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Perfused rat livers took up asialo-glycophorin, a glycoprotein derived from human erythrocyte membraneds, with a t12 for the clearance of 7 min. As a comparison, asialo-orosomucoid was taken up by this system with a t12 of 3.5 min. Both proteins were digested and their 125I labels were released to the perfusate as free 125I?. EGTA completely inhibited uptake of these glycoproteins, but not uptake of denatured bovine serum albumin. Addition of Ca2+ reversed the inhibition nearly completely. Isolated hepatocytes had an uptake rate of approximately 3 ng/min per 106 cells for the asialo forms of glycophorin, orosomucoid and fetuin. Cellular uptake of each of these asialoglycoproteins could be inhibited by one of the other proteins. Asialo-fetuin caused a 95% inhibition of the uptake rate of asialo-orosomucoid by the perfused liver. This fetal calf glycoprotein had a similar inhibitory effect on asialo-glycophorin, but only after an initial 40% of the asialo-glycophorin had been taken up by the liver at an almost normal rate during the first 30 min of perfusion. The possiblity of an alternative hepatic removal system for asialo-glycophorin is suggested.  相似文献   

The uptake and degradation of a homologous rat serum asialoglycoprotein, 125I-asialoorosomucoid, and the effects on this metabolism by leupeptin, a proteinase inhibitor, were studied in the perfused rat liver. 125I-Asialoorosomucoid was rapidly taken up by the liver (t1/2 = 5.7 min) and acid-soluble degradation products began to appear in the circulating perfusate medium after 20-30 min. These products accounted for 60-65% of the initially added radioactivity after 90 min of perfusion. The early events in the galactose-mediated uptake of 125I-asialoorosomucoid were unchanged by the presence of leupeptin. However, the appearance of acid-soluble degradation products was greatly reduced when livers had been pretreated with the inhibitor (1.0 mg for 60 min). This effect corresponded with an increase in acid-precipitable material being located within the lysosomal-rich fraction from homogenates of leupeptin-treated livers. Leupeptin inhibited degradation of 125I-asialoorosomucoid by approx. 85% relative to control values over 90 min of perfusion. Inhibition of asialoorosomucoid degradation was also demonstrated in vitro. Leupeptin (1.0 mM) reduced hydrolysis of this glycoprotein substrate by greater than 50% during a 24 h incubation with isolated lysosomal enzymes. The thiol proteinases, cathepsin B, H and L, which are known to be inhibited by leupeptin, are apparently involved in initiating digestion of rat 125I-asialoorosomucoid within liver lysosomes. As a result of inhibition by leupeptin both in the perfused liver and in vitro very limited changes occurred in the native molecular weight of the starting glycoprotein.  相似文献   

Receptor sites for insulin on GH3 cells were characterized. Uptake of 125I-labeled insulin by the cells was dependent upon time and temperature, with apparent steady-states reached by 120, 20 and 10 min at 4, 23 and 37°C, respectively. The binding sites were sensitive to trypsin, suggesting that the receptors contain protein. Insulin competed with 125I-labeled insulin for binding sites, with half-maximal competition observed at 5 nM insulin. Neither adrenocorticotropic hormone nor growth hormone competed for 125I-labeled insulin binding sites. 125I-labeled insulin binding was reversible, and saturable with respect to hormone concentration. 125I-labeled insulin was degraded at both 4 and 37°C by GH3 cells, but not by medium conditioned by these cells. After a 5 min incubation at 37°C, products of 125I-labeled insulin degradation could be recovered from the cells but were not detected extracellularly. Extending the time of incubation resulted in the recovery of fragments of 125I-labeled insulin from both cells and the medium. Native insulin inhibited most of the degradation of 125I-labeled insulin suggesting that degradation resulted, in part, from a saturable process. At steady-state, degradation products of 125I-labeled insulin, as well as intact hormone, were recovered from GH3 cells. After 30 min incubation at 37°C, 80% of the cell-bound radioactivity was not extractable from GH3 cells with acetic acid.  相似文献   

