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The cellular and subcellular localization of epidermal growth factor in the submandibular glands of male and female adult mice was established by immunoperoxidase techniques. In light microscopic preparations epidermal growth factor was found exclusively in the granular convoluted tubules of the gland. The intensity of staining for epidermal growth factor varied from cell to cell, and some cells apparently were negative. The pattern of staining was similar in the glands of male and female mice; however, the granular convoluted tubules are androgen-responsive, and thus more extensive and composed of larger cells in males. In thin sections epidermal growth factor was most heavily concentrated in the secretion granules of the granular convoluted tubule cells. Within a given cell there was variation in intensity of staining of individual secretion granules, with some granules appearing minimally reactive or negative. The only other cell component with deposits of reaction product was the ribosomes.  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones are known to modulate the concentrations of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in the mouse submandibular gland (SMG); this action is presumably mediated by the nuclear triiodothyronine receptor. To test the hypothesis that thyroid hormones act to increase SMG EGF concentrations by increasing the number of poly(A)+ -specific mRNA, poly(A)+ RNA was isolated from SMGs of neonatal mice which had been treated daily from birth through to 21 days of age with thyroxine (T4,0.4 microgram/g body weight). Poly(A)+ RNA also was extracted from SMGs of intact 21-day-old mice which had received vehicle alone. No significant differences in total nucleic acid, total RNA, or poly(A)+ RNA yields were noted between the two groups of animals. The isolated poly(A)+ RNAs from T4-treated and control mice were translated in an in vitro wheat germ system. Although no significant differences in efficiency of [35S]cysteine incorporation into trichloracetic acid precipitable material were noted between the two poly(A)+ RNA preparations, a significantly greater proportion of radioactivity was immunoprecipitable by anti-EGF antiserum in the translation medium derived from T4-treated mice (17.2 +/- 0.9%, mean +/- SEM) than in that of control mice (7.3 +/- 0.5%, P less than 0.001). Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the immunoprecipitates (IMMP) revealed the presence of three radioactive bands with apparent relative masses (MrS) of 12,000, 9000, and 6000. The latter species comigrated with purified EGF, [125I]EGF, and an IMMP of a SMG extract. The translation product IMMPs following polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis were iodinated and digested with alpha-chymotrypsin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a polypeptide originally isolated from the mouse submandibular gland, where it is localized immunocytochemically in cells of the granular convoluted tubules (GCT). cDNAs encoding the precursor of mouse submandibular EGF have been cloned (Scott et al. Science 221:236, 1983; Gray et al. Nature 303:722, 1983). A fragment of one of these clones, pmegf10, containing the EGF coding region, was tritium-labeled by nick-translation and used as a probe for in situ hybridization to EGF mRNA. A specific hybridization signal for EGF mRNA was seen only in mature or developing GCT cells. The intensity of the signal was stronger in glands of intact males than in females or in castrated males. In glands of castrates treated with testosterone, or of intact females treated with triiodothyronine (T3), the signal was comparable to that in intact males. In glands of males treated with T3 the intensity of the signal was stronger than in untreated males. A weak to moderate signal was seen in developing GCT cells of 20-day-old males but not females. Hybridization for 3 days gave a stronger signal than that for 1 day. No signal was seen in either sex at 10 days of age, or in control preparations exposed to labeled DNA of pBR322. The presence of EGF mRNA exclusively in GCT cells provides strong evidence that these cells are the only site of synthesis of EGF in the submandibular gland. In situ hybridization with this cDNA probe will provide a sensitive method to determine possible cellular sites of EGF production outside of the submandibular gland.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical demonstration of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) was made during chemical carcinogenesis in the mouse submandibular gland. The granular convoluted tubule cells in the normal male submandibular gland contained larger amounts of EGF and NGF than in the female. The initial phase and early stages in chemical carcinogenesis showed degranulation of the granular convoluted tubule cells with a marked decrease in EGF and NGF. Premalignant lesions such as duct-like structures and multicystic lesions showed variable staining for EGF and were usually negative for NGF. Material secreted into the luminal spaces revealed increased staining for EGF and NGF. Scattered tumor cells of the poorly differentiated squamous-cell carcinoma type and desquamated tumor cells contained abundant EGF, but not NGF. No positive reaction for EGF or NGF was found in the induced squamous-cell carcinoma cells.  相似文献   

