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ABSTRACT The grasslands of southeastern South America (SESA), comprising one of the most extensive grassland ecosystems in the Neotropics, have been negatively impacted by the development of the livestock industry, arable agriculture, and forestry. SESA grasslands have a rich avifauna that includes 22 globally threatened and near‐threatened species, and many other species have suffered local population extinctions and range reductions. In addition to habitat loss and fragmentation, grassland birds in SESA are threatened by improper use of agrochemicals, unfavorable fire management regimes, pollution, and illegal capture and hunting. Studies to date have provided information about the distribution of grassland birds, the threats populations face, and the habitat requirements of some threatened species, but more information is needed concerning dispersal and migration patterns, genetics, and factors that influence habitat use and species survival in both natural and agricultural landscapes. There are few public protected areas in the region (1% of original grasslands), and many populations of threatened grassland birds are found on private lands. Therefore, efforts to preserve grassland habitat must reconcile the interests of land owners and conservationists. Current conservation efforts include establishment of public and private reserves, promotion of agricultural activities that reconcile production with biodiversity conservation, development of multilateral conservation projects across countries, and elaboration of action plans. Measures that result in significant losses to private land owners should include economic compensation, and use of economic incentives to promote agriculture and forestry in native grassland areas should be discouraged, especially in priority areas for grassland birds. Although more studies are needed, some actions, particularly habitat protection and improved management of public and private lands, should be taken immediately to improve the conservation status of grassland birds in SESA.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma rangeli is a hemoflagelate parasite that infects domestic and sylvatic animals, as well as man, in Central and South America. T. rangeli has an overlapping distribution with T. cruzi, the etiological agent of Chagas disease, sharing several animal reservoirs and triatomine vectors. We have isolated T. rangeli strains in the State of Santa Catarina, in southern Brazil, which dramatically increased the distribution area of this parasite. This brief review summarizes several studies comparing T. rangeli strains isolated in Santa Catarina with others isolated in Colombia, Honduras and Venezuela. The different methods used include indirect immunofluorescence and western blot assays, lectin agglutination, isoenzyme electrophoresis and random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, triatomine susceptibility, in vitro cell infection assays, and mini-exon gene analysis.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine the extent to which contemporary ecological patterns in 42 harvester ant assemblages of three continents can be explained as a result of present-day environments or from differences in the history of each ant biota. The contribution of each factor to the overall variability of six community characters was evaluated by the ANOVA procedure. The mediod revealed absence of convergence in three-continent and pairwise-continent analyses in almost every community attribute that was measured. Significant convergence was detected only in die foraging score for the North America-South America comparison. This implies mat the foraging mode used by ants for searching seeds is more similar within similar environments in the two continents than between different environments in the same continent. Significant historical effects were much more prevalent than convergence both in three-continent and pairwise-continent comparisons. Abundance at baits, body size, and foraging distance were more variable within similar environments in different continents than between different environments in the same continent. The overall absence of convergence documented in this study suggests that constraints related to the evolutionary history of each species assemblage have inhibited convergent evolution in response to local selective pressures.  相似文献   

South America spans about 44° latitude, covers almost 18 million km2, and is second only to Africa in continental mammal species richness. In spite of this richness, research on the status of this fauna and on the nature and magnitude of contemporary threats remains limited. Distilling threats to this diverse fauna at a continental scale is challenging, in part because of the limited availability of rigorous studies. Recognizing this constraint, we summarize key threats to small mammals in South America, emphasizing the roles of habitat loss and degradation, direct persecution, and the increasing threat of climate change. We focus on three regional ‘case studies’: the tropical Andes, Amazonia and adjacent lowland regions, and the southern temperate region. We close with a brief summary of recent findings at our long‐term research site in north‐central Chile as they pertain to projected threats to this fauna. Habitat alteration is a pervasive threat that has been magnified by market forces and globalization (e.g. extensive agricultural development in Amazonia), and threatens increasing numbers of populations and species. Climate change poses even greater threats, from changes in rainfall and runoff regimes and resulting changes in vegetative structure and composition to secondary influences on fire dynamics. It is likely that many changes have yet to be recognized, but existing threats suggest that the future may bring dramatic changes in the distribution of many mammal taxa, although it is not clear if key habitat elements (vegetation) will respond as rapidly as climatic factors, leading to substantial uncertainty. Climate change is likely to result in ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ but available information precludes detailed assessment of which species are likely to fall into which category. In the absence of long‐term monitoring and applied research to characterize these threats more accurately, and to develop strategies to reduce their impacts, managers already are being faced with daunting challenges. As the line between ‘pure’ and ‘applied’ research blurs in the face of converging interests of scientists and society we hope that solutions to these critical issues will be incorporated in addressing anticipated conservation crises.  相似文献   

