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Processing of crayfish hemocyanin subunits into phenoloxidase   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hemocyanin and phenoloxidase are both copper-binding proteins involved in the immune system for a wide range of animal species. In crayfish, these proteins were purified and characterized from plasma and hemocytes, respectively. Recently, we have reported that the processing of one of the hemocyanin subunits occurs by a proteolytic cleavage under acidic conditions which results in the release of an antibacterial peptide designated as astacidin 1 from the C-terminus [J. Biol. Chem. 278 (2003) 7927]. In the present paper, we show that cleavage of crayfish hemocyanin subunit 2 at the N-terminal part results in that the processed hemocyanin exhibits phenoloxidase activity. The calculated mass of the cloned hemocyanin 2 is 78,372Da, which corresponds to the size obtained after SDS-PAGE under reducing conditions of the purified hemocyanin and pI is estimated to be 5.70. The complete hemocyanin 2 sequence shows 74% and 44% similarity with hemocyanin 1 and prophenoloxidase of crayfish, respectively. Crayfish hemocyanin exhibited phenoloxidase activity in presence of trypsin, but no activity could be detected if treated with sodium dodecyl sulfate. These results show that hemocyanin of crayfish is involved in several immune responses such as an oxygen carrier protein, as a precursor for an antibacterial peptide, and a molecule with phenoloxidase function.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that secondary production of a community of stream crayfish (Orconectes spp.) depended upon the available suite of channel units (e.g., riffle, run, pool) and that age-specific use of channel units was the important underlying mechanism. Nine cohorts of each of three species over a 10-year period at two sites on the Jacks Fork River, Missouri, USA, were sampled. Cohort-production estimates were calculated for specific channel units: riffles, runs, pools, backwaters and emergent vegetation patches. Orconectes luteus was the most productive species with similar production across channel units. Production of O. ozarkae and O. punctimanus was significantly greater in vegetation patches than other channel units. There were no species by channel unit differences in production between the two sites. Although total site production for some species substantially changed over the 10-year period, relative production differences between habitats remained temporally stable. Differences in mean production between channel units were largely due to age-class habitat use rather than differences related to growth. Some channel units particularly susceptible to common anthropogenic activities that result in hydrograph alterations and homogenization of physical habitat, e.g., backwaters, vegetation patches, and pools, were particularly important as high production areas for two species. A variety of channel units appears necessary for maintaining the high secondary production and diversity of crayfish in this system. Handling editor: D. Dudgeon  相似文献   

Summary Isolated crayfish retinas were incubated for 8 h in the light in a medium containing either 3H-fucose or 3H-mannose. Following this incubation, the rhabdom membranes were isolated, the pigment reduced with boranedimethylamine, and extracted with SDS detergent. The membrane-protein extract was separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The photopigment band on the gels was identified by its fluorescence upon exposure to long wavelength ultraviolet light. Determination of the distribution of radioactivity in the gels indicated that both fucose and mannose labeled the photopigment and other glycoproteins. Hydrolysis of the sugars from the labeled photopigment bands, followed by thin layer chromatography, further confirmed that both sugars were incorporated into newly synthesized photopigment without modification. These results provide the first reported data on the partial composition of the carbohydrate moiety of an invertebrate photopigment. These findings on the crayfish photopigment are compared with data from vertebrate rhodopsin and photopigment of other invertebrates.Supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation (BNS 80-04587) and by BRSG Grant 507 RR07031 awarded by the Biomedical Research Support Grant Program, Division of Research Resources, NIH  相似文献   

A systematic review of parasites, pathogens and commensals of freshwater crayfish has been conducted. All major groups of disease causing agents have been covered including viruses, bacteria, fungi, protistans and metazoans. Most agents tend to cause limited problems for crayfish. Exceptions to this include fungi, bacteria and viruses. However, in many cases, these tend to be isolated reports in either a specific geographical location or in individual animals. The apparent absence of pathology associated with these agents in crayfish should not be taken to suggest that movements of crayfish to new geographical areas is necessarily acceptable. Several examples are given where seemingly healthy animals have been moved to new areas leading to mortality of other crayfish within the same area as a direct result of transmission of pathogens to naïve hosts. Some future research needs are proposed, including the need for pathogen characterisation and production of disease-free crayfish for aquaculture.  相似文献   

