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Sexual dimorphism is usually interpreted in terms of reproductive adaptations, but the degree of sex divergence also may be affected by sex-based niche partitioning. In gape-limited animals like snakes, the degree of sexual dimorphism in body size (SSD) or relative head size can determine the size spectrum of ingestible prey for each sex. Our studies of one mainland and four insular Western Australian populations of carpet pythons ( Morelia spilota ) reveal remarkable geographical variation in SSD, associated with differences in prey resources available to the snakes. In all five populations, females grew larger than males and had larger heads relative to body length. However, the populations differed in mean body sizes and relative head sizes, as well as in the degree of sexual dimorphism in these traits. Adult males and females also diverged strongly in dietary composition: males consumed small prey (lizards, mice and small birds), while females took larger mammals such as possums and wallabies. Geographic differences in the availability of large mammalian prey were linked to differences in mean adult body sizes of females (the larger sex) and thus contributed to sex-based resource partitioning. For example, in one population adult male snakes ate mice and adult females ate wallabies; in another, birds and lizards were important prey types for both sexes. Thus, the high degree of geographical variation among python populations in sexually dimorphic aspects of body size and shape plausibly results from geographical variation in prey availability.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 113–125.  相似文献   

匡先钜  戈峰  薛芳森 《昆虫学报》2015,58(3):351-360
体型是昆虫基本的形态特性,它会影响到昆虫几乎所有的生理和生活史特性。同种昆虫不同地理种群在体型上常表现出明显的渐变,导致这些渐变的环境因素包括温度、湿度、光照、寄主植物、种群密度等,并且多种环境因素也会对昆虫种群内个体体型产生影响。雌雄个体的体型存在差异,称性体型二型性。性体型二型性也显示了地理差异。这些差异形成的途径已经得到详细的分析,其形成机制导致多个假说的提出,这些假说又在多种昆虫中得到验证。本文从同一种昆虫不同种群间、同一种群内、雌雄虫个体间3个水平,对种内昆虫体型变异的方式,影响昆虫种群间体型变异和种群内昆虫体型的变异的环境因素,以及昆虫性体型二型性及其地理变异的现象等方面的研究进行了综述,并对未来的相关研究提供了建议。  相似文献   

Patterns of sexual size dimorphism and body size in calanoid copepods are examined. We hypothesize that favorable conditions for development will result in large body size and high sexual size dimorphism among populations of a given species and that differences in this allometric relationship among species is governed by the male's role in insemination. We confirm that there is a greater advantage to large female size, normally the larger sex, when compared to males, hence leading to selection for developmental patterns favoring high size dimorphism. Individuals from populations of four centropagid copepod species were measured; other sizes were obtained from published sources. In the four species we examined, the relationships between prosome length and both clutch size and the ability to produce multiple clutches with one insemination were determined. Results show a trend toward hyperallometry in all centropagid species examined: sexual size dimorphism increases with increasing size. Large females produce larger clutches and more additional clutches on one insemination. That hyperallometry is not observed in diaptomid copepods may result from the greater role the male plays in reproduction. Males are needed for each clutch produced, hence the selective pressure to be larger is greater than that in the centropagidae.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in size (skull length) and sexual dimorphism in Mustela erminea, Mustela frenata and Mustela nivalis in North America is described and analysed in relation to latitude, longitude, climatic variables, and sympatry or allopatry of these species. Only erminea increases in size with latitude; it does so regardless of the presence or absence of frenata or nivalis. Latitude is a better predictor of size in erminea than available measures of climate, seasonality or prey size. There is no evidence for character displacement between any pair of species. The sexes covary in size in frenata and erminea , and probably in nivalis , although geographic variation in sexual dimorphism occurs in frenata and erminea. The principal cause of sexual dimorphism appears to be sexual selection for large size in males rather than the high energetic requirements resulting from an elongate body shape. However, prey size may constrain female size (and possibly also male size). Regional differences in the abundance of prey during the growth of young weasels may affect adult size much more in males than in females and contribute to geographic variation in sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Wing morphological variations are described here for the lycaenid butterfly Tongeia fischeri. A landmark‐based geometric morphometric approach based on wing venation of 197 male and 187 female butterflies collected in Japan was used to quantify wing size and shape variations between sexes and among populations. Sexual dimorphism in wing size and shape was detected. Females had significantly larger wings than males, while males showed a relatively elongated forewing with a longer apex and narrower wing tornus in comparison to females. Intraspecific variations in wing morphology among populations were revealed for the wing shape, but not wing size. Distinct wing shape differences were found in the vein intersections area around the distal part of the discal cell where median veins originated in the forewing and around the origin of the CU1 vein in the hindwing. In addition, phenotypic relationships inferred from wing shape variations grouped T. fischeri populations into three groups, reflecting the subspecies classification of the species. The spatial variability and phenotypic relationships between conspecific populations of T. fischeri detected here are generally in agreement with the previous molecular study based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, suggesting the presence of a phylogenetic signal in the wing shape of T. fischeri, and thus having taxonomic implications.  相似文献   

