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Previous work had demonstrated that organomercurial-mediated modification of two cysteine residues in the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) from Torpedo californica inhibits binding of vesamicol. The cysteines are protected by acetylcholine and vesamicol (Keller et al. 2000. J. Neurochem. 74:1739–1748). Modified cysteine 1 is accessible to glutathione from the cytoplasmic surface, whereas modified cysteine 2 is not. Different organomercurials and aqueous environments were used here to characterize diffusion pathway(s) leading to the cysteines. para-Chloromercuriphenylsulfonate modifies VAChT much more slowly than do more hydrophobic p-chloromercuribenzoate and phenylmercury chloride. Permeabilization of vesicles with cholate detergent increases the rate of modification by p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate. Permeabilization does not affect the ability of glutathione to reverse modification by p-chloromercuriphenylsulfonate. Higher ionic strength causes about four-fold increase in the rate of modification. The results suggest that hydrophobic and electrostatic barriers inhibit modification of Torpedo VAChT by negatively charged organomercurials and glutathione cannot reach cysteine 2 from either side of the membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract: The gene for the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) was recently cloned and found to be located within a 5' noncoding intron of the gene for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). There appear to be several shared and unique promoters for each gene, suggesting that control of expression of these two genes can be either coordinated or independent. Two lesions, axotomy and immunotoxin, directed at the well defined septohippocampal cholinergic pathway were used to determine VAChT and ChAT protein expression in the degenerating terminal fields in the hippocampus and the cell bodies of the medial septum nucleus after injury. Two weeks after lesioning, decreases of up to 90% in VAChT were found in the affected hippocampus by immunoblotting and immunocytochemistry, similar to ChAT activity. The number of VAChT- and ChAT-immunopositive neurons in the medial septum decreased by up to 95%. Eight weeks following axotomy, the number of VAChT- and ChAT-immunopositive neurons had increased to almost 50% in fimbria-fornix-lesioned animals, indicating coordinate reexpression of both cholinergic markers in recovered neurons. There was no recovery of either VAChT or ChAT immunoreactivity after the irreversible immunotoxin lesions. Thus, with use of immunological techniques, there appears to be coordinate expression of VAChT and ChAT in the septohippocampal pathway following either unilateral fimbria-fornix or bilateral immunotoxin lesion.  相似文献   

Immortalized rat brain endothelial RBE4 cells do not express choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), but they do express an endogenous machinery that enables them to release specifically acetylcholine (ACh) on calcium entry when they have been passively loaded with the neurotransmitter. Indeed, we have previously reported that these cells do not release glutamate or GABA after loading with these transmitters. The present study was set up to engineer stable cell lines producing ACh by transfecting them with an expression vector construct containing the rat ChAT. ChAT transfectants expressed a high level of ChAT activity and accumulated endogenous ACh. We examined evoked ACh release from RBE4 cells using two parallel approaches. First, Ca2+-dependent ACh release induced by a calcium ionophore was followed with a chemiluminescent procedure. We showed that ChAT-transfected cells released the transmitter they had synthesized and accumulated in the presence of an esterase inhibitor. Second, ACh released on an electrical depolarization was detected in real time by a whole-cell voltage-clamped Xenopus myocyte in contact with the cell. Whether cells synthesized ACh or whether they were passively loaded with ACh, electrical stimulation elicited the release of ACh quanta detected as inward synaptic-like currents in the myocyte. Repetitive stimulation elicited a continuous train of responses of decreasing amplitudes, with rare failures. Amplitude analysis showed that the currents peaked at preferential levels, as if they were multiples of an elementary component. Furthermore, we selected an RBE4 transgenic clone exhibiting a high level of ChAT activity to introduce the Torpedo vesicular ACh transporter (VAChT) gene. However, as the expression of ChAT was inactivated in stable VAChT transfectants, the potential influence of VAChT on evoked ACh release could only be studied on cells passively loaded with ACh. VAChT expression modified the pattern of ACh delivery on repetitive electrical stimulation. Stimulation trains evoked several groups of responses interrupted by many failures. The total amount of released ACh and the mean quantal size were not modified. As brain endothelial cells are known as suitable cellular vectors for delivering gene products to the brain, the present results suggest that RBE4 cells genetically modified to produce ACh and intrinsically able to support evoked ACh release may provide a useful tool for improving altered cholinergic function in the CNS.  相似文献   

