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Prieto ED  Garda HA 《Biochemistry》2011,50(4):466-479
Apolipoprotein A-I (apoAI) contains several amphipathic α-helices. To carry out its function, it exchanges between lipid-free and different lipidated states as bound to membranes or to lipoprotein complexes of different morphology, size, and composition. When bound to membranes or to spherical lipoprotein surfaces, it is thought that most α-helices arrange with their long axis parallel to the membrane surface. However, we previously found that a central region spanning residues 87-112 is exclusively labeled by photoactivable reagents deeply located into the membrane (Co?rsico et al. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 16978-16985). A pair of amphipathic α-helical repeats with a particular charge distribution is predicted in this region. In order to study their insertion topology, three single tryptophan mutants, each one containing the tryptophan residue at a selected position in the hydrophobic face of the central Y-helices (W@93, W@104, and W@108), were used. From the accessibility to quenchers located at different membrane depths, distances from the bilayer center of 13.4, 10.5, and 15.7 ? were estimated for positions 93, 104, and 108, respectively. Reported data also indicate that distances between homologous positions (in particular for W@93 and W@104) are very short in dimers in aqueous solution, but they are larger in membrane-bound dimers. Data indicate that an intermolecular central Y-helix bundle would penetrate the membrane perpendicularly to the membrane surface. Intermolecular helix-helix interactions would occur through the hydrophilic helix faces in the membrane-bound bundle but through the hydrophobic faces in the case of dimers in solution.  相似文献   

Fang Y  Gursky O  Atkinson D 《Biochemistry》2003,42(45):13260-13268
Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I, 243 amino acids) is the major protein of high-density lipoproteins (HDL) that plays an important structural and functional role in lipid transport and metabolism. The central region of apoA-I (residues 60-183) is predicted to contain exclusively amphipathic alpha-helices formed from tandem 22-mer sequence repeats. To analyze the lipid-binding properties of this core domain, four terminally truncated mutants of apoA-I, Delta(1-41), Delta(1-59), Delta(1-41,185-243), and Delta(1-59,185-243), were expressed in baculovirus infected Sf-9 cells. The effects of mutations on the ability of apoA-I to form bilayer disk complexes with dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) that resemble nascent HDL were analyzed by density gradient ultracentrifugation and electron microscopy (EM). The N-terminal deletion mutants, Delta(1-41) and Delta(1-59), showed altered lipid-binding ability as compared to plasma and wild-type apoA-I, and in the double deletion mutants, Delta(1-41, 185-243) and Delta(1-59, 185-243), the lipid binding was abolished. Thermal unfolding of variant apoA-I/DMPC complexes monitored by circular dichroism (CD) showed hysteresis and a shift in the melting curves by about -12 degrees C upon reduction in the heating rate from 1.0 to 0.067 K/min. This indicates an irreversible kinetically controlled transition with a high activation energy E(a) = 60 +/- 5 kcal/mol. CD and EM studies of the apoA-I/DMPC complexes at different pH demonstrated that changes in the net charge or in the charge distribution on the apoA-I molecule have critical effects on the conformation and lipid-binding ability of the protein.  相似文献   

Fang Y  Gursky O  Atkinson D 《Biochemistry》2003,42(22):6881-6890
Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) plays an important structural and functional role in lipid transport and metabolism. This work is focused on the central region of apoA-I (residues 60-183) that is predicted to contain exclusively amphipathic alpha-helices. Six N- and/or C-terminally truncated mutants, delta(1-41), delta(1-59), delta(198-243), delta(209-243), delta(1-41,185-243), and delta(1-59,185-243), were analyzed in their lipid-free state in solution at pH 4.7-7.8 by far- and near-UV CD spectroscopy. At pH 7.8, all mutants show well-defined secondary structures consisting of 40-52% alpha-helix. Comparison of the alpha-helix content in the wild type and mutants suggests that deletion of either the N- or C-terminal region induces helical unfolding elsewhere in the structure, indicating that the terminal regions are important for the integrity of the solution conformation of apoA-I. Near-UV CD spectra indicate significant tertiary and/or quaternary structural changes resulting from deletion of the N-terminal 41 residues. Reduction in pH from 7.8 to 4.7 leads to an increase in the mutant helical content by 5-20% and to a large increase in thermal unfolding cooperativity. Van't Hoff analysis of the mutants at pH 4.7 indicates melting temperatures T(m) ranging from 51 to 59 degrees C and effective enthalpies deltaH(v)(T(m)) = 35 +/- 5 kcal/mol, similar to the values for plasma apoA-I at pH 7.8 (T(m) = 57 degrees C, deltaH(v) = 32 kcal/mol). Our results provide the first report of the pH effects on the secondary, tertiary, and/or quaternary structure of apoA-I variants and indicate the importance of the electrostatic interactions for the solution conformation of apoA-I.  相似文献   

