDa range, indicate they contain amino-terminal signal peptides. The mRNAs from GmHSP22, GmHSP22.3, and GmHSP22.5 were preferentially associated in vivo with endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-bound polysomes. GmHSP22 and GmHSP22.5 encode strikingly similar proteins; they are 78% identical and 90% conserved at the amino acid sequence level, and both possess the C-terminal tetrapeptide KQEL which is similar to the consensus ER retention motif KDEL; the encoded polypeptides can be clearly resolved from each other by two-dimensional gel analysis of their hybrid-arrest translation products. GmHSP22.3 is less closely related to GmHSP22 (48% identical and 70% conserved) and GmHSP22.5 (47% identical and 65% conserved). The fourth cDNA clone, GmHSP23.9, encodes a HSP of ca. 24kDa with an amino terminus that has characteristics of some mitochondrial transit sequences, and in contrast to GmHSP22, GmHSP22.3, and GmHSP22.5, the corresponding mRNA is preferentially associated in vivo with free polysomes. It is proposed that the LMW HSP gene superfamily be expanded to at least six classes to include a mitochondrial class and an additional endomembrane class of LMW HSPs.  相似文献   

核仁应激损伤与热休克蛋白研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
核仁作为细胞核糖体生物合成的场所,在细胞的增殖、分化,以及衰老等生命活动中发挥重要作用。多种应激原可导致核仁结构及功能损伤。应激状态下,多种热休克蛋白向核仁移位以保护核仁损伤。深入探讨应激状态下核仁损伤及热休克蛋白保护核仁损伤的分子机制,是细脆生物学研究的重要内容。  相似文献   

Accumulation of class I small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) is induced by the proline analog, azetidine-2-carboxylic acid (Aze) in soybean seedlings to a level similar to that induced by exposure to 40 degrees C. However, only the treatment with 10 mM Aze for 6 h and subsequently with 10 mM proline for 24 h protected the seedlings from damage during subsequent exposure to 45 degrees C as assessed by 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining. A chaperone activity assay showed that the purified class I sHSPs induced by Aze were functional in vitro and protected proteins from thermal denaturation. Amino acid composition analysis indicated that Aze was not incorporated into de novo synthesized class I sHSPs. Accumulation of class I sHSPs in the soluble post-ribosomal supernatant fraction was found to be important for acquisition of thermotolerance. We suggest that both the accumulation of class I sHSPs and their presence in the soluble fraction are important for establishment of thermotolerance.  相似文献   

The difference sedimentation velocity technique reported by Kirschner and Schachman (1971, Biochemistry10, 1900–1919) has been modified to eliminate the need for a supernatant region. The method is now applicable to the measurement of small changes in sedimentation coefficient for low molecular weight proteins and other small macromolecules. Procedural changes necessary to overcome the absence of a supernatant region until late in the run have been devised and tested. A modified double-sector centerpiece was used to match the radial positions of the two menisci. The integration of the moment of the concentration difference was carried out from the meniscus to the plateau region, rather than over the peak only. The interference baseline was measured on photographs at the start of each run and after remixing. Some instability of baseline height was noted. The calculation method adjusted the baseline height to correspond with the concentration difference in the plateau region arising from unequal radial dilution. Tests of the method have been made using D2O to retard the sedimentation of lysozyme. The interference results at low D2O concentration (small values of Δs) are in agreement with schlieren results at high D2O concentrations. Changes of 0.005 S have been detected.  相似文献   

Nemerteans experience varying environmental temperatures during low tide exposures. Inducible heat shock proteins (hsps) have been reported for most organisms following both artificial heat stress and natural environmental temperature variations. This preliminary study reports the presence of hsps in the phylum Nemertea. A lethal temperature of 36 °C was determined for Paranemertes peregrina Coe, 1901. The nemerteans were exposed to a temperature of 34 °C for 2 h. After a 2 h recovery time, the worms were then analyzed for hsps by SDS–PAGE and western immunoblot protocols. Control worms were allowed to acclimate to ambient temperatures (13–15 °C) before hsp analysis. Hsp70 and hsp90 were detected in both the control and heat-shocked worms in highly variable concentrations, and the latter group had significantly elevated hsp70 levels. In addition, the analysis detected different isoforms of hsp70. The detection of hsps indicates a possible role in nemertean physiology during response to thermal stress, and potentially to other environmental challenges.  相似文献   

TorsinA, a protein with homology to yeast heat shock protein104, has previously been demonstrated to colocalize with alpha-synuclein in Lewy bodies, the pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease. Heat shock proteins are a family of chaperones that are both constitutively expressed and induced by stressors, and that serve essential functions for protein refolding and/or degradation. Here, we demonstrate that, like torsinA, specific molecular chaperone heat shock proteins colocalize with alpha-synuclein in Lewy bodies. In addition, using a cellular model of alpha-synuclein aggregation, we demonstrate that torsinA and specific heat shock protein molecular chaperones colocalize with alpha-synuclein immunopositive inclusions. Further, overexpression of torsinA and specific heat shock proteins suppress alpha-synuclein aggregation in this cellular model, whereas mutant torsinA has no effect. These data suggest that torsinA has chaperone-like activity and that the disease-associated GAG deletion mutant has a loss-of-function phenotype. Moreover, these data support a role for chaperone proteins, including torsinA and heat shock proteins, in cellular responses to neurodegenerative inclusions.  相似文献   

Isolation of low molecular weight actin-binding proteins from porcine brain   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Three new actin-binding proteins having molecular weights of 26,000, 21,000, and 19,000 were isolated from porcine brain by DNase I affinity column chromatography. These proteins were released from the DNase I column by elution with a solution of high ionic strength. They were further purified by column chromatographies using hydroxyapatite, phosphocellulose, and Sephadex G-75. All of these actin-binding proteins behaved as monomeric particles in the gel filtration chromatography. After elution of the three actin-binding proteins, actin and profilin were recovered from the DNase I column with 2 M urea solution. The eluted was further purified by a cycle of polymerization and depolymerization and finally by gel filtration. Little difference in polymerizability was detected between the purified brain actin and muscle actin. After sedimentation of the polymerized brain actin, profilin was purified by DEAE-cellulose and gel filtration column chromatographies. In the assay of the action of these actin-binding proteins, the 26K protein was found to cause a large decrease in the rate of actin polymerization, while showing little effect on the extent of polymerization. The 21K protein decreased the steady-state viscosity of actin solution in a concentration-dependent manner irrespective of whether it was added before or after actin polymerization. It reacted with actin at a 1:1 molar ratio.  相似文献   

Heat shock and the heat shock proteins.   总被引:23,自引:2,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文

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