There has been very little empirical study of quantitative genetic variation in flower size in sexually dimorphic plant species, despite the frequent occurrence of flower size differences between sexual phenotypes. In this study we quantify the nature of quantitative flower size variation in females and hermaphrodites of gynodioecious Thymus vulgaris. In a field study, females had significantly smaller flowers than hermaphrodites, and the degree of flower size dimorphism varied significantly among populations. To quantify the genetic basis of flower size variation we sampled maternal progeny from 10 F0 females in three populations (across the range of variation in flower size in the field), performed controlled crosses on F1 offspring in the glasshouse and grew F2 progeny to flowering in uniform field conditions. A significant population * sex interaction was again observed, hence the degree of sexual dimorphism shows genetic variation among populations. A significant family * sex interaction was also observed, indicating that the degree of sexual dimorphism shows genetic variation among families. Females showed significantly greater variation among populations and among families than hermaphrodites. Female flower size varied significantly depending on the degree of stamen abortion, with morphologically intermediate females having flowers more similar to hermaphrodites than to other females. The frequency of female types that differ in the degree of stamen abortion varied among populations and families and mean family female flower size increased as the proportion of intermediate female types increased across families. Variation in the degree of flower size dimorphism thus appears to be a result of variation in the degree of stamen abortion in females, the potential causes of which are discussed.  相似文献   

Lizards of the family Eublepharidae exhibit interspecific diversity in body size, sexual size dimorphism (SSD), head size dimorphism (HSD), occurrence of male combat, and presence of male precloacal pores. Hence, they offer an opportunity for testing hypotheses for the evolution and maintenance of sexual dimorphism. Historical analysis of male agonistic behaviour indicates that territoriality is ancestral in eublepharid geckos. Within Eublepharidae, male combat disappeared twice. In keeping with predictions from sexual selection theory, both events were associated with parallel loss of male-biased HSD and ventral scent glands. Eublepharids therefore provide new evidence that male-biased dimorphic heads are weapons used in aggressive encounters and that the ventral glands probably function in territory marking rather than in intersexual communication. Male-biased SSD is a plesiomorphic characteristic and was affected by at least three inversions. Shifts in SSD and male combat were not historically correlated. Therefore, other factors than male rivalry appear responsible for SSD inversions. Eublepharids demonstrate the full scope of Rensch's rule (small species tend to be female-larger, larger species male-larger). Most plausibly, SSD pattern hence seems to reflect body size variation. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 76 , 303–314.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of body size and sexual size dimorphism has been a longstanding goal in evolutionary biology. Previous work has shown that environmental stress can constrain male‐biased sexual size dimorphism at the population level, but we know little about how this might translate to geographical patterns of body size and sexual size dimorphism at the species level. Environmental constraints due to a highly seasonal, resource‐poor and/or variable environment have often been cited to explain the unusual lack of sexual size dimorphism among Madagascar's diverse and numerous primate taxa; however, empirical tests of this hypothesis are lacking. Using a phylogenetic approach and a geographical information system platform, we explored the role of seasonality, interannual variability and annual measures of temperature and rainfall, and net primary productivity on patterns of body size and sexual size dimorphism across 130 species of primates. Phylogenetically controlled comparisons showed no support for a role of environmental constraints in moderating sexual size dimorphism at the interspecific level, despite significant associations of environmental variables with body mass. Results suggest that the focus of discussions that have dominated in the last two decades regarding the role of environmental constraints in driving patterns of monomorphism of Madagascar's lemurs should be reconsidered; however, the conundrum remains.  相似文献   