Abstract: The neurotoxic action of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) has been proposed to be attenuated by sequestration into intracellular vesicles by the vesicular monoamine transporter (VMAT2). The purpose of this study was to determine if mice with genetically reduced levels of VMAT2 (heterozygote knockout; VMAT2 +/−) were more vulnerable to MPTP. Striatal dopamine (DA) content, the levels of DA transporter (DAT) protein, and the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) mRNA, a marker of gliosis, were assessed as markers of MPTP neurotoxicity. In all parameters measured VMAT2 +/− mice were more sensitive than their wild-type littermates (VMAT2 +/+). Administration of MPTP (7.5, 15, or 30 mg/kg, b.i.d.) resulted in dose-dependent reductions in striatal DA levels in both VMAT2 +/− and VMAT2 +/+ animals, but the neurotoxic potency of MPTP was approximately doubled in the VMAT2 +/− mice: 59 versus 23% DA loss 7 days after 7.5 mg/kg dose for VMAT2 +/− and VMAT2 +/+ mice, respectively. Dopaminergic nerve terminal integrity, as assessed by DAT protein expression, also revealed more drastic reductions in the VMAT2 +/− mice: 59 versus 35% loss at 7.5 mg/kg and 95 versus 58% loss at 15 mg/kg for VMAT2 +/− and VMAT2 +/+ mice, respectively. Expression of GFAP mRNA 2 days after MPTP was higher in the VMAT2 +/− mice than in the wild-type: 15.8- versus 7.8-fold increase at 7.5 mg/kg and 20.1- versus 9.6-fold at 15 mg/kg for VMAT2 +/− and VMAT2 +/+ mice, respectively. These observations clearly demonstrate that VMAT2 +/− mice are more susceptible to the neurotoxic effects of MPTP, suggesting that VMAT2-mediated sequestration of the neurotoxin into vesicles may play an important role in attenuating MPTP toxicity in vivo.  相似文献   

Both the membrane-bound choline acetyltransferase (MChAT) and soluble ChAT (SChAT) were found to be activated by ATP-mediated protein phosphorylation. ATP activation of MChAT but not SChAT was found to depend on the integrity of proton gradient of synaptic vesicles because conditions disrupting the proton gradient also abolished the activation of MChAT by ATP. Among the kinases studied, Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II is most effective in activation of MChAT. Transport of ACh into synaptic vesicles by vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT) is also proton gradient-dependent; therefore we proposed that there is a functional coupling between ACh synthesis and its packaging into synaptic vesicles. This notion is supported by the following findings: first, the newly synthesized [3H]-ACh from [3H]-choline was taken up much more efficiently than the pre-existing ACh; second, ATP-activation of MChAT was abolished when VAChT was inhibited by the specific inhibitor vesamicol; third, the activity of ChAT was found to be markedly increased when neurons are under depolarizing conditions.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this study we have described a series of new and potent inhibitors of the vesicular uptake of glutamate. The two most efficient inhibitors were the dyes Evans blue and Chicago Skye Blue 6B, which are structurally related to glutamate and were competitive inhibitors in the nanomolar range. The anion channel blocker 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (SITS) and the diuretics furosemide and bumetanide are inhibitors of chloride transport in other organs but were competitive inhibitors of glutamate and noncompetitive with respect to chloride ions. Evans blue, Chicago Skye Blue 6B, SITS, furosemide, and bumetanide are all large organic acids with two centers of negative charge and an electron-donating group at close vicinity of the negative charge at physiological pH. The inhibition of the glutamate uptake with these inhibitors was noncompetitive with respect to Cl. The inhibitors, therefore, probably interact directly with the glutamate carrier. Bafilomycin A1, which is a specific vacuolar ATPase inhibitor, was used as a control and inhibited the vesicular dopamine, glutamate, and GABA uptake to the same extent. None of the inhibitors had any effect on the plasma membrane carrier, which is therefore clearly different from the vesicular carrier.  相似文献   

To elucidate the regulation of the rat dopamine transporter (rDAT), we established several PC12 variants overexpressing the rDAT. Treating these cells with a nicotinic agonist (1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide, 30 microM) depolarized the plasma membrane potential from -31 +/- 2 to 43 +/- 5 mV and inhibited rDAT activity significantly in a calcium- and protein kinase C-independent manner. Membrane depolarization by a high external K+ concentration or two K+ channel blockers (tetraethylammonium hydroxide and BaCl2) also resulted in a marked inhibition of rDAT activity. Such inhibition of dopamine uptake is due to a reduction in Vmax, with no marked effect on the Km for dopamine. The potency of cocaine in inhibiting dopamine uptake was not significantly altered, whereas that of amphetamine was slightly enhanced by membrane depolarization. Removing extracellular Ca2+ or blocking the voltage-sensitive L-type calcium channels using nifedipine did not exert any significant effect on the inhibition of rDAT activity by depolarization. These data confirm that calcium influx on depolarization is not required for inhibition of the rDAT. Collectively, our data suggest that rDAT activity can be altered by a neurotransmitter that modulates the membrane potential, thus suggesting an exquisite mechanism for the fine-tuning of dopamine levels in the synapse.  相似文献   