Asialoglycophorin-containing liposomes and their contents (125I-labeled bovine serum albumin) were taken up by a perfused rat liver with subsequent digestion of their protein components. The uptake of these liposomes required Ca2+ as well as desialylation. The process was inhibited partially by asialofetuin and completely by further addition of asialoglycophorin to the perfusate.  相似文献   

The association of 125I-labeled insulin with hepatocytes was assayed by filtration or microcentrifugation. Assay by centrifugation resulted in a greater amount of retained radioactive label throughout the course of association of 125I-labeled insulin with hepatocytes. Similarly, saturation experiments assayed by microcentrifugation suggested greater binding than filtration. During dissociation, cells isolated by centrifugation released a greater amount of rapid-dissociating radioactive label. Control experiments of [3H]-inulin exclusion with cell pellets, which were isolated during microcentrifugation, demonstrated that the difference between the methods was not due to extracellular trapping of radioactivity. Therefore, the data suggested that there was more low-affinity retention when binding was assayed by centrifugation than filtration. The integrity of the 125I-labeled insulin extracted from hepatocytes was determined by column chromatography. A substantially greater proportion of the extracted radioactivity was fragments of 125I-labeled insulin in cells isolated by centrifugation. It is suggested that the extensive washing of the cells during filtration removes more fragments than does centrifugation. During dissociation, the low-affinity component of radioactivity, which was observed in the centrifugal assay, resulted from the transient retention of insulin fragments. The extensive degradation of insulin, which was assayed by either method, and the differences observed between these methods, should be considered in the interpretation of binding experiments with cells.  相似文献   

The intracellular movement, following uptake of 125I-labelled denatured serum albumin into nonparenchymal liver cells, was followed by means of subcellular fractionation. Isolated nonparenchymal rat liver cells were prepared by means of differential centrifugation. The cells were homogenized in a sonifier and the cytoplasmic extract subjected to isopycnic centrifugation in a sucrose gradient. The intracellular movement of the labelled albumin was followed by comparing the distribution profile of radioactivity in the sucrose gradient with those of marker enzymes for plasma membrane and lysosomes. The distribution profiles for radioactivity after the cells had been exposed to the labelled denatured albumin for different time periods indicated that the radioactivity was first associated with subcellular fractions of lower modal densities than the lysosomes. With time of incubation the radioactivity moved towards higher densities. After prolonged incubations in the absence of extracellular labelled denatured albumin the radioactivity peak coincided with that of the lysosomal marker β-acetylglucosaminidase. When the cells were treated with the lysosomal inhibitor leupeptin, degradation of the labelled albumin was decreased, resulting in a massive intracellular accumulation of radioactivity. The radioactivity peak coincided with the peak of activity for the lysosomal marker β-acetylglucosaminidase, suggesting lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

Rat liver mitochondria may be subfractionated in sediment and supernatant fractions by swelling in the presence of EDTA and oxaloacetate. The sediment is largely depleted of the Ca2+-binding glycoprotein and its Ca2+-transporting activity may be as low as 10–20% of the starting value. Both the rate of Ca2+ uptake and the capacity to maintain a high Ca2+ concentration gradient across the membrane are depressed. Addition of an osmotic supernatant to the assay mixture may partially restore the original Ca2+-transporting ability. The active component in the supernatant is the Ca2+-binding glycoprotein. This is shown by the following facts: (a) the effect is enhanced by the addition of the purified glycoprotein to the supernatant; (b) precipitation of the glycoprotein from the supernatant by affinity chromatography-purified antibodies abolishes the stimulatory effect, and (c) in the presence of 130 μM Mg2+, the glycoprotein alone may restore fully the Ca2+-transporting ability of the particles. The maximal velocity is already reached at 0.1 μg glycoprotein/mg mitochondrial protein.  相似文献   