Variation within populations is a prerequisite for the action of selection on morphological traits. Darwin assumed that there was much greater variation in sexual ornament size than in body size, but this may not be generally true of natural populations. I analyse field data on variation in body size and the length, area and mass of tail ornaments in paradise (Vidua paradisaea) and shaft-tailed whydahs (V. regia). Whydahs are promiscuous, brood parasitic African finches with elaborate tail ornaments in breeding males. The short, unadorned tails of male shaft-tailed whydahs, which carry a wire-like tail ornament, are non-significantly (1%) longer than female tails, but male paradise whydahs, which carry a large, broad ornament, have unadorned tails 10% longer than those of conspecific females. Fully grown ornament length, mass and area vary little more (CVs = 1.8-6.4%) than male or female body size traits (CVs = 1.7-6.1%). Instead, there is high variation in the timing of ornament development during prenuptial moult (CVs = 30.8–39.5% for paradise whydahs and 12.6–23.8% for shaft-tailed whydahs when corrected to a standard date). This temporal variation in development probably has greater significance for sexual selection in whydahs than maximum ornament size.  相似文献   

The integration of macroevolutionary pattern with developmental mechanism presents an outstanding challenge for studies of phenotypic evolution. Here, we use a combination of experimental and comparative data to test whether evolutionary shifts in the direction of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) correspond to underlying changes in the endocrine regulation of growth. First, we combine captive breeding studies with mark‐recapture data to show that male‐biased SSD develops in the brown anole lizard (Anolis sagrei) because males grow significantly faster than females as juveniles and adults. We then use castration surgeries and testosterone implants to show that castration inhibits, and testosterone stimulates, male growth. We conclude by reviewing published testosterone manipulations in other squamate reptiles in the context of evolutionary patterns in SSD. Collectively, these studies reveal that the evolution of SSD has been accompanied by underlying changes in the effect of testosterone on male growth, potentially facilitating the rapid evolution of SSD.  相似文献   

Individuals of the genus Jaera do not mate at random. In the species from the Mediterranean group, J. italica and. J. nordmanni, large males and medium sized females are at an advantage and their sizes are positively assorted. These effects are attributable to sexual competition between males. In the Ponlo-caspian species J. istri, no advantage of large males exists, but sexual selection could be the cause for a long passive phase prior to copulation and for normalizing selection upon female size at pairing. In the Atlantic species, J. albifrons, no selection can be ascertained.
Differential mating success in males appears as one of the causes of the evolution of sexual dimorphism in body size, which makes males larger, of equal size, or smaller than females according to the species. The reason for this reversal in dimorphism seems to differ in the two sexes. Sexual selection provides an explanation for the evolution of male size, while the interspecific changes in female length are more likely due to ecological factors.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in sexual dimorphism of tooth size was assessed for the red fox Vulpes vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) across the whole northern range of the species. Twenty-one measurements of tooth size and skull length were taken from 2849 specimens (1577 males and 1272 females) originating from 12 Nearctic and 25 Palearctic localities. The index of sexual dimorphism was calculated as a quotient of the mean measure of certain characters in males by the respective mean in females ( M m/ M f). In the whole range, the males were larger than females and mean dimorphism index of tooth size ranged from 1.01 to 1.06. On average, the tooth measurements in males were 3.6% larger than in females. The highest dimorphism was observed in the canines. Dimorphism of tooth size was higher in the Palearctic than Nearctic. Statistically significant differences between regions were found for lengths of C1, C1 and M1. In the Palearctic, higher values of the dimorphism indices were observed particularly in the southern parts of the Eurasian range of the red fox and in Great Britain. For a few metrical traits, sexual dimorphism indices presented significant relations to some geo-climatic variables. The geographic pattern of size dimorphism in the red fox seems to be shaped by sexual selection, intraspecific and interspecific competition and population density.  相似文献   