Apolipoproteins play a central role in lipoprotein metabolism, and are directly implicated in cardiovascular diseases, but their structural characterization has been complicated by their structural flexibility and heterogeneity. Here we describe the structural characterization of the N-terminal region of apolipoprotein B (apoB), the major protein component of very low-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein, in the presence of phospholipids. Specifically, we focus on the N-terminal 6.4-17% of apoB (B6.4-17) complexed with the phospholipid dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine in vitro. In addition to circular dichroism spectroscopy and limited proteolysis, our strategy incorporates nanogold-labeling of the protein in the reconstituted lipoprotein complex followed by visualization and molecular weight determination with scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging. Based on the scanning transmission electron microscopy imaging analysis of approximately 1300 individual particles where the B6.4-17 is labeled with nanogold through a six-His tag, most complexes contain either two or three B6.4-17 molecules. Circular dichroism spectroscopy and limited proteolysis of these reconstituted particles indicate that there are no large conformational changes in B6.4-17 upon lipoprotein complex formation. This is in contrast to the large structural changes that occur during apolipoprotein A-I-lipid interactions. The method described here allows a direct measurement of the stoichiometry and molecular weight of individual particles, rather than the average of the entire sample. Thus, it represents a useful strategy to characterize the structure of lipoproteins, which are not structurally uniform, but can still be defined by an ensemble of related patterns.  相似文献   

Zhu HL  Atkinson D 《Biochemistry》2004,43(41):13156-13164
Because of its role in reverse cholesterol transport, human apolipoprotein A-I is the most widely studied exchangeable apolipoprotein. Residues 1-43 of human apoA-I, encoded by exon 3 of the gene, are highly conserved and less well understood than residues 44-243, encoded by exon 4. In contrast to residues 44-243, residues 1-43 do not contain the 22 amino acid tandem repeats thought to form lipid binding amphipathic helices. To understand the structural and functional roles of the N-terminal region, we studied a synthetic peptide representing the first 44 residues of human apoA-I ([1-44]apoA-I). Far-ultraviolet circular dichroism spectra showed that [1-44]apoA-I is unfolded in aqueous solution. However, in the presence of n-octyl beta-d-glucopyranoside, a nonionic lipid mimicking detergent, above its critical micelle concentration ( approximately 0.7% at 25 degrees C), sodium dodecyl sulfate, an ionic detergent, above its CMC ( approximately 0.2%), trimethylamine N-oxide, a folding inducing organic osmolyte, or trifluoroethanol, an alpha-helix inducer, alpha-helical structure was formed in [1-44]apoA-I up to approximately 45%. Characterization by density gradient ultracentrifugation and visualization by negative staining electron microscopy demonstrated that [1-44]apoA-I interacts with dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) over a wide range of lipid:peptide ratios from 1:1 to 12:1 (w/w). At 1:1 DMPC:[1-44]apoA-I (w/w) ratio, discoidal complexes with composition approximately 4:1 (w/w) and approximately 100 A diameter were formed in equilibrium with free peptide. At higher ratios, discoidal complexes were shown to exist together with a heterogeneous population of lipid vesicles with peptide bound also in equilibrium with free peptide. When bound to DMPC, [1-44]apoA-I has approximately 60% helical structure, independent of whether it forms discoidal or vesicular complexes. This helical content is consistent with that of the predicted G helix (residues 8-33). Our data provide the first strong and direct evidence that the N-terminal region of apoA-I binds lipid and can form discoidal structures and a heterogeneous population of vesicles. In doing so, approximately 60% of this region folds into alpha-helix from random coil. The composition of the 100 A discoidal complex is approximately 5 [1-44]apoA-I and approximately 150 DMPC molecules per disk. The helix length of 5 [1-44]apoA-I molecules in lipid-bound form is just long enough to wrap around the DMPC bilayer disk once.  相似文献   

