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Abstract The germination response of seeds from fire‐prone vegetation to fire‐related cues such as heat shock and smoke has usually been studied by applying the cues singly. The few studies that have applied the cues in combination have shown that interactions between the cues are possible. Here, the response of seeds from a number of species to combined heat shock and smoke is reported. Heat shock (25, 50, 75 and 100°C) and aerosol smoke (0, 5, 10 and 20 min) were applied factorially to nine species that form soil seed banks in the Sydney region of south‐eastern Australia. These species were from Epacridaceae (four species), Myrtaceae (four species) and Cyperaceae (one species) and ranged from fire‐sensitive obligate seeders to fire‐tolerant facultative resprouters. Germination of Dracophyllum secundum R. Br and Sprengelia monticola (A. Cunn. ex DC.) Druce was low and did not respond to the germination cues. The positive response of Gahnia sieberiana Kunth and Kunzea ambigua (Sm.) Druce to heat shock and smoke was independent and additive. The positive response of Kunzea capitata Rchb. to the interaction between heat shock and smoke was synergistic, and the response of Baeckea diosmifolia Rudge and Baeckea imbricata (Gaertn.) Druce was unitive, with germination increase only occurring following combined heat and smoke application. Epacris coriacea A. Cunn. ex DC. and Epacris obtusifolia Sm. had low levels of dormancy and hence it was not possible to find a fire response. Gahnia sieberiana and K. capitata responded differently to the combination of heat shock and smoke than has previously been reported. Germination of species from habitats that are infrequently burnt was not affected by heat shock or smoke. Low‐intensity fire or patches within fire may be important for seedling recruitment as the 50°C heat shock stimulated germination in four of the five species that responded to the heat cue, and germination of Baeckea imbricata declined within the 100°C heat shock treatment. Germination of one species, Baeckea imbricata, was only stimulated by a specific combination of cues, indicating that regeneration niches may be narrow for some species and that the application of a range of heat and smoke doses is required to find such responses. Of the species positively responding to heat shock and smoke, a requirement for both cues was prevalent, therefore the response to these cues in isolation cannot be relied upon to give a true indication of the fire response of a species.  相似文献   

It has been frequently recognised that there is a positive feedback between plant invasion and fire underlying invasion success in fire‐prone ecosystems. Accordingly, the response of woody alien species germination to fire may have direct implications on their invasiveness in those ecosystems, particularly when fruit ripening occurs in the fire season. Here, we experimentally evaluated the germination response of some of the main woody invaders of the Chaco Serrano dry woodlands (Gleditsia triacanthos, Cotoneaster glaucophyllus, Ligustrum lucidum, Pyracantha angustifolia and Melia azedarach), which fruit in the seasons of highest fire frequency. Seeds were subjected to heat‐shock treatments that simulated a range of heat intensities, and the species were classified according to their germination response as heat sensitive, tolerant or stimulated. Since Gleditsia triacanthos has indehiscent fruits that fall from the plant and might be exposed to flames, its germination response was also assessed of seeds exposed to fruit burning. Germination responses to heat varied among the invasive species. G. triacanthos seeds experienced increased germination under very low and low heat indexes; it was therefore classified as heat stimulated. The other four species showed no change in germination under very low heat indexes and were therefore considered heat tolerant. However, all species were sensitive to high heat as indicated by their significant decline in germination. G. triacanthos would have limited capacity to recruit from seeds following flaming combustion of its fruits. The prevalence of heat‐tolerant rather than heat‐stimulated germination responses suggests that the occurrence of frequent and seasonal fires in this subtropical savanna system might delay rather than boost the expansion of these invasive species in the system. Yet, the presence of heat‐stimulated germination in one of the studied species warns against generalisation, even within the same ecosystem, and further supports the idiosyncratic nature of invasion success. Abstract in Spanish is available with online material.  相似文献   