Vesicular monoamine transporters (VMATs) are responsible for the packaging of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine into synaptic vesicles. These proteins evolved from precursors in the major facilitator superfamily of transporters and are among the members of the toxin extruding antiporter family. While the primary function of VMATs is to sequester neurotransmitters within vesicles, they can also translocate toxicants away from cytosolic sites of action. In the case of dopamine, this dual role of VMAT2 is combined—dopamine is more readily oxidized in the cytosol where it can cause oxidative stress so packaging into vesicles serves two purposes: neurotransmission and neuroprotection. Furthermore, the deleterious effects of exogenous toxicants on dopamine neurons, such as MPTP, can be attenuated by VMAT2 activity. The active metabolite of MPTP can be kept within vesicles and prevented from disrupting mitochondrial function thereby sparing the dopamine neuron. The highly addictive drug methamphetamine is also neurotoxic to dopamine neurons by using dopamine itself to destroy the axon terminals. Methamphetamine interferes with vesicular sequestration and increases the production of dopamine, escalating the amount in the cytosol and leading to oxidative damage of terminal components. Vesicular transport seems to resist this process by sequestering much of the excess dopamine, which is illustrated by the enhanced methamphetamine neurotoxicity in VMAT2-deficient mice. It is increasingly evident that VMAT2 provides neuroprotection from both endogenous and exogenous toxicants and that while VMAT2 has been adapted by eukaryotes for synaptic transmission, it is derived from phylogenetically ancient proteins that originally evolved for the purpose of cellular protection.  相似文献   

Abstract: The acetylcholine transporter exhibits such low affinity and specificity for acetylchoiine that it appeared possible it could fail to select against other neurotransmitters. Potential interactions of classical noncholinergic neurotransmitters with cholinergic synaptic vesicles purified from electric organ were studied. No active transport of [3H]serotonin, [3H]noradrenaline, or [3H]glutamate occurred. Serotonin, noradrenaline, and N -acetylaspartyl glutamate inhibited active transport of [3H]acetylcholine by the vesicles. Dopamine previously had been shown to inhibit transport. Glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid were shown here not to inhibit active transport of [3H]-acetylcholine. Noradrenaline was competitive with respect to [3H]acetylcholine in this effect. Serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine inhibited binding of [3H]vesamicol to the vesicles, and dopamine was a competitive inhibitor of the binding of this allosteric ligand of the acetylcholine transporter. The results indicate that the acetylcholine transporter does not transport any other classical neurotransmitter, but serotonin, noradrenaline, and dopamine bind to the acetylcholine site.  相似文献   

Abstract: The present work tested whether pharmacological activation of protein kinase C (PKC) influences the release of [3H]-acetylcholine ([3H]ACh) synthesized in the presence of vesamicol, an inhibitor of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT). Newly synthesized [3H]ACh was released from hippocampal slices by field stimulation (15 Hz) in the absence of vesamicol, but as expected [3H]ACh synthesized during exposure to vesamicol was not released significantly by stimulation. Treatment of slices with the PKC activator phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) decreased the inhibitory effect of vesamicol on [3H]ACh release. The effect of PMA was dose-dependent, was sensitive to calphostin C, a PKC-selective inhibitor, and could not be mimicked by α-PMA, an inactive phorbol ester. PMA did not alter the release of [3H]ACh in the absence of vesamicol, suggesting that the site of PKC action could be related to the VAChT. In agreement with this observation, immunoprecipitation of VAChT from 32P-labeled synaptosomes showed that phosphorylation occurs and that incorporation of 32P in the VAChT protein increases in the presence of PMA. We suggest that PKC alters the output of [3H]ACh formed in the presence of vesamicol and also provide circumstantial evidence for a role of phosphorylation of VAChT in this process.  相似文献   

