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We have constructed and analyzed an in vitro system that will efficiently replicate plasmid RSF1010 and its derivatives. The system contains a partially purified extract from E.coli cells and three purified RSF1010-encoded proteins, the products of genes repA, repB (or mobA/repB), and repC. Replication in this system mimics the in vivo mechanism in that it (i) is initiated at oriV, the origin of vegetative DNA replication, (ii) proceeds in a population of plasmid molecules in both directions from this 396-base-pair origin region, and (iii) is absolutely dependent on the presence of each of the three rep gene products. In addition, we find that E.coli DNA gyrase, DnaZ protein (gamma subunit of poIIII holoenzyme) and SSB are required for in vitro plasmid synthesis. The bacterial RNA polymerase, the initiation protein DnaA, and the primosomal proteins DnaB, DnaC, DnaG and DnaT are not required. Furthermore, the replicative intermediates seen in the electron microscope suggest that replication in vitro begins with the simultaneous or non-simultaneous formation of two displacement loops that expand for a short stretch of DNA toward each other, and form a theta-type structure when the two displacing strands pass each other.  相似文献   

The broad host-range plasmid RSF1010 contains two oppositely oriented priming signals, ssiA and ssiB, for DNA synthesis dependent on the origin of vegetative DNA replication (oriV). If either ssiA or ssiB was deleted or inverted, the RSF1010 miniplasmids containing engineered oriVs were maintained at low copy numbers, replicated abnormally as dimers, and accumulated specific single strands in the Escherichia coli strain supplying the three RSF1010-encoded RepA, RepB', and RepC proteins. Interestingly, an additional intracellular supply of the Sog primase (the sog gene product of plasmid CoIIb-P9) reversed the replication deficiency of these miniplasmids with respect to all three aspects described above. These were also true for the RSF1010 miniplasmids in which either ssiA or ssiB was replaced by the primosome assembly site (PAS) or by the G4-type ssi signal (G site). Furthermore, comparative analysis of the functional contribution of the two oppositely oriented ssi signals to the DNA replication of RSF1010 showed that, irrespective of their types, ssi signals conducting the initiation of DNA chain elongation away from the iterons were functionally more important than ones in the inverted orientation. We consider that this functional difference reflects the inherent properties of the initiation mechanism of RSF1010 DNA replication.  相似文献   

Broad host-range plasmid RSF1010 contains in the oriV region two DNA initiation signals, ssiA(RSF1010) and ssiB(RSF1010), which are essential for plasmid replication. Each of ssiA and ssiB could be substituted functionally by either of the two G4-type (DnaG-dependent) priming signals, the oric of bacteriophage G4 and an ssi signal from plasmid pSY343 (an R1 plasmid derivative). Functions of the chimeric oriVs of RSF1010 thus constructed were dependent on the RSF1010-specific replication proteins, RepA, RepB' and RepC. When both of ssiA and ssiB were replaced by the G4-type ssi signals, functions of the chimeric oriVs were no longer dependent on RepB' (RSF1010-specific DNA primase). The replication activities of the chimeric oriVs of RSF1010 were not influenced markedly by the type of heterologous priming signals they contained. It is conceivable that DNA replication of RSF1010 does not need the priming mechanism for lagging strand synthesis and proceeds by the strand displacement mechanism.  相似文献   

Abstract pT181 is a Staphylococcus aureus rolling circle replicating plasmid whose copy number is controlled by regulating the synthesis and activity of the initiator protein, RepC. The RepC dimer is modified during pT181 replication by the addition of an oligodeoxynucleotide, giving rise to a new form, RepC*. To purify RepC*, RepC was expressed in S. aureus as a fusion protein with a polyhistidine tail. The histidine-tagged RepC retains its initiation and topoisomerase activities in vitro. Histagged RepC/RepC and RepC/RepC* were purified in a two-step procedure. Peptide mapping, mass spectrometric analysis and protein sequencing of purified RepC and RepC* were carried out, and both proteins appeared identical, except that the peptide containing the RepC active site tyrosine used in nicking activity was absent when the purified RepC* sample was analyzed. The absence of the active site in RepC* suggests that this site was modified during replication. The results provide the first direct biochemical evidence that RepC* is a modified form of RepC, and support a model in which RepC replication of pT181 leaves RepC with an oligonucleotide blocking the active site of one of its subunits.  相似文献   

