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Specialist predators may respond strongly to sensory cues from preferred prey, but responses by generalist predators, although predicted to be less specific, are poorly known. Among squamate reptiles, diet and strength of response to chemical prey cues covary geographically in snakes that are specialist predators. There have been no previous studies of correspondence between diet and chemosensory response in lizards that are prey generalists. Actively foraging lizards discriminate between prey chemicals and control substances. It has been speculated that differential responses among prey species are unlikely in typical species that are dietary generalists. We examined this relationship in Podarcis lilfordi, an omnivorous lacertid that consumes a wide variety of animal prey. In experiments in which chemical stimuli were presented on cotton swabs, lizards responded more strongly to chemicals from a broad spectrum of prey types than to deionized water, an odorless control. These findings plus previous data showing that P. lilfordi is capable of prey chemical discrimination suggest that P. lilfordi can identify a wide range of potential prey using chemical cues. However, there was no evidence of differential response to stimuli among prey species, even in comparisons of prey included in the natural diet and potential prey not in the diet. The results, although limited to a single species, are consistent with the hypothesis that lizard species that are prey generalists do not exhibit the differential response strengths to chemical prey cues observed in snakes that have more specialized diets. Received in revised form: 17 July 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This study examines the niche and diet breadth of two closely related sympatric aphidophagous ladybirds: Adalia decempunctata and A. bipunctata. The degree of habitat specialization of these species is investigated, and its effect on life history traits of females is explored. The importance of prey quality in determining the diet breadth is also examined. The niches occupied by these species in three countries, the UK, Belgium and southern France, are similar: A. decempunctata is an arboreal habitat specialist with a narrower set of prey than A. bipunctata, which is commonly found on several types of vegetation. The niches of the two species overlap on trees. Experiments indicate that habitat specialization has resulted in A. decempunctata investing more in each of its offspring than A. bipunctata. A. decempunctata females lay, relative to their body size, heavier eggs than those of the more generalist A. bipunctata, which results in A. decempunctata having bigger larvae. In addition, A. decempunctata larvae are better at surviving starvation than A. bipunctata larvae. In contrast to the expected pattern in food specialization, our study failed to demonstrate a better efficiency of the specialist when fed its usual prey and a detrimental effect when fed on prey that it is unlikely to encounter in the field. The reproductive performance of the specialist ladybird was better when fed an aphid that it was unlikely to regularly feed on in the field. Therefore, the narrow diet of the specialist ladybird is most likely a consequence of it occupying a narrow habitat rather than the quality of the prey. Although further studies on specialization in predatory insects are needed, the results indicate that unlike the role of plant quality in host specialization in herbivorous insects, prey quality has not been the main determinant of ecological specialization in these predatory insects.  相似文献   

Ecomorphological theory indicates that different ecological requirements lead to different organismal designs. Given that species with equal requirements could not coexist, traits leading to more efficient use of resources may be selected to avoid competition among closely related syntopic species, generating specialized ecomorphs. We compared habitat use, diet, thermal biology and morphology among the syntopic Tropidurus semitaeniatus, T. helenae and T. hispidus in the Caatinga of Northeastern Brazil. Tropidurus semitaeniatus and T. helenae are flattened lizards specialized to rocks and rock crevices, whereas T. hispidus has a robust body and generalist habits. We aimed to test the hypothesis that morphological modifications observed in the flattened ecomorphs are related to modifications in diet and habitat use. Also, we hypothesized that specialization to habitat induces morphological modifications, which in turn may constrain lizard performance. Flattened species differed in habitat use, morphology and prey size when compared with the generalist ecomorph. Morphological modifications were related to specializations to rocky habitats and constrained the variety of prey items consumed. This phenotype also reduced their reproductive output when compared with a robust, generalist ecomorph.  相似文献   

Synopsis Individual mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, can adopt a broad range of attack selectivities. In part, this variation can be explained by the past experiences of a fish. Individuals selected the more profitable Ceriodaphnia dubia (Cladocera) over less profitable cyclopoid copepods to a greater degree after being exposed to both prey types than did individuals experienced with only one of the prey types. Feeding rate (biomass ingested per unit time) declined with increased attack specialization on the profitable prey (Ceriodaphnia) when such prey were scarce, a result in agreement with assumptions of optimal diet theory. When profitable prey were abundant feeding rate was a bimodal function of the intensity of specialization on profitable prey; fish that specialized on cyclopoid copepods (the less profitable prey type) fed at higher rates than did generalists. This may be the result of antagonistic learning that precluded feeding efficiently on more than one type of prey at a time. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that rejection of unsuitable prey involves a time cost. The two preceeding aspects of foraging behavior, which are absent from most optimal diet models, could lead to failure in predicting the attack specialization of some predators, An additional aspect of the results was the generally weak relationship between feeding efficiency and specialization behavior. This suggests that feeding rate may not have been as tightly linked to the specialization behavior a predator adopts as is assumed by current foraging theory.  相似文献   

