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联会被认为是减数分裂过程中染色体的特殊行为之一,是高中生物学教学中的一个难点。同源重组最初的功能可能只是修复DNA损伤,后来得到发展并被"借用"到减数分裂重组中,确保减数分裂过程中同源染色体的正确配对,保持基因组的完整性。追根溯源,是DNA分子的同源重组导致了联会。  相似文献   

现行普通高中生物学教材中,“减数分裂”一课所涉及的内容相对较为复杂、抽象,一直是教学过程中的一个难点,为了能使这节课的内容更便于学生理解掌握,我们结合自己的教学实践,在这里提供一个利用扑克牌进行类比实验的教学思路。  相似文献   

如果把难点的有关感性材料(知识点)适当分散,使学生对感性材料有一个认识、加工过程,从而使难点变得相对容易,使感性认识能比较容易完成飞跃而成为理性认识。这就是“知识点分散法”突破难点的最初设想。下面谈一谈在“减数分裂”的教学中运用此法的过程。学习减数分裂的关键是对减数的理解。而在对染色体减半的理解中,对同源染色体及其  相似文献   

真核生物减数分裂重组热点的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高玲  慕小倩  林煜  李勇冠  程祝宽 《遗传》2005,27(4):641-650
真核生物减数分裂过程中基因组中某些区域会发生较其他区域高的重组频率,这些区域被称作减数分裂重组热点。该现象首先在酵母的研究中发现,重组区域因含有启动重组的特异位点,从而使基因组中呈现出重组不均匀分布的特征。重组热点还在真菌、玉米和人类等真核生物中发现。本文列举了不同真核生物体中具有代表性鉴别重组热点的方法,总结了目前减数分裂重组热点的研究现状,探讨了引起真核生物减数分裂交换活跃的因子和机制,并就当前存在的问题和今后发展的前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

动植物产生配子的过程、数目及种类的问题一直是学生难以掌握的知识,教师教学上的难点,因为这个问题与遗传中的三大规律有着紧密的联系,是学习遗传学的基础,在教学中我发现学生在学遗传规律的时候常不能将其与减数分裂的知识有机的联系起种子植物:  相似文献   

减数分裂重组不仅保证了真核生物有性生殖过程中染色体数量的稳定,还通过父母亲本间遗传物质的互换在后代中产生遗传变异。因此,减数分裂重组是遗传多样性形成的重要途径,也是生物多样性和物种进化的主要动力。在绝大多数真核生物中,不管染色体数目的多少或基因组的大小,减数分裂重组的形成都受到严格的调控,但抑制减数分裂重组的分子机理目前仍不清楚。近年来,通过正向遗传学筛选鉴定出多个减数分裂重组抑制基因,揭示了抑制基因的功能和调控途径。本文基于拟南芥中减数分裂重组抑制基因的研究现状,综述了植物减数分裂重组抑制基因研究取得的突破性进展,并结合基因功能与其调控网络阐述了抑制植物减数分裂重组的分子机理。  相似文献   

减数分裂是高中生物(必修本)的重要知识点,也是全书的难点之一,内容抽象难懂,教学难度大。过去多用挂图、板画来讲解这部分知识,学生普遍感到难以理解。而减数分裂又是学习“遗传和变异”的知识前提,不采取有效措施突破这一难点,将直接影响后续教学。为此,笔者设...  相似文献   

植物减数分裂中的染色体配对、联会和重组研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Liu CX  He QY  Jin WW 《遗传》2010,32(12):1223-1231
减数分裂是有性生殖的关键步骤,而染色体配对、联会和重组又是减数分裂的重要环节,也是减数分裂研究的热点之一。近些年来,借助于先进的分子生物学和细胞学技术,通过大量突变体的筛选,在植物减数分裂中染色体的配对、联会和重组研究取得了长足的进展。文章就目前克隆的植物减数分裂中染色体配对、联会和重组相关的基因及功能研究进行了总结,并进一步对其分子机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

高中人教版生物必修二在教学过程中,常见的几个教学难点如------遗传因子的发现,减数分裂的几个重要图像的判定,基因指导蛋白质的合成,人类遗传病等。在教学过程中,老师教着吃力,学生学着难受。为了化解这些教学难点,笔者在平时的教学过程中尝试着运用一些通俗易懂的方法,将这些教学难点一一突破,教学效果良好。  相似文献   

减数分裂时期染色体行为作为遗传学三大遗传规律(基因分离规律、基因自由组合定律及连锁遗传规律)的细胞学基础,是遗传学教学中的重点,也是生命科学前沿研究的焦点。快速发展的分子生物学为减数分裂的分子机制提供了更深的认识和理解,并出现一些与教科书内容不一致的情况。本文对减数分裂研究前沿进行简单综述,重点阐述对减数分裂时期配对、联会和重组关系的新认识,以期将前沿研究融入遗传学教学之中,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,提高授课效果。  相似文献   

