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The Red-rumped Agouti (Dasyprocta leporina, Linnaeus, 1758) is considered common in areas where it occurs, and it is listed as Least Concern status in the IUCN red list; however, in recent decades it has been negatively affected by habitat loss and hunting. The conservation status needs to be updated since no recent studies have been conducted in the Atlantic Forest. Therefore, we aimed to estimate the density, occupancy and detectability of D. leporina in one of the larger Atlantic Forest remnants in Espírito Santo, Brazil, the Vale Natural Reserve (VNR). We surveyed four line transects between April 2013 and May 2014 to estimate density and abundance. To model occupancy probability, as well as to document activity pattern, we selected 39 sampling sites with one camera-trap each. Estimated density was 21 ± 3 individuals km–2 and estimated population size was 4935 ± 368 individuals. Occupancy increases with palm density, distance from forest edge, and canopy cover. Occupancy and detectability decreases with distance from water resources. Detectability increases with palm density. The results presented herein can be a starting point to support future action plans for the species, making predictions regarding the ecosystem and management and conservation of D. leporina.  相似文献   

While there is agreement that both habitat quality and habitat network characteristics (such as patch size and isolation) contribute to the occupancy of patches by any given species, the relative importance of these factors is under debate. This issue is of fundamental ecological importance, and moreover of special concern for conservation biologists aiming at preserving endangered species. Against this background we investigated patch occupancy in the violet copper Lycaena helle, one of the rarest butterfly species in Central Europe, in the Westerwald area (Rhineland-Palatinate, Western Germany). Occupied (n = 102) differed from vacant (n = 128) patches in altitude, size, connectivity, availability of wind shelter, in the abundance of the larval host-plant, in the abundance of a grass species indicating favorable habitat conditions and in the abundance of nitrophilous plants. Overall, patch occupancy was primarily determined by patch size, connectivity and the abundance of the larval host plant, while all other parameters of habitat quality were of subordinate importance. Therefore, our findings suggest that even for extremely sedentary species such as L. helle habitat networks are decisive and—next to the preservation of habitat quality—need to be an integral part of any conservation management for this species.  相似文献   

Population abundance estimates using predictive models are important for describing habitat use and responses to population-level impacts, evaluating conservation status of a species, and for establishing monitoring programs. The golden-cheeked warbler (Setophaga chrysoparia) is a neotropical migratory bird that was listed as federally endangered in 1990 because of threats related to loss and fragmentation of its woodland habitat. Since listing, abundance estimates for the species have mainly relied on localized population studies on public lands and qualitative-based methods. Our goal was to estimate breeding population size of male warblers using a predictive model based on metrics for patches of woodland habitat throughout the species' breeding range. We first conducted occupancy surveys to determine range-wide distribution. We then conducted standard point-count surveys on a subset of the initial sampling locations to estimate density of males. Mean observed patch-specific density was 0.23 males/ha (95% CI = 0.197–0.252, n = 301). We modeled the relationship between patch-specific density of males and woodland patch characteristics (size and landscape composition) and predicted patch occupancy. The probability of patch occupancy, derived from a model that used patch size and landscape composition as predictor variables while addressing effects of spatial relatedness, best predicted patch-specific density. We predicted patch-specific densities as a function of occupancy probability and estimated abundance of male warblers across 63,616 woodland patches accounting for 1.678 million ha of potential warbler habitat. Using a Monte Carlo simulation, our approach yielded a range-wide male warbler population estimate of 263,339 (95% CI: 223,927–302,620). Our results provide the first abundance estimate using habitat and count data from a sampling design focused on range-wide inference. Managers can use the resulting model as a tool to support conservation planning and guide recovery efforts. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Patterns of distribution and abundance of species are dependent on their particular ecological requirements. Taking specialisation into account is important for interpreting population parameters. Here, we evaluate population parameters of an endangered habitat specialist, the forty‐spotted pardalote (Pardalotus quadragintus; dependent on white gum Eucalyptus viminalis in south‐eastern Tasmania), and a sympatric congeneric habitat generalist, the striated pardalote (Pardalotus striatus). We used occupancy models to estimate occupancy of both species, and distance sampling models to estimate population density and size on North Bruny Island. Within their shared habitat (i.e. white gum forest), we also fitted hierarchical distance sampling models to estimate density in relation to fine‐scale habitat features. We show that forty‐spotted pardalotes only occurred in forests where white gums were present, with a mean density of 2.7 birds per hectare. The density of forty‐spotted pardalotes decreased in areas with abundant small trees and trees with dead crowns, but they increased in areas where larger white gums were abundant. The striated pardalote was widespread, but where white gums were present, they occurred at 2.1 birds per hectare, compared to 0.6 birds per hectare in forests where white gums were absent. Within white gum habitat, the relative abundance of forty‐spotted pardalotes and dead trees had a positive effect on the density of striated pardalotes while small trees had a negative effect. Our study reveals that although widespread, the generalist is most abundant in the limited areas of habitat suitable for the specialist, and this indicates the need of future research to look at whether this pattern of occurrence exacerbates competition in resource depleted habitats.  相似文献   