125I-Labelled asialo-fetuin was taken up by isolated rat hepatocytes by a saturable process. Half maximum uptake was seen at about 3 · 10?8M asialo-fetuin. Non-parenchymal liver cells did not take up asialo-fetuin in vitro. Rate of uptake of asialo-fetuin exceeded rate of degradation at all concentrations of asialo-fetuin tested. Asialo-fetuin consequently accumulated in the cells until the extracellular supply was exhausted. Asialo-fetuin degradation could be studied without concurrent uptake by incubating cells, previously exposed to asialo-fetuin, in asialo-fetuin-free medium. Degradation, as evidenced by increase in acid-soluble radioactivity, was inhibited by NH4Cl and chloroquine. The change with time in the intracellular distribution pattern of radioactivity in cells that had been exposed to 125I-labelled asialo-fetuin for 10 min was examined by means of differential centrifugation. Initially, the radioactivity was found mostly in the microsomal fraction. 60 min after the exposure to labelled protein, the distribution pattern of radioactivity resembled that of the lysosomal enzyme β-acetylglucosaminidase. The possibility that asialo-fetuin digestion takes place in lysosomes is discussed.  相似文献   

Hemin IX was perfused through rat liver of a normal, untreated animal. Its degradation products, collected in the bile fluid over a period of 90 min, were found to consist of the bilirubin IX-α diglucuronide (56%), the mixture of bilirubin IX-α monoglucuronides (42%), and free bilirubin IX-α (2%). When the synthetic hemin XIII 2 was perfused with the same technique, it was found to be degraded in the same way. The bile fluid contained the diglucuronide of bilirubin XIII-α 10 (55%), the monoglucuronide of bilirubin XIII-α 9 (43%) and the free bilirubin XIII-α 8 (2%). Similar results were obtained when the iron 1,4-di(β-hydroxyethyl)-2,3,5,8-tetramethyl-6,7-di(β-carboxyethyl) porphyrin 3 was perfused; the diglucuronide of the α-bilirubin 11 comprised 65% of the excreted bile bilirubins, the monoglucuronide was 25% of the total and the free α-bilirubin 11 10% of the total. Perfusion of hematohemin gave 58% of the diglucuronide of α-hematobilirubin, as well as 40% of the monoglucuronides, and 2% of the free α-hematobilirubin. The simultaneous perfusion of hematohemin and of hemin IX produced an inhibition of the degradation of the hemin IX, while hematohemin was degraded as described above. It was concluded that the normal rat liver is prepared to dispose of exogenously added hemins by their oxidation to α-biliverdins, reduction of the latter to the corresponding α-bilirubin and excretion of their conjugated derivatives through the bile duct.  相似文献   

The uptake of formaldehyde-treated 125I-labelled human serum albumin in rat hepatocytes and nonparenchymal liver cells was measured in vivo and in vitro. Isolated liver cells were prepared by treating the perfused liver with collagenase. Purified hepatocytes and nonparenchymal cells were obtained by differential centrifugation. Human serum albumin was found to be taken up exclusively or almost exclusively by nonparenchymal cells in vitro and in vivo (after intravenous injection). The maximal rate of human serum albumin-uptake in vitro was comparable to that in vivo. Nonparenchymal cells degraded human serum albumin in vitro as indicated by release of trichloroacetic acid-soluble radioactivity. Degradation started about 20–30 min after addition of human serum albumin to cells and rate of degradation was proportional to rate of uptake. Human serum albumin-degradation could be studied without interference of concurrent uptake by separating cells that had been preincubated with human serum albumin from the medium and then reincubating them with human serum albumin-free medium. The lag phase before human serum albumin-degradation starts and the inhibitory effect of chloroquine on degradation indicate that human serum albumin is degraded in lysosomes. The data obtained show that enzymatically prepared nonparenchymal liver cells retain their endocytic activity in vitro. Denatured human serum albumin should be useful both as a marker for rat liver macrophages and for the study of intracellular proteolysis in these cells.  相似文献   