Inter-annual variation in the diet of female southern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome chrysocome) at Staten Island was studied during the early chick-rearing period to investigate the components of the diet and highlight some points of the possible food web in the study area. Gregarious crustaceans, small juveniles of squid and octopus, fish larvae and juvenile fish dominated the diet. There was a high degree of variability in the relative contribution of the different prey taxa during the three seasons studied. Overall, crustaceans were by far the most abundant in terms of number. Cephalopods contributed less to numbers, while fish was the least represented of the prey item in 2 years. Inter-annual variation in the proportion of prey items consumed was apparent only for some prey species: Thysanoessa gregaria, Gonatus antarcticus, Themisto gaudichaudii, Harpagifer bispinis and Salilota australis. These data suggest variability in the prey resources at sea during the study period and a subsequent opportunism of this penguin species to exploit what is differentially available. In terms of the food web in the area, we suggest an apparent relationship in the availability between T. gaudichaudii and G. antarcticus, and between T. gaudichaudii and H bispinnis. These relationships emphasise the importance of understanding food web interactions, especially those involving multiple trophic levels, when determining the role of upper-trophic level predators in marine systems.  相似文献   

Competing hypotheses explaining species’ use of resources have been advanced. Resource limitations in habitat and/or food are factors that affect assemblages of species. These limitations could drive the evolution of morphological and/or behavioural specialization, permitting the coexistence of closely related species through resource partitioning and niche differentiation. Alternatively, when resources are unlimited, fluctuations in resources availability will cause concomitant shifts in resource use regardless of species identity. Here, we used next‐generation sequencing to test these hypotheses and characterize the diversity, overlap and seasonal variation in the diet of three species of insectivorous bats of the genus Pteronotus. We identified 465 prey (MOTUs) in the guano of 192 individuals. Lepidoptera and Diptera represented the most consumed insect orders. Diet of bats exhibited a moderate level of overlap, with the highest value between Pteronotus parnellii and Pteronotus personatus in the wet season. We found higher dietary overlap between species during the same seasons than within any single species across seasons. This suggests that diets of the three species are driven more by prey availability than by any particular predator‐specific characteristic. P. davyi and P. personatus increased their dietary breadth during the dry season, whereas P. parnellii diet was broader and had the highest effective number of prey species in all seasons. This supports the existence of dietary flexibility in generalist bats and dietary niche overlapping among groups of closely related species in highly seasonal ecosystems. Moreover, the abundance and availability of insect prey may drive the diet of insectivores.  相似文献   

Animal feeding ecology and diet are influenced by the fear of predation. While the mechanistic bases for such changes are well understood, technical difficulties often prevent testing how these mechanisms interact to affect a mesopredator’s diet in natural environments. Here, we compared the insectivorous lizard Acanthodactylus beershebensis’ feeding ecology and diet between high- and low-risk environments, using focal observations, intensive trapping effort and fecal pellet analysis. To create spatial variation in predation risk, we planted “artificial trees” in a scrubland habitat that lacks natural perches, allowing avian predators to hunt for lizards in patches that were previously unavailable to them. Lizards in elevated-risk environments became less mobile but did not change their microhabitat use or temporal activity. These lizards changed their diet, consuming smaller prey and less plant material. We suggest that diet shifts were mainly because lizards from risky environments consumed prey items that required shorter handling time.  相似文献   

Diet composition of the southern Ray's bream Brama australis was examined from stomach contents of 399 specimens sampled by bottom trawl on Chatham Rise to the east of South Island, New Zealand, over 3 years. Prey items were predominantly mesopelagic fishes and crustaceans. Multivariate analysis indicated that moon phase explained more of the diet variability than any other predictor examined. It appears likely that diet composition is influenced by a combination of changes in both tidal flows and illumination. Different combinations of prey were consumed by B. australis at different times of the lunar cycle. An influence of moon phase on feeding by fishes has rarely been reported, but it is likely that moon phase influences the diets of other species that specialize in mesopelagic prey. The most important prey group by mass for B. australis was Myctophidae (primarily Lampanyctodes hectoris), followed by Stomiiformes (primarily Maurolicus australis) and shrimps (Sergestes spp). An ontogenetic shift in diet was observed, from numerical dominance by small crustaceans including amphipods and euphausiids (with some fishes) in smaller (mass <1045 g) B. australis to pelagic teleost prey (with a few larger crustaceans) in larger (>1440 g) B. australis.  相似文献   