Large carnivores have been largely extirpated from Southeast Asia due to deforestation, habitat fragmentation, and poaching. Estimating the density of endangered carnivore populations, and identifying relationships between species occupancy and both environmental and anthropogenic factors, is essential for effective conservation planning. Recently, the IUCN conservation status of the Indochinese leopard (Panthera pardus delacouri) was upgraded to “Critically Endangered.” We surveyed Kweekoh Wildlife Sanctuary in Kawthoolei, an area administered by the Karen ethnic group in eastern Myanmar, to quantify (1) leopard population density using spatially explicit mark-resight (SMR) models, (2) leopard occupancy as influenced by important ecological variables, and (3) potential differences in activity between melanistic and spotted leopard morphs. Leopard density was estimated to be 1.39 ± SE 0.22/100 km2. Leopard occupancy (ψ = 0.43; 95% credible interval: 0.26–0.67) increased further from roads, at relatively higher elevations, and in areas with higher relative abundance of wild boar. Leopard activity was cathemeral, with higher activity during night hours, and significant overlap (Δ = 0.84; 95% confidence interval: 0.71–0.96) between melanistic and spotted morphs. However, melanistic leopards were more active during twilight hours than spotted individuals whose activity did not significantly vary throughout the day. Indochinese leopard density estimates in Kweekoh were among the lowest reported from Southeast Asia. Leopard occupancy was highest in the sanctuary's core areas, suggesting the presence of negative anthropogenic impacts along the sanctuary borders. We suggest our low density estimates warrant immediate and decisive conservation action, including better protection for leopards, their habitat, and their prey.  相似文献   

Marginal populations are usually small, fragmented, and vulnerable to extinction, which makes them particularly interesting from a conservation point of view. They are also the starting point of range shifts that result from climate change, through a process involving colonization of newly suitable sites at the cool margin of species distributions. Hence, understanding the processes that drive demography and distribution at high‐latitude populations is essential to forecast the response of species to global changes. We investigated the relative importance of solar irradiance (as a proxy for microclimate), habitat quality, and connectivity on occupancy, abundance, and population stability at the northern range margin of the Oberthür's grizzled skipper butterfly Pyrgus armoricanus. For this purpose, butterfly abundance was surveyed in a habitat network consisting of 50 habitat patches over 12 years. We found that occupancy and abundance (average and variability) were mostly influenced by the density of host plants and the spatial isolation of patches, while solar irradiance and grazing frequency had only an effect on patch occupancy. Knowing that the distribution of host plants extends further north, we hypothesize that the actual variable limiting the northern distribution of P. armoricanus might be its dispersal capacity that prevents it from reaching more northern habitat patches. The persistence of this metapopulation in the face of global changes will thus be fundamentally linked to the maintenance of an efficient network of habitats.  相似文献   

Identifying the primary causes affecting population densities and distribution of flagship species are necessary in developing sustainable management strategies for large carnivore conservation. We modeled drivers of spatial density of the common leopard (Panthera pardus) using a spatially explicit capture–recapture—Bayesian approach to understand their population dynamics in the Maputaland Conservation Unit, South Africa. We camera‐trapped leopards in four protected areas (PAs) of varying sizes and disturbance levels covering 198 camera stations. Ours is the first study to explore the effects of poaching level, abundance of prey species (small, medium, and large), competitors (lion Panthera leo and spotted hyenas Crocuta crocuta), and habitat on the spatial distribution of common leopard density. Twenty‐six male and 41 female leopards were individually identified and estimated leopard density ranged from 1.6 ± 0.62/100 km2 (smallest PA—Ndumo) to 8.4 ± 1.03/100 km2 (largest PA—western shores). Although dry forest thickets and plantation habitats largely represented the western shores, the plantation areas had extremely low leopard density compared to native forest. We found that leopard density increased in areas when low poaching levels/no poaching was recorded in dry forest thickets and with high abundance of medium‐sized prey, but decreased with increasing abundance of lion. Because local leopard populations are vulnerable to extinction, particularly in smaller PAs, the long‐term sustainability of leopard populations depend on developing appropriate management strategies that consider a combination of multiple factors to maintain their optimal habitats.  相似文献   

