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Human activities are causing a rapid loss of biodiversity, which impairs ecosystem functions and services. Therefore, understanding which processes shape how biodiversity is distributed along spatial and environmental gradients is a first step to guide conservation and management efforts. We aimed to determine the relative explanatory importance of biogeographic, environmental, landscape and spatial variables on assemblage dissimilarities and functional diversity of dung beetles along the Atlantic Forest–Pampa (i.e. forest–grassland) transition zone located in Southeast South America. We described each site according to their biogeographic position, environmental conditions, landscape features and spatial patterns. The compositional dissimilarity was partitioned into turnover and nestedness components of β‐diversity. Mantel tests and generalised dissimilarity models were used to relate β‐diversity and its components to biogeographic, environmental, landscape and spatial variables. Variation partitioning analysis was used to estimate the pure and shared variation in species composition and functional diversity explained by the four categories of predictors. Biome domain was the main factor causing dung beetle compositional dissimilarity, with a high species replacement between Atlantic Forest and Pampa. Biogeographic, environmental, landscape and spatial distances also affected the patterns of dung beetle dissimilarity and β‐diversity components. The shared effects of the four sets of predictors explained most of the variation in dung beetle composition. A similar response pattern was found for dung beetle functional diversity, which excluded biogeographic effects. Only the pure effects of environmental and spatial predictors were significant for species composition and functional diversity. Our results indicate that dung beetle species composition and functional diversity are jointly driven by environmental, landscape and spatial predictors with higher pure environmental and spatial effects. The forest–grassland transition zone promotes a strong species and trait replacement highly influenced both by environmental filtering and dispersal limitation.  相似文献   

Species Temporal Turnover (STT) is one of the most familiar metrics to assess changes in assemblage composition as a consequence of climate change. However, STT mixes two components in one metric, changes in assemblage composition caused by a process of species loss or gain (i.e. the nestedness component) and changes in assemblage composition caused by a process of species replacement (i.e. the species replacement component). Drawing on previous studies investigating spatial patterns of beta diversity, we propose measures of STT that allow analysing each component (species replacement vs. nestedness), separately. We also present a mapping strategy to simultaneously visualize changes in species richness and assemblage composition. To illustrate our approach, we used the Mediterranean coastal fish fauna as a case study. Using Bioclimatic Envelope Models (BEMs) we first projected the potential future climatic niches of 288 coastal Mediterranean fish species based on a global warming scenario. We then aggregated geographically the species‐level projections to analyse the projected changes in species richness and composition. Our results show that projected changes in assemblage composition are caused by different processes (species replacement vs. nestedness) in several areas of the Mediterranean Sea. In addition, our mapping strategy highlights that the coastal fish fauna in several regions of the Mediterranean Sea could experience a ‘cul‐de‐sac’ effect if exposed to climate warming. Overall, the joint exploration of changes in species richness and composition coupled with the distinction between species replacement and nestedness bears important information for understanding the nature of climate change impacts on biodiversity. These methodological advances should help decision‐makers in prioritizing action in the areas facing the greatest vulnerability to climate.  相似文献   

1. Species richness is influenced by local habitat features and large‐scale climatic gradients. Usually, both influences are studied in isolation because of the divergent spatial scales at which they occur. Here, we compared the influence of large‐scale climate and local habitat type on European ants using a continent‐wide, standardised sampling programme. 2. We investigated species richness and activity density from pitfall traps distributed over four habitat types at 17 locations from northern Sweden to Spain and Greece. Species richness and activity density were analysed with respect to ambient energy [equilibrium evapotranspiration (EET)] and productive energy (net primary productivity). Furthermore, we compared ant richness and activity density between the four habitat types: arable land, scrubland, grassland, and forest. 3. Species richness and activity density of ants increased with equilibrium evapotranspiration (EET), explaining 30.2% of the total variation in species richness and 24.2% of activity density. Habitat type explained an additional 19.2% of the variation in species richness and 20.2% of activity density, and was not related to productivity. Species richness and activity density were highest in scrubland and significantly lower in forest and (marginally significant) in arable land. 4. The increase in EET and the decrease in forest confirms the pronounced thermophily of ants, whereas the decrease in arable land is probably caused by soil disturbance.  相似文献   