The diet of dingoes (Canis familiaris dingo) in the Australian Wet Tropics was examined by analyzing 383 dingo scats collected throughout the region for the presence of mammal prey remains. The scats yielded 29 native and 4 introduced mammal prey species from 14 families. The most important species in terms of percentage occurrence in the scats were Melomys cervinipes (22.2%), hoodon macrourus (17.0%), Perameles nasuta (12.5%), and Thylogale stigmatica (12.5%). The most important families were Muridae (37.1%), Peramelidae (29.5%), and Macropodidae (25.8%). Examination of small‐scale habitat preferences revealed species that preferentially use the forest edge ranked significantly higher in the diet than those that do not, and species that are terrestrial ranked higher in the diet than those that are arboreal. Relative abundance was also a significant factor in the ranked dietary occurrence of each species, with abundant species ranked significantly higher than those that are less abundant. These results suggest that dingoes in the Australian Wet Tropics are opportunistic predators of a wide variety of mammal species, with abundant terrestrial and forest edge‐dwelling taxa the most susceptible to predation.  相似文献   

Abstract Habitat fragmentation due to clearing often results in an increase in edge areas compared with overall remnant size, but there are limited data on the influence of increased edge areas on generalist species. Therefore, the abundance of small (<55 mm) generalist scinid lizards in small woodland remnants of the Cumberland Plain (western Sydney, Australia) was compared. Using pitfall trapping and points of transect survey techniques, three species were encountered: Lampropholis guichenoti, Lampropholis delicata and Cryptoblepharus virgatus. The abundance and diversity of these skinks differed significantly between edge and core areas; fewer individuals were encountered on the edge of the remnants than in core sites. Cryptoblepharus virgatus was only observed in edge sites where L. guichenoti made up the greatest skink abundance. In contrast, L. delicata abundance was greatest at core sites. There was also a significant difference between the edge and core with respect to the size structure of the L. guichenoti population. Larger numbers of subadults were observed in the edge sites, whereas there were significantly fewer adults and juveniles in these areas. Habitat characteristics did not account for the skink distribution observed.  相似文献   

The diet of ringed seals (Pusa hispida) from coastal and offshore areas of Northeast Greenland was determined by identifying, to the lowest taxonomic limit possible, all hard-part contents from the gastrointestinal tract of 51 seals sampled (2002–2004) in spring (April to June, N = 35) and autumn (September to October, N = 16). The autumn diet was characterized by high numbers of Parathemisto libellula, and the spring diet was comprised primarily of polar cod (Boreogadus saida), with few invertebrates consumed. The coastal seal diet samples had a diverse fish prey composition (during both the spring and autumn), whereas the open water seals had eaten mostly crustaceans with P. libellula being most abundant. The sample sizes from the various locations and seasons were not large enough to explore age-class effects on diet in addition. Similar to earlier studies, this study suggests that the ringed seal is a generalist that exploits prey based on availability, with a few key species dominating the diet in an area at least on a seasonal basis.  相似文献   

Environmental variation drives ecological and phenotypic change. How predictable is differentiation in response to environmental change? Answering this question requires the development and testing of multifarious a priori predictions in natural systems. We employ this approach using Gobiomorus dormitor populations that have colonized inland blue holes differing in the availability of fish prey. We evaluated predictions of differences in demographics, habitat use, diet, locomotor and trophic morphology, and feeding kinematics and performance between G. dormitor populations inhabiting blue holes with and without fish prey. Populations of G. dormitor independently diverged between prey regimes, with broad agreement between observed differences and a priori predictions. For example, in populations lacking fish prey, we observed male‐biased sex ratios, a greater use of shallow‐water habitat, and larger population diet breadths as a result of greater individual diet specialization. Furthermore, we found predictable differences in body shape, mouth morphology, suction generation capacity, strike kinematics, and feeding performance on different prey types, consistent with the adaptation of G. dormitor to piscivory when coexisting with fish prey and to feeding on small invertebrates in their absence. The results of the present study suggest great potential in our ability to predict population responses to changing environments, which is an increasingly important capability in a human‐dominated, ever‐changing world. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 588–607.  相似文献   