Long-term monitoring programs, wildlife surveys, and other research involving species population assessment require reliable data on population status. Given the logistically challenging nature of some species’ habitats and cryptic behaviors, collecting these data can prove to be a considerable barrier. We used detection/nondetection data from pileated gibbons (Hylobates pileatus) in the Cardamom Mountains of southwest Cambodia to estimate their population occupancy and detectability. We modeled occupancy using elevation, tree height, tree density, tree diversity, and disturbance covariates. Modeling demonstrated that 83% of the sites are occupied by Hylobates pileatus and that the detectability of the species varies positively with elevation. No clear relationship between habitat quality covariates and occupancy of Hylobates pileatus emerged. Effort analysis based on model estimates demonstrated that at high elevations, less than half the number of site visits is needed to attain the same detectability estimate precision as across all elevations. We suggest that human activities at low elevations, which affect forest composition, are the central factors impacting the detectability and occupancy of Hylobates pileatus. Longer sampling durations and/or a higher number of site visits, especially at lower elevations, increase precision of the occupancy estimator for the least effort. For effective future monitoring and research for this and similar species, using this relatively simple method, applied with repeat site visits, would allow a longitudinal comparison of detection at sites in difficult terrain.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that dispersal throughout metapopulations has a variety of consequences for the abundance and distribution of species. Immigration is predicted to increase abundance and habitat patch occupancy, but gene flow can have both positive and negative demographic consequences. Here, we address the eco‐evolutionary effects of dispersal in a wild metapopulation of the stick insect Timema cristinae, which exhibits variable degrees of local adaptation throughout a heterogeneous habitat patch network of two host‐plant species. To disentangle the ecological and evolutionary contributions of dispersal to habitat patch occupancy and abundance, we contrasted the effects of connectivity to populations inhabiting conspecific host plants and those inhabiting the alternate host plant. Both types of connectivity should increase patch occupancy and abundance through increased immigration and sharing of beneficial alleles through gene flow. However, connectivity to populations inhabiting the alternate host‐plant species may uniquely cause maladaptive gene flow that counters the positive demographic effects of immigration. Supporting these predictions, we find the relationship between patch occupancy and alternate‐host connectivity to be significantly smaller in slope than the relationship between patch occupancy and conspecific‐host connectivity. Our findings illustrate the ecological and evolutionary roles of dispersal in driving the distribution and abundance of species.  相似文献   

The endangered golden‐rumped sengi are found only in Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest with 395.4 km2 of forest habitat, and perhaps in a few isolated forest and thicket fragments of total area less than 30 km2 all within central coastal Kenya. Understanding its habitat use is an important requirement to develop better conservation measures for the species and its remaining forest habitat. A more reliable method for monitoring its status is also needed. We used the Bayesian occupancy modelling with camera trap data and habitat mapping to characterise the species habitat use in the Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest. The species uses 328 km2 (95% CI: 289–364 km2) of Arabuko‐Sokoke Forest habitat, and its site use increases with distance from forest edge, with the highest site use in the Cynometra thicket (0.93; 95% CI: 0.82–1). Its use of the mixed forest habitat has been significantly reduced following years of logging of Afzelia quanzensis. We recommend the use of modelled occupancy, interpreted as the proportion of area used by the species, to monitor the species status. Occupancy models account for detection probability, and heterogeneity in site use and detection can be incorporated. Estimated territory sizes can be combined to obtain abundance estimates.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat Conservation Plans are a widely used strategy to balance development and preservation of species of concern and have been used in southern California, USA, to protect the coastal California gnatcatcher (Polioptila californica). Few data exist on gnatcatcher abundance and distribution, and existing data have problems with issues of closure (i.e., sampling occurs in a short enough time period such that abundance or distribution are not changing), detectability, and proper attention to probability-based sampling schemes. Thus, a habitat model has been relied upon in reserve design. California gnatcatchers are the flagship and umbrella species of many plans and we provide the first estimates that incorporate probabilistic sampling and test predictions from the habitat model. Probability of occurrence was 26% (SĚ = 0.06); however, occupancy varied by modeled habitat quality with slopes <40%, warm, and wet sagebrush habitat having higher occupancy probabilities. Interpreting abundance and occupancy probabilities by vegetation type was complicated by error detected in Geographic Information System vegetation metadata files. The slope (1.08, SĚ = 0.66), temperature (0.79, SĚ = 0.70), and precipitation (—2.62, SĚ = 1.21) variables associated with habitat models were stronger influences on occupancy than was patch size (0.48, SĚ = 0.66). Previous models weight patch size equal to slope and climate. Our work demonstrates that probabilistic sampling can be carried out on a large scale and the results provide better information for managers to make decisions about their reserves.  相似文献   