In grassy ecosystems of south‐eastern Australia, fire maintains richness of native forbs. It is commonly thought that fire promotes regeneration indirectly by reducing competition for light and providing gaps for recruitment, rather than directly stimulating germination. However, physiological dormancy and morphophysiological dormancy are common, and few studies have explored responses to fire‐cues among dormant or hard‐to‐germinate forbs. Recent studies from other fire‐prone ecosystems suggest that in some cases, fire‐cues may not alleviate physiological or morphophysiological dormancy, but instead promote germination in combination with treatments which alleviate dormancy. We experimentally tested the prevailing hypothesis that perennial forbs common in south‐eastern Australian grassy ecosystems do not germinate in direct response to fire. Responses to fire‐cues both inherently and in combination with treatments which alleviate dormancy were investigated for seven species. Two fire‐cues (smoke and heat) plus a treatment of both heat + smoke were applied to fresh seed at three temperatures (35/25°C, 30/20°C and 25/15°C). Following this, the effect of fire‐cues on seed that had undergone warm stratification, cold stratification and dry‐after‐ripening was investigated. Three species — Arthropodium strictum, Cheiranthera cyanea and Dianella revoluta — responded to fire‐cues inherently, although germination in C. cyanea was low. High germination of D. revoluta was found when fire‐cues were combined with warm stratification. Fire‐cues had no effect on germination of Brunonia australis, Burchardia umbellata and Eryngium ovinum. Germination of Stypandra glauca was zero following all treatment combinations. Our finding that fire‐cues promote germination of three of the seven study species did not provide sufficient evidence to reject the current hypothesis that germination of perennial forbs is not typically promoted by fire‐cues. However, this study highlights the important direct role fire‐cues can play in promoting germination of some perennial forbs both inherently and in combination with treatments used to alleviate physiological dormancy.  相似文献   

Plant communities dominated by narrow‐leaved mallee (Eucalyptus cneorifolia) are almost entirely confined to north‐eastern Kangaroo Island, South Australia, an area which has been extensively cleared for agriculture. Consequently, surviving examples consist mostly of small remnants which are thought to be senescent due to the exclusion of fire. This senescence is associated with the loss of many native understory species. Prescribed burns have been suggested as a management tool to stimulate the restoration of native plants from the soil seed bank; however, no seed bank studies have previously been conducted on Kangaroo Island and the seed bank literature usually focuses on particular species rather than on plant communities. We conducted an experiment to investigate the effects of the fire‐related cues heat and smoke on the germination of plants from the seed bank in soil sampled from 10 long‐ungrazed narrow‐leaved mallee sites on Kangaroo Island. Eighty trays of soil were monitored in a controlled glasshouse for five months after being subjected to heat and/or smoke treatments. The overall number of native, but not exotic, plant species germinating from the soil seed bank was significantly increased by all three fire‐related treatments (heat, smoke and heat plus smoke) compared with the control (no fire‐related treatment). Different plant life forms exhibited varying responses to heat and smoke treatments. The results of this study illustrate that the application of fire‐related treatments to soil seed banks in controlled glasshouse conditions can stimulate the recruitment of native species, including several species of conservation concern. These findings also indicate the potential of using these treatments for the ex situ germination of fire dependent species for revegetation purposes and indicate aspects of prescribed burns that may be important for restoring different components of native vegetation.  相似文献   

Abstract The germinable soil seed bank of a tropical eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia was found to be dominated by grasses and forbs, with seed bank density ranging from 58 to 792 seeds per square metre, from a total of 53 species. Late dry season fires and the fire‐related cues, heat shock and smoke, broke the seed dormancy of a range of tropical savanna species. Heat shock promoted the germination of the species groups natives, exotics, subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and the common species Indigofera hirsuta, Pycnospora lutescens and Triumfetta rhomboidea. Exposure to smoke at ambient temperature promoted germination from the soil seed bank of the species groups combined natives, upright perennial forbs and grasses, as well as the common grasses Digitaria breviglumis and Heteropogon triticeus. The germinable soil seed bank varied seasonally, increasing from the mid wet season (February) and early dry season (May) to a maximum in the late dry season (October). The effect of recent fire history on soil seed bank dynamics was limited to the immediate release of some seed from dormancy; a reduction in seed densities of subshrubs and monocots, other than grasses, in recently burnt savanna; and enhanced seed density of the ephemeral I. hirsuta in the year following fire. The seed banks of most savanna species were replenished in the year following burning.  相似文献   

The Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) is a biodiversity hotspot with a history of fire that goes back as far as 10 million years. Fire has influenced the evolution of several aspects of the vegetation, including reproduction and life cycles. This study tested how fire by‐products such as heat and smoke affect the germination of six species common to two Cerrado open physiognomies: wet grasslands and the campo sujo (grassland with scattered shrubs and dwarf trees). We subjected seeds collected in northern Brazil to heat shock and smoke treatments, both separately and combined, using different temperatures, exposure times, and smoke concentrations in aqueous solutions. High temperatures and smoke did not break seed dormancy nor stimulate germination of the Cerrado study species. However, seeds were not killed by high temperatures, indicating that they are fire‐tolerant. Our findings differed from those of other fire‐prone ecosystems (mostly of Mediterranean vegetation), where fire stimulates germination. Moreover, we provide important information regarding germination strategies of non‐woody Cerrado plants, showing the importance of considering the tolerance of seeds to high temperatures when evaluating fire‐related traits in fire‐prone ecosystems.  相似文献   

The effects of dry heat, wet heat, charred wood and smoke on the germination of dormant soil‐stored seeds from a Eucalyptus woodland in western Victoria were tested by using a glasshouse seed‐bank germination experiment. Seedling density, species richness and species composition were compared between replicated treated and control samples. A total of 5922 seedlings, comprising 59 plant species, was recorded from the soil samples over a period of 150 days. While a few species dominated (including Centrolepis strigosa, Wahlenbergia gracilenta and Ixodia achillaeoides), 26 species were represented by fewer than five seedlings and 18 species were restricted to single treatment types. With the exception of charred wood, all treatments led to a significant increase in seed germination relative to the control. The highest number of germinants was obtained for the smoke treatment, with a mean (± SE) of 12 547 ± 449 seedlings m–2. Heat treatments yielded intermediate densities, with means (± SE) varying between 7445 ± 234 and 9133 ± 445 seedlings m–2. In comparison with the estimates of seed‐bank sizes from other fire‐prone ecosystems, these densities are high. Species richness differed significantly among treatments. Highest mean richness was recorded in the smoke treatment and lowest for the control and charred wood treatments. There were significant differences in seed‐bank species composition between treatment types based on analysis of similarity (Anosim) using Bray–Curtis similarity. While heat was a specific requirement for triggering germination in hard‐seeded species (e.g. Fabaceae), smoke was the most effective trigger for species from a broad range of other families. The potentially confounding effect of physical and chemical mechanisms of germination stimulation in heated bulk soil samples is raised as an issue requiring further investigation in relation to the role of smoke as a germination trigger.  相似文献   

Smoke generated by burning of plant materials has widely been recognized as a germination cue for some species from both fire prone and fire-free ecosystems. It is an important factor for the understanding of vegetation dynamics and could have potential use for ecological management and rehabilitation of disturbed areas. Individual species, however, seem to have a specific requirement for the type and dosage of smoke treatments. In the present study, six different concentrations of smoke solution were tested on 13 herbaceous species by soaking the seeds for 24 h. The germination of a forb species, Borreria scabra, was significantly stimulated (p<0.05) by the smoke treatment while that of the annual grass species, Euclasta condylotricha, was significantly inhibited (p<0.05) by 100% smoke solution treatment. Contrary to our expectation that another fire-related cue, heat shock, would break the physical dormancy of the species tested, it was not promotive. For non-dormant seeds of B. scabra and Borreria radiata, high temperatures were lethal while low temperature induced physiological dormancy that was overcome in the former species within 30 days of the germination trial. For some species, responses to smoke did not corroborate with the field-observed response to fire, making ecological interpretation challenging. For responsive species, the smoke treatment could be a simple approach for promoting their re-establishment in areas where it is needed. More investigations are needed to assess the spread of response to smoke.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper describes an assessment of the effect of exposure to fire‐related cues (heat shock, smoke and nitrate) and the interactions between the cues on seed dormancy release of tropical savanna legumes in north‐eastern Australia. Ten legume species were tested, comprising both native and exotic species. The ten species responded variously to the treatments. Brief exposure to temperatures between 80 and 100°C was found to break the seed dormancy of the native ephemeral herbs Chamaecrista mimosoides, Crotalaria calycina, Crotalaria montana, Indigofera hirsuta and Tephrosia juncea, as well as the exotic ephemeral herb Crotalaria lanceolata. Exposure to 80°C combined with treatment with a nitrate solution produced an additive effect on the germination of Chamaecrista mimosoides and Crotalaria lanceolata. However, the four species with the heaviest seeds, two exotic ephemeral herbs (Chamaecrista absus and Crotalaria pallida) and two native perennials (Galactia tenuiflora and Glycine tomentella) displayed no significant increase in germination with exposure to fire‐related cues. Exposure to 120°C for 5 min produced seed mortality in all species tested. Two of the largest seeded species, Crotalaria pallida and Galactia tenuiflora, displayed the lowest tolerance to heat shock, with seed mortality after exposure to 100°C for 5 min. These data indicate that fire can promote the germination of some tropical savanna legumes. As a proportion of seeds of each species displayed no innate dormancy, some germination may occur in the absence of fire, especially of exotic species.  相似文献   