Environmental heterogeneity is regarded as one of the most important factors governing species richness gradients. An increase in available niche space, provision of refuges and opportunities for isolation and divergent adaptation are thought to enhance species coexistence, persistence and diversification. However, the extent and generality of positive heterogeneity–richness relationships are still debated. Apart from widespread evidence supporting positive relationships, negative and hump‐shaped relationships have also been reported. In a meta‐analysis of 1148 data points from 192 studies worldwide, we examine the strength and direction of the relationship between spatial environmental heterogeneity and species richness of terrestrial plants and animals. We find that separate effects of heterogeneity in land cover, vegetation, climate, soil and topography are significantly positive, with vegetation and topographic heterogeneity showing particularly strong associations with species richness. The use of equal‐area study units, spatial grain and spatial extent emerge as key factors influencing the strength of heterogeneity–richness relationships, highlighting the pervasive influence of spatial scale in heterogeneity–richness studies. We provide the first quantitative support for the generality of positive heterogeneity–richness relationships across heterogeneity components, habitat types, taxa and spatial scales from landscape to global extents, and identify specific needs for future comparative heterogeneity–richness research.  相似文献   

  1. The coastal rivers of the São Paulo State in SE Brazil have different lengths and seawater influence. We evaluated whether: (1) environmental heterogeneity (EH) is associated with the species and life-form richness of aquatic macrophytes; and (2) EH and geographical distance influence species composition in these coastal rivers.
  2. We recorded the macrophyte species and life form occurrence and collected explanatory variables characterising the water, sediment, and river channel at 100 sampling sites over 8 rivers. We applied a principal component analysis to the explanatory variables and calculated the rivers' EH using the range of principal component 1 scores. We also determined the position of each river mouth along the coastline to measure the distance between the rivers. We used quasi-Poisson generalised linear models to evaluate the effects of EH on richness of species and life forms. To determine the effect of EH and geographical distance (Euclidean distance matrices) on the variation in species composition (Jaccard dissimilarity matrix) among the rivers, we applied multiple regressions on distance matrices.
  3. The most heterogeneous river had heterogeneity score about five times greater than the least heterogeneous river. Sediment salinity, river width, total phosphorus concentration of water and distance from river mouth were the most important variables contributing to the rivers' EH. We found that EH did not explain variation in species richness; however, it had a significant positive relationship with life-form richness. The effect of EH was greater than that of the geographical distance on the variation in species composition among the rivers. The pairs of rivers with the most similar EH were the most similar in species composition, but not all of them were geographically close.
  4. We conclude that EH influences life-form richness but does not influence species richness of aquatic macrophytes in the coastal rivers we studied; however, EH does influence species composition regardless of geographical distance among rivers.

Abstract. In an experiment in a limestone grassland on the Baltic island of Öland, SE Sweden, nutrient and water supply, light intensity and grazing regime were altered in 10 combinations during four years in 10 plots of 0.25 m2 with subplots of 0.01 m2 and 0.0004 m2. Only the combined application of fertilizer and shade led to a strong decrease in average species richness (S1) at all scales. When comparing species numbers summed up over all 10 replicates of each treatment (Sn) at the three quadrat sizes, differences in effect of these treatments were much smaller, and were so already at the finest scale. α-diversity, measured as (Sn - S1 was quite constant over different scales for most treatments, i.e. diversity did not increase with an increase in scale. The ‘richness ratio’Sn/S1 decreased with increasing scale, indicating an increasing degree of homogeneity at larger scales. Treatments which only included fertilizer or shade, maintained high species richness; this high richness was also maintained in combination with grazing and could then be explained by the denser packing of vegetation. Patterns of species richness were correlated at the large scale, but not at the finer scales, indicating a high degree of spatial and temporal heterogeneity at the finer scales. With increasing quadrat size species persistence increased which explains the small effect of certain treatments. Clearly, a range of scales has to be sampled in this type of vegetation to be able to measure different patterns, which may occur under different experimental treatments. The finest scale in this study can become too small, when certain treatments result in a coarse-grained vegetation pattern. The quadrat size of 10 cm x 10 cm should be included in the range of scales. It combines accuracy in sampling with efficiency in time effort, a reasonably large number of species sampled, and a strong differentiation in the effects of the various treatments.  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and bird species richness and composition within wetlands of the floodplain of the Middle Paraná River, Argentina. Given the high habitat heterogeneity in these wetland systems, we sought to determine whether (i) there was a positive relationship between bird species richness and habitat heterogeneity; (ii) whether bird species richness was associated with certain types of individual habitat types; (iii) whether there was a pattern of species nestedness and turnover between sites as a function of habitat heterogeneity and composition, respectively; and (iv) whether individual species exhibited associations with habitat heterogeneity. Point counts were used to survey birds at 60 sites. We estimated the area of eight habitat types found within a 200‐m radius from the centre of each site and calculated number and Pielou's evenness of habitat types. These indices, together with area proportion of each habitat type, were used as explanatory factors of bird species richness in linear regression models. Habitat heterogeneity per se rather than area of individual habitat types was a more important predictor of species richness in these fluvial wetlands. Sites with more habitat types supported more bird species. Results showed that individual bird species were associated with different habitat types and, therefore, sites that contained more habitat types contained more species. Number of habitat types accounted for species nestedness between sites whereas composition of habitat types accounted for species turnover between sites. Results suggest that selection of heterogeneous sites by individual species could help explain the positive heterogeneity–species richness relationship. Our findings highlight the importance of habitat heterogeneity per se resulting from flood disturbances in maintaining bird richness in fluvial systems.  相似文献   