Based on metapopulation theory, isolation, patch size and habitat quality within patches have recently been identified as the most critical parameters determining the persistence of species. In the special case of flightless and sedentary Orthoptera species, taking into account the low dispersal ability, species survival probably depends more on habitat quality than on isolation. The aim of this study was to document how landscape (patch size, isolation and climate) and microhabitat (vegetation structure, microclimate and land use) factors influence patch occupancy and population densities, respectively, of a flightless bush-cricket (Metrioptera brachyptera) in fragmented calcareous grasslands. In summer 2005 patch occupancy of M. brachyptera was assessed in 68 calcareous grassland patches of the Diemel Valley (central Germany). Among these, 26 patches with 80 plots were selected to characterise Mbrachyptera habitats in detail. On each plot, bush-cricket density was sampled in an area of 20 m2 using a 0.5 m2 box quadrat. At the landscape level (patches) in 46 (68%) of 68 studied calcareous grassland patches M. brachyptera was present. Patch occupancy increased with annual precipitation and patch size but was independent of altitude, annual temperature and isolation. At the microhabitat level (plots), population density of Mbrachyptera decreased with land-use intensity and increased with vegetation height. In addition, a high litter accumulation was adverse for M. brachyptera. Given the low explanatory power of isolation for patch occupancy, conservation of flightless and sedentary insects, such as M. brachyptera, should primarily focus on improving habitat quality. For M. brachyptera and other stenotopic calcareous grassland species we therefore recommend traditional rough grazing with sheep, which creates a heterogenous habitat structure and avoids the accumulation of too much litter.  相似文献   

Animals use and select habitat at multiple hierarchical levels and at different spatial scales within each level. Still, there is little knowledge on the scale effects at different spatial levels of species occupancy patterns. The objective of this study was to examine nonlinear effects and optimal‐scale landscape characteristics that affect occupancy of the Siberian flying squirrel, Pteromys volans, in South‐ and Mid‐Finland. We used presence–absence data (n = 10,032 plots of 9 ha) and novel approach to separate the effects on site‐, landscape‐, and regional‐level occupancy patterns. Our main results were: landscape variables predicted the placement of population patches at least twice as well as they predicted the occupancy of particular sites; the clear optimal value of preferred habitat cover for species landscape‐level abundance is a surprisingly low value (10% within a 4 km buffer); landscape metrics exert different effects on species occupancy and abundance in high versus low population density regions of our study area. We conclude that knowledge of regional variation in landscape utilization will be essential for successful conservation of the species. The results also support the view that large‐scale landscape variables have high predictive power in explaining species abundance. Our study demonstrates the complex response of species occurrence at different levels of population configuration on landscape structure. The study also highlights the need for data in large spatial scale to increase the precision of biodiversity mapping and prediction of future trends.  相似文献   