Abstract There is limited understanding of how fire‐related cues such as heat shock and smoke can combine to affect the germination response of seeds from fire‐prone vegetation because combinations of multiple levels of both cues have rarely been investigated. Germination response surfaces were determined for the combination of heat shock and smoke by applying factorial combinations of temperature (up to 100°C) and aerosol smoke (0–20 min) to 16 species that form soil seed banks in the Sydney region of south‐eastern Australia. Duplicate populations of three species were also examined to assess the constancy of a species response surface. Of the 19 populations examined, 16 showed a germination response to both the fire cues, which combined interactively in 14 populations, and independently in two. No population responded only to a single cue; however, seeds of 11 populations responded to heat in the absence of smoke, and nine responded to smoke in the absence of heat. Heat applied in the absence of smoke negatively affected germination in seven populations, either progressively as temperature increased, or above a set temperature. Negative germination responses over part of the temperature range were fully reversed at higher temperatures for unsmoked seeds of four populations (curvilinear heat response). Smoke effects were most frequently positive over all or part of the range of durations used, and when combined with heat frequently fully or partially reversed negative heat effects. Three populations required the obligatory combination of smoke and heat. A novel response to the cues was observed for three species, with smoke reversing negative heat effects at 75°C, being supplanted by a positive heat response of unsmoked seed at 100°C. The response surface for duplicate populations of two of the three species examined was variable. Heat shock and smoke frequently combined to affect germination, in both positive and negative ways. Consequently, to gain an accurate assessment of the response of seeds to fires, an experimental design that samples within the potential response zones of germination cues is essential.  相似文献   

The effects of plant‐derived smoke and of heat on the emergence of seedlings from seeds were assessed. Seeds had been stored in forest topsoil used for mine site rehabilitation. The study was carried out in a dry sclerophyll, spotted gum (Corymbia maculata), forest community at the Mount Owen open‐cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales. Samples of the surface 2.5 cm of topsoil were either exposed to cool smoke from eucalypt foliage for 60 min, heated to 80°C, or left untreated. Seedling emergence from the seed bank in this soil was then monitored in a glasshouse. Within the first month, smoke alone promoted a 4.3‐fold increase in the density of seedlings relative to control. There were 540 emergents per m2 in the control and 2309 per m2 in the smoke treated topsoil. Many annual and perennial herbs emerged but grasses responded most strongly to smoke. Germination in seven of the 20 grass species was promoted by smoke. Smoke promoted the germination of some introduced species as well as native species, and accelerated the rate at which seedlings emerged, although these differences sometimes declined with time. Heat also stimulated germination but smoke and heat stimuli appeared to be complementary in their promotion of seedling emergence from the topsoil seed bank. Each treatment increased the density of different species, enhanced the species richness of different components of the seed bank, and had different effects on the rate of emergence. The results suggest that increased seed germination in the field immediately following a moderate intensity fire may sometimes be the result of smoke stimulation and sometimes the result of heat stimulation of the soil seed bank. These findings may have important implications for minesite revegetation programs where topsoils are replaced after mining and rapid germination of seeds stored in these soils is required during short periods when conditions are favourable for germination.  相似文献   

Abstract Many species found in fire‐prone habitats that possess a soil‐stored seedbank only recruit seedlings in large numbers following a fire. Fire‐related germination cues are presumably used by these seeds as signals that a fire has occurred, and would include the heating that occurs in the soil and the combustion products of burning vegetation, smoke and charcoal. Three Sydney species, Grevillea buxifolia (Sm.) R. Br., Grevillea sericea (Sm.) R. Br. and Grevillea speciosa (Knight) McGillivray, were studied for the interactive effects of these cues on their germination. The germination of all species was found to increase with both smoke and heat treatments. While smoke always had a greater influence than heat, the relationship between the two treatments varied with species. The presence of two fire‐related germination cues should allow these species to take better advantage of the recruitment opportunities of the post‐fire environment.  相似文献   

