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Transposition outbursts occur in the destabilized Drosophila melanogaster strain ctMR2 carrying a mutation in the locus cut induced by an insertion of mdg4. While the distribution of mobile genetic elements remained unchanged in the great majority of germ cells, in a few cells numerous transpositions had occurred involving mdg (copia-like), fold-back and P-elements. We used in situ hybridization to analyze the distribution of five families of mdg elements in the X-chromosome during several consequent mutational changes in D. melanogaster. Each of them was accompanied by many changes in mdg localization, all of which occurred in one and the same cell. Thus, we could observe the series consisting of up to five successive transposition explosions leading to an almost complete change in the distribution of the mdg elements tested. We also found that in the course of successive transposition explosions, mdg elements often inserted into those sub-sections of the X-chromosome where they had previously been located. This phenomenon, designated as reverse directed transposition, was studied in more detail on insertion into the locus yellow. The rate of reverse transposition of the same mdg element to the corresponding locus was 10–100 times as high as that of primary insertion. In some cases, `the transposon shuttle' into and out of the locus was observed. The existence of `transposition memory' partially explains the specificity of mdg localization in closely related strains as well as the co-ordinated behaviour of different mdg elements in independent transposition explosions. The evolutionary significance of transposition explosions and directed reverse transposition (transposon shuttle) is discussed.  相似文献   

It was found earlier that two unstable sn mutants isolated from natural populations are connected with insertion of mobile element mdg3 into the 7D1-2 region where singed gene (1-21.0) is localised. From two original sn mutants, a series of unstable sn alleles, both mutant and normal for phenotype, was extracted. Then we studied, how they change the mutation rate in germinal and somatic cells of different hybrids with pi 2 stock having P cytotype and active P elements in the chromosomes. Addition of P chromosomes, independently of the background of cytoplasm, proved to reduce the sn instability. The level of sn mutability was decreased with increasing the dose of P chromosomes. It is suggested that mutation events are caused by transposition of mdg3 and that both mdg3 and P elements compete for the same cellular factor, capable of activation of transposition process.  相似文献   

In this paper, a hypothesis is described according to which mobile dispersed genetic elements are related to endogenous viral genomes and may be involved in oncogenic transformation by uptaking cellular genes important for cellular growth. It is also possible that, in certain cases, they can switch off the genes involved in the control of differentiation.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization of labeled DNA of four mobile dispersed genetic elements (mdg), isolated from D. melanogaster and C. virilis genomes, with polytene chromosomes of the larvae of several Drosophila species has been carried out. The data show that the mdg elements exhibit a high degree of species specificity. The same conclusions are derived from filter hybridization using 32P-labeled D. melanogaster and D. virilis DNA and cloned mdg sequences immobilized on nitrocellulose filters. We attempted to induce transpositions (jumping) of mdg elements specific for D. virilis chromosomes to the chromosomes of related species (e.g. D. littoralis Meigen) originally lacking the representatives of this family of repeats. For this purpose we produced hybrid stocks with synthetic karyotoypes characterized by different combinations of D. virilis homologous chromosomes and hybrid chromosomes. In one of such stocks we did find by in situ hybridization the insertion of a D. virilis mdg element into the fifth chromosome of D. littoralis Meigen. The transposition (jumping) took place in the only region where somatic pairing between the fifth chromosomes of D. virilis and D. littoralis occurs more or less regularly in the hybrids. Since crossing-over in hybrid chromosomes of males is excluded in such synthetic stocks, gene conversion may be responsible for this transposition. The possible bearing of the phenomenon observed on the problem of hybrid dysgenesis is discussed.  相似文献   

B A Le?bovich 《Genetika》1990,26(5):817-825
The distribution along Drosophila melanogaster polytene X-chromosome and autosomes of 10911 in situ hybridization sites of a broad spectrum of copialike mobile elements is investigated. It is shown that against DNA content X-chromsomal cytological sections 14 + 15 and 16 + 17 contain much less mobile elements than other chromosomal regions. These X-chromosomal regions are also characterized both by significant decrease in the meiotic recombination frequencies and the amount of poly(dC-dA).poly(dG-dT) sequences which are capable to generate the Z form of DNA.  相似文献   

Summary The laboratory imitator strain (MS) of Drosophila melanogaster is characterized by an elevated frequency of spontaneous mutation (10–3–10–4). Mutations occur in both sexes at premeiotic stages of germ cell development. The increased mutability is a characteristic feature of MS itself, since it appears in the absence of outcrossing. Most of the mutations arising in this strain are unstable: reversions to wild type, high frequency mutation to new mutant states and replicating instability were observed. We have investigated the localization of the transposable genetic elements mdg1, 412, mdg3, gypsy (mdg4), copia and P in the X chromosomes of the MS and in the mutant lines y, ct, sbt derived from it by in situ hybridization. The P element was not found in any of these strains. The distributions of mdg1, 412, mdg3 and copia were identical in the X chromosomes of the MS and its derivatives. However, the sites of hybridization with gypsy differ in the various lines tested. In the polytene chromosomes of MS animals significant variation in location and number of copies of the gypsy element was demonstrated between different larvae; copy numbers as high as 30–40 were observed. These results suggest autonomous transposition of gypsy in the MS genome while several other mobile elements remain stable.  相似文献   