Wild rodents (Bolomys lasiurus) of both sexes were caught in a cerrado grassland area during the dry (July-September) and rainy (January-March) seasons of Brazil. Fasted animals were perfused with Karnovsky fixative through the left ventricle, under ether anesthesia, and the submandibular gland was processed for embedding in historesin. Histological and histometric data show sexual dimorphism at both seasons. In the volume percentage of the granular convoluted tubules (GCT) and their secretory granules, the males exhibited higher values. The absolute volume occupied by these structures, however, was dimorphic only in the rainy season. The diameter of the GCT, the height of its epithelium, and its total length were also greater in males during the rainy season. The absolute volumes of the acini and of the ductal tree were identical in both sexes in the dry and rainy seasons but the acinar diameter increased in the males and females during the rainy season. The sexual dimorphism and the seasonal variations now described in the B. lasiurus submandibular glands could be explained by the augmented reproductive activity of the males in the rainy period.  相似文献   

At least two adaptive processes can lead to the evolution of sexual dimorphism: sexual selection (e.g. male-male combat) or natural selection (e.g. dietary divergence). We investigated the adaptive significance of a distinctive pattern of sexual dimorphism in a south-eastern Australian frog, Adelotus brevis. Male Adelotus grow larger than female conspecifics, have larger heads relative to body size, and have large paired projections (‘tusks’) in the lower jaw. All of these traits are rare among anurans. We quantified the degree of dimorphism in Adelotus, and gathered data on diets and mating systems of this species to evaluate the possible roles of sexual selection and dietary divergence in favoring die evolution of these sexually dimorphic traits. Analysis of prey items in alimentary tracts revealed significant sex differences in prey types. For example, females ate proportionally more arthropods and fewer molluscs than did males. However, this difference is likely to be a secondary consequence of habitat differences between the sexes (due in turn to their different reproductive roles) rather than a selective force for the evolution of sexual dimorphism. Calling males spend their time in moist habitats where pondsnails are abundant, whereas females are more often encountered in the drier arthropod-rich woodlands. A three-year behavioural ecology study on a field population revealed that reproductive males engage in agonistic interactions, with the sexually dimorphic tusks used to attack rivals. Larger body size contributed to male reproductive success. Small males were excluded from calling sites and, among the calling males, larger animals had higher reproductive success (numbers of matings) than did smaller individuals. Hence, the atypical pattern of sexual dimorphism in Adelotus brevis seems to have resulted from sexual selection for larger body size and tusk size in males, in the context of male-male agonistic behaviour, rather than natural selection for ecological divergence between the sexes.  相似文献   

The Charadrii (shorebirds, gulls and alcids) are one of the most diverse avian groups from the point of view of sexual size dimorphism, exhibiting extremes in both male-biased and female-biased dimorphism, as well as monomorphism. In this study we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to investigate how size dimorphism has changed over evolutionary time, distinguishing between changes that have occurred in females and in males. Independent contrasts analyses show that both body mass and wing length have been more variable in males than in females. Directional analyses show that male-biased dimorphism has increased after inferred transitions towards more polygynous mating systems. There have been analogous increases in female-biased dimorphism after transitions towards more socially polyandrous mating systems. Changes in dimorphism in both directions are attributable to male body size changing more than female body size. We suggest that this might be because females are under stronger natural selection constraints related to fecundity. Taken together, our results suggest that the observed variation in dimorphism of Charadrii can be best explained by male body size responding more sensitively to variable sexual selection than female body size.  相似文献   