  • Dormancy cycling is a key mechanism that contributes to the maintenance of long‐term persistent soil seed banks, but has not been recorded in long‐lived woody shrub species from fire‐prone environments. Such species rely on seed banks and dormancy break as important processes for post‐fire recruitment and recovery.
  • We used germination experiments with smoke treatments on fresh seeds and those buried for 1 year (retrieved in spring) and 1.5 years (retrieved the following late autumn) to investigate whether Asterolasia buxifolia, a shrub from fire‐prone south‐eastern Australia with physiologically dormant seeds, exhibited dormancy cycling.
  • All seeds had an obligation for winter seasonal temperatures and smoke to promote germination, even after ageing in the soil. A high proportion of germination was recorded from fresh seeds. but germination after the first retrieval was significantly lower, despite high seed viability. After the second retrieval, germination returned to the initial level. This indicates a pattern of annual dormancy cycling; one of the few observations, to our knowledge, for a perennial species. Additionally, A. buxifolia’s winter temperature and smoke requirements did not change over time, highlighting the potential for seeds to remain conditionally dormant (i.e. restricted to a narrow range of germination conditions) for long periods.
  • For physiologically dormant species, such as A. buxifolia, we conclude that dormancy cycling is an important driver of successful regeneration, allowing seed bank persistence, sometimes for decades, during fire‐free periods unsuitable for successful recruitment, while ensuring that a large proportion of seeds are available for recruitment when a fire occurs.

The effects of fire on the vegetation vary across continents. However, in Neotropical fire‐prone grasslands, the relationship between fire and seed germination is still poorly understood, while their regeneration, especially after strong anthropogenic disturbance, is challenging for their conservation. In the present study, we assessed diversity of germination strategies in 15 dominant herbaceous species from Neotropical altitudinal grasslands (locally known as campos rupestres). We exposed seeds to several fire‐related treatments. We also compared germination between regularly and post‐fire fruiting species. Finally, we investigated the diversity of dormancy classes aiming at better understanding the biogeography and phylogeny of seed dormancy. Germination strategies varied among families. Velloziaceae and Xyridaceae produced non‐dormant, fast‐germinating seeds. Cyperaceae and Poaceae showed an extremely low or null germination due to a high proportion of unviable or embryo‐less seeds. The seeds of campo rupestre grasslands are fire resistant, but there is no evidence that fire triggers germination in this fire‐prone ecosystem. Although heat and charred wood did not promote germination, smoke enhanced germination in one grass species and decreased the mean germination time and improved synchrony in Xyridaceae and Velloziaceae. Fire had a positive effect on post‐fire regeneration by stimulating fruit set in some Cyperaceae and Poaceae species. These species produced faster germinating seeds with higher germination percentage and synchrony compared to regularly fruiting Cyperaceae and Poaceae species. This strategy of dispersion and regeneration seems to be an alternative to the production of seeds with germination triggered by fire. Physiological dormancy is reported for the first time in several clades of Neotropical plants. Our data help advance the knowledge on the role of fire in the regeneration of Neotropical grasslands.  相似文献   

Germination of freshly collected seeds of three sympatric herbaceous species native to fire‐prone environments in south‐western Australia was significantly improved through the application of novel combinations of dry heat, gibberellic acid, smoke water and dry afterripening. For fresh seeds, combinations of dry heat, gibberellic acid and/or smoke water resulted in >80% germination in Austrostipa elegantissima (Poaceae) and Stylidium affine (Stylidaceae) seeds and >60% germination in Conostylis candicans (Haemodoraceae) seeds, compared with <10% germination of control seeds. For fresh seeds, two broad germination patterns were observed in response to smoke water: nil – low germination for both control and smoke water‐treated seeds (A. elegantissima and S. affine); and a significant smoke response (35%) compared with control seeds (1%) (C. candicans). During afterripening, high germination for A. elegantissima seeds was achieved following 3 months storage of seeds at equilibrium relative humidities of 23–75%, but seeds stored at 5–13% equilibrium relative humidities took 6–36 months to achieve similar levels of germination. Germination of C. candicans seeds also increased after 3 months storage, to >60% at each equilibrium relative humidity and further increases over time were slight. For S. affine seeds >60% germination was achieved only after 36 months storage at 50% equilibrium relative humidity. Seeds from all three species were smoke‐responsive at some point, but the interaction/effects of afterripening on the smoke response varied significantly between species. This study highlights an apparent effect of seed dormancy status on response to smoke and a surprisingly high level of ecological variation in pre‐germination requirements (cues) for these co‐occurring species that may relate to variation(s) in microsite selection forces operating on the soil seed bank of the different species.  相似文献   