Kiss RS  Kay CM  Ryan RO 《Biochemistry》1999,38(14):4327-4334
Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the major protein component of plasma high-density lipoprotein (HDL), exists in alternate lipid-free and lipid-bound states. Among various species, chicken apoA-I possesses unique structural properties: it is a monomer in the lipid-free state and it is virtually the sole protein component of HDL. Near-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic studies provide evidence that chicken apoA-I undergoes a major conformational change upon binding to lipid, while far-UV CD data indicate its overall alpha-helix content is maintained during this transition. The fluorescence emission wavelength maximum (excitation 295 nm) of the tryptophans in apoA-I (W74 and W107) displayed a marked blue shift in both the lipid-free (331 nm) and HDL-bound (329 nm) states, compared to free tryptophan in solution. The effect of aqueous quenchers on tryptophan fluorescence was determined in lipid-free, dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC)- and HDL-bound states. The most effective quencher in the lipid-free and HDL-bound states was acrylamide, giving rise to Ksv values of 1.6 +/- 0.1 and 1.2 +/- 0.1 M-1, respectively. Together, these data suggest that a hydrophobic environment around the two tryptophan residues (W74 and W107) is maintained in alternate conformations of the protein. To further probe the molecular organization of lipid-free apoA-I, its effect on the fluorescence properties of 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS) was determined. Human and chicken apoA-I induced a similar increase in ANS fluorescence quantum yield, in keeping with the hypothesis that these proteins adopt a similar global fold in the absence of lipid. When considered with near- and far-UV CD experiments, the data support a model in which lipid-free chicken apoA-I is organized as an amphipathic alpha-helix bundle. In other studies, lipid-soluble quenchers, 5-, 7-, 10-, and 12-DOXYL stearic acid (DSA), were employed to investigate the depth of penetration of apoA-I into the surface monolayer of spherical HDL particles. 5-DSA was the most effective quencher, suggesting that apoA-I tryptophan residues localize near the surface monolayer, providing a structural rationale for the reversibility of apoA-I-lipoprotein particle interactions.  相似文献   

Recombinant Cys mutants of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) (A124C and A232C) have been prepared in disulfide-linked forms in order to assess the effects of unnatural covalent constraints on the folding of apoA-I in solution, its ability to bind lipids, form HDL-like particles, activate LCAT, and undergo structural adaptations to changing lipid contents. Both mutants, in dimer form, were shown to fold similarly to plasma apoA-I in solution, but had a slightly decreased alpha-helix content and no evidence of intermonomer interactions. All forms of the mutants bound to and disrupted dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) liposomes with similar kinetics and efficiency to plasma apoA-I, and formed reconstituted HDL (rHDL) particles with palmitoyloleoylphosphatidylcholine (POPC) in high yields at three different ratios of lipid/protein. While the monomeric mutants produced identical rHDL to plasma apoA-I, the disulfide-linked dimers had distinct particle distributions from each other and from native apoA-I. The A124C-dimer formed rHDL with diameters of 86 and 78 A, while the A232C-dimer predominantly formed 96 A rHDL. These particles, and particles containing plasma apoA-I (96 and 78 A), were purified prior to structural and functional analyses. The structural properties of particles with similar diameters were comparable, as were their reactivities with LCAT; however, their ability to undergo structural rearrangements differed. The larger rHDL particles (96 and 86 A) containing native apoA-I or A124C-dimer, rearranged into smaller 78 A particles, while the 96 A particles containing A232C-dimer were resistant to rearrangement and did not form 78 A particles. From the results, it is concluded that synthetic, random disulfide-linked dimers of apoA-I have many properties analogous to those of the naturally occurring Cys mutants, apoA-I-Milano and apoA-I-Paris, which are thought to have antiatherogenic effects in vivo. Also, the results have implications for current models of rHDL structure.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the fifth most common neoplasm with more than 500 000 new cases diagnosed yearly. Although major risk factors of HCC are currently known, the identification of biological targets leading to an early diagnosis of the disease is considered one of the priorities of clinical hepatology. In this work we have used a proteomic approach to identify markers of hepatocarcinogenesis in the serum of a knockout mice deficient in hepatic AdoMet synthesis (MAT1A(-/-)), as well as in patients with HCC. Three isoforms of apolipoprotein A-I (Apo A-I) with different pI were identified in murine serum. Isoform 1 is up-regulated in the serum of MAT1A(-/-) mice much earlier than any histological manifestation of liver disease. Further characterization of the differential isoform by electrospray MS/MS revealed specific oxidation of methionine 85 and 216 to methionine sulfoxide while the sequence of the analogous peptides on isoforms 2 and 3 showed the nonoxidized methionine residues. Enrichment of an acidic isoform of Apo A-I was also assessed in the serum of hepatitis B virus patients who developed HCC. Specific oxidation of methionine 112 to methionine sulfoxide and tryptophans 50 and 108 to formylkinurenine were identified selectively in the up-regulated isoform. Although it is not clear at present whether the occurrence of these modifications has a causal role or simply reflects secondary epiphenomena, this selectively oxidized Apo A-I isoform may be considered as a pathological hallmark that may help to the understanding of the molecular pathogenesis of HCC.  相似文献   