Summary A 500 bp DNA fragment located in the vicinity of the origin of replication of plasmid RSF1010 was cloned into the plasmid vector pBR322 and shown to exhibit incompatibility against parental RSF1010. The rightmost region of this fragment contains three perfect 20 pb direct repeats and a fourth half-repeat of 11 bp, as shown by DNA sequencing. Delection of the four repeats from the cloned fragment resulted in complete loss of incompatibility whereas partial deletion of the repeated sequence resulted in a concurrent decrease in the expression of incompatibility. We conclude that the incompatibility determinant of RSF1010 is defined by the four repeats and also that the incompatibility expressed is not very strong, since the presence of about 1.5 times as many copies of the repeated sequence as are normally in a cell does not cause a total switch off of RSF1010 replication, but only a 40% reduction in the rate of replication.Abbreviations kb kilobase pairs - bp base pairs - Kmr, Tcr resistance to kanamycin and tetracycline, respectively  相似文献   

The two single-strand DNA initiation signals, ssiA(RSF1010) and ssiB(RSF1010) of the broad host-range plasmid RSF1010 contain proposed stem-loop structures. Nine single base-change mutations in the stem of the ssiA structure, each of which destroyed a relevant base pairing, damaged the ssiA activity. A second single-base change was introduced into each of the nine ssiA mutants in such a way that the base pairing was restored. Only three out of nine second base changes that restored the base pairing restored the ssiA activity up to the wild-type level. Thus, the three are intramolecular suppressors. The results strongly suggested that, in the area of the stem of ssiA where the suppressor mutations fell, base pairing was the most important structural parameter for the ssiA activity. By contrast, it is most probable that, in the other part of the stem of ssiA, both base-pairing and the intrinsic base sequence were the major determinants of the ssiA activity.  相似文献   

Mobilization of the non-conjugative IncQ plasmid RSF1010   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  

Increased intracellular concentrations of the initiator protein Rep (or RepA) interfere with pSC101 DNA replication, and mutated Rep proteins that result in an increase in plasmid copy numbers do not inhibit the replication. A rep mutant (rep(inh)) defective in the inhibitory activity was isolated and found to be a new high copy number mutant. The inhibitory function of Rep was enhanced by the coexistence of directly repeated sequences (DR; iterons) in the replication origin region (ori), but not by the inverted repeat sequences (IR) in ori and the rep promoter. This synergistic effect of Rep and DR sequences for the replication inhibition was dependent on their intracellular concentrations. Considering that DR sequences are the specific binding sites of the Rep monomer form, the Rep monomer-DR complex might be responsible for the inhibition of the plasmid replication. Furthermore, the Rep monomer in the crude cell extracts facilitated dimerization of DR DNA fragments by DNA ligase. Neither synergistic inhibitory function with DR nor Rep mediated dimerization of DR DNA was observed in high copy number mutant Rep proteins. The role of the Rep-iteron complex in the copy number control of pSC101 is discussed.  相似文献   

