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The specific binding and inhibitory action of (3H)ouabain were employed to localize transport Na,K-ATPase in the euryhaline teleost gill, a NaCl-transporting osmoregulatory tissue in which both enzyme activity and transepithelial transport vary with environmental salinity. In killifish fully adapted to 10%, 100%, or 200% seawater, the gills were internally perfused and externally irrigated in situ. After suitable internal or external exposure to (3H)ouabain, individual gill arches were excised for Na,K-ATPase assay, measurement of radiolabel binding, or quantitative high-resolution autoradiography. Internal exposure to 50 muM ouabain resulted in essentially complete enzyme inhibition, and binding paralleled the increases in enzyme activity at higher salinities; in contrast, external exposure gave minimal and erratic results consistent with leakage of external ouabain into interstitial fluid. (3H)Ouabain autoradiographs demonstrated that, irrespective of exposure or salinity, most of the gill binding was associated with chloride cell. These cells increased in size and number with salinity and, at the subcellular level, the distribution pattern for bound ouabain was always identical to that for the amplified basal-lateral (tubular system) membrane. The combined physiologicmorphologic results constitute final direct proof that chloride cells are the primary site of gill Na,K-ATPase. More important, they provide convincing evidence for unexpected increases in basal-lateral enzyme at higher salinities and thus raise a fundamental objection to the long-postulated role of the Na pump in secretory NaCl transport.  相似文献   

We recently determined that rapid changes in environmental salinity alter endothelin-1 (EDN1) mRNA levels in the euryhaline killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, so we hypothesized that EDN1 may be a local regulator of gill ion transport in teleost fishes. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of changes in environmental salinity on the gill endothelin receptors: EDNRA, EDNRB, and EDNRC. Using quantitative real-time PCR, we determined that after a fresh water (FW) to seawater (SW) transfer, there is a two to threefold increase in gill EDNRA and EDNRB mRNA levels. Likewise, we found a two to three fold increase in gill EDNRA and EDNRB protein concentration. In addition, killifish that have acclimated to FW for 30 days had significantly lower EDNRA mRNA and protein levels than SW killifish. ENDRA were immunolocalized to the mitochondrion-rich cells of the killifish gill, suggesting that EDN1 signaling cascades may affect MRC function. EDNRB were found throughout the gill vasculature and on lamellar pillar cells. We previously immunolocalized EDN1 to the pillar cell suggesting that EDN1 acts as an autocrine signaling molecule and potentially regulates pillar cell tone and lamellar perfusion. We conclude that EDN1 is physiologically active in the teleost gill, and regulated by environmental salinity. Future functional studies examining the physiological role of this system are necessary to completely understand EDN1 in the fish gill.  相似文献   

A guinea pig kidney membrane preparation was incubated with thimerosal and then thoroughly washed. Comparison of the properties of the native and the modified membranes showed that (a) Na++K+-dependent activity is substantially inhibited by thimerosal; (b) thimerosal does not diminish Na+-dependent ATPase activity; and (c) the thimerosal treated enzyme, like the native enzyme, is phosphorylated in the presence of Na+ and ATP, and dephosphorylated upon the addition of K+. It is suggested that thimerosal does not affect the binding of ATP to the high-affinity catalytic site, but that it blocks the binding of ATP to a low affinity modifying site the occupation of which is essential for the dissociation of the stable K+-dephosphoenzyme and the recycling of the enzyme.  相似文献   

1. Two Ca-ATPases in the gill microsomal fraction from the killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) have been characterized. 2. A (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase which has a high affinity for Ca2+, requires Mg2+ for activity and may be stimulated by calmodulin. 3. A (Ca2+ + Na+)-ATPase which has a low affinity for Ca2+ requires Na+ for activity, does not require Mg2+ and is probably not stimulated by calmodulin. 4. These enzymes may play a physiological role in killifish calcium regulation.  相似文献   