The role of heat (shock) in stimulating the germination of soil-stored hard seeds from fire-following species is well known. However, the effects of high temperatures on germination of canopy-stored (serotinous) seeds are less well understood. In this study, we examined the effect of heat shock at four temperatures (60, 80, 100 and 120 °C) applied for 10 min on the germination of ten co-occurring Western Australian fire-following species (five hardseeded, five serotinous). Unlike previous studies, we distinguished between the effects of heat shock on germination rate, as well as total seedling emergence. In comparison with unheated controls, a heat pulse at one or more temperatures increased total germination and germination rate for three of the hardseeded species (Acacia pulchella, Daviesia cordata and Trymalium ledifolium). The precise pattern of germination response for D. cordata was influenced by whether we examined total germination or germination rate. Germination of four serotinous species (Calothamnus quadrifidus and three Hakea species) was unaffected by pre-treatments at one or more above-ambient temperatures. Only Allocasuarina humilis displayed both increased rate and total germination at higher temperatures. Our results show that germination in some serotinous species may respond favourably to, or at least be unaffected by, the passage of fire.  相似文献   

Summary Pimelea spicata R. Br. is a nationally listed endangered Australian shrub threatened with extinction by habitat fragmentation and environmental weed invasion. Bridal Creeper (Asparagus asparagoides L. W. Wight) is the primary weed threat to the largest remaining populations of P. spicata in the Cumberland Plain. Fire, as part of an integrated pest management program, offers the potential to stimulate P. spicata populations while controlling Bridal Creeper. It is important, therefore, to understand how the components of fire affect the germination and growth of both species. Using laboratory experiments we investigated the effects of smoke, heat, ash and/or light on the germination of P. spicata and Bridal Creeper. We found a significant promotive effect of smoke and indication of an inhibitory heat shock (90°C for 10 min) effect on the germination of P. spicata seeds. The response of Bridal Creeper seeds to the same factors was complex; while the results of one experiment suggested an inhibitory effect of smoke and a promotive effect of heat, subsequent trials were contradictory, implying that Bridal Creeper, like many weeds, is able to germinate under a wide range of environmental conditions. Other experiments investigated the optimal germination temperature and innate dormancy of P. spicata in the absence of fire‐related germination cues. Of the incubation temperatures investigated, the optimal diurnally fluctuating regime for P. spicata germinations was 10°C and 20°C in the night and day, respectively. The innate dormancy of freshly produced seeds disappeared after 3 months. In contrast to Bridal Creeper, we found a persistent germinable seed bank of about 97 P. spicata seeds/m2 located in the top 5 cm of the soil profile. While fire alone is unlikely to kill Bridal Creeper plants, fire may help to manage local infestations of the weed by limiting germination and providing opportunity for herbicide treatment of regrowth.  相似文献   



Fire is a crucial component of many ecosystems. Plants whose seeds germinate in response to smoke may benefit from resource availability in the post‐fire environment. Smoke can influence germination timing and success, as well as seedling vigour, resulting in burgeoning research interest in smoke‐responsive germination. Research in this field has largely focused on four key ‘Mediterranean‐type’ fire‐prone ecosystems: the Mediterranean Basin, South African fynbos, Californian chaparral and Western Australia. There are far fewer studies from south‐eastern Australia, a fire‐prone but not “Mediterranean‐type” region. How does smoke‐responsive germination in this region vary according to ecological, phylogenetic, and methodological variables?


South‐eastern Australia.