Control of P1 plasmid replication by iterons   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
The incA locus of plasmid P1 controls plasmid copy number by inhibiting the replication origin, oriR . Both loci contain repeat sequences (iterons) that bind the P1 RepA protein. Regulation appears to occur by contact of incA and oriR loci of daughter plasmids mediated by RepA-bound iterons. Synthetic incA iteron arrays were constructed with altered numbers, sequences or spacing of iterons. Using these in in vitro and in vivo assays, we examined two models: (i) that the origin and incA loci form a stable 1:1 complex in which multiple iterons of each locus are paired with those of the other, and (ii) that individual incA iterons act as freely diffusing nucleoprotein units that contact origin iterons in a random and dynamic fashion. The data presented here strongly favour the latter case. The origin, with its five iterons, acts as a target but not as an effector of regulation. We present a model for replication control based on random, dynamic contacts between incA iterons and the origin. This system would display randomness with respect to choice of templates and timing of initiation if multiple replicon copies were present, but would tend to act in a machine-like fashion in concert with the cell cycle if just two copies were present in a dividing cell.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli conjugative plasmid Flac has a restricted host range, in that transfer to Pseudomonas aeruginosa is not detectable. The molecular basis for this host-range restriction was studied by a separate comparison of the replication and conjugation systems of Flac with those of the broad host-range plasmid RK2. The origin of transfer of Flac (oriTF) was cloned onto a small RK2 replicon. The hybrid plasmid, pDG2906, could be transferred efficiently by both the Flac and RK2 conjugation systems to an E. coli recipient. The Flac conjugation system was able to transfer pDG2906 to P. aeruginosa, but only at a frequency of 10?4 of that of the RK2 conjugation system. A second hybrid plasmid, containing the replication region of Flac with the transfer region of RK2, could not be established in P. aeruginosa. These results show that Flac is able to mediate low frequency transfer to P. aeruginosa, and that the lack of replication in Pseudomonas is ultimately responsible for the restricted host range.  相似文献   

Replicating DNA molecules of the nonconjugative R plasmid RSF1010 (Smr Sur) were cleaved with the EcoRI restriction endonuclease and examined with the electron microscope. Results of this analysis indicated that replication is initiated from an origin located at about 19% of total genome size from one of the EcoRI ends. Replication proceeded either unidirectionally or bidirectionally with equal frequency. Results of the analysis of replicative intermediates of RSF1010 containing the Apr-transposable sequence (Tn) are also presented.  相似文献   

Streptomycin- and sulfonamide-resistant Erwinia amylovora CA3R from California contained an 8.7-kb plasmid, pEa8.7, with a sulII-strA-strB resistance region; furthermore, PCR, sequencing, hybridization, and restriction analyses showed that pEa8.7 was closely related or identical to broad-host-range plasmid RSF1010. Although RSF1010 has been found in a variety of bacteria, this is the first report of its presence in plant pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

RSF1010 plasmid DNA was introduced into Pseudomonas putida and P. aeruginosa cells and maintained stably, suggesting the potential usefulness of this plasmid as a vector in Pseudomonas species. The number of copies of RSF1010 was 43 per chromosome equivalent in P. putida cells.  相似文献   

孙熙年 《微生物学报》1990,30(6):422-427
采用Tn5插入诱变、限制性核酸内切酶作图以及DNA转化等方法,对广泛寄主范围型质粒SF 1010的衍生体-pKT 2 40进行研究。证实质粒的寄主围决定于它在遗传背景不同的寄主中复制并保存自身的能力,而repA,rcpB和repC基因为该质拉复制所必需。  相似文献   

The korB gene is a major regulatory element in the replication and maintenance of broad host-range plasmid RK2. It negatively controls the replication gene trfA, the host-lethal determinants kilA and kilB, and the korA-korB operon. Here, we present the nucleotide sequence of an 1167 base-pair region that encodes korB. Using sequence data from korB mutants, we identified the korB structural gene. The predicted polypeptide product is negatively charged and has a molecular weight of 39,015, which is considerably less than that estimated by its electrophoretic mobility in SDS/polyacrylamide gels. Secondary-structure predictions of korB polypeptide revealed three closely spaced helix-turn-helix regions with significant homology to similar structures in known DNA-binding proteins. The korB gene, like all other sequenced RK2 genes, shows a strong preference for codons ending in a G or C residue. This is similar to codon usage by genes of Klebsiella and Pseudomonas, the original hosts for RK2 and some closely related plasmids. We also sequenced the site of transposon Tn76 insertion in the host-range mutant pRP761 and found it to be located immediately upstream from korB in the incC gene. Finally, we report the presence of sequences resembling a replication origin within the korB structural gene: a cluster of four 19 base-pair direct repeats and a nearby potential binding site for Escherichia coli dna A replication protein.  相似文献   

