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基于差减cDNA文库EST信息的月季花香突变体SSR标记的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在前期月季花香突变体差减文库EST序列信息的工作基础上, 文章开发出新的与花香相关的SSR标记。从正反向差减文库391条EST中检索到10条含有10个SSR的序列, SSR的检出率为2.6%, EST-SSR的重复基元共搜索到10种。利用部分EST-SSRs序列设计了6对SSR引物, 以花香突变体‘往日情怀’及其野生型‘金银岛’DNA为模板, 对引物进行筛选, 5对引物有扩增条带, 其中3对引物有特异性扩增条带。同时利用这些可扩增的引物对典型芳香和无香两组月季栽培品种进行多态性检测, 发现这5对引物均显示多态性。表明所建立的SSR标记是一种可行而有效的方法。  相似文献   

人参EST资源的SSR信息分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从7055条人参EST序列中搜索出791个SSR,其出现频率为11.21%,平均长度为21.37bp,平均分布频率为1/5.7kb。二核苷酸重复是主要的重复类型,占全部EST-SSR的56.89%,其次是三核苷酸重复的占全部SSR的21.11%。AT、GAA是二核苷酸和三核苷酸中出现次数最多的重复基元类型,分别占28.89%和10.18%。  相似文献   

甘薯EST资源的SSR信息分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从NCBI公共数据库下载获得22371条甘薯EST序列,去除低质量的和冗余的序列后,得到总长为5.09×10^3kb的9204条唯一序列。从这些序列中搜索到总共436个SSR位点,平均相距11.68kb出现一个SSR。这些SSR的出现频率和平均长度分别为4.4%和24.28bp。在2-6bp的重复基元中,六核苷酸重复基元出现频率最(30.96%),其次是三核苷酸重复基元(29.59%)和二核苷酸重复基元(24.54%)。出现最多的重复基元是AG/CT(16.28%),其次是AAG/CTT(11.01%)。  相似文献   

陈国庆 《广西植物》2011,31(1):43-46
从NCBI公共数据库下载得到6745条番红花EST,通过前处理得到全长为612.01 kb的无冗余EST 1431条.在这些序列中搜索出108个SSR,分布于103条EST中,出现频率为7.55%.这些EST-SSR的平均分布距离是5.67 kb.二核苷酸重复和三核苷酸重复是番红花主要的重复类型,分别占总EST-SSR...  相似文献   

褐飞虱EST资源的微卫星信息分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘玉娣  侯茂林 《昆虫学报》2010,53(3):239-247
表达序列标签(expressed sequence tags,ESTs)是开发微卫星标记的一个重要的资源。褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens (Stål) EST序列的公布为开发EST-SSRs提供了宝贵的数据资源,本研究利用生物信息学对NCBI公共数据库中的37 398条褐飞虱ESTs序列进行EST-SSRs特征分析,得到全长为7 619 324 kb的无冗余EST 9 852条。按照3个不同的查找标准在这些序列中搜索SSR。查找结果显示:褐飞虱EST-SSRs主要重复基元以1~3碱基为主,占总EST-SSR的95%以上。在单碱基重复基元中,A/T是占优势的重复基元,在二相重复类型中,AG/CT重复基元出现的频率最多,而AAG/CTT是三相重复中占绝对优势的重复基元。在褐飞虱EST-SSRs中未查找到GC重复基元。以100 bp为参照,在3种查找标准下含有SSR的EST序列中两端侧翼序列均≥100 bp的序列分别为738,89和42个。通过分析褐飞虱EST-SSRs标记可以为褐飞虱和近缘种的SSR标记的开发提供信息,同时通过分析褐飞虱EST-SSRs的分布频率和分布特征可以为昆虫EST-SSRs的研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