The cardiovascular system performs key physiological functions even as it develops and grows. The ontogeny of cardiac physiology was studied throughout embryonic and larval development in the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii using videomicroscopic dimensional analysis. The heart begins to contract by day 13 of development (at 25°C, 20 kPa O2). Prior to eclosion, heart rate (ƒH) decreases significantly. Previous data suggests that the decrease in cardiac parameters prior to hatching may be due to an oxygen limitation of the embryo. Throughout development, metabolizing mass and embryonic oxygen consumption primarily increased while egg surface area remains constant. The limited area for gas exchange of the egg membrane, in combination with the increasing oxygen demand of the embryo could result in an inadequate diffusive supply of oxygen to developing tissues. To determine if the decrease in cardiac function was the result of an internal hypoxia experienced during late embryonic development, early and late stage embryos were exposed to hyperoxic water (PO2 =40 kPa O2). The ƒH in late stage embryos increased significantly over control values when exposed to hyperoxic water suggesting that the suppression in cardiac function observed in late stage embryos is likely due to a limited oxygen supply.  相似文献   

Anciently introduced species can be confounded with native species because introduction pre‐dates the first species inventories or because of the loss of the collective memory of the introductions. The term ‘cryptogenic species’ denotes species of unknown or unclear status (native versus non‐native) in a given territory, and disciplinary approaches are often insufficient for solving their true status. Here, we follow an integrative, multidisciplinary approach to solve the status of a cryptogenic species, proposing that building on evidence from multiple disciplines can produce robust and clarifying insights. We undertook an exhaustive review of information on a putatively native crayfish (Austropotamobius italicus) in Spain. The reviewed information included taxonomy, genetics and phylogeography, history, archaeology, linguistics, biogeography, ecology, symbiotic organisms and even gastronomy and pharmacy. The knowledge produced by different scientific disciplines converges to indicate that A. italicus is a non‐native species in Spain. Historical documents even identify the first introduction event: crayfish were shipped from Italy to Spain in 1588 as a diplomatic gift from Francesco I de' Medici to King Philip II of Spain. Previous discussions on the status of A. italicus focussed on inconclusive and often confusing genetic results and excluded the rich and clarifying evidence available from other approaches and disciplines. Interdisciplinarity is an often‐invoked but rarely implemented practice in an academic environment that increasingly promotes narrow‐focussed specialization. Our review shows that the integration of disciplines can surpass disciplinary approaches in solving scientific controversies. Our results have straightforward implications for strategies to conserve biological diversity in Spain and Europe, urging a debate on the appropriateness of devoting conservation efforts to non‐native species.  相似文献   

Summary Nitrite in the external freshwater medium was found to be toxic to Pacifastacus leniusculus Dana (48 h LC500.7 mM NO 2 ). It produced significant changes in haemolymph ionic concentration and acid-base status. Exposure to 1.0 mM NO 2 resulted in a rapid, active accumulation of nitrite in the haemolymph (to 25 mM NO 2 after 24 h) and caused the partial inhibition of Cl uptake. Some reduction in Cl efflux rate was seen. In 1.0 mM NO 2 a rapid depletion of haemolymph [Cl] was observed (50 mM decrease in 27 h). Nitrite competitively inhibited active Cl uptake (Km increased from 0.42 to 1.22 mM; Ki=0.45 mM). To achieve Cl balance in this medium, depleted crayfish would require a two-fold increase in external [Cl]. A lesser decrease in haemolymph [Na+] was found while osmotic pressure was relatively unaffected. Haemolymph [HCO 3 ] showed a significant increase and was accompanied, unexpectedly, by an acidosis. Possible sources of the excess HCO 3 , perhaps by inhibition of normal Cl/HCO 3 branchial exchange or release from CaCO3 stores, are discussed. Haemolymph clearance of NO 2 was slower than uptake as was the restoration of [Cl] on recovery in nitrite-free medium.Abbreviations AFWM artificial freshwater medium - BOD biochemical oxygen demand - J out Cl chloride efflux - J in Cl chloride influx - J in Cl chloride influx - J net base net base flux - J net base net base flux - J in(p) Cl passive chloride influx - J out efflux - LC 50 median lethal concentration - NEDE N-1-Naphthylethylenediamine - SEM standard error of mean - TEP transepithelial potential difference - V in Cl active chloride uptake  相似文献   

