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BACKGROUND: Mycoplasma contamination is amongst the most frequently occurring problems associated with cell cultures. In order to meet the legal requirements (European Pharmacopoeia and FDA) for Mycoplasma testing of cell lines and therapeutics, we have developed a PCR-based method to detect mycoplasms and introduce a validation concept. METHODS: The PCR assay specifically amplifies a 280-bp DNA fragment of the gene coding for the 16S rDNA. Simultaneous amplification of an artificial oligonucleotide containing primer-binding sites allowed control of the efficacy of the PCR. The validation of the PCR assay was performed with two Mycoplasma reference strains, M. orale and M. pneumoniae. The validation concept included (i) cultivation of M. orale and M. pneumoniae in medium with an indicator for bacterial metabolism, (ii) determination of the color-changing units (CCU) in repeated dilution experiments and (iii) correlation of the PCR results with CCU values. RESULTS: The detection range was found to include all Mycoplasma species most commonly found in cell cultures. The analytical sensitivity of the PCR was the CCU equivalent of 100 for M. orale and M. pneumoniae. Probit analysis revealed a detection probability of 9% for a mean concentration of 1222 (935-1844) CCU/mL for M. pneumoniae and 2547 (1584-10,352) CCU/mL for M. orale. DISCUSSION: The validation of the Mycoplasma detection assay supported PCR as an attractive diagnostic tool that will help manage the important issue of Mycoplasma contamination of cell cultures.  相似文献   

The maintenance of contamination-free cell lines is essential to cell-based research. Among the biggest contaminant concerns are mycoplasma contamination. Although mycoplasma do not usually kill contaminated cells, they are difficult to detect and can cause a variety of effects on cultured cells, including altered metabolism, slowed proliferation and chromosomal aberrations. In short, mycoplasma contamination compromises the value of those cell lines in providing accurate data for life science research.The sources of mycoplasma contamination in the laboratory are very challenging to completely control. As certain mycoplasma species are found on human skin, they can be introduced through poor aseptic technique. Additionally, they can come from contaminated supplements such as fetal bovine serum, and most importantly from other contaminated cell cultures. Once mycoplasma contaminates a culture, it can quickly spread to contaminate other areas of the lab. Strict adherence to good laboratory practices such as good aseptic technique are key, and routine testing for mycoplasma is highly recommended for successful control of mycoplasma contamination.PCR-based detection of mycoplasma has become a very popular method for routine cell line maintenance. PCR-based detection methods are highly sensitive and can provide rapid results, which allows researchers to respond quickly to isolate and eliminate contamination once it is detected in comparison to the time required using microbiological techniques. The LookOut Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit is highly sensitive, with a detection limit of only 2 genomes per μl. Taking advantage of the highly specific JumpStart Taq DNA Polymerase and a proprietary primer design, false positives are greatly reduced. The convenient 8-tube format, strips pre-coated with dNTPs, and associated primers helps increase the throughput to meet the needs of customers with larger collections of cell lines.Given the extreme sensitivity of the kit, great care must be taken to prevent inadvertent contamination of samples and reagents. The step-by-step protocol we demonstrate highlights the precautions and practices required for reliable mycoplasma detection. We also show and discuss typical results and their interpretation. Our goal is to ensure the success of researchers using the LookOut Mycoplasma PCR Detection Kit.Download video file.(36M, mov)  相似文献   

Click beetle larvae within the genus Agriotes (Coleoptera: Elateridae), commonly known as wireworms, are abundant ground-dwelling herbivores which can inflict considerable damage to field crops. In Central Europe up to 20 species, which differ in their distribution, ecology and pest status, occur in arable land. However, the identification of these larvae based on morphological characters is difficult or impossible. This hampers progress towards controlling these pests. Here, we present a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approach to identify, for the first time, 17 Agriotes species typically found in Central Europe. Diagnostic sequence information was generated and submitted to GenBank, allowing the identification of these species via DNA barcoding. Moreover, multiplex PCR assays were developed to identify the nine most abundant species rapidly within a single-step reaction: Agriotes brevis, A. litigiosus, A. obscurus, A. rufipalpis, A. sordidus, A. sputator, A. ustulatus, A. lineatus and A. proximus. The latter two species remain molecularly indistinguishable, questioning their species status. The multiplex PCR assays proved to be highly specific against non-agrioted elaterid beetles and other non-target soil invertebrates. By testing the molecular identification system with over 900 field-collected larvae, our protocol proved to be a reliable, cheap and quick method to routinely identify Central European Agriotes species.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction was used to detect clinical samples of Mycoplasma pneumoniae. A 245-bp region of the cytoadhesin P1 gene was shown to be specifically amplified in Myc. pneumoniae , but not in other species of Mollicutes. Picogram amounts of Myc. pneumoniae DNA could be detected per ml blood serum by use of a simple and reliable protocol for sample preparation and a PCR reaction involving two rounds of amplification. Application of the PCR-based method for the detection of Myc. pneumoniae in serum samples and throat swabs from patients with atypical pneumonia showed that it could be used in clinical diagnosis.  相似文献   