It is concluded that Ca2+ transport across the basolateral membranes of the ionocytes in killifish skin is mediated for the major part by a Na+/Ca2+-exchange mechanism that is driven by the (transmembrane) Na+ gradient established by Na+/K+-ATPase. The conclusion is based, firstly, on the biochemical evidence for the presence of a Na+/Ca2+-exchanger next to the Ca2+-ATPase in the basolateral membranes of killifish gill cells. Secondly, the transcellular Ca2+ uptake measured in an Ussing chamber setup was 85% and 80% reduced in freshwater (FW) and SW (SW) opercular membranes, respectively, as the Na+ gradient across the basolateral membrane was directly or indirectly (by ouabain) reduced. Thapsigargin or dibutyryl-cAMP/IBMX in SW opercular membranes reduced Ca2+ influx to 46%, comparable to the effects seen in FW membranes [reduction to 56%; Marshall et al. 1995a]. Basal Ca2+ influx across the opercular membrane was 48% lower in membranes from fish adapted to SW than in membranes from fish adaptated to FW. Branchial Na+/K+-ATPase activity was two times higher in SW adapted fish. Accepted: 29 October 1996  相似文献   

K+ appears to decrease the affinity of the (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC for its substrate, Mg2+ - ATP, and Mg2+ - ATP, in turn, appears to decrease the affinity of the enzyme for K+. These antagonisms have been investigated in terms of a quantitative model defining the magnitude of the effects as well as identifying the class of K+ sites on the enzyme involved. K+ increased the apparent Km for Mg2+ - ATP, an effect that was antagonized competitively by Na+. The data can be fitted to a model in which Mg2+ - ATP binding is prevented by occupancy of alpha-sites on the enzyme by K+ (i.e. sites of moderate affinity for K+ accessible on the "free" non-phosphorylated enzyme, in situ on the external membrane surface). By contrast, occupancy of these alpha-sites by Na+ has no effect on Mg2+ - ATP binding to the enzyme. On the other hand, Mg2+ - ATP decreased the apparent affinity of the enzyme for K+ at the alpha-sites, in terms of (i) the KD for K+ measured by K+-accelerated inactivation of the enzyme by F-, and (ii) the concentration of K+ for half-maximal activation of the K+-dependent phosphatase reaction (which reflects the terminal hydrolytic steps of the overall ATPase reaction). These data fit the same quantitative model. Although this formulation does not support schemes in which ATP binding effects the release of transported K+ from discharge sites, it is consistent with observations that K+ can inhibit the enzyme at low substrate concentrations, and that Li+, which has poor efficacy when occupying these alpha-sites, can stimulate enzymatic activity at high K+ concentrations by displacing the inhibitory K+.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies on a rat brain (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase (EC preparation demonstrated high-affinity sites for ATP, with a Km near 1 mum, and low affinity sites for ATP, with a Km near 0.5 mM. In addition, the dissociation constant for ATP at the low affinity sites was approached through the ability of ATP to modify the rate of photo-oxidation of the enzyme in the presence of methylene blue; a value of 0.4 mM was obtained. The temperature dependence of the Km values in these two concentration ranges also differed markedly, and the estimated entropy of binding was +27 cal/degree per mol at the high affinity sites, whereas it was -20 cal/degree per mol at the low affinity sites. Moreover, the relative affinities of various congeners of ATP as of the K+ -dependent phosphatase reaction of the enzyme indicated an interaction at the low-affinity sites for ATP: ATP, ADP, CTP, and the [beta-gamma] -imido analog of ATP all competed with Ki values near those for the ATPase reaction at the low affinity sites. Conversely, the Km for nitrophenyl phosphate as a substrate for the phosphatase reaction was near its Ki as a competitor at the low-affinity sites of the ATPase reaction. These observations are incorporated into a reaction scheme with two classes of substrate sites on a dimeric enzyme, manifesting idverse enzymatic and transport characteristics.  相似文献   