Summary Servered distal stumps of limb motor axons in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii remain ultrastructurally intact for at least 2–3 ms after being severed from their cell body. Initial regeneration of a motor axon is associated with the appearance of up to 200 small profiles (satellite axons) having no glial sheath adjacent to the large surviving stump for about 1 cm distal to the lesion at 4–5 wks postoperatively. These satellite axons are seen 2–4 cm distally at the target muscles 3–4 ms postoperatively. By 14–15 ms postoperative, the motor sheaths from the lesion site to the target muscles contain small axonal processes having thick glial sheaths. Behavioral tests show that some axons that are reconnected to the CNS at 4–5 wks may not be connected at 14–15 ms, whereas other axons not connected by 3–4 ms may be connected at 14–15 ms when the original distal stumps have degenerated.We suggest that all these data can best be explained by the view that motor axons in crayfish limbs initially regenerate via activation of the surviving distal stump by satellite axons which grow out from proximal stump. In most cases, these satellite axons continue to activate the surviving distal stump as they slowly grow to the target muscle. Eventually the satellite axons reform synapses on the target muscle and the original distal stump degenerates.This work was supported by NSF grants BNS 77-27678 and 80-22248 and an NIH RCDA 00070 to GDB. The authors would like to thank Mr. Martis Ballinger, Mr. Robert Reiss, and Mrs. Mary Raymond for their excellent technical assistance. We would also like to thank Dr. Wesley Thompson and Mr. Douglas Baxter for helpful discussions.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of reductions in the effective free-energy change of ATP hydrolysis (dG/dATP) on intracellular sodium homeostasis in bundles of fibers from the abdominal extensor muscle of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy was used to monitor high-energy phosphate levels and intracellular pH while interleaved 23Na-NMR spectra were acquired to monitor changes in sodium. Previous work has shown that the bulk of intracellular Na+ is NMR visible (see Ivanics et al. 1994). The 23Na-NMR spectra were diffusion-weighted which effectively filtered out signal contributions from extracellular sodium. The efficacy of this procedure was validated using a relatively non-toxic chemical shift reagent which allowed resolution of extracellular and intracellular Na+ signals. Metabolic inhibition (cyanide/iodoacetate) produced pronounced reductions in dG/dATP coincident with dramatic increases in intracellular Na+ levels ([Na+]i). However, the increases in [Na+]i occurred at dG/dATP values well above the threshold value of −46 kJ · mol−1 required by the existing Na+ gradient and the membrane potential. These results suggest that the global dG/dATP value may not reflect the dG/dATP value in the vicinity of the pump. Alternatively, other factors, including low molecular modulators of Na+, K+-ATPase activity, may be important in this context. Accepted: 15 May 1997  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the extent of accumulation of selenium in the hepatopancreas of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii and its effects on the enzymatic activities of catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase. Crayfish were fed for 15 days either a diet enriched in Se, ED (1.21 mg kg-1) or a standard diet, SD (0.30 mg kg-1). Results showed that Se accumulation is higher in the sample subject to ED rather than to SD. A sexual difference was found for the response of the analyzed enzymes in the ED sample only. Catalase activity and glutathione peroxidase activity decreased in females and males, respectively, whereas glutathione reductase activity showed significant reductions in both sexes. These preliminary data might provide information about prooxidant effects of Se on P. clarkii when fed a Se enriched diet.  相似文献   