Aim Spatial patterns of phylogenetic diversity (PD) aid our ability to discern diversification rate mechanisms underlying hypotheses for the large‐scale distribution of biodiversity. We develop a predictive framework for the way in which spatial patterns of PD vary with those of species richness, depending on the balance between speciation and extinction rates. Within this framework, diversification processes thought to underlie the productive energy, ambient energy, topographic variability and habitat variety hypotheses predict that gradients of increase in species richness will be associated with: (1) decreasing extinction rates where driven by productive energy, hence increasing relative PD (i.e. PD controlling for species richness, or PDrel); (2) a similar positive relationship between ambient energy and PDrel; (3) increasing speciation rates where driven by topographic variability, hence decreasing PDrel; and (4) no consistent relationship between PDrel and habitat variety when driven by the latter. We test these predictions using distributional data on parrots. Location Neotropical, Afrotropical, Indo‐Malayan and Australasian realms. Methods Spatial models were used to test the predictions. Results Globally, a positive association between productive energy and PDrel confirms prediction (1). However, within realms, hump‐shaped relationships suggest the importance of decreasing extinction rates up to a threshold level of productive energy, and the increasing importance of speciation rates thereafter. Ambient energy is positively associated with PDrel in Australasia, Indo‐Malaya, and globally, supporting prediction (2). However, this is driven by the coincidence of highest PDrel in areas of high ambient energy and intermediate productive energy (i.e. in seasonal tropical environments), which may be characterized by relatively low speciation and extinction rates. In the Neotropics, increasing topographic variability is associated with decreasing PDrel and increasing species richness, suggesting an increasing gradient of speciation, supporting prediction (3). Elsewhere, the signal of this mechanism may be obscured by collinearities with energy gradients. The lack of an overall relationship between habitat diversity and PDrel confirms prediction (4). Main conclusions Spatial patterns of PDrel in relation to environmental gradients may be sensitive to collinearities among those gradients. Nevertheless, patterns emerge which have implications for the relative importance of speciation and extinction processes in generating latitudinal diversity gradients.  相似文献   

Abstract. After abandonment many limestone grasslands have been overgrown by trees and shrubs; as a result, species-rich communities with many regionally rare and endangered species are vanishing. Some studies suggest that, in cases where grassland is being restored, the species composition and rate of change is strongly dependent on the initial conditions, i.e. the earlier presence of grassland species and the opportunity for colonization of new sites by grassland species. These hypotheses were tested in a five-year restoration experiment after the clearing of a 35-yr-old secondary pine wood developed on abandoned grassland. Tree cutting induced rapid changes in the floristic composition and species cover. The number of grassland species from the class Festuco-Brometea increased significantly in the restored grassland, but their cover was much lower than in the old grassland. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed significant differences in species composition between the grassland restored in former wood gaps and that developed in former closed wood. In wood gap sites the cover of species from the class Molinio-Arrhenatheretea and tufted perennials was much higher, whereas the cover of Festuco-Brometea species was lower. Significantly more shrubs, woodland species, ruderal and nitrophilous species as well as annual and biennial species occurred in the former closed wood site. It was found that richness and composition of the restored grassland depended strongly on the community composition before tree cutting, as well as on the presence of grassland species in the neighbourhood. Periodical tree cutting enables the maintenance of a temporal-spatial mosaic of scrub-grassland communities in isolated habitats and the preservation of local species diversity.  相似文献   