In the course of an electrophoretic mutation screening program of 32,000 dried blood samples from newborns, 17 genetic variants of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) were found and structurally analyzed. The following defects were identified by the combined use of high performance liquid chromatography, time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry, and sequence analysis: Pro3----Arg (1 x), Pro4----Arg (1 x), Asp89----Glu (1 x), Lys107----0 (4 x), Lys107----Met (2 x), Glu139----Gly (2 x), Glu147----Val (1 x), Pro165----Arg (4 x), and Glu198----Lys (1 x). The distribution of point mutations in the apoA-I gene leading to these 9 and 11 other variants of apoA-I reported previously was statistically analyzed. Substitutions are overrepresented in the 10 amino-terminal amino acids (p less than 0.001, chi 2-test) and in residues 103-177 (p less than 0.025, chi 2-test) or residues 103-198 (p less than 0.05, chi 2-test), respectively. We further noted the following. (i) Prolines were substituted by arginine or histidine residues at a frequency much higher than expected on the basis of random nucleotide substitutions (5 out of 18 "electrically non-neutral" amino acid substitutions, p less than 0.001, chi 2-test). These substitutions are the result of transversions of cytosines contained within stretches of at least 5 consecutive cytosines in the apoA-I gene. The observed hypervariability of the apoA-I amino terminus, therefore, might be caused by a hot spot for mutation formed by the 7 subsequent cytosines in codons 3, 4, and 5. (ii) CpG dinucleotides were overrepresentatively affected by C----T transitions (5 out of 18 electrically nonneutral amino acid substitution, p less than 0.001, chi 2-test). The hypervariability of the apoA-I alpha-helical domain might therefore be caused by CpG dinucleotides predominantly occurring in codons 120-208 of apoA-I (82 out of 125). (iii) Comparison of mutation sites in the human apoA-I gene with sites of nonsynonymous substitutions revealed that amino acid substitutions found in human apoA-I were predominantly localized in areas that were little conserved during mammalian evolution. These regions may therefore represent areas of less structural constraint for the function of apoA-I.  相似文献   

The lipid-interacting properties of the N-terminal domain of human apolipoprotein C-III (apo C-III) were investigated. By molecular modeling, we predicted that the 6-20 fragment of apo C-III is obliquely orientated at the lipid/water interface owing to an asymmetric distribution of the hydrophobic residues when helical. This is characteristic of 'tilted peptides' originally discovered in viral fusion proteins and later in various proteins including some involved in lipoprotein metabolism. Since most tilted peptides were shown to induce liposome fusion in vitro, the fusogenic capacity of the 6-20 fragment of apo C-III was tested on unilamellar liposomes and compared with the well characterized SIV fusion peptide. Mutants were designed by molecular modeling to assess the role of the hydrophobicity gradient in the fusion. FTIR spectroscopy confirmed the predominantly helical conformation of the peptides in TFE solution and also in lipid-peptide complexes. Lipid-mixing experiments showed that the apo C-III (6-20) peptide is able to increase the fluorescence of a lipophilic fluorescent probe. The vesicle fusion was confirmed by core-mixing and leakage assays. The hydrophobicity gradient plays a key role in the fusion process because the mutant with no hydrophobic asymmetry but the same mean hydrophobicity as the wild type does not induce significant lipid fusion. The apo C-III (6-20) fragment is, however, less fusogenic than the SIV peptide, in agreement with their respective mean hydrophobicity. Since lipid fusion should not be the physiological function of the N-terminal domain of apo CIII, we suggest that its peculiar distribution of hydrophobic residues is important for the lipid-binding properties of apo C-III and should be involved in apolipoprotein and lipid exchanges crucial for triglyceride metabolism.  相似文献   