In Fennoscandian boreal forests, aspen (Populus tremula) is one of the most important tree species for biodiversity. In this study we explore how occupancy and density of beetles associated with dead aspen are related to habitat patch size and connectedness in a 45,000 ha boreal managed forest landscape in central Sweden. Patch size was estimated as amount of breeding substrate and connectedness as crown cover of living aspen in the surrounding landscape. The beetles were sampled by sieving of bark or by inspection of species-characteristic galleries in 56 patches with dead aspen. Six of nine aspen-associated species (Xylotrechus rusticus, Ptilinus fuscus, Mycetophagus fulvicollis, Cyphaea curtula, Homalota plana and Endomychus coccineus) showed a positive significant relationship between habitat patch size and occupancy. For all these species, except C. curtula, there was also a significant positive relationship between patch size and density. Connectedness was not retained as a significant variable in the analyses. Species not defined as aspen-associated constituted a significantly larger proportion of the total density of individuals of saproxylic beetles in smaller habitat patches than in larger patches. Richness of aspen-associated species was positively related to habitat patch size. Efforts in the managed forest should be directed towards preserving and creating larger patches of living and dead aspen trees and increasing the amount of aspen at the landscape level.  相似文献   

Tropical forest mammal assemblages are widely affected by the twin effects of habitat loss and habitat fragmentation. We evaluated the effects of forest patch metrics, habitat structure, age of patch isolation, and landscape metrics on the species richness, abundance and composition of small mammals at 23 forest fragments (ranging in size from 43 to 7,035 ha) in a highly deforested 3,609-km2 landscape of southwestern Brazilian Amazonia. Using pitfall traps and both terrestrial and arboreal traplines of Sherman, Tomahawk and snap traps, we captured a total of 844 individuals over 34,900 trap-nights representing 26 species and 20 genera of small-mammals, including 13 rodent and 13 marsupial species. We also consider the effects of distance from forest edges on species occupancy and abundance. Overall small mammal abundance, species richness and species composition were primarily affected by the quality of the open-habitat matrix of cattle pastures, rather than by patch metrics such as fragment size. Ultimately, small mammal community structure was determined by a combination of both landscape- and patch-scale variables. Knowledge of the anthropogenic factors that govern small mammal community structure is of critical importance for managing the persistence of forest vertebrates in increasingly fragmented neotropical forest landscapes.  相似文献   

Finding ecologically relevant relationships between environmental covariates and response variables requires determining appropriate scales of effect. While considering multiple spatial scales of effect in hierarchical models has been the focus of recent studies, the effect of spatiotemporal scales, and temporal resolution of data on habitat suitability and species abundance has received less attention. We investigated relationships between ring-necked pheasant rooster abundance and environmental covariates with the goal of identifying important variables and their scales of effect in South Dakota, U.S.A. Using a suite of remote sensing data, we examined whether seasonal environmental conditions influence pheasant relative abundance and how survey conditions might affect detectability of roosters. To select optimal scales of effect and the best subset of covariates simultaneously, we employed a Reversible-Jump Monte Carlo Markov Chain (RJMCMC) approach in a Bayesian framework. We explored sources of uncertainty in data and controlled them through consideration of random effects. The use of seasonal covariates in addition to annual covariates revealed differential effects on species abundance. The proportion of grasslands on the landscape was an important covariate in models in all years, with rooster abundance generally being highest at intermediate levels of grassland density at local scales of effect. Pheasant abundance was also positively related to the proportion of small grain crop cover on the landscape at >2 km scales. Spring gross primary productivity and percentage of herbaceous wetlands on the landscape, both at a large scale (8 km), were the most important covariates in the wet years of 2018 and 2019 and were positively related to pheasant abundance. Grasslands at intermediate levels of density explained variability of pheasant abundance. However, other variables important to pheasant relative abundance varied among years depending on prevailing weather and climate conditions. Our workflow to model relationships between relative abundance and habitat components for pheasants can also be employed to model count data for other species to inform management decisions.  相似文献   

Count-based indices and distance sampling are widely used to monitor primate populations. Indices are often confounded by variation in detectability, whereas distance sampling is generally ineffective with species that flee or hide from observers and where it is difficult to accurately measure detection distances. We tested occupancy modeling as a means to monitor Sclater’s monkey (Cercopithecus sclateri), an endemic of Nigeria. We evaluated effects of survey methodology, habitat, and human disturbance on detection probability and site occupancy. Average detectability was high (p = 0.81), but varied substantially between two observers. Occupancy was highest in areas with intermediate levels (20–40%) of farmland and secondary forest, and was unaffected by human disturbance. Sampling plots (4 and 6.25 ha) did not concurrently contain >1 monkey group, were likely closed to monkey movements during the replicate surveys of each plot, and were spatially separated so that it was unlikely the same group was observed in >1 plot. These conditions enabled the conversion of occupancy to group density. Scaled to 6.25 ha, model-weighted occupancy averaged 0.230 (SE 0.103), yielding an estimate of 3.7 groups/km2 (95% CI 1.4–7.7 groups/km2). Because some groups straddled plot boundaries, we assumed that half of these groups were inside the plots, resulting in an adjusted estimate of 3.1 groups/km2. Our results illustrate that occupancy can be suitable for monitoring vigilant forest primates where detection distances are difficult to measure. However, special attention is required to choose spatial and temporal scales that accommodate the method’s closure and independent-detection assumptions.  相似文献   