Neonatal hyperthyroidism (NH) in the rat is associated with permanent reductions in serum thyroxine (T4), triiodothyronine (T3), and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) concentrations in the adult, changes suggestive of a hypothyroid state. In the adult NH rat, the thyrotroph appears to be more sensitive to the feedback effects of thyroid hormones. To determine whether thyroid hormone sensitive tissues retain their responsiveness to thyroid hormones, the long-term effects of NH on mouse submandibular gland (SMG) epidermal growth factor (EGF) content were examined. NH was induced in female mice by 20 daily subcultaneous injections of 0.4 microgram of T4 per gram of body weight. Control female mice received daily injections of vehicle alone. At 21 days of age, NH and control mice were sacrificed and SMG EGF content was measured by specific radioimmunoassay, SMG EGF content and concentration in 21-day-old NH mice exceeded that of control mice by 2400- and 1500-fold, respectively (P less than 0.001). SMG EGF content and concentration in adult (90-day-old) NH mice were slightly, but not significantly, lower than those of control mice. Mean SMG weight, however, was significantly decreased in adult NH mice (P less than 0.01). Interestingly, SMG content and concentration of EGF in adult NH mice were lower than in 21-day-old NH mice. After 5 days T4 treatment (16 micrograms/d) of adult mice, SMG weight in NH mice increased significantly (P less than 0.01) but was unchanged in control mice. SMG EGF content and concentration increased significantly in both adult NH and control mice (P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Earlier work has demonstrated that the salivary glands and kidneys are the major sites of epidermal growth factor (EGF) synthesis in adult mice. The precise timing of the onset of endogenous EGF synthesis in these tissues is not yet clear. In the present study we assessed the ontogenesis of EGF expression in the Swiss-Webster mouse. Paraformaldehyde-fixed frozen sections of neonatal kidneys and salivary glands were probed with proEGF cRNA labelled with 35S for in situ hybridization and with rabbit antisera to mouse EGF for immunocytochemistry. Both EGF mRNA and immunoreactivity were first detected in the developing distal nephron between days 3 and 5 postpartum. Juxtamedullary nephrons underlying the superficial nephrogenic zone were the first to express EGF. During the 2nd week after birth, EGF-expressing tubules became more abundant and distributed to medullary as well as cortical regions, corresponding to the thick ascending limb of Henle and distal convoluted tubule. Initial EGF mRNA and immunoreactivity in the submandibular gland were first detected between days 18 and 20 postpartum and increased notably during the following weeks.  相似文献   

Summary Nerve growth factor (NGF) was localized in the mouse submandibular gland by means of indirect immunofluorescence applied to 0.5 mthick sections of freeze-dried, plastic-embedded tissue. The antibody to NGF (IgG-fraction) was raised in rabbits immunized with pure 2.5 S NGF from submandibular glands of adult male mice.In the male gland anti-NGF bound selectively to the secretory granules was present in the cells of the granular ducts. Immunoreactive granules extended from the perinuclear region toward the apical pole. In the female gland immunoreactive cells and granules were considerably less abundant than in males. Immunofluorescence was confined to individual secretory cells located in the wall of the granular striated duct.In the present study no support was found for the hypothesis suggesting that immunoreactive NGF is formed within the secretory granules during their transport from the perinuclear region to the apical pole.  相似文献   