Predators select prey so as to maximize energy and minimize manipulation time. In order to reduce prey detection and handling time, individuals must actively select their foraging space (microhabitat) and populations exhibit morphologies that are best suited for capturing locally available prey. We explored how variation in diet correlates with habitat type, and how these factors influence key morphological structures (mouth gape, eye diameter, fin length, fin area, and pectoral fin ratio) in a common microcarnivorous cryptic reef fish species, the triplefin Helcogrammoides cunninghami. In a mensurative experiment carried out at six kelp‐dominated sites, we observed considerable differences in diet along 400 km of the Chilean coast coincident with variation in habitat availability and prey distributions. Triplefins preferred a single prey type (bivalves or barnacles) at northern sites, coincident with a low diversity of foraging habitats. In contrast, southern sites presented varied and heterogeneous habitats, where triplefin diets were more diverse and included amphipods, decapods, and cumaceans. Allometry‐corrected results indicated that some morphological structures were consistently correlated with different prey items. Specifically, large mouth gape was associated with the capture of highly mobile prey such as decapods, while small mouth gape was more associated with cumaceans and copepods. In contrast, triplefins that capture sessile prey such as hydroids tend to have larger eyes. Therefore, morphological structures co‐vary with habitat selection and prey usage in this species. Our study shows how an abundant generalist reef fish exhibits variable feeding morphologies in response to the distribution of potential habitats and prey throughout its range.  相似文献   


Species that exploit the same type of environmental resources are defined as a guild, which have similar needs in the use of food or habitat. It was analyzed the diet of five waterbirds’ offsprings species (Neotropic Cormorant (Nannopterum brasilianus), Reddish Egret (Egretta rufescens), Boat-billed Heron (Cochlearius cochlearius), Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) and Great Egret (Ardea alba)), by prey identification and calculated the relative importance, overlap and breadth diet. The general diet of the piscivorous guild consisted of 17 fish species from 13 genera and eight families. The highest overlap was between the Reddish Egret and Boat-billed Heron. Fish species dominated the diets of all studied waterbirds, Poecilia velifera was the most abundant prey species in each of the birds, suggesting that they are abundant in the wetlands system of northern Yucatan. Diet overlap in waterbirds species depends on the use of resources and feeding habitat. Since reproductive success largely depends on the availability of food resources, mainly of resident or estuarine fishes. The information about diet is important for the conservation of waterbirds.  相似文献   

Amongst raptor species, individuals with specialized diets are commonly observed to have higher reproductive output than those with general diets. A suggested cause is that foraging efficiency benefits accrue to diet specialists. This diet specificity hypothesis thus predicts that diet breadth and reproductive success should be inversely related within species. We highlight, however, that a prey availability hypothesis also makes the same prediction in some circumstances. Hence, when high diet specificity results from high encounter rates with an abundant, preferred prey, then prey availability may affect reproductive success, with diet specialization as an incidental correlate. Using three insular study areas in western Scotland, we examine diet specificity and reproductive success in Golden Eagles Aquila chrysaetos. Diet breadth and breeding productivity were not negatively related in any of our study areas, even though birds with specific diets did tend to have a higher incidence of preferred prey (grouse and lagomorphs) in the diet. Indeed, in two study areas there was evidence that diet generalists had higher breeding productivity. Our results therefore failed to support the diet specificity hypothesis but were consistent with the prey availability hypothesis. We highlight that although many other studies are superficially consistent with the diet specificity hypothesis, our study is not alone in failing to provide support and that the hypothesis does not provide a generic explanation for all relevant results. Diet specificity in predators can be at least partially a response to prey diversity, availability and distribution, and benefits associated with different prey types, so that being a generalist is not necessarily intrinsically disadvantageous. We suggest that the available evidence is more consistent with variation in prey abundance and availability as a more influential factor explaining spatial and temporal variation in breeding productivity of ‘generalist’ species such as the Golden Eagle. Under this argument, prey abundance and availability are the main drivers of variation in reproductive output. Diet specificity is a consequence of variation in prey availability, rather than a substantial cause of variation in reproductive success.  相似文献   