Species distribution models are the tool of choice for large-scale population monitoring, environmental association studies and predictions of range shifts under future environmental conditions. Available data and familiarity of the tools rather than the underlying population dynamics often dictate the choice of specific method – especially for the case of presence–absence data. Yet, for predictive purposes, the relationship between occupancy and abundance embodied in the models should reflect the actual population dynamics of the modelled species. To understand the relationship of occupancy and abundance in a heterogeneous landscape at the scale of local populations, we built a spatio-temporal regression model of populations of the Glanville fritillary butterfly Melitaea cinxia in a Baltic Sea archipelago. Our data comprised nineteen years of habitat surveys and snapshot data of land use in the region. We used variance partitioning to quantify relative contributions of land use, habitat quality and metapopulation covariates. The model revealed a consistent and positive, but noisy relationship between average occupancy and mean abundance in local populations. Patterns of abundance were highly variable across years, with large uncorrelated random variation and strong local population stochasticity. In contrast, the spatio-temporal random effect, habitat quality, population connectivity and patch size explained variation in occupancy, vindicating metapopulation theory as the basis for modelling occupancy patterns in fragmented landscapes. Previous abundance was an important predictor in the occupancy model, which points to a spillover of abundance into occupancy dynamics. While occupancy models can successfully model large-scale population structure and average occupancy, extinction probability estimates for local populations derived from occupancy-only models are overconfident, as extinction risk is dependent on actual, not average, abundance.  相似文献   

Mammals have experienced a massive decline in their populations and geographic ranges worldwide. The sloth bear, Melursus ursinus (Shaw, 1791), is one of many species facing conservation threats. Despite being endangered in Nepal, decades of inattention to the situation have hindered their conservation and management. We assessed the distribution and patterns of habitat use by sloth bears in Chitwan National Park (CNP), Nepal. We conducted sign surveys from March to June, 2020, in 4 × 4 km grids (n = 45). We collected detection/non‐detection data along a 4‐km trail that was divided into 20 continuous segments of 200 m each. We obtained environmental, ecological, and anthropogenic covariates to understand determinants of sloth bear habitat occupancy. The data were analyzed using the single‐species single‐season occupancy method, with a spatially correlated detection. Using repeated observations, these models accounted for the imperfect detectability of the species to provide robust estimates of habitat occupancy. The model‐averaged occupancy estimate for the sloth bear was 69% and the detection probability was 0.25. The probability of habitat occupancy by sloth bears increased with the presence of termites and fruits and in rugged, dry, open, undisturbed habitats. Our results indicate that the sloth bear is elusive, functionally unique, and widespread in CNP. Future conservation interventions and action plans aimed at sloth bear management must adequately consider their habitat requirements.  相似文献   

The red river hog (Potamochoerus porcus, Linnaeus) is a species of Suidae with populations ranging from western to central Africa. Little is known about the population status of red river hog, and few studies have investigated habitat characteristics associated with their occupancy which is critical in determining possible reasons behind suspected population declines. We used camera traps and site occupancy models to examine the effects of habitat covariates on occupancy of red river hog on Tiwai Island and in surrounding forests of Sierra Leone during two field seasons, 2008–2011. We also estimated group size and composition and growth patterns of juveniles. In both sampling periods, understory vegetation strongly influenced red river hog occupancy with greatest association with riparian and swamp vegetation types. Red river hogs seemed to avoid habitats of high human impact such as farmbush and secondary growth forests. Average group size was 2.46 ± 0.28 (SE) hogs per group. Growth patterns of juveniles suggested the majority of piglets were born during the middle of dry season (January–February). Our research suggests landscape use by red river hog is influenced by presence of riparian habitats with dense vegetation.  相似文献   

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