为挖掘番薯(Ipomoea)属EST-SSR资源,从NCBI数据库下载23406条甘薯(Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.)EST和62282条牵牛(Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth)EST,利用生物信息学软件预处理、去冗余、拼接处理后得到12812条无冗余的甘薯EST(6.70 Mb)和28422条牵牛唯一序列(17.19 Mb)。对这些序列进行SSR搜索,在甘薯上获得328个SSR位点,发生频率为2.56%;牵牛上筛选到962个SSR位点,出现频率为3.38%。甘薯和牵牛EST-SSR具有多个共同特征:在SSR位点中,主要是二核苷酸重复类型,其次是三核苷酸重复;在二核苷酸重复中,出现最多的重复基序为AG/CT,其次是AT/AT;在三核苷酸重复中,主要基序是AAG/CCT;SSR位点的长度主要集中在20~22 bp。结果表明,这些搜索出的EST-SSR重复基序类型丰富、多态性潜能高,具有较高的开发和利用价值。  相似文献   

芦笋种质资源遗传多样性的RAPD分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用RAPD技术对国内外43个芦笋品种的遗传多样性进行分析.从60个随机引物中筛选出12个有效引物,共扩增出183条DNA片段,其中170条为多态性条带,约占总数的92.92%;平均每个引物扩增DNA带数超过15条.结果表明,43份材料的Nei氏相似系数分布在0.407~0.931之间,平均为0.765,可见遗传多样性相对偏低.对所有材料进行聚类分析,在Coefficient=0.77处划等值线,可将参试样品划分为8大类群.其中Jwc1、Purple Passion、鲁芦笋1号等6个品种各单独列为1个类群,其余的被分为2个类群.  相似文献   

为了给花苜蓿(Medicago ruthenica Trautv.)抗旱耐盐的生态适应性研究提供特异的遗传标记,在已公布的70对鹰嘴豆抗旱耐盐EST—SSR标记中筛选出稳定性好、多态性高的8对引物,并用这8对引物对挑选出的11个居群的286个个体进行扩增,获得111个等位基因。平均等位基因数为13.88;平均观察杂合度为0.497;平均预期杂合度为0.687;多态信息含量从0.313到0.883不等,平均值为0649。以上结果表明,筛选出来的8个EST—SSR标记可以用于花苜蓿的遗传多样性分析,而且遗传多样性处于较高水平。多态性丰富的EST—SSR引物适用于花苜蓿生态适应性进化分析,对揭示花苜蓿抗旱耐盐基因型的遗传变异和地理分布格局以及探讨花苜蓿抗旱耐盐的适应性分化机制有重要意义。  相似文献   

为拓展分子标记在燕麦种质资源分析与鉴定中的应用,利用公共数据库中的25376条EST(expressed sequence tags)序列,开展了燕麦EST-SSR功能性标记的开发和利用研究。25376条EST序列经拼接去冗余后获得了11618条序列,从中筛选出含有不同重复基元的SSR且重复次数较多、长度较长的556条EST序列进行引物设计,开发了50对燕麦EST-SSR引物,通过筛选得到40对有效的EST-SSR引物。选取其中4对引物对5个燕麦种质资源进行了PCR扩增及产物测序,结果表明扩增条带多态性是由SSR差异造成的。利用40对ESTSSR引物对15个六倍体燕麦种质资源进行遗传多样性分析,共扩增出89个等位基因,平均每对引物产生2.23个等位基因;UPGMA聚类分析表明,15个六倍体燕麦种质资源在Dice系数为0.93处聚为3支,基本上是按照不同种进行聚类的,在相同种中又根据地理来源分别聚集成支。利用40对EST-SSR引物对31个遗传背景不清的燕麦种质资源进行基因组倍性鉴定,发现这些种质中可能存在有四倍体和二倍体的燕麦新资源。本研究开发的燕麦EST-SSR功能性标记将在燕麦遗传多样性分析、遗传图谱构建及燕麦属内种间基因组鉴定等方面发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

芦笋茎基部施药对芦笋木蠹蛾幼虫的防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
芦笋木蠹蛾Isoceras sibirica(Alpheraky)为芦笋(Asparagus officinalis(L.))上的一种蛀茎性害虫。试验结果表明,采用50%辛硫磷乳油300倍液在芦笋茎基部给药(5月中旬至6月中旬)为该虫的最佳化学防治方法,相对防治效果为92.5%,在所有处理中其加权Borda值最高(2.9)。调整芦笋播期,可使定植当年最易受害的笋苗免于虫害。  相似文献   

Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers generated from expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences represent useful tools for genotyping and their development is relatively easy because of the public availability of EST databases. We report design and application of EST–SSRs to assess the level of genetic diversity among thirty-five asparagus cultivars and to fingerprint DePaoli, a new variety released by University of California, Riverside. DNA was isolated from bulks of pooled cladophylls coming from five plants of each variety to reduce the number of DNA extractions and PCR reactions. Allele frequencies were estimated from the intensity of the bands in two bulks and two individual plant samples for each variety. Although asparagus varieties derive from a limited germplasm pool, eight EST–SSR loci differentiated all of the analyzed cultivars. Moreover, UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean) and neighbor-joining trees, as well as principal components analysis separated the cultivars into clusters corresponding to the geographical areas where they originated.  相似文献   

An asparagus field trial was established with clonal plants to determine the long-term effects of asparagus virus 2 (AV2) infection on spear production. Yield data, analysed by ANOVA, showed that AV2 infection caused significant (P < 0.05) decreases in spear yield which became more pronounced as the trial progressed. Mean marketable spear yields were reduced by 14%, 28%, 20%, 48% and 57% and reject spear yields were increased by 93%, 105%, 207%, 352% and 167%, during harvest years 1–5 respectively. Marketable spear yields from AV2–free plants increased annually to yr 5, but for AV2–infected plants, yields increased to yr 3 and decreased annually thereafter. Spears from AV2–infected plants were thinner than those from AV2–free plants, resulting in more reject thin spears by 109%, 88%, 220%, 499% and 216% during harvest yr 1–5, respectively. Further, data collected in yr 4 and 5 showed that AV2 infection had caused a 31 % reduction in mean spear diameter and reductions of 27% and 22% respectively, in diameter and height of fern stalks. Clearly, plants with smaller fern stalks were less able to accumulate carbohydrate reserves and therefore produced fewer, smaller spears and fern stalks the following spring. This may result in annual cycles of diminishing productivity in which the size and number of spears and fern stalks decrease with each successive year. The type and timespan of symptoms caused by AV2 infection in this trial are similar to those reported for asparagus decline syndrome and therefore it is likely that AV2 infection is a factor contributing to asparagus decline.  相似文献   

开发SSR引物方法之研究动态   总被引:44,自引:2,他引:44  
李明芳  郑学勤 《遗传》2004,26(5):769-776
SSR标记是一种基于DNA长度多态性的分子标记技术,是进行群体遗传结构分析、构建遗传连锁图谱非常有效的工具。由于SSR标记是特异引物标记,必须在知道某个物种DNA序列的前提下,才能设计引物进行PCR扩增,故而存在一个引物开发的问题。从SSR标记的发展历程来看,开发SSR引物的方法有经典的构建与筛选基因组文库的方法、微卫星富集法、省略筛库法和数据库搜索法等四种。本文综述了这四种方法的操作流程及其在实际应用中的优缺点,并对近年来SSR引物在相近的物种间转移使用的情况作了介绍. Abstract: SSRs is one of molecular markers technology based on DNA length polymorphism and an efficient tool for population genetic studies and primary genetic linkage maps construction. Because of a special primer marker, It’s necessary to know a species DNA sequence in order to design primers for PCR testing. That is to say, there is a problem of SSR primer development. For the progress of SSR marker technology, the methods of developing SSR primer could be divided into four kinds: traditional constructing and screening genome library procedure, the SSR richment procedure, avoiding screening genome library procedure and database search procedure. This paper reviewed these four methods’operation processes and their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, transferability of SSR primers in closely related species were introduced in recent years.  相似文献   

Summary Microspores of three genotypes ofAsparagus officinalis L. were mechanically isolated without affecting their viability and were submitted to electric fields in order to modulate their competence for embryogenesis. When a constant pulse length and various field strengths (250, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, and 2000 V/cm) were tested, the viability of electro-treated microspores decreased as the field strength increased, for all genotypes. Conversely, the embryogenie competence was genotype dependent and was enhanced by low voltages for two clones when microspores were cultured in the presence of auxin. When the effect of pulse duration was studied, despite a strong genotype effect on responses, a short pulse coupled with a low voltage appeared to improve the competence for proembryo formation compared with nonelectroporated microspores, while longer pulses significantly improved microspore division.  相似文献   