H Uga  F Matsunaga    C Wada 《The EMBO journal》1999,18(13):3856-3867
In bacteria, plasmids and some DNA viruses, DNA replication is initiated and regulated by binding of initiator proteins to repetitive sequences. To understand the control mechanism we used the plasmid mini-F, whose copy number is stringently maintained in Escherichia coli, mainly by its initiator protein RepE and the incC region. The monomers of RepE protein bound to incC iterons, which exert incompatibility in trans and control the copy number of mini-F plasmid in cis. Many incompatibility defective mutants carrying mutations in their incC iterons had lost the affinity to bind to RepE, while one mutant retained high level binding affinity. The mutated incC mini-F plasmids lost the function to control the copy number. The copy number of the wild-type mini-F plasmid did not increase in the presence of excess RepE. These results suggested that the control of replication by incC iterons does not rely on their capacity to titrate RepE protein. Using a ligation assay, we found that RepE proteins mediated a cross-link structure between ori2 and incC, for which the dimerization domain of RepE and the structure of incC seem to be important. The structure probably causes inhibition of extra rounds of DNA replication initiation on mini-F plasmids, thereby keeping mini-F plasmid at a low copy number.  相似文献   

Specificity of RepC protein in plasmid pT181 DNA replication   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The plasmid pT181 of Staphylococcus aureus consists of 4437 base pairs and encodes resistance to tetracycline. Initiation of pT181 DNA replication specifically requires the plasmid-encoded initiator protein, RepC. The initiator protein binds specifically to a 32-base pair sequence within the pT181 origin of replication. RepC protein also has a nicking-closing activity that is specific for the pT181 origin. Replication of pT181 initiates by covalent extension of the nick and proceeds by a rolling circle mechanism. Two other small, multicopy plasmids pC221 and pS194 belong to the pT181 family and have common structural organization and replication properties. The replication proteins and replication origins of these plasmids have extensive sequence homologies, although they belong to different incompatibility groups. In spite of this homology, the replication proteins and replication origins of these three plasmids do not show any cross-reactivity in vivo. We have carried out a series of in vitro experiments to determine the specificity of pT181-encoded initiator protein, RepC. DNA binding experiments showed that although the binding of RepC to the pT181 origin was very efficient, little or no binding was seen with pC221 and pS194 origins. The nicking-closing activity of RepC was found to be equally efficient with the pC221 and pS194 plasmids. The plasmids pC221 and pS194 replicated efficiently in a RepC-dependent in vitro system. However, replication of these plasmids was greatly reduced in the presence of a competing pT181 origin. The results presented here suggest that nicking-closing by RepC at the origin is not sufficient for maximal replication and that tight binding of RepC to the origin plays an important role in the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Unwinding of double-stranded DNA into single-stranded intermediates required for various fundamental life processes is catalyzed by helicases, a family of mono-, di- or hexameric motor proteins fueled by nucleoside triphosphate hydrolysis. The three-dimensional crystal structure of the hexameric helicase RepA encoded by plasmid RSF1010 has been determined by X-ray diffraction at 2.4 A resolution. The hexamer shows an annular structure with 6-fold rotational symmetry and a approximately 17 A wide central hole, suggesting that single-stranded DNA may be threaded during unwinding. Homologs of all five conserved sequence motifs of the DnaB-like helicase family are found in RepA, and the topography of the monomer resembles RecA and the helicase domain of the bacteriophage T7 gp4 protein. In a modeled complex, ATP molecules are located at the subunit interfaces and clearly define adenine-binding and ATPase catalytic sites formed by amino acid residues located on adjacent monomers; most remarkable is the "arginine finger" Arg207 contributing to the active site in the adjacent monomer. This arrangement of active-site residues suggests cooperativity between monomers in ATP hydrolysis and helicase activity of RepA. The mechanism of DNA unwinding remains elusive, as RepA is 6-fold symmetric, contrasting the recently published asymmetric structure of the bacteriophage T7 gp4 helicase domain.  相似文献   

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