Hypotheses for the origin and maintenance of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) fall into three primary categories: (i) sexual selection on male size, (ii) fecundity selection on female size and (iii) ecological selection for gender‐specific niche divergence. We investigate the impact of these forces on SSD evolution in New World pitvipers (Crotalinae). We constructed a phylogeny from up to eight genes (seven mitochondrial, one nuclear) for 104 species of NW crotalines. We gathered morphological and ecological data for 82 species for comparative analyses. There is a strong signal of sexual selection on male size driving SSD, but less evidence for fecundity selection on female size across lineages. No support was found for allometric scaling of SSD (Rensch's rule), nor for directional selection for increasing male size (the Fairbairn–Preziosi hypothesis) in NW crotalines. Interestingly, arboreal lineages experience higher rates of SSD evolution and a pronounced shift to female‐biased dimorphism. This suggests that fecundity selection on arboreal females exaggerates ecologically mediated dimorphism, whereas sexual selection drives male size in terrestrial lineages. We find that increasing SSD in both directions (male‐ and female‐biased) decreases speciation rates. In NW crotalines, it appears that increasing magnitudes of ecologically mediated SSD reduce rates of speciation, as divergence accumulates within species among sexes, reducing adaptive divergence between populations leading to speciation.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify potential factors responsible for geographically structured morphological variation within the widespread Australian frogs Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Günther and L. peronii Duméril & Bibron. There was support for James's rule, and both latitude and present climate explained large amounts of the variation in body size and shape (particularly in L. peronii ). There was also some support for the influence of several biogeographical barriers. Finally, both species were sexually dimorphic for body size and the degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) varied geographically. Climate was an important explanation for SSD variation in L. peronii , while latitude was most important for L. tasmaniensis . Geographical variations in sexual selection via male–male physical competition and climate-related resources are suggested as potential explanations for SSD variation in L. peronii .  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 82 , 39–56.  相似文献   

Evidence for phenotypic plasticity in brain size and the size of different brain parts is widespread, but experimental investigations into this effect remain scarce and are usually conducted using individuals from a single population. As the costs and benefits of plasticity may differ among populations, the extent of brain plasticity may also differ from one population to another. In a common garden experiment conducted with three‐spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) originating from four different populations, we investigated whether environmental enrichment (aquaria provided with structural complexity) caused an increase in the brain size or size of different brain parts compared to controls (bare aquaria). We found no evidence for a positive effect of environmental enrichment on brain size or size of different brain parts in either of the sexes in any of the populations. However, in all populations, males had larger brains than females, and the degree of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) in relative brain size ranged from 5.1 to 11.6% across the populations. Evidence was also found for genetically based differences in relative brain size among populations, as well as for plasticity in the size of different brain parts, as evidenced by consistent size differences among replicate blocks that differed in their temperature.  相似文献   

Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) exhibit a range of sexual size dimorphism (SSD) that includes species with male-biased (males > females) or female-biased SSD (males < females) and species exhibiting nonterritorial or territorial mating strategies. Here, we use phylogenetic comparative analyses to investigate the influence of sexual selection on SSD in both suborders: dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera). First, we show that damselflies have male-biased SSD, and exhibit an allometric relationship between body size and SSD, that is consistent with Rensch's rule. Second, SSD of dragonflies is not different from unit, and this suborder does not exhibit Rensch's rule. Third, we test the influence of sexual selection on SSD using proxy variables of territorial mating strategy and male agility. Using generalized least squares to account for phylogenetic relationships between species, we show that male-biased SSD increases with territoriality in damselflies, but not in dragonflies. Finally, we show that nonagile territorial odonates exhibit male-biased SSD, whereas male agility is not related to SSD in nonterritorial odonates. These results suggest that sexual selection acting on male sizes influences SSD in Odonata. Taken together, our results, along with avian studies (bustards and shorebirds), suggest that male agility influences SSD, although this influence is modulated by territorial mating strategy and thus the likely advantage of being large. Other evolutionary processes, such as fecundity selection and viability selection, however, need further investigation.  相似文献   

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