Human apolipoprotein (apo) A-I has been the subject of intense investigation because of its well-documented anti-atherogenic properties. About 70% of the protein found in high density lipoprotein complexes is apo A-I, a molecule that contains a series of highly homologous amphipathic alpha-helices. A number of significant experimental observations have allowed increasing sophisticated structural models for both the lipid-bound and the lipid-free forms of the apo A-I molecule to be tested critically. It seems clear, for example, that interactions between amphipathic domains in apo A-I may be crucial to understanding the dynamic nature of the molecule and the pathways by which the lipid-free molecule binds to lipid, both in a discoidal and a spherical particle. The state of the art of these structural studies is discussed and placed in context with current models and concepts of the physiological role of apo A-I and high-density lipoprotein in atherosclerosis and lipid metabolism.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of apolipoprotein (apo) A-I and the contributions of structural domains to the properties of the protein molecule are not well defined. We used a series of engineered human and mouse apoA-I molecules in a range of physical-biochemical measurements to address this issue. Circular dichroism measurements of alpha-helix thermal unfolding and fluorescence spectroscopy measurements of 8-anilino-1-napthalenesulfonic acid binding indicate that removal of the C-terminal 54 amino acid residues from human and mouse apoA-I has similar effects; the molecules are only slightly destabilized, and there is a decrease in hydrophobic surface exposure. These results are consistent with both human and mouse apoA-I adopting a two-domain tertiary structure, comprising an N-terminal antiparallel helix bundle domain and a separate less ordered C-terminal domain. Mouse apoA-I is significantly less resistant than human apoA-I to thermal and chemical denaturation; the midpoint of thermal unfolding of mouse apoA-I at 45 degrees C is 15 degrees C lower and the midpoint of guanidine hydrochloride denaturation (D1/2) occurs at 0.5 M as compared to 1.0 M for human apoA-I. These differences reflect the overall greater stability of the helix bundle formed by residues 1-189 in human apoA-I. Measurements of the heats of binding to egg phosphatidylcholine (PC) small unilamellar vesicles and the kinetics of solubilization of dimyristoyl PC multilamellar vesicles indicate that the more stable human helix bundle interacts poorly with lipids as compared to the equivalent mouse N-terminal domain. The C-terminal domain of human apoA-I is much more hydrophobic than that of mouse apoA-I; in the lipid-free state the human C-terminal domain (residues 190-243) is partially alpha-helical and undergoes cooperative unfolding (D1/2 = 0.3 M) whereas the isolated mouse C-terminal domain (residues 187-240) is disordered in dilute solution. The human C-terminal domain binds to lipid surfaces much more avidly than the equivalent mouse domain. Human and mouse apoA-I have very different tertiary structure domain contributions for achieving functionality. It is clear that the stability of the N-terminal helix bundle, and the hydrophobicity and alpha-helix content of the C-terminal domain, are critical factors in determining the overall properties of the apoA-I molecule.  相似文献   