Endemic bird species and conservation in the Cerrado Region, South America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A general overview of the largest South American savanna region, the Cerrado Region, is presented. Using simple approaches, I analyse the distribution of the bird species endemic to this region in order to test the hypothesis that areas harbouring local aggregates of restricted-range endemics have remained stable during the successive Quaternary climatic-vegetational changes. This hypothesis seems not to be generally valid for birds of the Cerrado Region, as restricted-range endemic species exist both in areas that remained stable (Central Goia´s Plateau) and areas that remain unstable (Araguaya and Parana~ River valleys, Espinhac¸o Plateau) during the Late Pleistocene. I also discuss some aspects of the conservation in the Cerrado Region, and suggest that the dry forests of the River Parana~ Valley, Goia´s, must be considered the area with the highest priority for the creation of new reserves in the Cerrado Region.  相似文献   

Wild pigs, including wild boar (Sus scrofa) and feral domestic pig (Sus scrofa domestica), are associated with negative impacts in their native and introduced ranges. We compiled wild pig occurrence reports and utilized Maximum Entropy modelling to predict their potential distribution in ecoregions overlaying Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay. An analysis of their observed and potential distributions was carried out in relation to four biodiversity hotspots and 3766 protected areas to estimate the number of units and percent area currently and potentially invaded. Among biodiversity hotspots, Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, and Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests included 44.7% of wild pig records. The proportion of suitable area was 85% in Atlantic Forest, 61.3% in Cerrado, 37.5% in Chilean Winter Rainfall-Valdivian Forests, and 5.6% in Tropical Andes. The number of protected areas with known wild pig presence was led by Uruguay (100%), followed by Chile (20.3%), Argentina (15.8%), Paraguay (9.5%), Bolivia (6.5%), and Brazil (4.7%). The proportion of protected areas with predicted wild pig presence was highest in Uruguay (100%), followed by Paraguay (72.6%), Brazil (58.0%), Argentina (57.4%), Chile (42.2%), and Bolivia (35.9%). Our work represents the first assessment of wild pig potential distribution in South America and highlights the potentially devastating impacts of wild pigs on the regional biodiversity and national conservation targets, especially at mega-diverse areas. We present a dynamic web application that can be readily consulted by scientists, managers and decision makers to improve wild pig control and risk mitigation actions in the study region.  相似文献   

Experimental atherosclerosis: a historical overview   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Almost one-hundred years ago the first evidence of experimental atherosclerosis was reported. Over the past century, significant advances have been made in the development of animal models of human coronary artery disease. In this minireview, induction of atherosclerotic lesions in several animal models including rodents (mice, rabbits, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs), avian (pigeons, chickens, quail), swine, carnivora (dogs, cats), and non-human primates is discussed. The limitations and advantages of the animal models of atherosclerosis have been summarized. The transgenic/knockout animal models have greatly enhanced our understanding of atherosclerosis. Compared to wild-type counterparts, the knockout/transgenic animals develop atherogenesis faster without a need for a highly atherogenic diet. Although almost all investigations support a causal role for increased plasma cholesterol levels in the development of atherosclerotic vascular disease, an increasing body of evidence indicates serious invqlvement of other factors including oxidative stress, inflammation, infection and other emerging risk factors.  相似文献   

The pest termites of South America: taxonomy, distribution and status   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract: A total of 77 species of termites have been reported as structural or agricultural pests in South America. These records are reviewed, with indication of the damage they cause, their pest status, distribution and sources of information. Among these, 40 species are reported as structural pests, 53 species as agricultural pests and 15 species as both. However, only 18 species are considered major pests and the status of most of the others is uncertain. Uncertainty about status is much higher among agricultural pests. Specific taxonomic problems are discussed and distribution maps of the main pest genera and species are presented. The most important structural pests are the introduced Coptotermes havilandi and Cryptotermes brevis and the native Nasutitermes corniger. Reticulitermes was introduced into Uruguay and Chile, where it is the only serious pest. The main agricultural pests are Heterotermes spp., Nasutitermes spp., Cornitermes spp., Procornitermes spp. and Syntermes spp., and the most affected crops are sugarcane, upland rice and eucalyptus.  相似文献   