GltPh from Pyrococcus horikoshii is a homotrimeric Na+-coupled aspartate transporter. It belongs to the widespread family of glutamate transporters, which also includes the mammalian excitatory amino acid transporters that take up the neurotransmitter glutamate. Each protomer in GltPh consists of a trimerization domain involved in subunit interactions and a transport domain containing the substrate binding site. Here, we have studied the dynamics of Na+ and aspartate binding to GltPh. Tryptophan fluorescence measurements on the fully active single tryptophan mutant F273W revealed that Na+ binds with low affinity to the apoprotein (Kd 120 mm), with a particularly low kon value (5.1 m−1s−1). At least two sodium ions bind before aspartate. The binding of Na+ requires a very high activation energy (Ea 106.8 kJ mol−1) and consequently has a large Q10 value of 4.5, indicative of substantial conformational changes before or after the initial binding event. The apparent affinity for aspartate binding depended on the Na+ concentration present. Binding of aspartate was not observed in the absence of Na+, whereas in the presence of high Na+ concentrations (above the Kd for Na+) the dissociation constants for aspartate were in the nanomolar range, and the aspartate binding was fast (kon of 1.4 × 105 m−1s−1), with low Ea and Q10 values (42.6 kJ mol−1 and 1.8, respectively). We conclude that Na+ binding is most likely the rate-limiting step for substrate binding.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) plays a crucial role in physiological responses of both the central and the peripheral nervous system. Moreover, ACh was described as an anti-inflammatory mediator involved in the suppression of exacerbated innate response and cytokine release in various organs. However, the specific contributions of endogenous release ACh for inflammatory responses in the lung are not well understood. To address this question we have used mice with reduced levels of the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT), a protein required for ACh storage in secretory vesicles. VAChT deficiency induced airway inflammation with enhanced TNF-α and IL-4 content, but not IL-6, IL-13 and IL-10 quantified by ELISA. Mice with decreased levels of VAChT presented increased collagen and elastic fibers deposition in airway walls which was consistent with an increase in inflammatory cells positive to MMP-9 and TIMP-1 in the lung. In vivo lung function evaluation showed airway hyperresponsiveness to methacholine in mutant mice. The expression of nuclear factor-kappa B (p65-NF-kB) in lung of VAChT-deficient mice were higher than in wild-type mice, whereas a decreased expression of janus-kinase 2 (JAK2) was observed in the lung of mutant animals. Our findings show the first evidence that cholinergic deficiency impaired lung function and produce local inflammation. Our data supports the notion that cholinergic system modulates airway inflammation by modulation of JAK2 and NF-kB pathway. We proposed that intact cholinergic pathway is necessary to maintain the lung homeostasis.  相似文献   

VGLUT2 is one of three vesicular glutamate transporters that play crucial roles in glutamatergic excitatory neurotransmission. We explored the functional properties of the rat VGLUT2 by heterologous expression of VGLUT2 in Xenopus oocytes. Immunocytochemical analysis indicated that most VGLUT2 protein was expressed in intracellular compartments but that some expression occurred also on the plasma membrane. Functional analysis revealed VGLUT2 to be active in two independent modes, namely, uptake into intracellular organelles and efflux at the plasma membrane. VGLUT-specific transport was identified based on the strong preference for glutamate over aspartate—in contrast to plasma-membrane or mitochondrial glutamate transporters—and sensitivity to known VGLUT blockers. VGLUT2 expression in oocytes (1) stimulated the influx of l-[3H]glutamate, but not d-[3H]aspartate, into digitonin-permeabilized oocytes and (2) stimulated efflux of l-glutamate, but not l-aspartate, from intact oocytes preinjected with 3H-labeled amino acids. In the latter assay, cellular efflux of glutamate (which was blocked by rose bengal and trypan blue) may be analogous to vesicular packaging of glutamate. Our data are consistent with VGLUT2-mediated H+/l-glutamate antiport, but not antiport with chloride. Expression of mammalian VGLUT1 and VGLUT3 also stimulated l-[3H]glutamate efflux from Xenopus oocytes, suggesting that this phenomenon is a general feature of vesicular glutamate transporters. Our findings support the idea that vesicular glutamate transporters, when transiently expressed on the neuronal plasma membrane, may mediate Ca2+-independent glutamate leakage in addition to their traditional role of packaging glutamate into synaptic vesicles for Ca2+-dependent exocytosis. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Frode Fonnum.  相似文献   