揭示区域物种组成随环境梯度的变化规律, 掌握物种多样性的周转过程及其与环境的耦合关系, 是理解物种多样性形成的生态过程的核心, 也是生物多样性保护和保护地网络构建的科学基础。神农架是众多古老、孑遗和特有植物的关键栖息地, 也是全球落叶木本植物最丰富的地区之一。然而, 我们对影响神农架植物物种周转并形成镶嵌格局的驱动因素知之甚少。本研究基于对神农架长期系统的植物群落物种调查数据, 通过广义相异模型(GDM)和偏回归分析等方法, 分析了气候差异、地理距离、人为干扰等因素对神农架植物物种周转的驱动效应。结果表明, 随着年均温(MAT)、≥ 0℃积温、≥ 10℃积温差异和地理距离增大, 植物β多样性显著增加, 而年均降水量(MAP)、距离道路距离及森林破碎化等人为干扰因素对植物β多样性无显著影响。地理距离、气候差异和人为干扰分别解释了物种相异性变异的28.75%、34.56%和12.55%, 其交互作用解释了变异的8.52%。地理距离、气候差异和人为干扰共同解释了物种相异性变异的43.47%。综上, 地理距离和温度分异是驱动神农架植物物种空间周转过程的关键因素。保护海拔梯度上植被的垂直带谱及复杂多样的地貌异质性, 是维持神农架物种周转生态过程的关键, 也是神农架国家公园建设乃至鄂西北保护地网络构建应关注的重点。  相似文献   

Although many taxa show a latitudinal gradient in richness, the relationship between latitude and species richness is often asymmetrical between the northern and southern hemispheres. Here we examine the latitudinal pattern of species richness across 1003 local ant assemblages. We find latitudinal asymmetry, with southern hemisphere sites being more diverse than northern hemisphere sites. Most of this asymmetry could be explained statistically by differences in contemporary climate. Local ant species richness was positively associated with temperature, but negatively (although weakly) associated with temperature range and precipitation. After contemporary climate was accounted for, a modest difference in diversity between hemispheres persisted, suggesting that factors other than contemporary climate contributed to the hemispherical asymmetry. The most parsimonious explanation for this remaining asymmetry is that greater climate change since the Eocene in the northern than in the southern hemisphere has led to more extinctions in the northern hemisphere with consequent effects on local ant species richness.  相似文献   

生物多样性的大尺度空间分布格局及其形成机制一直是生态学和生物地理学的核心内容。黄河流域是我国重要的生态屏障, 明确该区域动植物多样性分布格局及其影响因素, 对我国黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展具有重要意义。本研究通过收集黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物分布数据, 结合气候、环境异质性和人类活动等信息, 探讨了黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物物种丰富度格局及其主要影响因素。结果表明, 黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物物种丰富度在区域尺度具有相似的分布格局: 南部山地动植物物种丰富度最高, 而东部高寒区和北部干旱区物种丰富度最低。回归树模型表明, 冠层高度范围和净初级生产力范围分别是黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物物种丰富度最重要的预测因子; 当移除空间自相关影响后, 环境异质性和气候因子依然对区域尺度的动植物物种丰富度具有较高且相似的解释度。表明环境异质性和气候共同决定了黄河流域被子植物和陆栖脊椎动物物种丰富度格局, 而人类使用土地面积并不是影响黄河流域动植物物种丰富度格局的主要因子。因此, 在未来的研究中若针对不同区域筛选出更精准的环境驱动因子或选用更多不同类别的环境异质性因子进行分析, 将有助于更深入理解物种多样性格局的成因。  相似文献   

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