The synthetic androgen methyltrienolone is superior to testosterone and androstenedione for the measurement of androgen receptor in tissues where the native ligands are metabolized into inactive derivatives. [3H]Methyltrienolone binds with a high affinity to androgen receptor in cytosol prepared from male rat livers, as the Scatchard analysis revealed that the Kd value was 3.3 · 10?8 M and the number of binding sites was 35.5 fmol/mg protein. Since methyltrienolone also binds glucocorticoid receptor which exists in rat liver, the apparent binding of androgen receptor is faulty when measured in the presence of glucocorticoid receptor. The binding of methyltrienolone to glucocorticoid receptor can be blocked by the presence of a 100-fold molar excess of unlabeled synthetic glucocorticoid, triamcinolone acetonide, without interfering in its binding to androgen receptor, because triamcinolone does not bind to androgen receptor. Triamcinolone-blocked cytosol exhibited that the Kd value was 2.5 · 10?8 M and the number of binding sites was 26.3 fmol/mg protein, indicating a reduction to 34 of that in the untreated cytosol. The profile of glycerol gradient centrifiguration indicated that [3H]methyltriemolone-bound receptor migrated in the 8–9 S region in both untreated and triamcinolone-blocked cytosols, but the 8–9 S peak in triamcinolone-blocked cytosol was reduced to about 34 of that of untreated cytosol.  相似文献   

The intracellular movement, following uptake of 125I-labelled denatured serum albumin into nonparenchymal liver cells, was followed by means of subcellular fractionation. Isolated nonparenchymal rat liver cells were prepared by means of differential centrifugation. The cells were homogenized in a sonifier and the cytoplasmic extract subjected to isopycnic centrifugation in a sucrose gradient. The intracellular movement of the labelled albumin was followed by comparing the distribution profile of radioactivity in the sucrose gradient with those of marker enzymes for plasma membrane and lysosomes. The distribution profiles for radioactivity after the cells had been exposed to the labelled denatured albumin for different time periods indicated that the radioactivity was first associated with subcellular fractions of lower modal densities than the lysosomes. With time of incubation the radioactivity moved towards higher densities. After prolonged incubations in the absence of extracellular labelled denatured albumin the radioactivity peak coincided with that of the lysosomal marker β-acetylglucosaminidase. When the cells were treated with the lysosomal inhibitor leupeptin, degradation of the labelled albumin was decreased, resulting in a massive intracellular accumulation of radioactivity. The radioactivity peak coincided with the peak of activity for the lysosomal marker β-acetylglucosaminidase, suggesting lysosomal degradation.  相似文献   

125I-labeled human somatotropin specifically bound to the lactogenic sites of microsomal membranes from pregnant rat liver, originated a radioactive covalent complex of Mr 63,000 upon reaction with dimethyl suberimidate, disuccinimidyl suberate (DSS) and 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl)carbodiimide. The amoun of this species was closely parallel with the preexisting amount of the ligand-receptor complex. Photoactivation of a hormone derivative bound to the receptor also gave rise to the 63 K species. A ternary complex of receptor, hormone and Triton X-100 cross-linked with DSS yielded the 63 K species and a new one of 96 K. The data indicate that the 63 K complex involves the radioactive hormone and a constituent of the binding site. The 96 K species could comprise a second component of the receptor.  相似文献   

Rat Factor II (prothrombin), isolated and purified by chromatography on Blue Dextran-agarose, was used to raise an antiserum in rabbits. On the basis of single radial immunodiffusion measurements. Factor II synthesis by isolated perfused rat liver amounted to 0.54 mg/300 cm2 body surface area of the liver donor in 10 h. Corresponding measurements of Factor II coagulant activity revealed cumulative synthesis of 802 Iowa units. Coumadin added to the liver perfusate blocked production of Factor II coagulant activity, but did not change synthesis of the immunologically measured protein. In perfusions in which either heparin or citrate was used as anticoagulant, synthesis of albumin was not affected by the choice of anticoagulant but bile production and synthesis of Factor II were significantly less in citrate perfusions.  相似文献   