To eludicate hormonal regulation of epidermal growth factor (EGF) concentration we studied the effects in adult female mice of ovariectomy and postovariectomy treatments with testosterone plus estradiol on the EGF concentrations in submandibular salivary gland (SMG), plasma, kidneys and urine. In the tissues, we also studied the location of EGF immunohistochemically and measured EGF mRNA. After ovariectomy, SMG EGF first decreased to one third of preovariectomy level. After postovariectomy day 10 it started to increase and reached by day 80 3.5-fold the preovariectomy level. Simultaneously, EGF mRNA increased. Testosterone treatment further strongly augmented the levels of both EGF mRNA and EGF. A small dose of estradiol counteracted slightly the mRNA effect of testosterone. After ovariectomy plasma EGF first increased 1.3-fold by day 10, then returned to the initial levels, and rose again 1.6-fold by day 80. Testosterone treatment induced a further 1.5-fold increase. Estradiol did not counteract this effect. Kidney EGF decreased 15% by postovariectomy day 20. This was preceded by a decrease in EGF mRNA from day 10 onwards. The EGF concentration recovered during the 80 days, but the EGF mRNA level stayed low. Testosterone treatment further reduced the levels of both EGF mRNA and EGF. This effect was counteracted by estradiol. Urine EGF increased after ovariectomy to a peak (1.7-fold) by day 40. It then returned to the preovariectomy levels by day 80. Testosterone treatment increased urinary EGF 1.9-fold; concomitant estradiol had no effect.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor in human submandibular gland was localized at the subcellular level by means of an immunogold staining method. Labelling was observed in serous acini and ducts. In the acini, gold particles were found within secretory granules, indicating that the growth factor is released into the saliva through granule exocytosis. In the ductal system, the most intense reactivity was revealed in the principal cells of striated ducts. In these cells, an abundant population of small cytoplasmic vesicles was specifically stained. Immunoreactive vesicles were found both apically and basally, suggesting that ductal cells can release their products not only into the saliva but also into the interstitium.  相似文献   

Hexabrachion (Tenascin) is a large glycoprotein that appears in extracellular matrices as a disulfide-linked multimer. It is synthesized in an ordered fashion at particular sites during development, is made in large amounts by certain tumors, and is found in restricted tissue locations in the adult. In this report, we describe the sequence of a full length cDNA of human hexabrachion. The encoded protein contains a total of 2203 amino acids and is a linear array of discrete reiterated domains. At the 5' end are encoded hydrophobic residues and 8 flanking cysteines predicted to be responsible for assembly of hexabrachion polypeptides into a radially arranged, six-armed complex. Following this region are 14 1/2 contiguous 31-amino acid epidermal growth factor-like repeats that have a unique structure with respect to the known examples of this type of domain. Immediately adjacent to these repeats lie 15 uninterrupted segments of approximately 90 amino acids which are similar to the Type III units found in fibronectin. At the carboxyl terminus of the protein is a 210-amino acid domain that is similar to fibrinogen. The domain structure of this protein is consistent with the potential for interaction with multiple ligands and for roles in cell adhesion and/or signaling.  相似文献   

The time of appearance and the pattern of localization of epidermal growth factor (EGF) in submandibular glands of mice was studied during postnatal development immunocytochemically. EGF was first detectable in the granular convoluted tubule (GCT) cells in the glands of males at 20 days of age and of females at 30 days of age. Development of GCT cells containing EGF was rapid in males, approaching adult conditions by 45 days of age. In females EGF- containing GCTs developed more slowly and irregularly, and did not reach adult status by 45 days of age. It is concluded that EGF is restricted during postnatal development to the GCT cells, and that these cells and the distribution of EGF are represented dimorphically from their first appearance in the submandibular glands of both sexes.  相似文献   

The granular convoluted tubule (GCT) cells of the submandibular glands represent a major production site for epidermal growth factor (EGF). This study investigates EGF production in the submandibular glands in relation to beta-adrenergic stimulation. Rats were treated with isoproterenol (beta-agonist), which caused up to a 400% increase in submandibular tissue weight after 3 weeks. The weight increase coincided with marked morphologic changes, with degranulation and an apparent decrement in the number of the GCT cells. Immunostaining against EGF revealed a reduction in the number of EGF-immunoreactive cells. Concomitantly, the glandular contents of 6-kDa EGF decreased from 12.86+/-3.42 nmol/gland (mean+/-S.E.M.) in controls to 0.26+/-0.03 nmol/gland. EGF mRNA levels, expressed relative to total RNA levels, only tended to be reduced after 3 weeks as judged from RT-PCR and in situ hybridization (ISH). The isoproterenol-treated rats had increased output of EGF in the saliva, but the salivary secretion of protein was also increased. In both glandular tissue and saliva, gel filtration revealed partially processed high molecular weight forms of EGF in the isoproterenol-treated rats. These data indicate that isoproterenol treatment leads to a hyperstimulatory state of the GCT cells, which then causes depletion of the cellular stores of mature EGF, and most likely due to a shortened posttranslational transit, incomplete peptide processing.  相似文献   