Na+, K+-dependent ATPase [EC] was purified from porcine kidney by the method of Lane et al. [(1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 7197-7200] with slight modifications [Yamaguchi, M. & Tonomura, Y., (1979) J. Biochem. 86, 509-523]. The amounts of a phosphorylated intermediate (EP) and ouabain bound to the enzyme during the ATPase reaction were measured in 2.1 mM MgCl2 and various concentrations of NaCl and KCl at pH 7.5 and 20 degrees C. In presence of NaCl and the absence of KCl, the molar ratio of the amounts of EP and bound ouabain was 1 : 2. In the presence of both NaCl and KCl, it was 1 : 1. In both cases, the amount of bound ouabain was equal to that of EP in the absence of ouabain. These findings suggest that the functional unit of the transport ATPase is a dimer.  相似文献   

(Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase preparations from rat brain, dog kidney, and human red blood cells also catalyze a K+ -dependent phosphatase reaction. K+ activation and Na+ inhibition of this reaction are described quantitatively by a model featuring isomerization between E1 and E2 enzyme conformations with activity proportional to E2K concentration: (formula; see text) Differences between the three preparations in K0.5 for K+ activation can then be accounted for by differences in equilibria between E1K and E2K with dissociation constants identical. Similarly, reductions in K0.5 produced by dimethyl sulfoxide are attributable to shifts in equilibria toward E2 conformations. Na+ stimulation of K+ -dependent phosphatase activity of brain and red blood cell preparations, demonstrable with KCl under 1 mM, can be accounted for by including a supplementary pathway proportional to E1Na but dependent also on K+ activation through high-affinity sites. With inside-out red blood cell vesicles, K+ activation in the absence of Na+ is mediated through sites oriented toward the cytoplasm, while in the presence of Na+ high-affinity K+ -sites are oriented extracellularly, as are those of the (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase reaction. Dimethyl sulfoxide accentuated Na+ -stimulated K+ -dependent phosphatase activity in all three preparations, attributable to shifts from the E1P to E2P conformation, with the latter bearing the high-affinity, extracellularly oriented K+ -sites of the Na+ -stimulated pathway.  相似文献   

Conversion of T4 to T3 is the first step in TH action and deiodinases are the major determinants of TH tissue availability and disposal. We here report the kinetic characterization of the outer-ring deiodinating (ORD) enzymes in the liver, gill and retina of sea water-adapted killifish, by using both rT3 and T4 as substrates. In liver, by using rT3, we detected a high Km (84 nM) and a low Km (1.3 nM) component with kinetic characteristics similar to mammalian deiodinases DI and DII. In contrast, T4-ORD only generated a low Km (0.5 nM) component. As judged by its Vmax (920 fmol 125I/mg per h) this DII enzyme is very abundant, approximately five and 20 times higher than that found in trout liver and hypothyroid rat, respectively. Kinetic analysis in killifish gill showed only one enzymatic component, with a high rT3 Km (430 nM) and a relatively low Vmax (4.3 pmol 125I/mg per h). Our results in killifish retina show the expression of a T4-low Km (0.6 nM) deiodinase with high cofactor requirements akin to the mammalian DII. The Vmax value for this enzyme is 182 fmol 125I/mg per h, five times lower than the one found in killifish liver, but comparable to that in hypothyroid rat pituitary. The biochemical similarities between fish and mammalian deiodinases could reflect their high conservation during vertebrate evolution and thus their importance in the regulation of thyroid hormone action.  相似文献   

To increase our understanding of the physical nature of the Na+ and K+ forms of the Na+ + K+-dependent ATPase, thermal-denaturation studies were conducted in different types of ionic media. Thermal-denaturation measurements were performed by measuring the regeneration of ATPase activity after slow pulse exposure to elevated temperatures. Two types of experiments were performed. First, the dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate on Na+ and K+ concentrations was examined. It was found that both cations stabilized the pump protein. Also, K+ was a more effective stabilizer of the native state than was Na+. Secondly, a set of thermodynamic parameters was obtained by measuring the temperature-dependence of the thermal-denaturation rate under three ionic conditions: 60 mM-K+, 150 mM-Na+ and no Na+ or K+. It was found that ion-mediated stabilization of the pump protein was accompanied by substantial increases in activation enthalpy and entropy, the net effect being a less-pronounced increase in activation free energy.  相似文献   