The global emergence of Plasmodium vivax strains resistant to chloroquine (CQ) since the late 1980s is complicating the current international efforts for malaria control and elimination. Furthermore, CQ-resistant vivax malaria has already reached an alarming prevalence in Indonesia, East Timor and Papua New Guinea. More recently, in vivo studies have documented CQ-resistant P. vivax infections in Guyana, Peru and Brazil. Here, we summarise the available data on CQ resistance across P. vivax-endemic areas of Latin America by combining published in vivo and in vitro studies. We also review the current knowledge regarding the molecular mechanisms of CQ resistance in P. vivax and the prospects for developing and standardising reliable molecular markers of drug resistance. Finally, we discuss how the Worldwide Antimalarial Resistance Network, an international collaborative effort involving malaria experts from all continents, might contribute to the current regional efforts to map CQ-resistant vivax malaria in South America.  相似文献   

The history of conifers introduced earlier elsewhere in the southern hemisphere suggests that recent invasions in Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Uruguay are likely to increase in number and size. In South Africa, New Zealand and Australia, early ornamental introductions and small forestry plantations did not lead to large‐scale invasions, while subsequent large plantations were followed with a lag of about 20–30 years by troublesome invasions. Large‐scale conifer plantation forestry in South America began about 50–80 years later than in South Africa, Australia and New Zealand, while reports of invasions in South America lagged behind those in the latter nations by a century. Impacts of invading non‐native conifers outside South America are varied and include replacement of grassland and shrubland by conifer forest, alteration of fire and hydrological regimes, modification of soil nutrients, and changes in aboveground and belowground biotic communities. Several of these effects have already been detected in various parts of South America undergoing conifer invasion. The sheer amount of area planted in conifers is already very large in Chile and growing rapidly in Argentina and Brazil. This mass of reproductive trees, in turn, produces an enormous propagule pressure that may accelerate ongoing invasions and spark new ones at an increasing rate. Regulations to control conifer invasions, including measures to mitigate spread, were belatedly implemented in New Zealand and South Africa, as well as in certain Australian states, inspired by observations on invasions in those nations. Regulations in South America are weaker and piecemeal, but the existing research base on conifer invasions elsewhere could be useful in fashioning effective regulations in South America. Pressure from foreign customers in South Africa has led most companies there to seek certification through the Forestry Stewardship Council; a similar programme operates in Australia. Such an approach may be promising in South America.  相似文献   

Animal lectins: a historical introduction and overview   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Some proteins we now regard as animal lectins were discovered before plant lectins, though many were not recognised as carbohydrate-binding proteins for many years after first being reported. As recently as 1988, most animal lectins were thought to belong to one of two primary structural families, the C-type and S-type (presently known as galectins) lectins. However, it is now clear that animal lectin activity is found in association with an astonishing diversity of primary structures. At least 12 structural families are known to exist, while many other lectins have structures apparently unique amongst carbohydrate-binding proteins, although some of those "orphans" belong to recognised protein families that are otherwise not associated with sugar recognition. Furthermore, many animal lectins also bind structures other than carbohydrates via protein-protein, protein-lipid or protein-nucleic acid interactions. While animal lectins undoubtedly fulfil a variety of functions, many could be considered in general terms to be recognition molecules within the immune system. More specifically, lectins have been implicated in direct first-line defence against pathogens, cell trafficking, immune regulation and prevention of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Mesoscale distribution of chaetognaths in the South Scotia Sea was studied in January 1994. Three transects (ice margin to Elephant Island, ice margin to the Weddell-Scotia Confluence, and the Drake Passage) and a station grid in the East Bransfield Strait were laid out, seeking the greatest possible heterogeneity in hydrographic conditions. Six species were collected, with the most abundant species, Eukrohnia hamata, accounting for 83% of the total number of individuals, followed by Sagitta gazellae (9.7%). High spatial variability was observed both along the transects and over the mesoscale station grid. The station grid allowed two assemblages to be distinguished on the basis of species abundance and demographic population structure. Both assemblages were distributed through areas with distinct hydrographic characteristics. Use of a smaller sampling scale and a more detailed definition of development stages than in earlier studies revealed a higher level of spatial heterogeneity than previously suggested for chaetognaths in the Southern Ocean. Accepted: 11 April 1999  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - South America is a high biodiversity continent with five out of 13 countries considered megadiverse. Many major groups within this fauna exhibit high diversity,...  相似文献   

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