The freshwater crayfish, Cherax destructor Clark, native to southeastern Australia, was first introduced to farm dams in southwestern Western Australia in 1932. The geographic range of the crayfish in Western Australia has increased substantially since then, and in recent years it has become established in natural waterways where it co-occurs with species of freshwater crayfish endemic to southwestern Australia, Cherax cainii and Cherax quinquecarinatus. The potential for competitive exclusion of these endemic species by C. destructor was investigated through laboratory experiments measuring aggressive behaviour. Body mass and species were found to be important factors governing aggressive dominance between C. cainii and C. destructor, with C. cainii winning significantly more interactions only when they were larger in body mass than their opponent. In trials between C. quinquecarinatus and C. destructor of similar body mass, there was no difference between the number of interactions 'won' by the two species. The implications for natural populations are discussed.  相似文献   

Predator‐induced phenotypic plasticity has been widely documented in response to native predators, but studies examining the extent to which prey can respond to exotic invasive predators are scarce. As native prey often do not share a long evolutionary history with invasive predators, they may lack defenses against them. This can lead to population declines and even extinctions, making exotic predators a serious threat to biodiversity. Here, in a community‐wide study, we examined the morphological and life‐history responses of anuran larvae reared with the invasive red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, feeding on conspecific tadpoles. We reared tadpoles of nine species until metamorphosis and examined responses in terms of larval morphology, growth, and development, as well as their degree of phenotypic integration. These responses were compared with the ones developed in the presence of a native predator, the larval dragonfly Aeshna sp., also feeding on tadpoles. Eight of the nine species altered their morphology or life history when reared with the fed dragonfly, but only four when reared with the fed crayfish, suggesting among‐species variation in the ability to respond to a novel predator. While morphological defenses were generally similar across species (deeper tails) and almost exclusively elicited in the presence of the fed dragonfly, life‐history responses were very variable and commonly elicited in the presence of the invasive crayfish. Phenotypes induced in the presence of dragonfly were more integrated than in crayfish presence. The lack of response to the presence of the fed crayfish in five of the study species suggests higher risk of local extinction and ultimately reduced diversity of the invaded amphibian communities. Understanding how native prey species vary in their responses to invasive predators is important in predicting the impacts caused by newly established predator–prey interactions following biological invasions.  相似文献   

Decapod crustaceans do not appear to produce juvenile hormone, but rather its immediate precursor, methyl farnesoate (MF). Both MF and its immediate precursor, farnesoic acid (FA) are produced by the mandibular organs (MO) in crustaceans. The MO are homologous to the insect corpora allata (CA), the site of juvenile hormone biosynthesis. However, the FGLamide allatostatin (ASTs) peptides, of which there are about 60 distinct forms reported from crustaceans, have previously been found to have no effect on MO activity in crustaceans. We have identified by immunocytochemistry the presence of FGLamide-like AST immunoreactivity in neurosecretory cells throughout the CNS as well as in neurohaemal structures such as the sinus gland and pericardial organs. The ASTs are likely delivered to the MO hormonally and/or by local neurohaemal release. Using MO from adult males, we have found wide variability between animals in the in vitro rates of MF and FA biosynthesis. Treatment with Dippu-ASTs has a statistically significant stimulatory effect on MF synthesis, but only in MO that are initially producing MF at lower rates. No effect on FA production was observed, suggesting that the FGLamide ASTs exert their effect on the o-methyl transferase, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of FA to MF.  相似文献   

We are exploring mechanisms of an invasion that contradicts the oft-cited generalization that species invade vacant niches. In northern Wisconsin lakes, the introduced crayfish Orconectes rusticus is replacing two ecologically similar resident congeners, O. virilis and O. propinquus. In laboratory experiments, we compared growth and mortality of individually maintained crayfish offered one of five ad libitum diets: invertebrates, macrophytes, dentritus, periphyton or all items combined. Mortality was highest for O. virilis and lowest for O. rusticus. Macrophyte diets yielded the highest mortality. All three species grew best on invertebrate and combination diets but grew little or not at all on diets of periphyton, detritus or macrophytes. O. rusticus and O. virilis grew more than O. propinquus. O. rusticus grew more quickly and/or was better able to survive overall than its congeners. Therefore, O. rusticus would probably have advantages over O. virilis and O. propinquus in competitive interactions, reproductive success and avoiding size-selective fish predation. Subtle interspecific differences may interact strongly with other ecological factors and contribute to the displacement of resident species from a well-occupied niche.  相似文献   