As the principal component of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), apolipoprotein (apo) A-I plays essential roles in lipid transport and metabolism. Because of its intrinsic conformational plasticity and flexibility, the molecular details of the tertiary structure of lipid-free apoA-I have not been fully elucidated. Previously, we demonstrated that the stability of the N-terminal helix bundle structure is modulated by proline substitution at the most hydrophobic region (residues around Y18) in the N-terminal domain. Here we examine the effect of proline substitution at S55 located in another relatively hydrophobic region compared to most of the helix bundle domain to elucidate the influences on the helix bundle structure and lipid interaction. Fluorescence measurements revealed that the S55P mutation had a modest effect on the stability of the bundle structure, indicating that residues around S55 are not pivotally involved in the helix bundle formation, in contrast to the insertion of proline at position 18. Although truncation of the C-terminal domain (Δ190-243) diminishes the lipid binding of apoA-I molecule, the mutation S55P in addition to the C-terminal truncation (S55P/Δ190-243) restored the lipid binding, suggesting that the S55P mutation causes a partial unfolding of the helix bundle to facilitate lipid binding. Furthermore, additional proline substitution at Y18 (Y18P/S55P/Δ190-243), which leads to a drastic unfolding of the helix bundle structure, yielded a greater lipid binding ability. Thus, proline substitutions in the N-terminal domain of apoA-I that destabilized the helix bundle promoted lipid solubilization. These results suggest that not only the hydrophobic C-terminal helical domain but also the stability of the N-terminal helix bundle in apoA-I are important modulators of the spontaneous solubilization of membrane lipids by apoA-I, a process that leads to the generation of nascent HDL particles.  相似文献   

Exchangeable apolipoproteins can convert between lipid-free and lipid-associated states. The C-terminal domain of human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) plays a role in both lipid binding and self-association. Site-directed spin-label electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy was used to examine the structure of the apoA-I C terminus in lipid-free and lipid-associated states. Nitroxide spin-labels positioned at defined locations throughout the C terminus were used to define discrete secondary structural elements. Magnetic interactions between probes localized at positions 163, 217 and 226 in singly and doubly labeled apoA-I gave inter- and intramolecular distance information, providing a basis for mapping apoA-I tertiary and quaternary structure. Spectra of apoA-I in reconstituted HDL revealed a lipid-induced transition of defined random coils and beta-strands into alpha-helices. This conformational switch is analogous to triggered events in viral fusion proteins and may serve as a means to overcome the energy barriers of lipid sequestration, a critical step in cholesterol efflux and HDL assembly.  相似文献   

We have identified a novel mutation in apoA-I (serine 36 to alanine; S36A) in a human subject with severe hypoalphalipoproteinemia. The mutation is located in the N-terminal region of the protein, which has been implicated in several functions, including lipid binding and lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity. In the present study, the S36A protein was produced recombinantly and characterized both structurally and functionally. While the helical content of the mutant protein was lower compared with wild-type (WT) apoA-I, it retained its helical character. The protein stability, measured as the resistance to guanidine-induced denaturation, decreased significantly. Interestingly, native gel electrophoresis, cross-linking, and sedimentation equilibrium analysis showed that the S36A mutant was primarily present as a monomer, notably different from the WT protein, which showed considerable oligomeric forms. Although the ability of S36A apoA-I to solubilize phosphatidylcholine vesicles and bind to lipoprotein surfaces was not altered, a significantly impaired LCAT activation compared with the WT protein was observed. These results implicate a region around S36 in apoA-I self-association, independent of the intact C terminus. Furthermore, the region around S36 in the N-terminus of human apoA-I is necessary for LCAT activation.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) is an important lipid-transport protein in human plasma and brain. It has three common isoforms (apoE2, apoE3, and apoE4). ApoE is a major genetic risk factor in heart disease and in neurodegenerative disease, including Alzheimer's disease. The interaction of apoE with heparan sulfate proteoglycans plays an important role in lipoprotein remnant uptake and likely in atherogenesis and Alzheimer's disease. Here we report our studies of the interaction of the N-terminal domain of apoE4 (residues 1-191), which contains the major heparin-binding site, with an enzymatically prepared heparin oligosaccharide. Identified by its high affinity for the N-terminal domain of apoE4, this oligosaccharide was determined to be an octasaccharide of the structure DeltaUAp2S(1-->[4)-alpha-D-GlcNpS6S(1-->4)-alpha-L-IdoAp2S(1-->](3)4)-alpha-D-GlcNpS6S by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, capillary electrophoresis, and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Kinetic analysis of the interaction between the N-terminal apoE4 fragment and immobilized heparin by surface plasmon resonance yielded a K(d) of 150 nM. A similar binding constant (K(d) = 140 nM) was observed for the interaction between immobilized N-terminal apoE4 and the octasaccharide. Isothermal titration calorimetry revealed a K(d) of 75 nM for the interaction of the N-terminal apoE fragment and the octasaccharide with a binding stoichiometry of approximately 1:1. Using previous studies and molecular modeling, we propose a binding site for this octasaccharide in a basic residue-rich region of helix 4 of the N-terminal fragment. From the X-ray crystal structure of the N-terminal apoE4, we predicted that binding of the octasaccharide at this site would result in a change in intrinsic fluorescence. This prediction was confirmed experimentally by an observed increase in fluorescence intensity with octasaccharide binding corresponding to a K(d) of approximately 1 microM.  相似文献   