Two DNA-based techniques were used for species identification of enterococci.PvuII digestion of the genus-specific PCR product yielded four different restriction profiles among 20 enterococcal species; one of them was species-specific forE. faecium. In the second case, 32 reference strains belonging to 20 enterococcal species were divided to 12 groups by amplification of internal transcribed spacer of rRNA operon. Interspecies and some intraspecies profile variability was determined. Both methods gave similar results.  相似文献   

To study the possible role of cryptic mosaicism in phenotypical variations of 45,X Turner syndrome, we analyzed low-level mosaicism by methods based on the polymerase chain reaction. For the detection of Y-chromosome-derived fragments, we used three Y-specific primer pairs representing the centromere, Yp11.3, and Yq12. None of the 18 patients with 45,X had Y-derived chromosomes. For the detection of X chromosome mosaicism, we employed a novel modified HUMARA (human androgen receptor) assay, which proved to be a sensitive method with a detection limit as low as 1 in 960 cells. Using this assay, we detected low frequency cryptic X chromosome mosaicism in 2 of 18 cytogenetically 45,X patients. Received: 24 April 1996 / Revised: 19 August 1996  相似文献   

PCR-based technologies are widely employed for the detection of specific microorganisms, and may be applied to the identification of non-indigenous microorganisms in 'pristine' environments. For 'pristine' environments such as those found on the Antarctic continent, the application of these methods to the assessment of environmental contamination from human activities must be treated with caution. Issues such as the possibility of non-human dispersal of organisms, stability and survival of non-indigenous organisms in vivo, the sensitivity, reproducibility and specificity of the PCR process (and particularly primer design) and the sampling regime employed must all be considered in detail. We conclude that despite these limitations, PCR and related technologies offer enormous scope for assessment of both natural and non-indigenous microbial distributions.  相似文献   

Peripheral blood microchimerism after pregnancy or solid organ transplantation has been widely studied, but a consensus on its detection has not yet been adopted. The objective of this study was to establish a panel of reproducible molecular polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based methods for detection and quantification of foreign cells in an individual. We analyzed length polymorphisms generated by short tandem repeat (STR) and variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) markers. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A and -B polymorphisms were detected by reference strand conformation analysis (RSCA). Class II polymorphisms on HLA-DRB1 locus were analyzed both by classical PCR-sequence-specific primers (SSP) and by quantitative PCR (Q-PCR). Also, sex-determining region-y gene (SRY) gene allowed specific male donor discrimination and quantification by Q-PCR in female recipients. Binomial statistical distribution analysis was used for each molecular technique to determine the number of PCR replicates of each sample. This analysis allowed the detection of the lowest detectable microchimerism level, when present. We could detect microchimerism in more than 96% and more than 86% of cases at levels as low as 1:10(5) and 1:10(6) donor per recipient cells (DPRC), respectively, using Q-PCR for SRY or for nonshared HLA-DRB1 alleles. These techniques allowed as low as 1 genome-equivalent cell detection. Lower levels (nanochimerism) could be detected but not quantified because of technique limitations. However, classical PCR methods allowed detection down to 1:10(4) DPRC for HLA-DRB1 PCR-SSP. The clinical application of these techniques in solid organ transplanted recipients showed microchimerism levels ranging from 1:10(4) to 1:10(6) DPRC after kidney or heart transplantation, and 1 log higher (1:10(3) to 1:10(6) DPRC) after liver transplantation. In conclusion, the standardization of molecular microchimerism detection techniques will allow for comparable interpretation of results in microchimerism detection for diagnostic or research studies.  相似文献   

Summary The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method was used to detect mycoplasma contamination in a panel of 42 continuous cell lines. According to the microbiological cultivation assay on agar, 29 cell lines were chronically infected and 13 cell lines were negative. Sets of outer and inner primers (nested double-step PCR) were applied which anneal to DNA sequences coding for conserved regions of the 16S rRNA. These oligonucleotides allow for the amplification of DNA regions found in at least 25 mycoplasma species (including the ones most commonly found in cell cultures), but do not cross-hybridize with DNA from eukaryotic cells. Mycoplasma-positive cell lines showed distinctive bands in ethidium bromide-stained gels, both after the first round of amplification as well as after the second PCR; all agar-negative cell lines were also unambiguously negative in the PCR assay. Thus, neither false-positive nor false-negative results occurred. Provided that the proper PCR working conditions are scrupulously observed, the PCR amplification has several outstanding advantages: high sensitivity, specificity, reliability, objectivity, speed, and simplicity.  相似文献   