The dopamine transporter shapes dopaminergic neurotransmission by clearing extracellular dopamine and by replenishing vesicular stores. The dopamine transporter carries an endogenous binding site for Zn2+, but the nature of the Zn2+-dependent modulation has remained elusive: both, inhibition and stimulation of DAT have been reported. Here, we exploited the high time resolution of patch-clamp recordings to examine the effects of Zn2+ on the transport cycle of DAT: we recorded peak currents associated with substrate translocation and steady-state currents reflecting the forward transport mode of DAT. Zn2+ depressed the peak current but enhanced the steady-state current through DAT. The parsimonious explanation is preferential binding of Zn2+ to the outward facing conformation of DAT, which allows for an allosteric activation of DAT, in both, the forward transport mode and substrate exchange mode. We directly confirmed that Zn2+ dissociated more rapidly from the inward- than from the outward-facing state of DAT. Finally, we formulated a kinetic model for the action of Zn2+ on DAT that emulated all current experimental observations and accounted for all previous (in part contradictory) findings. Importantly, the model predicts that the intracellular Na+ concentration determines whether substrate uptake by DAT is stimulated or inhibited by Zn2+. This prediction was directly verified. The mechanistic framework provided by the current model is of relevance for the rational design of allosteric activators of DAT. These are of interest for treating de novo loss-of-function mutations of DAT associated with neuropsychiatric disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that astrocytes release gliotransmitters (i.e., ATP, L-glutamate, D-serine, and peptide hormones) and participate actively in synaptic functioning. Although ATP release from astrocytes modulates the activity of neurons, the mechanisms regulating the ATP release from astrocytes and the source of ATP in astrocytes are not well understood. Recently a vesicular nucleotide transporter (VNUT)/solute carrier family 17, member 9 (SLC17A9) has been identified as a mediator of the active accumulation of ATP into vesicles. Here we show by immunocytochemical analysis under confocal microscope and live cell imaging under total internal reflection fluorescence microscope that lysosome-associated VNUT is responsible for ATP release in astrocytes. VNUT was expressed in both primary cultured cortical astrocytes and glioma cell line C6 cells, and mainly localized on lysosome in the cells. We found that VNUT-associated secretory lysosomes do not fully collapse into the plasma membrane after lysosomal exocytosis. We also found that inhibition of VNUT function by Evans Blue decreased ATP uptake into secretory lysosomes. Depletion and inhibition of endogenous VNUT by small interference RNA and Evans Blue, respectively decreased the amount of ATP release from the cells, whereas overexpression of VNUT increased it. Taken together, these findings indicate that the participation of VNUT in ATP storage in secretory lysosomes during lysosomal exocytosis of ATP from astrocytes.  相似文献   

A chemiluminescence method for the determination of endogenous acetylcholine was adapted to transmitter released from the hemidiaphragm of the rat. Released choline and acetylcholine were isolated and concentrated using KI3 precipitation. Between 1 and 20 pmol of acetylcholine may be measured without sample dilution. The detection limit for acetylcholine luminescence is 1.0 pmol; thus, with an observed precipitation recovery of approximately 30%, the lowest detectable released amount is 3.5 pmol. The limitations of the method are discussed.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase and vesicular acetylcholine-transporter genes are adjacent and coregulated. They define a cholinergic locus that can be turned on under the control of several factors, including the neurotrophins and the cytokines. Hirschprung's disease, or congenital megacolon, is characterized by agenesis of intramural cholinergic ganglia in the colorectal region. It results from mutations of the RET (GDNF-activated) and the endothelin-receptor genes, causing a disregulation in the cholinergic locus. Using cultured cells, it was shown that the cholinergic locus and the proteins involved in acetylcholine (ACh) release can be expressed separately ACh release could be demonstrated by means of biochemical and electrophysiological assays even in noncholinergic cells following preloading with the transmitter. Some noncholinergic or even nonneuronal cell types were found to be capable of releasing ACh quanta. In contrast, other cells were incompetent for ACh release. Among them, neuroblastoma N18TG-2 cells were rendered release-competent by transfection with the mediatophore gene. Mediatophore is an ACh-translocating protein that has been purified from plasma membranes ofTorpedo nerve terminal; it confers a specificity for ACh to the release process. The mediatophores are activated by Ca2+; but with a slower time course, they can be desensitized by Ca2+. A strictly regulated calcium microdomain controls the synchronized release of ACh quanta at the active zone. In addition to ACh and ATP, synaptic vesicles have an ATP-dependent Ca2+ uptake system; they transiently accumulate Ca2+ after a brief period of stimulation. Those vesicles that are docked close to Ca2+ channels are therefore in the best position to control the profile and dynamics of the Ca2+ microdomains. Thus, vesicles and their whole set of associated proteins (SNAREs and others) are essential for the regulation of the release mechanism in which the mediatophore seems to play a key role.  相似文献   

On neurons of the superior cervical ganglion of 3-week-old rats, we studied the mechanism underlying the blocking effect of mecamylamine on transmembrane currents evoked by iontophoretic application of acetylcholine (ACh currents); these currents were recorded with the use of a patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration. The IC50 of the above agent equaled (2.7 ± 0.3) · 10-10 M. The blocking effect of mecamylamine on ACh current did not depend on the membrane potential and decreased with rise in the concentration of the drug. Thus, a competitive blocking mechanism mostly underlies the above phenomenon.  相似文献   

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