Phosphatase activity of a kidney (Na + K)-ATPase preparation was optimally active with Mg2+ plus K+. Mn2+ was less effective and Ca2+ could not substitute for Mg2+. However, adding Ca2+ with Mg2+ or substituting Mn2+ for Mg2+ activated it appreciably in the absence of added K+, and all three divalent cations decreased apparent affinity for K+. Inhibition by Na+ decreased with higher Mg2+ concentrations, when Ca2+ was added, and when Mn2+ was substituted for Mg2+. Dimethyl sulfoxide, which favorsE 2 conformations of the enzyme, increased apparent affinity for K+, whereas oligomycin, which favorsE 1 conformations, decreased it. These observations are interpretable in terms of activation through two classes of cation sites. (i) At divalent cation sites, Mg2+ and Mn2+, favoring (under these conditions)E 2 conformations, are effective, whereas Ca2+, favoringE 1, is not, and monovalent cations complete. (ii) At monovalent cation sites divalent cations compete with K+, and although Ca2+ and Mn2+ are fairly effective, Mg2+ is a poor substitute for K+, while Na+ at these sites favorsE 1 conformations. K+ increases theK m for substrate, but both Ca2+ and Mn2+ decrease it, perhaps by competing with K+. On the other hand, phosphatase activity in the presence of Na+ plus K+ is stimulated by dimethyl sulfoxide, by higher concentrations of Mg2+ and Mn2+, but not by adding Ca2+; this is consistent with stimulation occurring through facilitation of an E1 to E2 transition, perhaps an E1-P to E2-P step like that in the (Na + K)-ATPase reaction sequence. However, oligomycin stimulates phosphatase activity with Mg2+ plus Na+ alone or Mg2+ plus Na+ plus low K+: this effect of oligomycin may reflect acceleration, in the absence of adequate K+, of an alternative E2-P to E1 pathway bypassing the monovalent cation-activated steps in the hydrolytic sequence.  相似文献   

K+ interactions with a rat brain (Na+ + K+)-dependent ATPase and the associated K+-dependent nitrophenyl phosphatase activity were examined. Classes of sites for K+ were distinguished, initially, on the basis of affinity estimated by kinetic analysis in terms of KO.5 (the concentration for half-maximal activation), and by K+-accelerated enzyme inactivation by F-minus, which permits evaluation of a dissociation constant for K+, KD. Moderate-affinity sites ("alpha sites"), with a KD near 1 mM, were demonstrable for the phosphatase activity and for the "free" enzyme. High-affinity sites ("beta sites"), with a KD near 0.1 mM, were seen for the overall ATPase activity and under conditions in which enzyme phosphorylation by substrate also occurs. Further differentiation between alpha and beta sites was made in terms of (i) the characteristic changes in affinity with pH, and (ii) the efficacy of Li+ relative to K+, Rb+, Cs+, and Tl+ at these two classes of sites. Low-affinity sites ("gamma sites") through which K+ inhibits enzymatic activity were also detectable, with a KD around 140 mM. These data are incorporated into a model for the reaction sequence to accommodate both transport processes and certain K+/ATP antagonisms.  相似文献   

Common killifish Fundulus heteroclitus were acclimated to ecologically relevant temperatures (5, 15 and 33°C) and their maximum heart rate (fHmax) was measured at each acclimation temperature during an acute warming protocol. Acclimation to 33°C increased peak fHmax by up to 32% and allowed the heart to beat rhythmically at a temperature 10°C higher when compared with acclimation to 5°C. Independent of acclimation temperature, peak fHmax occurred about 3°C cooler than the temperature that first produced cardiac arrhythmias. Thus, when compared with previously published values for the critical thermal maximum of F. heteroclitus, the temperature for peak fHmax was cooler and the temperature that first produced cardiac arrhythmias was similar to these critical thermal maxima. The considerable thermal plasticity of fHmax demonstrated in the present study is entirely consistent with eurythermal ecology of killifish, as shown previously for another eurythermal fish Gillichthys mirabilis.  相似文献   

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