On the basis of an ethnographic analysis of an Imam-Hatip vocational religious secondary school in Turkey, I examine teachers' and parents' expectations and the process of students' identity formation. Although the students attending the Imam-Hatip school were expected to accept a reality infused with an Islamic worldview, their schooling experience actually strengthened the relational nature of identity formation in the context of Islamism and secularism, respectively.  相似文献   

With the discovery of Hygrobia hermanni, the family Hygrobiidae is reported for the first time from Turkey. An illustration of the habitus and line drawings of diagnostic characters are provided.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine the percentage of agents, which can give rise to superficial fungal infections in Istanbul, Turkey. Between 2000 and 2007, the clinical samples collected from 8,200 patients attending the outpatient Dermatology Clinic at Mihrimahsultan Medical Center were examined by direct microscopy and culture. Pathogen fungi were detected in 5,722 of the patients. Of the isolates were 4,218 (74%) dermatophytes, 1,196 (21%) Candida sp., 170 (3%) Malassezia furfur, and 138 (2%) Trichosporon sp. Among the dermatophytes, Trichophyton sp. was the most common isolate followed by Epidermophyton floccosum (243) and Microsporum sp. Among the Candida species, C. albicans (549) was also frequently found. Onychomycosis was the most prevalent type of infection, followed by tinea pedis, tinea cruris, tinea corporis, and tinea capitis. In conclusion, our study showed that the most common isolated agents from superficial infections were T. rubrum being Candida sp. the second most prevalent.  相似文献   

Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is native to Asia, and was widely introduced as a biocontrol agent of aphids and coccids in Europe and North America. In Europe H. axyridis is considered to be an invasive alien species. Although not known to have been deliberately introduced to Great Britain, it was first recorded there in 2004, in south-east England. Harmonia axyridis arrived in Great Britain by various means, primarily from mainland Europe, but also from Canada. Extensive national and local media coverage, and a dedicated website (), facilitated public involvement in recording H. axyridis in Great Britain; in excess of 4,000 verified records of the species were received between 2004 and 2006. Through detailed mapping, the objective of our study was to quantify and analyse the spread of H. axyridis in its early stages of invasion in Great Britain. Our data shows that between 2004 and 2006, the species spread north through Great Britain at the rate of 58 km year-1 and west at the rate of 144.5 km year-1. In England H. axyridis spread north to Yorkshire and west to Cornwall by the end of 2006, and also reached Wales. Recorded occurrence (of one or more H. axyridis individuals at larval, pupal and/or adult stage) in 10 km squares in Great Britain was: 2004—51; 2005—149; 2006—447. Records of juvenile H. axyridis extend through most of the recorded British range of the species, and we present evidence of bi-voltinism in the population in 2006.  相似文献   

Native to Asia, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is considered an invasive alien ladybird in Europe and North America, where it was widely introduced as a biological control agent of aphids and coccids. In Europe, H. axyridis was sold by various biological control companies from 1995 in France, Belgium and the Netherlands, and was also intentionally released in at least nine other countries. It has spread very rapidly, particularly since 2002, and is now regarded as established in thirteen European countries. The established range extends from Denmark in the north to southern France in the south, and from Czech Republic in the east to Great Britain in the west. In this paper we map the spread and distribution of H. axyridis in Europe, and examine the situation on a country-by-country basis. We report first records of the species in five countries; Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Czech Republic and Italy; and first evidence of H. axyridis establishment in the latter three countries. Despite releases of H. axyridis in Portugal, Spain and Greece, there is little evidence of establishment in southern Europe. It is predicted that the spread and increase within Europe will continue and that H. axyridis will become one of the most widely distributed coccinellids in the continent.  相似文献   

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