The relative influences of the in vivo administration of phenoxybenzamine on in vitro binding to α1-adrenergic receptors and α1-receptor-mediated responses were studied. Phenoxybenzamine treatment reduced maximal specific binding of the α1-selective antagonist [3H]prazosin to liver cell membranes. This response was rapid (< 90 min) and half-maximal following a phenoxybenzamine dose of approx. 10 mg/kg. A similar decrease in the ability of phenylephrine to stimulate glucose release and 45Ca2+ efflux from liver slices was also noted after phenoxybenzamine treatment. During the recovery period following administration of 30 mg/kg phenoxybenzamine, [3H]prazosin specific binding and phenylephrine-stimulated glucose release and 45Ca2+ efflux returned to their respective control levels with t12 values of 42, 49 and 38 h, respectively. At all times studied during the recovery period, α1-binding and both of the α1-responses were similar fractions of their respective control values. These observations indicate that a close relationship exists between the density of [3H]prazosin binding sites and the ability of rat liver to respond to α1-stimulation. We suggest that the binding sites identified in studies using the antagonist [3H]prazosin and those through which the agonist phenylephrine stimulates glucose release and 45Ca2+ efflux are either identical or in equilibrium with each other.  相似文献   

31P-NMR studies of intact functional rat liver mitochondria at 37°C demonstrate that the large majority (?95%) of endogenous phospholipids exhibit motional properties consistent with bilayer structure. This property is unaffected by oxidative phosphorylation processes or the presence of Ca2+.  相似文献   

The cleavage of insulin by the partially purified insulin protease was studied using the four [125I]tyrosine-monoiodoinsulins (tyrosine A-14 and A-19 of the A-chain; tyrosine B-16 and B-26 of the B-chain). The rates of conversion of the four isomers to trichloroacetic acid-soluble form was in the order B-26 > A-14 > A-19 > B-16. The following was observed in experiments which gave 19/14/5/3 percent conversion to trichloroacetic acid-soluble products: the loss of ability to bind to IM-9 lymphocytes was approx. 55% for all four isomers. About 70% of the radioactivity was in the ‘insulin’ peak, and about 30% was in peptides smaller than insulin as judged by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50. The descending limb of the ‘insulin’ peak contained significant amounts of radioactive material not binding to IM-9 lymphocytes. This material showed multiple peaks when applied to high performance liquid chromatography. Other experiments were designed to cause an almost complete degradation of the isomers. Under these conditions, the radioactivity eluted on Sephadex G-50 largely as iodotyrosine (and some small peptides) using the A-14, B-16 and B-26 isomers, whereas iodotyrosine was absent using the A-19 isomer. Thus, the insulin protease appears to first degrade insulin to multiple products with molecular sizes slightly smaller than insulin and subsequently to small peptides (e.g. containing tyrosine A-19) and amino acids (e.g. tyrosine A-14, B-16 and B-26).  相似文献   

Folate, dihydrofolate, and methotrexate are rapidly taken up by rat liver mitochondria. The apparent maximal matrix folate concentration is about 2.5-fold that of the suspending medium, whereas dihydrofolate and methotrexate equilibrate across the inner membrane. Fully reduced folates, including tetrahydrofolate, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate, and 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate penetrate only the intermembrane space. Addition of dihydrofolate or methotrexate effects a rapid release of pre-loaded folate, and external methotrexate promotes the release of pre-loaded dihydrofolate. The extent of dihydrofolate uptake is enhanced by addition of folate. These results suggest that oxidized folates are transported to the matrix by a carrier-mediated mechanism.  相似文献   

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