The kinetic constants for the hydrolysis of a series of tripeptide p-nitroanilide substrates by mouse epidermal growth factor binding protein (EGF-BP), the gamma-subunit of mouse nerve growth factor (gamma-NGF), bovine pancreatic trypsin (BPT), and porcine pancreatic kallikrein (PPK) have been evaluated. These substrates correspond to the carboxyl-terminal three amino acids of the mature forms of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and beta-nerve growth factor (beta-NGF), as well as various substitutions in the penultimate and antepenultimate positions, and, as such, represent potential recognition sites for precursor processing. The mouse kallikreins (EGF-BP and gamma-NGF) preferentially hydrolyze the substrates with the sequences of their specifically associated growth factors; however, the constants derived from these reactions do not account for the association constants observed with the mature growth factors, and additional significant binding interactions between EGF-BP and EGF and between gamma-NGF and beta-NGF are predicted to exist outside of the catalytic binding site, i.e., the P3 to P1 positions. A comparison of the kinetic constants of BPT, PPK, and the mouse kallikreins indicates that EGF-BP and gamma-NGF display a hybrid catalytic character. A favorable substrate P1 arginine guanidinium group interaction exists for the mouse kallikreins, similar to that of BPT, but a preference for a hydrophobic side chain in the substrate P2 position makes the mouse kallikreins, especially EGF-BP, more closely resemble PPK than BPT. These findings have significant implications with regard to molecular modeling of the mouse kallikreins.  相似文献   

The changes in the levels of the binding protein for 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone in cytoplasmic extract of the submandibular glands during development were compared in male and female mice using a DEAE-cellulose filter assay. The binding protein was first detectable 5 days after birth in both sexes, at a time coincident with androgen-independent cytodifferentiation of the convoluted tubular cells in the submadibular gland. The level of the binding protein in female mice was maintained at 5 pmol/mg protein after birth, whereas in males it began to decrease from 3 weeks after birth with inccrease in serum testosterone, becoming much less than a quarter of the level in females or immature mice by 4 weeks after birth. However, after castration, the level of detectable binding protein in mature male mice increased within 7 days to the same level as that in females or immature mice. This suggests that the low binding capacity for exogenous hormone in mature male mice is due to occupancy of the binding sites by endogenous hormone.  相似文献   

The changes in the levels of the binding protein for 5α-dihydrotestosterone in cytoplasmic extract of the submandibular glands during development were compared in male and female mice using a DEAE-cellulose filter assay. The binding protein was first detectable 5 days after birth in both sexes, at a time coincident with androgen-independent cytodifferentiation of the convoluted tubular cells in the submandibular gland. The level of the binding protein in female mice was maintained at 5 pmol/mg protein after birth, whereas in males it began to decrease from 3 weeks after birth with increase in serum testosterone, becoming much less than a quarter of the level in females or immature mice by 4 weeks after birth. However, after castration, the level of detectable binding protein in mature male mice increased within 7 days to the same level as that in females or immature mice. This suggests that the low binding capacity for exogenous hormone in mature male mice is due to occupancy of the binding sites by endogenous hormone.  相似文献   

Studies were performed to explore the role of thyroid hormone and sex status on epidermal growth factor concentrations in the submandibular gland of a congenitally hypothyroid mouse model designated hyt/hyt. The animals were studied at 20, 30 and 40 days of postnatal age. The euthyroid animals were homozygous or heterozygous for the hypothyroid gene. The homozygous euthyroid animals displayed a pattern of submandibular gland epidermal growth factor concentrations similar to those previously described in other mouse species and showed the expected sex differences. The hypothyroid animals had measurable but very low submandibular gland epidermal growth factor concentrations without sexual dimorphism. Serum thyroxine concentrations in the heterozygotes were comparable to those in the homozygous euthyroid animals, yet the animals had a delayed increase in epidermal growth factor concentrations combined with a later expression of female-male differences. The timing of the sex differences in submandibular gland epidermal growth factor concentrations followed a pattern similar to that seen for the timing of the first litter in these three genetically distinct groups. This infers the timing of the onset of puberty and suggests a role of androgens in the changes seen in epidermal growth factor concentrations. We conclude that thyroid hormone and sex status in this mouse model influence the pattern and concentrations of submandibular gland epidermal growth factor concentrations.  相似文献   

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