Amygdalus mira (Koehne) Ricker is native to China and has many good economical traits. However, its genetic diversity information has not been extensively studied. In this study, to assess the genetic diversity and relationships of A. mira and other peach species (nineteen accessions from Zhengzhou, Henan Province and seven accessions from Harbin) we used simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Here, 10 SSR primers were used, and 100% of the SSR primers were polymorphic, with an average of 5.5 alleles per primer pairs, suggesting that these primers were informative for this study. Additionally, polymorphism information content (PIC) value ranged from 0.82 to 0.96 with an average of 0.91. All the accessions were clustered into two groups (cluster 1 and cluster 2) based on SSR data. Principal coordinate analysis recovered similar results that all accessions were divided into two major clusters. The genetic variations within and among populations were 63.9% and 36.1%, respectively. In conclusion, A. mira maintains high genetic variation levels. This research will be potentially useful to aid breeding and enhance the economic and ornamental value of this wild peach.  相似文献   

The impact of asparagus virus I (AV-I), a potyvirus, and asparagus virus II (AV-II), an ilarvirus, on micropropagation of field-grown asparagus was studied. Apical shoot tips excised from singly or doubly-infected plants were slow to develop roots and had a 15 to 75% reduction in survival in culture, respectively, compared to those excised from virus-free plants. The four virus infection groups were ranked: virus-free >AV-II>AV-I>AV-I & II for capacity of explants to both root and survivein vitro. Micropropagated plants infected with AV-II exhibited slight reductions in fresh and dry weights, with greater reductions associated with infection with AV-I and double infection, compared to the virus-free controls. Eighty-one virus-infected apical shoot tips yielded 7 (8.6%) virus-free clones, as determined by rub inoculation on indicator plants.  相似文献   

Physiological changes in asparagus spear tips after harvest   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To extend our understanding of the physiology of asparagus after harvest, changes in respiration rate, protein and amino acid complement, and ultrastructure of tip sections (0–30 mm) of asparagus spears ( Asparagus officinalis L. cv. Limbras 10) were investigated. Spears had been stored for up to 4 days in the dark at 20°C. Respiration rate (carbon dioxide efflux) declined rapidly after harvest before stabilizing at 12 h at ca 50% of the rate at harvest. Protein, amino acid, and ammonium content of tip sections of 180 mm spears (intact tip sections) during storage, and comparable sections; excised from spears at harvest and subsequently stored (excised tip sections), were compared. Total protein content of intact and excised tip sections increased ca 10% 6–12 h after harvest, and then declined to ca 85% of harvest levels at 48 h. Gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate revealed the net loss of specific proteins at 48 h. Free amino acid content of excised tip sections declined to ca 75% of harvest levels 12 h after harvest, and then increased to 150% of harvest levels by 48 h. Glutamine levels declined rapidly after harvest, and asparagine content increased ca 200% at 24 h. Similar trends in free amino acid content were found in sections of intact tips. Ammonia (ammonium ions) accumulated to ca 0.3% dry weight at 48 h in both intact and excised tip sections. Ultrastructural studies revealed that tonoplast breakdown commenced 48–96 h after harvest. Results are discussed in relation to the sequence of physiological events following harvest and the timing of mechanisms responsible for their initiation.  相似文献   

芦笋在PEG模拟干旱条件下的生理生化变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)胁迫处理芦笋幼苗,检测了幼苗的渗透调解物质含量、生物膜透性、抗氧化特性等指标。结果表明:脯氨酸、可溶性糖含量随着处理时间的延长显著增加,且以20%的PEG浓度处理增加最明显;SOD、POD、CAT活性在PEG处理后明显增强;相对电导率随着处理浓度的增大和时间的延长而增大;MDA含量随着处理时间的延长明显增加,且以10%和20%浓度处理增加显著。由此表明,芦笋在干旱胁迫下通过增加渗透调解物质含量,降低水势来提高其抗旱能力;通过增强抗氧化酶活性,提高抗氧化能力,来减轻干旱胁迫伤害。  相似文献   

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