Clark BK  Wabick KJ  Weidner JG 《Bio Systems》2012,109(2):169-178
The roles of inversion and crossover recombination in determining the spacing between two functionally linked genes on an individual strand of DNA and the resulting genetic organization throughout the population is not well understood. We employ a computer simulation to look at the spacing between functionally linked genes after many generations of a population of haploid individuals, each with a single chromosome. Simulations show that inversion and crossover recombination combine to create four attractors in gene spacing. The two major attractors include one in which the linked genes are forced to be near each other and one in which the linked genes are forced to be separated by one third of the chromosome length. Multiplicative functional linkage between two linked genes also causes a decreased average spacing compared to additive and random functional linkage.  相似文献   

J. T. Irelan  A. T. Hagemann    E. U. Selker 《Genetics》1994,138(4):1093-1103
Duplicated DNA sequences in Neurospora crassa are efficiently detected and mutated during the sexual cycle by a process named repeat-induced point mutation (RIP). Linked, direct duplications have previously been shown to undergo both RIP and deletion at high frequency during premeiosis, suggesting a relationship between RIP and homologous recombination. We have investigated the relationship between RIP and recombination for an unlinked duplication and for both inverted and direct, linked duplications. RIP occurred at high frequency (42-100%) with all three types of duplications used in this study, yet recombination was infrequent. For both inverted and direct, linked duplications, recombination was observed, but at frequencies one to two orders of magnitude lower than RIP. For the unlinked duplication, no recombinants were seen in 900 progeny, indicating, at most, a recombination frequency nearly three orders of magnitude lower than the frequency of RIP. In a direct duplication, RIP and recombination were correlated, suggesting that these two processes are mechanistically associated or that one process provokes the other. Mutations due to RIP have previously been shown to occur outside the boundary of a linked, direct duplication, indicating that RIP might be able to inactivate genes located in single-copy sequences adjacent to a duplicated sequence. In this study, a single-copy gene located between elements of linked duplications was inactivated at moderate frequencies (12-14%). Sequence analysis demonstrated that RIP mutations had spread into these single-copy sequences at least 930 base pairs from the boundary of the duplication, and Southern analysis indicated that mutations had occurred at least 4 kilobases from the duplication boundary.  相似文献   

J. Girard  J L. Rossignol 《Genetics》1974,76(2):221-243
Four distinct systems cv1, cv2, cv4 and cv6 behaving as monogenic factors have been found in the stock 28 of Ascobolus immersus. They each specifically suppress gene conversion in a spore pigmentation gene (respectively, b1, b2, b4 and b6). In the gene b2, where this phenomenon was studied in most detail, the effect of cv2 on the suppression of gene conversion is almost total; intragenic recombination is very strongly diminished and crossing over is also affected. In the genes b1, b2 and b4 the suppression of conversion is observed only when the corresponding modifier (cv1, cv2 and cv4) is in the heterozygous condition. It is likely that cv6 acts in the same way on b6. cv1 and b1 on one hand, cv2 and b2 on the other, are very closely linked; no recombination was observed between these modifiers and the corresponding spore pigmentation genes. The same genetic distance is observed between the linked genes b4 and b6 and between cv4 and cv6. This could indicate that these two modifiers are also closely linked to the corresponding genes. A possible effect of cv4 on intergenic recombination between b4 and b6 was shown: here again it acts by diminishing the frequency of recombination when cv4 is in the heterozygous state. The problem of the nature of the cv modifiers is discussed.  相似文献   

Mutations in the structural genes for triosephosphate isomerase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in the mouse, selected after mutagen treatment, were used to estimate the map distance between the two loci. It is shown that Tpi-1 and Gapd are closely linked on chromosome 6, with a recombination frequency of 0.1 +/- 0.1%.  相似文献   

The genetic linkage relationship of two antinuclease idiotypes produced by the BALB/c strain was investigated in the backcross (BALB/c x CB.20) X CB.20. These two idiotypes were detected by Lewis rat anti-idiotypic antisera prepared against affinity-purified A/J and SJL antinuclease antibodies, termed the A/J and SJL idiotypes, respectively. Both idiotypes were found to be linked to the IgCHa immunoglobulin heavy chain allotype locus. There was, however, a high frequency of recombination observed between both markers and the IgCHa locus, with eight of 83 backcross animals recombinant for the A/J idiotype and five of 83 recombinant for the SJL idiotype. All such recombinant animals were IgCHb/b homozygotes that had gained one or both idiotypes. These results are consistent with a genetic map of VHr region genes in the BALB/c strain in which genes determining the SJL idiotype are closer to the IgCHa allotype locus than are genes determining the A/J idiotype. This high frequency of recombination may indicate that the chromosome segment containing VH region genes is very large or that it has structural features that promote recombination.  相似文献   