Microcystin synthetase-gene-specific primers were used to identify hepatotoxic microcystin producing genotypes in six Microcystis spp.-dominant water blooms. Four blooms gave positive PCR reaction. They produced microcystin-RR and -LR amounting to 0.037 to 0.095% of the dry mass.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of Q fever (Coxiella burnetii infection) relies primarily on the serological detection of specific antibodies. Recently, PCR-based methods have been introduced in diagnostic laboratories. Unfortunately, the fastest and most reliable 'real-time' detection method, which employs the 'online' detection of target nucleotide sequences while the amplification process is still in progress, requires expensive devices and consumables. In this study, we present a simple method that combines the simplicity of conventional PCR with new technical and methodical enhancements, resulting in a fast, specific and easy method for the molecular detection of C. burnetii. A collection of C. burnetii reference strains was tested with the modified conventional gel-based PCR approach applying a particluar PCR buffer (QIAGEN(?) Fast Cycling PCR kit) and using a closed ready-to-use gel-cassette-system (FlashGel(?)) for the visualization of specific PCR products. The modified conventional PCR method reached nearly the speed of the LightCycler(?) HybProbe real-time PCR assay (120 vs. 90 min) and showed equal sensitivity and specificity. The general cost per PCR run was 25% less than that for the LightCycler method. These improvements make this method suitable for small laboratories with limited resources and for deployable PCR diagnostics in field laboratories.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and sensitive PCR-based method was developed for the detection of all five subspecies of Erwinia carotovora , including subsp. carotovora and subsp. atroseptica , and all pathovars/biovars of Erwinia chrysanthemi , on plant tissue culture material. Primers SR3F and SR1cR, based on a conserved region of the 16S rRNA gene, amplified a DNA fragment of 119 bp from all 65 such strains tested. Detection limits of the method in vitro were 2·0 × 102–3·4 × 103 cfu ml−1 (equivalent to 1–17 cfu per PCR) and, following extraction of genomic DNA from plant extract, detection limits were 2·3 × 102–1·9 × 104 cfu per microplant sample (equivalent to 5 cfu – 3·8 × 102 cfu per PCR). To improve the sensitivity of the method in planta , to obviate the need for complex and laborious DNA extractions, and to remove inhibitory substances present in the plant extract, an enrichment step was included prior to PCR. Following enrichment, the sensitivity of detection was <10 cfu per microplant sample. This method provides the first sensitive means of detecting latent infection caused by several economically important soft rot erwinias simultaneously on potato tissue culture material.  相似文献   

Serological comparison of ten glycolytic Mycoplasma species   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Seventeen strains of mycoplasmata representing 11 named species were compared serologically by three parameters: growth inhibition on agar, double immunodiffusion, and complement fixation. In growth-inhibition studies, a strain labeled Mycoplasma histotropicum was found related to and perhaps best classified as M. pulmonis, a relationship confirmed by double immuno-diffusion studies. A comparison of the remaining 10 species demonstrated that two pairs of species could be shown to be closely related by complement fixation and double immunodiffusion but not by growth inhibition; these were: M. granularum-M. laidlawii and M. felis-M. canis. M. pneumoniae and M. gallisepticum were the most serologically unique organisms in this study, showing very few cross-reactions with each other or other species. Overall, taxonomic groupings obtained by comparative serology appeared to correlate with the groupings obtained when the guanine plus cytosine contents of the deoxyribonucleic acid of mycoplasmata were employed as classification criteria. The group of organisms having a guanine plus cytosine content of 23 to 28% (M. canis, M. fermentans, M. hyorhinis, M. neurolyticum, and M. pulmonis) appeared to be generally serologically related. Thus the remarkable heterogeneity observed in the base composition of the deoxyribonucleic acid of order Mycoplasmatales is also reflected and apparently paralleled by a corresponding serological heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Development of a PCR-based technique for detection of Helicobacter pylori   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract A primer-set was designed for specific detection of genes that encode for 16S rRNA of Helicobacter pylori , using direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The primers were selected in the hypervariable regions, derived from a complete small subunit 16S rRNA sequence of the reference strain H. pylori CCUG 17874. The primer-set amplified a 537 base pair (bp) sequence specifically from chromosomal H. pylori DNA. Amplification of purified chromosomal H. pylori DNA was achieved at concentrations as low as 1 femto gram (fg), equivalent to 5 bacteria. Furthermore, as few as 1 lysed H. pylori cell was detected by this PCR technique. The specificity of the primers was 100%, since purified chromosomal DNA was detected from all 32 various H. pylori isolates, whereas no other bacteria species were detected, whether related to Helicobacter or not. The 16S rDNA primers successfully detected H. pylori in antral biopsy specimens collected from infected patients.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide primers were designed for the PCR-based detection of the wec gene cluster involved in the biosynthetic pathway leading to the production of enterobacterial common antigen (ECA). Escherichia coli DNA was detected using wec A, wec E, and wec F gene primers. The wec A primers were specific for E. coli. The wec E and wec F primers enabled the detection of the most frequent species of the Enterobacteriaceae found in blood and urine specimens as well as in water. The sensitivity of the assay was approximately 1.2 x 102 bacteria/mL of water. Thus, these primers represent an important step in the molecular diagnosis of major Enterobacteriaceae infections. Their role in the routine testing of contamination in drinking water and food may prove to be very useful. The DNA of Enterobacteriaceae species is detected in a first step PCR, followed by specific identification of important pathogens like E. coli O157, Shigella spp., Salmonella spp., and Yersinia spp.  相似文献   

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