Zhu X  Wu G  Zeng W  Xue H  Chen B 《Journal of lipid research》2005,46(6):1303-1311
Apolipoprotein A-I(Milano) (A-I(M)) (R173C), a natural mutant of human apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), and five other cysteine variants of apoA-I at residues 52 (S52C), 74 (N74C), 107 (K107C), 129 (G129C), and 195 (K195C) were generated. Cysteine residues were incorporated in each of the various helices at the same helical wheel position as for the substitution in A-I(M). The secondary structural properties of the monomeric mutants, their abilities to bind lipid and to promote cholesterol efflux from THP-1 macrophages, and the possibility of antiperoxidation were investigated. Results showed that the alpha helical contents of all of the cysteine mutants were similar to that of wild-type apoA-I (wtapoA-I). The cysteine variant of A-I(M) at residue 173 [A-I(M)(R173C)] exhibited weakened structural stability, whereas A-I(G129C) a more stable structure than wtapoA-I. A-I(G129C) and A-I(K195C) exhibited significantly impaired capabilities to bind lipid compared with wtapoA-I. A-I(K107C) possessed a higher capacity to promote cholesterol efflux from macrophages than wtapoA-I, and A-I(M)(R173C) and A-I(K195C) exhibited an impaired efflux capability. Neither A-I(M)(R173C) nor any other cysteine mutant could resist oxidation against lipoxygenase. In summary, in spite of the similar mutant position on the helix, these variants exhibited different structural features or biological activities, suggesting the potential influence of the local environment of mutations on the whole polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

Specific mutations in APOA1 gene lead to systemic, hereditary amyloidoses. In ApoA-I related amyloidosis involving the heart, amyloid deposits are mainly constituted by the 93-residue N-terminal region of the protein, here indicated as [1-93]ApoA-I. Oxidative stress is known to be an enhancing factor for protein aggregation. In healthy conditions, humans are able to counteract the formation and the effects of oxidative molecules. However, aging and atmospheric pollution increase the concentration of oxidative agents, such as metal ions. As the main effect of iron deregulation is proposed to be an increase in oxidative stress, we analysed the effects of iron on [1-93]ApoA-I aggregation. By using different biochemical approaches, we demonstrated that Fe(II) is able to reduce the formation of [1-93]ApoA-I fibrillar species, probably by stabilizing its monomeric form, whereas Fe(III) shows a positive effect on polypeptide fibrillogenesis. We hypothesize that, in healthy conditions, Fe(III) is reduced by the organism to Fe(II), thus inhibiting amyloid formation, whereas during ageing such protective mechanisms decline, thus exposing the organism to higher oxidative stress levels, which are also related to an increase in Fe(III). This alteration could contribute to the pathogenesis of amyloidosis.  相似文献   

In this study the thermal and denaturant induced unfolding of apolipoprotein A-I (apo A-I) and the monomer form of apolipoprotein A-I(Milano) (apo A-I(M)) was followed. Dimer apo A-I(M) was reduced with dithiothreitol, which was present in the protein solutions in all experiments. Thermal denaturation is followed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and far-UV and near-UV CD. Both apo A-I and monomer apo A-IM have a broad asymmetric DSC peak that could be deconvoluted into three non two-state transitions, apo A-I being more stable than the monomer apo A-IM. Estimation of melting of tertiary structure by near-UV CD is lower than that for secondary structure determined from far-UV. This together with the non two-state unfolding of the proteins observed with DSC is indicative of unfolding via a molten globular-like state. Apo A-I and monomer apo A-I(M) are equally susceptible to guanidinum chloride, half-unfolded at 1.2 M denaturant. The presence of 0.5 and 1.0 M denaturant, lower and equalize the denaturation temperatures of the proteins, respectively.  相似文献   

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