F. P. Doerder  S. L. Diblasi 《Genetics》1984,108(4):1035-1045
The compound nature of the macronucleus of Tetrahymena thermophila presents multiple opportunities for recombination between genes on the same macronuclear chromosome. Such recombinants should be detectable through their assortment at subsequent amitotic macronuclear divisions. Thus, a macronucleus that is initially AB/ab should produce recombinant assortees of the genotypes Ab/aB. Computer simulation shows that, when the recombination frequency is two or fewer times per cell cycle, recombinant assortees are produced at experimentally measurable frequencies of less than 40%. At higher recombination frequencies, linked genes appear to assort independently. The simulations also show that recombination during macronuclear development can be distinguished from recombination in subsequent cell cycles only if the first appearance of recombinant assortees is 100 or more fissions after conjugation. The use of macronuclear recombination and assortment as a means of mapping macronuclear genes is severely constrained by the large variances in assortment outcomes; with experimentally small sample sizes, such mapping is impossible.  相似文献   

The genetic linkage of Chediak-Higashi syndrome and its murine analog, beige (bg), to the T-cell receptor (TCR-gamma) gamma chain gene is further defined. Previous studies using recombinant inbred strains of mice demonstrated that the murine bg gene is genetically linked to a murine TCR-gamma gene. We report that in the mouse the frequency of recombination between these two markers is 0.025. Further, we tested the hypothesis that these two genes are linked in the human genome by analyzing restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) in five families with children afflicted with Chediak-Higashi syndrome. In three families, RFLPs in TCR-gamma genes were inherited discordantly from Chediak-Higashi syndrome, demonstrating nonlinkage. We postulate that there is an evolutionary chromosomal breakpoint between the bg gene and the TCR-gamma gene.  相似文献   

According to the Reduction Principle, when a recombination-reducing allele is introduced near an equilibrium that depends on recombination, that allele will increase in frequency. If the allele increases the recombination rate, it will be expelled from the population. There are known cases where this principle fails. In this respect, an interesting question is what kind of two-sex viability regimes support a general Reduction Principle. In this paper, we construct a model of viabilities, due to two autosomal linked genes, which differ between the sexes, such that recombination is different in the sexes. A complete analysis is provided for the case where recombination is absent in one sex. It is proved that the Reduction Principle is still valid for recombination in the other sex.Research supported in part by NIH grants GM28016 and GM10452  相似文献   

The self-incompatibility (S-) locus region of plants in the Brassica family is a small genome region. In Arabidopsis lyrata, the S-genes, SRK and SCR, encode the functional female and pollen recognition proteins, which must be coadapted to maintain correct associations between the two component genes, and thus self-incompatibility (SI). Recombinants would be self-compatible and thus probably disadvantageous in self-incompatible species. Therefore, tight linkage between the two genes in incompatibility systems is predicted to evolve to avoid producing such recombinant haplotypes. The evolution of low recombination in S-locus regions has not been rigorously tested. To test whether these regions' per-nucleotide recombination rates differ from those elsewhere in the genome, and to investigate whether the A. lyrata S-loci have the predicted effect on diversity in their immediate genome region, we studied diversity in genes that are linked to the S-loci but are not involved in incompatibility and are not under balancing selection. Compared with other A. lyrata loci, genes linked to the S-loci have extraordinarily high polymorphism. Our estimated recombination in this region, from fitting a model of the effects of S-allele polymorphism on linked neutral sites, supports the hypothesis of locally suppressed recombination around the S-locus.  相似文献   

Selection of Gl-Sb coupling heterozygotes was carried out for more than one hundred generations commencing with six independent lines drawn from a common base population. Population sizes were eight, sixteen and forty-eight parents per generation. The effect of natural selection on recombination value was measured by sampling and testing females at varying intervals of time. There was a significant reduction in percentage recombination between Gl and Sb from fifteen to a level between five and ten in four out of six of the original lines. In most cases this reduction occurred rather rapidly after the initiation of the experiment. In the remaining two lines there was no significant decrease in recombination value; there was, however, a significant increase in at least one subline of this group. The rapid rate of change of recombination value is most readily explained by the presence of a recombination modifying gene which is linked to the modified region. Genetic random drift was again shown to have an important effect on changes in recombination value in small populations. High recombination was almost completely recessive to low recombination in the one case examined. Lethal genes were fixed in sheltered regions of unmarked third chromosomes in five lines or sublines. These results are discussed in relation to the mode of development of permanent heterozygosity in some species of plants.  相似文献   

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