We investigated patterns of smoke‐promoted germination in south‐eastern Australian plants across habitat types, growth forms, fire response strategies, phylogeny, taxonomic levels and smoke application methods. We compiled and interrogated data comprising 303 entries on germination responses to smoke in 233 south‐eastern Australian plant species, from 33 different sources.


Smoke‐responsive germination occurs at a lower rate (~41% of tested species) in south‐eastern Australian flora than it does in fynbos and Western Australian floras, and there is clear patterning within these data. Obligate‐seeding species were more likely to respond, Leguminosae and Rubiaceae were less likely to respond (although we question the generality of these results), while Poaceae were more likely to respond to smoke. Finally, studies using aerosol smoke and studies conducted in situ were most likely to find smoke‐promoted germination.


Obligate seeders and Poaceae may be selected for in habitats with higher fire frequencies, consistent with literature suggesting that short inter‐fire intervals favour grasslands over forests. These findings may be particular to south‐eastern Australia, or more widely applicable; more broad‐scale comparative research will reveal the answer. By synthesizing the south‐eastern Australian smoke germination literature we broaden our understanding beyond the better‐studied Mediterranean‐type floras.



The degree to which renosterveld shrublands are fire‐dependent is currently unclear. To address this issue, the following questions were asked: (1) does smoke stimulate germination of soil‐stored seeds in renosterveld; (2) does recently‐burned renosterveld display changed composition and higher diversity than unburned vegetation; and (3) how do the species compositions of renosterveld soil seed banks and standing vegetation compare?


Swartland, Cape Floristic Region, South Africa.


Soil seed bank samples from a north‐ and south‐facing slope were smoke‐treated and germinated to test for smoke‐stimulated germination. Burned standing vegetation was surveyed 16 months post‐fire, as was unburned vegetation on the same slopes. Seed bank species richness and density were compared between smoke‐treated and untreated samples within and between slopes. Burned and unburned standing vegetation were compared within and between slopes in terms of species richness, abundance and aerial cover. Compositional similarity of the seed banks and standing vegetation was assessed.


Seed banks were dominated by annuals and graminoids. Smoke treatment had no effect, except for driving significantly higher species richness and seedling density in south‐facing slope perennial shrubs. Species richness and seedling density were significantly higher in seed banks on the south‐facing slope compared to the north‐facing slope. Burned standing vegetation exhibited significantly higher diversity than unburned vegetation. Annuals and graminoids displayed significantly higher species richness and aerial cover in burned renosterveld. The north‐facing slope contained less than half the number of species/m2 compared to the south‐facing slope. The seed banks and standing vegetation showed low to intermediate similarity (Sørensen = 31%–53%), but grouped close together on an NMDS plot, suggesting intermediate similarity overall.


Elevated germination of perennial shrubs in smoke‐treated seed bank samples and increased diversity of post‐fire standing vegetation suggest the renosterveld in this study shows elements of a fire‐driven system. Certain species only recruited in burned sites, suggesting fire‐stimulated germination. Aspect had a major influence on plant community composition, with the mesic south‐facing slope being more diverse than the xeric north‐facing slope. The similarity between the seed banks and standing vegetation was higher than previously shown for renosterveld, and appears to be higher than for fynbos.  相似文献   

We examined the response of seeds to heat in four geographically restricted and one widespread species of shrubby Darwinia from the fire-prone region of southeastern Australia. These shrubs are killed by fire and rely on seed germination after a fire to maintain populations. We replicated the germination trials across several sites and several fruiting seasons for most species. Seeds had a high level of viability and were largely dispersed in a dormant state, except in D. glaucophylla, where seed dormancy varied significantly across fruiting seasons. The indehiscent fruit of all species readily imbibes moisture when wet and seeds are not considered to be ‘hard-seeded’. All species had increased seed germination in response to a limited range of heating temperatures (generally 80–100°C). Higher temperatures killed increasing proportions of seeds. This pattern was broadly consistent across species, population and seasons, although the proportion of seeds whose germination was promoted by heat varied from high (D. diminuta, D. fascicularis, D. glaucophylla) to moderate (D. biflora, D. procera). Our work highlights the importance of heat as a mechanism for influencing germination in species that are not hard-seeded. Consequently, soil temperatures during a fire should strongly influence post-fire germination levels in Darwinia. The roles of other cues that promote germination, i.e. smoke, seasonal temperatures and their interactions with heat, remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

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