The roles of restriction-modification (R-M) systems in providing immunity against horizontal gene transfer (HGT) and in stabilizing mobile genetic elements (MGEs) have been much debated. However, few studies have precisely addressed the distribution of these systems in light of HGT, its mechanisms and its vectors. We analyzed the distribution of R-M systems in 2261 prokaryote genomes and found their frequency to be strongly dependent on the presence of MGEs, CRISPR-Cas systems, integrons and natural transformation. Yet R-M systems are rare in plasmids, in prophages and nearly absent from other phages. Their abundance depends on genome size for small genomes where it relates with HGT but saturates at two occurrences per genome. Chromosomal R-M systems might evolve under cycles of purifying and relaxed selection, where sequence conservation depends on the biochemical activity and complexity of the system and total gene loss is frequent. Surprisingly, analysis of 43 pan-genomes suggests that solitary R-M genes rarely arise from the degradation of R-M systems. Solitary genes are transferred by large MGEs, whereas complete systems are more frequently transferred autonomously or in small MGEs. Our results suggest means of testing the roles for R-M systems and their associations with MGEs.  相似文献   

During last three years, the mobile dispersed genetic elements (mdg) were isolated from the genome of Drosophila melanogaster, yeasts and mammals. According to a number of their properties, mdg elements are quite similar to endogenous pro-retroviruses. It is known that in many cases oncogeneity of retroviruses depends on the incorporation of the certain host genes (potential oncogenes) into the viral genome. We suggest that in some cases mdg elements could entrap the potential oncogenes in the course of transposition. As a result, oncogenes become uncontrollable by host regulatory systems and may induce cell transformation. Another possible mechanism underlying switch off of the gene responsible for differentiation control may be mdg transposition to a region in close vicinity of the gene. As transposition of mdg elements seems to occur rather often, they may be regarded as one of the most important factors of genome rearrangements leading to cell transformation.  相似文献   

In an inbred low-activity (LA) strain of Drosophila melanogaster with a low level of fitness and a complex of inadaptive characters, in situ hybridization reveals an invariant pattern of distribution of three copia-like elements (mdg-1, mdg-3, and copia). Rare, spontaneous, multiple transpositions of mobile elements in the LA strain were shown to be coupled with a drastic increase of fitness. A changed pattern of various types of mobile elements was also observed on selecting the LA strain for higher fitness. High-fitness strains show transpositions of mobile elements to definite chromosomal sites ("hot spots"). Concerted changes in the location of three different mobile elements were found to be coupled with an increase of fitness. The mdg-1 distribution patterns were also examined in two low-fitness strains independently selected from the high-fitness ones. Fitness decrease was accompanied by mdg-1 excision from the hot spots of their location usually detected in the high-fitness strains. The results suggest the existence of a system of adaptive transpositions of mobile elements that takes part in fitness control.   相似文献   

The ecology of transfer of mobile genetic elements   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

Intraperitoneal injections of mitomycin C into the males from laboratory strains of Drosophila melanogaster induce several mutation events in different loci of the X-chromosome in the offspring. These mutations are caused by transposition of mobile genetic elements. The transpositions are single and are not associated with transposition explosions.  相似文献   

Prokaryotic Mobile Genetic Elements (MGEs) such as transposons, integrons, phages and plasmids, play important roles in prokaryotic evolution and in the dispersal of cargo functions like antibiotic resistance. However, each of these MGE types is usually annotated and analysed individually, hampering a global understanding of phylogenetic and environmental patterns of MGE dispersal. We thus developed a computational framework that captures diverse MGE types, their cargos and MGE-mediated horizontal transfer events, using recombinases as ubiquitous MGE marker genes and pangenome information for MGE boundary estimation. Applied to ∼84k genomes with habitat annotation, we mapped 2.8 million MGE-specific recombinases to six operational MGE types, which together contain on average 13% of all the genes in a genome. Transposable elements (TEs) dominated across all taxa (∼1.7 million occurrences), outnumbering phages and phage-like elements (<0.4 million). We recorded numerous MGE-mediated horizontal transfer events across diverse phyla and habitats involving all MGE types, disentangled and quantified the extent of hitchhiking of TEs (17%) and integrons (63%) with other MGE categories, and established TEs as dominant carriers of antibiotic resistance genes. We integrated all these findings into a resource (proMGE.embl.de), which should facilitate future studies on the large mobile part of genomes and its horizontal dispersal.  相似文献   

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