Over 70% of the droppings of the gleaning bat Otonycteris hemprichii can contain scorpion fragments. Yet, some scorpions found in its desert habitat possess venom of the highest known toxicity, rendering them a very dangerous prey. In this study, we describe how O. hemprichii catches and handles scorpions, quantify its flight and echolocation behaviour in the field, investigate what sensory modality it uses to detect scorpions, and test whether it selects scorpions according to their size or toxicity. We confirmed that O. hemprichi is a whispering bat (approx. 80 dB peSPL) with short, multi-harmonic calls. In a flight room we also confirmed that O. hemprichii detects scorpions by their walking noises. Amplitudes of such noises were measured and they reach the flying bat at or below the level of echoes of the loess substrate. Bats dropped straight onto moving scorpions and were stung frequently even straight in their face. Stings did not change the bats’ behaviour and caused no signs of poisoning. Scorpions were eaten including poison gland and stinger. Bats showed no preference neither for any of the scorpion species nor their size suggesting they are generalist predators with regard to scorpions.  相似文献   

Aquatic carnivorous plants usually grow in shallow dystrophic waters poor in inorganic N and P. Utricularia australis was chosen as a model plant for its prolific distribution and great ecological plasticity. The photosynthetic CO2 compensation point and factors associated with investment in carnivory and capture of prey were measured in 17 U. australis micropopulations in Třeboň basin, Czech Republic, together with water chemistry factors at these sites differing greatly in their trophic level, water hardness, and prey availability. Apical shoot growth rate was estimated at some oligotrophic sites. The micropopulations differed greatly in the proportion of traps with animal prey (2.7–70%, mean 26%), trap proportion to total biomass (1.4–42%, mean 26%), mean trap biomass (0.7–63 μg trap−1, mean 19 μg), and maximum trap size (1–3 mm, mean 2.0 mm). CO2 compensation points ranged from 0.7 to 6.1 μM (mean 2.6 μM). A weak HCO3 use (compensation point 0.51 mM) was found in plants growing in alkaline water. Trap biomass proportion did not correlate significantly with prey capture and CO2 compensation points with ambient [CO2]. A very rapid apical growth (2.5–4.2 new nodes day−1) occurred in sand pits. Thus, HCO3 use in U. australis can be induced by growing at very high pH. CO2 compensation points resembled those known in other aquatic non-carnivorous plants. They did not reflect carnivory. In spite of very rapid apical shoot growth, the relative growth rate of U. australis can be zero in oligotrophic habitats without prey.  相似文献   

Niche breadth is predicted to correlate with environmental heterogeneity, such that generalists will evolve in heterogeneous environments and specialists will evolve in environments that vary less over space and time. We tested the hypothesis that lizards in a heterogeneous environment were generalists compared to lizards in a homogeneous environment. We compared niche breadths of greater short‐horned lizards by quantifying resource selection in terms of two different niche axes, diet (prey items and trophic level), and microhabitat (ground cover and shade cover) between two populations occurring at different elevations. We assessed the heterogeneity of dietary and microhabitat resources within each population's environment by quantifying the availability of prey items, ground cover, and shade cover in each environment. Overall, our results demonstrate that despite differences in resource heterogeneity between elevations, resource selection did not consistently differ between populations. Moreover, environmental heterogeneity was not associated with generalization of resource use. The low‐elevation site had a broader range of available prey items, yet lizards at the high‐elevation site demonstrated more generalization in diet. In contrast, the high‐elevation site had a broader range of available microhabitats, but the lizard populations at both sites were similarly generalized for shade cover selection and were similarly specialized for ground cover selection. Our results demonstrate that environmental heterogeneity of a particular resource does not necessarily predict the degree to which organisms specialize on that resource.  相似文献   

The present study was carried out from 2001 to 2005, with the objective of analyzing the diet of Leopardus geoffroyi in extreme southern Brazil, through analyses of stomach contents and scats. The importance of each prey type found in the scats (n=66) was determined from the frequency of occurrence and percentage of occurrence. In the stomachs (n=9), the importance of each prey was determined using Pianka's index of relative importance (IRI). The food spectrum of L. geoffroyi included mammals, birds, serpents, amphibians and insects. Mammals were the most abundant items, present in 95.5% of the scats and representing 74.4% of the total prey, reaching an IRI of 13296.3 in the stomachs. The principal prey types found in the stomachs and scats were small rodents (Cavia spp., Oligoryzomys spp., Necromys spp. and Holochilus brasiliensis) and large-sized rodents (Myocastor coypus), of terrestrial, arboreal or semi-aquatic habit. Probably, the high percentage of these prey items in the diet is related to their availability and abundance. The index of niche breadth was low in both the stomach and scat analyses (respectively, Bsta=0.18 and 0.17), demonstrating the high degree of specialization of these cats.  相似文献   

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